j* ‘ Mr • •*’ ■* WBATHBR Wrr' ■ '^lr“ ; OMtvmllir fair T*ur»**r Friday molly chw4y > mi 14 iunpcntir, VOLUME BIX; NUMBER 1M NURSE’S LOVE LETTERS TO MINISTER ARE READ ■■ l.idigaarra><sgrr.a=:v’i ■ MATAMUSKEET LAKE DRAINED Oiltokwu Vtailor Say* 1U Pau «<Mc to Drive AatomomW Arm— Lake !tto «tai a«w MMDtaNt lake t» Hyde wne is fcordly m dry or a bo** rot. but you can bow drive M Q—mohlls MrOBO iU bed, MW to- *• *• MN*ta*. «t Now Holland, directing the awtae expert moot* wMpa A«ff—t Hecksher. Now York maßlmlllionetre, ia conducting at tbo take. A for peers ago Matamuakeet waa one of tbe Urgoat Inland water lakoa la tbo eonafy. aa* effort* to drat* tb* «x*oaao of wotor at tint nefled tbo ingenuity of maa. August Hecksher, tb* No* York realtor hocked * company which renamed tbo work someth— ago. aod where tbo Irk# o*oo wa* there in now a groat Plata of tbo rloboot mil potato's, sold Dr. Woktoß. He with Mm. W*nton •peat »*meOm# la Goldsboro yen ter *M aid Visited Dr. and Mra. A. H. Karr. Dr. We*ton had been to Ral elgb oa business. “A little lator on and you would bo abta to aoo a tbooooad acre hoy field, ’’ aaid Dr, Wcatoa. “Bight bow wo boo* 10*0 acre* broken up for wtatgr ha# crop* and will be putting lr tbo send Ibortly. ’’ The bay will procord a-plan tine of corn and beans next opting. “Wo hkPolfk) acres"of soy btoao , that mu»t he three feet high on Urn average,” aald Dr. Weston -and not aa ouaee of lertiUaOr was uard to Pla*ttaglk*«i." * , Bight buudrad high grade bogs rbtainmta i wffl bggti to no forth rbortly.lt waa aoM; NEW^jRETO OPEN ON FRIDAY BtavwiUi Link of Gateway Paint Stare* WIN Be Located * - la City Goldsboro oo friday morning can beast of the fast that (t bat ngatn become tbo dlatrlbutiag canter for oa industry that recognises the eity I* btrgtegotically located ao oa to bo bast suited for the purpose of supply tag eaatofa Carolina with a froduet that la boil ad to bo # in demand. more nad taors each year. "Aijjl orayy day pcceailty.” Tbo opehtag of tbo note way's store lac., Cbeln paint store Is the now rater prise, located In a portion of the Hotel QoldatMr* building. Just south of tbo Cantor street hotel entrance This store will handle a complete line of potato, biushet. art kit* mater tala, aaq everything pertaining to this tt-ada. Tbe store will not only cater to contractors, painters, and r sale toots dealers, hgt to tbo general public aa well Gateway tops ia a North Caro Ilia corporation, R. J. Kennedy la president aid T. B. Vick of Winston Pal eat, la treasurer and general man ager; ho to spending sever* i day* ia tb# city auperlitending the npeniag of Um local store. Thta 1* the otqvoath store of It's kind la the ebaio. It ia the plane of tbo offtopt* to ontarge tbo rtialb ucttl they bone eitabllihod at leaat thirty a tors# in North Carolina. E. H. Shopsc wilt be manager of tbo local at ora, and we herewith oa load to Mi'.'Mbjpusc a cordial welcome "*• " V'" —- Tbo Gateway chain bpeciatlxes in points fcnd supplies which ase of a > ecogaiwd braM sad standard en dfcwp, Pries# ww wriPonrfww v tt" J i tow level ,on account of (h- buying power afforded through eleven out iota. rRI Jrißfe MI'ftMOLIMI BAB A MISW OFf'Nl'fenrC iiept i*>nm itack rt el« Mussolini, wife of fP' Italian premier, ggve birth to a son today at btr home, the Villa Catp na, nesi rorll. . Tbe hoy will bo baptised Romant tomorrow at V csy*m#ny to tbt church at Carpcag fiothar and chill . are both doing i’tfL Prentier Mnasottaa arrived at Car Tone yesterday In anticipation of th< Om—m AkM THE GOLDSBORO NEWS f % -v.- • ~ ■. - • • ■ READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE PftESH—READ BY, BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. • '' ‘ s . . _____ Reynolds On Way To Nfew York After Being Located In A St Louis Night Club Pretty Young Girl Witk Whom Ho Wag Din in* When Located Disappears; Heir to Tobacco Millions ftayg No Cap For , Anyone Being Worried About Hi* Being A wav Frw Now York ] *T. LOUIS, B*pi. »A—Un—Richard S. Reynolds, 21-year-old air to tb* Reynolds tobacco fortune who was famed bore loot night following hi# disappearance In Now York. fiepi. 17, loft hero today for Chicago and New tot C. C. Rust on, manager «f a detfe- agency received a telegram ftom the ye»ng millionaire from Belleville, IU., late today wblc* anted he had departed for N*w York byway of Chicago. 'Today I had some long distance caUa ko make,” the telegram staled. • ‘And I did not wish to be disturbed. I have completed them mad am o* for Chicago «tnd New York, flood lock gad thank you kindly for your old and courteous treatment. "%♦ telegram #v seat shortly before 4 o'clock Ibis afternoon. Rustou sold Reynolds woo giotorlng to Chicago or took an tntarurbau car from Belle ville to Madison where he caught a (rata. a j toiftfl ‘ ST. LOUIS, Sept. 2*.—(AN- The a«arch for Richard J. Reynold!, one of the heira of the Reynolds tobacco millions, neded her* last night In n A*toto booth of a Grand avenue r#*- tpmrao*. I ■ Priva a detectives found Reynold* dining with a pretty yoong won.ao who later vanish'd, god with, a man who tdestifled himself aa Fanshnw FRED PARKER 1 MAKES TAIJK ’ Jk Golds,boro Boy. Prcaktait of Mac* Rat law Club, On Open * tag Program i» CHfAPia, 11ILL, Sept. The achievement* and aims, of 11 a University of Ndrik Carolina school of law war* relktad hero today by Doan Charles McCormick at exercU ea that marked the formal opening of the 14th years of the school. It wa* Dean McCormioks* first speech before tbo law schsot idmre his election last conwnencrment. He announced that this yetrh ea rolloaent had roachcd tho largest on record since th# adopHnn of tho rule requiring nt least two years of college work na a preqn***- He for entrance. j There were other brief address* by members of the faculty and atod eats including Fred Parker of Oold*- boro, president of tbo Macßae l>*f Cfub. ’ Two-Day Teacher Conference To Outline County Program Organisation of tbe Wayne county school* for the year beginning Mon day und adaption of edncational point» to he given special cmfhaai* In iho work soon to start will be perfected W tto tod If f m«fffflWWMY omckwr*. hegionlng keredoday. The on# bon dt< d .it)d twenty five member* of sac -ultle-, of The eight month* school* of aha. oaootr win alidad the jaarilOß, Which wiH continue through Friday. County Superintendent J'. T. Jer ome hria arranged to have several repkesentatives of the State Depart ment of education, jtogelher with lenders of special phase* of education r-m the state, appear on the program Sessions of the confotence Will Iv held la the Memorial Community building beginning at 10 o'clock ta rty.. Rev Peter Mclntyre of the Fl'*t PreUbyterisn church will conduct the dovottaaml and the next item will be a review of the history of tbe W*Tn« eoaoty school* by J. O. Bowman, superintendent ®f the Mt. iOUvf KfihOOlß. A& aßerxobc M**ioa yrtU b* b*l4 Joaca. ■; tt waa Jages, a racetrack acqudln tapes of Reynolds, who tipped the Hargrave Detective Agency to Rey nolds* whereabouts. Earlier In the day Joaee offered to produce Reynolds for SS,MO. The agency, after getting la touch with the trustee of ffl lhe Rey nolds estate, agreed to pay the money. Th« finding of young Reynolds dos ed a anarch which hag spread front Na# York t«F Chicago, ftt. l»uta, Southern Illinois and to World.*. At flr*t. whim one of the doteeflve* ask ed him if he were uot the missing president of the Reynolds, Airways. Itic., Reynolds made denial. When the jmostloo*r persisted, Reynolds acknowledged his Identity. He said he merely had been on vacation and lutd boon living under an assumed name to prevtn: being "bothered,’' After being questioned at the of fice of the detective agency, Reynolds left In an automobile with such speed that a pursuing newspaperman's car was easily outdistanced. He said h* was leaving for New York Unlay. 0 "I told Copt. MeavHte-Devla where .! was gplng,” he expostulated. "1 haven't done any thing, criminal. If the mao in Mow York whom I told w lie if I woo gohl£ hod merely do llreted a message, this wptildn't h*»« hoppenefl." He seemed perturbed over the publicity hla vacation was rtrsw -1»g. —i 1.,. r» LEAGUE COUNaL ENDS A SESSION it mm i w American Failure to Enter World Court DiacusMd in Final Day’s Semtan GENEVA, Sept. Jfl— corfn cil of the League of Nation* will aot taka op again tha various qucstior* pending until It* sca-don next Decem ber. America# f-Mlure to join the world court of )u(tlce because of the Im possibility of granting the Tailed States satisfaction on the qiiaattou of advise 7 'pmlens wns made the discussion of the council today. The matter carpt Into tbe debate «e the (Ireere-Germaii controversy touching tbo payraer t It rn buttle cruiser bufU fer Clreore by a German khlpyara' and transformed an ulUjupertgnt question Into an. extremely important one by raising (him issue aa to wheth er In asking tfir advisory opinion* fromTJie World court me council must vote by a majority. ;J today beginning at 2 o'clock apd Mp* Ruth Reilly, wbo'bucceed* Mi** Kilby Kelkert , resigned as home demon* itratinn agent, will dlscuew- tin* pro gram nf ibe home demonstrallon •inftmr 'krhei'taifovd Hngftrir, ctrpvwv eor with the Ralflgh city ecliools, will, of the actirity program in the Raleigh scbools; Miss Marie ftoutbafl, —sMgawrtaag -Klib * Um rial# department, will lead a discus sion "on class room teats. The fallowing program will be car ried out at the session* Friday. 10 a. m. The Changing Viewpoint In Education -Miss Hattie Parrri* : M:*s Uaun* lii«s—tmis ms ImkOmik Oral Composition—Mlao Vera Keech. 11:10 High Hchool Teachers -'A. R. Combs. \ Grammar Grade* A Program of Games for dpper grade bo>« and glris —Mr. Robert Robinson. * Primary Teachem: Penmanship— Mra. R. W. Reid Hepresentlng Zaner Bloser Company. 11 |0 High School—A. B. Combs. iCcstiauffl eg Page Foufj GOLDBBOBO, N. C THURSD CV MORNING, HBPTEMRER 29. 1927 MAGRUDER has MADE APOLOGY * i ■ » Admiral'u Critlrigw »f Swretary Wilbur In Mairaxlm- ta ( kwcfl Incident WsSIIINGTftN. alpl. *«- (An Boar Admiral T T. Magruder'u mag mink article crilisdslng conduct of the navy now ia a closed incident ao far as See. Wilbur Is concerned but et.qulry is going forward to deter mic • wt fiber the officer U liable hi any TW’iiii** *■ r 'to , 'i °f * suhse qti'-nt interview pripfed in the New York Times. The ftp*i’’day Evening Umti aHIcIc episode -’.-as terminated at n coafei 1 - <>ac* tod-tv, sr-anced nt the lelcplioalc ri»quf<t «f Ike adnitral, in which he expressed bis regret to Wilbur if ike crUkiaad bad caustNl Mr Wilbur any emhaaasament He said he had not criticism of sny offi.'al nud v hsd written tbp article onlj 'with a view of u ing useful iuformstioa. ftecretary W’ljhur had asked the rdiuirgl If ho whs correctly quoted in the New Y«rk Tiums si id In reply the admiral fi’cd a ataUunent which bn raid corrortly sot forth his view*. Mr Wilbur dm-llaod to make the •islemerit 'public but said later that hla understanding that Mag ruder had been misrepresented. VALUES LOVE AT GREAT SUM Kayu Motk«r-in-Law Wanted Her Rngmffe in “Qveationable" EaUrffrtacn y». ... , >« ■ «-L> -- - rOCHMBI’fI. O . ftopt. It—(^—Suit for SIOO,OOO for slclnation of affec i'oim was ffled her/- today by Mfs. Floyd f*n-mor wife of Btanley Comstock. Miami hooch nwl - state operator, whoso mb* was ’inked with that of Peggy Joyce to a marriage rumor homotime ago. Mra. Rossart named as defendant Mr*. *Dura Brossart of Wothlagtou,. a auh erh of Columbus, mother of the plain tiff's second husband. The Younger Mrs, novsart liv. her pc til km alltge* her mother In taw tried to have her son's wife assist kt i nterprisee of a <iit(*s tonahle olmeao •er. and tried to net her sou to poi'Uip his wife'. FIND NO ERROR EDGERTON CASE Deciuion (onceming Wayne County Ca«c Announced By Supreme Court RALEIGH, shpt 2# - ujpremo court Iste today baad e *l <l®** oplniotiM. none of them ontatand lUg. ' \ v Evidence was not sufficient to bo submitted tp the Jury, the court held Jn a reversal of the judgment In Car teret superior court which had giv jin William Rcli six months on Urn roada on conviction of transporting liquor: A b* error dertsmn was handed down on the appeal in the caae of Dtrr-y Oden versna Robert B. thrrtr from Craven Super'.or court. The *uit waa a civil action to s«t aside a deed to a lot in New Bern which the ptainttfr alleged »»* -fraudulently procured ....... rm trw error one ip the cs.-<> of BdgeHon vor iua A. L. -railroad,. Wayne eoun . ■ 0 Iy. . . r off • V rtsffr Ilk lin. »dnklflfctafli»rn ' ■ “i Charlotte'Officer Not Expected Live ('IIARIAITTET Sept. 2K M'ith ( the search for Charley Padgett and hts nnidcnt-fWd - -mpsnion stitt mt “dern «>;“ »■ rat poticc Ctifcf 'Vcspcr ruau fionight cviresitod confidence that the me* w-iu’d he taken sooner or Istcr. t •'We'll get them,” lie>ol4 "if they haven’t left the United Htatoa.’ Rural police officer Henry Moseley Wap-reported tonight an being "Just about the same ”. His condition Is crilicsl. Phyalrjan* hove expreast-d his chances to live ab be lli; "about 1 Ifi 100‘* t JANITOR FOUND 3 BACK OF SCHEME o « ! ~o i Had Invited Foreign ('itiea At tend Bouton Celebration Not Scheduled - * IMISTIkN. Sept. 2« (AP)-The Bos ton Traveler aaya it haa learned the source of invitations sent Jo oeversl L-relgn nations to participate in the Itercentuuary celebration la IMA of the foundjag of tbo city, Tho report ed acceptance by Moscow had placed city hall officials in aa cmbraaalng position In as much as the data and place of the celebration la still to be fixed and Russia and the United State are without diplomatic rela- Ton*. Mrs. Alice Ryan told a Traveler re porter that the invitations had been issued by h«r husband, janitor sad window washer. He is known to tbe local rapem aa an advocate of a "laague of Citioo" which would re place the; present governmental struc ture of the world. City officials wefe surprised to learn that Moscow waa preparing to .lend'a delegation in response t» the invitation, It wah said that < the German counsul asked a’ few days ago what procedure should be ac corded a rHollar invitation received by German leaders. t BILII FAfftl.LY HI BT WHEN NTRITK BY CAR WINSTON SALEM, Rapt. 2«—<Al Struck by an automobile while crossing tße street In tbo downtown business district of the city thkt |f-' trraooa at 4 o’clock. Loggne Lewis, smalt daughter of Mr. sad Rm. J. L Lewis of Wle*limdtatatai lta«Jit-. ally Injured. She died ia 1 local W* pitnl lontaht or 7 o’cloci. Ed Parkh. of Woodiest, driver of tho automobile was aifotsttNi on a charge of manaiaaghier,. and waa in rlty Jail in default of s#,- Aril li.mul , Ttl RILL , l TUB TH ARLENTOV IjONOON, Sept. 1 2* -OBV-Loidoo dance teacher*,, In an attempt to kill the Charleston are boasting «dow dances for the winter season. Thp, "Yale” d comhinattan of Iba tango and hluea, on ft I/union Ballroom*. Miss Belle Hard irg, a teacher, Hah that U. is one I of tbe “danceable” she has taught find her pupils are charmed with Its ‘low graceful movements danced to 1 melodious music. "Hut the bifek bottom ha# come to stay” say* Miss Harding. "It Is fascinating when not danced in a vulgar way and Is not really diffi cult" ' , —— w— * AG ED CITIZEN PANHBN ftALIffffURY Bcpt. St~r(JPy - Ed ward B. News, fir., 86 former mayor of Ha llk bury and later euperlntead ent of the city waterworks, died at hi* home here early loiday. Funeral service* *11! be held at 4 o'clock to morrow eftrrbooii at tt|e First Prcf hytertan church. Coined Back After 46 Years p To Pick Self Another Wife -- ~ - • ■ Th* negro women of Indianapolis and of Indiana are «t| ri(k', but when « man wsgit* a wife, he had heat go back to North Carolina und the land of bia nativity, naya Iter. Ifcißr If.: flteaerp *Wyww«oM • -»>ec* WB» Blip*-' tl»t preacher, wini t« Wayne county yesterday aft* r 47. years In Indiana iiiSii rad wile.- - umuonsen*wen la « natlre of Rampson coun ty, an e,g-tlgv» and wait reared In the home of the Hell.ru of Sampnun, For ty»e*en yearn ago he went to India* napolla and begun the w«rk of rutuh iiahing among hia peple the Kree Will ,Oapt let rhnrgh In -Hmt Jiii*. rt'r~mt~tß] Km- ‘'SfafiTST India uaf ifra weirk prna pe red, re related yesterday, and to li'hlug among bia people, Krce Will Baptist churches In Indlinapolla and many in .the atu'e at large. All of the churches curt !>»* traced in found ing <o the of. *h« Rampaon county negro. 'ln his forty-seven yenra of labor In the 1 ‘vineyard of' the Lord" In Indiana Turner was aided by hla Hampton coun y wife. Then last spring sh« Miss Atkinson Charged f With Causing Death fJf Girl To Get Her Father RUM RUNNING j on Decrease | Hasn't Bean Run-Laden Auto I raptured on Biff Funnel in Many Weeks [ Rum lunalng Uwouiin she lUg Fun nel, Route 10. baa daercaaod fifty per cent in tbe peat four months, accord , mg to opinion expressed hare raster I day by officers In the city. According to Police officers of the-eity, there hob not bo#n capture nt o ram laden automobile in this county in ’ nearly three months. A few months agA, It was almost , a weekly qccnreaeo to have a chase with a Rum Runarr, or to bo aacdtsd , out by one currying a smoko screen, i officer* hero declared. i Only g short time ago a few of tha old oCfeadeih wore sent to the penal I institutions of tho state aoU since that time there hairo bean sower vlototioas of the liquor law, la this county, It was said. An inquiry Into th* personae! of the convict camp# #f Wayne county 1 dlscio*#* tha fact there are a number 1 of white Men serving sentences for ltraii#pk>rtth|} fouor op fftoato ' sometime ago called the -Big Fuanet. . - JHIPE GREETS ; LEGIONNAIRES Hpuetal Hwifftilw Giwgu Bud dy Blinded in Service of Hta Country ROME. Sept. 28—(/PJROtna extond ed open arms today to tho 240 mem . Inrro of tho American Legion headed by national commander R. P. fiav , age, who made the pilgrimage to tha ( , Mteraal city. A solemn ceremony waa held today , at tbe tank of the unknown Soldier t to which the Legionnaires marched i through streets whore Amor lean flogs , with the Italian tri-color lavishly were entwined. Detachments of ia i fantrv, artillery, aviation eoryh. and , naval men flanked the streets whom , the tomb* stands. The most picturoqoe reception of the day woo at fit. Peten where Pope Pltw greeted tho tngiouertee, ad ?! retard them and gave them hie blessing. The Pope appeared clad all - la white, welcomed the Legionnaires and later west around among them. Hla special benediction wns addressed I to FrsntoUSt-hovel of Philadelphia, who though Jtiinded in tbo war, had Jota* ed his comrades In their food wllll journey to Europe. d»od. . Not right away did he of tftMftjr » new bride, although u the high priest of the Kree Will Bap tist faith Among the negroes of the .Sit ta. J>.»!, vrmUl > no.. dosbt rtsst ■ M MW YWrVfc of w hiOrU toot and comely colored women. But with the first breath of winter ont of the N rth, the old negro thought of the *n*d»miTerWed bevrauld go' back to North Carolina for u no. her Wife, lie remembered Txritie Flowers, a sweetheart of his youth. 11a learned tlutt she wan living In Mt. OHve. Hr? third husband had died recently. Cor . "*iywrtrpce nmm ffttf m vAa ima dty that Turner had hurled his Drat North Caroliua love, Lottie's secoad husband had taken suddenly if) and died that same day. T „ _ 8o the father of the Kree .Will Bap tist church among the negroes of In diana rams hack to Wayne county to get Lottie. Yesterday license to the preacher end to Lottie was is , sued from the office of Register et i D*sds for Wayne Count*, Turner | i g* vs .ins age aa 71 Lotus * age as 72, i lltfnbe*,of ’jku **£■ The Associated l * Press j . i> , .('•■' §§ ... • .' . . mama cm KpiMcopftUaa Wkhrtor Bad Adt" ed Nora* la Um Hta ■=. Cfutdn’t day CM bl fla M ■HID, Opla, Pep. i»-Wi ***** ®w of th«* (im on a All|i of daughter of Mm ntaaiOjl>^'_ letters vtfi wlfttes oftM tkpt pa* They hStaTat mdakaifTli? *& were undated. M this* «| tUn kM been wrlttan w#kia *4 kOM /tM test iUwil. Miss AtklMoa, -irlla 1| imi menu imp. hr Driller. W*a rn anestwd to few* .tfr,W K'aa time sftar Mo vMs died Qaida M eke ritimi k» sks Ike ,‘mmkb t#r was out «t tke ettp aod/at ftfp time tke Bake? okttdnpMmpJ6. Mary Jaao died sLmtmmi tm* you. Tan prbd#So* Ife nod Mad to feel I linn okoU.* Itoa Alkte <<m wrote. -Ten *at «** k*kw k#r »>u ian tkat pi ail no-1 ko* keen la a measwo 00« n en*H * xpn aad If I oenttnue to Urn nr prorer wilt fco kit eopptteo.l mm be a«aia. Too knew t Mbt too* bye to anyone—ee I inTye. Ik tt. .>.<7 f~itXh •> ak4 T“*T»|» Me *••»> DOmL^HAVE Paris, lopt. *-4iHVfte taant. »■■■* *. Dotp, a»- rd a part es kk e%kt Vrm for deeerttoa frnkfkMeeZe t> d * to ret ye tko**nklTj? kft'to m ££££ * oro.ekpMPMNa* to token to Alceolk#M« i| final? ™'k° wbot ik!rSiaJmMaHh!tl!ir ‘M n flowed to decUed will ke -ntt rikaja aunt tomorrow. ( ~T t OOLIMt «US GOO» ™ WASHING* ON, MM*- President CooMdce kao fntfd srini !«*' erttiolam t» a committees d # Mu proprUiUoui far a* IhIMW i Ml ‘ JMi - n,nig ■Rt v- *^JSBSa

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