- WEaTUU - A mi rr+mj - * J. W-T :jj, j J VOLUME SIX: NUMBER l*n RAIN AND WIND SHIFT SAVES HARKERS ISLAND Fire Is Under Control After 8 Days of Steady Work Save Little Isle -- - —r- Pir*M*n Ilru vad WrliPil Uif rmmen nrjnfi Store m M U Carry AM to Uifti BtJT FOUND HOSK TOO SHORT BEACH BLAZE UttWGtrfa Oat far Urk Started ffatTlaniMit«M4 12S* CITY, Oct. * (S»>- Mh an jm 3 HtM# tin* playing at t(n edge m tin wood* back of tkrtr koala aa Harkhrfc Island built a flra far cooking ' TMa afternoon, aided by a **»«- luma steady workflor eight day* by virtually every able bodied anubrr of the 1M raaidaata of the iiland. a. tiro engine Iron Morebaad City aad I a sadden ahift of the wind from east' to waet, ike flam*-were believed to hi neder® control. * far eight fare the little village of Sarilar'a one the island II miles off the coast ha* beoa threatened. ThOrc la no telegraph nor tele phone. A call (Or help wa* seat to the aMdelaaA and latit night the 'YlnemH thftetaned the Intel’s two chare ha*, it* theatre, stores and a nambur of dwellings. The call for help Ufa* sent to Morp head city aad yesterday a fir* eagle* w*» hem with a crew of firemen. Laid fcfct night with n henry ntorm Mowing. across the eouhdy a ferry heJrtlbrWWn Cfc pumping sn gin* as board. riremta and volunteer workers and new spa peg cormpoedenta were i- I <>a*d. * After a bagardeu* trip daring which the boat aateral times threatened to overturn the boat reached Davi > Wharfs • t- - V'* \— ■*“ ‘ The 12M feet of hose taken was found to he Insufficient to ranch the blase. Firemen stood powerlere as the ftamrt) from the forest fire that had down Into the mack of the crott elewly toward the Methodist anil laptlat churches* The' Waae burned an area oY two miles loag by mere than a mile wide. The damage was not considered larg a na the burned area was covered with recoad growth timber . y i — v* SEEK BROADEN v SUNDAYS. WORK 'V ■ vmmmmmmmmrn B. Sawtay School An- Itotmoc*- Plana Stimulate la Work Enlarged Children’* Week will ha obrervpd in the Saint Paul Methodist Sunday School October ls-23. The alin of tho oh '.rvseee i* to present an opportnnlty l*y mean* of which me ode It membership may canilder to gether certain outatondlng needs »f - children and youth aud determine .ways of moetlafn these needs Sunday jrtgbt, wisher 23rd. is the time planned for the *<t<>tt m»«< meet ing. Thkf meeting will be the chief feature of the local school observ ance It is the objective of all plan ning. Tbeagufpose of thin meeting Is to deepon the **»M of responsibility in the h»m*e end forced working In ccr school. At this hour uwguler *«<f wr a pageant, ’The Holy Alliance”, will he presented. Fallowing the pageant to hear the report from the Knrwetd Step Committee of which J. T. Jer ome In chairman. Those present freely digues the report, amend it if desirable, of suggest * hub tltutc. At Rome'time during the week each teacher of pupils up to eightcee years of age will visit the home of each pupil under hit care. There arc tw* reasons tor this, The vMt will give the workers aud additional op portunity tor knowing the child In the * light of his boose environment. The visitors carries a cordial personal ia vttntioa t* the parent* to attend the ■tooting pteuntd tor thorn on Bun* guy Bight, Octobfj 3%1. llk . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Play-By-Play Report Series WUI Be Given & ■*. . * A.* o ~/« Applications tor standing room— which wilt b* alloted Hoe under th* first serve piee—have already be gun to roll Into the News office tor the play-by-pis# account of tbg World's Series to be given (rout The News office. The Irsi gam* will be played Wednesday, star ling at I:3d. Promptly at this hour, the A#*e cla *d Pr*its will begin to gash the account over the wires. Only «. minute or so «l|| Intervene be tween the long-distance telephone in The New* office aad the sports ‘Alter dictating tho a.ery tram the' playing Held. Os course everyone kaoVs that he flttabuvg .Plrutep nr* scheduled to play the New York Yankees. SUIT IS FILED AGAINST WIDOW Government Heken Obtain From . * Mrs. Grenier Humw Alleged - Taken by Husband r- The United Status Government Is i.uhtag to recover #7,770 from Ihr widow of Gilbert r,renter, const guard paymaster who was found dead on the Mt. Oliva Highway several months a*o Suit Marled Lit n tfi mington court alleges' that Urenler tilr.’cd over to Mrs. Orenier $7,/'T> of 910.000 which he embessled from a Uwf Island roast guard station early last spring. With an empty whisk*# bottle prop pad against hi* bat, a handful or empty capsules .scattered about. Cre ator, wee found dead In a clump of trees n short distance from th? highway at the curve near Penck a rena farm. Tliy body was face down on aa overcoat which has evident ly been carefully spread odt. Thor ough inVest'gatlon by local officers seemed to Indicate suicide. Discover of the body here brought a report from Washington that Or *- |||er bad been sought for several mouths fey Federal agents who for on alleged embesslement of coast guard funds The buit filed In Wilmington that a. larg# part of the government (funds obtained were turned iMrer to Mrs. Grenier hence the suit against her. ‘ V _» ■ 1 \ ‘ The letter came to Goldsboro from Wilmington following the discovery rs her husband’s body here, identi field It, and arranged for burial iu Willow Del* Cemetery. $t #a* in dicated at the time that the remains might be exhumed at a later date and bent to Cambridge, Massachu setts, the old home of Grenier, but no effprl* looking toward this bus been made. v* Seek Collect $185,000 From ' Officers Failed Warsaw Hank .^.TbVAJJ*re-tYar.**«r is I® receive additional couft- prob ing . Suita aggregating $1*5,000 have 4Mvs»-IlteA twv»»»rp»hr ewn*Kr Wwp-Vto*' court against directors of the Insti tution by the branch Banking dnd Trust Company irf Wilson. The lat ter company has been acting as re ceiver for the defunct hank. Several alleged questionable bank tag transaction are reported In (he Suit filed by th* Wliaop bank. Th" action started seeks simply to rrrovr money, bul It is poHßlble that criminal ae ion may come later ir the Wilson company Wins IU auita. The 100-page complaint seeks to recover "moneys and affects unlawfully end oi kHr cut |> diverted from said* bank by Us officer* sad directors.” The beak Is represented by ‘W. A. Finch, M. C- Glortr, both of WUaon, Can Neuse Be Harnessed tor Electricity? Waynes Youngest Dairyman The young to an above.. Is Joseph Knsnmt Gldriinge, Jr., of Mt. '"'•'Olive, eon of Joseph K. (lidding*. on* of Mt. Olive’s l-eildig dufrynr^. 4 jjrrsoph is nine or ten ant with hls brother Rsy. about 13, is already Wkded for a dairying es a profession. The bull shown next to Joseph l» only u month old. Be b Ur UVill and the calf are of high grade stock. Five years ago Glddlnrs, .Senior, started In tfie dairy husluess With one cow. Today lie has Lbopt 15 heiul. He prsdur-es most of th* toed for hls cpws ort his own farm. It goes without saying that boll we*vl| and tow price ioliuto don’t worry-hit* much. Open Safety Pin Fremont Baby ' At a Idiiladvlpfala hu piiat tbto r ■*f>lM.Jtot« -Je a etoaland 1 lAotber from Fremont nervutHly roc- ! log np aud down the corridors await | in »*wa a* to whether or not * a Quaker CH? expert hah been nhle to < mcre« fully rt nrove mt op<-ii safely i l>iu from the stomach w( her eleven | biffnth* old gon. Tho mother is Mrs Earl 'Wluborn, now .of Fremont hut i until last spring a rcoldrutt of Golds boro The baby to Hilly, the fine tw in ( brother of Bobbie. * ] In the twinkling of an eye Hilly MINE TROUBLE IN OHIO STATE Sheriff and Non-Union Workers Are Stoned by 1,000 Pnionisls . ■- 1 ■" ■ —4. St. MiAJHSVILIdB, ()., Get. 3 - (/P> Disorders in three mines toulgltL "resulted In the atoning of Sheriff (V T. Hardesty and deputies,' ha litis c * of a mine worker and nior* than f.O a.rr«»(|i. Tlie stierirr termed the sftnw- ' -lino "critical npd hipidly getting youd control.” | II was reported thul inn union-sym 1 pahtisers lined the two mile road from bhady Hide to (he Webb min - u>\ tho Sheriff was escorting 30 non f’ ‘ A union lalntrcrt to work and the ‘orowtl threw rot key atones and egga nt him .4-ad. Ida-defuii&a. Nona oi them ww. _ scrlouhly kert. L’ftu. 7ud., r<~ay- us-. sPNdj defendaufs arc represented'ky (iaviii 1 > and Itoii'y; Cowper, Wliitak* r and .1 Mien- is* »e TWfHNWf- Atojor ' - .-awsi K, I*n let, loirry I. M"«re, 4, l uison Thompson and George W. Ward, I The complaint is brought against j 111. F. Pierce, J W. Qulun, (1. I *. ; Stevens, I( II Itost, J A, Powell, b. ' Hloksherg, G O best, 11. L. Stevens ': Ac,. Msi M, Jen*m. ton NmAatoek, !K. t. Beat, 11. 11. Carlton, J. J. Ilow don, i>, Psrrtor- |. K. I’ow . il, I. p, ' : Davis,•lYuldn ilest, administratrix hf t j Ir, I*, lie*!, decram d; 11. vle K. Middle ’ ton, udmluislra rix of 1.. Middleton, E deceased; Mid Walter Powell, admin istrator of K. F. Powell, d'feesed, . Tbs lult wse instituted in January of , (Costtfeue* 03 Tfig _ COLDOBORO. N. C TCKHDAV MOKNfNU. (MTOIIKR 4, IW in Stomach, in Quaker City «t Lin homo in r|lftifi*4 imilrrtUy khd hiii>d to bi-t mouth and swulloweil the pin. v A Fremont phyiir'ua mad-' efforti to C' < I.vcr the i.tmr|i lestrn loeht . lint failed. He udvtoed that (he par' iiC.r take th * child at once to a irnrtclgh. expect. They atarled Im mediately making tho trip by auto Krniif Fikcvllle almost to Italeigh, llllly alipt, Mr. Wtohorn repoited last night when he return ?l to his home In Fremont. (t'nntlniiMl on Pave Tvnl BANDITS FIVE THOUSAND Shoot Treasurer fe New OrleaHH aml Km ape in Au tomobile NBW OBLKIANK, Oct. 3 i/P) • Flf teen Ourped* had br*en taken Into -n:.tody tonight iu connection With the dnrlg hold np of Acouib, • (.shlcr.of the New Drlcan-t Slates, in hlilcli ho w;w frobnidjr fatally wound cd nud'rgiieml of SS,KUU in canh. # , *» llis condition w«h suul to In* v -ry icrious and pit):iclnti* announced bn had little cltahce of recovery. A blood traimfusloil was n* iir|e,Mo. The Daily Htntes puktlsiting com pany this afternoon offered a SI,OOO reward for tin* nrre*t mid convic tion of the hold up tn'-n. Mr. Aco.i.ii had r-tcfiP®*! out of an nut.,mobile with a ttnh hr I contain ing the money in his right bnnd Ue sldrtcd in(» (he macw -eniAnce us the Ktatrs builtimg when one tit TEt>'"6gndir<7‘wTio Ibe?d~e pietol liL liu l« ft hand, grabbed t|»e satchel wlih Ills right and dflted away after send ing a bullet through the cashiers .rtuniach. The bandits escaped with inn automobile which they later a ban 1 *— -r- -TonncsKcc 1 Honors m Her 'D«a4 l^v^rnor NARIIVII.I.K, Tuan., Oct. 3 ~V) This city had plstincd tonior-pw M 4 n day of merry making hut toni ( '*i. w»» prepared for solemn rih'n Its<t Mil, Nashville and all of .Tea»*«(*., 1-e pan TuiDlny ruorolng to pair formal rwpaaSW *e uto mKusarv' Wi toNironr Austin Pea'y, who c dcn'. i -tuudiy nlglrt rbtnkrd the rtql* ttrtir i;r.rf and eaur.,-d hit «ucit-s>or, Go/. Iton ry llcrton. lit tlcrrec a tw« fit p«' ,l '*«i of public mtJiiritiiig mr UH first «‘ f li dal act. Gaily colt,rt-d 3niti' : r.4 hut rhangerl to, RMiubrc cr-p» n’l I full flown flags luid dropped to It (If m.r.'t tor the city's sorrow lus caH‘td esu cellation of a riying visit Col. arise Lindbergh vu to bare msdi 20 Per Cent Increase Attendance Indicated, Wayne county rural schools op en*«l over the county yesterday with a probable increase of M percent In attendance over the op ening day n fear ago. A large increase was ludlcetod In prelim- Inary reports reaching Oitaljr Superintendent J. T. Jerpme, late yesterday oJ lt wan Raid, however, that |t will be the lottos the Week before a full check upon the enrollment can lie made. i CITY HOSPITAL GIVEN APPROVAL ■ .1 ■■ 1 ■■■— American ( olleffe of Hurgcoa* Given (>oMnbon» “Condi- Honed” Rating Th* Goldsboro Hospital bah been added to the Hat of approved hospi tal by, the Atnerirbn College of Hur r.«on», The News was Informed la n dispatch received yesterday 3 Thin la the first year that tha Coldsboro ho 'pH a I bn* been placed upon the list and the satisfactory ratlog given by the American C*f lege of Rurgeons ptacss the ho tpllnl •’» • dees with Gve more efficient hoipitaU at tbs country Th* Gold 1 boro ii given a "conditioned' rating »•' >t l* the Hr»t year an the H«s» Jmt u ew MRtshrd thut the f d lego of Ru«Reonn cuMomarity follow the poller of placing n hospital on tho "conditioned” Hi the first year. Later if hati'fartory standardisation I < r»htiiiuc<i a "fully approved” rat lag to glr n. * . "Conditioned approval ludical s”, told the dlspalt h to The New*, "that the hOMpiial ha* arcopled th* r*- qulremcnl which result In (tic beet bar*, of tlie patient, but for lack of lime and other acceplabla reasons have not put them fully into effect ” “The Hospital Ktaiidardisulion movement,” said Dr. Fraukllu li. Martin, Chicago, Director General the American ('ollcg.t of Kurgroni, "l* now in Ita tenth ban Imrii phenomenal: from *9 boa pitals meeting the 12 0 per cent in foil, to I*o3 hospi tals, ur C 9.9 percent in 1917 Thin Is due lo the f*<;t that llie people | of the United Ktaliir, Canada, and other countries, where this movenicnt is carried on, have been convinced of its worth both from the human! tarlan am) econdrole ahpccts. Every community must accept the rcsponnl l.ilitp"’of proviug adequate car* of the 'dek uitd Injured. Tb« only way pot-Mile to do this In a proptr man ner Is through the arr-ptaneg and carrying out the principles of H<«pl tal Standardisation, as many ol the hospitals Iu your ceuiiuifuity have done J4FN IN ARMY K< IIOOI.M WAHHIN|ITON, Oct. 3. Three of ficera of tin- Imperial Jupaneae Army are to akh course* at the Hptcial Ber Ttca&rfaocto Mt - the GW tod Btptee j Army. Ncoi‘o Woman Kills Husband . Willi a Hatchet Here Sunday ntuMfgtptM at* uH»»t»mvMirj’c.T '•» -~fTr. UTThirt i„ tito huid’ with a hatchet”, naid Janl* lllonnL, »*-»• herthtmirtrr. (rrre- ttt. 7 Wit lay if ernoon, '".Veil, IctV g i see what yni have don»,” Gwatui/ who »n* at the ipsis? HalmlotUet officer I4!i"»«f< •*. Hollo man Gwalnry and De pi4j£ sheriff Kornegay ofdorad Janie '£K-r j* pwttwe ainnswobH: mu* d*#** lo her home. In the bedroom «f ttia tiny bom# in Kadi-town, not tar from the Wayne bonded warehouse pr<>re;ty, th* of fleers found Ruben lltouut, about 30, dead. 1 be body was face down on the iim. The left hand site of th* back 1 part; of the head was chopped open, the face buried In a pool es blood lluben had aot made a move after Ink inf struck, appearance Indicated, SHORT SESSION CITY FATHERS ■ Commit to* Will Cowaidrr Mat Ur Removing Rortkni Gram Plot oa Ask Fifteen minutes w»r* alt that th* city aldermen required last *v*aing tit traneart city buetaeea is th*lr regu lar first Monday night session. . , On behair of certain property own era along Ash str** . Col. J, U, Lang ston epprared to sek that tk* gr**n grass plot la th* center of Aah tw removed front William t* Onter street. A commute* was named by lbs board to consider this pel It Is*. Oh behalf of Th* Goldsboro Neva, C*|. ijiagstoa *ak*d that a' special privilege tan charged The N«ws for uUgiikg a circulation cempaiga he re funded, Hie request, he expiaiaad, was based np thv fact that the cirwa- Istiea contest tax w*# f*ry rare aa* on* not generally collected by oUie*. Tb* proposal wa* voted dewa, 7 to S, The sum of S3OO waa voted a, refund to Chief of Folks fid Tew lor tb* oos-tbird amount es city meaty la Mr. Teh’s car* amt ea deposit, la the He*phm Bank aad Trust Canspany when It fatted. Th* Abkrms* did Mt think that Mr. Tew should p«r*esal ly lues this mawey, HEAVY FBSEIS ■ » j ' *" I \ * w * V^M mwwWuaamuMmm ** Wm. LivifigatMC Mu*t Pay |IM bile; Maybe Go Roadu One of tho heaviest ffaOf imposed In Wayf* epaaty n*ford*»’| court waa assetood yesterday by Judge Htaed against William Uvingstoae, negro, charged . with having whiskey tor t ale. for receiving, aad tor transport ing. Livingstone waa fined SIOO gad the cd-U sentenced to serve $ months if 'he failed to pay (he fine, and Ms’au tomobile aud five gal tuns of whiskey o-dered taken laving*ton wff. tak en by Officer. Rhode* and Parker one night lant week- I Othyr cases diipokst of yesterday; Frank Heels, whiskey for aal«, aot guilty;, Karl Baffderaoa. larceny, hound-to' ’superior court uad*r s2*o bond; Frank Sutton, carrying con cealed weapon, submission $lO flue end coittn; u. A King, giving worth less check* $0 days la $*11; William Howell, assmlt. uol prosaed; J ( ,, Howard Fatso*, <flsp®siag of mortgag td property, nol praased; 0- 0. Smith driving car drunk, $&0 flu* aad coata cad ray prosecuting witneWi, sfi, a 90 day sentence on the roadvi.Jmld over,, and ordeied not to drive an aa tomoblln for three months; Murt Hankins, In Jab: Henry White, larceny, bound to Superior ’ktiuti s2oo' bond; Earl WiHlamn Melton. John Hog • na.TP.Tn 1 Mattery, heaoy Bimmona, -Itobert Cooper and Ed Fhillipr, gamh ling, not guilty, J -~- '"V V N hftc.i a tiiw- Coj-yni-r T It Yfobinnun W»n call ed and empaneled the following aa a .Waftaaiaif Ik ■■ WiikthsHdwyv ~i: ft, Ncljemiy, A. Troublefield, W. T. Odum and Kaimett Ur»wn. "I wait sitting on the porch talk In* lo Miaa Nancy Morgan,” raid Innle Idling her story to the jury w Hu ben came home and hei had been drinking. lie went in and lav down w m* mm. t reckon t* .r»p( short two hwur* and then he called me .-•ml said to come there. I aald I'd ha there directly und presently be called again and Held Janie. O . , D . . . didn’t I tell you to come here.’ I got *’P and as I Martel In I aaw him. coming getting out htg knife, hut K wasn’t opea. So I ran around the liouee. lie ent me off by going through tha h«uya and when I got to mti iCHttl»at It PWO Tn* 0 ' '(3 #•> ' Member of f. The Aflsocttttf f v pj^yi ■ ■*■■■ nucamacuna . ** fr Government Tb Study Matter t» emt V*n Id* porfdteat ftaod* “Mil** •* *•■**£*+ »•**•*« or tar * at# bo teraooo* tor «mm powr and Md to (amid* whoote B( Indastrpt . • n»t* to a «a*attofr «Mfh tho bate* *d emu* govMMNNto led ■»*• toaUr to n»*t par, muHlii to toian tr»ii. ga* otfto* at ttaitoi RuwiOto A ilmliUr mii tmr |W fn» e*! ** wwtimi -# W* mPPA cap# to*r ri«r» will ha ami*, It van Indicated. VMU|fttloi triiii a report that alter than** teaactl totioa or um Maaaa, it toi bam Inal iiUtotolltkM aytoynto »- tototwito mV by iu tHhatartoa vbtoh'oaaM to atto. tbatTt eoatThTrtomtto ogataat tb* wtoato at a dyaatoo for tb* manufacturo of olectrUdtjr. Ooe •tructioa at tda baalaa woald, it (it mob, a*rv« a deal psrpoao, that >t • ontroUlat «*od aoatfUtoao an board inc wat*r tor qnwr tenotep. IKNlfilf (fft lmUl '■ PKKINO, Oct, IHPt-Thtf tiapor toot eltjr of Kalma. to. largaa&*»* neretol cuter north *f Poking, hag. tooa capturod hr ahahabi Prortat# troop* mm tto Nortbotaort, official foreign H“at tom wort adriaod toij^ ST ATE PROGR AM IS FORECASTEB Mr*. Tfcoauw O'Bfttj Tto D*4r State dub RffarU TpwagU • Kinatlm fr rnrnmmmmmm Tb»r# lo a groat 'aaad far latorawf •ad Intrlltgont woiaoa tctloofp par ticipating la aCatoa at 8tot« and oaUaaal Mto, mom— who read widely and la'elUgaatty. who am able to tblak elaorty aa4 to tom tbter own opinion*, aoaortod Mr*. Thou? O ’torry, wf Goldsboro prosktoat qjj, tho North Caroltsa TO deration of W*>, mon'a Hub*, opegkiag bgford tb* fpl •ration Coo neb at fta apt alow la SUioavttt*. - ±s aim of htr odmialatratloa t*tf •tot* protottonl asld. la teUUtm Plana for tor adartatotrallaa Ur*. o>‘ Brrrr atatod that owphaala will bo piaetd on rsrloaa phaaaa of tb* atatklh •ducatloaol prohtoau, particularly ted ;/J»toA u pobiio tom.*mw>hd mat', odacatioa. Tb# Adoration toll tto oporato With tto Mat* arparimont of • laht month* aobobf tem ateMo *aS the atoadgrd of la Mb adult oducoUga program its IntonalTo atudy la rklaoaatote wHI |to *ado, at rowing local aad ditto *or rrimant. Tto rad* rattaa woT prtx mot* tbo library *it*aaion wogm» rrarwag that (ho grantou probirsTw adult education not go much to trtnh poopla to road a fate Its** bat to t*ad( thorn to road wMaly am lal lllaUHlJ Bb* oadteaco aa a eßtt*

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