0 WEATHER QwwiUy Fair Wednesday u 4 ( Tkiwiir ; VOtUMB ftfX; NUMBER 179 MANY DIE INSTORMS IN JAPAN AND IN MEXICO SEPTEMBER 26-29 AREHAMED AS DA TES FOR FALL OPENING Ok TWaad Reported Dud h Trial Wave Which Rished Oittr Ow Japaiese Coast GO &am Whipped Ud TWbI Wav* Hat Bxiaaded Over Thou •and Mika , HUNDREDS REPORTED HOMELESS IN MEXICO Crippled Wire* Detav Full Re port* of. Havoc ia Nd|l* „ borlac Coantry NOOALRB, Arl»., Eoft- 13-n as Briagiag B«Mer To HU! CHAPEL IIILL. Sept. IS-t*)—'The loport la absolutely ahaunl and wlth iu| fouftfhtlan, Coach Orody Prlush erd sold today wren n-lu-d to com ment on a 9 ory appaaytag hi the Goatoala Oaaetta recently lm which the sports'editor \u«- due Inflnence had boon u*ed to In dues.Bernard Pchneldsw former Oa«- toala high school Slhle s to enter the University this tall. "1 had a lettar from Leon HchneW or, an ainmgua of tha university.’' Mr UH ,3Mlt Rti*. *" to Gastonia to »*e hi* brother, Ber nard. who wo* considering wi hdrewt lug his a W ll«atton for anteMuj the university and going to Hyrecne*. I called on Schneider nt the first op. portunity und he enld he woultj llhe to os-company me to Charel HIM the n*xt motniu*. that he might mehe up hit mind definitely after looking ov er the ploc*. After spending several pgyriw CWpvr THtf fie «*W hr W*«#M rnrry out hi* original intension. The suggestion that undue influ ence; we* used to n*4 him h*r* or that 'he wn» offered special consld v-a-ion la without foundation, .The university has nothing to hldcr* At tha Reglrierar* office It was said that Schneider’s application for admittance was accepted last May. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH -READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Mexican Officers Are Expected Here Today Dr. H. P Carr, director of the International Health Hoard of Moxico and Dr. H;. Mejia, health officer of the state of Vara Out. Mexico, ore expected to arrive here this morning and to attend the weohly baby trilnlo dip the Wayne,- County Health Deport mpnC Dr. L. W. Corbett. Wayna "fieslth officer, will be in charge of the ollriic.. The Mexican health officials are rpnnding sometime in North Caro line and will rmhabty be accom panied to Ooldeboro by Dr. H. A. Taylor, State Department Epide miologist. They are studying per Ocularly, rural sanitation, malar ial and booh* worm control work. HEAT WAVE IS CAUSE DEATHS Ml—l—l|te* Valley YmUrdgy Bars Brunt of Attack by GW Sol 1 OHIFAQO. Sept. 13—(Ah — The vast Mississippi vall*y baked under a hot Bepteraber sun again today, th* mer cury soaring to within the shadow of 100 degrees in various sections. Several death* wera reported and. numerous school* wore cloned due to the heat. _ A temperature of 93 was reported over moat of Illinois, four cities each reported a record maximum. In Chic ago the mercury reached a week point at 94, Juet taro degrees leas than the warmest of the year St. fiOuls school* closed nt noon due to the heat, and two death* there were att-lbuted to the record high temperature. Four deaths In Chicago were attri buted to the heat and several person* worn prostrated. Park and municipal official* open id fire plug* ia crowded district* to permit children to *fjoy "shower bath*.'* IXVF.XTOM BP “ftII.KXT tor* BIRH IS MO YORK nOCHBRTER, N. Y.. Sept, IS.— Ortef of Police Joseph M. Quigley, Inventar of the u «Heut cop," used in virtually nil pities wher* traffic rti rectlon ia n tpdsy. He had he»n head of the local police force for eighteen year*. He waa prealdent of the Intadte lienpl Association of Police Chiefs In I*l9, and 1930 and mad* honorary lire-id*-nt after he refuned a third t»rm. • . Launch Movement Secu re .Z Band For Local Schools GoMihore will hava a school band u»der plana formulated by a group °f public spirited etttsens who met ~j«K avutangt-Md approved m. haataUvo plan suggested by W. L. Fredrick, music (ns ructor in the local school*. , I’jplct Urn alb* a tbktg ploc* IMMML, would Be orgondaod in the lower grades of the schools. The Idea I* organising the group ia the. lower grades* Is that a number of trained musicians will l>* provided for a pum- I t-er »f rears of playing together. In-'rumenlt would be rruled tor ■'W Bifid, ffid l**Tri»rtfiih WouTd W glrea free of charge by Mr. Fredrick. The only charge would he a email rental for music and the instrument, not such a sum. however, as would take care of the expense involved. The movement is being sponsored by th* school* of th# city, it wa* ex plained. and has the endorremeat of Suporiateadeat Ray Armstrong. OOLDaBORO. N. C WEDNESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 14, 1927 -••„• \ " ■ 0 Officials Happy as First Air Express Takes Off For San Francisco Loaded With Cargo of Radio Receiving Sets b= jt~ j, If itmtt A IM ffiL ' mfr\ SSL Mr Pks!3MHE|hmb aji aT vi yRi! I w ® '“i ljr InS i | J K!Slv BLa—l—ana—i mem mtmmmrn Alrplau* exprom ogtciala were ueltgbted when the first air esprwe ship jot away with a full cargo tram Hadley Field, New Brunswick. N. J, bound foe gian Francisco, which It rwoeh*d without mishap. ..boeo la show the ftist airptan* to carry expreaa. being loaded for its Initial journey. wet. in* happy parson* ere Mart to right) Howard K. Cogs. Pr**id*at. National Air Transport Co; C. W Robie. Vic*' Prealdent. American Hallway gsprim and J. H. McKee of tha Atwater Rent Co . whose Uilpnwnt of radio* to th* Pacific Coast waa th* Ini eapreas cooalgnmant of th‘* sharastar to 4*l'. hy air. B AZEMORE TO DIE SEPT. 2HRI> c ' •" " *** ■ V Negro Convicted of Murder of Gordon Yelverton, Fremont Boy -- G RALEIGH. Sept. I»—(JP) "With the c'irtMK ution segecn Ju*t aru»d the electrocution season juet around the corner nt the North Carolina aUtc prison, man/ Norlh Carollnlun* arc probably asking themselves ‘he question ‘lst capital punishment right' say* Wad* H. I.acas, Raleigh, news paper man. in a review of capital punishment 'n the state. Geocge Frenk Basemore, negro, )* slated to be the first man e'ectro ented at state prison this “season” end tha doomed black, convicted largely on circumstantial evidence, I* scheduled *o start hln last march to the daeth chair September 23. He was convicted of having slatn a white toy, Garden Ya'tverton of Fremont. “Although 40 of the 4* state* ia the unlonl" U,*-a* goes on, "provide the death penalty etatis ica show only,a small minority of those convicted of capital often aed Are executed. Eight have aboll-hed the death penalty. "gw example- In North CoWUIh.i .he death penalty ha* been Inijinied upon 177 ut-roooa since the ahair was installed in state prison In 1910. Os ‘djf numhci H> have paid the «uprem ■ penalty. In New York, Warden l.ew ia K. Uwni of Sing King prison ha* compiled figures Kliowing that during (Continued os page Seven) I FV»r the rental of the Instrument* i by the school* would be needed. It wa* explained, i, To arese 4*4" eat* *4*w* -.*•**vg«r , loot evening voted to usk Uio*e in terested, In a hand for the schools lo . & QUa. amawAO. ami, mimed George W Water*, Jr., treas - urer of the fund. It was indicated tlirit f i« a few day* a cgnva** for douvtlon* for the band might be conducted. AH who care to contribute, however >t «s> emphasixed. should mail *' ' duck at ut.ru to Me, ,W*iere. r ” The effort to Secure a good school h*nd i* «*ie which h»* l>ecn previou*- I ly i rle had granted RS9tl,9tM from taxo* and had cut the tax levy front school parpoaea from ttl«n cents thht year; applying the difference to the sinking fund TRADE TREATY MAY BE DRAWN Both France and America DU aaitefied With Hiirb French __ Tariff Rate I _ PARIS. Sept. 13The French government, replying to tlie Amerl con prrrtest on the tariff, announces that, tile hYench government I* ready *n begin negotiations with the United States for a commercial agreement uud will probably suggest September 26 for siartin of iho discussion. The foreign office . rent the American emhiasy that France’s JOplK-moald bs» psn«so(ed-t * • V.Uii: MEtOXI) ATT I HIT .TO 111 MX »*.» »*l II ,1I4)\ PI. AXT JIIUKOBY, fWml, li oP» - w-’fet jias TSeen^cKareefer 1 /•< 1 .us tlie second at tempt to burn the plant of the Hick ory Paper f)«ix Company was made last night baiwern 9 and in oVlmh but the alUged attempt Van frustrat ed when a pl'e of rubbish that hat been kindled In the rear of tha.hulld- Ing was extinguished by psasers-by. The.,police department waa notified and an investigation started. REGULAR WORK STARTS THURS. 30-Mlnutc Activity Period Will Rtimuiat* Spirit at Ijbcel High Thursday will find the largest num ber of student* ever enrolled la the Ga dsboro high sohoo) running oa g full schedule, beginning classes at 3-43 and can tnulng through, the lay nntil 3 o’c'ock in the afternoon. Bev eu periods will be run for a length ts forty five minutes; an activity per iod of thirty minutes will take *t«re of the home room and school extra rlpea room events carried on by the 419 rudents alreday registered. Student* have bees keeping those in charge of the hook room busy in nn effort to gel them selves tg readiness for th# goeigiSmeaU whleb the teacher* have quickly cemmegoed giving oat. TU hot weather, iadeed nine of the youags'ere might think too warm, for the time ,of settling down for ano'ber lop of their educa tional journey. each day ha* found the period* a little i*Og*f, Ike work a llttls more serious, and the i effort on th# fptrt of th# faculty to j gel (he student* bach Co tha work’ 'eft off last June for a 'bree months, period, a llltt# stronger. ! Tho## who are frnunate enough to ride to th# new high, ichool build ng ip Fonts, < hevrolet*. and otb#' | larger cars have Con ad a different ■ fGontinu#d on Page Seven) County Budget Will Be ~ Fitid Thi* Morning The r'ojnty budget, adopted at tha nueling of the county commitsioner* Monday, which will go on file thia morning in tb# office of the Register ■HiTtMHCtv wtf in mr anfi-MW 1 wl'l ahow wi'proprlattou* of |fi37,- 447 HR, flxure* given opt lost »lght we-*#we»wlaw* ti'li4liia aAwwd , Tlie lob'piioa of the budget marks JJ*| application nfcth* county flnanc* act as Inaugurated by tb* last gener al assembly. The budvef total* will »h«»w th# fotliiwlug totils for general purpos es: • fto.'id# arid Bridget . ~. $112,300.00 County schools 1143.448.11 General fund |m,t32.60 Sinking fund $47 100.00 A* the road* and bridges Rems, 177- r OO w't* he raised from taxes and $33- sss from h# #al# of hopd* for perm anent Improvement*. about fltfi.OOO of the *ura for aeboola will bo raised through ad valorem tags*, Merchants’ Association Adopts Plans For Four Big Days At Meeting Yesterday School Enrollment^ Ib Increased by 56 The record of 1318 established In the opening of th* whit* oohoois Os the city Monday was on yester day pushed forward another notch whan an additional 33 pupils, sa rolled, bringing -tha total to 1171 and aatUag tho Incroare over loot year no apprnxlmataly 19 percent. -Of fh* fifty six additional pupils, who enured yesterday. II w** ? %*ld that 19 ea'orod th* hfifti school, shoving tho high oahool enroll* hw*u to 419. It had boon aalict gmtad that th* high school enroll ment at th* outset would b* not tribro than 3M. GETS ESTAH FROM MOTHER nitiM)(a Youth BouoActary la WIU el Poraoa Ho lo Attosori To H* v« ROM x OTTAWA, Itli, »*pt. \\~Am-Har ry mu,' threataaad with dkrtahori tanc* last Ifahreary by hi* mothar, Mrs. Elisa Hill, and with who** death be la now charged wa* loft th* ‘bulk of bar e*Ute, valued at 189,94a under her will filed for probate today. Th* will woo dated October 3. 1333, and waa drawn ap a abort time before TH H. H. Hill, prominent phyelclaa, divorced hi* wife. Harry ig bequest Mrs. Hill's farm soar Bprtngfiald valued at |M.N ia addition to Ltbarty Bonds, 17. t. trea sury not#* and real aetata mortgagee valued at 313,303. Two 'ruateee were named ta admin ister th* estate until Harry la M yeaff* old, four year* bane*. K* 1* to be given th* income from the **• tits *#ml annually until than. ts be die* intestate Ut* eat at* goee t* mia* tonary socltiaa. ’ I ' 11 " ' Schlee and Brock Again Take Air emoooMmmmaaaw 1( Tokyo, Kept. l 4 -<#>—Th* round the world monoplane, Frida of De troit bopped *ff 33 Omure U I B p.rn. Japan#** Urno, for Kasumi gaura, near Tokyo. Receplt of the anaeuncement dis pose* of doabts as to what may hare happened to the plnne ta yesterday's tidal wav* which struck tb* eectlon of th* Island on which Omarua Is 'oca'ed. tha remainder being accounted for in tho sum appropriated for Wayne the the elate equalisation board, from lines, pell fax**, etc. LT.%"«te MF OtpnHnrorite tre nounlr which ffill under tb* general fund head, art a* follow*: County ■ I miat'ialsurer 3»,*«3r UU'IHBg VC -799; Hherlff'* office, 311.633; Audi tor*’ office,' 18A31.33; courthouse and ground* 33990; register of deed* of fice. 39 391; coroner 3430; jail 33.333; county bom* 313.)f0; welfare office $9,139 40; agriculture and economic rfiuQly. health da purtment $8,4*4; aid, contrihotlnn* and gfj'a, 18,313; aur*rior court. M,- 233; clerk of court office 39.335; re corder 1 * court 34.398; motorcycle pol ice *1 417; r«n*ra< government 34.903: •’ectlon expenee, 3530; Added to these renefal eoan'y fund Itemi nr* two reserve item* for releasee, refunds end insolvent*, totaling 33.395. re serve ter coaUogtnl fund 38,131,12. - u Member of The Associated I »- 1 PUCi FITE GBZHB Vartotn Futarai B tract a* Atr ■” rt "-srSt? WANT 31 ANY BNTMBS ROS DISPLAY CONT—T •wdmv / Inaagurotiag a aa* an la OM* horo’. clobratloa of tfco VWI VMS* iob ainw, tfc# MtrtlnA inilijp 1 Ivor M M aa tho ten Mr tfca aetaeted fK)Mdtttm wild g|i chargo* with arraaftag a Ml ayan lac waicfc win Him Mm Mr* (met thoaaaada of rfeMMa M Mb etty Tho AaaoclaUoa M *4o*tfag «4* tankar N, If , N aki tt ll M (or Um oponlac iumi mnMr <*atloM of tbo oomalttao aaaMi'gm* oral waaka aa* Us work oat daflM. aoilrHr of *** toraooa waa tkal tka MtfnirLklt cert Os amr aanktn as tka Mar* chaat* AuoolatMa tad tkat ts an wortt lacatkar aa tkMMkaatt imti taakla* It a raaaaal It will gg«n a Wllltaai Royal!, aa ekaMM* <# tfta rmmHtaa UaH to aatgaat »Ma 4 •ad dataa Mr tka i»—MM ffaMM orar yootorday'a gatkariac a*4 M ffk •watlac tka ftadtoaa as tka aanMMM* ratpkaalaad tka ktigaaMy Mr «Hry ■MNBfcar or th. *.rc(UUtf, me tlaa mnantMr. raatana Mr tka Mar daM ri^ aa Mllawi: -a- —— • —aa_ aMw|| rnow * Well, tßUnM** .. Iff* w. A. royal!, nalmn. T - r.Dgi.g uifiiyi. _ T%(a .roalaAo will ba fttvaC M fa.hioaa bat aaa rraatag wffl ka ytf* «a to dtntajriag aorwtog aai after* Th. fort yaatarday waa eonpggat at Ml (ollowtag: Wllltaai Royall, dkMvtoMU L_ l j *aHa Wall, A. A. Sntfk, ». % Morrla, aad loan Ifaaaaa r- - ■ BASEBALL Wuhtnctoa H Detroit >l. norelaad M, Maw York M. Boatoa I-1, at. LaaM 4*l. PkUadalfkla IS, Ckloafw I, 1 iMii.bor*. t-», Mata al-4. * St. L«aia S-4, Maw York M, 4 . cktfifaa r -r >.. ctaetaaatl I. rtillad.tfkta f. Port .win JUlotgk t, Hlli>ary_| Aaroata 7*4. Macao J4.f. ° r Columbia 4, Charlotte T, Aakwrtll. I, IpMSTfUt *. n J n M g^jnMn4jifwaarasrAr r " i « t-ts WI7 iim ii Tv « ■ ■ • (oolidoi tmiykieo or ob»I». INO PROBE TRARS-OCEAE 1000 WASHINGTON, Sort. I!.——Tbo ordering of a thoroagk laratOgatMa * of trano meohatc llgkU by tka Aaaatj ■at StrrttiriM as War, Mary ami rmntßtreo ta charge as irMbk t aodar coaattontiek by CoolMgo, ,'jfj