[ .ITKATHKR Mr Wednesday. Thursday cloudy, possibly local shewers, not nnuli rhaiic la trmperutfire. 0 .> . . *4 VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 183 CONTINENT SEEKS HEIR TO REYNOLDS MILLIONS mav steit murders uid to st. paul man Relate Blood Curdling Tale “Got BUT Wife and Her Sister By Killing Them to Ge lo Another Woman ST PAUU B®pt. 57—UP) —Ten ufl salved mordars hi St. Paul dur.ng the peat It moatha war* laid to James Barratt, raoaatlf alaia (unman, la a •■sternest of the police today by the ninaua'a eoafeanad alaycr. Brought hare from rhlcago where he wa sarrestod la«t week, Art Han nan told police he killed Barrett in naif deteaee after the latter had shot Mra. Barratt and her aiater. Lillian Kooaar. the nt(ht of Aufuet ». Three other govwn and three men ware -lain by Barrett, Hannon Raid to rower up bln crime* and two police men were killed h» February IW« “because Barrett had tr»ub’e with them over e liquor deal." o Hankoo said be drove Itairelt'a car to the latter'* home In au exctu rtv# reddeotlal district here ili- night of Angus! 9 and welted while Bar ’‘rwu went In nnd ahot hi* wife anil her aiaiar “to get'them out of , the way”. *o be could live with another | woman, Hannon aald , be did nbt know Barrett planned to kill them Driving toward ’a roadhotiae out Fide the city, Hannon celled Barrett, "cram* Ter killing hi* wife nnd when Barrett threatened hyn. Hansen ehot him death Met day a Inter Barrett's bo<* y XMM ; Hasaoi„)Ci7»wel» »»*d Wat of 'shooting that copper fhroaah th* “ head" am standing over hi* body aatil ha Whew ha wa* dead Barrelt wda minted la HnnsonV Ftatement and* In, other Information I obtained by the flolicw a* a <W<* ate. ratbleaa, -and at time* mtnxnl killer. **•! Alter Barrett's death It wa* found hie Investment I" aa automobile Tin i.nce company here wa* returning him a profit of aawrly |IW a dag, He em ployed a manger to operate it and near appeared si the office himself. SAY OTTO IS NOT MISSING v Ptoscß Rare 300 MIW Neck and Nedt in Final SpeM Event* At Speltnne NfllW YORK, S*pt. *7.—<AP>—Bulb Rider. Di«l« girl filer, who plan* a bop to Parle, and Capt. George Hhl deman, bar co-pllat took tb ' lr Into the air far a load teat today, Haldeman aald that the projected flight attempt was atlfleast 48 hours gg bocause of »torma over the Atldif* tic oceab. > —\ f *» PORTLAND,Be‘pt\2I. R. W. Holman of flt. PaulyMlnn., and k! E. Ballougb. o( Chicago, mnde a close and thrilling finish here late today in, the non-stop air race from landed at 4:61 p. \m, Ju*i aftor Ballougb, who come down at 4:60 p. m. They bad raced elmjW none to BOse\f«r miles. It wai said unofficial* <bat "Holman would be decUrad tbtT winner ot the race MB h* ♦est ftpolmae after the UK rAin e ww. * ■ -gf l - tional devalopatcnt la th» case of the • reported missing” »f LA. Otto Koen nr- 1 --. G w«Uinr runic Jug,.,*. dfiifratch from Angora today quoting « new* agency a* declaring that be pilot had not |#t£ Ihe Turki»h akpl inl by laat Sunday aa his engine wa* working badly. The departure announced Saturday Inarming, say ‘he *dvkv» s was un er .****. Aw 4 aealßg this aum rfaoMtar plane. -j •HfE mr.H IN TRAIN trUKCK CAMBRIDGE. 0., Be pi, 27. -UP) One aaaa wa» hilled and naother wa* probably fa ally Injured today when the engine tad more and Ohio train num ber Si. (iuctaaail to pjttaburgh, were derailed near Ohio. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE HORNING WHILE HINDS ARE FRESH— READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. STREET PETTING BY MARRIED FOLKS O. K. . -0 SERMONS TRIAL * FOR NOVEMBER . . * ' •"•••"' © Fori Barnwell Brat here Are Now -At liberty Under SIO,BOO Bail Ench Vergil, Luther and Lee Scrmonn, Fort Barnwell «Aen held in rnnimc lion with the moonshiner*—prohibi tion agent battle at Fort Morn well eareral month* ago in Stitch Agent Lewis suffered wounds which later caused hi* death, wl'l be tried at the November term of Palmico county rourt, it wm learned ymterday. Re moval of the ca*e from Craft eu, where Uie crime I* alleged to tutve been commit ted. lo PamHcw wa* at the request of the solicitor, it wa* said. ' The three brother* awe now at lib erty under bond of SIO,OOO eoch. They were incarcerated for aoveral week* following ths fatal a(fr«y Vc.gil Sermon* waa wounded In the ear ha age of shots end came lo a Oold**";o hospital. The wonnd nee essitated tbe *hortening of one of the boneat of tlj«« wnn. it was learntd yesterday. The *tory told by the men ia that the prohibition agents attempted to hiUank them .out pf two hundred Kal.on* of liquor, at llrat representing them set re* aa rum runners plying up sad down the ‘'Big Funne” m* highway nutubv■ lk Jiu hmnuia In bn known Prchlbltion *g.<nt Lewi*, who wn* fatsUy bun, wa* regarded at one of loe nrost fearless men in the |ii|tior enforcement service. GIRL WAS SHOT BY LIJTLE BOY ArcidenUß)' Fired Shotgun an Couain 1-ay Sleeping and Then, He Ran Away ■:> ~ _ •' ' ’ ..... 1 NKW Hon of the murder or Anratlna Con- took a new turn today when ren ered upon her 10 year I old coualh, William Raltarelll Who wa* k(tld to have conr> **ed to the shooting William InlkeJ freely after ques tioning by police and told howlie ac cidentally discharged the shot gun which 'tilled tbe little girl yesterday while she slept. Then he ran away, and hid while defectives tried to re conntruct the happening* leading to, iho crime. 3 Teryor stricken, tbe boy ran home but stayed only a few moment*, ran away and stayed out un II II o’clock laat night. Mo*t of the time, he said, he spent in a motion picture theatre. At alght he went home for food. COOIJIHIE SAYH HE WII.L KKCKIVK 818 OFPHTALS OK IHI.K WASHINGTON. Repl. 27i „</P)-- Deflnl e announcement was made at House today that President Coolldge would receive Manuel Qne *on, 'President of the Philippine sen ate. urtd other Filipinos 41 ho had ask- TOnfeiynce here, through r'sldout commissioner Oiiervara, to discuss Insular matters. ~ ■- ■; At Meeting Civic ClnltN The new IstKreW Ind eoop»rati«m he 1 g shown by Goldsboro men 'in the local tobacco market is refecting Itself in the dally sales and'auguring bigger and better days for the market. This was the key napresglun heard i**t e>tw*wg ■*whff* *h» H»> wav *»*• Klwanls cluba s. and the Goldslwro ftm Commerce entertained the lohareo men o( the city at dinner at the Hotel Goldsboro. ♦ Dr W. H Smith, president of the L»tary elub. presided and introduced W. Frank Taylor, president of the Klwanls clubs, who welcomed the tobacco men lo Ihe city. "Although you—at least some of you may not kart beat it the city («x mors than DR. STROSNIDER MAY HEAD POST leocal Legionnaire* Planning for Blr Function in October » J' With (be eU-eelion of officer* and a free h* r becue down sh high l,l|tht* on the October, meeting of the local |mhl of the American Legion, jnaaihcf* <tf Ihe |o*t are tpuitlleiling an interest ia who shall be selected us post com mander. succeeding Htlgh Dortch, the proeent tbcumbent. legionnaire* aukt that there wn* a n.crventetil oh fool, lo FI H-l, IJr, r F. Htrowtidcf to the, and it wn4 indicated lhat if Ihc popular physldatf enn be prevailed ttfein to aecept the place that he will he elected. Dr. Btrosaider ha* bee’i one of the most active worker* WUh 'he post. At present Df fLrofc Hitler i« also president of the t bum tier rt f onyaercc. a place which he hn«r’ Oiled previously Me wus tins flrrt ,content of the Kiwanis c ult in the tity. « Etforfn will Im» made t« hsvc acv ertl hundred present for the meeting, and It Is hoped lo make it the hegln >Ld# of a aetv era In the history of the post here. At ihe mealing last up inn. the fin iX "‘r*Aißa. it 1 Bfllhnilflr for Hm> • at.-incr month, it wa* de Med n the Legion should work for one con s.t ietlve civic object each year anjl should bend nil Ita energleu to ac . 01114, lishinp this «ibjrct. F'urther con shterarion of tbts ntalter may be ■made at the October meeting. < intPHOMi.Hi: ittii ri: IK BE PORK I 'BI HT or*" BAI.KIDH, S*pt. 17. — (ft*) A com promise route for the highwyu between Statesville shd N'ewt.on, agreement Upon which wag I'ai lml after several month* of difficultie* b«*twe«fti the town of New on And the state" high wqy commtakion. wus presented to the-supreme rourt today for decision The proposal wus presented by W. F, Fdaitet, representing Newton and Char|e« Roms, assistant a I torncy -gen eral assigned to the s ate highway commission Two lawsuits lu»ught by the town of Newton bad I»Jfu car ried to the supreme court In an at tempt to settle locs lon of the 30 mile linluyf stale route No, 10. TO OPERATE HA,\>U’H \l\ MILLS “ r— „ SAXAPHaW,— </F) —The Sellera Manufacturing f!om(«iny, recently In corporated here, Is expected |o Ufke over and Ope rut the Kuxaplmw Cot !•« Mills. The laiter plant was pur chtaed by H O Ih-llur* of Hurling ion and associate* nl a recent fe lt ivershtp sale TKOV Mil.l N Stil.B TKOY -(/K) -R. o] Anderson. J L. Staten and aarociatr* of Charlotte wlm recently purchased the Ithyne- Anderson Cotton Mil’* at receiver*’ sale, have reorganised the coinpufly s* the Troy Cotton Mills it few weeks, we claim you already as our cttlgeu.” Mr. Taylor declared He urged that the cltl*en* of Golds boro must unite in selling the local market to the farmers of this sec lion.’’ We in 11 m| show Ihe fnrmav-hKI - amahs 4m *vw*»m>E nmm** twernwh eur eitv to-anolher stwrkel.” deelar ed the local attorney. J. K. Jones, locti wavhotrienian, complimehtod the elty on what ho* l>eeu done ihi* declared tha* the effort must not ho hl’owrd to ■itop and said that a little liter he proposed to have fame as tq the mm kef next year Mr. Jone* admit tad that (progress bad ' Ico&Uiiaafl ub fi|i f»«j GOLDBBORO. N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. SKFTEMHER 28, 1927 A MIXED JURY MAKESREPORT Clive C'oupk* Verdki for 3.1.675 For I'mlm.* Arrow I While SiMtomnx. CLKVKI.ANII, O. Kept W—<A*» If a man and wife want to like nn antotuobile spin and (jten park for a Urn** on < levi’lfcinl s|r»sely for a little spooning, they have »j legal right to do it without police Interference Tbt* dew wits |.then'by a Jrtrj- of ,*:* Aten and si* wooten In common pleit»i conn, tmlay when they awarded Mr*.° .f<> eph Hack s||7S tit mages against police serg wnt’Vrank Rolf* stir false arrest. Mr*. Mn< k had asjked fir>.no4i <lamage*. The po ire officer Oflgerted " they were guilty of disorder> conduct when he caught them Betting 4n Iji# rear sent of ~ I heir ttntWntoliye, ' He he l<|. th> ni si* boti 1 sin a til and witch : their case came iM'ford the cuutt t wa* di«.mUsed. Testimony ttl Ihe | rflit| showed » full oitMin was shining and the air wa* ha’my. Mr nnd Mra Mat k "Ware wrturning h*»Tt** f ntn 1* |%nle together vrilh ■hree u other ffleqds. Muck testified they "could not rastt the romantic appeal of bho moos" ftmt night. The r.v-itiug WJfmffee tw <»n# of the qffiecg6*tlemandcd of Mark’"WhoN Hi * tlttiper" Mack e |lh-d "Vy wife.” ,* ‘P • f Itut Ihe police ■■■fused to believe l int and-away Ihc rtmplc went lo police hendqiterter* in the patrol wagon. - , M;ft. Ito'fs dedli cd he did not have the money t<v pay the judgment a”<l that he Would appeal the verdict, O' '• *•1 was only doing pty duly.” lie *nJd. "To me they wore guilty "f disorderly conduct in making love there on the street. At the time I aV r-sted them I thought they were Icrri lib* but *ince then eondttious have been getting wortse with ull sorts of e«ttpie* klt*it)g and It urging In auto mobile*. No sir I lan’t uuderstaud It " *EW IIIINIKNV MILL —— MOUNT AIRY iA'I Hie Arfconne Hosiery Mill* have been InForporated by B. D” Arrowood, W. F. Doyle, of NVw York nnd T. L. Mitt tack of Winston -Halem. .Will Paddle Canoe | to Miami ASHKVIIA.K. Bept. 27 (/<FI From Asheville to Mlttitli in an JK.fooi light canoe Is the bold plon of tin* Mal tih'WK and young init who will legiii their trip today. The young lers e x pent ter ta Ue -i* monilis to complete ilp- voyage Going down the French Bro.„| into the Tennessee and finally Inlet the Misnaisippl. the lade w ill tad lie their canoe’s Into the Golf, following VJie sluillow coastline water* on down past .Tampa, Ft. Mjer* and in Key' ■vkksssA. 'lAfm aewaswf lisubs, !«■« A lh»»Mr trip o-i' up L> Jav kv«o\tile, and oMltt 1 otiif home by rail. -*W»lWWW!WiF*?*<«f!**«il | !»'«l' Kit HVWWBBW* Fall Opening Success • ftlHHtrcrta <>f people ya leltflay in*pot-tod the w indows of liny til and Borden, Nell Joseph and 11. Well and brothers, declared win jrn I" US- window iternmtltie , imtitaat.-vshevh-uumaansaed Opening, The window* will be con tinted -throughout the Opening, which-1 uda Thursday night with a. dwfioe »t Utf ll«tel" Goldsboro , Ijast tt'ght’a fashlou «how at the Mason theatre whs un unqualified Slide** mid men huntH have «*- pre#«ed lluirvHte* an pleased with the Sttl-cea of the oivening pr.igium generally, STATE COINCIL MEET THURSDAY ♦ Air*. Thomtts O’Berry Will Pre nidi- at Meeting; Mr. Lionel Weil to Attend Featuring the two day *e*islon of, the Couhi'll of the North t'a«)liua Federation of Wo . nou's el ups in Htatesville Thuratlay and Friday will Ih> Uie foreeasl of the m iigrmii for the eomhig innnih* a* given hy Mrs. Thotps* O'Hfrry. rdale president. Mr*. I.umet Vteß is eeqrdmß secretary of the F<-dara flog, Mra Ollerry will leave today for BtatesvUlr to grwrl arrivals for the meeting^ The present stale nfflcev*. past pre*iden<» of Ihe FVderstion, chair men of department*, standing c*»m mirp-es and di triei presidentn will rtrend the Uonnril gathering The Fr'eet' C rltih mid Wmnsn's club 4vK Hlnte.-ville are eulertatnlng the rmin ' elj . Tliur,*duy morning will be givtotf lo 1 executive board sessions. Thursday of ternoon lo tbe* •meeting of dintrlct pri ehlrnt«, and Thursday night Ml** 1 hsrl Wdliam*. field secretary es the National Feliicatkvn Aoocial on. will deliver 11 talk. Mr*. tJ'Berry’* furtt ■ »a| of her polities a* presidenl will fep'hre Uie Thursday session*. . jj - JHrGUy .h‘B Im givea ■ b*»»ioeaa seasioah. Tile isrograni for district meetings will lie *1 ailed upon Uie e«nc<U*ion ot the council meeting. WILLIS BEACH" AMONG MISSING • d . Poultry Raiwr Now Sought an Fuuilivr in Now Jerwy . Murder Chhc IIAMVOMITItN. N, / . J?ept.,37— i4h Wilh* Peach, poultry raiser to night was saught a* fugitive from Justice on a warrant charg'og him with aiding and oboMloK In the mur of Dr, Wtillain l.illiendahl on September 016. 0 The warrant wa* sworn nnt when authorities were unable to find Bench, who tu free under hail as a .■iateri.il wilness. Tliree men who . saw s blue r»nye answering the de«cHpHon of HeacH'a, niitoimdiile pull out *d a road near where the physicians IsMly was found and *|tccd towaul llammondton the «<ay <>f tije .slaying, came to police headquarter* today. The investlga tlpn intended to have them nitwmpt to .determine"Rf the car wa* Besefc’* and If Beflch wu* the mall who wa* driving. J' » *» TO REMAIN OI’KN Wn.MIN()Tt»N. Kept 57 (El R. W M. Fiiriand. snprevi*»r of sales announced today the the Fairmont tobacco market 'woo'd remain open until lAldav: October 4. Todays’ sales at' Matfihont carried tins total to more than, If>,Wk),ooo pounds with the uvernge'»piivc liuldlidk up good. The' reason’* nvreage 1* s2l 711. rsfi -^.-ra^fvt.»VpaM»ttt';iiKß6aKasair3a.'iH^:' , iii'" | t'd'^SSs^'w3Bh'^a3Sai InHirumsits'fw S« Ii o«I **' Hand l'u Ik Drtltml Ywky Goldsboro i* t-, hav'e a .tchool baud 1 a:.' 111, if .nl of eflori . I,inn, 10-d at a meeting of public spirited cltl*ensl bre» week* ago. ' Tliirty-Utree Instruments will he "T ilcr»‘d UtdHV ahd it, tn«<TuiTiTrTi|WiU ia.' Jll <TpT i. , t M &lI’ lAslrullH UM, VV , 1., musk: Hiipeivlaor of Uie elty school*, will complete hi* plans for the mtauliM Ibn <»r 111 Imqd in Ihc lower grades of the • uy system. Children who become member*, of the new musical organlratuin will pay s sinnll rental for I lie use of the in- Htrumriit and music. In*iiueliuu will Im* provided free of ebargn liy Mr. Frederick. This plan-la made ■!»«*- tibia th oueh the g««erokt y us tu* u • % Dick Reynolds, Winston Youth, Disappeared On Sixteenth Os September szzza i . f ’ * START JEWISH YEAR OBSERVED Rnhhi Freund Delivers Ektquenl Sermon at Oheb Shoiem v Temple on Occasion , Monday evening and Tuesday morn leg special services were held at the Gheh Uholom Temple celebrating the Jewish New Year, or Hush Huahonsb Rshbl i*er L Freund, the mlnlater «f the Fongregatlovi officiated at tbe service*, assisted by Ah* iuspkaliou al stsisic of tba choir. ’lflie thonifllkt of Kahlti ITnund’b iirlef mnsaage on Monday night evol ved around Ihe theme! “Work as tnmigh you live forever, live a* though yt.n die today" - pointing oat the slg nl ieanee of the Nfir Year as a time for prayer for life, and reflection ot how to uaq that life. The ■ f the New Year's festival Rabbi Freund expouned in his sermon Tucs- 0 clay morning* at which ha recounted the experiences an deventa of lha Jewish people in the past year; He compared Israel to a Pilgrim on the ’ end)cuds road ot time, now before another tnlso*4°t*e. refledtlng ftpon the fllntanie already covered, and re pair in r his -pack sad staff for the farther Journey. He thaakad Ood for Jews the world ever, and enumerated the preparationa ttye Jewish people must make few the farther Journey. To learn, understand and uphold the teachings of their Prophets; to pwr>* ibtnwtdve*, of narrow seat, super stition* and pettiness; to caae aside prejudice, discord and Ignorance; to Join atl forced of enllghtmant sad enlarge meat: to strive soy the spirit of God and the betterment of hum anity The New Year# festival formiTtße ,first of a group ot aolemn festivals this month, the moat sacred ®ne being Ihe Day of Atonement which is ob served Wednesday night sad Thurs itay. October • with fasting and con-l tinuoiis prayer. TO NOTE TO HIUIOKI HH'KORY -(/P)—The pUnt Os « •Ilk comimuy at Dalmatia, Pennsyl vania wjlfW moved her* provided »10t),t)00 In stock la obtsiaed. A like amount la machinery and ehulp ment will be fnratahed by tbe proeent company. « , Thy proposed plant will renploy 200 periume with a weekly payroll of ■33,000 and will silk yam The Chamber of Commerce hare is back of It. » (ONWriflirAßl.E DIBKARKB RALKIGH, Bept. 27. - (AN The Slate Board of H r a|th loday reported ltd casea of whopping Cough. 76 raaea of measles, the same number of diph theria cases, *<o cases «oLmcar|et fever, 28 typhoid fever, and I ftr'*mallpox j in Tarheella afflicting school children, last w'ck. ," , m Tlfe same week, last year, however, saw 220 whooping rough. 134 diph theria, jfls scarlet fieer, and 65 ty -1 hold fever caeca. ‘ idllxcns of Golilntuiro s|io ip>nat<' I stmts fur the purchase of the nestled equipment, George W. Waters, it. wa* treasurer of the fnnd created. Mr. Frederick la organising the 15? Jftirt- S»fev4iriiuSt because it will give a group of chil dren who are likely to be available for bund work for a number of years In aucenssion. Organization of the fo.- the lower grades la not expect'd to lute.-, sere with* the proposal of storting a high school orchestra, glee club and gtrla thoraa. These new ac Ivltiea hod beetl planned in the program of ex pansion' h*ing carried forward this f*W, w 4. ' mr i- '■ * Member of Tbe Associated Press puck mm cbvhi Traced Prwa New Yerit M 8L ■* Louie by Detective Amt/ 1 , la Charge Saarcfc* MAY HAVE REGISTERED AT CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Abo Reparted at Fieri* Feed ball Gum AccomDAiM By Wamaa 4 st. Leuia, **. m-~up)- ♦ Rif bard J. Boyaildn, ywltip el the lU;mUi lAlrwaye Raw el bee Yerh wee bead hm taa%M sfcerdtog te offtetois «f a prttoda » deieeUv ngaaey. RoyasMo eallße , liml last ie4 *mwm* hi* oeir ftw hi reed Um emtf payee*. Reynold* admitted bll Meatfly. l to# »*e*cy Mid. «t. lxnrtn, sept tr.-(FV-c. a Ruaion. mtutir of « detector* eg•**? here, i anight Mid hi* efflee vu ta v‘»iig»tin* tb* offer of e *m wbae* < name ha declined to nnll wha paid* h* would diaetoM toe wheneheafdaf * Richard Jf. Reynold*, mUping f»- rear old New Tor* ho|r, |f Ruatoa expreoood belief the! la; elide waa living here uad-r ga easatogd ■we, Aa proof as feea*tft*jtie«?9' Ml Offer the mga weg said * Raatftf to ‘ have displayed a card wtt* «e aa* . ■ Xlohu St'phene Orahaa” tagtand on one aid- aad oa Um efeor aid* a New York hotel addrega irgpmad to be ih the haodwrltiag as RiywM* Graham la aa assorts:* e( ReyaoMa llvlag In N. C„ the aeat of the Reyaetde toMeoe eater prUee found-d by Um half’ll father. R. J. Reynold*. ’ «/_ Ohtao, I»L, kept. M.-4PV-A young man a bent SI year* eM aad the Impraaeloa at hah* » her* Friday night aa • *t. P, of Kaneae City, it waa ItolMd Me today after Mohant j. RmyaaMa waa reported to have passed through Oal ro aad v . The aMM waa aeeoaffcaried Ip a am- ” panlon abont W yean eM, gtvtfc the aaaa of Wlttlaag noefttfla, aba.af Kaaaas City, and who tab the hotel management that ReyaaMU had ffcbed him up o« the road ml toad they vara going to retahi to Knagto Otty to geihtr. NEW YORK, Sept W.-tF>-*ish. 0 ard J. Reynolds, yonthfal -ftirr*" airplane operator aad ' Anger* as • Broadway show wag seaght MbR over half the ooathaeat, Mg Mi) tote hie dleappeJrmM* on Beptoatoto I*' having to Rt. LoaU gad there loet. A detective agoacy featoloyad to neake the March reported vaeetpt es from lie %. Lpaia efflea that ReyaMde had chocked oat Os a hotel th*r« I set Thursday, sayitfi hg waa Kotmg to Cairo. 111., us would rate* iho follow lag Saturday. — — - - » to- ■ , OAINKSVIUto, FIA,, Sopt. « WP>- rh* ceiiMsviiie Baa im«naa, will soy a ouddMatdtoffMß ffffJ * numo bat who baavisited taruLuJiey. 1 nolda home aad knew Rlekid toy* nolde well, declared ha paw The afa Wmu her* lail'iatmdafat 4 * ' n ‘" “l“ Southorn feothall gam. Ha -aid young Reyaods waa aeomafptfai by a woman. . ■ viL HM HAL HKLB POR ” BARON TON lAMtit Goi many. Sept. f7. (NV-Thd Aum*- nl of Baroa Age Voa Mallgato flgr nan ambaeaador to the Catted ttatoa, who wm killed ia aa airplaaa aa ••Went last week was held Beta tod*ff. - Wreaths from Pr-eldoak '‘ , l|lH|- artd Secretary es State Kellogg ttdr* (placed upon Uto Into grave by Jacob Ooatd Bdtanhd*, toa 1 American embaaoador to Hiltonf ‘ who n tended ihe funeral with Schuraua. . -

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