JfcOW -BY - BLOW ACCflKff BM FIGHT AT NBWS©W»CE BEGINNING AT •“‘■"TO—™* WKATHKH u .* „ *Hr Mi frlity LUU# |* » >*fr*i iisroei in .in vauiltt atti NUMMMI »» TLL WIN,” SAYS JACK; “TAIN’T SO,” SAYS GENE SEVENTY - FIVE CANDIDA TES FOR MOOSE FROLIC TOD A Y 150,000 Are Expected Pay $2,750,000 To See Kg Battle This Evening Fair V«atl*f With Temperature v HUN Decree* 1« | •>; ' Forecast BOTH MGMTERH HAY AB Lefal aacrtom Against Bat da Hava Baca Cleared Away CHICAGO. Beat, at--OT) with ito Wn id**' ber-tore cleared today and the city swarming with the greatest t»aht •iew<’ ot ail time. th. Demps y Tttaaey bet* 1 * of dollar*, open letter* had trJsod 6 pinion* mo veil toward Ita c'ianat of , actual fiatli- combat Vofaorvqw sight ie Soldier Field. •f Were debate than any I other * taka tera in all ring history Ota* Taaaay sail Jack Dempsey w'll mdbt Ist tb#6- fotgrn battle fo r the hjfcvyweight ahamp on hip of the wej’d >g'drc a-crowd that la expected to -ahhiier an recorda by numbering clone to lto,#te aad drotributing to raAMpei *f prohaMy I2.7MAM. The tenement* of the fighter* tol »<* * »> tfcfc Tnda me quite coa ideal I wW be*foteri*ftp la tomorrow nigh* eeateeb with Jack Dempaey. 'l ha A reached the peteU tef condition and aw> wijjtout « hrniac »r hart on th* bbqr gs hotel#. I am eve* te>re cer.j tala V will win than when | fin* (trig***# D* non ray at Fhlladclphtn 1 .Wat year. I halt* and rxpect oar con- * teal Wfli he a fairly aad cleanly wag fd betfla " - I Jach Dempnry—**l am retdy for Tueroy thin time I will win derisiv ely. I think f am good enough now Haleb Twfeey losld* «4 a'trcn rounds. If he happen* t» ia*i the lim it I a* aura I will he far enough Mi hi fegatuia win the dedrite." I Fair aad cool weather with the temperatera between M and 10 da- f v grace *u foreceM tonight for the. ' I ' TThcre In but on* phance In lm *■ of rolajt’ the weather hurwm aaid. , •The temp* rater* will bebetween KS and n degroea compared with fl, yroUrday Fur* and overcoat# are ROSSISGIVEN IHIRTY YEARS Mm Who KflM Mr. and Mr*. SWnrv Odwm Had Been Adjaßged Inmine HhMDSHSON, Sept L. Reay, who . ptoade for hia own : ... utfon a year ago when remote:. •»dr ala) In* hia haat frleud <*** whelmed him, today eubaritt'Ml to a plan of aecond degree murder . In Superior Court and wae sea traced *»•>• year* hi prison on eadh td twe tebnts, wntanre* to run con currcifiy Official nffidrrlU udjuged htf* mat** if W add Mra »#ffOdma at (h**r home , uoar AlbarUn -hUy U- U*34. O^A f* t-r'r rrr~~*~ md haariiwm bare pgt—d»d ooer waay month* and the ramlflcatloaa of the cnee Utolr «d many emortcoal outbreak* and mec*ontesf regret error the alaying at "hia boat frloada." Row un|a iflyd at wapeenton, the •oam math ha killed the Odum*, the Shew imd *m Intimated feterde H f*l 1 With JottU+n who a-re«t'd hlmc fOr death area before the trial wue he’d TK* SHORT OF IT ORAIfO RAffDir/ Wlch Sonata*- tinea Vcee‘«fiaa»eogopolulo, wet ad rnttted to Cltlndoahlp here and the \ iourt granted hi* plan t* chaug* • hl* n*J»< to On* Vgaiel . yj >v < , f . *fi * **•* . v J M jf* k>V, -• _„._J # THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE ntjfßH— READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. I.EGION READY NAME OFFICERS ' « Plan of Stormy Petrel Mitchell la Defeated on Convention Floor PARIS, Sept. 21. (A»)-Hje Arnerl. can Legion today had it* tir& conven tion light and Oanrral Rilly Mitchell who rft>t. long ago rtirrtd up much commotion tn he aviation aorvic# loot hia aland for Immediate creation of a separate nlr department 1% the cab inet The eonventlou, however, adopt ed n rrMilnliop frVoring cone n lMa tWw «f all IfVanch** or n a Urinal d*- fen a* into on* cabinet depar ment. j It was a day of dnnl cleaning up routine and lonlght waa given over to electioneering In behalf of candi date* for national officers In the le gion and Auxiliary. —rj Thar* ware mo.e patriot!' tscre tbooloa &day v morc sxvttralona to la Selda aad'prfteiny** gttd the iwat air cl.cua |h« -French* army Ultra com Id peeaeut to storthi. amw aaantr thMr brothom tn am*. The day brought ahopping ala* aud cxyloratian of (raria to are agniu ilu» atapa the aoldlais ku« w in the "As. I’, rule.” v I * *» ' The aolemn totuh waa given the * lay*# proceedings when .ho grrut ou * Misty at Verduu wg* dedicated tn ; the memory of (he Preach who tiled (hero. I i Transporting Case Is Given Review RALKIOH. Sept. *l.-(A*) A The Su preme Court today tnh«o«d a tbr-o --■ mil* liquor limit. * John Winston of Halifax county ■ had received a verdict of acquit at on charges of purchasing and trnnsport liag spirit on* liquor but the stats ap pealed from th* Superior cornrt Judg ment. Winston bought between a pint and n quart of wblakey In Hali fax county and transported it thren ' mil,o to hfa home to be used for his personal consumption, Chief Justtco Sts.cy lavicwed in his opintou. The verdict, he aaid, had been made on the aa section 10 es the Tn ling bn act ot the K«l legislature sanctions or does not i-bndcmu po«- seoslon of liquor In one'B' private dwelling for persona) use, the Legis lature did not intend same net to make It* purchase or transpor tation unlawful when eucb liquor ia to b* uaed solely for the purposes of ffc act. that In. for one's eels, for ooc igSfsinily gnd for bona flde guests «nifftaint-rt with liquor m *4rOm*- All Goldsboro Plans Attend Dempsey-Tunney Go Tonight AH IteUsbers 15 going ■. fAHtrtkaAtflM.»' I "T ' of them are going Is at- USU th* iusety gfWM by The * •’clock la ike eveateg. IteUghtful steading room for t.BM has been provided la front es The News office on Mouth James street aad Ralph Mag. steatorlaa announc er. has been busy for tw* weeks getting kb *e!ee trained »e a* te IttJFKF it rfini Tm>l Inr hDIH ntnyr of Tbo lews to Wialnot Street •m tk* North aad I* ( hestaat oa the Mouth. The fight star) will be dictated - te The Meat* by the Associated . Frews aad ttwfi will be atrt mare than throe attaatee saparatfag the offlea fra* the rhrilh at Hokdlei* Field hi Chlcage. The big fight baa bead the fhW topic at eegyerotisg *b®al uuuamuaa w. cTHHRBt>Av uoihiNfi. skptimbkb n, i»n LOS ANGELES PASSES OVER CITY HOLMAN WINS THE AIR DERBY i Fonßer <> Winston-Salem Man Pfofefce* Firet in CUm B Plane Event SPOKANE, Wash.. Bept Uading the parade of air racers across the finish* line In two 2300, tglte tr*n#-coniincut >1 derbies from <o* York, C. W. Holman. Bt. I’au) aviator aad f . 8. Charlos, Richmond, V*.f formerly of Wlnsbrn-Ualatn. N. j C.. tonight ahtred the 'outfit of v*c ' tors in th* great aviation specUcla. | Taking ih* lead near the last lap j across the mountain* stretches of Montana, Charles spurted awsy from • two eloa* rivals In the class B rac ! for smoMer planes and h* bras sot I feared s few minute* later bju Ho’ man lh the clo** A race fw lurg lilace*. Holmsu nmd* a dlfficu .Vn#W an 4*l'*" 'Mare rjfn of on wheel after losing one of hi* Urea The two filers Immediately wer I'uofficiglly announced a* wpmeta of | the events linkman aa winner# . major pvaot mould receive >l*. r ifM. ahd Charltd fB,OOO. 1 of wer* att'l #t**ag awl Wmuana aarfy tonight. F-iJCSt-, , : * ,r IT 1 ■’ i ' • ' ; “ . (Hy Aa*ociat«d Fre-al Rfobana was tlui goal toward which two score p'nnes cempeting tn five rneqp wlnard their way tonight frot ■ the hthirtU- Si-abourd to the Paclfle croak. Some of the flier* had been racing in their rfmall crafts since Kst Monday morning and some look off nt New Vfcrk today to ajtempt a nmot-atep trons-contlbental air trip In le»* than 24 hours. Out of the more than go plane* that started in the she ply race part from New York and p:irt from San Francisco, more then one fourth es 11# eastern contingenU wss complet. ejy out of ih* running, having be-n brought dfiwn by erc'dcntv, bad weather and engine trouble. TO BBLRf T HAYES MCfMHOI OREBNBBOIIO, Be«t 2V-*m~K national coinmitthman to succeed lolmsoti f. Hayes, who was recently elevated to the federal bench, bt selected, it wa* utiderrlo-d at a meeting republican sUte exe-' iiig. the will meat In exe~ c'lttiv# r«mmiU'M> hern Thursday morn culivs session. It wijs said Eighty per rept of the members of the comuiltte have notified heed quae tmq of she slate chairman i» Render , toiivlllp (hat they will attend tlr »e*tlp« hwo. H wan An noun fed. ■" •he fer..!im»l iGtjJUhifC a coh-ideraWll aateael of assm i bta bpwa bwt oa the ogteome. As a rale Dempsey seems • fatemie with the faas here and Gentleman Geae bark ers have had to spread their mro* ey about ia order lo an) way like enter Dea*p*ey offerings. 1* addition to tbe party which The NFMs will gltr for tbe brae ftt at the pehtfr. radios hi the rlty will be crowded with tletca era. Ilertrh Electric tow pa*) on Mogth Center street is keepiag open house. The Odd K*U#wa are tMiag Ip from their Hull, In* fling tbq pqMle aad marMwg party so they wW aet mbs gay of tk* proUmfeterlee. At the (bmwnelty hsildiug. a* of her open house Is hafpg kept li reeogaitioa M f tfhl BIG DIRIGIBLE PLAINLY SEEN • • f -. A '#■» 11 11 Cftmrod Much Cicitrmcnl As U Flew To wan) Mooring Rt Virginia rapes -w IWIKBHUHBT, f. J.,*tpt> 21- <AP) —A wireless'tresqage fc-bn lh* aural uiriglb e Low which left kora on a training flight this morning, .ild |J» ronvt wttld cruise all night .mil moor 1 to Utel mast ship Patoka At the VbgliUa v Chrba tumor ow morning. > At 1:20 oVlecld Ms stern SUndard I time. <hc shlg'a&o itMi wo* oven Raleigh,' N. i' . Bt«r pawing Dur ham a few t minuAi j»revl(M)»iy »an ord. Fayittevi'fa pti'd Goldsboro also 'ported sight ngnbf craft .- A crew of II «d(Bt c s and nion *ud atudeut officer* was abroad. • 0 A pulsing of thojatmoapheric strata, -rowing air ugcr and becoming a rest whirring and ruddea'y out of he biackneee of a eky relieved only >y an occoa'anal |p'oteh of s ar. there rifted aoents Godstoro lout eveulag ■Use giant Dirlglldo. law Angelas. )nty N ib*, hip brohn the qi»*tly ouUiuro llm a ned agajnst the sky ns the dirigible Tossed the city at a height of about ~fo feat. • ” '• 7—..... ;' f . .. The abtp travelled afro** the cily about 10:0( proceeding relatively *low as compared with th* parting Motions of the Woce biplane which la* i weak few bare, and In the direc tion of Noriolh. At the latter port the big dirigible will moor* to. a »Kip pecvlded for this purpose It was not gx | sic ted that the Los Ah' felea. bigg as* ship of her kind con. keeled with tlid nation’* air arma,- ment, wou'd doinplete bar gurney before this morning sometime, f. Psesage of the ship over the city >»*» crested a flurry of excitement. The News ictffdtonc bell b-gsn ringing bptoro the ship had rcaohsd th* c*n ter of the city In her aprrroch from she direction of Pkywtevlßc and continued until 16 minutes after th* gtv-st'y outline and Uie emc tiny light had been lo*t in the darkness of the night, Meantime move than a dosefl pcop'c bmi called by The Now* office for dhformatlon. , TWO HI'IfDRKII AMD NtVENTY BIGHT IMIIENF. HHOWMRD UEKINtJ, Kcpf. II—(A*)-- Two hun drod and ssveiity eight Chinese pas ‘ aengers ware drowned when the Jap ( naese Coastwise utisroi r Gvntoku ! Maru carsiii-d in Tsingtao Bay, a Japanese dUpeteh 'from Tsiogtso. . Bhangtiing I’roVimh, stete*. The die* isr wss* the result of a ■ panic abroad tbc vceeel wbon vl it J sprang a leak In tbd engine room, Men Dig lip Bones On William Street / ' Did some old mystery write It’i last sentence In boric#, winch were - dug yeabHSlay aßeraooa by uterk. , th# ait of the old middle building '6f the nrwnrmmf ScWaii, fhr the. test few days’ workers were digging sway Jn . duaUrluualy late yedttraay after noon. when suddenly the turn of a shovel revealed what looked “> be a pile of bones Lloyd Griffin, who has charge of the excavation work, went Immcdtetely to th* .uaarea: telephone, and nailed Th# News office A X*w* rcprcaan t itivc pwant quickly to the scene and secured two of the bones, which upon being examined by two local physicians, were declar ed to resemble cloeely the bones of a child’s ana. Work ws* suspended upon the discovery of the gruesome reties, l^bul^nb^eTeautoa^hl^^ioru^n^ PREACHER MAY BE BIGAMIST S'- '.VP ' • <> ri * .s,''- Mhi inter Reported Kidnapped in ’ Georgia LootUi In Grand i % Rapids, Mkh. >. h GRAND HAPIDR, Mluh.. Hfpt. 21— f UF>—Her. WIIIH K. Jordan, former- | ly of Celumbue, Oa., wh It 111 at a ocal hospital, rteuned to tear* bars a* #o«u as he is discharged f refill Iha liMtltution The minister, who tils- Slummed front hia home in Columbus , last--week, did ml diecioaa hit 4**- « tination. He Indicated, hosrover, h* i would not rmurn to Culumtawa. It #«s first reported that Mr. Jor dan had beau kidnapped but in con. vernation with the chief of pp lce l«r i day the' minl-trr said he had Nan ordered to leave' 1 tv-*n by two men whroe n a IOCS he did not know. Iloepite l anthuriib's said th* min ister would b# able to leave the ia ♦ Ututlou ah irtly. A vtfdPt of Iha rase revrlaed th* pteteol waa not auf fwring from lyphpM favW aa »M first supposed. * No chtergoe have bran preferred agnl«*i Ms. Jordan her* uad locaf *f (rials raid he wou'd not b* detain nd, Mr Jmd*« vtenled teHay thW he ’ had a wlf* and ramily te ('afUMteik. ; H* admitted hiving a wile la R*a« nolle Va.. boWWvae. {'HAHfXITTE, Kept 21—DPJ-Pw liability that tee Rev. Willis Jtordan. Mrobodiat minister of Col ambus, Oa., will b* triad her* on charges of big amy loomed large .her* tenigkt fol- Rwtnff receipt of dispatches from ‘he Georgia dity Reports quoted a CM- I'umbu* detective as raying that ho bad written a teller to the ( bar ctu- Chief of Po’let asking that a warftnt charging beamy be sworn out. The Chief es Police tonight wss said to be awaiting the remit at Ilia ’ettnr to Georgia officers baloro ass werlng a telcgrasa received from a t o*pit*l in Grand Haplde, arhm* Jordan Is now a patient, rff. gar ding po.uthMHy ofqprcfßTrlng for mal enlarges against Jordan. NO NATURAL CRCDK Oil. IN ( LINTON OII.FICI.D RALEIGH, B*pt. 21— bn The ('Ateton oil well In Sampson county ranlitr of interest since state Geolog ist Hryoon warned against oil pre motor*. contains no natural grotto oil, the Bficial r*port of t*»t* mil‘ in the food and oil division state department of agriculture, dacl^fes. 1 * 1,1 MHARI’ DROP CONN nMCEN, Chicago, gapt, Us~4*b~vtf prices underwent * big tnaihla today. Neatly sis coma a huebef was cut from values In an roriy rash of aalL ing Indication* that frrot las night had failed so do any Important dam iigc ws* Cblogy respuiisible. Opening price* were,2 541 to 5 1-2 lower, andi 'additional aeUMcks, followed. 'I Clutching Bible, NegroSayl* Did Not Kill. Fremont Youth v m . _ .... ‘ IfV -r ’ 'I . ’NCppmiJH^ ‘ Wi.k fr.cli.s thirty hours (. . He*. Gorge Prank lUMWff. ,negro, twice rowilrted df dkfr ' derfJwaajr t.-*r#ow YarrvHtfw. te-ytar **d row as Dtak IwL. . vrrtau. at Per meat, la erder I# steal a track teaal of tobarro. (•nliancN t« protest his laua «r< re. Dr. J. N. Merman, as Ih* Mfl* Pri»oa staff, told The over long dUlaace lasi asanlagf -I «aw him thte after**#»." said Dr. Norman, “and W *lOl maintained his lauoeaura." 1 fee Bible la now Ih* moot roa ster) saleee of Baseasaro SS Ike I - t.r* < f Ilf* whith remain te Mm ttok post, It was *«Mv He read* (be brok almost roatiauaHy, R was said. He retains a stolid M difference .to the steady approach of dralb aad tw a* way seems Batter ad. Several Hundred Mooae | From Five Cities To Be At Quarterly Meeting TO ORGANIZE MUSIC CLUBS High School Stßdte»ta Bhowtag Much ißUrcit fe Nt.w Ac tlvily PrwfraMi Plans are balag mgde far lb* te. ganisutoa of an orchtetea, girls gtea club, and a pited*hte*»* -#* Goldsboro high robote U»i« rote, te < online to anwougroUtew! gtvaw wai. W. L Vredrtek. auparvtote of musk in th* dty aehrola. ia warkteg a plans whareby ail ftadrot# who are lutereoted In the different musical I Cub. will be given aa ©ppertanHy dal take M ecilv* part I Thro* 'Detenu who p«ay mastoaU Insttamvadr w * r * «Mkd tagteher tori n m**)tof dwrtag the jteGvHy period I yuteroay mtewtag and fifty Bay# aadl girls rtk:i* j show Mr. Fred rick thadl they war# lat*rested Tkte l* • wacij larger, number M|*a had hteg **9o+l a 4, aad will: Ip all prohhMlßg have tal be rot down in ordro ih*tth*^amber| 'rate hwad> amahs - Tty onto will be hew daring »ha next weed of two, aad (Bn tom num ber U atudrote ritewteg their wUD ingweeu and lateroe! hi taking T»rt wih Apd eome (tepn eompatettow, Intera*t 4r. running high to all three of the opwpooed urgnoiantßaw. though a meeting ban law called only for thore who piny aoHu tm as ma«l eal toatronmaf. H'fS' Thera are very few high nebaadg ta Um etate having such a varied pro gram aa outlined loir th* activate* l<t music. According to thou* behind the nteVMMai. Gutdsbord should turn out one of the heat orchestra* la t)# state. Several at the bays who dUy ip the Odd Fallow*' Orphansgi bead **** usable te ewport at *b# oaM m roting daa to the fact that Mi of were nway oa g trip krtefc the Or pheaage band, bat they will I to* ap with the rlf|y Other maeiclaas wh*m they return from (lute trip. The activity parted, with a length of thirty minute* waa put Ik Iha high seboal schedule this year hi ar tier that the pupil* might have a certain Um# for aueh dub orguulsu tlons, and /with this flrst moyw to ward ih* q*e of the period, the Idea ot perikipetton to club life (a com* tag «o th* forefront. wadi nan GERM AM AVIATOR CMFLETM FlltoT AT ARE BF PLIGHT TO THE IN IT ED NTATRN ANGORA, Turkey, B*pt. Jl-iNV,.- Lieutenant OU* Koewndcke, piloting the Casper biplane Germania on a flight te Mm United States hyw*y of the Orient landed bar* today com- I plating tbe ftrot a|agn dfjthe flight ' - I I ... ro.' .,** os fwb#W“'H J tmpw . ap df*vwv 'ik m > -jr a* •. m T ik» v Final efforts te. eater* a re- the Bit* IMWiI.-Jotri * Frltsellc es Aaew HDI, wh* had . represented Base more, was rtos eled with Purdro t ommlo-lower Rrhlget tor several hears plead teg for a reprieve- - Baseasaro left WilNumMea. N. Sm te n tote ere tngk dritaa hy the 16-yror *M Pram eat h*f. ftorersl day! tolar she poUefftog hedy of the youth was found rot far from Farm rt Re, a ballet wound to the hpad. WMroeeee id ratified lageaiero aa havfag been tedy wwThmdfTto v^TatoehT ratified ad havteg efforad Mm track lead at teharoe for sale la farmrilla.'' -»*■■■ » , HI II Unto of j The Associated ■ P**m ,v I t J ■- j. J lr ' •■sat ana:-* GOLD6PQ>OLOipqM(| HOmT TO Vlanvß PubHc Parada flnach BtfM# WW Ba HaMaTnafelßC | t Mr 4 lt~ Tte Wa elroalL 1 if MM a* 1. Ca— BuMtefcl 1 H 4p. m. »| II the Herder, * j JL ip m Paiate II berry .Urol kite MHL [I a p*mw>gpfc. 1"» W Os chlcbes edlXilT mK Hell on Mulberry airaag* I Mtel thfo Officers wha wW |>BHi Btet day's sessions acdffc&jf - 0. C Rtoke, Or#** Mbrtb !»-* Reletek i T m l M. H. HnwsU. Groat Baulk Mam . Goldsboro. ' 4 f K- L. Btrltetoad. Orog* laM Muaro t —VIIsOT. t W. H Hfoaa, Oalding Hun# . ftetoebaro. • J. T RtenoU. jq : Edgar Womhto, Igtegar Mulkgfc. to tentgaaTniv ■ agteiHto for th* focal ladge ’Rfo^v west, following a aMfp*4 Ml roafo, South to chestnut- Dank Caster Mas 4k requested to f«t registered et local hai^S.lHp^ I

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