■ WKATHKH % Fair Sunday and probe At y Holiday Not week change la temperature. VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 187 70,000 MEN RETURN TO WORK AS STRIKE SETTLED • • WTi»‘-i- * - ’T t ■ ' * " O " TL I ■" ■ 1 0- 1 ■■■■Ah*-* ■—-G - ■—■() ■> . -—4 l— —r,( I■ ■' ■—() • (t- ,i O** ■ i,U “(K™* «0 1111 —O'— "■■eGe*" —-y PLANS FOR HIS FUNERAL STAR TED. ST. LOUIS MAN OBJECTS igo • „ • 1 " ■ V . Mine Owners And Miners Reach Agreement After Battlb Lasting 6 Months ttettMM* lllirwb Strike Prou- WM M of MU Western Slint-Down COMMISSION WILL MAKE STUDY MINE CONDITIONS lei knonvttte Wage ScheduJt Will , St Continued Under SeiUe ntent Reached * CHICAGO. Oct Ti!* Math moirtb* coal uiiuiug an pension in , lilinofv, which threw' more than 70,- i MM mm out of work wa» nettled to dav when mlnera and operators up «*ptcd a proposal of a Joint corn-, iniVti * by which operations are to. he n-iuwed Knelt side ratified the pio • po*al which required a Joint meeting It make valid the propw-ai, but both bide* **td till < was. a mere formality. Toft .v’: settlement eud* the nnt pro'onaed ?utpen*ion of operator* Ju llHnola elwi at a result »f a wage dtapule The mine* otoxed ala month" afo today. T \ Wfel'e todhyv aetllement affectad only Itltooix wfuea, spokesmen for bftk aides frevioiulv had indicated that a settlement lu Illluois preange • a eeltlemout Os the satire controv a*fr mid— 1 aaamn* Hill p nil 're tie*tl, i cmph tnj| ftlldoia. India sq, Wtiio an I Western Pennsylvania Under the plus of the netHemcut the Jacksonville wage scale will be o nt auwl when n voinmWion of four opletrt a anrvay of the llMiiol. mine tituatloa This report Is tg luitted to a Joint cummlttae of miners and” operator* next Feburary. This committee then pill determine a sew wage scale and working condition it these are found necc.sary. ■ —.-t ■ ' . TROUBLE AHEAD FOR MOVIE MEN May He Arrested fer Exhibiting v Ueoipsey-Tenney Fight in • California <’AN KllAN(;j8CO, Oct I (A*) hr h b'toitf nhna lug uiwtoin picture,) -*>, ♦he recent lu-mp ey Tunney fight in citiea outride of Ban Francisco but within the Jurisdiction of to* United States attorney here bay be arrouted and charged with vtotatiu the fed 'Hal law against film transportation fiffn Franciaco exhibitors wera nr rested Jarit Wcdoe day and tbo film reaskd. -In other citiea of the ?' t oaut, haw ever, the ffliix*4ptv* be in vhown to packad houne* withotfriu.' Urfcreoee from Federal au|f»orltlcr. TWO TOWNS HIT BY WINDSTORM Rcpwr* That Seven Hajrt Been Killed is Proved to Be Errofteoup •> ’ * * •DALLAS, Texas, Oct. 1 .-(/IV N . . vioUmL adnd tdunck Letot and ' <*r■ I toi - 4ee rw*-**.4Vfw,»w> ewnwtv • tonighi and mused considerable dam aco One ambulance wan cent to !.c*<»t 4 ■ .- -»»• •• *.*l.-"v •n*”'*4*. ,• n*rt*9U• udrwHNiwr’U' ***»*,*'• where most of the damage wa- dojae First repprtr that aeveral -irt>u» wert kHlad were erroneuo*. A wltul '‘•ntrnck pit v||le«e so Oaaspell. de«- troyinp eight tiou-w No o*y va* injured. ± Mm.U‘l WrV ttiittT iy.WU.ISN WF IMHV KIARACfft. ind'an, J- <4») Auexpeditlon 1* oa It* ways from Rngtaad to search tor a blue poppy tii the northwed frontier moujijatos of India. " .. ’ The head of the team r. . W. Corbett yester day "te delerntiuo whether or not they want their children made bife •n:ulnst the diaeawe.” About 10b cliildreu are reported tacli year In this county ns ruftt.r ing from Diphth-riu Os (bin number about !• die from the diseu e. About one-third of the school chlldn-u are cusceptllila. . "Oipto«rJ|i .‘«n ha Mactually wJwsi a«l*. Hie wart said that there were a num ber of place** which might be made Into line iundlhfe fields .“jyhut von *reed Is a field 2.000 feet .touara. lev | auto wash taww sppmiafksq ttotj would be big enough to accomodstoj ever the bigger army plane*.” said Mr. Htowart. "Gulley field," he con tinued. "can’t be beat for smalt plane like this Waco."* Mr. Stewart urged that Goldsboro -should-have the city’s name painted in huge lettofth on the top of eoina ■ uiltling foe the information of pil ot* passing over. "The top of the com iiiunlty boildtug Is.the beat plane for marking the city” h 4 added aitqr f OCEAN FLIGHT SEASON OVER H But Dixto Girl Bay’s Weather Man to Mean OM Thing, Just Hum NEW YORK. Oct. » -(*> The coean flying aeauou was unofficially closed today, but hope of sbemg tho I I'rat woman to make tbe pm-saga dU-d slow I w in the hearts of twe. Ameri can girls. Dr. Janms. Kimball, wealber bores expert who line furnishad all this year'e fliers with atmoEpherlc data waa the one who announced that tbe Season was at au end. i 'V "I would not care to aay tout there will be no good flying weather la Oc tobro. h* told the Associated l*r#a» but it will be extremely unlikely. At yrtficnt tbe weather Is incomparably worse Uiau that aaeonntsrod by any ol tb<- peat seascMta aviater". Bowing to his dlrtuiu c«ncerning today's wostiu-r, Ruth Kldcr announc ed that her projected flight to Pari* was again postponed, buf* expressed bop# tbit «tjq miglit bo able to gvt off on Monday. The plane purchased by Mlaa Fran les Crnyqnn, *n which she plan* to cross the ocean with a man pilot Ilka Mis* Elder wm also kept at Curtis Field in read! nog* for a flight should conditions improve. FRENCH TARIFF MATTER AGAIN v ♦ Tixt of French Reply Expected Be Given Public Early TTito 77FFK * of PARIB. Oil. I.—-(if*)—The French tariff question again Is to the tore front ? France’s rejoinder to lbs Ani eiican meinoragtftmi se«Hux rsvlsbm of tarlg having l»eeu aeiu to M'a»ti iugton today. Hy agroeniciit tbe nature of the re joinder was uot mad* known, pie teat of the American reply to The French was presented by charge of the Whitehouse on Hepiain her g] and sine* tb euFroncb expert* have been engaged in » consideration of ihv whole gneatlon. It Is exported that the cont.*pts of the nule will bo mad* public on Monday. • d — n Jhuvjng flighted with Tim reaent/lve. without a Jar ow quake, <'ti Culler field. “The tup provide* a broad expanse and at aueli an angle cp ; In b« quickly »een from the •'f lu liuleigh we have Mm amlitorium building at tin* building on which die Raleigh, K. C.’ sign in painted; b*g twenty two foot letter*, and an «WMt pointing to the «rTWWT*~ZZ Mr. Btowart.ha*! planned tnsgain fur a limihurfcli ti day, "but liualnl*** in fluleigh willed he had not anticipated railed him back to the Capital. The last Kundny the Con#/pilot wit iu Mold* boro over 100 people went for ridoa in the air otar the city. *- --Til*' ctstoihk KacTf j.i % few ! Sir Stewart told The News, "and JL tvm gulag Ut »j»vitd nowetjme M* " There tax roeaibllUy that he may necnr* a permanent leaae on Duller filed Mtl take, OoT»l ill m*e trr ftre ! Waco Into the air for the spurt back j to Raielgb. W. M >forrle, of Dunn, is a parUer In the commercial flying bnul no f wjth Mr. Steetrart. At present he la completing a pilot’s course under the latter and twe weak* ex pects ta gat hla government Unease and to atart piloting the Waco that Stewart now drivaa. Stewart will Journey to the factory at Troy*Ohio, »u4,fly | brand naw one borne. . "j;,. ’ a t* - . - j i• ■ . GOLDRBORO, If.* C.SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER *2, 1927 PRIMROSE P ATH COMES TO END i And Dual-Mfe Girl Miwt Give Up Bright Ughto of Broadway NKW YORK, Oct I—For four year Muds An»e Magovcrq danced down the nilmgpaa rath -danced to a fbo.iMNi ul6u > 'though her earning-) during that period aggregated only 142.000 and today she wa* called onto pay thf piper. In the day time she was a coafldoil tial secretary receiving )b0 a wdek and Jljc implicit trust of her otnployeo Ifarnuui Auguat, who bad offices w ( th ..the Commercial Investment cork patty 'ln Park aveunc At night, hewevdr, *tte emerged from thr drabness of the business world, f brilliant aaotp fltillering to the brightness of the ♦Hiving llgbia. v 1 n«t wlist her pa-dimst w*to dur iua those nightly pilgrimages was nor owelopeil io-1 five times the mount of her. salary. Sh- tie:self summed It up] im tws> wort* when she waa heralded with pelt) thrives In the po le* Hue I, ‘ high living”. * Tllgsh iUmI said, admitting under the masked regard of 28.) detectives .that she had betrayed the confidence placed in her, and then the added ga if it was an afterthought v >nd helping out come frien**." How shi 'i-lped them she did not aay no* dtt she toll mho they were. - -mnr In'Rßf i■■ Li4h >m in i i **'• GRAVITY WINS OVER AIRPLANE • _ w ~”° Motor Quit in Air and Un4«r taker Get* One Job hud Change at Another SPRiNGFIELD. Mass., Oct. I. —(/P> —Pilot William Thomus, of Hartford. Sergeant In th* Natloual Guard was killed and William Van Barsn. stu dent aviator of this city probably fa tally Injured in an all plane < rash at lapig Meadow today. t> .A plane had h'eu up almut 15 min utes wh*n the engine' was heard te ' 'cut oB" This was followed by the crash. HERE’S MOVIE STUFF APLENTY With Machine Gun (Wring Crowd, Banditg Rob Cali fornia Bank LOH ANGBLEB, Oct. .1 (A*)— Hix ( artnrd men advancing under cover of~m machine gune''operated by a Mventh robber lushed a branch of the Merchant* Nsliobut liank today, held up five employee* unit 75 cue toiners, clubbeit a man and a woman e.ud escaped wlili about 14,000 in cat.4t. Score* es palrons were liped|„J!JL He front or the windows-as tho hour for , closing muiiiy»citeil» .*X«ii.-iueit. ho'd-the employees Into a bark room f ind the customers Into a corner. Tho remaining two robbers stulfed stach els with currency and Wllver. 9 ' .LITTIF (;iRI.S ARE JEALOUS “Never Suth h Birthday Party” They Say a* Granddad Hin- - , denberg Is HO HI.HLINf Or;. I.—(A*)-This waa a day of gntii and »>n gratulatlons for Pivxldent Von Hlndenbsvg who formally celebrate tile 80th birthday Mk*f CO*.- •One of the pmftfnTa BTat’ acts toilay wus to order that 300,- 000 marks es the Von Hladenberg fund, raised iq,. ,c«l bistlon of hla birthday be ntude gaailsbls at once for the r«llef 0f’1.500 urgent cases es war v'toraas heading aid. Prasauts *lu piled high every where to the Mda delight of Von Hlu d«nberg's grind children, -who danc ed siound and- ab«u ed ' there will n< var snotli*r bughdiy paity such as grandpapa's," I as*!., -*•• */. v ’> y \ ■ • <*•) • . . iin■■■'' ■" »v *"**-'?: RAISE MONEY FOR SCHOOLS Tfire* High Schools for Nugrauu Open in Cowity on -*r~ Monday (Contributed) Wayne County Colored schools will open three high sebeo'a Monday Oct. 3rd. according to announcement made yesterday by Mrs. Maude Korgegny. Supervisor. These school* which will run for eight months and carry the ’ eighth and ninth grades are located at Kureka, Dudley, and Bernal. The principals era as follows: Prof, •foe Bright, Dudley, Prof. Cbax. H. Marriott, Darna*; and Prof Jobn E. Peels, Barnes During ‘the mouth of September un der the direction of the supervisor more than five hundred dellars have leen raised. The Parent-Teacher meetings have been full of aathua- U-w and more people than aver he for are showing Intense Interest la . tbe education of their children. ° I The tooth and nleveatb grade* are I ring eared for at The Dillard High S.hool, y FEDERATION OF LABOR SESSION •, ~ m Lot Angtku Wit) Be Meet lug Place of Ajuaricn’e Üby . ' —NBlffglgalJSo '~. tei' 'YrTf U)H ANGELES, pet. I—(AN-The lust preliminary trades cenferaace wah> bold bore today and the deeaa cleared for the opealag Monday of the. 47th convention of tba Ameriaan Federation of Labor. Tbe building trades department of the Federation, belaierod by too set tlement of ita long * tending dispute with tbe brotherhood of earpoatava concluded Its convention with adop tion of a number cemmUtao reperte and election of officers. m o WEEKLY MEITHER l Weather outlook fer the-weefc be Fltininir Monday: Houth Atlantic Bt%lrs —A period of xhower'j in th* east gulf hiatoe at be r.lnuing of tba weak, with general Hhowars In tbe east gulf and South < A Fart to states tbe middle of tho peck, attended and followed by cool er. - j Bclb Select Goldsboro Ag City For Their 47th Store " Belk*, opfriUnn a chain of depart- ; ra«nt stare* tn North Carolina, South Carolina, apd Virginia will open their toMyseveath store in Goldsboro within the neat few weak*. A long tfi'oi lose* for ihe building on WAt Walnut wtraet formerly occupied bjr Ray all and Borden Furniture Cota r.sny wee signed .yesterday . Frank Steven* of Wlnatan-Saletu .-. ,4o;gm luui efu Orvjt >1; Bel It cl MOartm and Henry ltelk of Char* lotto, founder* of the Balk chain drove through Goldsboro on that* way to Kinstott wTTera they wars to Vnmplets detail/ looking to the op ening of lhair forty-alith at ore. Ac* iuM . Ute-m wnsk’.M.' Kavaaa. > (uanager of the \t in>toa-HaJem branch I and the right hand man of tba Balks fi ttelh Pipe noise pergses* ■ • "There la a Fall located building, rnd would rank# u* a good location for a Coldsharo store,’* ona of the remarked, noticing the an* cant quartern formerly used hr Roy* nll and Borden. Immediately i*»urnn decided to Investigate the WMtlfcßtjfc of securing a long term lease. Later tin- owner* of the building, John Borden wns approached and It. wah found that satisfactory terms could 1 l-e arranged. I)r Belk of Monroe, Henry Beik of.j’harlotte, and Mr. Stevens of Winston-Salem met for a final eon* ferenaa concerning the matter In Monroe recently and it was decided to I come to the WaVne capital. Signing t of the'long term lease yesterday will he immediately followed by word V FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY ' 4 - Rain Storms Force Many Tornado Sufferers Seek Cover Away From Home ■- "■ B3SC3S ■' -M . ■ ‘ GREAT FAIR IS EXPECTED HERE 0 y- -‘ ( Sovdrnl Thounand Dollars Botef I x Spent In Inprovcnimta si Groniuto Plans for thw, opening of the an nual Wayne County Fair Tuesday Oc tober jgth are rapidly developing and the a isolation. anpeaUto praaent to Wayne and adjoining county citlsan* the greatest dlsptoy of farm pro ducts aver as*ambled. .... The erection of now and modern barons f«r dairy cattle hi being made; ropaira are belag made to oar hog bar nee “new modern equipment have beea Installed In oar poaUry boaae and we can aeeare epr exhibitor* that their atock add poultry ean to taken car* or this year to a wig that wa have not tone able to provide la the Oar main exhibit baildiag la tolas renovated and nay dtaadvaatage tool our. axhlbltora have ugutolli to tba past will to aliminUtod tola year. Oa oar gmada a oomptato now ago ruMssi wkiamht mm mmm Amir to totototo to# * Ull§wll WllglWVf wm vss etoa* mm many more earn ©a tto toalda «f to* grounds than wa have aver tow aMn to take care of la the peat. Mow -route approaching Urn grounds haw bran opaaad which la going to ooto plotoly relieve to# traffic cengeettoa at our mala totoh. A cemplate aew entrance to tto ground* to being provided and addi tional ticket boxee are being latogti ed that will this year taka earn of the attendance without daisy at too sale* in tact toe Fair Aaadrigttoa has bpent sad la ■ pending several thousand dollars equipping our grounds and building* for aceonah 1 c'atlug oar exhibitor* and patrons and tbe success of tho Fair this year from an exhibiting standpoint and The moral support of oar W*yaa and adjoining county people to UupporUug the Fair by attending daily Is all that Is aaadad tq make oar IPS? exposi tion the greatest aver bald la Eaatarn North Carolina ; looking toward an early opening hard. "Thar# will ha n little remodeling to ha dent about the place," said Hr. Ftaveow to The News yesterday, "and of course it takes time to gat the necessary fixtures, ship them, Install them, and stock the store for the op ening." He Indicated, however, that U would-not he tang hofora thong tatka have boon completed. UngSTUr liroomo, "of Wiiielou Sal em, long connected with the Belk Chain, accompanied Mr. Stevens yes terday and will remain la Goldsboro to supervise tba remodeltag of 4k* building which will to neceasary and JL' dtr'&t plans let ewrtg-vmeeftHh- Mr. Brooms Is n native of Union county—where the first Belk Star* • esw. towrtadhsrrtsg • twew' ’ born-sb* reared at Waxbaw. " "The organisation for several years las been In wind locating la Golds boro," said Mr. Stevens to Tkb News "Efforts to thhi and war# be gun at one time but weru hover com ideally located hare now. . The tine of your city, the country sur rounding it. its teoord growth—ell these points make Goldsboro a city having n part la bln development of**. Mr. Broome, united with Mr. Stev such an the Belk chain la Interested U enj in an expression of belied that the business vdlame here angers a* Op timistic futnre for the sew store. "I haven’t bean hare long, hut already (Continued un pngs sU) , s>> ' 4 M«nber of V* The Aasociated Pmbi PRICE fill CBIM . cr 7- ti TfcwiJiy Mj St, Louts, Oot. MS’) by min wM# Ml MMrMUMtfi buodroda of tmwrtrafO «C T%droSoy*o . tornado ban *fco »MSIMI M fNfr ■ ruinad h*Ml 00*0 ferafi tS sbaltar ibMriMt, J|4 'IM' Tbo lUft Oft* i »H—lrt UM f.«iik» cwwU* 2HteMnSs ms* of Sl.^uJ^ n|gg |n ■ My| 2 ||m)|M>)|| «jS _ * ■ -*-**-.-*■- —* ‘ MPMm fINNnMP^NfyYWGfc wmrthoo wMS aod tfca t»oH -<« - tassSt v^sb^aibbbib to thaw. Not aran brao*ht bat M TtaMhty Ml* wmm §o m»t' Mar 1 p. m. ttet they bad ■•»•- bora* MM**. >»/' " , ' ‘ itnt from tort toy SI. Iml**** •* tialag friiggi m | .il railSjsSs^g AT A SMI »TSSr SSMM®S • A woarart m rarad tko Itfd at Dr. w. •. aiiir. H» w* * oootod at bio dock wbo* • wmmm M tbo fcfcliway bcrooMoS, Rt rooMtf oof loot m o Moot o*ooo oraoloS la ayalaat bio dock. • ' » ' hearing his wife. atS*MH^Taml tided the the afty h—gftaf to the ffHfhi Met~ of hand. They wag alive tad well. A. Bight watchmen who anng • nong because lenely ma 5f^ i nJer t l!l£ drawn gun# r ** 4y ****•- i ' ONE WOMAN IS *W , FAITHFUL still ' , 1- CHAXLOTTB, Og|. , Mlk-4|t the Vapport of w*d hll\aa* on August li, Mat la sllafed In ha>d married him to a woman hi did ae« lagnliy wag. Meanwhile In the «*nfy M Dig mlalster hk age vnrtowly mnM 4 et tromW yew*, wan **M I day when ha reoMved e latte-, fm| jrrrsrsawaa -v... - .- rII lifhliwlnw