WEATHER ' - , t Oocdy Probably Mm Sunday and Monday VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 193 . TAKiGFOURTH STRAIGHT, YANKEES WIN SERIES M -- r - --- -- ...... ■— ' | .Mi ■ State, Carolina, And Davidson Are Winners Os Gridiron Contests Ferrell Phys Remarkable Game In SttMneing Marylanders Al Hill STATE TRIPLED SCORE ON CLEMBON TIGERS Washington and Lee Defeated Duke by Score of Twelte To Seven RALFFOH, Oct. *-(*»—A (all slhd youth 'n the person of Jack McDow ell. flashy N. C. State half back, punted and ran a|l over thy grldm n here today to (ire bit matoa ii II to I victory over the Clemsou cohere Tiger*, thereby aveagiag de feats of 4fca past two seasons. McDowell waa elected to acore either of the three touchdown* but hie ability to advance the ball on ) numberoi* occasion reaultad in acore* that Childress and Ooodwin, ends, counted after Okie* McDowell pass es for score*. , i la the Anal period B'ete players, tackled. The tiger safbty a>*n on hU own ten yard line ia fumMa resulted. Ijcpe. Wotfpack ghard, grabbed the bail and Scored. W. and L. Wine J-KXKNOTON, ttofy of a college boy who got up from a hospital bed to win an important foot* bail gime waa enacted here today la the Washington Lee and Duke con test Ceae White fallback, ill with In to plough Duka’s line and M .inftcu Deo a II to 7 victory. % The flMfty footwork of Adamh gad P' JaukoalA, ftgtured the visitor* at tack. tbe'latter acotlag Duke’s touch down in the second period. Carolina Rarprhea CHAPEL HILL—-(^l—-Clinging t# n onepoint lead which they had ob tained at the end of the first quarter only after Maryland had registered a touchdown fn the first part of the. same quarter, the University of North' Carolina won on a sloppy gridiron Ox!ay 7to •. Ferrell, Tar heel half, played a " remarkable game in Carolina’s win j Hia excellent puting with a flash of v running attack made him to stand on part with Thomas, the great back on the visitors who staged a great offensive game for the Old Liners. . Whftnant paksed SO yards te Ward for Carolina’s touchdown andWhis tnant added the extra point. ■ WOdcals Take (toother gPARTANBUftQH—(iPI—The Dav idson Wildcats today continued their t»lumpbant football stride for this season by winning their third game In defeating Wofford terrors 12 to 5. ” Brilliant dashes by the trio of ground gaining backh and the uncer tainty of the final outcome because of frequent fumbles offset the listless nets of the Ipog down out affar caus ed by a muddy field and a driest*. • -to DIFFERENCES. * PATCHED CP, Z .1 - : ' Gor«lt»(nent Ktgfa M Over Recent Turn of Events ' «0m HMMMA Oct. *_4*> _ Deep regret and atom disapproval are felt by the Bulgarian government for the asslalnation of General Kov arhevltch and recent frontier incident* wltiqji havy caused protests from yT™ Jugoslavia it was learned today in of ficial circles. . " The Hnlwgfan mnyimminTTi ifoiTr- ' ou* of mairttaing and improving Its relation* with that country and to dispel any kte.-p of the outride world concerning Bulgaria’s best interests. The hope also was expressed that the Governmeat’s attitude would be appreciated *t Belgrade and that the facidcntb will be settled to everyone’s o’ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. • .... . . -■» SMALL FARMS IN ASCENDENCY Duplin Farm Agent Says Coope ration Haa Made Danish Farmers Os the 260 thousand , farmers in Denmark, 115,000 are members of the thrgg cooperative association which handle practically all of the produce the farmers have to offer, according to L. L. McLendon, farm agent for Duplin county, who ws< "greying friends In Goldsboro yesterday fol lowing n trip to the Danish country. “The farmers there sell principally, hogs, eggs aad milk ’’ arid Mr. Mc- Lendon and a separate association handles each product. The farmer elao purchases his hupplies coopera tively. Mr. McLendon declared. nAland to*,” be- went on "bat a Ux on Income and tvery one. farmer included, must keep an ac curate set of books. They have a checking system too, which prevents a»y false entrieb." Asked for the Xelattve prosperity of the farmer* of Denmark aad of North Carolina. Mr. McLendon, said that the armer of North Carolina probably handles more money than the Danish farmer hut he expressed a doubt as to whether the American fanner eaves, ab much. I OS. Moat Danish farm* are of a smalt Jrtnn nMppMMAred with American iarmf£ of thc -OG.oftO total, <4,000 own farms under seven acres, haid Mr. -McLendon; 90.000 own farms from 7 to *7 acres; 66,000 from 37 to 145 acres; 4.000 from 143 to M»0; 006 from ( 300 to 600 acres; aud 460 over COO acres. * ‘The cooperative aasocations are so well organised that a farmer turna to them naturally,” said Mr. McLon ■ don, ‘He never la called upon to per sonally handle hia affairs.’’ “Another Item la that they have worked out a • gpmmittee ays tern which aettlaa disputes between far mers without taking the cates Into Court. This would help greatly over here, and it n man refuses to abide' by the verdict of the committee, he is practically ostracised.” !■ ■ I ■ OCEAN HOP MUST BEPOSTPONED Weather Department On Mon day Dtacontinues Instance Special Reports NEW YORK, Ocf. • iJPh-Proa pecta for a week end start on n transatlantic flight by Ruth Elder, Dixie girl (Her, who wants to both« first woman to fly across the Atlan tic were dimmed today by unfavor able reports from tb* U. 8. Weather Bureau. Miss Elder had hoped to hop off bftfete Monday,' the day on which tlte weather bureau wilt dis continue Its special service for avla- I tors. Waynp (;pujitv Recrcaljoii ' ’ Ihfilitute Week Oet. 17th ... •»nw«* ■ . CARROLL MAY GET LIBERTY •*»=.. '* ■, » Haa Now Served Enough Time To Allow Extension of Parole ATI-ANTA, Oct. 3-(^—Oomplet ing4>na third of hi* year and a day r sentenced for purjury, E*rl Carroll, , New York theatrical producer, be came eligible for parole here today, but so far as Federal prison officials • knew m> step* were taken to obtain hia release. . " , Washington reports recently had Indicated that a special session of tbo Federal parole board might"l be caUed to consider his application for clemency: The warden said he had received no Information of a special meeting and that in the absence of official advises to the effect he thought the matter would follow (he usual copra*. FRANCE WANTS REFUND DEBT M»y Lower Interest Rate on 9190,090,990 Private Loan In United States WASHINGTON, Oct. rident with the completion* of the American roply to the last French tariff note to Washington admlnla tratiou i* giving renewed considera tion to FTance’u desire to refund at an early date with 1100,000.06 private jr&an It ha* outstanding In this coun try. While Ihe tariff Issue and the re funding are wholly unrelated, there .1* 1/** > tten alleged prohibition’ law vlola -1 tor*. Qp«ratiirf-wlth five fajst anto nv hifes the aget|( began operations xhortly after daybreak and within 3 hours Lad eleven white men and five negrocn undar arrest. 0 . • «. ' 0.,t. » ..... talk by Rev. A T. Smith. I)r Park er wi)l speak oh .Leiauro and Com f munltf Life. Immediately after hia addrobs, social games which can be used In mixed groups at parties, aoc h4 gatherings, dul, meetings and the like will be taugbt in the gymnasium. The nUfct Alugtim wBT . IftclilSc (to other address by Dr. Parker - on Orgaoised Neighborhood Recreation, followed by thn teaching' of games tor alt occasion*. Tuesday will be Music Day under tbe direction of Miss Jim Kornegay lof Mt. OliVa. The objective of this day will be the stimulating of inter- J on Pag* Tw«i GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, OC'TORER 9, 1927 • . <3 r - -j— ■■■■■— .-i 1 "■y a—- ■■ ... ~ - - f FOOTBALL -j Carolina 7. Maryland 6. CaUwba 6, Atlantic Christian Co|- ,rrM|>ondlo« secretary of Ui<’ BnptiMt Sint* Convfin'loa: Dr. Fran cla P. Gaines, president' of Wake College and Rev. G. T. Lump kin. ihiperiuUndent of tho linp'Ut honpltaf. Rev. A. J. Smith, pastor *f ths church, had the following comment to make on the program: ' ‘Nothing that oar church baa un dertaken within a year ia of mom vital importance to us thnn Our Kingdom Meeting. Surely it ia an unusual program. It has n two-fold dUtiiiclion: It covers within tea days the whole field of our organised work; each phase of th* work ia to ho presented to us Ky an outstand ing leader,who Is expert Ip that par ticular phase. “The program, is a great oppor tunity for all our church. Aa with, opportunity always, it places upon ua a correspondingly geest respon sibility. What I* our responsibility? This: As far as possible, to get *v-. ery mMqjber of j>ur church to come to each service and all pf us together •dly into this series of informing, ltd enter prayerfully and wboKlttlrt viatoti giving and Inspiring m*et- Inga’.’ Tbe Program Sunday, OCJt. 23, A. M. A P. M.— Rav. H. H. MvMilan, Mlsalonery on Furlough, Subject: World Missions. ' Monday, Oct. 34-21—Dr. Walter N. Jolinoon, Secretary Steward's . Lea gue, Subject: Stewardship, Sunday, Oct 30 a. M.—Pastor. Sunday. Oct. 30 P. M.—Dr. Char les E. Maddry, Currea|g*adlag gee- Baptist 8 ate Convention. Monday, Oct. 31-Dr. M. L. Kcsler Supt. Thomasvillo Orphangge. Hub jeet: ■ Orphanage, Tuesday, Nov. 1. -Dr, Francis P. tjuii.isr Wake Forest”- doltege. ■DubtH t r rwiriß '»lt«rtMton.“”* WMlpesday, N"r. 2. Rev. O. T. J-nmukto, mpt Baptist Itoepl^J. pu’bjcct'.-iTogpßki. Thursday, Friday, V*r. S, 4—Meet ing cf Finance ( ouunit ee and Ev ery Member Canvass Teams. Bupday, Nor. B.—Annual Church Day--Reports, Election of ' Officers, Budget, and Canruss. Vitally Im portant. J V iss DIDST LIKE BJ^ni SOUTH HUNT). Ind -When a • (T.onttvs old son pfrsls'ed in crying, llerliert Htevene struck the child in tho.face. “I nev»»r did like babias,” ho told the Judge before whom he waa haled. "Yon wuu't sea any for 220 day*,’’ retorted the Judge, and Stevegs went to (all, ~jg BLAST WRECRS " BIG TENEMENT Number Pinned in Wreckage Aa Undetermined Explosion r ’ Occur* NEW YORK, Oct. l-iAV-An n ptotoon —An official report, received her# today says that Chief Luia Matos of an Indian tribe with two of hia officers and 400 mounted men surrendered yesterday In Sonora to federal Gen* \ eral Mango, removing Ike threat of lihsL-Yhdton’e joining Ua revolution ists. Three wteVi'ago, another chief of an Indian tribe surrendered with 800 bravea. General Gomes, presidential candi date, wrfao ia in revolt aud General Almada. former chief •of staff at Mexico City, who mutlaUd with eome •r Ms forces last Bunday gr* report, ed in official edvleea te have been bottled up In the Moan talas of Warn Crus aft«r falling to roach tbe oil field. MEN BURIED AS MILL COLLAPSES eMangfampmmhß v i Work of Rescuing Thooe Not Killed Out Right II Underway APPLETON, Wls., pet. t.-m- Whh a steam train In place lifting out th* twisted steel glrdera aad heavy wooden beams from the base meat of th* paper mill which col lapsed, burying aad crushing thirty men. six of whom were killed, 0M task of digging out'those etlll Impris oned wae hurri«d tonight with the prospect they might be reached noon. The cause of the disaster was etOt undetermined, but the coroner will hold an inquest n*xt week to jatt*mtt{ to place responsibility for tH| crasfr. Three rr.en were taken from the ruing today while alx were still reported to been In the wreckage, " * FORTY BIRW TO DEATH . i AilytrxAl. -.-- J ‘ - wWIWW, TKt, «,■ -IS )-"WrTTy peyc sons have perished In n Brent Pewa har, India, nays a dispatch to iha Sunday Expresa.* •350 Aerfcultore Students 4 -sen ■ In" «r Os 23 Counties To Contest wowwss Mora than threw handrd and fifty boys taking Vocational Agriculture from thirty three schools In twenty three counties will take part in a livestock ar>d Ifo* Judging contest *t the WMxncJdimatr Knit. — 'A-- f., *3Qalga WmiXL k* m - -- ■ T -• * - - ■ ” ' ■ •*' WimC I vaa w supervision ofvfi R. Howard, district supervisor qf JvWational Agriculture for Eastern North Carolina. Mr. Howard Staten, that this will be the largest Judging contest held in East ern Norfi raioUna. It wli| he of great educational value, to the boys studying agriculture in mtern North 1 Carolina and should hf of i 9 t«rf««1 1 ate ■ v* / ; ■t' . t ■ - With Score Tied, 3 All, - And Bases Loaded, Wild ~ Pitch Ended The Buttle The Sad, Bad Story *—■— Tbe following is the official box acore: Pttaebnryb Ulb R H Pe A R L. Waner cf •.... 4 1,. # ♦ 8 \ Barnhart, if «... k • t I I I P. Waner rs 4 I 1 • I I Wright, ab 4 8 118 8 Trajmor, lb ... 4 0 8 1 4 8 aranlbam. lb 4 8 8 8 1 8 Hnrrla, lb 4 8 8 11 8 8 Smith, o 8 8 8 8 8 8 Gooch, o 8 8 8 8 8 0 HOI, p I 8 8 0 8 8 Yde, * 8 1 8 8 8 8 Brickell, xX 11 I 0 8 8 Miljaa, p 1 8 8 8 8 1 Trials IB 8 18 88*18 8 a—two ont when wining ran scor ed. « 9 * If gw York (A) Ab I ■ P* A I Oombg, cf 4 8 8 8 8 8 Koenig, an 8 8 8 8 8 8 Ruth, rs 4 1 8 1 8 8 Gfbrig, lb ........ f 8 8 14 8 0 Meuse), If 8 8 8 8 8 8 Lassen, lb 8 8 8 B 4 1 Dugan, 3b 4 0 114 8 Collins, c 8 8 8 1 8 Moore, p . 4 8 1 8 8 X toUle 17 4 18 87 IT 8 <£m & PWbbWfb 108 888 888-8 »»w T#rb I*B 888 881-4 o ** • _ Summary: Two base bit, ColUn*. Horns run kMlb< Stolen banes, kuth. Sacrifices; L.aWnner. P. Waner. GAMBLING GETS A YOUNG BANKER ‘Though I’d CkM Us Artd G#t n« iw u. r\ l ucinco nt utcmrti R—r—fniy AURORA, 111., Oct. S.-taT—WhO* John Esaer, young praaidaak of tbe Aurora Trust gad Savings Bank bur urge which caused hhn to steal and la Jail today, lamenting the gnn Mtog thereby blight tbe etendy progress of a quarter century, auditor* work 'd over tbe bonk books and found In dication* that npaimlatloua would run nearer 1840,080 than th* origin al estimate of SIBB,OBB. • ’*l tried to dean ap tbe stock mar ket and it cleaned m*7 tbe bank ex aminer was teld. Wrecked with re morse be was Ailed with self pitii, thoughts of the future of hie wife and thro* children aad of self deetrac- U#B * ' -All AMERICAS WILL BE CANADIAN CBAXnCM TORONTO, Oct. S-4F>-4a Ameri can Is to be women’s golf champion’ of Canada. J Th* Dominion’s last representative in tbe annual tournament, Mrs. AJ •» Stirling Frasier, of Ittowa, tot- TDOTiy mr m»lbU, wjUI elimmfttei! ill tbe a*min finals yesterday by Mias Fritisi Stifal, of Wheeling, W. Va., two and one. , mKKTT~ ~~ t to,sll In thig part of that state. It Is said. A crop judging contest will consist of Identifying the seed and plants •t all Ihe-cuHivaUd gxahsse and le gumes. Also will consist of placing tow, wtiswt, outs. Tytv turn and he placing dairy cows, bugs and’ poul try according to seerit, Wayne county should feel wry for tunate In securing this contest as a feature of She Wayne Cennty Ihlr. officials stated yesterday. 4 Beys from the three Vocational Ag ricultures! schools In this county will tgkp part in |hj« coftgst* I is tte4Mklaw.afc.any. .4 jsl - < ftJT WgA luftfllDvl; OX l%e Associated Prase pSSPPPFT ■■■ V •, TANKED ST ADI UK, NEW TOES, October t-UPy-T* too* tmrn m bur* Pirates ohm to an UftoEfcog eliaui today whoa a wfli pMdh by L*M Job* m ditto ta tha ninth iatoag Wits two Mt ME tha baaaa teli S»r» Now York the wiaaing rm apt |ke- * Manning otreik of floor cnaadhatvo triumph* Miljus made a gift es the (Mftll and ftffr. to the AoMriH^UKpBO. Rill after tjoSwo *dmt» creeked to half Ike Ftrat* ttfl the «•?***** »; caeert uuom anwo tag ton (OH^MWwtsliptN every pitch wee Mftiply gna* M u Labberl at rode la the plate. dap lor hlateeß kp Concha* tte°flaaUMla ofttgS • in j the ieffflaNt etnai.. iJliftjg- (licked hie £mtr!H * to the etasdb ae Oeatha apad 1* *** *7* SCHOOLS KfIDS M i'lilf tTr f Hyiiv Make, Talk to IMM «f H«t i § e m* New Orleaao today. Tko imi HH» tkUMer la Ata Haooptof* 'Eton M>> ** •• “ as n M&JflijK W» », fore beading tor the aJHMi akut^ito he received a gtaak gmtog to laa«e«A fay . v. Blghteen thouaend aobool ekMoag • - were addr«aaed tar T lair whoa a ■treat parade In whleh ha teak part ended at the Talaae atadtte, A kao* fleet tonight ended the day*a yrp *"* jg; LONWJN, * India reports the ietlewfcf. About » ocktck la tkd Wtoktof W motor car waa panlar aa tha EM and aaat with an accident. Whßatofe in* at an okJoetMoaMt apapfl, H ppM ed touching haia to feakr • Iftihl. ka* as a bargain took the life at n da* . *■ t “i 1 -* e ■ ■ ■ ? jnXfli