weather , t 4* 4 ffcir BuacUy and Monday o. . « * VOLUMB SIX; NUMBER 174 ** Ten Killed In Crashes Os Airplanes; Seven In N. J. And Three In Cal. •* cr F«WM| Fokkar, Owned by Rcy- Mtti Cnuml ia N«w ]«r --» my Orchard * ■' DEAD MECHANIC IN AVIATION TWO DAYS Had Given Up Garage Job To Get Into SMMtbing With Bigger Future PLAINPHCLp. », J., Sept. 17— Seven part®!*# were killed te day end tire injured when a, Fokker airplane which kM flown orer nil the airway* of Burapc and had made t«ne famous trip from ttnttand to Vfuft Africa cranked ia an apple orchard nepr New Market. The machine w.-ia owaod hr the Reynold* Airways awd was beounht to this country from Holland about two month* ago. It ket oat from Hadley Field thin af ternoon with it's load or passengers nocking their first thrill in Uie air. Tho dead included Vlie pilot, the mechmic, two ether men, two wom en.' and a 7-year old boy. N. King, the mechanic, met death on hia second day, la aviation. He quit a Job *• a Karaite mechanic on Tharaday "Ight ia order to ro Into > aomc hint? with 7 bigger future. There wero •• eye the croak A Three Die la De#erl fn«k PALM DAL*, Calif, sept 17- (d*|—Three men one a uniformed naval officer, were killed when their nnml alrplene crashed to the desert ,22 u*||n* east of here today One of the two men In civilian clothe* who aecqmpnaiad the of.leer wa# identi fy a* K. Booth, of San Diego. . '■* . yL — Levine Ha* Anether Quarrel CRANWKIL. Eng., Kept 17 {4V Chart** l«cvlqs, wfro has quarrelled already afflliMl?r«u*pilot* w»i at log, y r-'beads with a fourth today, Capt Waiter HlachcUffe, both the before and after their two unsucecasful at- Uuvpta to take off for Indian In L*v lad*a Columbia The difficult!** developed early tbla moioing when Irvine snid that he would not fly because the ground wna too wet for a take off. Hincb cliffa, retorted that ho wna tired of thooo delay* and that if he didn't fit today he would not fly at all .‘T have reached the and of my patience," he I 1 John of the Columbia Aircraft Corporation, build era oif the plane, aupport-d Levin* In M* argument and the pilot told him to "Shut up/’ Th# aftar two naanc- Ctaaful attempt* In which the ptnne cnjldered overloaded failed to rlae. Levine ISt TST I Anion tint her For Air Rare BPOKEANK. Wash. Hcpt 17— (4V- Speedster* of the air, from the eat, wont and aouth. gathered her# todav to perform in the national air race* next week, which will he rlhnaxed with the race to the finishing line bare of Tig plant* entered in 3 trana - continental deride*. The Spckane ali-non wa* alive with activity Seoret of mechanic? set up and adjusted plane* entedad ir the local eyfHa that had orrived by express. aim tnnaup'englne* that railed other plain* and mourn*nine from dletent fart* of the country. The. principal event will lie the roa-atop pkee from New York l" *Wfh jkere ere T entrant*. Th.; rac crt in tbe' gAkor "■ TWO trank ennffneh• tkt meed WtH mm.. .«!»?. JifflKL— °* " ‘ - - ~ WOMAN SKIN-ll II Kl «: HER HI KB hi*l» KILLED HaIIMONTON. N J , Brpt 17— (4^ —Mr*. Margaret Lllllendahl war *l.the H ? jpmon-pn, t l?nr t ark'< -jf.Ut; »Ute pPR** t«*der white poJleie and, .county dekectlvd* continoed their aearch fer the revolver which waa wafTW-IfFI for At jw«*W ftttwmiiif. Dr.- A. Willi im Lilliendahl Dr tdlllendahl. a retired phvalcian ahot in death on a lonely road near At'lon, Owe* Tint one-half mllaa north of here, Thurk*iay aft**rn««n. Mr*. I.lllendahl told authority* that he waa kilted tn defending her from two negreea, who robbed him. avksu'-an author dies „ ANTWERP. Belgium. Sept 117- typi—Henry Milner Rideout, noted Amoricen author, died today aboard ' th* Cnendien Pacific steamship Mountnalrn |n*l ee th* ship **» *a- Una* tbt Sityildi. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY Walks Over Mile For Aid When Throat Cut *> Robert Godwin, Grantham township farmer, is in Spicer Sani toTium. aeriously hurt as the re sult of baviug suffered a slash ed throat when thrown against a P e broken windshield In an autotno bile accident, detail* of which were not available. It was said that Mr. Godwin bad to walk more than a mile, stemming the flow of blood from his throat as bee* he could with his hands, for aid. A special {Mtrae -had bedi a*"tgnwi to his care at. the hospital lust night. } ARGONNE RAIN I GREETS LEGION - •' * N l L ’ c foh< ■ ■ ■■ But ('Kill. Stunt l*eltin c Fails To Dampen Riotous Welcome I’Alt!8, Kept. / weather—that l>ld pen«-tr*tlng, slanting raid—closed in »n ibe Am erican Legion today Th* Legionnaire* arriving at Paris ■n Ibis the lart dsy of peaceful nioh-j ilisatlon for their pious pi Kiimag;j found that it. chilled them Just as it j did ton year, ago In the trenches as they went over the top in that fau-Jkl. I west Three thousand Legionnaire* aerlv 1 ed here after having landed front three steamer* at IlovTe and another at Cherbourg. “ Co’d rain pelted down upon M»r ' chal Koch. Gen.era.l Pershing and Na tionoi Commander Howard Horace as< they paid homage t<* the Amerlfoa war dead in Sureanc* ct-melerv 0 But the gang I* all here and th* rnln has neither dampened the e"- (huaia-'m nor chilled the worth of the French welcome. Twenty two thoua | and men, and women fonninv the delegation of the Legion and it* ruxi'lary arc here to refre**nt their posts ut the convention which opens Monday. f) Unique Point Law Is To Be Argued RALKIGH, Kept. *7.—(VP)—lf a !>as-j aenger In an automobile has a half eallnrt jar whiskey between -hla lees la the driver of the sbtomobile guilty traiwuiort itig whiskey’ This point of law will b« argucil be fore the Btg e Supreme Court next week when Z 5 cases from th# fifth judicial dWlrict come up. The iKiltll waa raised in the case of State v*. William Bell . Bell. th» driver of the car, relied on the *dml*alon of R*u» ben Otithrie that he whiskey belong ed to Cuthrte and Bell had nothing to do AWi it. Bell received six n.oothu* roW^keutence. AXITV PKABOIIY H|\H NEW YORK. Sept. 17—(4b—Anita Pealicby. owned by Mrs. J. R. Herts, the $IOOJK) Futiarrty class ic two year old gprlng at race track today, winning by a neck from her stable mate, Retgh Count. Victorian was third, a length h hind Retgh Count The time tor the six quarter furlongs was 31 4 fi jr' *. 11 « • gv /• it a • For $125,000 Plant Started Engine#* Van Iturcn - f the Mavis - rV- d *+kwr 4 ij i arry of tS«ht*lßifu' tv iru a tliWlllij mi" luniujr- ff Sortb ( arolipa null th' eh' ' olale drink now being Inlrodu* «d In twenty five qtntral citlv* of the Hailed HtS'ea under the direction of headquarters in naltlmore and Paris The company’s investment here will represent a total of 8128>,(K)0 Tlie Mavis Company ha# pur «based the Blr.xHl building near 4he passenger dep? I formerly used ns u »ar*ge by the Motor Transport Com pany, and the hnlldlng ls being i hanged to meet the needs of the company. It Wrill be on month, how ever, before ihe Jdant here Is prepared to enter upon the manufacture of Mis drink, . • G4JLDBBORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNINGj SEPTEMBER 18. 1927 Hit by Car, Mt Olive Negro Expected Die Arthur Winn, 24-year old Ne gro critically injured when hit by an automobile at Mt. Olive Fri day, was barely alive at the Golds boro Hospital late last evening, and It was doubtful if he would live through tha night. Wina'a in Juries war* such that surgeons had not attempted to perform an operation. He suffered several fractures and internal injuries. Par'icutars as to the accident or the name of the driver of the csr could net he learned laM night. Winn was married and had one chi’d Ha had Juat completed the erection of a home in Mt. Olivo and. wonttl have started housa • keeping in it yesterday CHECK SELLING AND AID PRICE jThig Is Advice Given Tobacco I Growers by Warehousemen's I Association WILMINGTON. Sept. IT (A3 - With on* market already, an etheir scheduled t* clone Thursday t nd still another Frfduv, the border county market* of the South Ctrolina tobacco belt are slowly winding up one of the succasi'fnl season * In history. The Ml Tiibor market Ci.W. d yes terday after selling during th# sea son 3,l'Od.Onn at an average of |26 the j hundred j | ILumherlon. one of the gr'alc.t i mu'keta in the belt *lll close Thurs day. Since the openlining August j doubles sale* have been running and j more than 7.22ft,<*00 pound# of tobnc : i<* have been sold tn Lumbertolk for MS 2«. Fairmont, the largest market in the ! (.lie, wilt eel labout 18.tMKt.onn pound? nf tuhneo* the aoeaon’a average price nf 922.M«'VI^|I V . . —(—► wilson: Bept 17 (43- n«*oiu , tine# urging tobacco gfowers tn hold their crop In reserve and gtvs whrehottremen end tobacco rotnpan ; lea an npr<» r !uni/v tq e’enr lip tht ■ rnntisMhn "-"re p-isaed here Isle hi* afternoon by Wlleoe director* of j • lHe North Cerolina Warehouse Assoc- j iatin*. w*u, ("rmer.y of Wallace, *WiWi ftWftecii*'"Uic< n .is manager- of, 4|o, .Goldsboro • hyanrb ;trr>m Wjtl<. : K lulf of, the s'a'c is lo l»e served, will arrive In the cl|| Mi.n'i.i>';. Eiv'C ihousand ».!>• ; "f tin drink we te shipped to New Ik-rn by horn Ironi ItfUtlmore and have been truck vd to Oald’hofn l*r«'limln*ry lo the Inlr-odjietlori .-♦>( the brand to thl territory on a who!c«alc m e offered aa n II /da* v /lint Mavis i an > i# bacji it . -Arne ts the lending flnancia^fiajl• - The l ’ The N’ea - Jc.irn . I apd they Xglertd Geoidslioro at tie i center foT their activlles; b«Hav ing if til* h»at city from (he at rind- I- point, of shipping faculitlea from [ wbclh to eerve that portion of North Orchils esJt of Durham. BABY MIX-UP IS UNSETTLED \ 0 • ; Mrs. Han Smith Still Contends Boy and Not Girl Should Be Hers (LBV LI AND. Sep . 17 lA3 Mr*. Ham Smith as she lay on h-r boe pltal bed today begged that scluik* tell her ts the gill she nurses Is her own or If somi- ether little lj*by bus been sahslitiiti-d for the baby buy sh> thought was lu-rv Her face showed be strain of doubt she has suffered since Aug. 2‘J, when alter she given biith t<> a b.djy and waa'told that It was a hoy and tli*-n n few days l*t"r was haudt'il a krl which hospitalM atuchrs raid’was her*. !’ Shi- looks forward tn Monday when' Common Plena Judge YVeygaadt nml 4c nainhc-r of ji'lijvid-nd'y leading phy : KUlana will decide Vs It la fsaagM* Y*j make blood teet i of jh child and It* p« #niH to find oui if tjie baby she no?r nurses. Inti whhli she clnlins Is »» her own, la In entity the child liorn to her August 22. * “Always 1 waa happy ufler my bs hies were liorn," Mis. Smith anhl ill the hospital today. "We wmen suf w h r n our Iwhlee are born. When 11 woke up uft#r this child was horn. I wo# proud and happy. I couldn't aleep, I had In tell o her u others In ftc ward of my son. (It nurse said h# wan a fine H.|ioimd boy. The other mothers were ?trul with nte. "Tli'n one day tin- nurse left the hahv wilh me along time. I.ike all insltws I wo nte I to **<■ 'lint his 111 lie body wan perfect and no blemish on him. t played with hia little feet and felt Ills Htt|# kgs to sc* If they were firm and strong. “I wanted to see my llttic boy when no on# waa around so I could he mire hat there waa nothing wrong with him. Then came the shock,' I was ( l onfua , 'd. I celled th# mime. They had brought nte the w-tang baby. The little one in my arum wan n girl. 1 renumbered what the nurse had said to the other mother*. “4 remembered liuw Ut* dovM»r aod ray husband, tb# aecoa.l day, taJked at my bedweid and the doctor waa so jolljj as be tolc| my huabaud about our son, because It niado due ’ family for tie, with three girl#; nad (wo They ssy they will prove It - by blood tests and by the babies hnhd* and lent that this child is mine, but always th"r* will be that difuht. I can't he ae. happy'n# I waa with (he others." WEEKLY WEATHER • ~i» Weather outlook for the week be ginning Monday. South Atlantic, slates: Partly c'oudy with occasional local thunder i how* j * Somewhat- cooler Monday night «r Tuesday: then leuiprrahirc near normal. ItOS.WIN FRIMIM K GNAWS niK WAY OUT ON A WOODEN JAIL , * O Kept .17 (4N-There I are varieus way? of eKiaplsg jails, aa prisoncru ftive dein-nairmeu on oc easiifh'.,. but it remau.ed/fdr an un jdeniiiied wlii e man, (Vurgc,! wlfiT erankeane-** and' up here by Chief «f Pulii e Mr»#« lo guuw and *er«t«-b his way to freedom. “ The-eliief. gning In the after the incarcerutlun earlier In th# oay to rnrrv his prisoner food, found an empty cell am) • large hole in Abe rear wall of the old wooden guard . tinnac- G»-JW>I lion +rd Vo -jltr thwrrrv (hat Hie prisoners had gnawed his. way- through—Hrc—lwiiirdg: LIGHTNING 11l h * Toll M l O HAHN; EOt If ARK KILLED r™ .IVT A«I UAi I s-iiMjiVkjnys*', ■ <4*? * TWre prrsJß vr#re (l-arH-ftiny, kliic.4-t)> IN* o*m# bolt of ligli nliig late yesteMjav ifuraoon ut a tdksbeo hagg u,, ( . hw#*.-, as the -vefr# ttirfr two n.ulc# and a (log wc'r'- alao viitlnta of the same bolt and. a fifth human being missed d#*rh by .liiebes and suffered, severe shock. T#m McCreary his son Men M< Crenry IX. hie daughter Halite, 13, and Harvey It." Rutrher 20, wer# hanging tobacxn In he burn wh#n th# bolt •ttlMtfsir'the .binldiug and bills-1 them instantly. Th-- two mules and the- d"g w»re just out aule and wi re killed‘‘when th* boll Jumped from the structure. A brother of Mr. McCreary, who waa sanding In front of the bain, was knocked ken arm, 'leg and collar bone llyntim wrecked hi* autoniohilc in the j ■ ditch on the left side of the road ; In itn effort to avoid hitting (ho bov-whn suddenly darted from the, i filling station <>! era ted by It io ta her No blame was atlactied to i Mr llynum The boy ia and r tht I car* of Dr. D J. Hose. mFadoo « ill __ i - NOT MAKE RUN| Ti-S ‘ ‘>■ :n • Makes Definite Announcement of Withdrawal Aa Can didate WASHINGTON. Kept, 17 (4*l - William Gibbs McAdoo, wlmsj presi dential campaign was wracked in th# titantic struggle with the f >«Tes of Governor Ak Smith at Madison Square rardrn three years ago, announred today that he would not enter 'h# rate for the Dttmoemlic miminatioa in I»2* There were Inimodlat* speculation among party leaders ns to‘the pro tnhlr effect of the announcement on the fortune* of Gov. Smith and nth* tr* Many of them read In the Invita tion the Idea that O vern»r Smith rbould quit ql*o Governor Smith declined tn maka any comm#nL While most of ih# De mocratic leaders In Washington re fused to talk for publicatieni *om* of Ihe Henators from the Boutb did not fail to, hop* Smith would get out and clarify the religious and wet t#~ Hiie which have lieeu brought to the frsst.* Those who interpreted th* anqouaq menl a* an Invitation to Kmith lo quit pointed to Ihe 1924 Democratic campaign a* 'rendered abortive by ihe iinfortuna'te injection again’t ms ei position of the false religious ia aue Into the Democratic national con vention and has further d#cla#allon lhat if there was a r&4-tition of this, this yrir, the parly wduld b* reduced i gain Yfi Impotence ’’ Gold Production in State On Increase RALFIGH, Sept. 17. (43 H J. | Bryson, state geeloglst, hopes lo dig l fur her In hi* record* and reports for some data on **t» Carolina gold. I Th* taut report on gold production covered 13'ifi showing a Jump of more than 400 percent over that of the pre vious y*ar with an output In 1926 of $18,64(1 compnre»#*44!rt*44« In 1924. Th* gold ore of North Carolina, Mr. | llryxoil says, consists principally of ( (re# gold, with aohie Iron sulphld* and a gangu# of white quarts or slli-' fitted salt* or both. The ' iron sulphide la disseminated tb rough the slat#* and carries same gold which Is |arg#ly In the fres stst# DAVE DKLIN T« lib: . ELECT ROUTED Of*T. 3» SALISMFRY. Sept 17 (4h "* ** Daw- ronvicted slayer of Depw'y Sliciilf Lindsay T Yar - borough today w.i* being 7icld in Ijio -Roman couaty Jail pending ending | ft the prt-fa*nt brm of r#mrt When the term has ended he will l»e lak#n i/. i||# Ktatc jtrlioin ai- Jla : Tcfgh whrri hc'T* icMduied to bej rftetir'd ii.t"d rmTu-iitimr. 2d?--'———-* (ioldtthoro-ToJmrco Market Maintains Rr.cimt Ailvaures 1 '• * *' * 4k r kht"7;«il*Mpiro tnUiii f«i mHitrt ! ion~{ • t* ■ tillllM to M i up.l HtilfH in eirc*' of l ■tmr rntrrt mfefr- WfiPFViift* earn* peri d laul year. xtati*tfc« iupplird , to The N'.wh ymtturday * howl'd Whfn llii- warrhoiiH** rtownl for flu* * I mill In'c Krlday, fl*ir>h pill'd Tlir Ni-wn ihott, a total of 1,771 j 177 poutulK hud born (old in the firm ten ditjrK of the foasoii At the name time !*»t year «ale~-tßrhool la starting all nfor Nor h Carolina and f»r, J. Henry Highsitilth, State Inspec tor or High Schools, saya between 50 and 6° percent of high school grad- Hate* will enter college this fall. He adds that this large number of high school graduates haa Increased greatly th« demands upon the Tal lied cplltg'a. *Tu he’suit, ton many es «Atr high school bnya end girls drops out before they fluUh the high school course, but It Is gratifying that ■ many com plete the tours* and that go many enter college and thereby equip hem nelves moor adequately fur more es. feel lvc citUasbip, 'he says. estimates the enrollment In tlin white high schools In North “aro ttna lor 1927-?* will approach' s 6Ra 115,000 mark, with the number of year’s graduates being around 12,- bo °- . Pamllcu ia ihenigb school “high - . brow" county of tbs state, liaaed on | the graduulea per 10,000 population l’amllco, with its >3 graduates, J«d Richmond county, which waa second, with 218 graduates, figured op u |>cr. cent age haul*. Northernpton. tla'ea, War»en, Dtir* ham, Moore, ah ot land. Hertford, New Hanover, Cumberland Wiisblng. ton, Catawba. Union, Montgomery, | llertle, t'ravn, AleasndiT, Ire-tell, I Granville. Alamance, Ihiplln, Carteret Chowan, I’ender, ,Mb< kl»iiburg, Per quimans, Person, Franklin. I’saque. lank and other* followed in that or der. > ‘ "" Os the 10.587 while public high school gradua cs last year, 63 3 per cent, s of the*- msrkcl. In*-* » total of irf.y.hs' 93 was paid more ,t qiiaricr "f o million dollars; Safes on the market here and mon ey turned too-.c io growers hove l.een I v roflei'ted in th« quickened business pulse the .past' week. Mom hunt* reported mounting sales - rind arc optimistic as to Uie tall bimjneea-generally .'e**, Htatlstics oh the local market, com t : riled by The News to date: No Pounds, kit. Paid Fbrough last < j Tuesday • 1.402.(135 1206.902 70 Wednesday . . 123.206 17.467 Rl Thursday .... ..115.046 16,1*8 60 Friday 130,890 18.609.12 To*s| hmifl |25f,«if.33 Member of The Associated Press PRICK FIVE C»ni Was Under House BuHt Not More Than 18 (RchM Above Ground HAD GONE FOR AUTO HIDE I.ATE AFTERNOON Charge of Driving Drank and Atvf tilting Officer Aplait On rham Men „ A party of Princeton mad who senrrhed for several hours for Mia# Vivian Hastinaa, 20 years old aad a pretty blonde, after aha had dis appeared following starting tor a rids wfjh Herman High aboat 30 and c; M . h ..Im.mi :i. found her aftar 1 O'clock yeeterdny morning underneath M houaa three miles want of Princeton on the old highway aad apparrijJD unconscious Before the girl had baaa found Maaqn. who had baaa oaa of haa campaniona on the plan for the rlda. had boen arrested and taken, to Sml’hfield under a charge at drtviog an automeblla while drunk aad High, another who hod mnda up the party, had bees ui rested under a charge of assaulting Willie l%all. Boon Rill townabip deputy. I’bail waa called from hie bom* about I o’cloak, Friday nlgbt by a man who. rushed to his parch yelling for the officer to hurry aad keep some one from killing Mm- The de puty answered the call far aid and found It oaau trow Malcolm Tots*. Princeton youth, and the third amlo member of the party whlfh had MR the little John stow town 1# mile* from here. Hardly bad Ph4U renehed hia front porch, however, before ha was (knocked down by U»a maa-later bienlifted as High-for aid agminat Toler had nailed. Upon being assaulted Phail ra-aatarad hla home to get hla gua. When Ita, tnUatMd Migkwas die appearing down the road. Tha dapaty said yesterday that ha all* dlw Mlaa Hastings going daws tha road fron Ha bouse in tha direction of Pripea ton Homa'laaa haler Mason, who had been driving tha car al tha atari of I what apparently became a liquor party bad baaa arraatad la Prince ton Several hoars later High wag ountered oomfng from a Held -rt/,ut IvQ yards from the home of. <, the deputy ha ia aUagad to have aa raulted. -> Mlaa Hast Inga ooald a*t ha located rad "a search waa begun for bar. It waa early morning who* tha head lights of a car driven late tha yard of a home about a qoartar of a mile from Dapaty Hhall’s home diaeloaad t)»e form of a w*man under the bouse, it was Mlaa Haatiaga aad aha was apparently uacaaacloas. Her shoes and aloe kings warn ott trod there war# kroiaea about bar lags, It was aaM. t*. R ■ 8 Siavfha waa haatily i ummoned from Princeton aad Cr eeled the removal of the limp body from undnr the hooae. a from atrue *7ure. and built not more than ll inches above the ground. Ha ordered her carried to her homo la Princeton un ( | within a abort tiam aftar bar ar lival and the admlaatarlng of stimu- revived. Deputy Sheriff Ellington of BmUb* field told The Newa over tha tsde- * I hone last evening that Mlaa Hast mga told him that aha a desperate 'attempt and escaped whan Mnsnn attempted la taka advantage «f her. Tha tarns had baaa true ’of iiich. Deputy EHlogtoa eahf, »h» hgd bald. ' _ • ' b >■> Deputy fWrngton WW lhal Vita •■id High had bean at firtf h«ld un i > tier a i- hums charge, hut. that yes *• rday morning tha Welfare Super* hnatnn county —a wo J’riomoo msd »bw»-»bf bad rorracted bes aiatemi-nta regarUlag an alleged altdnptl at rapy. . v«ly > luuaa agaloal Use two •cen, who are reported to be ealesguta foi a liarbcr supply houaa ia Dur i bain, ksid Deputy Elllngioa wot oaa < of driving while drunk against Masou *' n’Hl one chaigitig assault upon Da- - r puiy Phail by High. Masoo had pro* i vbled s:t(>o bond and gained hla lib eity. Mr. Ellinghoc said High waa *ll in Jail at HmithfUld. %, Hr Mksvena who rendered first I aid (o Mlaa Hasting* said that ha , noticed no evidence that she had I bryu drinking Tolar was quoted aa i saying Miaa Heatings did aot . take a drink. ! The young wofpsw waa at one time -a student at North Careltgg ootlegc j| for Wc«cn, it waa sa)t|, u>