I WEATHER I Fair Saturday sad Sunday Not quite I so warm la Interior Saturday. | , . «■ VOLUME SIM; NUMBER 173 STRONG WINDS FORCE OCEAN FLIERS TO TURN BACK Board Commissioners Add Two Cents School fT ... • - v • - —» ■' Levy; Total Rates Same D*. Hm4otum Irwin Present* Caa« es Helmut Comsnittee men At Session amicAble consideration GIVEN FINANCE PROBLEM GoMeh+rs Tewssklp School Rate • Increases Six Cents on Request Proving their rru b to tbp, lint which Wayne county people hare pine ed In them. the County Board of CommlMtioaers In called 'ifMlon yes terday listened to the caee for rnor; reboot nttanccH u presented by Dr. Henderson t win of Eureka on be ha*f of tb" reboot committeemen of the county, and voted that the tax levy for schools ibis yetr sbatl be 65 ccnti-the rame aa ’ast year— lnstead of 13 as''hed been orlgin~.Hr Int'nded i» tbe budget adopted early In the week. ’ .'.»■* Btill detrrirlndd. however, that Wayne county peopk shall not be re bulk'd to pay an Inrreaaed county tax Site ‘his year the ('<>mn»i' , *lonerw voted that the additional two cen*s to be diverted to school purposes shall ' be taken front the general fuud Item to turelvo cents, f.ast ye»r the gen eral fund f'fm was fifteen cents. None of tbc fireworks which tomt expected materialised at the meet »«* yestagday. The coaassissioaars tea patttmCk tITIU# emblems con flooting ibe Board of Hdacation and having entered io o a ihor ugh ex emlnatlon of educa tional wdrk in any w«v. At the rarfh Hme, Mr. Haney indteated the dutv of the cemmlssiooeis to'the people ra the maitar of keeping (he tax rate as low as possible.' It was with thin sole purpose hi mind. It was exolaln «d, that the additional two cents i\|- »„ towed for,school* would be rut from the general fund Item, thus assuring no chance in the eotthty ra'e. The Aty 'beard of- education wnr, before the board and requested that) ~ the Goldsboro township school tax' ittf be ral-"'d from 64 eouts to°72 , cents, this for the 'ownshlp purroao'i, only, and th's request was all Cored by the c%w tnlHsioners * _i ‘ Cleared of Charge WILMINGTON, Sept 1«-(>P»-T A. ('room, former secretary of the, Homestead Building and Ixxtn. assoc • lutlon. was found not guilty of cm-1 (exilement here tod'ny, Groom wan indicted in several charges of cm-1 hesslemeat totaling 111.©Oft. It was I" evidence that the defendaut *ai sec retary es the assooiation at the time - -atik hsfcng t lagq| -by -elate *W«isl — -and that shortages had been found. ( robot, immediately after the ver >dksl, got up from his seat, walked over to Solicitor Klllum, who. led ihc fight for the sta e cud with « wtrm handclasp said "Mr. Kilium, 1 want yeu to know that I hold no msl case in koepfng with your dutiee to the state.'* France»» Gay As LegrtonitaireH Arrive r.\RIH, Kept. ll (Jf) —Genera! Pernhlty,and his doughboy* are back In France again. Tonight Paris is lit erally filled wllh war time tunes and tbrughts rtf much Y*qqjft» htrve turn ed hack to those days of t*l? when Europe made tba acquaintance of the Tank in pntform. Thlk'ilmc I-an k !*O,OOO of him— is .In civilian clothes and there ianVT mao in all Kurope to prevent hhn as he goes shout the job of seeing Prance «s s elrl lan. All Paris has '.weight tbc carnival spirit tbxt this second A. TC. P. has bright sad tba whole country looks or ward «o taking a holiday Monday wbea legionnaires parade Monday before qfeolxi theji convention. 7T W •_ mX -kg 'vSjb»- THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE TREY BUY. O' . \ C: . , # * «b , * — 900 Jap Workers Drown With Ship VIADIBVOBTOCK. Siberia, Skpt. !•.-—»t rushed up to get near us,*' con-1 tinned The News man - We wart bao tpen opera Ina his Waco hi p’pn-j lom Gulley's -field, here for several days and the field? his been the niece* lor hundreds wtio i luurc been S rrd bv ihc thrilling «*- i plnjta of l.inrihergh and others flu* 1 pa»t summer. Mr. Stewart a native of Coates but for the lasi year has been operat ing out of Raleigh. lie I* North Caro lina’s best known commercial bird man. having Idten at the buainea:i for months. He h is the reputation of be ing oue of the mow! dependable pilots it) the P ate. The big msrrhloe bird which fia's born taking off from thr Galley field - where Sparks cirrus showed,recent ly—provides faclitlcs for taking the pilot and lw&, passenger aloft. Moat of those making the ride with Slew art yesterday, however, wen* alone. Stewart will remain In (Vldsboro with hbt Waco through Sunday. On - 1 Monday moraine ho wi|l return to ; Raleigh. He hopes to he able to make a big enough flight fan out of some , Oo’dsborn cltlsens lo |eavr a Waco plane here before the end of his stay. YOUTH IXDH TEn 0* i , Ml HUES CHARGE ~ j r KOANOKiM. Va., Srp), 16— (&)- William *Tombaa Collins. 17. who I* 1 alleged to liave confessed Lo the p«- { lice that he shot and killod his fa ther and step mother-here Tuesday I morning wss indicted on a charge 1 of murder by a arecial grand Jury J era today Mere Males Will Be Allowed . Take Part In Peacock Parade Tttt- mere male of Goldsboro Is not to be' omitted lu plans for tpo Fall Fkvb»-« ‘mtfptaf th fotfiffcfflm with' the rtll Opening, September *3«-29. hut will be given an hyportunity tk, p’qy thr part in thjL- fashlou show. This according to announcr nt by Leslie Well, chairman of the fashion V show a meetlnp yesterday *ftern -on of those Interested in this phase of the open •“K Seven or eight, and possibly twelve m'fbiWis a r the Iferrhanis Assoc iatfon signified their intention of entering models and dlsplrya for the Show. They repot ed to Mr 1 . Weil at the meeting yes Unlay that they might be cmnted aa giving their fullest co operation to the effort. The number participating in tba fashion show here wfM Ire larger than the number of firms Uking part In tbe display, in connection with the Fall Festival of Raleigh In the Capital City, oaly five merc'liants *' lert-q models In this teeUU'e, GULiJfIIiORO, N. C SATURDAY MORNING. BfcPTEMBER 17, 1927 MINISTER HELD Ff)R KIDNAPING q Quo! ad aa Baying No Man Ever Fill Pulpit From Which H e Fired ~ COLUMBUS. Ga. ( Sept With Bishop Goen of the Methodlal Episcopal church north en route to aid authorities in their search for Rev, Wltlis ). Jordan, missing pas l« of the Second Avenue Jim re U here, off leers today continued ques tidning of the Rev A. V. Noble, churgsd with kidnaping Jordan. Noble progreded Jordan a pastor st the Second Avenue church and waa dismissed by the Congregation oa September *• 110 refuse d(o give up the psraeh ■tjre whoa Jordan ar Ived and was re r-oved by n warrant. Rfv; C. R. Ne hcr’end. retired minletor and member of die church'< congregation quoted Nolile as h viug I 'ms’kvd that ’'no man wonld live to fill bin » v upH " He has denied the oltarge. WANTS STOP j CHAMP EIGHT, Chicago Reformer File* Injunc tion Against Three , Prlncipii » 6 i i OHICAOO, Sept 1«- f>?*» -Suit to flop the Datnosey-Tunney Gghl on : September XJ, by means of a federal 1 renqt injac'lon was filed tu Fsderal i-vurt UtW tfAUy by. Rgy ■ Al»«r WU , Ulß*. 'fbflUbr director of the Jirttcr Government Associatioii. The action wag filed Y>y Chhdes Wartoa, a for mer avals ant state attorney and named .Rickard, Dempsey anil Tun ucy as defetuiau's, ♦ * The paUUoa for the Injunction was cx-reeted' ko -go before a F>d*nii Judge tomo-mw morning it was Died •n behalf of Mr Wllliama lia tax payer. lie has long been prominent here as a reffrm-worker. | LAKE VILLA, 111.. Sept. Id-f/Pi— >n eve specialist was called from Chicago to start treatment, of Gene Tunney's right eye which tor-hed In flamed and troublesome after hi* work out was ended today. It wav over (hie eye that Chuck Wiggins op ened tbc cut la*t week and today another upar~htg partner poked his thumb into the optic;.. NEARING NEW RK< filllt o , ■ WILSON. Sept IS- (A*) Tohahro sales fn the Wiitau market arc prefix- i on toward u new world record. I Sale i nnuounerd today dUclotrd th |t mere 4had' la.r.thtjtuu pounds of tob acco already !>< on sold with the gross receipts amounting to nearly $3,000,00P for an average price of 117.41. This year’s sales exceeded tlio e of laet year by the same period by al most. rive million and are a million ahead of 192 f recurd year. Two evening* cf the ojm ulna will bo given Us the faddon display, forty mlnptos out evrumj;- ami forty minute* tjte following evening The Mkion theatre If hes :i uitincd as the place Biii liKal model#,—me", women and children—will parade before th«' bright lights in the very latest crea tions fro« Paris. Interest WMtilMi to grow in the ’windows cttcoratinir content, which will open tV four-day Festival. on SrfHeii.her U. 'A. A. Jo*ePft, rtnt* man of the cbmmitte h%ndllDK this Item, yesterday announced the follow-1 tag rales upen which windows will ho judged JO points on selling |m»wi r «f win dow. . 11l points on neatness. 10 points on arrangamt-nts of ni<*r t handise 10 point* cm display of seasonable merchandise. 3f points on attractiveness ' 10 points i»n originality. ' i WANT SEPARATE U.S. AIR BOARD Conmittbr on Aerooau tlex Will I'mtcnt Plan nl l»arbt o Convention II II II ~-x PARIS, Hept 14—(JP) The Ameri can legion’s national committee on aeronautics will urge at the natioual convention in Paris next week that the Legion endorse cstuhlishnicuts of a separate department in the preei dot’s cabinet ior the direction Os the raHun'a air service. Commander Howard I’ Ravage en nopm-cd tixiay tha» the committee headed by the Krv. GUI Itobli Wilson •»f Trenton. N. J.. bun drafU'd a re solution affirming the latgkiU utsnd ter an adequa'e program of national of national demise, favoring in au t oration of Keren.te departments es national aeronautics "wlth c-abincs re -1 rcsent|)tk n and co evel with the tnflltury and naval dopiv'nt -nts". and proposing that |he president op point a board of nr mr.utic strategy to study cstahllshni »t of such s de pn'tmi ttt. Tlic rcpon says: "tn view of th* fact that na #*m-' pi-cbeostve program for the national defenae of the I'uit -d Sta ca hat ever i« cm pnrmulgated the so-called Na tional Defense act botug but an army h it), aeronautics has been D-ft to develop clrcumncrihcd by the limited t.-mlgets osalble to tbe army and eavy tlepar incuts. The army and navy looks upon acmsmutlra as auxiliary to their respective elemental func tions. As a result there has becq n,» develoi inept of the real air to rue lu Use Patted, flu MB. —. "Your committee would In no war dcpreCa e the work «f tbc army and mavy : in aeronautic* when it seSNt to have aeronautics brought under t pepera e department wllh cabinet re praß9DtlltiDß . It fuels rather that reronautics is a distinctive science In Itself with so great Importance to the future of the nation tKat It should t hot be left to develop an a mere aux iliary power "The land Is an elemenLthe aea le ! an eletncnt and the njr ta mTele'.tienl. I The technique of each demands spec-1 inlixition or an Iritense kind. Tho command of the air should he In the hande of practical air won.; "The equipment of the American air service if the late war was n wash out. Booted about at a branch of the elgnal corps, and air corps or eg nl/ service, and with equipment designed by people of no practical experience n%J placed on the front in slipshod shape, there was little stimulus to encourage the men who Dew." Cf m ini ling, tbe committee sums tp "The Untied Stales la the most backward of any fir«t class power In U.e development of military air fares “tinder (he present plan the air service program of the Untied States ■will take five years “lo * the p-eaent strength of our lielovcd ally and (internal friend, France, •■The air service reserve *t the Stales is pap-r fcree’only. '■Nelll»»r~The army n(*r navy hast devi loped or Is devcloring any sub stanUu! body ~f jdh-+a «r observers. * Thu development of lighter than air craft It the Called ♦<»— tnlly have one dirigible wb- mc freon hurst I* f matter or prexs loimbcut and wliosc aafety In (light is air alter i of public prayer , J2&2S m sssi. flicuti .which eieelciftod the»wutW wore inatiguied and financed by prl 1 vale ciipll. I The,, magnificent «x -Mo-Autr to Us-Ukwa-axw a tea meter of military advancement in the United Stele*, but rather as a n'ltur ion of wiiat American air men are i hie and ready to do when hacked by intrfcalcd organlxalrou* "The far-flung roast and border Jiao*.<4 U*a United States nopurnff nt «eptiounl - mobility of mililwry strength In'the lime of poaeih'e In var.mn Air force Is peculiarly adapt ed to this aituatloa. BA 111 PRIM Its >OIU» TOKYO, Sept. Ifi. —The baby princes* born to Empress Nagako lest Haturday. baa bran named til*an»ml ya Sa(-hi)io, meaning, "enteraitl h»;i plness.*’ The ceremonies Included the ancient custom of bathing the child, also ibe twanging of • bowstring to wnnj v(j ev|| spltiiti,. EXPECTS BIG CUT IN TAXES e~NR . ; PrwlMnl Give* Attention to Proposed Armament In rrettNen WASHINGTON, Hqt ft- lA*> Uresidcnt Coolidge as cr going ever the tentative gwerumetlt budget wtfn Director Gird has decided that In creased appropriations for wa/ and navy departments next year ought Jcopurrdtae a rubstautial Ux reduc tion. Th * was djitcloHcd today and if was said he had decided thgrk waa ■ no necessity Ur s special session oft Uongrcs on accuunt of the Mississip pi fiood White flood ineavures are cxiwc ed to get early administration i.upi ori, it Is expected that the Ux bill will be given (be right of way. Prospective Increases were dee* ori bed a* of | uou military ugture. f la expected, however, that the navy will require a considerable increase o curry througb a ship building pro- Pram. ” i_ . _ . " r .. NOT TO DISCUSS TREND OF PRICE Item ('ausinx Cotton Fill Cuuues IxOßff Hevxion of !Ub Cabinet - ' . *. r • W ASHINGTON. Sept. 14- l/F- RrecipliaUoa the longest cabln«U, ■esaiep since President office, th# P-onth’s protest ngalast the govern moot , rauort which yesterday ms the cotton market tumbling II.M I ,hi!a resulting today Ip aq>wrder Irom Bccreury Jardlne' fu itre predictions of price ttinM, by department of agriculture The cabinet saaston was fpljowedt by M ttttftOUfICMHWEIBV Htu je that tbe White Honne regard i as hasarckus redirtlon by gorarniMni departments on the possible treiflT of prtcra. It urae said, however, 4hl_ Chiot Executive will leave the hmrdl- Ing of the cotton situation to the da parinjent of agrirultisre. Mr. Jardme remained with the President long alter others of the of-. ( ficinl family bad departed and thou went bark to Id* office to rescind * rtatement.. to the press which had l.ecn held before the cabined meeting and held for release upon kls return. It wn* replaced by n statement as to the secretacyV derision. "The'ataiement,” jardlee said “was based upon atatlsrif-s represent- Inir ,W(>rld stocks, con suiopTflnn and. Ibe usual relalina of the yrospectire >ttpply to price, ft was not a spreinj pvicr forecast' Flmdar slalemenl*. lon the price aft - an i»n for the niajr r farm eomm»*dl t'es have beta prepared monthly for two yeSx'for the aid of farmers It) planning their marketing and prodae i*ou proffmifi*. r Ml DKFLAUi: TEHTIMORY ' RftLISBUHY, (Pept. l«. UP I—No evidence wu* offered by the defense today In the trial of .Dave Davlln, negro, for he murder of Deputy L, T Yaebomugh. - The We case late yesterday. Joulma Mitchell Makes His Escape County Convict Camp tVayww . uni > dppntrcw, Bint d "»y guadds from' nat)4 camps, last i night eoiUinued th* nwarch for Josh V MMxhci!. hMIs MU, lllackmaii. negro who c*cepcd from, the convjet camp mnnher 4, force on the old Kevcn Springs road Thursday Mitchell was serving a slateen months ecntence for violating the li quor law, for assault with a deadly ‘ weapon. rod for TBIItWr or the au - iciiii.li,ii law ffe lifcil j-h'ered ui>on tservlee 'under, thede i txarg** follow •ing the req-nl term of ailed open the buaineas men of the city te continue th*lr efforts for Goldsboro and In ibe in terests of the city aq a trade oeu- 1 ter and maiket. Reporting from experiences la mooting miny far mer s at their homes, Edward Jos eph raid that tbare lea general tradeacy kf-' »u« a mii leu it (of house breaking and larceny. . 8«d e bo tie re thf Mitchell was the mira frßo tlf* HUUIU/ uigut .iraroi «d a visitor la the city aa aka was preparing to retire. Just before sha Corned uu th« light preparatory to re t'rtug, she noticed tba tarn of a white mau pressed against tba eerewn ul a window. “Oat away from there*" •hr screamed at the man, and be Had into the darkness. Members of tba family were an the siT«nd story of the hdusa and heard the outory. One member report ed having heard a sound as a clank iag of t-haias as the prowler made a g« t away. The party who had been fightraed also reported this fact aa she related the incident to her hosts immediately after it bad happened,; The descriptor of the face pressed against,the screea window ie said ts tglly with Uidt of cjSraS* jfc. T ~ . Member of » Thp * * I*V xx OuvViClvvQ * Press j . pmica ftyb aam Another Proponed • WsgtWard Octu Hod Buds la Failure With’Start MACHINE AND MSN ? EB< APE ANY BUST Young WonuiLPerslsUng la Mar Determination Try to Fly Atlantic v„ DUBLIN, tfeyt J# UR—Paced with headwinds swtepiag' at 40 milaa as boor, Captain Hobart Me* intoK.h and Commandant Jamae pha i maurlce tha monoplane. Palsoees Xenia, arbea ever the Atlantic on their projected noa-Mop night ta New York were forced to tnra t< Ireland and made a safe landtag ■ls milaa aonth of BgUp Baanioa, coanty Kerry at C ©clock tonight Tha landtag of tfie aria tore a) the Kttle seaport retort 41 boars after they had hopped off with high hepae aad cherry farewells meant tallied far another east-west traaa-Atlantis fltghi. hat It waa failure without loan of life. " - ‘ ‘ t . Decialon of the airmen to taim back ta land ( and safety came after they bad encountered aver the 4 nos n Minding fog whtotdtoDjjtod Jhetr trine ran perfectly and wa rwieraed only baennae, la tha chg—otaiMf Jt was Impossible ta atdaf n trie com pass course " The comauuidnta aald that after ,r crossing the Area Islands ta Us* plaaa they encouatrrdd very revgh weather and poor visibility. At t-M *. m.. Ha aid captaia Mcfatoah derided thet It would he suicidal te preaaad and swung hack for the Iriah Coast. CUBTII rigid), g. t. dept ls-m —-Rath Elder. S 3 year «M nprtda flier who prefers td be designated a* 'Mies’* although aha is married, waa balked la taking goveraaseat fer her private pilot’s license today. U iae SllAar lISAItaJI |w|* e Weff. sport' moaoplaaa and waa preparing te taka the air when iupoetor Whiter Jojas of the Deportment of Com merce Informed her that aha meet first nader ga a physical osSaniaatJnw She proceeded te raeaftw the filitp atlon. -- * • iaT Mia* Elder appeared fan aadaer'- voui wbea eke viaital the flet to day, hot there wee ee apgad—l dim ination of her dtt arm tail |toa te fly across the Atlantic. . GRAMPIAN. Peas Sept 1 #-5fU The airplsse City of Olympia snaihar 31. an eatrylS"fSshta racea at Bpok attt Washington crtshid to earth . tonight in the Pannaylesata hills near hare. 4. Valet Ins Oephart of the Marine corps reserve, the pilot, Jams *4 With a parachute whoa the motor a-jat a«si aaen dwd ta Dta air w« ■_ nflfde e good lendieg and was utUa- Jared. . * ' . pßf e rAXXfIJI EXT ATI TAX CASE BE VSfICD St#* * 1 * . v:». ; njil'SvV.Mr >“»"■: »rr; *» U ‘i.*’'nr v* ■ llALKU'ilf. Sept, ld-tdrv—A ape pJftl tepa of ilnfUd Blntna Die totes « onrt will be called prehnhly la Ms* • ember or January to try the Can non us refthd cake District Attarway Itviu B. Tucker, said today. nhe Cannon gstst# Omagh t safe against Gilliam GrUsoan United Wt«ir» Internal Revenue Collector for North Carolina. alleging that the ee* late had overpaid Ita gararwnaaatal v taxes to the sum of aronad |7id,»Oo. The tax was levied during tha Wilson administration hat as eoUec lor Grissom collected it he wee nude K defendant in the case A similar case involving the tease estate, came ep ia New Vtafe State and Charles Rvaae Hagha*, Mew York barrister, end Stag governor, won his case tor tha Caaaau betas* Mr . HuiUa, wUi tppmt I4CU the Gat after i