* WEATHER ’.' >£*f? -;' * •’ ■ * VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 111 SCHLEE AND BROCK NOT TO MAKE WORLD FLIGHT TOBACCO MART SALES ONE-THIRD MORE THAN LAST YEAR Having Reached Tokyo, They Are Convinced That Would Be Suicide Attempt Hop Pacific Wmmb FHwr Rmklms N*W York and Say* 81m is Goiiik Ok U Parte WILL BE ALLOWED USE OP THE FIELD Pilot*4 Plana Three-Fourth* of Distance la Flight From Virginia City TOKYO, S«pt. • 15—<A*)-Tt e pro jected of the American monoplans Prids of Detroit acre* the Pacifld on it* globe cifkUag tour wan called oft here today by Its eo-pilots, Ed ward ftchlee anti Walter Brock. Bmiliag'y confident that lh*y would Mfbty make the flight to Midway Is bad, despite warnlMg es Jap. aria tof* and the eabfdd piss* of friends to give up the project, the pilots first that ts they tatted to find the island* they would continue on 144* miles to Honolulu. Later they tie. elded not V* fly. ff'Ock find Bchleo hroueht (heir airplane to land 45 mite* northoaid at here yesterday after e aoo' miles flight from Omura la Hoot h west ant Jspas. They bhd been held up at this totet tin •sm‘ik.-Ux and storm aftar their flight srotn Shanghai . I .. i Ay 'ROOSEVBUT WILD. N. Y.—Kept. 14—(fj—Mies Roth M'der, who plane a transAtlastte flight lauded here today as era MO mile flight from Wheeling. W. VU.. she was aecont* paaled by (ieorge Ilaldeman. barpll #t’ t Despite the long flight during which Mis* Rider said she pl'eted the plane. American Girl, > 4 of tbs way, the >3 year old eetatrjx did not seem tired. Hhe announced that weather permit ted, «he would t*he off for a ana stop flight to Paris shortly. Miss Elder said that she had mule r.o local plans for a take off. Earl ier la the day, control of the Held passed from Rod man Wannamsker to V J J, Lana la, of the property. Tonight. Mr .'jj-ahnin announced that while he was opposed ;o Iran* Alim tjc rtlglifyie would not prevent Mias Elder from using the field. PERFLEXrTHvS BESET TARIFF Argentine Refuses Allow Amer icon Cool of rhfcductW . WASHINGTON, Hept. 14-iA*)—P«r tplexUies be*# ting American tariff affairs today when, !>scau*e of rosratment “a Argent lop tlie larilF*"commission ended plan:- to sand a ramwUUe* to that cwuntrj to Inve-tlgate tjte cost of produrtnr . flag a«a4.«A4. eomi-in the Bokhara American republic. Decision was reached while ' the American government swatled ' the reply of France on the proposal t'- agree to a new commercial treaty,he tween the two which would remove . ram wmDKnrMKir new French duties. While the Argentine end French sit , aaAlatm- earn* not- si'iiri 41m. - tame line, in as much ss one sffhcis Amerl esn laws and the other deal* with French rcgnlgtlees their sudden em ergetce into the lime light tin* nerved to s lmulete tnvllf discussion here 011 the eve of a sane ion of cong-ess. -\ ■ BIRS EXECUTING CARE 4 NOW OFFOHEft HANGING ■r- CHICAGO. R»W I*—<A*>~Edwin Hedrick n former assistant rroaecnt log attorney es Peoria Cown'y, has takas the stamp against capital pan- Irhmsat. Ha «*y« he became dlselllu sloaed about the dralh prasl* after prosecuting tuccaeafuily his first hanging case, for which he waited V i"*- 1 THE GOLDSBORONEWS READ* IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. PUBLIC HEALTH IN PHILIPPINES * IS BIG PROBLEM N«xt Governor-General To Be Confronted With Education Scheme Washington, g*rt. i4~on» of the gpaateet problems with which the next of the Phtllp pinea will he confronted is that of Public bsaith education. Unusasl strides were made by the Wood ad nil nisi rat ion in cutting down disease which can be controlled by proper saaKat’on and the improve ment of the material aspects of life la the Philippines, but disease arising Iron* unclean or unsound personal living habits remains ns prevalent ad ever. . The situation can re remedied itP the eplaion mt Insular officials only by n public health educe ion program reaching all the Inhabflan s of the archipelago. In hie last annual re port. Governor,General Wood said, “While/tl|4 Philippine Health Service attempts to enforce adequate health -egulntlons in all the provinces dls ese can not he controlled by repu tations alone. The real sol«'ion of the problem, effective Health tdiirn two must begin in the earlier years of life: health habits must be acquir ed during school years. Rome steps hare already been atk en In this direction, the most notable being 'be a school of hygiane and public health at the Uni versity of the Philippines for the training of health service officers a>m physicians In the prevention of dis ease. Plana for this school have b#«rn completed and funds prorided'by th« legislature although (he institution itseff has not yet begun to function I* wi'l be modeled after the most ef ficient schools of the United Slates. It la hoped by this means to Increase the knowledge and efficiency of tbe health eervlce. Only six health service officers now have had any special training in public health. Improper eating and tgnonnrre ro proper dieU are primarily respon sible far the Inability of the Insular officials to check the meat prevalent diseases. Intestinal Infection Is com mon among the Filipinos,, and no progress toward checking this disor der can he hoped for until the peo ple have been educated along dietary* lines. in .... . —1 Two Hundred Moose From Five Cities To Meet Here Two hundred members of the Kaoca 11-snch of the Tar Heel Legion of the Luytl Order os. Moose witt meet tn fluidstMiro, tjcptcmber 33 for their euariariy business meeting and fro '|4w?'more** Chau OT candidates f»r admission to the lodge had been received and this number Is expected to be Increased beforo the date for tbe meeting. The Goldsboro lodge, with a mem terahtp so 150, will he host to the ■lamahix* wrilann. ffalelwit f»I --ctievillc and Twrborh. In charge of arrangements for the session are tbe following members of the Goldsboro club. J R Ed wards. general chairman: J. E. bream,'finance: W. L. Walton, regis trar; W. H. Hines, refreshments. V. M. Bdgerton, program: 8. H. Mitch ell, plrat|la; and ts. M. CummlStfl, placards. Th* Moss* hall at Mulberry and John street w|i| be headquarter* (or eOLDBBOBO* N. C. THII BSD AY MORNING. SEPTEMBER It, 19X7 TO TALK SCHOOL FINANCES ALL MEMBERS URGED ENTER Wisdom Display Contest To Be Ono of Moot Attractive es Opening Features Three prises will be offered. In the window display contest which will in. angurate Fall Fashion opening, to* bd observed here by the Goldsboro Mer chants' Association September 24-29. it waa announced yesterday by A. A- Joneph. chairman of the committee dl reeling this feature of the opening. - A 100 percent display from Ih* membership of Association U the goal which lUv Joseph; haa set, and yaaterday he nAiled letters to the members agklng that they notify the secretary of the Association, Mr*. Grace Poindexter, at an early ilabr of thetr Intention to* participate. These letters from Mr. Joseph will b« fol lowed up In A short tlmo by a tele phone call or a personal vlrlt from him. “As thla feature will launrh lb* fall opening," said Mr. Joseph yet today “we want to make it one of much at traction .Already a number of the merchants have Informed ync tha* tljpr wIU enter th'lr windows In the content and 1 expect that a minority will Lake part. 1 * Tha Merchant*' Asescialioa wHt tsffer sorrier to the m#T cbanU who plan to decorate their wlsdows for the contest. Originality ie one effect which Mr. Joseph urges be especially sought after in the com petition. g Mr. Joseph wHI name one dtaln teres ted party who will in turn name Hirer disinterested parties as a Judg ing committee to select the winners in the event. The- names of those | comprising this committee will be known only to the parly aaked by Mr. Joseph to n*lecfc,tbem. “Thla is a system we hare follow-1 ed previously" Joseph “maul It Insures absolute tairnoss in the matter.“ | - I Supreme Ootirt Makes First Batch Rulings <r ' RALKIUII, Kept 14—The Sup reme court of Ntirib Carolina today handed down J 4 decisions In its first day of tbe fall term. The George Brown will case from Beaufort was not handed down. Justice Clarkson in an insurance case from Nash, {involving the estate of C. H. Iloddle nnd the Metroptl tm Insurance company wrote the-dc clsion remanding the doclslop fur a Lew trial, with caution tha* a physi cian should not be subpoenaed to court and compelled to make dts- and confidential information 'w'hicb protests dodtoty, physicians and surgeons .from disclosing any InforMon he tuey acquire atteudinK a wtlsst. w »“"• 4he festivities of the day. K*om 9in WAR, 5 in-»fe? *«eww , "u. . registration wtlt be In prog rose at the Hail. Officers will meet a* a com .■all Sac a4 4A'Vs Irish -4*r Ihi msinlng to arrange for last-minute details and plan the initiation of the large cldbs of candidates. The session expected „to attract moat {nterds during th* businesa scsshms in the on# scheduled for 2 ftVPw.u ha -the slliimss sW sib cers will be eleceted. At four o’clock candidates for admission to the lodge will report to the "Herder. The public will be particularly •Jutscestsd In the feature arranged ‘for 5 o’clock in the afternoon. The 300 or more here for the ceremonies will take part In a public parade. The Goldsboro Moose will do the honors at a barbecue and chicken fry to begin at 4:30 and at t o'clock will cornJ the quarterly frolic, , COUNTY SYSTEM IS THREATENED ComndUMßMfi Today do Face Ihm Concerning $21,377 Cut in Finance* The railed meeting of Wayur couti. ty school committ ed en for 11 o’clock this morning in the c may he the heglnalng of a fight between the rounlj* Board of flducstloß and the County Board <St Commissioners over differences of opinion relative to ochool flaanece for (he current yanr to start with the opening of ths rural school on October 3. 14 Is claimed by the board of edu cation that the school aye eiu nf the couaty is thrgat'Bod by the cut In the achool budg t made h‘y the cosft rnlss onerg. Tha committeemen this morning will consider the sac a In hand and are expected to take some vctlam.iiu the matter. The flret pro blem they Will have to fact In their meeting. It ia said, le whether or no the school* can be operated at thetr standard efficiency for the romtiUi tionai six months terms under ngmles which have been made available In the adoption of *b* county budget Bl ed yesterday in the office of regiatvr Vs deeds In acco. dance with lh4 new county Ipance act. The Comity Commission*ri have made an appropriation to the schools for the coming yoor of |221,*7«.8n. Os this amount * he num of $29ff,M2.52 has boon appropriated from taxes, and tho remainder, which amounts to 137,. SIAM represents the apiount due thr schools from fin's, poll tqx#i t dog taxes and the State equalise ion fund. The total badget submitted by tho Itoajd of Rducation, waa $353,915.9*. Th# amount appropriated by the County t'ommlenioners was $531,- 571.90, which amount falls of the ueceoaary expenses by $21,357;19 Tbe total budg't submitted by the Boa'd Inst yafr waa $.140,900.00. From thla total was deducted the , ; other revouue. a’l.ounting 10 tlipOO.M, which left a balance of $3!5,ooO.OO. This was the amount appropriated by th# County Commkuiioners from taxes The reduction In the amount appro priat'd from taxes over lust years ap propriations .is $21,3*7.1*t , The question *0 be -submitted to the ! school committeemen of the County this morning is whether the schools ran be operated for tbe Constitutional six month* term on the ainount ap propriated by the Commissioners for that purpose. HEAT WAVE IS HOLDING ON Show* in One Part of Canada and Not 'Many Mile* Away Country Swelter* qjHCAGO, Kept 14 —UR—A heavy blanket us loarid -air continued lo ‘ envelop'the middle west today "dHv :og the mercury to record heights .and resulting lit sufferiug, pros trillions and death. Chicago with a' temperature of Dp degrees lead the list with seven heat --- ligrh»- Tiw.tetgjf deaths thronghoat tWcoun try Ufas estimated at more than a dosen. •* mBRSfr rhYsaiflsitfciY We 'xtwnr when the thermometer registered 92 ('egrees and In Chicago after clasaev importable achool buildings were not held. \\V*iern Canada experleaced a spell of freak weather, Southern Man U4ba laslbiisf 4w heal whlsg uuv fe'| |a Alberta. HTI DENTR DISPLAY ORIGINII.ITY AUBURN. AJa.. Bept. 14— (At Credit the rvsucnt day oollegiaas with soother originality. A 4 Ford touring model of ataay years ago slaamW into town with a cargo of students returning to college oil tbe sides of the ancient vehicle was printed “1 do got i boost to run 133* •” MEXICO SENDS OFFICERS HERE IntcrmiUoiMtl Health Offkdr of Mexico One Present li Wayne CUnk Health officer* fr«m Maxi oo mat n dtwWrtt** with bai'th of Deal.' of Goldsbioro 0a Wed.inl*.' morning aed were uieteat at th* hat; tUalc which eras held from 10 to it o’clock st the Wayne County Haiti!. Dapaetmsnt under Dr. L. W Orbert. Tha offl ri>s arc Dr. 11. P Carr, director as iha Luruationa; Health Board of Mesicu sad Dr, H. Mijta, health ef* fleer of Vera Crux Mexico. They are spending soma Ulna la Ntrtk Carolina end are stadytaf parilc.il ariy- vural sanitation, material sad hook worm ooetrol work and baby conditions. They war* seeowpanled to Ooldshero by D» H. A. Taylor, of Raleigh, B at* Department Epide miologist , Besides the abode named physi cians. Dr. T. B. Henderson as Goldsboro, sya, ear and boss aad taroat specialist was preeeat at tha ril’inlc which eras wall aUeeded. Twenty babies and pro aohoal chil dren received thorough examipatloas. Jtlsee* Alice Ward aad Marta Farlar puMlc health aursoa aa^atad. entire corpe of physicians, hath local and visiting, aad Idas Fnriey attended a pre school clinic held at Fremont a 4 o’ clock Wednes day afternoon by Dr. Bentos aad LaeelsUr of that,city. While la Goldsboro tha Maxioaa official, Dr. Mejia got hla first sight of a tobacco warehouse ia auctlea sale of the weed. . After a tour of the State hospital for the colored lasaaa hare, a tour of iflopactlou with Superidfoudopt Lla vill* as th* loader, the visitoro deolar ed that It waa superior to anything they had previously seen of iu kind. The visitors were entertained nt dinner by Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Oar bett. 0 Dempsey Refused To • Grant Requests Made Bept, 14- correspondeota foiled In Us attempt to crash the gate and watch Jack Dempsey in his moonlight maneou veri heM promoter Tex Rickard, today piytsil ing because Dempsey had refused to ; train ia their presence aad had steeled tb do his training at night la* utead es la&he afternoon. Rickard refused to Intercede for the correspond'pts, declaring it was iJetnprey's business to get himself In be«! possible oondition aad b« would not give him any advice as to the way this should be doge. To Honor Boy Soldier* - ‘ At Bentonville Today Goldsboro will play a ronspfcleus .fllri>,t9daj,.At the-uaxpJJJag as e ases her of the site ..r tab .'flattie of ftim tcnville, just acrops' the line ta John stoo county and about 15 miles from tefmrwKß< vmgy.;- Ijy ■IUWtPutIWMr U UWBI I'M thff city. v In the cernmoales the state will fer ttie first time take official not* of the heroic bravery of th* boys of th* North Carolina Junior reserves who made oiich a gallant stand at, the bat tic, oqe tof she last of the Civil. 1 fir—*—»"*"■' All members of the Old* Goldsboro ttfics wilt he guest* of honor at the ceremonies today. The rifla* aro indirectly responsible for thq state wide Intere-t which is bring(manl iest ia the battle now. Years a|p they raised funds to erect a monumeftj at thy slto of the encounter. . 5# * Through efforts of the local chap ter of the United Daughters of Con fsderary, the road from Goldsboro to ■ha tKuiQOviiis site h*s hof* pUtoly In First Six Days Total Os 1,402,035 Pounds Sold Here Against 937,063 Last Season CHICAGO CRIME | TO BE FOUGHT w BY NEW SYSTEM Expert Plan* to Chn«* Pwsat Methods to Twt CsM»«t» . Aad Ganai«ui CHICAGO, Sept. 14- Reducing Chl r cago. crime by »om routing the ssou -1 tally unfit ia to ha otfriaH ou uudar th* new system at taste, treatments end euros. Fresh from a stay iu Burope, Dr. WllUajn Hickson, chief of Urn city's psych ope this laboratory, haa laaach ad a plan, which ha clalma will al mast entirety clear Chicago streets , of IU mschlne-gun gangsters, war -1 ring boos# factions aad gea-tetiag 1 mamas of high aad tew degree. Possibly even the stand ouro tor , mental ailments will ha triad ow tha gunman, Dr. Uicksoa daoiared, r Ha ia sathuakssric over a ffeadwlar extract supplied hy gllSH* I*8» “* said to have •bUlaedbxtromaly eat , ellactory results abroad. ± I - It is Dr. Hlckeou’s plaa Id surprint . tb# present Bluet hlmon teste doer I used la the gwychopthls laboratory with a new system which ha studted . ia Buropa. Tha now styl#M teritag parsons believed meatally dafleteat, Dr. tfkhaoa daelarod. was devaiopad ,l by Prof, Kraamer of tolls, a teems* escWnga professor at Harvard, and I- Is a “g*#tait-pach#»ogia“ or “miad I pattern pyscbolhgy system. “Hie now method Is mere direct 1 more positive and more objective**, I tha Chicago export paid. “It’s oou clusious aro mom reliable. I “At present era examine the meutal * recatifih and now are plaa to examine the physical reaction. We trill diag nose the physical, rather than the mektal.* ' De. Kraemor kaa dlscovered. Ihr. ■ tflnks*a reported, that peeuoae haroi * j connections In their miads that are Ilk* railway yards, full of track* aad switches: people do ao* * have ladMdrigl iqM* bat. minds II Vwrk according to a pattens. J "It has beam learned." Dr. Hickson n continued, “that mental dfeaodne aro I ■ I m Ikfi sralogl n race of observation. -That means that d th* tests es gunmen should ha more - neurological.'’ Th# expert said hndsr th* system r to b| adopted )}*rv the alleged da e fectlve would be mad* to cross ths n srms loossly, whirl their bodies shout, s have their knee* Jerked, receive tap o pings around the body and given va ,l rious other physical testa, 1 marked. Tbe sit* Is on the old Fay ..., Rt&xUta ysad .... -g Til^ aa .-.|, S Caai;- M'. J.' A. McLean, and Edgar Bain, J r„ sen of Major and Mrs. teigar Bala, will he among children who are. direct 1 descendants of heroes who participat-, ad la tha hsitle to unveil the marker. Mrs Walter F. Woodard of W||- 1 son, provident of the North Carolina division of the Daughters of the Coa iftderacy, will proeldb. Mr#. John H Anderson, of FxyettkVtfrt. ctutmun 1 of the com ml Use on arrangements will present the markear. and R will 1 be accepted f«*r the state hy Govm nor McLean. A sham battle in the afternoon with BatterJr A. of Goldsboro aad outfits from Dean, Rmithfipld aad Raleigh taking part an other features. Twel ■ v# Bcouta from Ooldahoro. oaa troop from Bmlthfteld aad oaa from Selma 1 will be ea duty daring th* ceremony. <C9RO| tod 9t fm TVstl - Member of The Associated Press />■ •» hbcb fin onus OdM Today WIH Afcuvo TaUl W«H Beyaad 1,406,000 Tp . Dato FIGURES REPRESENT WAREHOUSE REPORTS Growora Hal B— Mi Through Taniiir ft Mai at -r.- 1206,402.70. A tno-ihlrd lncroaoo li aolot I* the llr*t all days of tho aooana th'J r*«r aror loot nO woo ntAVol by tho OoMoboro toboooo market, itv tistlaa fathered yfUorOtg by The • Now* ohow. . , ‘ * Through Tuesday of thk wook. ■ . total of I,4 tjm low# b U hfea hM«Uh Door hen. Through }h* “T*"* - “ k*.«!» »«■*♦» rrrtiiii of 414,971 In tetm of U*i y - v ■ j&—il , Oiftioloro'a ■iirlat will tuiat ami w«ll beyoad lb. }jm*M pea* All. a ** nhM oaUl tbo thing w* el the uw *omui, wook. the fir* t«f teg* Os tbo BUT- won * * *ooiso w^pwi tbo I—moo of official biltObi show of lima 144,441 pouad* won sold for IIMKI.U- Lut Tharodar big otloo aoatlanad with MI4II f-rnofi Mil far 1444J2 ,*f. r rrUhr «■«»» Jam a««ro of u 404 tho aaetioaa for tbo tint wook of tbo 000000. Oo tbio 4ojr total mMoo won tlMli peghde, ter which growon noatwf MMfl u Oo Moaday of thti wook m.iU % poootfa won aaettoaed for IWJHMI. Loot Tomboy irMbf (founds broocht nowon MMi.n. kotow tbo yiMMU of. loot roor. but tbo Bpoihtoo boo booo fooorol io tho Tbroogk Tuesday of this wook, • total of fM4.4M.7t had boot poll for toboooo m tbo flllltoo marfcnt ■oloo out o*o*ooo Ms Mounter had oat booo oouiflotOf to time (m> feoorpofotloo Urto Mb) Utory, hot it io oothooaof tbot orwoNo of in.- 000 pouad* won o« tbo floon bon*. MORE DETAILS OF HURRICANE t 1— • * TerriUo Stom FtSvwod W Her la of Tidal Wan That «* 7roGAL.Ht. bfia. float l M-W -* TbouoaaOo of twites of |bo ot»na .. ?.»«pt Wiiltoo woeioro oat nimotu virtually isolate* tonight Wktlo mea , iw detalte «f the grant, borrtcaoo of loot weok added to tbo platan of door traction on load and aoe. Onr dam oral Iso* commancation tteeo came «boV4wo yctwofO.’Wcrw teat», and many thousands of ponoa borne* loss at seaport towa’f wh|)t, Hofuyoea eywnrad ia. MPoqtflUlfll horror at high points i»laa4. Uocar* tatnty prerail** as to tb* (oobobto loss of Itfe which reports yesterday place* at huadrads. Report* soy many of tbo euffanrO feared tbo visitation of tbo combined hurrtcan an* tMal (wan WOO fb* i wrath of Tatra* Baiat. 1 bop bod flod i to sttoo farther away troop tbo o*d when tbo atoru struck oo tho jpposf last Wednesday, caosfig hoory data* ago* in throe porta. A largo number of rsaoolo bold td be the biggest panda oo roee*4 front tbs Canal aoa* to Raa Pedro. Calif., was Is deager, bat IkUe auietp woa • felt for their safety. This border town i remained practically tbs ©aty abooorl throagb which report* efTho fJ*Utg won tnOobio. j jg

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