PLAY-BY-PLAY ACCOUNT WORLD SERIES AT NEWS OFFICE BEGINNING AT 1:30 TODAY i '"" r *r~ ;H **> WEATHER Partly clendy u 4 slightly ctKlsr Probably ikowtn on the co®*t Sat urday. Sunday shower*. VOLUME MX; NUMBER 111 PENNOCK War Between Two Small European Countries Said Be Imminent At Present ErMikr Between Jugo-Slevla lid Bulgaria le Ordered 7-" ~. iti, » . -r" V MMIvM o ¥ —*— ■ 7. •, COUNCIL MEETING HAD DECIDED THIS POINT Aeeeeeiiatkw of General In BUmide Precipitated Trouble * . BELGRADE, Oct. (AP)~€loa lag of tt»a frontier Mtween Jugo slavia and Bulgaria because of the breakla* off Os diploma'lc it la t lone between the two counties U believ ed t> be Imminent. It was decid'd upon nt e council of ministers here today. Troops stationed near the Bulger lan frontier were instructed to oc cupy (heir posts In full force and re- , laforcuasa's were dispatched to oth .or frontiers. The sending of Te-ln forcemeats followed the routing by border patrols of a s'rong and of Ir regulars near the Albanian frontier teday. Two alleged assassins of General . Kovaxhevltch were armed today. AU Belgrade newspapers, regardless of their opinions are demanding prompt justice. NEW MERCHANTS SECRETARY NOW V Mm Mtarurd ta Bucceaa Mm. Poindextor Who Resigns and WiH Laave City Mrs. Grace Warrick Poindexter, for ' Sight years secretary of the Golds- , bore Merr.Ltut» Assocclat lon, lies re- ( . signed effective October 15 and Miss i Mary Bh«rard was named by direc tors of th« Association meeting yes- i terday afternoon te take the place t of Mis. Poindexter. i Mrs. Poindexer will tWt e to Greens- | boro in'- the near ruture. She goes | there with her husband, an employee i Os the American Railway Express , Company, who now makes hla head qusr era In the Oats City, the Mar- , Chants Association has come t* play j h real part in the business Hfe of the j city in the y*«rs that Mm. Poindex ter has directed Its activities and the , dlrectois accepted her resignation i With ra^ rets. Miaa iShermrd has, for a number of tnonths assisted Mrs. Poindexter In the work and Is familiar wl h de tails of it, She was named over * t number of applicants on this point attended the Goldsboro schools -- .and |s now pursuing a business course pt the Georgia Carol!as School of Commerce. , A ms—' lil.fl —II ■ "b M! RAIDERS MARK BIG HAIL TODAY ——V 4 ELIZABETH CITY, Oct. 7.-(/P> Birthing with lightning like sudden pest five prohibition agents led by „„ r Jt - Jrs»*Zona ijs ehartm nf IpAtljtes 1 llflUQ# ■ irmwvw WW* ewwsgpr Wf B si iswewr '■ 1 *■ ” jaw enforcement in this section, this morning rounded up alx'een alleged prohibition law violators. Operating iili fives (jut II nt mm tali 11 i n Ilu uumt - * si v w swwe *"(I -*■ trr wgrit began operating* shortly after day* break and with!a three hours had Hem, w>Jfo u,*,, >d fiv 8 Under arrest. The mid was an aftermath of sev by » MllUfMlgW "undercover* ‘ workers. Preliminary heatings were started Shorly before noon, - IIXGD DitIGHTERH KHOWIMi IM KFAHK HENDERSON. go. . king’s daughter In North Carolina 5 comprise 20 circles and AOS members Mrs. J. P. Took of Concord, prosl* dent, reported today at the state ocnventloa here. The Whatsoever circle, the helping hand circle, the txmiaaxs and profes sional women’s c|ub and the United Daughter of the Confederacy alt were represented speaking to the thorns Si !fU«5*b»P and §h|rtty, g| ti THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE HIND 6 ARE FRESH-RKAD BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY. BUY. . * * K ' 0 r ~ r % ,Vj ' .' V ’ * —' . ■" M' ' W- • - HERO AS YANKS TAKE THIRD STRAIGHT. 8-1 Seriously Hurt In Warsaw Bus Accident WiLMINOTON, Oet. I George Duff, 11 and Ilorpce Per ry, Jr., 12, were Ip * local hospital tonight suffering serious Injuries na result of a collision between a light touring car and a achdol bus near “Wallace late today. Hospital attendant* had not completed examinations tonight but was learnod that tbs condi tion cf both students wan serious, uij having suffered Injuries to fitch an extent that his right arm was amputated, and the other having several fractures. Detnils of the accident were not learned here. U CALLES STILL j IS IN CONTROL Rutttinri Executions Continue In Order Quell Mexican -fr Revolt MEXICO CITY. Oct. 7. —(A I )—The firm grip of the Caltes gerernntent rogtlnuss to control the situation that has resulted I ram .the, alls me ted. Gorr.ox-Serrnno revolution. With gsn e'ral Serrano dead, wl b General G< roes said by thp govern mmt to b« battled up in, the mountains, with LSQO or 2,000 men nt meat and more than 6,000 J-Vderm troops cldiing In on him and with Uu rebel efforts re ported h*re from anywhere else tu the republic the Caiie* government considers I self to bo master of the situation. The total number of ex'Aitlonx in connection wl U th* revolutionary attempt was not mads known offici ally, but there seems to be lit le ques tion that wherev«r In the republic persons have been found guilty of par Iclpatlag in U they have or prob ably will pay the extreme penalty. General ADedo Quijano, who was executed by a .firlag squad w*trrd»y After a court martial hnd found him guilty of rebellion was htirted short ly before nuqp» today jn the french ren.etory In the outskirts of Mexico Pity, (lateral Serrano pnd thos* who ware exccned with him also were latered there rectatl. ; - S' ■■■ w Exceptions ty Report Must Be Filed Shortly ; 1 «■ RALEIGH, Oct. *7 •W) Kxcep lions to the adverse report of exa miner H. C. Davis op prorosed coo- Htruction of Itges by Ibe Piedmont and Northern railway must be filed with the f’om 31W* ion by October 26, and the North Carolina Corporation Commission Witt probably join in making them, it was indicated tonight; Indications were that Attorney General rummltt would assist tits corporation' commission with the fll tig of exceptions7“ t '~7~ Vehicle I 9 Struck By Auto Two Miles Soulh Ooldshoro » .*•> • . V: v««o The second accident of the last few I day* in which an automobile struck i a vehicle on highway to south of the city occurred last night wh'n an au tomobile driven by J. B, Harrinn of i <'siyi**« atruck the Vehicle ih which rred ttwid of Dudley *»* rtdfnp. The vehicle vrna demolished, Tha News was told, but both the occupant of th* vehicle and ttie"drlv;r of the automobile escaped injury. KrlghUntd at tha Occident,- tin horse broke loose from the wreck**! vehicle and need down tb« road about 10# yarda .m,l,lntoa Daines- IlarreU.JUwlina* truck approachin* thy city. The annual did not » op. <> DELAY MAKINC ARRESTS CASE Feud Between Skip and Shore Fishermen Reported At [, WILMINGTON, Oct. 7-^-- **lt ! will bt Monday »r Tuesday befors * I will hs is a position to arrSsi the craws of ths Ashing steamers Auder -1 ton aid Mbrohesd oa rhsfgtn of j violating the state Maherlsa.lawa". ! J M sttne, suite diet lift flsbsrls* | commissioner announced today. Ths comsul»s|o»?r Ts making fur ther Investigation of alleged viola j tlons sad Warraata to be issued ag* ! sinst the alleged offtteAsrs will In clude two couuts. Announcement that t srfo'ls would be made cams feljow- I lag investigation of au alleged feud between shore fishermen and fish ing vessel*. TUO trouble Is sakl to have started when ths boats cams within 100 jrards of tha sliore to land W> 19,000 pound,f«lth that sltors fUh rrmsn had planned to haul in. It is a vlulsUfju for boats to come closer then 300 garde of the shore. LEGIONNAIRES GIVEN HONORS Foitd In Historic House of Urdu Hall in Rngibh Capitol v LONDON, Oft. 7 (AP)-In the grpqt Hall of the House of Lords whtrs few of Atprrlcan* Shter, lot ahms dim, Legtestnalras tmrfghs |»» down at a twnqnrt as gueata of (Us (British governussnt. gtaulfy Ualdin, fresli frtmi the eon fervuce at (’ardlff. wJilch is occupied w;th thw pllrht of flsprer* sad far mers, praaldrd, The Premier wa» In excellent modo and extended to‘ the Amsrlcias a hearty welcome such an was given yesterday by the I’riuce of Wates. Tits slave and steipes and unten Jack* gera draped together behind |ho speakerti table w%re sat many P»o --luinent atatssmen. The flags formed n symbolic background for B ANGELES, Oct, I~A/P) -Th* court lojunctlon as used afalust tu ber wna put before the American Federation of latbor In Nattenal con Veat(o|i here At the greatest threat faced by organised labor in an ad dress today by Hope Thompson, <"hf tago labor attorney. Making ibe case of union In rtlln oia, Thompson declared that under a Psdsrai court injunction the wock ere were compelled to eontlnue work ing because the btnne tj)»y cut rams to tkun in interstate commerce. ftWIX* CHASSKL ' ‘ Fot,Kkim>N7t: TorvoM. rfc tffY —Minn Mereedf t Glelts, lx>njlon tyg Ist succeeded In swimming the Eng lish chsnnel today on her seventh ' lUetnpt. ~~ ~ JV but plunged head first into the truck aud was Ins’.autly killed, A hoy who was riding on th« truck wok said to bar* been Injun <1 and local hospital. At ths hoi*- f* rsitssl laws ufn u Lai n liuw .1 -ur li-..*idUX ‘ss 1 fas* si a v •nrjmMrr ■■ po» w■ 1- ssff thst trs bag bo nmutbfftl *« n pstlrut The report was that he had not been seriously Injured. The wtwpk occurred near the Har den. Brick and Tile Company an-, trance on highway 10. About 10 days a*o Mrs, Jessie Mluhtll and tour »thcr membors of this family were Injured when tha wagon la which they were riding was (CoaUaaod Og Pag* ThroQ GOLDSBORO, K C. SATURDAY MORNINQ. OCTOBER 8, 1887 GRADE STUDENTS FLOCK TO GAMES •. -v: " a High School Stttdento KnUrtmin ° HMrtd* From Gntuingr Schooia Ytetlerday Ths football game staged yehter day afternoon the Uoldsb ro high school siernhg and ths high schnel team was a “’sat up” frr tho hundrada »f grammar school boys and girls from over tbs city., and these young tea* prasaated them selves tea large munber for the pur pose of watc-hiifg Choir older brothers and pals tnnrch up aad down ths He'd in an effort to snatch victory from the- visiting opponent*. TI}JS contest was the third played on the local grt#mii this season, the two other tlmds, those lsds who wanted to nee the gprnp found It nee (•■ary to scrape nf a quarter or ap peal to higher authority for admit tenet. But the game yesterday was girls cagie in large numbers, having teen (old that they would be permit ted td line up against tho ropes with out paying one cent. It seemed as though the whole student body of Wit Itom stmt rehool hod turned nut. was a day of all days for them. No one was around to chess' them rwsy tw get a ticket, hut alt that was necessary wan ter them Just to be Uirre. > and from tbo look* of the rrowd, they were there in lull force. The high school students and peo ple from' the city were given the *’ret Ip” just m these little ones, hut ths younger fan* piwdomlnaicd. Tho '‘gbMyyjMte jus thmk tiuit just a* winch inters*.cd In ths high rehool football machine an the high school w*re HN-mselvre. Th% ”ts«'* dny was thrown o «*»d* Mid tho spirit of freedom reigned •upr*m*. v,r BIG MEN OF CO. VISIT GOLDSBORO Imperial Tobacco Company of Great Britain Scndn Mon Here Heine very dlNtlngitlthed gus*ts, of licila* of the Imperial Tobacco of Great Britain and Ireland !A„ were te the city for a day duriug the early part of this week. Sir GUberY Wills; chairman of the Bnardef that Company, Mr. Ueglnahl IMrl, a director of the company; and N. T. Sinclair, snwnager for tha parly all of Bristol. England were the members of th* party from Rnrope, I a--1 is II ’'Heed, resident direr'nr of th* Onlted States. P. J. Carlton buying aupenrisoT for the company, both of Hiehmond. Va.. and „T. A. Fnlgham of DanrtHe buying super visor were also In the party. Thefr visit was of an official nature, and while here they were te conference local plant of the above named com with K. K. Kutsler manager of the pany, „ v ■ ■ * f ATKTTBVILLB MAN ,/TV * I * KILLED IN WRECK " —WYHTYBVHiM. ■ MU The body of John r Rarrtson, pro mhisnt Kayetterille business man, wsa brought her* from Itcm tioke Rapids for burial. Funeral ser vices will be held here this afternoon end . the body will be taken tet Nwa JpufteL,;.-.. ■ Mr. Harrison was killed la an uii tnmnidie':areident »«*ar Koafoks Rap test.wig'a . «, -I^' IfITATOK GBOWKRH tIOKM ANHOCIATION — A RALEIGH, Oct. 7, The new potato association tor North Carolina got tmaer wgy Todsy “whin pwimite' TKpnnff o tSfc van' **a north' w*r.s lined up, the state <»f sgrtcnlture reported, wilh about carloads of sweet potatoes •hipped outelde > One hundred and ninsty-flre peo ple attended Uie first of th* fall and winter community club meetings In Wayne county held st Nshuntn last evening snd enjoyed an Interesting moving picture, and eonsldeeed'hual innw nf the efffb. W Weitw'flflha the annual «luj> at endanc* competi tion. This year a silver loving cup will b Game This Afternoon [May Decide Question Os I Who Wins World Honors 1 ■ I In A Merry Pretty Row riTTSBUBtiH (Xoitennis 1 Players Ah 1 M Pa A I L. Wanar cf ~..M 4 0 119 0 1 Rhyne, th 4 9 9 1 9 0 1 P. Wniar. rs 4 9 9 I 1,9 1 Weight, a* ........ 3 9 9 1 l "f 1 Traynwr, 3b ...... 9 I t 0 ¥ I Barnhart, If 3 9 1 0 9 9 1 Harris, fb 3 9 • 11 9 9 Gooch, I I 9 9 9 9 9 Meadows. |i ...... 3 9 9 9 1 9 Cvsngros, p ...... 9 9 9 9 9 9 Spaocsr. t 1 9 9 9 9 9 1 Oroh, x I 9 0 9 9 9 1 petals *Oll 24 12 1 g Batted for Cvtngroa la >th. HEW font (Anwrtenna) PlOfors toBBPwAK Combs, cf ........ 4 2 1 5 9 0 Koenig, be 4 3 3 1 3 9 r I Gehrig, 4b 3 • 2 1! 9 9 Mcusel, If ......... 4 9 9 1 9 0 Lanmrl. sh 4 11 I 7 9 ' Dugan, 3b 3 l \ 1 3 0 Grabowski, c 3 9 0 3 9 9 pvnnMh, v 4 1- f 1 10 Durst x ....... 0 9 0 91® 9 ‘ Bsogongh. s ---hfc, 1, • • ® • • ; 33 i » 37 13 1 f x Batted for Orabowaskl la 7th. 1 store by innings. 1 B. Pittsburgh 099 099 091—1 1 Now York HO 999 99*-* f Hunt mA *y t 1 Earned Runs: Pittsburgh 1| Now York, 9. Two-hats kite: Gehrig, ’ 1 Gehrig, Home rin; Rath.. jpMfHloo hits: Dugan, Durst. Bass on halls* ' Gff Meadows. 1. 'ttfeek offt* By 1 Meadows, by PMffoek, I. Hits: Off Moadowh 7 In I 14 Inning* Los ing pitcher; Meadows. Loll yu basSS 1 Nsw York, O', Piusbnrgh «. Ti«»a: 2-34. Umpire*: Moran, (plat*); Orme ' by, (first); Quigley, (second 1; Nai -1 lift, (third). ’ • —. I J ' Given Verdict Against ; Asheville Newspaper " DURHAM, Oct. 7—(A^ —On* ban dred doUars and costa were allowed Holland Haudborn former of I bssgk ntbairiT the University of North 1 Carolina but now of Wnahingtoa, P. C., hi hie suit foi* 1 *IOO,OOO against the Asheville Time* cent pitted today in 1 Oraßgo Superior court. He hnd nah -1 *a fcr actual damogoa and a 1 like smouet of punitive damages, tl -1 legtng libel against the paper. I „ „ ' |ir — * ■ 9 " f ~ T 3 TWO PLABTS ELOORB CATE N ran A. M. I „ APPLirraN. inn., oct. 7— Wh- Two Goers of the large Kimberly* i) Clark payer mil) at Kimberly, near t here, J were unable t ossy how many permas » were on the Door* and whether any • were injured or killed, he cave in . iM . .( .... ocrurrro wrttßQtiv wniy. Mlsy Louise Edgsrtoh flecreUry, There were ihlrty-flvs more stud ents at the opening sf the Nohuuta school this yuar than there wwsw n year ago, Prof. Bdgajton. ate ftrln r.tpal, told the audience and ho urg ed a ftmeral cunmiuuMi cbupexntfli' on behalf of th* seho«d, ' Oet yonr exhlblU ready* ’ wo# th* urge mads by County Agent A. K. Robe r: son as hs told of the Ways* «* * , i County fair now n«t much two weak* away. Mr, Robertses displayed to the audience a beautiful stiver loving cup which will be presented for th* beat teg ears of oon| at forfait, pi > i mmmi in mi ■ —l—l— ft J ’ J ' v. ,i3SiF«-^B W Hy'A.ot mKj^p#9 FfifiHOCll i QMMTiNftMNMI p(Bw nfINNH> : 99* wllderad and baffled hath** thebbarp of pees of • rtorfß arfca *•** cripple with a hedtf tow***** «**•* day* ege. Throo«h toit atfeteitot* Oi_ a i # . _ rt * 4bl «o|Hjyu|toM a# *|» ftodriP rinw |»l ,lii. w * *** did ft Plfftte Ifot tm m *.<*•*. «£fo)y hr nay rpjge fjtofclP taro their star MtopMi fctoNMMfe With • aot.fcit.oMM MC*o'Mrfl •ertee rawed to rtfcfct ** 1M- eratol cheered him ox, the a leader aeeto' .paw weakeaed a lit to_— tojjjlg 1 Plank In ft row, wfctot Mltof H*h# through toe tofitll 4PMi« wttfc# afxgle to left sad'gaMM the M run on a douMe tor Clyde HMrtflßto Ruto’e hfcMUto wto • fctoMp drive that leaded tor «» ta fcto toil oriu aector es the right Mitoltoto* era end wee ftfUttofitoal tea* to the Yaafcae tktotT, Is wusr *, tStettoewaati' Wftßtr at Oval, ftoffce up. Ml(^ filed tut- to MgeM.'** MMtto If* The near* gays P. - fcto hand. Meuael can# «h ilw fcto -IhW fly. • No rues, ee-jito aw etrawto. T ’ l |^ a». Mcddewa twali fl» % bit cowhe aiacled ewer neewd. KMh nig up. Keetoß got a ategto. M •topped at aeeead. It mm • hMiMI hit. Koto up. Bath htot top a: fclga, cna id Wright. Oefclfcg W. Cipfca.W#. Koval# earn aa Gehrig** three Mey hit, hat Oehrlg w*a throwm eto .dj el Meaeri* ptraeK out. •*' a ' f ■ ' - Two rows, three jute, ao erroto. -^ni .i *%*** him out. Berafcart «». r.lgit M*to trSi Berahert’a groaader aad gal him at first. '* No raae, so http, he to«nr 'Teto an ' *.“" * Leaeeri up laseerl was golag as. Meedowa atrfle out (Headawe la a nethe of Oatord. N. 0.) Dagaa «f« Wright threw eat Dagaa ad ftn& Wright’e threw ahaoet palled Haute off ihe hag. Qfcilnanfci ap. toil o;,e. lew laslde. Strike aae eSMed. Treyaor threw oat Otfkawikt at flr»t ICaattßMt aa Vmb TmC toil