WEATHER ft «. * -.* * v W .V* f> - » 'JL o' Fair mid Warmer Sunday. Monday shower* and cooler la west portion * - i " L*- •. . 1 VOLUME MX; NUMBER 1»1 TWENTY PAGES TODAY GERMANY ASKS WORLD UNITE IN DISARMAMENT WINDOW CONTEST MON. NIGHT LAUNCHES FALL OPENING .;L _ , Dr, Stresemann Tells Assembly Armies Don't * ? B Insure Against Peace Curtail* WiM B* Run Up at 7:30 BvtHiaf, Pasturing Fall TJf'v- Bijrlta TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY GIVEN TO PABHION SHOWS •* Internal 100 el oopf* enc* to r Ihe rednetlon of sru>*m»»t.v * tfoUhir *t former rncmie-i lu th preht wer, he continued »*y (itin? an tncUJcut of l c|l|scn who appeared • mans i peaccfah crowd in tbs *u c'cßt Reman forum, armed '• the teeth, and «li« when Ju-itlfying hie anrib on the frenmiM ibat be fiared be might be Miei-be- Hr* BMt* Hw-eet n »»* « f**e -"nd happy woman tonight after the jury lu her second trial for the Yfrtaon reorder of hor hu-bund, Wllford. a miner. answered her dramatic “give w« death or send me back to mv by acquitting her thin as 4 * minuted Hi it the 38 year old widow debirvAT freedom nftr-r three troubled year* apoST HT peuTtrnflnry and STHT" ‘ f don’t think I will re urn to In (Ilia* to lire. l ' *b* said. “My life In ibe future will be devoted to my non*, t am going to put nil tbre ■ through •cbooi. Yhey nr* all I haw to Use faf tow." „• p -ffiwir ■>>*»,» ■tew '■•Wit ms*- wMNf iug rbe vardHt at the borne of her mother near In* tonight, be further cantor and admirer. Lawreocr M. iflgbt. we* back In hi* cell *t Cheater tMion. They Wtr.- ro defendant* in Vtbe Rat trial. Co-iv'cted on Chtirtma* evn, 1921. bight, wg* rentencej to wm a Ilf* i .-rjn and Mr*. OweaHn Vaa given thirty-five y*-*m, _ _ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ' READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. GUARD AGAINST BABY SHUFFLES I Chicago Hospitals Use Special > System to Identify New comers CHICAGO. 111.. Bept. 21 IgA laige ( bteago Go pltul* where Uuu . dretfi of lioHUa are l>oru each year rirtuo’.’y. hove diiu|«ated ebnueva o' mlxliig Ibe bob : e> such a* wa* j ed lu a Cleveland lio-plial roc nli> • 1 A tripla cteck ryslam dm i*eil l>y j ~t»r y. H.- Iser. obH- ? trvi*» of- Un» t Chicago I.ylngin,.. i« tlo -afifftui'd u**d'to make cartaln that Ir bies find th to their own, pojfeals and lo make certain Oiat par.'iii a get their own pubic* The minute a new baby otr vee. tb? | Drat atep of the triple check I* tak cn when a metal tag with a number j attached In attached to the b >tty's j wrist and another bearing the rtupD ento number goes on th- motbr * : wrkt. Neat n small i iecc o* -dbetlvc, tape I* faotrned lo the hoby I ** buck and written'on It lb* tag*, baby’* y urna iv, dull* '’of hlyth. MS. q»4. us Al.emlblg The tbir stay to Mi-iiri non mining! I* * footprint of the im-w nrrlm ! J taken after it ha* b»e» wciglied: I. ke . ftngerpyfnt«, footpilnj* g|«o nre dtf Tteent. Ho. pital aUthorltH * said the footprint record Is Infnltiblr proof of lie.hy’* identity. Think Propeller Damage Caused Airplane Crash ‘ .0 " > Berlin, aept, 21.— for the "l>eninc of the ISJ7 Wuyae Ktlr on Tuesday Ocuber '.“otb The Hoard will accoiup-tuy the Secretory to the Fair Otttili|n and inert win TnKprcr Tnr nrir j»ul ha* ha ; tieen luetallod in the non'iyexhibit building. S eernl him dred modern at eel wire display coupe mounti: d on new and military pal tortii*. haer been Installed and l>. L. Cuthre'l. euperintendent of the pool try building and,T T Brown, Way ne County Ponltry Specially say that UpywHiiaae the mo t t labornt* poultry oh«w this year that the poul 808 EDWARDS - ON COMMITTEE Named to AM in Formation of Farmsrs Orgonbutt ion In « State , RALNJUH. Bept 34-AJP) Tl*e ! movement fostered l,jr the la«t far lui-rs’ (onventlon hern to promtiie u Btatewlde organiaation at agricultur al iplun-Kt* of North Curollp* ha* a gain taken «UgguixHiiou cowiitlttcc called for in tMa lost meet [lug of fam, repre cnUtlee* held, cgr» ;om llnrltm Bui he was wild for the time beiog. ; a • x * PLANK LO*G u FLIGHT r—~ -a— ' O 8T PETEKBBI RG. ria,, Sk-pi 21 - 'VP) —Captain Jack Von WcigarJ. Ojirntan hco credited with bringing down tvfanty two enemy^planes'dur- Imm, .Bui YYgiPlsl Waa *a, [ri ■! * «■« a />«» r Flop flight from Daltsa. TV/m to (Jllaa 1 ft! tW» mimtltSA he oimoimcer r >., v •*« • ta w> '*'*• tMi'rifw Wi‘ , fe«*te r rii h'tyrth t*arrr . M'fprr. rrer W-* ■ , - Tbjf Director* will the# *o peer in r'Wvf'ftf*' icfft, rt c? t' * f- r tmrr. wrm the mcretar J, hla TinaST lilaiia for all other exhibit*, x Additional barn* are being provid ‘ d for the cattle and »winc exhibit* 'ddiUoual hprice line been provided for merchant* and manufacturers'*#* 1 ibit Kttca*tre improvement-* nre - lawww -.*ka* *#**# S'ta It tfcoH, Wayne ('until) Bead Pupnilateadent will, with a force of road liuu'U and machinery atart work •n the race track Mouiluy •htriaa are Indn* tiled already with the Sectetury of the Pair by pro fessional race home owner*. A force of carpenter* ere busy at work ireDJns the building* and ti»# (Continued up Page Two} ( GOLDSBORO, N. CSUNDAY' MORNING, BEI*TK>IHER 35^1937 A'. , ' . WEEVE, EATS J 25 PER CENT in i—, i Dr. Leibv E»li|ia»e*i That From 35 to 3« tWCdfUjof Crop DMlmynt by Peat At AI.GIG If. Bvid 24- as Tloll Weevil dainuge tdVollou bn- Incri-a c*l dor late Align , nnd the early part of Bepli-mherTd »,|u»ldt wht-iu U f, now baltcvi-d thni }rom 25 lo 3i» I pogctni of tha stole'* 6«n*>n crop ho* t "iU»* r Ikcu dieJcpyod or prevented fri.-m niaturing. '. Hull by rtt- ndheiusidu nrtvaticsd .b> llr I!. , W I^’ihi. enlontologl-t j lor ihc ut«l<- deparimeul of agiieul ' lure, who liuh just cuipleud hi* me oncl official survey of the weevil sit uation. ' • He rind* that the actual damage var lea frem 30 lo 5# percent In th** lower <-oa*tnl pl.'ilic Section mid froui five j" to ?« in- c nt in llio upper coaitnl I i-faiii cn*l lover Piedmont sectioon. T The rhi tT-e wsi found 4o he mere teiioun by far •!p* *n nny preViou* Jem -Ai tbn wceyil h ,* iuveded the 0 Mate. Following hin first survey, made a moixli ago. he forecasted Increasing Jmiuii;-- 10 the middle crop of holla if tLe weather during August remain'd wet. Th|* coudition prevailed over most of the rollun rectien. rmn.|tiug in tbo demructiou of hats grown evetx kager hoik* by weevil grubs. 'These grabs developed frohi sgg* do panned under Use boll ghell* by female wee vile, a habK which Dr L'-lhy say* very many dtlon farmer' ti:u rihy said, thirteen times a* many have lived through sueceoafullj oa ill (he previous winter. , L The wtt* . therefor.- In I ponitioa t* »«arl off In earl; *dm n»-r .11 g cater numliera than usual tt eailisr condition* were more favor blc for ffteir rapid decrensc in, pum , ' . , ’ Earl) destruction of cotton-.-.stalk* i more ittisu advisable this ear,** -hp l ontluued “Where poasl tr i-ottou-should by picked *nd tbs tallV dewtroyed Is-fore frost, oift«r . ltlilt t*mc fc *J»« weevfp usually go Into thoir winter quarter*, • •‘This treatment will send tho won, ils to theie long winter's »leep in a urgry londitlon. When In * w«ak -rrit' TodUitioß'-tkay "mra law apt to til fhrnojfli the wittier alive. It ap jstn ' 'arr^TTr*“narH“ gcr *ro now- la |be *k»Uou fle d nit their freeent abundance I* one -ctor 1n favor of d.-mam another car ” r Jeny Smoking Mothe’s Ijose inerr int ants CIfICAUO. Sept 24 ~i/P) A ‘-dnuririrm ■- * tttt Win ted -~-trr- rvi 1 . (liauimy L. Baiber of Utn-ing, MUh , tiiat b(l percent «f **l -boh ie* born of clgor«tt« trinoking mother* die b- fore they are two Car* old. »u* termed "HttqUy without *» acleupflc lm«l* und oteshDa.” a* iMtadqnw e*t., £ MMr American Msdlrtil Ansocinuop here touay. ' i*r. Barber addressed the cen v $ ion of the American Associa tion tor Medico Phpsiaa) research yeatwday and was quoted aa say ing that the death of there in fant* was due primarily to nkti te» e pot~onir>g NAME OFFICERS FOR CLUB WORK >1 a . Program for Community Enter tainmentg Decided Upon at Saturday Meeting A meeting es the Central Commit tee of the Wayn* county community cloby was held at ttia Community Memorial building yesterday* at 2tM pm.. • ReprswvnGitlvs* from- nvpst of rite communities wore present. Tin- meetiug was.called In order by the rhairmal. A. -H. Veamy. The purpose of tin- mect'ng was: first, to rdorgauid' and l sow offlc r* for the corning year. Second, To re oiganlso and gut In running order to ilub meetings in the diftoreßt c»m ui'unities, before (he schoo's open.- Th.- following of flee r* were elect ed; Frcsldiut, A. If. Vnnxey: Vies I'rcsld'-ut. W. J. Nichols; Secretnry, MH»* Herthn Gawey; Ass staot Sscre ts-y, Ytfls* Helen Wilson. The chahman asked forth« dis cu«eloii of for the winter R. C. Robinson of tpe Memorial Community Building won prem-ut nod gave on outline of Uie stltula he plana to run Octobdlr The in-itt nit- program witl coyer tha four main features of rncerailon which «.<• dramaUc*. mush, social toriivitlrw and ,aihl-tw». The initl ul* wifi he open '0 tha county at ley**. „ Mr Rnb*h' ou huggestdd that each community mud - msb* back •«.their comm unities. His plan-. were heartily jjyill'ky ihc On- Iral comiailfee. \|i Krauk th.- moving (ictures in October sod having one pictar* a month la ea uum i> dnj evening and rude ut sunset th* following day. Orthodox Jews, how ever. obeerve two days. On tl*iw Jewish holiday the war •nipper* recall to mind the misdeeds of th* past year with a view to con ■ieratlujr them* rive* to a nobler life during the year to coaxs. Th* re ligious which mark* the ob artynwew of the day emphasise* that TWENTY PAGEB TODAY Hundreds Expected To Inspect Windows Os 22 Companies Entered BIG SALES HERE THE PAST WEEK Goldsboro Wood Markot to DriU . h«s Sold 2.110,889 I'ounda , of Tobacco , -a . V- The . losing of the third week of the jjuldsbwo tobacoo maikiH ou Friday luund tbs Otol ffelss crsvplug to ward to# two sad b*lf mikUou pouud* rigdre with tout amounts paid grow «rs nearing tha neighborhood of k half million dollar* Figuras supplied TIM News by Mr. High, supplied from efftetal statUtio* of the bouse A, revet led that through ihn end oi Friday'! sale* * total of 2.11V.HW pound, bad been sold fur ftt.MC.tt4 Tbo quality of the tobacco offered was somewhat hotter than that sold the week previous, th* on* cent ad vance in th# nverogs gfid Indicated. Dally agios for tho week. Tho N f #w* surrey ahowod. svoraged abaat 12k,M0 pounds. Monday was tho J ghlest day aOd Fridsy tho hearts*. The Hew* mump of th* ****<»■ I tho* hir; ‘ / , , ' msriais' Bept if ... i.m.m «sm,mAmn M*ud*> M.IM 13,gM*T Taooda; 1*1,641 1#441J» Wednesday .... 1M.021 ll.ffLl* Tnar.-doj 137.UU 2IJM.Ot Friday 116,690 21.42i.f0 Total ... 2.140490 $969,M0.10 Leaves Over Millkm To Charitable Causes AUGUST A. G*., Bept. 24~<45-A»- tnal bequest* totaling. 9809,000 w«r# made by tbs will of Cecil Cochrane, prominent cotton merchant, who died recsn ly In England. The r*matnd#r of the estate, total vain* of which la estimated at between on* million and onr million and a half Is to bo di vldod -botwooa two local Isstliutloao, a Mary Warren koma and Dm home. T* will wa* probated la com mon courf hor* today. Adverse Weather Holds \ U# Flight of Girl - CURTIS FIELD. T.. Bept. 24- iJP) --Adverse wwxthar eoodHioo* oa which or# expected py |. il?\ authorities to eonttatm for two I act that Rush Elder (and Ooorg* llßldomnn would b# able to tak* off ou their proposed non-stop flight to Pari# bkfor# tho midlo of next weak- Mias Eider's plane, “Tha American Girl'’ went tbrottgh farther condl iloplnff far tho.prajnctod hop nnd-Ho fa*Croment* /wwre givon another tcwitti ludoy - : : t,iw*i n > wj.imjSana.iaa.wra,ww»at*nif the floo rTo iinjn o'eiiuTitt * and bet-' ferment is constantly open The tea viral la distinguished by the blowing the Hoofs r, or ram'* hors, which, iu additioa to la optimistic charac ter. In bomething of aolomutty. The new year ia the beginning of almolatiag la the day • f inimi-aim Tom Ktygnt which this year talie on Tuesday October «. Tba (Inal stage of the Jewlah holiday reason Is tba feaat of tahewnacleo, which starts Tuesday. October 11. cad extends to October U, with Orth «>do* Jews observing nine days and Reform Jew* eight days. All of tbasg occasion* will tM appropriately eh* aarved. by servel* t( Tempi* Kmanti fi. ? _'v Member of The Associated Press pun vivi (vm| BAYB IDAGUS FAIL# IF NO DIBARMAMBKK - - p- More Thu H Nkii«Mjß*p<** hn AViMIMSIF *•*, Upton* to Fjut ra» to *»% > FhUm Hkow. r*Of dtra’* w *"*' I pMrt'o liraMto*> wMBOk iinuw Monday night wllj |o gteoa to to iurpoclkm ed Um klktowa, end Wednoaday Of#toc to Ute Vtok ion show ot U|o Mtoto tkootw, ON Thursday te too da«c* OP®* - » ">d by Uit Aaaootolton.. , “ . A. A. liin|, ||>>(rtl ‘ wcu bora bm wiltoH wChitoto tht Maatord tail otytoa/ , c ; * yesterday Ml it totrto’kSTtS many of (ho cttisoto •( OoMdbora Ml Wajmo conaty will ilWf to dfPp4** Monday areataf 1a bMPMt to fla dowa." Tbo curtalna wUI to HM «» to t:*d Monday erasing ul l—>ilia Illy flu ‘ for the purpoao of aalOdttog too wto nora.A first prisa o* Ilf, a mmM priM •{ 111 aad • toWl'totoO toft* to offawd tor tip wtosoni Ik to* .'. < outa«t. PMnta ppM Wbtob tko Wh»- nvra ba (*i acted Ora: adlllag paper of window. naoto-a. »nuw»l, araaoDablanaaa of dlapldy, atOMOtiro bcm, aad originality. Tba following Pm Woo aataraA window* to tko ooateati H. Wall aad Bro h'r, Vvm tko* Ptoro, Nail' Jopopb, Gsorg* PWto, W. MUM, Japrea Konara. Boyali aad Borin, DorSu M*no Shop, Murrklpok Drug ta paay, riamanto Stodio, Ooltobera Drug Company, Viaaoa Drag jgj ware, Haadlar Mutate 1 paay. , To Erwtoga NIMHn BkOW ~ **»» j . ta ,i^..gtoitototoiMi(kto«|i Wednesday iniwtagi will ko ghgij;%g th« Fashion Show at tkoMuoa fk*. •ire. Tba akow will k#|Mt OB dgito# «ti iuiarraipHion in tko rogwlor Vv •on prograM. (toll (hooßtol dis ladiad and m*p> wopr will ko «mAo Am* ow—tog. Smioj., tk. YauglMb-'«i£ Nail Jooaph aad H. Wktt Ml Brato* will praaant tkotr nfprtogb. •» 77*' On Wednaaday A. A. Jooopk, IM Kaaaan aad H. took aad Brilhn will footwear to ko worn to “to ho He gB (Coatinuad oa iLil/Tltol -a. a