■■■ ■> —to ■ ■ ■ WEATHKB Generally Mr, Friday ant Baturady ' -I- ’• 4- ■ . • Continued flMl VOLITMB SIX; NUMBER ITS THOUSANDS ATTEND UNVEILING AT BENTONMLE TO ASK COMMISSIONERS TO RECONSIDER SCHOOL BUDGET Speakers Pay Tribute To Gdant Confederates Who Took tort In Fierce FA Mrs. Anderson Make* PhiwU- U« Address, Explaining - PirpMt GOVERNOR MXEAN ACCEPTS MEMORIAL GoMoboro Battery A, and Twd • Local Beya, Play CnnSßid «w Part* Tardy tribat* (a the tarnvery sad heroism of tbs boy*, )>rlgad*» who stepped Sherman’* march god; tp oth ers who took part la Iht battle of Keaton villa. y»rch IMI, IK6. was paid by thousand* of Tar Heels who rathe •st tip battle at'a. II miles seat. tof Sere yesterday, to wit ness the uavfiliag of a marker by the United Daughter* of the Confeder aey. Hearts beat fat. and throats were tight a% speakers recalled the stand of thebe striplings heroes in one es the deal encounters of the Civil star. The many thousands who flocked to the place fropv every pan es North pburoliaa tfnre tea'lmoey that Tar Heels keep green the man— of < their Coo federate fore hears; ud such a gathering this state hasseen ■arly tot thVdK.ft.VM to park so aotsmobtlr nearer than a mile aad a half es the spot for the fioaies aad haadrada who had 1 miles to attend the occasion itaecaaaavy to travel the laat Jr'ikite pad a half on foot and as merellaaa a September sun Imaginable. Boy Scouts from Ooldabero. Smith field end other troops la Toscarora council did raUeut service as cour iers and in aiding In parking automo biles, and In rendering first aid. Ia tha afternoon Battery A led the charge la the sham kettle aad la the. firing of a s|lu‘e over the graves of the so'diers who died ia thf battle Two young boys of Ooldubord, Alexan « dee Metres a gad Edgar Bain, direct * descendants es men who took pvt in j the ha'tie, Med to drswtog hack] the cloth from the marker which j ■hall for all time.to.com* proclaim tha slgnificaaat of the site . In. Andersen Apeak* “We are assembled today to dedi cata a memorial Which will servo for generatieAa to kdtp the memory of North raroitoa’e topldters who fought one of'tee leaf Important ed gagementa of fie Vv’letween the States.” said Mrs.. John H. Ander sen. „of Fayetteville, chairman of the IT. D. C. committee on arrangement): In her sddreaa. “This memorial marks the battle field of Bentoavllle, where, March 11. M tl. IKK, Central Jo*«r*> E Johns ’on with shout IMOO Ooefeder at* troops, checked the sdvattce and repulsed every stuck of Major-Gen srsl W T. KhrmaWs AHny ofwteve than. twice that number Condplcnop I* IRti bhHtt Fere fh«w regtmiuU and one battalion of North Carol ini Junior Reserves In Major-Oener Robert F. Hoke's division. * “Hlvtorlaas record the fact that the service* c 4 Oeaersl Hoke and his men * tfk *m#af w baost nruntnitu* koipies of Coafwlarste Generalship aad vwtor ht the whole coarse of the war . Just at (his point qur North |iip» tWserrn Fn* pttoch agaipst Sheraan’n Reasoned veteran soldiers, sad Just below here they made their l«st charge in that Moody (bred days battle. “the hi| dam of these troops crow pad with evfj le*to* ftgu»Haa , » devotion trhw rwaaw of faar independence. >“A* the mists of tha are rolled away, the*** heroes who died la the fattened gray grow teUey aad greater ia nW their parts, till they fill ear minds as they fill" our hearts. Tea. they grow taller as the years go hy, aad the world kaewt how they could do aad die. Y'poor Is the nation that has ao hs- 1 Contused ml Page Two) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Three Burned Death In N. Orleans Blaze i . NBW OBLKANH, Bapt. U.—(/T) —Three men were badly burned, oov probably faulty, tonight, when •re partly destroyed the build lus occupied hy the Industrial Arma ture OoaLpgar here. Th* flr* was proceeded by a big explosion. LEAGUE NAMES NEW MEMBERS Canada, Cuba and Fintond Given Santa In Council of League CHICAGO, Sept. A spring like shower late # todsy sUrted the rout of Septembers mid-summer heat wave in which middle west millions have sweltered for lour days. Dark Waiag clouds intervened earlier, to aid the country, drivtat the mercury slowly down here from its high t olat j es tt degrees, reached shortly as e'r ; peoa. Hourly readings bad equaled those of yesterday and the It in pern tore threatened to exceed the ' 95 degree recoA of the two previous daya until it became cloudy. A cold era waa moving in from the west, however, and forecasters pred icted further .rain tonight with tem peratures around M tomorrow and in the normal seventies hy Saturday. The break in tha heat wave found a total of more than a score of deaths dne to the heat, dae it was raid tea lark of contact between a high pressure in the South and a low ora In the North. Th 1 * resulted Is a stagnant condition of the air and the Just heat ‘just keep on setting down. School children took to the beachc* and parka when classes were dlsmle rtd. The school bouses were not open at all and many children did not even report at the other build ing*. Football Player Will Die of Broken Neck MABHVILLB, Tean., Sept. 15. (JP) -sfope waned tonight for th* re covery sf Qenrjc* Rice. University of the South football player who suffer td<A frsd ur% of the vert raba* In the neck while lackliaf e dummy la prae. tie*, His father, Rea Rice, of Hous ton. was oa his way to the bwtoid*. Surgeons meanwhile delayed operat ing ..because they felt Rice's chances es surviving an operation w»re slight. Free Will Baptists Close Annual State Convention The annual State of I Free Will Baptist closed yesterday! at Shady Orove, Sampson county af ler' Ifiree days of deliberation TiZis was a large attendants and much enthusiasm manifested according so reports received hy those who atteod • d from floldsboso . Among ' many of the transactions passed waa a resolution “Urging all Free Will Baptist to stand by and eld those who are la authority in :ha enforcement of the prohibition laws, and that as a people J®to*d twgmarC set to stmpmn W •«» Kr office who la not la aympathy wjth the Eighteenth Amendment, regard less of political party." That is if there are two men for sa office. °»* dry and the other wet, the “dry men" is to be supported, It win urged that tha stand he “from township of- Mcer to the President of the United States la the election of officers of the convention Goldsboro came ia l*r its GOLDRBORO. M. C FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER si, 1*27 NEW PRESIDENT MAKES ADDRESS Dr. balM RnaiMb Wake For cat 81 intent* of Logmcy From Past Thoint WAKE FOREST, Sept. H—(A)— Dr. Praads Ualaae, presldeat of Wahe Forest College, today wrote a aew chapter ia his aevr work hero when he addressed for the ftxat lime the student* who begaa the 9Jrd year of the college. \ “I shalFaev*r for one moment of m y life be uamindful of the responsi bility that to bow upon ilo,** he said. “Although I must take a moment 10 look hack d'poa the lives of mga who bare proceeded me uad consider th* legacy that la ours. Aad looking hack 1 think shout ull the nun who have come here to brood awhile on our walks and then go out Into the world He add a new lustre of th* nam» of this college. Th* president pleaded with the stu dents to live up to the Meals and standards of tb«ir college addin gtbat “nothing to more hostile to Jesus Christ which takas th* form of brutal treatment." \ * PARBWELCOMES LEGIONNAIRES it- Skips Carrying Detighhayn Back Franca oa Sacond Expedition PAJIIB. Sept. 16—(JP)~Paris aad the Atlantic torts of France are gay 1 with buntihg flags tonight ready to' welcome wnaorrow and the nex: day - that great peace time fleet which J brings tha American Legion. A doaen , ships with thousands of former sricaa soldiers are nearing the French coast. General John J. Pershing who tan years ago slipped across a sea lutes'.- ed with submarines and entered thus country theu In the midst of war. wt:j» j a aew staff of officers, will return »C- | morrow aboard the 1 leviathan with bands playing and flags flapping The bombing of the guns on French : warships and the roar of the motors of the airplanes circling overt* >sl will welcome him and bis cop-.psn- . lons who were once soldier* In bis vie torlous army. > Body of Dancer Be ! Taken To Paris Today NICE. France, Sept. 15.—0 F) —The body of Isadora Duncan, whose beau ty of movement in the classical dsace cnrsp'ured thousands, lay motionless | In death In h*r studio hers, surround 1 *d by hundreds of boquets and great manses of Gowers. Every stage es social life tn this, as well as in many capitals of tha world, was represents ed hy those who sent messages of sympathy. The chaffeur who usually, drove Mias Duncan’s car brought a boqu*t. bought with, a men h's «arn laga-X share of the honors Is that W.«u. Willis toss elected Treasurer and Rev. Cyrus Mi Johnson. imp—— ; Jttev. *, H Styron as Pi*« Lseet who has been yresideat es the con vent lon f«»r tea laktu, ««s reatoctad- Accordiag to raporU "Ik* deaomla at ion has made much progress in all ■taes of work daring ths pest year, the greatest being made in the or phanage at Middlesex and Eureka college at Arden ; The treasurer's report lor the year was the host in "lie history of ih* f ’ Institution 7* * Th* leading speakers for the occa sion were: Prof. William Henry Oliv er, of NeshvHle Tean Rev R V. fBob) Self. West Asheville.. Rev. K. C Gasklll, Sea l*vel, M, C : Prof. R. E. Spencer, pees. Eureka college, / rden, N.' C.; aad tho presldeat of the onuTcutnsa. Rev. I. H Sty»oa. Thoee sUeodtr from OsMilero wart Mr aad MT* .' C Willis sad Of lk|^| Fall Fashion Show Meeting at 4 P. M. All members of the Goldsboro Merchants' Association who sra Interested in participating la the Fall Fashion Show. September KM, requested to moet'ia Urn Association office at 4 o'clock this afternoon Announcement of tho meeiag wa* made last night hy Weil, chairman of the Fall Fashion show committee. Tha fashion show will occupy two eve nings of the Fail Opening under p'uos adopted earlier la the week and local apMels will display morning, afternoon, evening, sad children's wear. RELATE NEED OF NEGRO SCHOOL Stories of Sac rifle** Colored Par ent* Making Told at Moot ing Hare 'Stories of the eacrlflces which mem bers of the Negro race of Wayne county are making In an effort to give their children something of an orportnalty .at an education ward related la pitastog at the meeting yesterday of Wayne county school commit!remea at the courthouse. Declaration that Wayne most be gin to give various toasldsrattpn to improving the W*™ sohool facilities waa generally endorsed aad brought forth a number of stories tnustra ! live es the point. "Why it is n little .abort of crime • the way some of the Negro schools havt to be bold.** said J. A r Rest. I member of the County Board $4 Bdtt I cation . “Borne of tha hnlidlags used as Negre schools a man wouldn't keep a fine cow ta." “And today then Is a bunch of Negro men bp at the Eureka negro school," said Lnby Jones of Eureka painting the building, giving their 1 work free of charge. Mouy of those I engaged In this work gave a week ia moving an old building and adding it to another to give extra room. Then they gave time t 6 cover it: I don't believe tfacre is a white msa ia the county who would have done« as ! much, I know I -wouldn't said, Mr. tow*r Whit W kwT «id wsi e*- | dorsed by Dr. Henderson Irwin. I "They have come to ua with thOir ! Lata in their hands, and Ashed res pectfully for aid." said Mr. Kelly of Mt. Olive, chairman of the educa tion board “and the time has come wheu~i f * must begin to help them." i He told of how the rural supervisor i ofJHegro schools had bald entertain ments amone her raoe and raised a sufficient sum es money to build sa • addition to the Negro school at Dud ley. “And she tell me they are go ing to hold other sneh meetings" he said. „ Mr. Kelly related an Incident under which the County Board of Education ■ wse given assurance from Bupt. Al len of the Rtate Department that if Wayne acted promptly she could bor row tltbdtoi at a very tow rate for' a „Kn* yyiod for the- imarn rgmeat us Negro schools, pfe said that the board had do ides but that the County Commissioners would approve ths Ides and that though the amount could have been secured under such AJtoft SS.'WHUJdIUUff UhAA or in the school budget and would nor •tome selsedi She. Mm rate nays that -w» reply te the request made of the Com wslaehMseee tmd mm yet beew imefrwtf. To Bury Prominent Sampson Man Today WILMINGTON. Bept 16—(M— Funeral ecrvices for Bcott Itobioson, s pvomlncnt Hampson clllsen whq dbrj at hla home near Ivabone today at the age of M years will he cosduc'od from the residence tomorrow nftcr noon st 3 o'clock. Cause of >l«ilh waa given as Infirmities of old ige. Mr. Robinson represented Sampson ia both branch** of ths gennral assembly and was not only a political leader, , bat a leader in business and agricnl- Itural affairs us the county sad ace liua, ■ »■ , IS ON TRIAL FOR EMBEZZLEMENT WUntoftMlaß Hold to Havt Fatoely Disposed of Buiidtog and Lom Siisk WILMINGTON, Sopt. 16 —OF) —T. A. Croom. former secretary of’the Wilmington Homestrad 3ulMiag aad 1-nan Association went oa trial hem today oa a charga of embegslemeat i It Is alleged that ike defoadaat Is rt-a- ] poaaible for a shortage of |U ddf- A. H. Runtin, one of"the witnesses tor tho state, testified that be baJ Be topwladgeef two checlm Jtotallsg K.M« witirll according to records bad boon issues. It waa a rule of tho cor poration that all dtsbarsguioata, should he mad* hy ebook and all' checks countersigned hy tlse presi dent Mr. Buntin testified ho hod laotwe-. tod Croom In aoo that all chocks wore coonterslgaud. Ho had aloe naked that ho be gtvea an aooouat of the condition of the Association at dif ferent times, bat be never waa (teat the statements. The defendant ctaifd ad on each occasion he waa told" by CToom. that the books waps auk h shape for a statement bat that It would be given at a later date. SHOWERS ROUT INTENSE HEAT • r •Rp , ijtoe Death Front Buffocatlof |FftT« Now Stoßdo at Total of Twooty - GENEVA, Bept i uj-GP)—Canada and Caha, two of tho United States neat door uetgbiton, were etagdsd' tonight to , the League of Nations council. Three seats were to So filled and Flatdnd got the third. These three will ait for throe years on the council, which is apw compos ed of 14 members. The aew lineup means that Ute council contains fear countries repraaeatiag Aha Aider!caa continents. It has created special in terest among many delegates heeawto of the particularly friendly rala'ioaa existing among Canada, Cuba aad tha United Btfttes. From another atasd point the el ection caused aew interest of sa ab sorbing nature. In view of numerous delegates the importance,, of the British Empire oh tbs council la in creased through Canadian member ship. though the impreaatoa is tbM Canada wDI act satirely Independent in her Greece, running strong la tbo pre election caarasslag. received tbo vot es of 23 nations, two less thaa nec essary to sloct. Cubs led ths poll with 40 votes aad Finland waa second with 33. Local Legion Post Starts Fall And Winter Program The f.rat fall meeting of the local Pest of the American Legion hold at BuitdHi toaV even leg' .waa Mtaraclerlted by a renewal Os rn tha steam fur the glorious objects us this aontaf Nk Ute Aland crowd in aneadaaar.'" The nesting waa formald opened by the commandant, Hugh Dortch, who after stating that since the last adjournment In tbs early summer tha adjutant. C. M. Demi, had hgd charge jIJtU ih< wmmtr.aciJtlU** FWch.i»- cluded a tent show bald utder the auapir.es of the Legion which netted a fair amount Into ths treasury. Ho also slated that sometime soon a coach would he here to train 10-g| talent for a rlny to bs given Tor W» * benefit o! the Poet In Ooldsburo. A question arose as to the raising of dues but this was referred to thj Finance committee to he reparted oa at the next meeting which will also ha ter tha election of oflicefi (or IN School Committeemeo Hold Impossible Operate Wn SomsThat Have Been Fad Woman Dios After Criminal Attack DORA, Ala. flppt. U.-ifl'tofß*- gulnlng conamoasaeas loag enough to t«ll bar husband that aha had he«n criminally attaojrid hg a as gro, Mrs. Mary Treuce, her hand crushed vrilh a piece es slab, die* on tho way te *a hoopUal here to day after h*r limp body had been found at the edge of underbrush M yards from her beam. SPECIAL TAX GROUPSPUT Gommlltoo NK ? AikmrpMbMes EeOb AccoEEt of Fite—l Differ—«■ ’ WABHINQTON, Bept. II.—UV Eevlaloa of the adadhtatortoJva faatams of tha pres* at tax Isa to a problem Krtch ll vapor** to gtve th. ster COAgresa almost as,much toauhla as 1 that of deciding want rates are to ho lowered aad tho am«um of tha redao- ASelatloa of that prohHm is not made sty aaatoc hy th# rift ia the Joint Congressional committee created under the present statute to deal with , tdssUoaa of the cadmtotetrattea M the Us lawa. As a result, wide dif ferences between the house aad the Senate an likely te develop as th« revenue legislation proceeds oa Its way through Congress. This rift developed soetf after the joint committee waa adopted aad grew out bt the selection of Obairma* Green es the House aa Chairman ever Bmoet Chairman of the Senate In aace committee. > ' ' ; It to ah open secret at th« capital that there has net been Km fullest aieaaure of cooperation between the house aad sane* member* oa tee joint committee 1a the praaeoatlto of the tasks assigned to them andertoe provision of the law originating to the senate. Boms -Congram tonal leadnto said today that they had not been ever sanguine aa to Ute effoet of th# work that the Joint committee might bo able to do. They recalled that tha proposal for (he appointment es (he committee waa advanced while the .Special Senate group waa carrying forward He Investigation es methods of tax so llament ia te* Internal Rev eaa* Bureau, - cnMiijg year; at this' meeting a free barbecue will he served. . . Lmte- fiasdaar ’afperted -ow-He- e4w lt to tte state convention of the T/egion hold's! Washington He ss. 1 that It wse the moot successful one es TMTfc ffib ktotory nf Wt oe va r»*t»n the town w«r u rut ,1 over to the t<«- gtoansires. Ice water aad other re freshment* freely served, that he did not remember all the details, TVs next state convention will be held st Charlotte, „ „At pros*ta tha teaat Reab has snip 124 members In good standing aad Mr. Dortch In diacusatag the situa tion stated that tome of tea pronria eat cltixeav of ihe younger set la Goldsboro who are etogihle for mem bership have not yet Joined. He far ther said that them warn about six or sevea. hundred potential members i la Wayne county k After the formal meeting delict*** i barbecue was served to the hog* ep ’iJamipt of §ll then* gresfat. ■■■ ' ——Eto—j.J.l , 1 , . . u . 'iNPW I Mffnbfir of 8 The Associate^ 1 *sel Press v J ! * J rues rm cm* Adopt Matin b f Dr. InH* ffevf i Im in iuHtonim CHAIRMAN KILLY QWLi EXPLANAIHHf mtOAp ftcUnily *id II pon tlbo pvbwjr dMMr will to hafpi* tbr <M|tfMNtf|Nffs Dteklaaaa aiidtiffitM biaoi , jitter u. la a >•1 Qolacay Flalda, Rjr i.:“r> r«grL «& j »cfc»ola. Mr. Rally, ete|rmui Ifwf' board. daplorad tte RtbCttM tWI ted irl*o aad .nHih»< t|» iHrJj facias tht aeteola of M tljf «** £tea«aa la lav adapted attba nil ."}*»«* of lb# **Mt jßJlity-" now k tepaiiftla. mRAhI ter. contract dabu, tte Imi ddMnpitel daprtrod of amah as ita nl>H| mi rt all Os Ha teadlt. f«v CußUtttv• for r fifed parpoda If Cteaa fiteMli ~ ft dla ' naa a Ho jklX| ptepA areiaa aa aatocrmtic attltodd. 0* Mr k »■ *gy» m m y4wr.il on tt. want wa ted aalwt ft* 2 anted for oa tte teal* at Mlddl aacaaatty, ted baaw aat aftTCCUfMa* > lilted altteaak tte Nt«l«l <mm tam did aat Ifltet *£% craaar trrar that of laat Hat* Mr Rally patatad fel «a( practically all of tfe adHHg§J ts ' which barite odoter S. iatdljjfi , 1 *itit It waa oaty Mat Woaftdf, |t «► > tlnuad. that tha board ted ftdtfviri • n# aaM tbte tte lav gam if r*M ■ for aaefe datay M ted MR WMb (Coatlaaad aa Rja * * fib ' *Ar TfiT

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