W tab! frost, bi an*-- - gjtogy ll * l <iM ' ■ = 'JOUTMfI SIX| NUMBBR 179 TUINEY SAVES HIS CROWN BY FIERCE COMEBACK Two Local Men Named I As Officers Os Enoca Branch Moose Lodge U a more Meets* ft I quar tdWr Cento Bail and frolic, ths Cnqoa ffiwwoh of tbe Mar Haal Legion Loyal ON* Mooes was guest last in «•» ti tbe total Chapter of the or •ts «t i kutean and chicken fry M wator warfca^ o Hlatt«oa if ofocere la U.e lfftr noenageaieii fed featured Uu dajrx stortow attend'd Vy several hundred wMlai ' f the lodge* of Goldsboro, HnWgb. foycCMuito, Tarboro, and wiiaaa. Tkt faMowtaf ware nt*io<J to (aide Uto, foeftnee es tbe Eaoca Itranch North Mooes, fe. W Womb’e, Hal Mfo: Itosth jktn, Ed Poole, K*v sitsritoi 4R*>*c. J K Ed ward*, Go (to boro; West Moose. W. P, TftUttoan, WWadm: treasurer Her- Wft Winston, RnMgh. Oultfrhg Motto*. B 11. M'tdtoU, OoldaMcro; Ar . |np«'«toHMM I. Sheppard, Wrt#on; t eupfiultoa, w to, tortd. PtywttovNto. 'A oo&a stoadjr Attoxle tolling about 6 sVtocfc ywtowtoy aftamooa d« which tbs' t otrssto of tba city. The lauge oto»e of eaitdlftotoa land tbs font under Uie directing it John R Bd wards, toon! itotoMtill, hosrevwr, artt ' Aboqt Mtunljr-flvs new mem tiers] ‘ fJdfi,«M ftJN Wto a oJLJbaJtee: etoba T«rUetoaU*( in the rally at tai ttotloa oorsnonfis hold Jn tbe Moose Hill in Ms (berry sod John strsot pro daedlfp tbs parade Tbs toeal Chapter rsealssd nurwer •as nagtototoUun* for the hospita ble bast U bad firmed ltee*. PRELIMS WERE SLOW AFFAIRS ", I Only ttocn Before Tunnoy-Dwnp aay Fif*i DM Crwwd Show Midi Mfr . '-’liV . » < IJI SOI4HBB FfMLD. Chicago, Bept. it—UPy—l* tba ftrst prellmiasrjr bout before ths WHt to night in* ■br > ’ Uteri'*. **k»L M|«a., era* doctored tbs winner . on -pwtatg over Jsbwny Russell of New - Yarfc. after • awtullng * round *•«©. Hsstsll was wdlalf but Inaccurate nMt PftorsM did what Rule dantogs Wfrstowdi k> 9,7 G and Wtetosa Itt.7». ; ■ Ths tint signs of "<• ■mujtonn rTf* came in the woe* ond pifiltoilnary in »Wch Chuck Wtg ■to* of fndtouapott* ■ spon-W mate •f Tnto»e>*». hofnn to wsllop Jimmy Byrne, M Uutortlle, In a furloo. et rbasfo alMf tbo ropp*. The dollfht as tba spsetatsta > ***' >m s-blitiC ' dflit* bayrs of ths qtfhtWETjELa thuch wtgfias |^Wrr^!,fi tot,* tip M»e<md >n»nmiao^M"^^' Ifoasd head to hood in n wild ffiton •- of (lows, mo*t of tbs routs Noltb rr scared • kuMkout but wlfqlns bed by rseapa od hlfh reach an adTantafe with hsary raH» I* tbs bnd sa sew evil occasion*. Wifylnt weighted 4 Ift.rtfind Byrne Tbs third pco'tmtnary rosnllsd In a decl**oi for ftoorge Manley Dsnrsr light bsarywetfht orer Yale Okum, of New York. MMlsy waa ths aggro* Mg #nd (a ths third and towtH rounds of tba Bx round . match punished Ok<tm drswing btood from hU mouth ♦id «otf wf*h snappy Isft books. Manley >cafed MT.7» and Okum . Mi.M,. 1, r<■■ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS MEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINOR ARB FRE9H—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. IMi ' 4 ' 2,000 Attend Fight Party of The New* Mow Hoards for tbs number -» SMftrtntasd by Tbs News at fight raittoa wars mtablisbsd lent ml**, whoa M* paper was at bona to mars than 2,000 of tbs pugilistic fans of tbs city in a two hear program. James street from Walnut to Mulberry waa JanimsA * to people who desired to hear the * blow-by Mow Recount of ths battle as given Ths Nows through tbs AM* toted » Press facilities. f Tbs account coming Into tbe of fice of Tbe News was never mors than half a round behind ths i ■ fight taking place In Chicago I | Chief of Polios Tow gave some Mtoi of tbe crowd gatborsd to I hear tbs fight when bs remarked -Why | pCuldVi even get to' tbs ► office down James street; ] had to go round by ths bsckway " . JORDAN AGAIN AMONG MISSING Mi»lnter Reported to Have (dft HonpiUl Without Paying Hto BUI 1 OBAND RAPIPtj. Mich Sep . *<*»—TtoUtol. Wlllli J. Jpntntt_ftu. miss lag tsnlght. Be left the hospital ' Where htrffed besa treat'd for symp toms of lypboM tover end without prying Ms bill, rode ts sn unknown | destination to a >atl. j Moanwhito auihorttlas ft Charlott*, ;W. fl,kM «d ysssltod a totter which ' tbe chief of a detective ageaoy said he had written rogsssUng .bem to swear is,a warrant charging Jordan with I Mgamy. f * "V " **■' ' Border Markets Are Ending Big Season WIILMINOTON, Sept, »!.—OPI Bords market* 011 tb * la *t leg of tbe eras test ssason in tobacco history innigb Wars cheeking up to Aud that 1 1 tetter grades or weed were produce! . b*sn reported Jrom the sastrrn bell land m.Hkstrd In this belt than had land consequently the season averages throughout he belt will show up nice ty in com pa rtssh with otheto. #. It it generally predicted that tbs en<! e belt will be closed within two r weeks. Bright tobacco of :he medium! winper type brought handsome prices »nd official* expect a general average throughout tb* s*>en markets tor sh« Vason slightly Isas than tbs to*t year, but- be total amount of money paid out will bs much mors on ac copoLof the unusually large crop. | Veteran School Mart Jluricd Near Princeton Vesterdav A martyr to tbs cauae of edutsaUon "J. Milton Jonco, 71 wna rmurned to the egrth In the empotenr nsar Print etou yesterday, Rsv. J. M. Daniel >, pastor of St. Paul Methodist church eeudueting tbe service. Mr. Jones dftd Momtoy to a Meal hospital of UsflrmßWV Iscideiit to OW age. si-; tofflto^ltT.laWtoto.il afi* than la-t week Mr Joan *** >to almut. ami preparing to resume “irts wwrk «* teacher in a school o« ’TBb batiks of the ’Nimse net ftU fiMu' Prlnceton Thw past summer Mr. Jonee attended the summer session at tbe University of North Cirolina, where he was ths oldest etudsat eu ro’led . fiirvlring are the foiluwiifii child .riRL.JffIL. nitom U* «f Papcamai, Mrs. W. C. Crawford of Wilson; Mrs. Mantis I*. Jones of Uoldsboro and W. J. Joass of Paysttetrtrte Mr. Jose* waa born la Jackson ville. Oa., In Irtf HIM family moved up Into Virginia when he was very young and It wws ft tfcat state that be received Ida early education. His first intornetton cases from bis moth er and later bs wsnt to -the old West worth Academy, in eoun GOLDCtBOftO, N. C. FRIDAY HORNING, SBPTKMBKR 13. 1917 ONE SECOND SAVES TUNNEY*S CROWN t* - y*. ■*. «• a,. . a» U ~jd p*. ' f:" KtolMM ' Aflk I 1 JH . • «BNE TrRNEI , ; -• v . • o » In * bo,seventh round of n history-making fight tu Chicago laqt ntgh| - Jack Dpmpaey floored Ucuu T«nn»y for tbs twnut of nine, (Ins more lecetvd ami Dsmpse% would have agai,- perchod atop tbs h«avy#elfht msak. but bs lacked this second aud lton°w on ih\tfsy to th* shades of übUvtuu, Tuuneyto over-anxiety to score arst coot him heavily ft Ms first tow rounds v and Jaek a tganto in tbs tovcfiib usualJmve nine and t.aua«d him to suge hi* for thus ssmshack In the ninth sud tenth.T Both rsfsrso and judge agtvsd that Tanner won on point*. Governor Smith Is & L Confined Bed Illness ip*^**^* 0 NB'V YOU I-. ttept. fS (A*) Oov uruur Ail tod E. Hmiilt was confinrd if hto had at Hotel Blllutore loniuht I offering from an at ack of bronch itis. Tbe • governor partirlyotcd in Vrettnd breaking exercin* for ths UOW Hudson rltvr l»rklR« yesterdur end it thtroai L rlatlou f ont which he hgd bopn n y cut.eriilg developed into broachllls.' ■ —r ■-- —— l - Republicans Select Jonas Committeeman OWB9NHHOHO. fie pi *2. A/P) today chosen R<-puhUcaii Nutlouul A-hurh* A. Jonas of LlncoVnton was Succeedldg Judge Juhustou J. Hsyvs, cooi'iiltteeman for Nortli Carolina war appointed Fsdergl Judge. The wher surrendered the p«*s wh*n he ; party committee meeting here elactsd I tbs Itimsltuon man on the llth bal lot, ll# was the <l*rk horse and earl. A. Whilqtter qf Hickory end worked | isr In the meeting had nemlua ed A. Aar hint ft the balloting. 'ly. Al Aha time them were »& boys in school there, but Cot. Jim H«id. why maa la obgMUr bed made lt- one of the moat fsmoua preparatory school in A>t|srio3i« .When he was 30 ye»'« old young Janos entered ths Emory «ml Henry JMiool situated betas-n (,'ladc gprftgs abd rtrtotot. Va “ ifltrtme|to)P' •"♦ntoto "V’Yftto W' JtWiA'' * r.itenfied-school until H*2li w hen lie ‘ipn}* ft AJhatped Hill to awtar Hummer wie-wi forth« puepoje »f mrtung Iba. . grotto if ffil taacher certificate Chat he hold. M»st of the time bstwooc bo had spent In tile sch iol room try ing with all his might to transfer •»me spark of tbo slams that hurqsd within him to tie heart or tbs coun try hoys and fclrla hr- taught. He hai nsusr-langltt to o «i>y salwl tow» - slwayi In tbe isolated back country fillers he fsk that his seevires Is not only fssded worse put apprqdnt •dinars . ■ 1 } During his* 10 years of touching h- < bad worked ft U different p'acss. L Lfitt year bs taught a little »cho»l on the Mouse River, ft John#ton county. He wan working for a school i committee 'here that be had taught when they weft boy*. ~ • .y - I 1 I . JU h MlMir * , News Correapondent To (over Execution UnlbM a toot minute reprisya save* hhn as it hor on two pto vlous oceailoss. Uvcrge Frank Base more, (ir.-eue county negro, it 10:3d today will pxy with hto Htg hr ImVtiK killed Gordon ton 16 year-old Fremont boy loft his body rotten besldk ths -Y-oad. stolt-n a t'tii k load of tobacco which had been tu the oars of the hoy As special correspond ftt for The New*. John If. Ismgston, jr., will cover tin- elocution and write a special story for row'< is-ue CROSS COUNTRY FLIGHTS FAIL AviutdrH I naufcnMfiil in Effort Fly From New York-Hpo- in 24 Hourn SPOKANE, wash.. Kept, 33 <**) Eddie KMn-ott'a f'-mtd landing xt MtoAnila, (Mont., . tnrtmalicnlly efi ulnau-d him front the New York Epokaue non "top ure rial raco under the rules,of the flight,. SPOKANE. Kept SJ-tfPV. -Eager eye* ncagnod t|j<- , «.*ir r n. fifthffw iju night for two m»nopl*n** mirrylng ft.ur men nearly io hours out biiw trsn»-comiaontiJ atr racs from New Pork A' atton exnortn had estlmat 4wi ik+ fiiuto -w-Hid re-qtore fi* toswv u|ilA*)*| Air 4. wHfifiUMe. w hafiVfifiM fififidk Tin" planes, |Uillsted hv C. A Rt hill- r In th< -mniinplun# Ifoy»i M in esnr gad Edtfte minim at^ ' isiiis Savo'itoM ttigbtwti mile* fn»m their goal by rea'd en«v« ofWsllaee. ldnhji. I*le today. StlnKon was forced (Win at Mistmils M«nt . left hi* plane there aud rtm tlutisd the last stage In a plane pilot ed by R E, flake, of Ihtuhurgh. . lL.i i m I' lfri iiTw inr— - llir " r " HltlMtN MI-dIT IGUNfiT Tl YNKV Olio ■ ■ S—» r-“—T' -•* 4 ( HICAOG, fispt, 33.—fAV-Hherlff Chailes K. t'raydon persotUlly ssrv«d a summons oo G*ns Tunnsy to Tua nsy'a bungalow quartrss on top of' I ths hot#) Severn In a f 18,000 breach jot contract suit broogh hr Thomas Mr Halo, who said be formally was I T>> nsy*» social ssstotary, v - - ■ -- - —-,r - . ■^'.-.--i~i:- -■-—-■mm- Jack Floored Champ For m, \ Count Os Nine In Seventh And Misses Win By Second Fight Sidelights J Mil.DlK.itN 1111 It CHH 4GO. Nep.* 21 (API- A few drops •( rain cams dsn a during tbs fleet preliminary recalling ft mind Hup fioi>|iit) -Tiiifj h>|tit ts last that wm fought to a down psfir. hers was «uly a few scattering drops Ml of H»e inky blackness and (key stepped shortly. My dtM o’rlork, wbb Ik# fight lt*e»f fbrvs hours away, IMSfi ft ; SRAM * portal sr» ware Iw the an etotacA Ktrowgvly eaeagh. the nn^| sew to, tbe fit ones located at tbe .-«»rtnis worth awd wf tbe erewa, 31* raws from tba ringsbto, wore •mewg the ffirt ecf|ple«L A* *www es tbe gatda wore ope**" ed at k p. m. tbe crowd Mailed jWfiptss ihrseah the ture*ti s-. , Tbe Sttenm es fight fan* were guide,l to the gates by solid I toe* Tbs weatlftr was reel bfit not frigid rnougk so meet ‘tbe per purgiiss# eperfttors. Tbe tempo ml ure wa« arennd U degree*. Tbe spectator*, bower or, were pr-pired for an sretir blast Tbey wwrr bgwdtgd jg ItoiSy win ter t#3 east* and even flicker* boraa*e of a threat 'ef ratn. il stiff bswewe swept tod pf tbe segtbwest, rgrrylng the .base bf tehneew smoke with lull n frw-h base sprang "ftp tact natty. _ More typewriters nwd telegraph Instrnment* were el lei lag and n«re * l Mlke»" to sp»ratleu than at any pretlens uporilug event ft hi*i<>ry Thtfe were |M occepxrl* of (bo I press bexe*. - '' " r .‘ H * fim J< ffrie*. hemy weight cham plow mere than SR years age, was at tbe rta**ide. Rig Jim, tbe eld Itotler Maher, layby ft‘get n tow thousand of dollar* for hto big gest fight wgaln»t Corbett and Ftt*4'mrf>*« and chare to a lrtt.nm> purse when be fwatfht lark Jehmos, was here te tell nbowt a pair *f yeeth athtotea collecting tl.i.vtJHut ftr not mere fPowilniMul ow’ Ps*w to>wei Potato Growers Take Steps Seeure Closer Cooperation Mutiny proWm-nr* ~Wt Bwe»t potstoe* ii( N<> ih and C*rw iMlSif b«r« yeeUrday ■ twmed a curamlUte In muk< |!au* ror.a» of I how interested In sweet pointo development. items .which this uttnmM III&SW m ."W %»tew diUJe beitirr <y>op*Veys>n Ue*we#n North .it.ll South Carolina In market ting *lt« snoot no that * flitf** *TTT fi-- Ti"rrt!fW TTMTWfm' 4h» Southern grown product «wd re* duclipn in marfeeitnf e*p*n*d. Tkf bllevhir were notnml «o com prise the committees i. K I Jen sh irty, Thos. H. Norw**4. ‘j, E. Sw, A I* Button, J. K. tmrfson. The meeting *u he’d *» n Mnt ronfefeliii «fTh‘ Ve .fnraiina,' Division of Market-*, North Carol la* Department of Agrlriilnrn l . North Carolina Htete and *imUßr representative* the state of South CtrthH meeting with the grower* and warehousemen .The meeting wa« held at the ‘effle* of the Chamber of Commerce and e«ll ed to order by Ofo. K Itoaa, c.ktyf division of marketa. Brfef talks we’re made hr Professor C. D. Matthew#, ♦ & jfea* : v:,A 1150,000 Paid f 2.850,000 To WUaMa Greatsot Match of jjtMsry Characterised by Smashing* Stashing Tactics Fram Start to Finish v SOMK SAY TUNNEY COUNT WAS SLOWI . THAT HE REALLY SHOULD H4 V ® BEEN CALLED OUT Both Judge and Referee Acme in Giving LaufSl to Ocma «K Points Because of Superior Ability Shaw* m Mow „ * Os Teußeuuds of Fight SOLDIER FIELD, Chicago, Sept. 22—(AP)—Gama Tunnsfr tho man of destiny, U still heavyweight champion of thi wfjh but hi* crown wan perilously cloae to being toppled from Us MM tonight by the gallant thrUht of tha old warrior Jack Dense*HE the greatest boxing spectacle of all time. , ~l k Tunney’s hand was raised In victory at th* end of.a aiaaMMh smashing battle but only because ctf the courage and Afhp power for a sensational finish after being knocked dow* *■!*• count of nine In the seventh round by Dempseys twoßaimai attack. . " Only one second, in the seventh round, separated Deepen* from the grestest victory of his career an achievement no atmr ex champion haa ever recorded, but Tunney back e* hi* from range, cleared hie head and weathered as stormy a eaMph as hoover was in. . . ' . , i_» Tunney carried off both Judge’s and referees decision iivn-tsn c round match before a record breaking crowd of 180,000 that MM $2,850,000 to set tho fight. Thera waa muck dispute about the i ingside over the length of the count of Tunney s kpoclmOUM some claiming stow that the dHURPP MffOtit'foufpt b v Tunney who seemed much the faster and stronger, The challenger was a target for Tiutney's sharp right cMtaK He was staggered in the fourth round and in the tenth was on the verge of going down under a heavy barrage. Tho oM Hauler Mpt plunging In but he was too tired'to last, both pro fusely from cuts and his resources almost expended. ~ ~ DUVALL FOUND TO BE GUILTY _ y, . v ~ Jury HeMg Indtonapolia Mayor VtokOgd Corrupt Prac tice Act - INDIANAPOLIS, fd.. Sept .-Mayor JMm L. Duvall of lnditaa poito was found gnißy tonight'by x jury of ohargw of violating th* (orrupt practice act. The, verdict caito for a flne-of |t,3M and a g*n tmcg of 33 days to jail. Tbe jury was ihi a little mars than three hours, but more thattMw hour waa taktia .for tliunor. Tbe Jury reached a ver dict at 7:43 and reported to Judge C. C. Shirley at 4:06. Under the law Major Duvall Is 4aj eligible to hold public office for four yen™ fenm tbe of the crime. ’ **l have nothing to spy," Mavor Duvall said. He waa pale when the verdict eras read. . ' m tVe Vwect potato crop In North- CarolUia , frost—*- com m>-re tat jmiut of view. Mr. W. W. long, dineior of estbnsion of South (Taro Una, discussed the drfeetopmeat of the tweet potato industry floug'sha* Per Wlhre •fer-gdath CarwttWg: 11 simt market* stressed tbc Importance of betterment of grading nod standard igattnn work among grower* awd ••.♦"Kxinentep |n promo - ing thu In du*try in North Caroling. T 0 Younr of the Carolina Co operation* Codnolldateii reviewed the History of the method* uead hi Ih) mdcgstlnir eweet p<*sß» crap* In Boutli Cnrolinn, daring the, past »ev jetai reeri and hnw the demand iat thelr-produc* had grow*, until H. wee' impossible to mjpply'the deminri* ror n high grade dry kiln aweat Male* 11. I) Andrew* of fit Otire, »tit J *d the naceeaity for forming ! organisation among North Carolina grower* and warehousemen for getl iag greater result* for the North CartUat awwat potato crop W. C. . Montgomery, of tala Wil mington Track Grower* Association, t (Co»tta»Bd 0» Page Throa* 1,1 11 ” Member off : j The Associated I Press I I ~ = ~i_ IfiiTmm aa the crowd ckeared Uttar wuwbmh ■ A host of pabMc oiCMlia ineliidlag Hirdutrd. (the man actaaliy *JEt not<* pph, A rousing orattog gfgltaC I Ttaifipr ; aa ha osaie'ta at IBtdC. Dempsey at , t nea stepped danciaf Ig Ms cMaor »nd‘ than turned to grig —fllMfif back to Mi , woolen «et« sad the Sjrentor bgr math, the crowd karat tow g cbagT* t at the eight a# the former che»p4a*w ran browned tore#, lithe aad beara ■ w-hsasr: y r f aery te?ne Bilk, trim awl with >V*f. Umjjlorp Wgpptoeßd tolg> Jack Sharkey who lest a knopLegt » ‘rodueetf from the Hag. The referee wee aagMiaael ee thw i Dare Barry. The Judge s were Uytton aad Skeitog Clark* M i 1 Dempsey mieecd a left hiege, |kii« r leg Into a clinch. Jadk pUad in hKjn with two left hooks te tkh rigaJ la the clinch that followed ie > Os nr four, time* wtth a dw aactoe i back of t’h* head. They gga ■ tkiuely. Dempsey pretartac •» to|gft' i for openiags while Tunnry iatt bgek. - chin aad followed with a solid ikjM unaah to the cheat. Jack fhtt M.j| (Ooatißued 08 Pb#b % ‘ „ A

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