PAGE TWO IT. (KITE DEPARTMENT tw « ■ * > t ; ton. T.A. WMtflcld of Oetdsboro, K. <*., ifapea4ag M» time with relative* dan. 1 Mr. C. 11. dfirar drft this week for WlßMabaiT*. Pa., on a tousine** trip. MTS. Oliver accompanied him VMbr PtHlltu (laSmU '* rm HMMf PUBtOira dan of the Metfcafltot Sunday rahooi met with Mrs.. K. T. Mr.tsoa end Mr*. Fred MJata Tuesday crania* at (be home irirf. Watstn. c _' r . f|m w«> a lir*t aUsadancr "t clasp mucbei ’ an «wal guests t* eafey this Asllghtful moettny During Eli* badness tension splen did reports of charitable wort and of ■ lIMWIIiV aktog gs ■**»! line* Mere given by (ha «#wal committee;. The bona arm decorated for (Tie occasion with fall flowers and leav es, adt (be program was is keoplar WttL WRECKS IN SAgJgON CO. Ncfro Chili AertishHv Struck ‘ ouaty tajarfd, and ode man la await ing trial wader a bkad of flasoo as the aftarmatb of a #eri*a of automo- LUa mishap# occarlng i a tbia county as Friday and Saturday of last week. Tho daa4 are Macy Colwell. ne*ro ~ mm— «f Wsraaw and a young ne gro child of tttott. The injured man la' Mr. Lean Wilson, A MMsioeut killed shoot night when the radian rod on a towrtag car In which ah* mat riding with James Bishop, colored Ban of Ctfetm roata 4, broke. praclpiUUnr tho ear Into a dttdh a«d tuibing it completely ovst. The woman’s body win badly crashed sad braised by tbe fmpaet. who was drir iag the car, escaped —hurt, have for minor brain. 7 A car drive* tar a Mr. Lewis, sub oUtpte mall eanflar on the route from Ffareato attack a small col ored boy. eon of Wlafred Falnen. aboSt three o’«oA Friday afternoon near EUio4, IsflkUng Injurim from child dhid later durtng the dap St •ptcer*’ Hospital, Golds boro, where kawyjarrted Immediate According report*. Mr. LawM was co-tag down the highway with Me wail when the child started ceroCS ttm (wad, want back, and then prtaTrnh.. *■»««* jy« Whdh yofir ktdheyvburt and your bark f«ela 'a**,' JohV #ct*c*rrd end proceed te load >*' * e'omn> ti with tot fit drags tw exdte tbc kidney* add Irritate the eatfre urinary tract. Wrap year Wdaeya clean Mke you keep yhsr bowels clean, by flushing them wfh a mild, harmless salt* helpsta manors (he *<*(£« urinous wdbte Sad sttmnlate them te the) I normal activity. Tha function of the kidney* l.< lo Olar the blood. In 24 hours they strain from t *0 grains of scfd nod tho rtufl Imporfandfe of keeping Ost 1 aggf as we esh readily understand kidneys act let. DHWk PMa of «s«d water you ran', drtdk tod aidbh; aMD gel fro,., nav pkankselat gbout toL'u«n of Jad •felts. TPksa tkMndßbMfni in a glass' of wader brttsfe bwakfkat each morn -1 lag fw a frw dayt and your kMn«y* -wk The# a» ine.'Thfc fairou* salt., is made from dbn'sfod «f grapes un ll ' lemon jolce, comhMbd fftlh mhla, arid has been umM for years to hetp cleau aiffftntflate doefesi Wdh*yaf ulmi W ntaftflßttf the self* hf the syetetn #» they- an ao longer a source of Irrita tion, Mas often relieving hlaflfl* r Jad Bold to Inexpensive; cannot lt>- jan; makes a delightful rfferveacent * wi'tlHt'" Wm4Hi 1 hoatd take Sow and then to help keep thslr Wdn*ya clean nod sc Ire. Try wpAko water drinking. aSfl ao ddabt you will wonder what ribhijf y»hr Aids*?- ttwddr *«i ■’ gbraktb wtttTYHat required In the abdt—Bblf industry The experiments M »cc wtrctsny etpry kfewn iwany or tot» =:±9 ectK " k Tho Union Fobncco Company, «>f Which Mr. Whelan la Chairman, dla- UtoStm at present some of the best j lufowi dgnredae, plr* tobaccos and mgtfHl bought by the American pub- KsrsOTHBKMHHHHBHh'-’wM. ■ mfl— Ifldwpwt—^*■ *• y vw# ewd Melr trsmepdeu* sale, the tact 4Mt tha eoaapa*y would come out « dUlbli tad Mr. Whetaa to lay such «mpha»i* upon tt—has given (ha (drfheotning cigarette unu*^ 1 Importance bn the eyee of (be tobacco . . l ' with the season *ad, (.arrounding-t _ “Old October** by James Wbltromb fliley, wasJ by Mlaa Ada Koglub and greatly cnJoyv«d.- .There were aeveral ether number*, equally appropriMe. *. ; Orange tco and Viters’ mt* st-rvol during thr vrtcial hour. Kith Hrhaol Ulcr i lah Orgaabed The l(lgll acb(>o| tiler Club «t< l vests rday In tu« audtiorfupi tor I4»tir first practice for tbjs j-ear* iLnd tier- . ted oflear- aa foll«m- : Rodney Vice president; MatTr Adam* Oliver; Secre tary Tren-urar. Uurvel. llawkia*,; Monirr. Eva Davi*-JhtgUeh: Accem fani«, lk>l* Naff The organisation has (*nia# na>- talent and H is rgpoted that if v ill rank nmoag .lhc bent iiigb w-bnol pl»*r tlubt In tjic siatet • again attempted to crons Mr. Uvt; not having lime to swerve bin, caf before the impact. Tbc l> dy V»l carried novorai ware* b«forc the car cotfld be stopped. JMr v Wilson, one of U.iv county’* well known farmers wa* injured at about ««vrn no’cl»c k Saturday n.crn- Ing when a wagon on which he wit* riding op Highway So. f,o about ti. miles (mm Clinton, was struck fry a I WuicP car driven by Rev C. W Wil l Itamaon, colored pnator us the Sct-oml Colored Baptist church or Durham. •> A n«?er« «raip wonna an i * ■ I ; MASON THEATRE 1 Q I ■ ONK NIGHT ONLY V/Vi I 1•> ■ ■ —it 1 M < lux Included | I MAIL ORDERS NOW | Hi. rnmmmmp 1 1 lm*L I NORMAN HACKLETT ■ I ..., arvl a GR£AT cast ■ | H *T- "«ir. • : What takes yearn to build un may be destroyed in n few minutes. And, unless you are insured, you have in efect lost no many years of life. But our poliry-hoiders are secure; they are paid back dollar for dollar fi^their ~ Thos. O’Berry sth Floor Wayne National Bank Bldg. . f - .A i Phone No. 5 t TUBBY - There*» aa Error Somewhere. ; U _ ’if ~P * ■* .. r— ■ S-. I iih Jj^WfoSr7V^s’Bjfc,' B l SZZ\ *■ W /A ' ZSL l Sock J est N *— . TJ I / O \ ■ pr-r——^7 / W - * \ ' j "'' , ' y.™” ”—». 7 «u* other brgisea wftw, jtacvtvvd Mr. Wilson ia tbc wrack, aad bid bod I wa* badly wrenched. fl r was Imme diately ru*h>-d to a hospital at Kr -1 win, where late report* nay that h* ia rac^ye r ’tK a* well an cpu.d be «*- ‘ pet* eO,. although It arm* at fir*’ thuuglp ihat his injuries might prove fatal -, _ ' Wldianwon wa* placed under ar reset immediately alter- the’ accident r.nd hroughi to * liiKon where before MU«i*tr*tc O. L. Peterson, ho wa* allowW lo give bond In the »um ®f 12W>» .for hi* oppuarance at a pro- Htiuiiary h—ring here an <», t-u r ii (MB. ' ■ : ' ;. : ■’ T e . V KITCHEN BUILT ON Ms. MITCHELI. I A Etl Wilson, Warden. Lives in . Cabin Atop Eastern America Year Around \fT. MfrrllElJ., Oct. While one can > ajdly waik lo tho tap of this mountain, it I* well if one incafi* ta stay, blankets and provtkWne )or the night takeq up on lif»u<*ndifir:Js. Bmin a kitchen will await the climber*’appetite. \ The l»eiU way ia t»> let the guide ko ahead «nd then loitvt along, the hoof mark* affording- a furo protection t ogaiast getting lost, i fnscat warden, however, Kd. ' Wilson, t* Uio otily person who live*; a (jn> t',p of tbi- CaWvtfl America ibo year round and J. H. Holntei? state foroater, *«y* the state forest «er- rn QOLDHBORO KIWI e rice (a erecting a new eabta* wardaa w»o liras »o tbe tap o$ tbi* mountain tbe year nonna; * Mr. Holmes says tbe cabla alao will aarae aa emirgency sheltav -for bikers aad camping parties who may be caught fa sadden atom* ®p the jfcurnmit TV* cabin la being built of laitsm logs and la to be SO fyat square. b There wMI be a big ft replace ia tbe mam room which will be a kitchen and living room * Tbe lower part of tbe mountain ta rovqfod with hardwood trees. tb« path hading past a tulip tr« c that :.a year* ago measured over 33 feet In. cir t uiuferenoo aad uo one teem* t° hgve had tho*ambition to nteauum il since. . Thtra are many kind* of' tree* ; n the natural forest, floored unevenly with m«M and largo violet loaves, rhododendrons, tpnrel fern. - LEY IKE BEAI»k BE TI»N I. Ji. VIENNA, Oc!. C. Charles A. De vine, American trans-Ayantic flyer, who arrived at Klugrnfurt today ln> that, the tratiM ocean plane Columbia that the Irana-ocen plane Celumbla •, * ; m H —■l JF / W - .. y^^H Jf * jJ&r JOKI v# "cJifi 5 ff/f .wT. jpwm mnwrm jjpßHßp yngpu Driving to thegftme? let t/c ct looptt the best Tdl us thc gamc >' ou want to ' ier us suggest me vest BCC-VVC * 11 tcll you how togct | tr MMW iw.. km. % and quickest routes a , J i“* t^iy n ,h<: c ?“ pon . Be there at the kicß'oflf next (Jet your car reaJy on - , k Saturday afternoon. evening, at thc nearest be among thc stragglers “Standard” Serfke Station or |w who miss thc first thrilling dealer where attendants wiH fill »«*«. * moments. Avoid delays and it with gas, oil, air and waTPrr" f follow- Then you’ll be all set for a , ing the route suggested by thc quick start in thc Corning V OHm' "STANDARD” Touring Service. and a smooth run all thc way. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (N. J.) . . | ‘‘STANDARD" Gasoline & Moron Oil was aw- badty (Jamagcd in it* forcoflf landing »Mr Root* that It eoMd A«t, b« rapalrcd. L*vlua said h« wogj -coming to Vienna, and that be y'ou'dt then return to the railed States, f The Columbia wa*. on he way toi Ru, hai4*'. carry tag a Jlp.-iulak ‘ a* passenger, wbrn It W Uqd. crashing Into pole In a field. «\,A V ■ ‘ j *— rr-r V \J floods n I you rjf < t , OFF 1 VIIOE ABF Ml LONDON, 1 Oct, 0.-ric|io»H of dls natrotta floods sh India, due t« tbcj flooding of tbe IJrawg-ity .Kjv'r were i H-cdved here front Uaiypoa- ;otlay, t Fifty thousand aerr* us crap* were [ deturuyed by thc w»U-rs. wlutfi over-1 flawed maT; inaoltt. Th town , **f j. Tantahin wa* completely flooded.; Two other t«ww*hlpa were parUallyj hmnttatcd. Ijrgp areas ftp cnm-T 66« j Id a UrvaertpUra fat Kalarli, (hill* aad Fever, Deagaa at Bilious Fever. It kflls (be game. * i Aara. ..,-wU- Tdctely cut «f by the waters. Frap »rtjj damage te exletWit*. . . ,U’J wonder }f the new will rctain°the old M<*frt T tattle. ; « • . . 4 ‘ pioarmameat v«.about_es popw* 1 tor *» Jt ’is in Chicago ■ —r-T- -w Rental Seri«e^ -•.... ... Our Rvnling Servkf is RtcofiiM «*Hk RKTlrffl^l by Many People who Own Rental Pro®ertyr . *v H * . _ V’ - < * it. toNS | Let uk Colleft Your Rent, and Stave von the- Worn*. J %'J o’* .i WtA * C. J. Best, Jr. Handley Bid*. ' RENTAL Ar.ET<rr " nMttm % ' • A •<) FRIDAY MORNING. OCTOBMt 7,IWT •lisamhh diirt<rt ui|i«* FeWJpg tbet|u«ME|M *ld jailor with a pop bJftT tsra%gr«aat eacaiad ’ frftm tho fitly Jail %a labt night The wfifl*bea. M tad rjiarlp wer* awaittog

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