PLAY-BY-PLAY ACCOUNT WORLD SERIES AT NEWS OFFICE BEGINNING AT ldO TODAY •. « . ■ t * * • Jy ** • ' . .. . • ,■■■ ■ WEATHER n 4 may Mr la later ter Thursday Friday probably dandy. *■ " c ’» . VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 190 YANKS BOARD PIRATES IN OFF-COLOR BATTLE 5 TO 4 ▼ T.” **•' % t . ■_* . • ** > 1 Junker Plane Falls Into Sea Off Spain *. * - x-mT? v - ' LISBON, F&rtn**l, Oct. fr-CF 1 )- The Porttlfew edmirally reports that the Juhkers plane D ISM fell tato Ilka sea oT( Santa Crus. An 80S wa received and the govern meat seat a warrhip to the aid ot the plahe which wah believed to bo between C*pt Mondago and Santa eras. GOLDSBORO GIRL WEDS IN CANADA Miss FlMtcr Taylor Marries Prof. Lwtto Ayer of Sooltle, Washington BCATTUB, Washington, Oct; fr ith* Flatter Taylor, daughter of thi lata Cbarlaa Fisher TayVtr aqd Screm W; Taylor ot Golddroro, N. C., ana Washiagtpa. D. C.", wav married li Victoria, British Celunbia today tr Prof, .fenlle James Ayer of the Uni varsity ot Washington law school The wedding wan the cumulation of i romance that began two yeara ago when Mias Taylor entered the law wheel. The bride attended Washington col lege of «muic and Oeorga Washing too Uaivermhy. She Is a member oi tha daughters of American Revoln Uoo, the trailed Daughter* of Con ofederacy, the Southern Society 'oi Letters and the International Assoc iation of Aria and Letters and hsi been active socially in North Carolibi ii ml Wtihi&fftoo, *; * rror Jfjal'bis W on YU staff o tha Uahrorsity of Washington low reboot since ISIS and slao taught in law schools of the Universities «f liontaga, Cnllforata, and Chicago. Hr " Is the author of numerous Kffnl books They will be at heme here after Nov ember 1. ’■ INCREASE DUTY CERTAIN ITEMS Certain French Goods Will Bt Charged Higher Tariff Un der New Orders WASHINGTON, Octf—(*>)— The treasury took nn unexpected had l< pm Mranco-Auittrican tariff ddf&h v- this afternoon prlth the announce meat that cuattm collectors bad been directed to impose on a Ii * of French Imports increases in duty equal to the increase fixed by Franco on similar America* products on September 6 The department said It* action wav u routine matter and did dt involve certain soa’isns of the tariff act which provide fir retalilary duties in case of discrimination against th< United States, but was taken unde: provision sf the tariff schedule; themhclvcg. . W *v Enquiry at the Btate where the American reply to flic lasi French tariff note rtill la in prepara tion with hopes that means ot adjust ing the situation created by Fsencl. tari.f might . bsvr been found. It developed that the diplomat!* branch of the governmon' dignot know of the treasury; action until after public announcement hai. been made. What effect the treasury course may have on the dlHotna: l£ nn elUcials would flay. , The arlldlcs upon wbirb the in ; crease of duty are ordered are auto gjjjiTrtf ahtf Atfd their, p*n* paper hoard, brick, and hevcral cheml cal# and cement. * +• • • ■ WUJfrTON-SALSIL Oct. 5—vTV- Coiv.cted of hoidln gup the cashier of a Winston-Salem bakery and r,b ttng tne cash drawer of $1,200 Clvd ItaM'y of thin city wav today ven tcneed to serve 10 years in state v! MS. AW altegM htrowipflro m mw vat fs ! vea from 3 to 5 years In pri pir. - BOUT RKiOYKKKD SUMTER. 8. C,. Oct. s.—(*")—'The body sf Andrew L. Jackson, middle sped Sumpter man and native ' of North Carolina, was taken from a mill pond near here this aftr'noon. A note left in his ca£ left nearby in- Btc*t«d enicidd, nmas^medm THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ... ' // * • ‘ * w M n » „ READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Highway Commission Is Winner Supreme Court Case Snow Hill Highway Routs Selected By Engineer* of Stoto Deport went Stands Under Decision Handed Down by State’s Highest Court; Verdict Sustains That of Judge Harris Given Here Weeks Ago RALEIGH, Oct. fr-(>P)-Tbe Sup reme court late today wavlicd its lands of (he Newton road suit and by affirming Judge Schenck’s Judg-‘ meat in UalaMrn superior court, which In effect,' approves the modi fied route."substinWally the »aaw", nv originally sought by the county for route IS, North Carolina’s Main u reel through Catawba county. Charles Rois, attorney for tbs Sts** Highway commi -sioti. following the dfamlssa* *Wd the commission wa.' ready to build the road. lie said no new law or teat case was involved. The Stale highway commtsaicn won the appeal from Wayne county rela tive to location of the road between Goldsboro and Snow Hilt. Judge liar ri* refused to t*<suo a rctihrslning vrder and certain tax payers Ltar'cd ’ult to enjoin biihdlng Ihc highway,, on the Toqtc selected l»y the state t ngineeys. Justlr Clarkson he'd that the loca tion with uot made until 1026 and not LITTLE BOY IS HIT RY AN AUTO c * From Behind One Automobile Steps Into Path of Oncom ing One Little Manuel Penning, seven year >ld son of Mr. and Mrs. Moaky iten >lng, of 610 North Delay street, Mtinfuily if not seriously injured yes erday mornipg about 1:30 ©‘dock, rhen he was knocked down by a Ford edap driven by Mlc« Thelma Bsrifcn laughter of John C. Barden, Green leaf mereban', and sustained severe bruises about the h<sd. The Denning child was on his way o the Walnut Street Schools. Mias Tard'n was on her way to the High School, where she Is a student, and was going north on William street, when just as she reached Almost iu •rout of John H. Howky's residence, he email boy darted out into the itreri right in the path of the ap proaching car. According to *ye-wlt ’ncsses, Miss Bartlcn made «vocy pos viblo egort to stop.the car. applying ho brakes so hard thAt the Ford skid led several (ret and turned almost •ompktcly around Jest as it struck the child, knocking him down on the «trcet, but fortunately, out of the path ihe wheels. Ttaftsc who sow the iccident, were of the opinion that it was un-avoldable. Little Manuel, at the last reports, ■was resting' aa well as could he ex wtl! d, and It wai thought that em less con.pltcatlons set tax he would re over. It was riporjed last evening 'hat Miss Barden had been contlhed o her bed on account of the shock ■nd fright. ■ Good-Natured Crowd Enjoy* The New* Baseball Matinee Several hundred bsheliull fan« tom ws alt aeeehia; imd the eur«* undlng country gailx i d iu front of the News office, yev tenday afternona fur the. tlixi mniince. 4 'fhr Ttct- nrricx* that, many on finding lliat the parking bpace iiail all been taken wandered on off with the Idea of gcltlng in ou the early ru*h this af urfcna,. Tho-.* who wero lucky en ough to get the ringside placet* ling ‘-tvw- imw *•*■* thoir favorite winning out. Tlio crowd began gathcrlns early, folks of ail denomination v packing themiclvr* in as close as poaitible, a* If lo catch a gllmpfee of Uie Babe and hi* ruuning mate, Mr. Ix»u, as ihev walk out from Ihe dugout, pick up three of four hats, and after swinging them several tt»*.i take a *»al upon both heels to await their turn at facing the moundxmaji Ju»t to bfv« aeen the then until alter coudderation had be*a given to at |ra«t seven dlffcrcut rou es. He silk Id*' Harris. Meat ot the rood has already been gTadfd slnca tbn injunction was dismisoed so that the decision Was ir.ostiy of academic Interest. The higher court called attention ro Uts uew highway law of 1927 which makts It * joint duty of rommivvlon and c°nnty to ro'ocate road routes in Inter j»t of ecconomy. The ('ommiasiou iv also enjoined (liUw abam(ning the route, the gronnd for appeal, which was uneuc ceisful, was that Ihe route from Goldsboro to Snow Hill had not been definitely add fibally lwa»ed bv the '•*mmls«l'an prior to the Bepte-urber 28, 1926, but the cour's he’d It had. O'her cahov were Whit* versus White hurst, Cravep, nn error. Fraqcisco and Wadsworth vs. Coun try dull. Craven, no error. Ward TV. Agrillo, Crave*, appeal I WENT HUNGRY FOR THAT MAN '0 * Vr 0S Woman Te*tii£ In Trial of Rev. WUlls Jordan for Bfr amy In Charlotte CHARLOTTE. Oct. Sr-tiF) Placed n trial iu Hun rior nmrl here <>n » charge of bigamy. Rev. Willis Jor dan today beard th« woman who ac cuses him of luring her Into an illegal marriage denounce him to h jury and a crvwd aj piaud m she dodged ques tions of cr.aa examiners. He also heard witnesses testify to the records which rbnw that be mar ried Mrs. Emma Lmgridge of Wsnh ing'on, D. C., August 19 sod when I c wav retufacd to Jqll late today he faced the prospect of hearing wlt nessA from West Virginia tcitify to morrow that he lived there.*wl‘h an other wife. The Jury to try minister, who wax arrested in Grant] Rapids, Mich., nftsr a search started when ho wqs reported kidnapped from Columbus. Ca., was affected In a few ndnu es. ■ n Tb* composure of the minister and : bis Indifference to the preaence of the woman he is charged with ‘‘ruin ing by blgdmou.'' marriage”.deserted him for a moment as he listrued to her bitter scorn iA describing rirriF alleged relations. His face beegma , grave an added to his nervousness rss a hunt of a tear, when „ Mrs. Lang ridge-Jordan, under fire of cross • cxabdnatbn, said *7 went hungry for ! that man sitting there, Willis Jordan. I, I loved hint better than be deserved I and I plty„t|ie woman who-ljcatowf love upon him.- * I'Ugl* r - 4lirlion of TTSTfitT m. have i *M*(wl tho uiiiutcrcxlcd of *>a cball faux to tha*— an cnthiiaimi «'•' i‘lr : J ! . m jw.. . <-i> .-vutforu+t - m md tn*Until ■yrmnt mrd, ibtyin to the [ot* of every neighbor, came in the party. The colored folks and iheir invited fnwlit were pro: rut In large-nunilH'rs. The Ncwh With lies! to a cosmopolitan crowd, to t>' rare. There wan Ihe banker; the 1 i ii nil t. —iwhuwt. awd wM the rest who have jobs of iroiro sort, knd others win aspire to cniployin'’Ht Im tcnlns in for the thrills that were , x per ted from tho I’ltUUurg diamond. Not much excitement reginod, pro battly bttiUfW the fans were 100 busy getting themselves keyed up fov tha games that are to follow. An a matter of fact, the party was unnh ually quiet firr such an creation. I Continued on Fafe Four) GOLDSBORO, N. C • THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6. 1997 Fremont Child Is Not Yet Operated On An orenv.loit will be performed sometime today by Philadelphia surgcuu* in an effort to rnnsova an im u safety pii from the stomach of UlLy Winborn, 11 months “Id son of Mr. and' Mrs. Eirl Win bqrn of Fremont, iu cbjo the pin docs not pass naturally la format! n wai given Mr. Wlnborn last evening over long dtaiagct telephone by Mrs. Wtnboin. who la with the child in Philadelphia. An X-ray picture wsa made yes tprday and showed the pin repoa ing in J tba child’s stomach. Th< life fellow (hallowed the pic while being dressed by hh moth er at the Fren*;nt about noon. He has uot yet shown any 111 elfects from the accident TO PUT BENCHES IN AUDITORIUM 0 " Manual Training Department Begin. Work of Beating High School Student* fly the middle of next week, the Goldsbur:> Ugh school Hudent».-WriH will he able to neat themselves in tho uew Auditorium for their flrat Assembly program o' the year. Temgf.rury wooden itench os are now Iwing erected aud when ihe work U completed, 150 studenU and teacheni will begin to.use the Auditorium regularly for their school - Tbo neceuary lumber wax ordered ye»t«rtlay morning, and thij morn ing Lewis Aim-r’s manual train ing studenta will undertake to erect the hcnct»«B. This will ntt only prove lo i>(‘ CU iff.rur liib— unilertaliing for jhoie young-ewrpenters. but will make iKwrib!# uliliastion of ihe large nu rthortum for the paT© e of carrying on echooj aetlvUics. Until tho prea- the students hare bad vn> place where they might meet aa a Unl'ied body, the ouly time* the school has been brought together la:t Thtwrday and I'riday when the Ini tial pep meeting* of the foo bail teu ton were held. The hoys and fir l * found It rather tiresome standing up during the wh.le performances. There wilt be threo section* -of benchei, running buck about fitly tcet. Two of the occ’ions will b* for - length of tialaen feet, while the inner section will be for a length of fourteen feet. Between the eectionn will be pletUy of aisle space. Each' row will tdke care ot approximately ”3 students, and tlterc will be twenty rowa. The Btudenti of the Maubal Training department promise to tbrn out a good piece of practical Work, v The compi*)-* of the benches will fill a felt need among the sttid jpnki. Tli* new activity period that been added to the schedule will give Die students plenty of to | work up interesting Asiew.bly et crrlsiH, and before long these will b« prcscnUd from the auditorium’ stage for ihe benefit ts tho„« n'uden's who arc occupying tlic tcmpfcirary con structed bcochea Jmt iu frpnt . LIMHILCGII GUEST OF TENIF.HBKE MEMrIIIB, Tenu. Oct. S UhhrUw A7 Liatibargb flying the SpiHt ut Kt Louis left Arms! rung: "mm 4ng for Chattanooga. * ’ Col, Uogbergh will circle over .Florence, HhjrffMd. TusretfMhla. . liiA.- air, rutmtam And ScotUlwro, Ala.. OB hi* way to Challkntxiga. whero he is due at 9:3d o’clock, lie will leave for Birmingham at ll:3u an,| lx scheduled o Hand tiicto at 2 o’clock. itrm mir Tii HryiwiWHi OIIETrON, 111, Oct, 5 frff") Hinix- Farsi, Frank O L wden'x van! rtate five nvilcs from here wax the mecta today fog hundreds of onlral Illinois -admire* of Illinois war time governor who hoped he would r.nnounce his candidacy f.r the Re publican presidential preference at ment of bla presidential candidacy next April# piimary. -, s MISS SASSER IS CALLED BEYOND Death of I’roroinaal' Ebcnezer Community Girl Cattata Much Sadnfjau , Mix* Alma Baascr, 11, danghier of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kaheer of the Ifiberncxer community, died at g local lospital at 1:30 yesterday of genera) crltoul hr. Mlee Baxxer attended tenrioea qt the Ebenem Methodist church Fri day night and was taken 111 a abort t rao after ahe returned to her home. ; When Hw oondfrioa grew ateadlly worse, ahe was bir.ugbt t* a local hoe nitd Sunday where an examination "hawed her condition critical. Ah op eration for appeadlcitia waa Immed iately performed, but surgeon* found that the appendix had but*ted. The pobon thus thflown into the syateai resulted in peritoniUa and the fine vouhg woman grew steadily worse t’Plll the end came at 1:M yesterday. Memlmra of the tamlly j and friends were at her bedside. - » Mhe Sesser was graduated Irom Rosewood High schenl Inst year and w*w preparing to ea'er Guilford Col lege this year. Bhe had been one of the mosl popular member of her clem Hbe held membership in Ebwasser Molhtylbt church hnd woe on# es the most dependable of the church and Sunday hchool workers of the lomof *r set.'a Foung woman of aimghle * disposition, Mlu Hasser lived an exemplary Christian life and her «"* timely taking away will he * ami blew to her many friend*. « 1»«* n:ow»t rat leg the eetmpn via which the jleceebed was held, Rpa#- v.ood and Kbeneser school ihe fuoqral mi Ebonier church-«U,2:ld IhU afternoon. Rev. R. E. Brown, the pastor, grated by Rev. J. W. Oanlner will bo in charge ill the aervlce*." Mbs Sasser wah ono *f a family of, ten children and the UlafeUi which caused her death wax the first illness the loan* family has ever experienced, la addition to her parent* following brothers and sisters aarrire; Harri son, Arnold, John, Jr , Joseph, and Mlsoes Linde. Maude and Wilma Baa* ear and Mi*. (John Braswell, ell *( the Kbeneser section, sad Mr*. Bbu ford Plott of Goldsboro Walter Siler Named Assistant Atty. Gen. RALEIGH, Oct. B—OP)—Walter 0. Siler of Piltebcrofl former stat solid* tor, today wa* named by atternty reueral Ursmmttt as assbUnt to the attorney general, Mr , Siler will be connected with the department inf revenue, euocrodiag John 11. Harwood, who yestertlay wa# named special (uperior court Judge by Governor McLean. RAKISH SOVIET EKVOJT PARIS, Oct. S.—(JP)—M. Brbnd, th* ° foreign minister, pent Instruction* tonight to the French ambassador at Moscow to Inform the authorities that the French government po longer considered (..brlaUan Hakovsky, per sonal grata and deelrrd that a new soviet ambassador be eent to Park. service*. Calles Faction Continues Execution OI Revolt Leaders -eefcW YTVtttf, ’ Ors 'ft *tftf'*government In iTexlco contin ued today to press ruth'leidy its measure's f,r craift* atlon of the ns» HSHDSRH, i iii Ccn. Ooon highait surviving lead- ! er of the Fcbels wan executed today In Vera Crux state according to a r* port to the 'Mexican Consulate gen era! here. Urn,.source Pf which wa* rot dtrchxcd. Gontax whs captured lart-ulgtit uii'l Wrifriy iHigt pen ally exacted from Ilia colic.igc Gen. Scrran, prcridentlal tauUldljJc and < mtwhile intimißo of Gcncrsl Obre gon and a score g[ other leader*. While Federal troops pursued the -depleted bodies of the rebels in the field, tho chamber of deputies moved to purge the-capital of thos# alleged to have given support to the revolu tionary movement. Tweuty live de puties were fkpellefl on the ground that because es atltUatitn with the Pirates Cracked lit 3rd With 2 Errors And WiM Pitching That Lost Gaifie FIGURES CAN’T.LIE YAKkKKM AkIMhAl Combe, es 4 0 9 4 9 6 Koenig, ea 4 *lllO Ruth, rs 4 » I B • 0 Gehrig, lb 2 11 7 I 6 Metieel. If I 0 • I • 1 Luaeri. Ib ........ 4 6 114 9 Dugan, Sb S O 0 0 • 0 Oodlm, o I 0 9 4 0 # Hoyt, 9 S O 0 9 0 t Moore, p r 1 • 0 I 1 0 Totals M I ID I 1 PIKATEB Ah K ■ Po A B> L. Waner, es .4 2 11 0 9 BarVbart, If 4.0 1 3 9 0 P Waner, rf......'4 Wright, is S 11) 4 9 Traynor, 3b .....74 9 ! 11 0 Great* ...... 3 9 9 6 3 1 Harris, lb.. 4 9 1 T 3 .9 Smith c 4 9 0 4 l 1 Kromer. p 3 I 1 0 9 0 Mlljus. p 19 0 13 9 Btrckell. x ........ 1 0 0 9 0 9 Totak 31 4> » 17 ,14 nummary r »• •*/•••% Two boo* Wtft T. WanorrWwMtl Koeutg, L. Wiser, Leaseri. Three base hit: Gehrig. Sacrifice hits: Wright. (3), Gehrig, Dugan, Ba»«e on balls: Off Kromer, 3; off Hoyt, 1; off Milieu 1. Struck out: by Kromer, f: by Hoyt 1, by MHju* 3; by llooro. 1. Double plays: Lanaart to Gehrig; Wright to Grantham to Harris.- Hit*: ea Kremer, S tin 3 Inning* (none #ut in sixth); eff Hoyt, 9in 114 iuhlafa. Winning pitcher, Hoyt. Loutag pitch er Kramer. LEAPSFROM TOP HIGH MONUMENT Balfimoro Mas Purpssdy Throws Self Over 180 Foot Brlak to Death BALTIMORE, s.—(JP)—Harry f. Gibbons, SO, fffhitnro ealeemaa, climbed to the tap of Washington monument, swung himself over the parapet and dropped 139 feet to his death today aa pedestrians gnxeA la horror. He died before reaching tho hospital, 1 Gibbons en'eted the mouum'nt shortly fnterabon and remained for sometime at the top , Caretakers con sidered him simply anethtr sightseer. A negro who saw him deliberately swing over the wall, hie flgir* dwarf ed by th* dlsay height, thought him a workman. He was identllled by cards in hie pockets requesting that relatives be notified. His employers said he waa »n th* verge of a nervous breakdown. tjbw x rWdsjia<? 00 >°B)PRiiSN worthy of seal* in tho chamber nor of clticcnjhlp. Tho Vera Crus legislature eipcll •jUfSimef iwfcnfcn tor* ritiDMr reaon and ordered them tried for cimpliclty in the- rebelli*q v Failure of Mexico Citfs dispatches quickly to confirm the capture of Gomes tended to discount that-re port. It was considered as the type of new* which would be quhdDy framed through the cens.rohip being matin tained. 1 . NOGAZLEB, orlg., Oct. fr-DPj-A dispatch from Mexico City to the lleritld says several persons Were killed end many Injured In street riot. Ing yesterday In the Mexican capital. Among th dead is a nephew of Con gressman Thor. Robinson of Betters. Hi* relatives here confirmed this ro ***•..*.* i.. ki-a. - 1 MymW o#. The Afleodftvfti Prea* a- plica Mil atom . * * . f (i«f i. i Babe I*l HATES mWn^JDIV nrr-sSllur exciting Hut alto leoeelr gar*# **»* PtfztcN CH4 1 iUgwf ! joftjpgyp|pa}f ta ,n||* ntTmhnHinimt toi#«4 twpjr the fIdST tft CMtePl. Wtfcty floor# IM «K# IpMNf M»» Yulmi bolding thorn t* * tfaflo bit la f#ar lanlage. ,, # xi ■» «*-»•■• jay* *g and Llfd, were *a»a«rH|B»' «t «4 attack sharing Ik* 4ty*» tNßttif f*t ,t,ht W,lh^ noth and Oetartg. Bat WMmm » the d*bg£a and Marl Smith lit* ikSf opportunities tbay eeiagi t*ekl*. j Th* tiai P»*7 b* k*ay», j. the tcore heard. —Q» out •• ho missed sharply to right. o€hrt» or. kept throwing o befk 1 again to tlm «* the bag. Strike ON. W »M. Ball tprp, high. TkW.WjWSEf *■* tlo*o to (h* bag. ftrthe. %wm> foal 1 . Bail three. Rath wm 0* G*brig*a throe baa* bit, ■■ - -. • * ..._ Meuao. ap Wrik, at a fast on* on th* oubrtdv* Ono r»n. L. Wanor, as. MU. 'lhhMo; this was a wide eurrg. Blit t*i ii lid*. Hoyt threw aAOih#r«eai*a Sd4p one called. Strike tw% agfpet* US ball to th* Inside. 1. BMlfcjirajfc Wt Strike on*. swung at Ba* <-d on* to Ruth. T. waßhrm.'ThA fe.l.

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