WEATHER .v • ":? , V VAtBTtWHIV HKHAHfiUAY t'LHI'DY PMIIM.I SHOW lIH AX» HMH.KK IK WEST All If * NORTH (&.WRAL FORTIOX <?— ' VOLUME MX; NUMBER I*l Selection Os Winners Os "Window Display Contest Launches Fall Opening Rppatt MdiMM Win First Prise. W Joseph 2nd, Weir. 3rd VWBNTY-TWO FIRMS WERE ENTERED IN COMPETITION Fashioa Show at Mason at 9 To night Continues Merchants’ Program At 7:J* last even!n. the curtains, -au a. oo 28 windows la the (tore* of lea Sta. merchants of the city and the Phil Opening iponuiorril by the Oeldtbore Merchant'’ Association wan v>n. Toaight the open in k will he con tinued with a faahlen ahow at the Ma ’on theatre.' Tomorrow~niisht there will ha a second fashion show a«d »u TfaU'Sday night then* will be e dunce at the Hotel Goldsboro lairiag the -remaining day* aof th<* ' ratntwi. merchant* wll: feature their la*l showings of standard styles fron New York and other nd-thern mm ket». Huj er» from most of the | 'tore* partlrplppiiuc in the event re turned eomnliine ago fr£* making Iheir fall pu cha«es and agree that <hey are prepar'd so show Go'd boro the accepted mode for men end warn ea tut* fall. First priae in the window decorat ing contest went to Royall and Bor den KWfftHure Contpuny. second prise ♦o He’ll Joac-ph, and third prise to »f. Well and Brother Honorable ineutiou was given to W. Kills, C'oiin’e and A A First j.rlae was an award of 115. secoad fit and third 15. The selcc t«n of the winners wVv made from ?J firms which egterrd the coutest. A secret commutes inspected the win -tiows* tjf «rrtr VntPvUiif firm in tom] had tahu’a'ed the offering on the ha* l * of points listed in Judging the entries. The Judges required move .ban ra hoHr to raska their selection*, so close was the race The window* *>IH be continued as arranged for *ev irm\ daps for tb« Phil ' (ypcnlng, Mid tbe pubic 1* 'invited l<> cull and inspect them. The fashion «how at the |i><os w-ij! at » o'clock this evening aud' wi'| be put on at an intermission In the regular theatre program l,ocn' a nren and woman will display fall styles from th* >locks of » half dosen firnss. The fashion show fs expect d to prere one of the no-t Interostiog fen Hires of the Fali opening and will probably at tact hundred <. The show wi’l be continued nt !* o'clock Wed nesday night, different firms show ing their stock. v# * AGENCYSERVES SIX COUNTIES A. L. Cavanaugh Will Take Charge of Shenandonh Life Agency in City Kar| l„ Kregloe. State Supervisor for the Shenandoah IJfe Intuiancc Compear, of Kouaoke. Virginia, is u v.n*tor In the city fur the purpose • f establishing b-re a General Agency for this sactWu of Kante n Carolina A. 1,. Cavanaugh, of Bculahvllle. who has been conitected with' the Klietigu I'oali Life as General A Kent for i|i<' -paafthfe* TW4Y* ATT miTWafga"'of • hit Agency 111 Go|«Khp:o dud estah ll'dt offices here. Mr. Kregloe states that Mr. Cave vaugli made s MONt enviable record In th« matter pf production a»d or sanitation fur the rompnny during - -A'Tb*-M --hlin our of the thin section.o( the state. Mr. CavenaiigV* age tic y*v mhri ce i' j the flowing counties; Wayne, Duplin ’ .Sampson. I*t oK Onslow and Greene. I LEVINE BKTTKM IRAKHIM. IHK TAME RLTOaiift THAN GATES I.IDO. V*al«#, Sept. 'Jfl. —FhArle* A. »AmorteM. IttM-Aiidiitk man, today proved htmself a better crasher of long distance air record* than of gates. . The Amsrlrau airman, who is b'-re to Witness be Kcbaclilar cup rac" which got under wsy today, (ailed in an amusing attempt Just before the start of the first race to crash bis way lots he Judges' stand, where SflMnnt Volpl, Italian Minister of Fl ■Muc, Crown Print-* tmb rto anil ■NBefi'itraH.' get retary-Otnerat of the |»'«Klft porty, w«r« mled, THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ’ c ..T , v :•?. RkVD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-REAU BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Two Children Drown Near Norfolk, Va. NORFOLK, But Se-l.Tf) An •ie* Meckinv, age«| 14 and Iter *l* tei*'.' <>lic„ 11, were drowned in Llnkhnm Hay late yesterday nf ternoon, it beenme known here to night with the finding of tbelr bodies this afternoon, j The chi dren with a younger brother went rowing and sh ir boat sprang a leak, filled and turu ed orer. I ■■ ADVENTURES IN ~ AIR ARE PLANNED —- Will Attempt ‘ California to Melbourne. Flight NKW YOIIK, S-pi. 26.- (Ah The irans-tH-cnnic air 1 " adventure had Iwo fresh eptrie-* today with pilifoniia as their him ting point and Australia aud China, ic&ptciirtly us their d«- stluailous. r> Four AuMra'lau aviator* backed by the government of Hew South Wales nr* reported preparing for Ihe I'GPO mile i air Juurney from Oakland, Cvl., to Me bourne to bs& nego»4aled In 5 stages next month. I'hlne'e liter w-hnnti in Fun Finuciseo an I Foutli rbina are backing a goodwill flight from San Frgnt-iscs to China in l»J8 Tin- Auslrnliau flight, as. tentative ily cbariered, would prix e d from Oakland, C*l„ to Hawaii J4s!t mil.’*; tbmee to K*baal>ls>w rtulner, HAft nillsw; - $56 mlje* to northern Au>- tni*l aud the remaining 2 600 mile* i rerland to Tentative plans for the (Vifomla- Clilna flight, a* announced in Hew York by Dr. Tien lan Huang, u major in'-the Cam on ise air font-., provide , for threw or sou; hop*, wilt ato** ( ut Hawaii, the Midway I-lands uni; pmslbly nt Tokio. A three motored plane, to lie mm- ! ed the spirit oCVamon. will be bu It lid* wititer anfTflP* consiruction wl’l , be sufwrvlswd. the ('antonesc officer l svld, by Major lttd>ert B. Miller, •»> Miuenota, attach' d to ihe lSOllCncriat I - dmid on. and-Cspf’Hn Harold J I I ynch, president of the t.'hlcagn, Mltineapotii* und Beattie Air Traoa- 1 portal lon Company, these nu n proh- I al'ly wilt com prise the crew of the i plane. 1 Mcitiwhile. Imicilvitv character ' ised other long dial*nee fijlng pro I Jecls. Afti r unsatisfactory instru ment test*. Captain Itrnc Fonck un nounced iudefinte poilpom-ment of 1 his trip, flight from New York 1 to Sau Francisco, and Mis* Ituth El- ' der again eel back the time of llei lakeoff for Puri* pending mure fa vorsble weather condition*. * Pliufe HOLD TO THEIR LEAD u- u . .. m * * If St. Uubt Wins I .Straight*, Pirate. Mu*l C*ft .T of I To Lead irgnHkWi IV -ffr* #•■*< >■ <*•)' ft*v.tMW-tKWkdav t»j NKW YOIIK, Bupi. Ttie PHt-burg Pknttc* had the Naiiuiiul licngiic rhamploitvliip safe ty stowed today through keeping up the two panic- had,by winning from Chicago, while fit. Louis defeated the -Jtsd* -NfUrv. « oAamk W v-mt , tht» umih.i.t.'-u t>« n--. ■' _ the low y Phllies to in- almost cl * t'UUW - frtusc- ds> •««««> -■ Tin- PlrMtcs mu -t win 3 out of I ante# n liiulniiiK to clinch the flig rhould fit Louis make a sweep of the lour games left le he played. BARI MOTHEKI.KKN / -■■- - " , NKW URLKANB, Rpt. :*i. U't A two-wreks-old baby wan n.otherl*** ■ today aa -he result of tumble. Mis, Julius WltUnb#ig*r. 2G, yes trrdsy took poison, turned on the gas in ike bathroom snd lay duwu to die. Har husband found bis wife lu a dying condition. Hhe died lieforw phy sicians arrived. - Th«- woman left Ad n«t* *nd her' liushand wa« unable t-* -Itccoewt ‘ fpr h«r *c >vu. V e-T* —— * PIRACY CHARGE IS CONTINUED j International IHfficulty Created '] By Cftisen Heiflg Aboard Vmml MIAMI. Kept J* (A*J A schedule bearing at Bimini of piracy agaiust Charles Neale, former Am*ii rin i ruhUdk on agent, h> the. Bahamas colonial Government of having par tic-1 rated in ihe capture Os a rum runner In Vtrlltstt tlr. rlio.ial water* aa an authorised member of a coast guard crew was po-tpounl to day until tomorrow. ° Attorneys faar the two meu taken pi igpnt-r aboard the salted craft who wer« appeared a* wltnuesr** a.ains' Ne*le ahltouhcad cuatinuanre w*« yranted at Uteir* rwqUeat sfti-r they Ind bueit p.ervn'ed by a rought a«:i fom going to the Jsktnd for the proceedings. Adtnis-lon that the Amcri. au was .< I-i-ard the coast gua'd cult r at the tiim- It mide the captura was mad* today by Knsign It, It. Ilanu, ";ict ng commaadant of the Ft. lauder t'ale con -t guard base, lit said, how evsr, tiiat Nsvie was 'kiting only a* pilot in the water adjaisut to the outlying keys, which provid hidihg I'laies for many of th* vea sis oc cupying '‘mm row”. RUM RUNNERS BATTLE COPS One Officer and Ills ‘Alleged Attacker Expected to OK* c In Charlotte c> CHAIILOTTK, Bvpl. (A’l Wl h one rural officer and mu of Iria al leged attacker* here In a hospital Co llected to die. another officer wound d, aud two other, oue an nl- rnouer at jarte apd 4pr ltr-ved wmitiilsd, clly und caunty of ficial* tonight .eraia continuing invea. t'gatlan ope of the most spe. Uculat battles In North Carolina police an nals" Two persona' Kisitk Jones and hit wife, are h;lyj in Jail p-nding Inves tigation-Of the*Vhuoting which occur, ed at their home qiriy today. Rural ppilcuuuß Henry Moseley to night wa* In a grave condition at a hospital as rrstib of two shots that struck hipi In the atumach and H. J. Padgett, allege/) member of a gang that attempted to rescue on* of th«-lr number after office.s hnil arrested him. Is lb uiio her liospital t ith a pistol wound under the heart. Rural Polh-rmuu lacy Fesperman, lon thief nf the county force, is In a hospital recovering from u blow on the head Charlie Padgett, those arrest brought about the ha tie, and a man known «» ' Tied" art- at helhAcd to In- wounded. The shoot tug oecurrod. offlci-ia said, when Padgett und 'Red" attempted to reaciie Charley f’adgett, who had liecu arrested on th« outskirts of the city with 68 gallons of liouor. a * -—, T - Collar Rone Broken In Auto Accident .Mr« (Joorge W. W yrutt, of do t North fhorge alrmt, suffered n hrok cn collar hone aud severe bruise* when Mu- wus Inr-led from her rar aiaiHnst tlm hlK.hw.ny near Bclfu*'t curly Fuinlny niglil Au uu toqiohile driven by a urgru siil. awip e.l that lu Which Mr- Wyatt w - riding. The negro said he wus "mam ’•BnfiW’TTpnNwr Wynn’s car. Ih.lh tnucbiiiea wt,-c* igully damag'd. Mi w-alt r ruahed to Bpln-r Bunlturlum for traalnicnt MtlllTlkVriON THKATY hi . GENEVA. Kepi, 2«—#i—The. Jma j-»»** of Nation's aasrmhly today ap. • wwriffiriißmrnw ..rhitration in commercial control t* The srtaty will he upiTi to slgnatur •? al) nations. iieiijaraln 8 Connor of Cyuthiana. Kentucky, pre*ident of the American Chamber of Commerce Id Paris, took rfurnißrncnt part, m a Tewr»rpert. tn the framing of the ireuty. *ef TIMKhKt l’l ls MIIOOTN BID j RICHMOND. Ky.. Kept. 3« <AV t har'ea Vfinter. 11. accldcnialty l|M U-rough the head while watching a football game here Last Friday died today. H* had never regained eon-. «ciou-ifiia« Mhusr wan shot by Prof. B. K. Uadby, itimvkeepFr ,f»r the game between iwo high school -fesm* r if'he dun'was fired to end the first period. Uadby l* out op bond, GOLDBBORO, N. C .TUESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER it, !M7 \ * HUSBAND HEIJ) i POR ATTACK ON I HIS YOUNG WIFE j Found la l*o«l of Blood in Hum ding House; Third Mini implicated ‘ j *— * * BIRMINGHAM. Via,. 8-pi, Jk. uF) Three additional arrests wer* »*• r peeled today In connection wi h the | attack last night on Mrs. Ruth Kelt n*df. *3, snd Ray Bell, who were ao hazily beat-H that 1141* hope la held. | so rth»ir recovery. - * J. B. Kennedy, the woman's hua -1 bnhil, r?n allied In •us ndy charged ' with assault with Intent to kill and robheiY,. * Neighboril found Mr*. Kenney ly ing In a pool <rf blood in a lioatdiu* house where she nv<d. Hvr ahull was crushed from sum* heavy weapon. Fullowiuy * Dial of blood police , Cm me upon 801 l lying purty s-oilwhl In | a nsftrhy lallioad yard. Ilia skull also had been ervahod, At' ihc huspltvl when- th>y were taken It wa* said m l her had regained conkciousnci* today, , ArtJde* of clothing missing from Bell when he was foond-wai* located In' Mrs. '’Kengedy a room, polh* said. Forty dollar a IT-11 ia said so hail algo was ipisving when h* was' found Kemi-dy ami hi* wife tjuarreied Baturda) nigh , police said they worm told, and. Kennedy left. Mrs. Kennedy was qot found until she failed to appear for a m-al yesterday. Other bonnier* In Ihe house said they heard tin noise of atiuggle. I‘alice refused to agy wlist con nection the hree other persona had with Hie igs*. ATTEMPT WRECK LEGION TRAINS * u i "*' - A r.• -» 4.^ Kim o - Vanzelli H.vmpaihiicfß Believed Behind Atiarchia- . tic Threata in Nice ( NICK. FYanco, Sept. J|B. iJP) ■■ Koldler and jolice were assigned to ■'ay to prulesP the American 10-glon tourists aflirr Kncco Vanaetti sympa tlilMia were believed by the police lu'haw been h-liinti two attempts to wreck" IriTias liF the Riviera region ul the lime the good will tourists were en route here from Purl*. There wi* e no dues to the piTSOU* who planted liii- ho mb that w recked fifteen yards of track near Golf* Juan Haturdny midnight, sums houis er-twre the Legion train was due. 'ml lie uulhoritics un- pawning their ill 1 vi-sligaUou all along the coast, fl-iim- Murisellles t» M-rtone, Th;- Fecund allempt was made at ■a, ne(i <'annus, a hoiuh whlck to ex plode, was p'utiled. Prompt work by Ih- track Inap.-c tlon force uvcit-d dLmiler lu bu'u case* . & _ A hen Um train pull* out late -.hi* i flaruogii fid (leutia, Italy, il will be heavily guunlcd and Imodreds of the track walkers will h- on ihe ulost to see I hat llii'fo is no oh tioictioii in Hie line. The Legionna ires, beaded l»v C >-m t.iander Howard I* Kavagt- and doits mandet elect H K.° Kimffsyyil;, knew’ nothing of Ihe uUrni(on ugainut thani until tlielr arrival d 1110 incident rrculls Hie explosion " “wf-w -ttrrtr -ir - vtr» - twfdenw* wf-th** Am/>lean consulaic lure In July, r poitcdly in conaecHun with the Mac i" VMtdtl lase. As m flu pii. -ul int-tnom no one wa* injured. - fi f tciial weeks »ro Um'iv- was au-- • I her bombing in tile Riy-#ru eskm ’. xflffir' iAr« s£& pi n.oaC^ttur. k-fllet! nhd a. ityufs Were Injured by a mi lle thrown into a * ■'r'TnrfTi’r'T'rttffnmme-frr- *»r ; p|n*’. The attempt* at the Isgionnairea iiiMtcnd of adversely ass-i-ting the c. ■'i tci ** ii/ i orded Hu m lu-r uemed to make li more cordial Crowds lined the afreet* in solid mavT* rtmwnrd wbh th-hr_ Hftw-rW Ihe Sira ui of a loiillary baud which ■•i'ort-d the vl-ltor* under Uio arch t'liimph and down Ihe eally ibcorat • d aveuur IHr Posh iy' who invesiigatcd tiie fiuding r.f a pile of lKiuldc-a uu th« railroad track near Wont* Carlo, decided that they were nut placed there Intel) liouatly hut. had rojled down the hUMIJe. after a rain When the pile cf rock f wa* first .discovered It was believed tlitft t’><«v lind *;othi" Von I tiHon with the bomb txplds ou^. ARRESTS MADE JERSEY MURDER v ‘ Charge PotiHry Kaiucr killed Doctor To G«t IdtUcnt Wife MONTUN, N. J.. Kept *0 (/P) ! Ailautic county au harit es *aM i-uttrlit that Willis Beach, puu try raiser, would be brought to >he *Ul* I oiler liar 1 ark* here tomorrow io face Hire* persona who reported they l-ad seen a blue aclian pull out of she oidb-rlsrudli mar hufe where Dr* Milium Lilllniduhl was slalu on September 18. The dilver of the car, reported th* Hifee pi-rsou* appeared in (r*at haste ard nearly collided with the car iu pa-alag on the narrow road, 'ihe iluacrlptiou of the rar imd its difvitr c«rro*pnnd«Nl In a “geuer*| way" with lU-.ich Slid hla tow auto r-oblle, deli ctires said. 11-nrll^irffirthe'll year old willow of the slain man are under hell a* malt rial witnesses In connection with the killing In admitting hta friend ship with dhe couple, the poultry eats eh made it p «ln that thwre was w* in I'.oper n-r.Uionshlp with the wid ow. WILL KEEP TOG A IN THE FAMILY * Duvall Namcu Wlf* Cltm Con (roller, Blueing Her in Line For Mayor'* Place INDIANAFOUK, Kept, }<. ,UF> Mayor John L. Duvafi of this tfliy today named his vlfe city controller, thus paving th* way for keeping the Mayoralty to gaiu iu the fnmi's should lie resign oY l>v runiovcd from office M a reault •( hV‘(U Imuiu riiadluiadi >ag>.i eW» violating the corrupt practices act. The Mayor however, Insisted that hi- was not’ go mi to resign. The if lice of city controller is th* aevtond MgheH posiuon in th# city govern mmii and Mr*. Duvall J* the first woman ever to be given M in th* history of Indianapolis Mb# automa tical’y w-offld .become mayor in 'the event that office was vacated The city controtlership was vacal id earlier in the duy by C< FI John son wch a-ki-d that he he returned tn po'lre department where he. bad nerved for many year* to retain Ms rating for pension purposes. *- M e. Duvall, woh for yeurs Wa# a stenographer ami I auk of which her hu-bnnd formally was president, said *hc would giva her salary of St,(HMI to charily. ANOTHER FIRE IN WILMINGTON Hhirt Far I pry and Hot Hin t I’lant Damaged by Fla meg I<a»( -Evening t , a Kept 28 (/Pi- Fire early tonight did conald*ra|>la damage to the building occupied by the Kuuth'and Munufai turlpg Cem '-any und N-h# hoitllng works.. When discovered the blast- was burning bri«kiy In the third ntory of U»# h; lek building Uy quick work ffcre qien were -urcessful nl confining It to -thk building nf origin. It wmi of .undetermined start. ” DP-i agn Mas to viicli an extent that ■st- 'wee 4e"<4s«i-ssi • -mipo-i'im* l - fWr -dßff nmmifucHirers tn ra>ume ' work for feviral days. The company make* vhirts and la owe of the city’* largest t-d.tisbtiei' .. BT| I I* V I IKAT TO RU VTH RieiAfcHr, t • -w' -a^ii MITU: HOCK. biin. (/I*) heating w hi< h an attendant and a •poet) ut--wtr-TTfiWT:"ttr tf;W=' TMftm-' Istcri-d - today caused the death of It h' 410-*. 3J, a patient at Ihe Htate Hospital for nervous di***•(■». The defendant has been Mrr< ated and tin indictment of the two wilt b* suuxht, the deputy pru-ecuting at 1, gpev SHH-mm-eil. . - - — | ' AIfDKNftON i'OBIXG IIIMIK „ WIIjMINUTON. Kept. 2«. OP)— R'*r Kdwln A. Anderson, U. B. N., reiir-d, will leave the naval hospital at Boston where he hua been a pa lent for four we«ka to return to hi* home here w-ithtu the next fVw days, his fiieuda wars advised today. Admiral Audetaoa has been sari on*! y HI with stomach trouble. Mrs Anderson ha* bv«u at hi* bedsitfg tv.v, * . . V> vi ■ ' < l - • \ 48-Hour Silence Which * ' 7F ' t Has Hidden Koennecke Causes Fear Os Accident Present Officials leading \k Recall GREENSBORO. Kept 38 <A*> - Four out of eleven to day'* dUy council recall election gave Mayor Jcffrea* and th# three incumbent round men a suhstau i -Hal Icail over their opponents The totals for the four prert»ei*: Ford, incumbent IJW; J«-lfi«ya. Inrumbeut 1.56 b; White, Incumb ent I, 624; Irid.-uhoiK. incusubeut. 1.661; Mali, retail t.«( 8; Hiatt, recall. 1,147, Hon* recall I.UH; ! Sigler, recall, 817. a ■ DID NOT HAVE AUTO LICENSE BUU ;lnnp*ctor Dannielly Hu Been OppmUng In Wiyne County Bom«tinc Klf oris of Btut<- ajf omobile officer Dannielly to **• lhai Mi* State Auto liuviiae law i* being atrtetiy cops form ed with by eparalors of aulomobil** In Wayne couo y w*re'- refected io Juiigv Bland’s court y*«i*r<iay morn ing when eight local people were chargad with a nr.lsdemeaoor for RM having th* jjfroper state auto -license. In each Instance th* d'fertaots wera discharged with th* payment of costs and agreement to secure the osoae aery license. * v 1 ” Tkoae art signed through th* •«*»«* *f Dannielly were: Walfor Whlllay, UevM Comer. U. V. CoaorV joto tßg. Eddie WadtoH. Breaking up church eeryfoe* al * neg*o church in Kaulstog tewnahip coat Junlua Fort, Dempecy-aiaed block >BS and th* coat*. Th*, oo art woi told that Junius brandished p ptatel an* 'old the folks at the church Ahas if they did not got oad that quickly he weuld vautilat* gome of tbeik They got. I wall* Millar, white mao, was ar raigned before Judg* Bland for as saulting hia wife, found 801118 sad sentenced to six months ** 4ho raoß Ha appealed and bond wsa fixed nt S3OO. There were fswer cnee* bused upon liquor chargee than In many n week, W C Kdmundaon submltt'd to drivtgg a car while drunk and Judgment was suspended upon ppymant of >M and coita and upon cenditiow that ho re frain from driving an automobH* for 'hree months. ... Other case* tided: Jam** Whlttod, larceny, net guilty; M. |l. llolmea, abandonment and fnllur* huppor' I child, suhn.iaaioa, pray*r for Judgmonl allow ed when defendant agreed pay flu weak for. Uta support of child; Arnold Haaaer, assault., not guilty; John Harrison and Ulave Williams, aasanli In wbh-h d*adly weapon* wer* used, oae-balf coats each; Jessie James, larceny of tobocco, six month* on road with privilege at hiring out; J. Brutu* Artis, aaaault with a dead ly weapon, eight months on road: Clarence Newsome, abandonment and non-support,' Judgment suspended upon payment of SBB for prosecuting witness and |5 pwr month. FOUR HUNBRED - MILLIONS PAID Income Taxoo For l-oal Quarter Amour! to 3445,000,000, Figurost HJkow M ASutJijtitii » fc;>i . -m- '* . foF. Aa*4 WABHINOTON.- Sept. 84-. CAP) -tn com* tax pyameuts during Kcpiember ’ "htfr gflfrcial* TtU.WW.WfI.’ R kff* said toiiay at tha treasury, seudiug total receipts for the quarter ending Ksptrniher 5V io shout 8517,1MH).U00. I That tatai ia $18,000,000 than col lections during ttj‘‘ first 3 months of tbo.ysa*.' Cotl-.-ctlon to date for tbe jiMltix nsc-.wrtß .iabc, Auaust and September 1826. Previous fatlmate* of rareipts for the quarter had beeh aa high an" 1468,000,04)0. w - ■'■ele.i ■ ■n.i SHOD TU IIKPII T DEVELOPMENT OP THE BAILBOADM UAI-TIMOKK. Kepi. 2t.-(JP>—One hundred yenr* of railroading ore be ing labrated today with tbe opening of the “Fair of Mi* Iron Horse." th* BalHmnre and Ohio railroad's cen tenary pefeofit vs jraoaportallyq. IM 1. ' ’ Member of The Associated Press V* - . ? - - 4 pbks macnwni No Word From Gdfimma Flkr Since Take Os From I**k v* SatarSojr • J ROUTE LEO OVERjnBINLY • PEOPLED DESERT ARM Plane’* Wlrotau* BMmM HB*S Boon Abl# to Holatalß Comm—ls D— - , S LONDON, Kept. IS* aence of *#w» hac* and !• M*** th* progrea* of U. Otto KoeWekh. German Hlar who lift Aagor*. TO* 4 key. Baiurdny mornlot { ® r B* l *®- Irak, ha* raised th* te®r that th* world has to face aaothor air tranedp. There art# #o <BM poaaibUUo*. however, In thp ovartond Joo«®y •* the Phmk. ®®«v * that ia largely A#*** <* thinly fi®»*' luted and anrrovlfiod with hoot nm®»® of cumsuttpiaUon that th. hoga han not nlvno way to —to- On# aspect of to® oooxptot* nttenco .. the Tuß that the to. ptoaO wM l,rovid*|d with o flmtom J wnvTtofth with ship* wftovtth land itaEaaa V. And r*t tk-r. hm word from to# fsbe ®l»®® toohf They should ho®® ranched Hafir* th. mas evening ®** 4-*W •*- quiry at Ounstontfoapl# — llni -, l> 7f Bagdad showed that asdhlofi Hdn,h®dn heard there. " ~i„, Hu, , „ jdnvla Bottllo# C®*»f—f *• ollt f ,r " of educalio* and OOMfidp era for ths pnrehai* nfi to# •f*P®»»fi which has bean uMfifi no * *ch®®l .fidV* age Thb eonoMoootton ®M **■**••» ed a* DUN. Th* property ilea to th* rtm ®*to« RlStall bulMlap on went Walnut atonal —formerly need by too hn* (NtfUf - -oad extend* tor*4«h to OhoafW itresh A largo muji toftotoH-®* ia located oo th* »*•—*. Win ho mod* fiho fidfidf® h**4- quaxtera for toa li —tovtoli^ b* tn sxcena of th# som e«ieH w«S® needed tn replnctof th* Ms*d it® ■ garage oo other prui*P*|t to t lh® penlh era port of too dity . >~V .* Headquarters tor thd Mfirb Com pany ore In Baltlasar* sad f*H* *•* ».h. company i. m-toto*s;toM United State* aa a whdto tor th* dto t ibutioa of it* prodnod item •®*to r * ally located clttea. An toraoteaen*fitop excess of to fldftortW’ i> loan ad whoa to* hfito—V RM to* ♦ rated har* and th® Hid— of «M additiooal property ymteHay wW r— thAftonrotoJUlMWk Yedterdayta deal wtoP hWg(M tbroogh Jo* A. PstfHi _ * j. COLORADO HAS * ANE«ttY mm . TBPS D* «p WWt* RStoRK OMfirth to Area Jkb—4 D—m • ' ’ Sunday and DMto JJJ DENVER. CoL. Bent. Hrat snow stone of- toe ponaon to* mgtst appeared to hap* ftt inch, dropped loa* night Odd tote moraing, melted and ton Wdfitonfi bureau predicted higher top—N and clearer sklea in thd MM H hours, 1 This state and Wyomtof lookqd del f>e#steg tampimfnran duMng thd hovering etem to tt dngroo*« ' T “ —f “*- 4 f.**" riHrSs

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