i t * *ejp tort WRATHKR Generally fair TnMm ■«* ;..Mprs=3S' l :". . "T r.r. u: VOLUME MX; NUMBER 1M REPORT PUNE IS POUND OFF HALIFAX SHORE Iwmmt tejr Mckk Par Brack Aai ScUn to Altoi.pt FVy Pfiic uura. it a.. Mat. iiihxv- Pertly **■*!»< wrtw «< M airptoa* found carat three vwlu ■to by a Franck fltlto* schooner rtato Sto fpttn Wt at tore ni re portto today hr afflear* «f i French tospduu atrip t* who* UU discovery Th vneUit w*a ■ “yellowish color with Made lettering' according to tto Hetonara> rarart. tba flaking ahtow war about IW mil** off Bahia Island at tba time of the dUcorory TOKYO. Brat. Japeeea* fiiara wan extremely doubtful «a day that tha Amnrtcea ariaipn, wii tiara pr«ck aad Edward fehlaa. now at Onmnrs, Japaa would toaamM in flying thair monoplane. Frida of De troit, acroM tha Parifie ta complete thair air jarae? araaad tha world. S. Wha» iaformad that tba two Am erican* had kaaomirad firm Intention ot flying #(Wtoa tfe# JA» milea of lahdlaaa ocean Proto Tokyo to th« ttay midway Island*, Japan*** air man said tha affoat would ba sulci ad! Tha Klaad* art of coral rand dlfNmH tar a l«*id plan* u‘« in alighting or departing. Aa Mtnct ta roach America by way of tha tong Dm »f Rurila In lands of Japan *od tba Aleutian is lap da extending hundred* of mlla* from tha Peninsula would ba most hasardoto, they said. •Meanwhile the two American* war* to resume thair flight to ward (Tokyo tomorrow after two fblluros to roach that point. They wary determined to try .again before continuing thair fligrbt across tbs Poet fta Ia thatr effort to break the world reeprd a# St.l day* they have bpra Bra, tort. Oetroir and bar* tow than liwo mile* of tlB total of Id tot alias. FAR.IB, Bept. a H-<dP>-l* *plt« t 4 the dioantars which hare bef*ll*n , tha.latest attempt* of trana-AUaatt* YPthls ttor# *t»l fs a possibility th.t th* ihrmaa Mao Mrd piloted by Lara CMton will sttamft ta oross ,to Now York within th# fortnight The far a«at Tjpii~nT anaoaucsd tonight ‘hat th* plan* aad pilot are ready to tab* oft aar tin** toddd* Bapiamhar IS. Th* only uaastfan now la the weather aptß that data, which Is considered the latest possible far a flight tblr ASSOCIATION SELECTS DATT -SJC^MT Th* Waraa Ponltry Aa tawtatiro win held to September maatlng oa FHdag Os nest week, tto. Sira, at tha hoto of Mr. aad Mr*. ■. W. Jiaaatta. two mile* hayawd Stereo* mHLoa the Bentourillq road. Thoae attending will apread the as nal picnic lunch nt rara. Tha prograta for tha day will ora slot of a talk aad dam*n*tratloo ra grading aad marketing oggs an our Iran) market, by 9. W. Either of th» Dtvieion of Markota, and *om# I* pgst*l nii gained nt the World Poul try ©raped**, by Ac K Rehertsoo x . lumiat ► Iffwrf "ViBIV' a w|» that vr% important at this eeaara o' tka y»ar ypill bo tocu***d brlefl> by t|e costoyr poultry agent. M««ry one that produce* any egg’ ear th* market rirtuld attend tbli midllei oor tout mped*- discussed. Tba poultry aaeoctottoc ud the Vocational Agricultural teacher* of tha County are cooperut BFWAWF d|g thaflaitn* problem ed far nsarkatipg. egg* locally, ftc to the meeting *nd help eelect a ault abta package fro* th# sample* otr hand aad fat in yrar order for the quantity yto kHI need. --—- JWtop .mhumt' raw ’if MIBICT KtTB TO MFIILB IT RALEIGH. Bept. 11~to*>-oo*#m- Hr McLean today complimented *Ae Aseociated Praaa on ita extension of wire tactlttie* by tha conaolllutloo, of iU day aarflao prinbar equipment la a ecea* of leedtap powtpapesa of **• ~<»S..Adt THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. First Days Enrollment In Wlnte Schools Os City b El: 1,815, Growth Os 9.5 Pet. Tntol nf 1,600 Now Earallto In N«g no Beh rain, Making) CICy Total* 3,315; Four Hudrad Report For High School Work on First Day, Twenty Mora Ttoa Had Beck Expected Aa lucres e# •f ti par coat m *n-j roll men t #»« that of la at year waa recorded ysotsrddy upon the Aral day as tha now school y*aa for tha city ayatem. Enrollment yseterdry totaled I*ll. aa compare* with i,MO oa tha Srst day of the IPM aeaaiou, ehowing aa increase of 111. Th* Negro school* of the city aurt *d a w»ek age and It waa said yea tsrday that the enrollment waa ap proximately 1,500, as against I,IW at th* opening. The total enroilmeat, 'hen, fu city uad white ayaUgn u 3.- US. The toia| rnrallmeut in both, yattma •* the first day last year was 1,770. This year’s figures represent U Increase of 616. The Increus* in the white system jnroDtnent arms well acaitaml a moo* A* high, primary aad grammar de partments. At the high school 400 reported for cMaees. Principal t, T. Hamilton had been presided with llbla thotolng only SM. enrolled nt tb-t end of last year, and It had been expected that th* total to. report for high work would not pass 380, it being eetlmated that tboa* leasing school or movimg away from the city would about balance the new enroll ments. A complete gain, however, of twenty students w»» reported, FALL SEASON TO START TONIGHT <• mmrmm—mammmrnm ■ Ooram unity Memorial Building Plan* Full Program Ath letics Jtb# dasre p» Mu Miptohd rtoti frnnlty Buildlhg gymnasium will be opened for the fall quarter tonight at 7:80. Members of last >ears Sen ior Gym class and ofth Goldsboro Athletic cidha are urged to he pro seat, other yowwp man as tha Mty over eigbuen yaars as aca are cor dially Invited t* attend th* meeting. A program of games including box ’.ag. wrestling, volley hall, and baa ket beAl, will be played. nans fat th* organisation of a country wide athletic association will be disensaed •ad steps will be taken to reorjunls* .h«- local athletic club on a more com pfuhaaatv* scale Tlmv purpose of the county wide ai .oclai lon will he ta proauttion of year arouad athletic*.' Begiuaiag soon, a tarlp£> of connty leagnas and tourna ments will be run off at thq Com mnalty Building. It I* the •Jte' director that th* local club will form the nucleus for tha heg>«Biag of the cdbnty organisation. WOULD PUT OFT ARMAMENT TALK Lragua of Nathma AaarauW Tarklan Quralton of Natlomal Dfauurauuucnt ' GENEVA!, Sept. II—(to The druggie over plana for reduction of world annamenta cam* quickly to th* forefrost today as the of fh* 'tNanaameat commute# ot th# LeagW* Assembly when Count BernaUrff of tier many .nppaaad the auggeai loa to postpone decision of the League’s pern part*ry • litasrmament - couiwlaaion uheduled for November. The Netherlands, minister, who •blch th* United State* is a member, neads the League’s commission *( 0m« a** meeting topnt off. Thi* would be, be said in%d*r to .permit the gorern-. menu to aetiltoty direct negotiations dt* S.aieue difutoa*** ralaltlap see* trobirm* of disarmament —-—3 No' declstan waa reached on the qteaUon of poatponmem and discus sion will continue for aeversl day*. LBAOrE IB BASIS AU . rORSIGY MU ATI ARB CBNKVA, Sept ll—(to—“w# make the league of nations the bsei* of all our foreign policy'’ declared Blr Aus tin Chamberlin. British foreign sec retary sectoring tbe entire pres* here tbts evening. tn our relation* with no master what other country we are always la apir*4 by Magna ideal*, ha oaptotod OOLORBORO, H. C. TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1127 Superintendent Ray Armstrong re ported that Til were present for grammar grade Work ibe first ds> and that 40« were presenl ' for primary a 0 | ' e* work. “Parout* can confer a aervH-e to tbs school ayutem ( t»ad to tb«ir chll drtn if tboy wttt as* that all who ar* oiling for Uw first time do *r todav If ponalble," Raid Mr, Armstrong. “By next w >«b tbe roll of each grade in the system should have taken 00 ita lasting form. All than# who ex pect to enter, thro, should do m nda la order that earaest wdrk n.ay b< begun la classes a* soon aa poaalbi*,’ Mr. Armstrong reported that there or* a number of canes wh*r* books are needed for thuac without money to bay. “It would help a number sroetiy If donations of second hand books were msde to the book room* ot the various ochools.” At th# snm time, said Mr. Armstrong, th* book rooms ar* prepared to pay half price for second hand books that are in good condition, Tb«ee books will be sold thoae desiring to pin chase used books. Where second band book* are donat'd, they will be turned over fr*e by the book room keepers to ‘boo# needing them. To Recommend Three Day Fall Opening • : 1 A three-day fall opealag cram med fall of interesting features for each day «HI be reromaMtoad to a (nil membership meeting as lbo Upldebero Iritkisto Aaoeeifi lion at fie deek thi* ■flomoaa Officers urged a (nil sttonton** which tto steering committee ha* adopted. Tto eemmMtf, with Wil liam Boy ail, chairman, mot twice yesterday aad following this af tenmaas mtoUag, stops tswWrd carry lag agf as tto plans wHI g« forward at raw. *% _ AMEWGAWINS HALLOONRACE * Cope 16th Inttrnrtijßßl E#«H With Bra •*, * i . uqpM|M W&~ -. DETROIT, Sept. all of & entrants In th* annual Gor don Bennett ballon race landed safely tonight, Indications were that tto U. 8. entry, piloted by R. 0. Hill, of Detroit had won. Hill** balloon waa brought down at Baxley. Oa.. **v trai mile* far'her from th* starting point here tbany toy of tto other ._J.. —— - - - ■ -- r Sweeping out across Lake Rrl# at start of the race, the huge bags YiHowed a P»D» tnto'Aibio aad then into the Virginias. From there wind current* varied and some of the bag* swept int* the Carolina*, while at last three were seen In northern and cen tral Oeorgla. „ Storm* were encountered by most of th* entriea who landed, according to messiges to the commute* here, but the weather dleturbaaee* were no i sever*. ' «■ ■ riTMi g Jto TmDnotf. MB" jg Italy- landed in Cleveland eountyf , North Carolina, yesterday it waa learned. 9 AmL.. lgßmnrara4lrararalrara^_. u «,a A9K inventtgairan By Commerce Agent - - **• "I 1 ‘ mt* -.e ••• f. • ■ •f.-'WWTOaiow ,r *’ ATLANTA. BFpL IT ' difference of opinion at every turn ’ tbe South*#*tern freight rate bear ing on proposed rate change* <m lea* than carload shipments ended today after a six tow session with shipper* l . hrlngJoi tocirard a taaoluilans ask lag lor taksratnte commerce comis-l i alon IndesUgntlott. Tbe ronotution I declared that it I* the “idea of the ■ shippers - bettor for tbe carrier* and shippers to t agree at once upon the filing of a joint request with tbe iateratn'e com r marc* commission for Ui# instruction • of aa appropriate proceeding to suit tto noting tabu d JAP I JUDGE LIKENS HENRY FORD TO A HUGE SPONGF . V Haya H« ShwM Rdtnrn Home of Moray to Boctoty For Hoforaaotorien WINSTON SAl.Bifi. Sept 12 <to- A suggestion that Hsnry Ford estab lish institution* for reformation of young people ‘led astray by bia auto mobile” was mad* today by Judge A M. Stack in charging a grand jury in Superior court here ’ ® “It would be fitting for this man who has accumulated around two billion* in wealth tq give back to the pcqplr some of th*4r money that l-e hintto'xirnrted In excess pronts.'’ Judge Stack said, “You understand. Mr. lAirrman, that I am not opposed to great wealth when ft is rut ta a Wise use, bn Henry Ford reminds m«> of n great rpowg# who soaks up mt glens nothing bark. Declaring tbgt Jackson training erhpol and Sauuarnnd are doing geod work in reclaiming boys, ami girls who have gone astray, but that tbe laciliile* arc Inadequate to meet North raroliun'b needs, Judge Stack said thf a'at* should low no tune in aa* tabllahlag other instbutlcas if the > outb of the state ia to- be saved, WEED GRADING TO BE TAUGHT SUto Coltora Announces Pltutf For Short Cmim, Septem ber IS and 16 A two day short v courae in grading tobacco is offered farmers of North Carolina by tba agronomy depar meat of State Collage tor September 11 and 18, according to anaounoffneat by Prof. W. H. Da rat > The course will be giro* undar tto ■aparvUion of IW. Darat aad in rtruction* wto M’ Ktoinir Prank B WUtoman. tatacee marketing spec laßst *t tto United Sts'm Derart ment of AgricnHnV*. B. G, Moan, •Mrector <of tto Tobaooo Branch Sta tion fann near Oxford will also to present to aesfcrt in tto.lecture* and This coarse was told during Febru ary last year to’ at tto la<iat*aw of many growers who felt that it would he *f great practical benefit It moved to tbe taP, Prof. Darst decided to hold the short course %■ soon aa possible Safer school opeaed thi* year. Ttora were about M farmer*, tob-- K buyers aad wsrehonamra who tto emme of insifUcilom last .ypar and it la expected that a still larger number will aVend this eeason. la gHr'ag this courae. Prof. Darat k aUlf (tot special attention w’H be devoted to sorting tobtcoo 'oaf la or d*r to Uk* advantage of the grade* on which’the price is based. He aaye that growero who make a study of grndw and conditions that indicate quality of leaf, can much lifter grade their product aa that tt wllHeommand tbe highest peaaibte pricoAtt The id ■tractor* In charge of the will track- tto element* of quality. *omf 8® to a«htor. wb|cb made for ta- Prof. Caret aaya that a» <hpae who plan t* attend tbhr cour* are reqnwt ed to bring asmp'ea of their tobacco repreaohUag tto different quail'lea fonfid in their crop. Thaae earn pies will be ueed In tbe instruction aid will then be turned to tbe original owner*. Mr. Wllborra will come to State College daya before tbe «•«**#-»* and will then vie - U- some ed jto tjpfidlng iobaore mar t*U from whlclt ke will buy *amrl*. of tobacco to ban naed in tbe short rourae work. Another Valuable fea ture will to a loattre by K. n.- Dm •nximxrlxina reaaiu of experimnatai nngfc . ijca-.. .T PA3EBALL. 1 ~ —n ■ - - -~irtat-:.- rrrr ~ •'* ' American r '• Philadelphia 6, Detroit 4. Only gam* played Nat ions! Pittsburg 3, Philadelphia t. < \ Cinainanai 4«5. BnnNm AA.».» St. 3, Brooklyn 8.. f'lileago 8. New York 7. « Piedmont a•. Post eerie*. , At Raletgh -1, Salisbury i. Rally - •' Greedvllte L Spartanburg 4. Columbia *. charlotte 7. A»heville 2, Knoxville* B, Mepou |, Augusta 4. ■-«-——•*- - - --• . r . Id Order Keep Tax Rate Same, County Fathers Cut Schools, General Fund, And Highways Cut# From Tkm Hourera Hand 16 Balance Five Cent Increase to Sinkinf Fund Rdqutremoßt; Baipt Reported Adopted But Figures Net Available Until Thin Moraine Tto county tax rata, tto Beard as reasmisaieeer* in aeealaa yam ter day voted, wHI remain B» same as leal year, fi.ll fee IMS worth of property. ■ But ta order to keep tto rate tto same aa last year, the Cam mlaaenera war* fraced In Wt five cent* for other Heme t* nM to tto staking fend requirement*. Tto actoei fend waa ent from U to dfi crate, the general toad tram 13 to It eeeta. end rend* end bridges (ram If I# IE Ike stoking toad tom waa leer eased from If I* 17 In order te irt»rtf» the connty. Tow tax money, then, wHI to epeto a* f etlewa i Moots If reran, gmeral frnin. Id eoDtot trade and bridges, M erate a«M stoking fend II cento. ’ Last year tto Mam* war# as M lawn i county srtoela flf era** general fend* If rents, rend —d ' fit It VLB DROP IX COTTOX new York. s#pt if- yh— The price of cotton dropped fcnf dollars a ba'# on 'be New York Cotton Exchange today. 4ncr*a*lng to «13 per bale thy net decllnq 'rom the high level reached lent Thuroday uptm publication of two government crop report#. HOLD SERVICE FORTHFD^fF i ? Seven I own* HiprWt«< tt Meeting Here mi BunfUiy Afternoon "" Aa hrtefeettog service far tto dead peop'o we* conducted at Hie First Bvptlat church at t o’clock feedey i afiernoou I he M .mou bom* preach-j ed by Mr. David Tilllngtoat, of, Spw'tenburg, 8. 0., who was Ut many yeari e teacher in the eehool for th* deaf la Reifigh, end later a: eaeher end th* Cbnrieia In tto eetoel | for th* Deaf at Mofg|Xion Tto service was atteaded-by a large number of deaf people from boring towns, 'Ra'atgh, Fremont, Mf} ©Ufa. Wi’aon, Turkey aad duldahMf Mori of thee* people belong to tto Mabel Haynes Bible Claw, which ta a cleat tor tto deaf, meeting one* e; month at th* First Bap’tat church, with Mias Eva Pat*, of Goldsboro as teacher. After th* service. Mite Pete tafght tto Plunder school lesson, end, Mia* Grace Herbert of Kinston |U(J Travelling Homeward” to tto Ollant sign lan guvs*. This elaas ttoethcr wiH tto Hsyeee HIM* Ca*« of Rstaigh held s de lightful plraic at Hdn’s Lab* oil fnbot; Day. About 40 people attended ind *n|oy*d, swimming, motor boat* ng aad a big plcnk dinner. ' i " Another Buyer To Locate on Market An «tdditl«n*l buyer will locate oo 'h# Oa'dabero m» r k*t with tn a tow Hy». Rwordlhi 1« wJrTrecrived yn *■ Lev#* T by TbM TTaWlilit. gg 3K| •h# proprietors of Tlmberlake's bona*. Tbe New Bern Tobacco conuNinp -writs Mr. Timberlabe, aaktof . ls prise house space was available f*r their toyvrs. “it to" aaye Mr. Tim iwfbfce awd” the ,I Vtnre» ~ wttt •tt taw’ wl hhi a few days. “We are not i» th# mfirket for prtm- L»r» Ojiai-’ H F HdflME ur the com.-* pony, wrote Mr. why out buyer has not appeared ear- Her.” • j There has been a general predie llsa eidt tto rise in the price will fa steady aa soon as lugs aad frim iags are out of tit* Way. pjpran <;^raicrraHßMMMMMraraßfitafiHMßoratafiMraMflfiMMßfißraitg^^ f »ra3a HITTIYL M M ITS DP PIT KETIXfi AT OHIO I'OAL MIXES RTF.I'BENVII JjE, Ohio, Bept. If—A preliminary Injunction setting tto lim its of union picketing at coal miaea In the eastern Ohio field waa granted today by Judge BensonW Hough to federal court tore the Injunction will be bridge* M eant* uad linking fend IN cent*. The meaty * official budget wa* ad*p4*d bat the adapltea »». aa ataay whang— that tiger** wore net svettabl* at the and#or* , afflea yesterday afternoon at ft' o'clock, boar* otter the moat lag had adjourned. It waa aaM that H weald ha aaaa today before the bedgat weald ha te ahapa te ha, aadaretewdahte, y#t It waa eg plained that It had been affteteUy The tax rate a* adapted was competed upon a property vataa ttoa of tiklllylll It waa Worker* la tha eeaaty aadhatte maate Immadlately apaa the da el* tea a* te the rate. Thte wait b weeks behind teat year’* mated, the cowwteoMaord haring feaad M aaaaaaary te nteri weak alter wash m a beard as uiallraHra EARLY SESSION IS NOT FAVORED Cwrtia and TIUoo Conte Wltii Coolidce Concerning Extra Stpsioii washfnoton, sept. in-im faanMtd to the Whit* Hew to* 'hair vtewe- oa Um a***eotty Car a npeitei •*•*>« of rongren*. haft •easier. Cartel aad RapeeeeaUUv* rhat’cMly informal! Praitiaot Cool 'd*#, juat bach from bla vaoatlih, that they war ne seed tar one, ■tea'or C'ortla aaM alaa that 4a con’d are ao «« tg |M Hg ftt taaata together ahead of the regular meeting Mate In Dooetnbar te taka ay , ‘He contest la the alaattea of Stab ler- elect #ai!>h as I Minot* and Tara | of Pennsylvania, both RepaMioeas Curtl* and Tilaan aapreaaad view* at variance otth that of earn* othet ’’dmlals ration leader*. I Dtehria* to make pawn headway teoard clearing np the gpedal aw alaa aneetioa which bat been hang lag fire all attaunar, tho praaMaat ateda It bla fir*t baelnaec to ooaaott %e two party leader*, wheat vie#* naturally are expected to have cow- Id rab’e weight with him. CRIPPLE SAYS , RUTHjffTHIM But Bublw AN, H. Wu 1. N«W YORK. Sept, H Babe Rate, baseball**, home ran king wa identified in court today by Bernard Neiaeyer, a crirple, aa the ntea who hid a*»auited him laat inly 4, bat Bu'h denied the charge, offering two r«#bt wftsOHMt te prove la waa la Barf'ald, N. i„ at the time. The cnee *** conManad until Prtday to allow iNatmoya? tlata to a** witanwaa. Ruth wa* arrapted an. Jt dohn Doc -warrant becatma Kaianytr never had wen Ruth and couldn’t Identify biir ter police purpow* la making out the’ tummon*. Neteeyar teetflof tloL last dale hoop *a', by encouutreed Rath on up per Broadway near a betel whoyv baoeball player* tire N*tmcyev *aM ♦ww 'women &rwa*r agWrnkf Ww W ttetetng and thw a large man wetted cat to a*k. If he, Itetmoyer had epok •n to them. On* of the women said V hut the large man “•truck me a terrible b’ow in the eye.” Ruth declared he wa* mack *nr prlind b* ttw ftomplatet and fait . terry for Nolmeyey, the haaehall play er* alibi wltaeaaea were bath of Now York. 11 I ARTS SHOCKS IX TUBDIN* CONST AMI NOPLE. Sept. ll.—<#* AS earth ahock of btveral oeeoddb* duration wa* felt h«r«>t twenty min. atey past midnight todpj, | . ** . I Mcnberof | Pimm f ijf o > '■*■**?'' >■ i .fj | JE ■■■■■■ hi udf pticp frm emm COL LINDBERGH SAYS FLIGHTS SHOULD CO ON SPOIUNK Waite, sept Col. Charteo A 1 tedbnrgh ha* given tbo Associated Pro**, I# raspadaa ta *t« MNiaoot the following irttraT 4# roaaectloa with moaad 'il—iau m traa* ooaaalc flying: “Tr*n* Ooaaak flight whMH have fcaaibility of air trabugagteara be iwoaa oeatioegia. 11# tmnd as f#g la no mere practical today -ftpa Hraee-coatteapfti *r Ham W*te practical a decade ago. team as dd h*-r*eair*d betoaTlegahy^^e^ Imrittg thte period no say^aa^i haeardoti* f IlghU hi ptegUct the air moll wont^^S^lgperiraill •crlog day*. f fugrtr mm mi v§ Klwanlaa H. Dram HU* henhip ta gaaaa tha NHM«f#p ’•ha C. wan MwtMaat wiu a gaom of imh mtering ft# 'rue total, IMN kg only MgMgdtem jnm. H. Jfcrwood. Wtm JMM P*lk*rt w*r* gaaate as tho Mart* Brea* waa bast at lid ftMH 'fur bar vacation aad wl# gteWL* Mg head by the clnb miiub|W<lf»- »*r —varal ariaettoaa. A fte# btefift# nr am felt m wujnj KBW, Ragland, Sept.

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