PLAY-BY-PLAY ACCOUNT WORLD SCRIES AT NEWS OFFICE BEGINNING AT 1:30 TODAY L - - , ••• «• W • 1 ?• e ' . ** * v ‘ ' ! 1 WEATHER .Mr Friday foil*wed by Aowrn in west portion Friday nights Saturday partly cloudy. - VOLUME 81X; NUMBER 191 SCHOOL GIRL KILLED AND FOUR HURT IN EXPLOSION FOR 2nd WIN, PITCHER PIPGRAS PUTS PIRA TES ON SKIDS. 6-2 Pinetops Bo} Match Near Gasoline * % As . About II Gallons of Gasoline ,i Thought Renamed in Tank Being Used GIRL KILLED WAS FIFTY FEET AWAY FROM TANK Cap From Off Top of Outfit Struck Her in The Head, Death Instant TARBORO, N. C., Oct. 6 --(ft —One child wax killed Instantly and Spur ojfcrr* injured, two probably fatally, when an old a bandened gasoline supply lank on the Plnetofxfychool grounds near here exploded late today. The explosion oecured when a" boy playing at the tank, atruck a match. The seboo) board had changed contracts for iti gahollne aupply nad the old tank had been left on the school grounds by the oil com pany. \ > \ “! 'Thetank, believed to have held about XI gallons of gasoline, was an "attraction’’ for the children who played about It during -re cent and'after school .hours'. A Mall son of Jopn Gardner, local rtXiiient. struck a match" naar the tanking cgusing the ex Young Gardner and his small les, tka former losing an arm, and ' , teg, t A gtrX +tdtteat eitthur te «ee4~ away atndyiug her arithmetic le»- eon was hit in the head by the ' tank cap and she died instantly. Reports tonight said two other children were also injured. TANGLEDUVES AGAIN REVEALED Two Women Claim Man Missing v- On Snowy Slopes Colorado . COLORADO BPRINOB, Col„ Oct. . C— (lP)— Demoatic affairs of Ulchnrd blather of Kiagra Falls, New York, who l(ts bgen mining hlnce last Sunday on the snow ( covgred slopes of Mount Elbe it were injected today Into the mystery of, hi* dt'sappcar nnoe when two women claimed him is husband. . ' «* In Colorado Springs, Mrs. Emma Mather said she married him in Lo* Angeles four and a half years ago. about three yearn as er he obialncd a divorce from his first wife <>t Niagara Falls. The divorce was obtain ed, Mrs. Emma Mather e*ald, in a state W*Mexico and records of it arc in a vault In New York.' * Mrs. Emma Mather, wbo was he fore marriage Irene Emma Jacobs, met her hunhand i n Buffalo, ahn said. In Niagra Falls, Mrs. Pearl Mather's said to be recognised a» the man’s wife there, denies that she was divorced from him or that she bad evar been bervtd with dlvorc* paper* Matter- ha sa child lAyaart by'hlFWt « - 1 — : — —— OX IRON AXD jittel at nfgmnb ATLANfA. Ga.. Oct 6.—Pro posed changes in rate classifications on Iron and steel and tbeir by-pro duct», brought h large delegation to Atlanta today to protest before the southern classifies loa committee. The (iliumtilfaritM a iiiifilAULul urgeiaui with hearings scheduled on a group of commodities other than iron and pteel. Paper bags, otbee paper sr idea, wooden pails, cement, pickled lard and other Items w*re assigned for hearings today. Protestors represent ing shipping Jnteres s from all over the country war* her* to enter eg. peptlons to th»i proposed new rate *V. , ..... . JVTO JBL -ImZ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Struck Abandoned School Tank 43 Per Cent Jump In Wayne Divorce Rate Divorces in Vfyync county in 1026 wore 43 percent higher than divorce* granted during 1026, ststlsjffs show. At tbe fame time there were ftwer marriage in 1026 In the county than there were in 1925. Thirty-three secured divorces In tho county In '25; Forty seven secured divorces in 1036. In 1026 a total if 638 couples were w*d: In 1026 only CIS were wed, a decline of twenty three. Marriage stntirftica are based upon records in the office of Mn* Dessle Grantham, register of deeds; divorce «ftni|Mlrs upon records’ la the office of clerk of court J. B. llookh. •- c v JORDAN WEEPS AS TRIAL |S ON Jury Will Prubably Gat Bigamy Ctarge Against Minister Today -sn»^maMswaMaw CHARLOTTE. Oct. 6-(A»)-Lau«h --ing repeatedly yestettay during the rending of love notes alleged written by him to one of his repudiated wives, the Rev. Willis Jordan on trial for bigamy here, today wept loudly as story of his early life apd strug gles were told the jury which pro bably late tomorrow will decide hie rate. ” o Tbe courtroom scene taday was lit tle changed fyom that „of yesterday, | except for introduction of several , new angles of testimony, punctuated | by audible sobs the minister whese wife apperaed on tho verge es , a complete breakdown. , * The plea that "this roor gray-hair ed man boat ahoulders and a faulty mind" be allowed lo go back to Vir ginia to his Wife and boy whom he has owned and who will nurse him back to health, was made by J. C. NeweU, attorney who began argu ments for the defense. MANY MURDERED BY ISLANDERS * i British Official, Fifteen Police and Ship’s Crew Are , Victims SUVA, FIJI ISLANDS. Oct. C—(/P) —-A tale of wholesale murdefr in the Solomon Islands, some of the victims being white men ami Hrittoh offi cials-reached here l< day *■ The ilrlltsii cmomTssioricr* rbF'lhe Western -Pacific received a wireless dispatch friVrn -the island saying that a trader bad Strived there on a nrlt- Ish f’.'vrcr and reported that Jtstrct (ommis'ioner Bell and 15 native pol •..tea-ami MMb-meow al-iktt a»Mi4 - T.c h '•tmirtim.d % ’ the rortheast coast of the l«lnnds at a date linmcntlftjM'd. * * 'j'T*, V " ia l * j r . , C , *7 JWTII-e OF GREECE’S FORMER DICTATOR DENIES ANY PLOT ATHENS, Greece, Oct, B)~- Madsme Pangalos, wife of the form er diftatoi) denied plotting against the present regim* whan iuUrroftat ed las' night regarding the alleged movement recently discovered. She" admitted that many of the military and political friends of her husband had vlsCed hre since his ar rest and imprisonment In Crete, but refuted charges that she had furnish ed money to finance a conspiracy. As for her husband, she said ho would return to power* by legal amass, She urged hts speedy trial. EXAMINER MAKES REPORT CHEWY AGENTS MEET IN CITY Dealers From 15 Citie* Report Business Good and Getting ‘. Better Business is good and feoiting better was the general expression from Chevrolet automobile dealers amt | salesmen from fifteen towns and clt -1 les In this section who met here yes terday for the purpose of talking . shop and of planning bigger and bet j ter Chevrolet cn'fnpaigßr. Tim ««*- , si tins were held at (lie Uoldabor Jlolol I and* were attended by ahmit 6h deal ers »4d ashmen. ’ G. J. -Oates of Charlotte led the round table discussion and other Chevrolet and General Motor* Ac ceptance Corporation officials on tho j i rogram Included John Brock, . Mr. j Manning, and E R. Fentop JL'j, dealers reported tljat their I sales hgd greatly Increased ever the ‘ sales of a year ago,. Tracks, espee ! lally, they reported, have been In great demand, recording 100 perrent ; incres m over n year ago,. The following towiis and cities were represented 1n the Bern, Fremont, Warsaw, Clinton, tfti;- ston, OraenvkUu, Washington. Golds Boro, Mt. OlivoT Smiihfleio, F«nr Oaks, and Dunn. INCEST CH ARGE AGAINST FATHER G. R. West, Sampson Man, Is lodged In Sampson County Jail , CLINTON. Oct. O, R. West, aged about forty'years, and a rfsi dent of Herring Township,' is In RW Sumption county jail In dafnult of }3,SdO bond, charged with nn assault upon a female and with incest the complaining witness being Ills-daugh ter, who Is about fifteen years of age. West was atrested by the sheriff of (larnett couaty a few days ago, as er b» had skipped a bond of XMO im posed in Magistrate Britt's court here on ths assault charge. At the Mme of his hearing beforo Esquire Britt, the more serious charge of in cent had not been lodged against him. The story told by the Httlo girl r»r* veals sordid depths which seem nk most unbelievable to the normal '’per son. She states, according to reli able information, that she has hrrn pj victim of her fa|her for over twff years, she having been under thir teen years of age when she was firsb forced lo submit to him. Sh* states that since growing older, she has re alized the crime he was romir.ittlng and has resitted his efforts, but with out success. Tbl«. tn the opinion of many, may result in a charge of jrago orainst r*t when the rune t* tried in Sop*rfor court. At n hearing before Esquire Geo, L. Peterson here Friday, West was pfgrn'L nndsr.a hujU IJ.Wju un Ult asaaitit charge, and $2 500 on the charge of Incest. Being unable to mew-famd»'dw»' "www Yvqvw«dfß*Tlf®3BT to a«*i: the next teifn o( criminal court,' IL ■ • EOllfiil fir Ifmx FOG BERLIN, «ht. IAI- IleporU were receiv’d here today from Nor derney atating that advices liad been rc<4ic«4 th#re that the 4ualu«a plane D-1280 land’d In Lisbon ibis afternoon, LISBON, Portugal. Oct. G—fJP> — Tt*« Junkers 0-1230 whirh was forc ed to descend into the sea yea erday off Cape Rocm ep route from Amster dam to Lisbon, was not damaged and Is awaiting ths arrival of a tug which is proceeding to the spot, says a mes saffo rseelvfd today from Sunta Cm* f GOLDSBORO, N. C FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 7, 1927 ACTS AG4INST PIEDMONT ROAD I , Recommends Thai Proposal K\- '■ lend Piedmont-NortlMru Be Refused by Commiwdon WASHINGTON, G«t, » - An adverse recommendation was made lo day to the interstate miasion upon the entire project of the Piedmont and Northern railroad to build 128 tulles of nsgr line among the South Carolina, Noijh Carolina herd er. A rommi Won examiner, 11. C Dav If, assigned lo iavest'gato the l'ied mont proposals und the protssta Os -the railway linos adaljMt the ex ten ion,,advised to reject the Piedmont ..«plication com pletely on the grounds that its new teardldstion is uniirressary, not Is !bi public interest gnd likely to be harmful to Cveagreb.) Hjtit Off Aldridge 10 in 7 1-3 inatagb; o« Cveagros, 1 (a 3-1 fnaiags. Left e* bases: New York 10; Pittsburgh, S. Umpires. Nallin (plate); Quigley .(first), Armsby (second), Quigley (third). Time of game ■ 3:30. ARMY LEADER ASSASSINATED Belgrade Newaapen Chumer For Wbr aa Aftermath of Murder testeaawMteam RRUMhADE. Oct. •-UP)—'The as ses last ion of Brigadier General Kor acberitch, reputed to be one ot the ablest officers in the army has caus ed ware of excitement to bweep Belgrade. Alleging constant Bulgur iaa provocation, individual newspap ero are clamoring for war. ott- - I •. 11 - - S A eL xffv gCVPrg'l, WflG TIT CT| HI 111" of a narrow lane, had just arrlred borne acc«nvranied by a priest and a friend when three shots wore fired. One missed its tberk, the second pierced the General's heed and the *pfccdTOt ( tn lie spot. The namssin stood 15 paces away in a church door at the ead of the iwho- Ba-rbw sp*n ’wteve Ufay steed' they left a bomb, alleged to be of Bulgarian make, with ita fuse light ed to cover their retreat. ' ■ _ ' • ' IB .B 1 ■■ XKWMPAPFKNA* IX XF.W qittPAlAsHOT lUiIPH i NEW ORLEANS, U.. Oct. —Douglass A comb, cashier of the New Orleans Staten, waa shot and seriously wounded by a hold-up maw here today au he waa entering the State*’ building with the weekly psy roll. The hold-up man escaped with the ‘iHOftey after shoot tag the caahief ia tte ebdomeg, j * -- . •• Mmrnfrgr of ■. The ABaoefato4l^ * FT r ” r ' From ' O * t $ *n jin jfl moB nvi CBffli. mu la HiW •** IlfMli MH» * ol^BSSryVM^vi CUTIOI LOUD IN PKAIBB WORK OP YOUNG PMAfI W i. . % - ' £?. nsmnte" ■SSSL. I'ITTSBUHO, Oct. tall aturdy iiMM youth twtrttaf his tel World hrkf with tha MIM ap Aiesaader aad Dm skill of * MfttMte' ■•a ttad the Pirates lato a vsrtety «( bow kaola today Ml pHahad t*a jnui item m mjui thU tort of tktag all Oaerge Behtad kirn Up YMttoa stoMp. »aU* •r dida't MHUft npaft aSL|U itrlVw, ll uKMM MfcjJMBbjBPWI •o *m STtipj*n *stf|iM la| lead tU the Ml Mte fffbl ft Nnt York tomorrow, Mm Im the Vic Aldridge IM-llii’ tha tto| of cbeeklag tha Yaakaafl U M tie bad tnaiaga, the lava atbiolaailß did a falrl/ good Job bat tbaaa twe alanaaa a>ai*a asiiAAhdftflk jfcgft MMfIIMMUk hum * »*|Pa®« Win V’VMMVWU- MpHpVMpp aa wall aJ tha PifllM ||iat 'egftof are not aa ppMa’le tfteYaakfpe aa' they bad ftoatod.^* bits tww sacrifice dint fly L Waaer. He was out In tha eighth a* ha Ida* efflkrol wild pitch aad fllla* tha Ufa before ytaldlag to Mika couragjog to tha IttaeeggjjhMto M ha fscad Um Mg fattr at UV| V&lwm ho«na rua imla£JUV* «My» * While Aldrldca waa enSbto tha hot aad tbp PlraUfMbU #l>plep»4 ii pitehimi jol 9M y|| |^orl4i H*ri«fc**a witaeUfctf Is Mpi. ■* rapt '-ni imsll(unit ~ viMv