WEATHER px* * SSr- • I IWr tetartey sad tester. Slightly I «uwr teptey. •' ■ ■ y O -.t. I '• <**: ’ , \ VOLUME MIX; NUMBER IHO NEGRO ELECTROCUTED FOR MURDER FREMONT BOY FL YNN CLAIMS DEMPSEY ROBBED OF BEU a • •/ 14 # REFEREEHOLDS JACK TO BLAME HiwiMj DfctNt Got to Ntwtnd Cmnm (Jail Got Down 4 SMMMfaI TUNNIY ACTUALLY DOWN RRTWRBN 12-13 SECONDS Bat Boxing OiAilwlm 8u»- tatea Victory Verdict far CkuateMt Gene CHICAGO, Sept. n-CAV-Ttie Set tle is over, *e txodup at the moot sMSiacufer tight crowd is asoriy cm ptets bet the debate U etill oo- It ne ed w*h Increasing rtrtrnr tbae dlm toihtog hirr tonight about too now fam#ue aeraDth rented end whether the vextg cooet at etee—actually oc rarvtec * ebeee of IS to 14 recoad-i— --■awed Ohii Teener from losing the hsaipn sight crown to Jack Bern peer. Tl»e eftlotel teetnen -in Teener** ftwr ee the eoorw of de'er te oopA tea In the eevewh toned until Demp soy wee waved to e corner ee welt ea the eerdtet at the elo»# ia the eteaploa* > fetor stand* "as I* we* rondo-ed Iget night. The State Athle tic w#»a4#*too settled title when H hemmrftnil nsftned to a’low n formal mil a sane Uo riven. ps—wga»» *ho cleimfd thn* Tenner won knaebed out end tile* Bern peey erne •nobhed" of the champtoasl# ’ teeter. -|r official etataamato Mw enidt ; **Ma *aoe u Tuaaey ffll, T atertod coaatlne. I had counted four before Dent peer me chad a neutral comer, terry ton. beftvn to urunt and I dropped my muni 'end remaned It with him. Tuoney pot up on the coma, hi nine ' lie levee Barry said “One of my tnort emphatic in- The Wok* Wont foot tot* squad war put to kfd teriy tonight by tbe toeeb-* who will trito ttto pesoHti It Chapel HT l at 1* tomor-ow for the annual e#"tneg ptenewl with tit nod mnento of hi* ‘ bny»~. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ-IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE EttESII READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. ,x V v-. » ' '* -t r ■ ; FORD PLAINES MAKE RECORD Ham Flown Distance of 27 TUaaa Arwand WorU With Only One FBti^ty DETROIT. Sept. It—Alrplnnee Op erated by thh ford Motor Company on regular -chedale carrying freight be tween Dearborn, Cb'engo, Clere ond, and Bus oto, during tbe pan two and a halt yen re, have Item n difnaee equal to npprexinmtely If time* •round the world. This 1* shown tor Um ofTicfe' report *f ford vloptane operhtloa* up to September I. At preeent. the report show*, Th* W’td Soto- Cbarnnv Is ooerat'nc th-n* -epemta *»r fr*irh* 'ln*- Th" first of then* between Den bom mH chlceg*. was last' ntotf April IS. I't' Th* -eccmd b tween Dearhom. and Cifwland beams operet'on lu’v 1, ’lts end the third, between Dearborn and Buffalo, waa added M"n-h *• ISST AD three es these Ta K a have heee operating on dstlv round trip •chodaloe. except tenters and boll d-iyy, "Inc# they wart Inaugurated The three ltn»« bars 3 ill trip* over a distance of STO,Sff iri'ea In 7.SSS hours and 41 minutes of rriag fchne. In all the operations oaf iy ninety forced Inrdines have hem WtoK snob one a* which was mate •nccra-fiMy on * rultab'a field. Os the*#. *4 wers c"us*d hy ee-s-e weather dtfMirbenor* end 3d Petrs duo « m*"hVbs«l trouh’e* Onlv ou<' ri the pttet. hn* occtrred In tbs -’P emtion of the** -Inci *!».«« were ifpavura>«d and tli>* acrident wne *• trihuted to one of li«t sever *- •ta : ui on record In tli* fo-rttg* .atoLi: m A'. -- _ miku: N t SAIUitDAY#*MNG, SEPTEMBER |4, 1127 BEER AND HOT DOG DEMANDED r Levitt Unaueccaafui in Effort Brmli DiiUacs Record, But Ho*« Uudungud - VIENNA, Sept. St<——Hiving i eeversd only WO mile* at aa average Ul—d of tS all— aa hoar in aa uasae , cteeful etort to esub’.ish a new non [ sop distance record, Chart#* Levine i and Captain Walter Hlnchcllff* laad i etf her# t#4ay la th* moooplsn* Co > lumbta, t ’ Wen, hers lam again," said Le vine to the Austrian aviation offidala i who greeted him fe he |e*t the plan* ( oft* flying from Cranwetl, Eng. Heavy rain, low visibility, nod tnlt i art of tbs gasoline f«od übe to to* eagles, erased Levins to atomd— h'r I flight. Darkness wsa j-ist beginning t* nvclep th* cL'y when the Columbh , a:;p»nr. d ove. the sir ’em*. FindJu* set r* cominerc s' pvsseager pinna* , scittersd over tbs flsld, th* Colua , bln clrrl»d overhead several Um— ra tfl airdome officials coaid clear the flsld. I Tbs (11# a we— gristed by • hud ' fat of excited airlo-n* st-rndante sad *peetstor«. I,'vine’* flrst equest | was A y’ssr o' beer an 1 a ‘hot dog", t He uM that the new metal propel t tor wfcYh rrptoc*l toe old wooden , on* < eed on tW ran* Atltntlc flight , did net tvor’- emoothly ini woild ( icqiilrc rcpisc*: sttit wh ch trss searar , in At U<»- i ■ iun Mum dan.— ~ Rrrflla* vp«k*n. Air l»* b ‘ BT’CKA.VR.vVi'.-tti Sept 23,— VP)- Jeiiu-! Hey of Willow Utovo, i’onu,, 'tnerred rictor'ous |p two ompittltion with civlllwn avluto * and i elf rid re Held. M chtgan flit; cgrri»d,j away Uk- honors in ih flr*t mill ary race of the 1227 National air meet b«r* today. Attaining *pe*d es 138,- V*4 ml’"’ .yu hour. Ray raerd to fl«*t place tn th* trophy speed and cf j fletency recr for commercial planet, , aad ctm« b ok. itrong ,to win tho Bra tie Charni v • es Commerce trophy act. K. E. BaPough of Chicago, fln iehed second In both events, - : : | WheeW Estate Is Valued at $50,00<) WASH I NOTON, B*pt 21— Hg t»* o pair of 'roo •<> «.. "Dcn't won W-ow fit t t!>l ju •-V ?. r ■ I r>r’V&- -t r >«1 f ooi a wul In the tiny boy’s Ur work/ Doc. "My I trie, den' kao’ wh« jo' ma h I CCpnUgitsd op Fan Twpi MAY FLY SUNDAY n itt-inKt Wißit H fUSKVKL Sept. JI—GT) A alter of ('s!• xprt—#d <4 In >u uin'gt - * Um- il* • t: th Md«r "M V>t hf>i* Kiss o |le project* iron • op fight to .Europe utli flia tocn»i"« j STATE’S HENS . WAVEtEteN-BTSY ; fjtid ?7 sfi?lion Ootor Kpau In \ ' 1026, Sfftle Department ” Say« T ,\l 1 o ~ HAIjnOH. Bept. yito mil ion three bund sd and'y- five '’ptioand Urns In North Ca laid ? . !!|tnti det'Hl -rgt in Ilf, accord. ’t*g to f gor. • eim. i < t.y f’ ?v rtracnt of Agdcutnr*. I'h » I* st lnm»— n nhoat "AflA t *»0 d-mon »'pce in 0 wh*n the tiPiat -W'-'t Itn w*i 31,5 6,000 d-s*n. In I'Y4 the ben* of the state 'aid 23 mll’fOß do'.' , n egg,. Coupling the roo tcru erd othe* ra*- r* of the rh'ck'-p f-im |v no* th’* to nr dice '-eg*. Ur* - * w*re mo e ' -ttoatj'even m'llfn In the s'«t* last nr. Men* of th**e wer" ™nrk#t"d. Ti nl*o was ••pl-'ted *o‘ that In IM*« 'here were »n the -tste *6» 000 ml'k -at > wh'eh -eve e tolel of IS mji «* rn lon* of m» k. On thl* amount, 11 ner-e-t we« m nnf-et*»eed Into 16 mt'Mon p uni o hotter, whll- 11 n»rc-nt or 37 mTlan waltou* w*a >nn*»pßed «* milk b)|TbnW#v of the ».tnte and oth ' r "equWng or prefer rtne thi* form of be I —rrsgp. One hundred end nlne'y six th*us end coloaie* of Tar> Heel beeA ,1a 19Sfl pr dnerd 1,311, 00 j) ,0<)0 pounds of honey. DOtfD FUNERAL ON SUNDAY P.M PublU-lier of Tharlolte News Active in Civic Life of City ■ : and State . mmvmmwmmp ? •«./, wwmtmiiam CHARLOTTE, Brpt 3 <4l—Fun ft- *r tefvire* for W. C. Be* a, Br., • rrrtitont ttW re-wr»‘’ iiranetvr of tbs • , r <„ • \w», -„ag n '-sd r in cW ' 'Hi n t *c n lr tbo r* w-psp r worij of the eoirth. wil be hr'd Ity* Fr* II ptl t eburcti bere, Sunday n tcruoon Mr. Down died et his home this ■ -wr«tt*n •(*>* aa U naaa ol te— M—n *'«r hour-, H* h«d hen In npporent -1- pond hWtli * t night Mi r v U,'d frk d tlii' h* bid not felt l-Her in year:'; _ rt* - row , « v f 3 -era o'd b-d t ■ -i jurUve Kc !i she n w t 0.->* time He wo# evineutedMa tb« <>r «!ins Milltnry- A< - «d-” Try sad at Wok# I’orcet colfcgp, being a meifaUer of the Hotb*:i team] trad pciivc In tolL-ge affair*. j UNIVERSITY OPENS DOORS f '• I President Chase Sends Meunage Stressing Need Spirit uni * CHAPEL HILL, tept. 33—The Del. verslty es North Caro Hag formally >pmt 4 Its I3«th yah* o toy in the t rseoaea • a reoo 4 tars'asut * 6* • ’ted at between 3700 and SIN. Off! -'a f gw-et wll’ not be nnitobis far evsrai dry*, and t\rdy srrlral" are *t |, eraalng an. The xercise* ware he d la Msmorisl Halt which was rul ed to overflowio!. A •o’-aag* f o» Dr. ■arty W. rhass. trs Idert yf ike Unlvarsl y. hi wll h* in Purope on leave of h#n e untl Cljri*t’ m, ws* bead t r>t .? v p iiorAer. n-aa of’ ”, n-*-*nat''‘4eh»xM. and there w*r«. «horl sddren c* hy FT* net, F, Br-id '•hsw, Dcsn of intent*, abd \ddl pp M bhnrd D« *n of the College sf t'h rel A t*. Th* dero lona' caer •Ura w« • eoadnmrd by Rev. Wnltar Fyneit, fps 'or of tbs Metoodlnt chnreb. One o’ tbs te"g,T% V-ipHh fHro'«wn (J t«dav in hi-' n*rlb'ng’ t Dr Cha'e’s -its-A rlifri , The ts ret danger tbet eonr.4fSPse -tion ’# forinr fp Nor h Csto lan,'* >hi fl34ve-«ity pre«:d- at l«»«d ike ■ t~nT' V mek'-'fl Htrlog If L that ll1 «ooo." so men nre all thiogi! In the wAr# bv wltat they eootrlbnti I or do noi oontrlfmte towsnl makfag l i living, nrd «hßt no king IS tlj# end 'ml! h v v luo- to. yon money v c* Thet |* a vr v r-al ditn-or l'» n at ate newly epi-rglng a* la “North , Car Cline, fra n poverty tt Ie \t*a-' d»nqy already tn'ralfest In our ll's.* Give Me Liberty Or Death—Mr«; Sweetin 1 • | M : VERNON,' 111, Apt. 31— V.Vnj-’r- imidly, Ml** E ria Bw<-« tia ip; e*i d to y Jury la arr set-nsd ttla> f"* murds to “f'f* ms d« th I you t-!al ? killed my husband.” *1 don’t went to go book to prison, w»y from my chidton,” be rad in I ncluding bor'fe f.iwjny. Cloolnt a’ininipnt* w| I b» mode tetnorrow morning sad it Is expected toe cans wH be In tbe toads of tbs Jury by noon, *’r». #. eet'.i skid tbit s former " errypna of b"r hod I d her to ••«,:! vc • mob ttf* rang sad ba raatHd h r to make hsr fir t cob 4 'eosion that she had given potsea, 'brae t’me* to her bustovad. WUllfowd. Launch Movement To Secure Grading Eggs Sold In Gty Wim wtithcr and pirnity to enjoyed ous -of j /ft* #•( mecti g* of the Wayne County Pou try Aseocintton yeuortey »t the home of Mr. aad Mrs. E. W. J nnette, near Stevens Mi I that has l» en held tote y#"* A bountiful mi ss spread at noon and to* fore* i w. . . iffw . tftttfi tei, IdlrvefHiaE- :■ to WMnoteSißWs ;▼ .. .w. .; V. w Iyswte, Senior Marketing. >'C -.tUft 3t tot Hx c mvia on of Market* ed a dlsdu slot) on praot^- 53 aiVoHui' . ''udPei.i The 'de' og-, ■ t 'i hy Mr. f, win was to make wo grade* s sift lo.’s for toe oomptetkai of hi* r nimWao that hs may eater toe 1 Rharmm let’s Mates School aad upon 1 rraplntaa be trnn*f*r *d o sen. He also itnle-. th*t hs is having football beetle* every afternoon aad hat hope* of making to* Trqlalag Mutton Tassi. '"-Vi 1 ■ ii i iii a A! Is Wanted by Western Democrats -'• . j i OGDEN. Utah, Sspt. 21. —OF)—En- iioMement of tb* presidential evtdl isey of Ooveraor Alfred B. Omi h of New Yarb was recommended in tbo repe l of too cemmitUs *a order sf .b siass* nt to* eonferepc* of Demo crate from Western State* hsr* today. TS'I ~ OB the PouKry IS#p«rtm#nt of the Way- eouaty Fslr. nrgad nit -who « ooet d 10 show birds this year to - ~*kr tottr TOtriss a wssg s beol or A. K Robe-toon discussed briefly cm# •# tks Bsort important Issros* | '‘•light by toe Wor d* Poultry Coa . g*pag».-r-r«f.» «=-rw*3fY* TKr Miiwutiwir' 1 , tbft Mist Feikort Is to attend in the Quii'jL dki fta giffß' in ttEOArtitE* 1,1 fT -. ■■ . gpw-vwww wWS wWgr^^WWwraggg—- J 1 ” to make s»«fe»tio*# for Umi M ”me t o our oouaty to too future, ?h- frrgrd th* prop* to cvm'laat j 'bdr efforts on, the poultiy moyra-nt or ft would proved- a steady Income and relieve tb* depressions of ths cotrai and totvtcco otAtoeis.. Invitottoas for the next meeting ■ wm«rwrm*f. w.vimmm, flecretery of to* Wsyn* County Fair, j Invited the next meeting to the fair w otutd ■ The Invitation woe accent *d »«d the next meeting will be held *V* r ' on Friday. October 14fh. In'tSad 01 the fnurih Friday. The chanee Was »Me h-cnave of the eommoalty fairs { the orraty flair whleh artll take place the 'ant of October. Ths meeting adjourned nft«*r ex: , pressing t* Mr. and Mr*. iinneHe | deep apprectottoo for tostr Uad Uos- ISMflMtf. : 0 •vteeest nsgsAj Sri#'' ■ WMM r* o 'Vra* .it ....... riffI*lw 1 *lw 4 W ** t Member of The Aaaociated — * rreas 1 -* V H1 V. i ' , ■ w—s—amuSr nucß mm cni ' un_ #i-« .m mm _ igf^te wA, «T , Msr a ja- M I Don’t Know v H (By JOHN D. LANOffrOW, Jf.) (Stall I’nrrssprndSat) •*!, •tsadfsstly heMtag to Mo denial sf te- of Ooedoa YslTsrtoa 13-yteS. jhjf nsid tbs saprosM psasHg Isr Ids rime In to* otoottis thoirlg tte stat prissa la RSMtoirJßi|lfSP« 10:33 a. m and waJkod stolaal^^te w-vrd uenssistod to Tabs bis pKmb H viitM a»m«m m«* —». m _* __ _ rR * ° ui jMji mm wered tost hs hfl^tot^riwtedao repiy so yst. / Tti-# 1 'ttbAto tupwns iddte wo*d the row 1 ofuma toatog him an •h o,g,ite ey tfijittU euSuo. red raid, "Well, I teas hsHtett % knew saw sf you tetoi> mute .hu roateifss Os Ms\%m V” *’though ho M MM toteMy a -ho had both balked and OlOSUiMrito H-. he ra*e no* tte sHthtoat Mast as •w •tetleeton at ton Jben, ten nftew the Wotoreoakefl ■ te*fh k**me' hvd h**a dtiM oa hi* ’’"•A •"<* before the DooTstefr WOO St+mmSi chair. The 10:4* aad an to* duMMy tmrrmfmm- As too fare* oaf too ifcft shook'waa ted QfftStHOTS ACdl MIC now etill ta% S MU St small spark of Itfo Mtotj^imteda sny announced deal at ' ror* wo* found guilty Os ISO SMSdar of the Fromaot bey. Hs mn. ora ! paced to die. but thn tiuPMjt oourb • wh*n it was proved toad dOdfOffMlt’l' take tbs verdflot of ton hrs. Ha wne •gala found gailty «i| aditipbad to cm « thirty-tey reprieve that ffccdMh