mm,mi ißitoi i i g , • WEATHER. v' 1 < “ ' 1 •:* •«- Fair ad-warmer Tuesday, Wednesday licmdii cl»i4luii« v m, *• ■“»* « VOLUME BJX; NUMBER 194 SINCLAIR LOSES TEAPOT DOME OIL FIELD FIGHT! STOCK ADDING MEET FOR DAIRY SHOW TOORT - —A ————— INVITE PUBLIC TO VISIT SHOW 59 of Plooot Qitlle in Wayn* County Bn t* rod in Program Starting at 10:30 DR. GINNBLLA OF STATE 18 SECURED AS JUDGE Race wood, Grantham and I’ike villc Boys to Compote in Judging Contest The first annual dairy Show staged under tho auspice* of the Wayne Ccuaty Dairymen's Association * will atari about 10:20 this morulug ami coatlnue thraugbout the day. Fifty cl the flneat dairy dWttc of Wayne conn ty will bt on display during the day and the public ia invited to call and bara., a lopk. 0 Through tb* courtesy of the city a J.icket enclosure baa l>«en cnn.'Jrucet ed in tho center of Center »trect be.ween Chestnut and Spruce and ideal arrangefaenW for the abow. pro Vlded. CJky merchant* arc offertue morn m than twenty prise* to Ire competed for In the show. aud'ju Hot priaei will be found on uuo'ber page of Tbs News. Dr. 0. Dy Grlnnella «f tjlate Col lege will act av Judge of the ahow, a Ulegra'm from A. C. Kimrry, dairy egt uaien specialist at State, slatcji yeserday. «, Lvet'htglrtV .p*ogfanr*wf HirlOir tain club officially launched the rtiow When r. 11. Jeter dl'cnssed the im portancc of Uio dairy induMry to the tarns, and three It .tie glrlj of the city put oa n ‘milk maid" stunt. „ J A feature o( today's show will be tjie presentation of the Riwnnt* attend mace prtuc about 3 o'clock this after noon Agriculture undents from Pike Title, Grautb&m and Rqaceood will participate In a stock Judging con tret -to bt> held at 3:30 this Afternoon The show is planned by the dairy men to stimulate n public industry to the dniipr Industry', to nfqualut the public with tome.'hlag of the dairying tcope amt to, show the Importance of high grade aleck.. The n-cd for more etteotion t» dalryiug wilt be seen. Mated a prominent man in the indus try In Wayne county yd/terday, when It ia known that 427,000 additional cowa of the quality now re baud in Nor h Carolina will be needed to sup ply North Carotin* people with milk, butter, cheese and ice cream required if they were to consume as much per rapt* as he average person In ha Un ited Blatc». a . . . , rT .A* WIjITE MAN STO’E FROM NEGRO MAN Sylva Reports Very Unusual ✓ Cjute In Recorder’* Court There v o HYLYA. N. C., Oct. 10 -Of) The -"~"Sfg~bf4af cTiostjetJi bud a atari Hug lUuftrattun was (neat-hod--to --Record*- era Ctaurt here when a white man whs convicted of stealing chickens from t negro, a*reversal of the time hon ored precedent. -/ The defendant.‘Remit Corn, dr » ■ sentence Os f 5 months on the roads fin* puY'iHf rcTg- s-hj,.xa»j **l begro. Ahotrn * mm ft, »#«****•* '*»*** recalled to eourj attache* and others tn Interesting case of other years. Abraham Queen, liidinn, »»' feund gum/of an asguM up his brother in • las Enoch Oocumma, ul*« an Indian, and a preacher, the trouble having grown out es the alleged removal,of -vw.(Muafgtgs t» t-l 1 ’; 1 ib,.l.;jfojgr£C The can* recalled Ip older cHixon* Ooccrtn ma’s* interesting history. The Indian was sought thro'ughout the nation yaars ago for the murder of Abraham Driver, Finally caught, he was br'ught to Webster, formerly county scat.of Jackson county tried, convicted. and nerved a •antonce In Blato Prison. Afterward, be enliated In the umjr. had served during the World War, and wow has become a Methodist ycyachsr. . , - ' , ;«tG ■ -m '■ As,-'.,. : - • - .■ . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH -READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. YOUNG PEOPLE START REVIV AL • u * Epworth League of St. John and St. Paul UMte In JLJnique Serviced - a* Tho Young Peoples Revival conduc ted by Bt. Paul's and St. John's Bp - wcrHi Deaguru opened Sunday night at the regular league hour with much enlhusia»nS The opening ser vices were conducted by Miss Annie htfvrns, President of St. Paul’s Lea toe and the message "Mte Without Christ 1 * brought to the !*nguern by ‘hire. Gurtfby H»od was very inspiring and helpful. On Monday evening the meeting was c Uducted by Mi** Annie Jean ette Hines, President of Bt John's league, and the toe-sags “Confrealon of. Our Nt?ed of Christ” was brought by Mr. C. Gchrman Cobb. Thcsh meeting* a dial'- ieugo to’ the young people «f our church and community and they arc truly wade to face Cwrlylc'a question, “WUt Thou Be a Hero or a (JowandT" said a Leaguer. Because Christ's challenge to the that is tn you'h can be ipore keenly felt in a Young Pcopes Reviv al and because it le teaching them to remember their Creator in »l»e days «f their youth, is it not well that they are given the opportunity to make a ieciaJon to eater into the fellowship of the Baimaus way 7 . These act vice* are beluc conducted each evening at 7:30 o’clock iu »hc St. Paul Mc.hodWl chnrch. Interest ing and appealinr programs have* !*ee« planned f»r <hch service and all wb» are lutcreatcd are cordially invlt cd to alteud. BAR CHINESE FROM SCHOOLS Supreme Couri of . MiiwUsippt Holds That Chinese Aye “Colored” “ t { •* JACKSON Mlsh , Oct. t«.—ld") — Native tioru Chinese wers barred from white schoola in Mhuimslppi to day by a ruling handed down hy the 1 Mississippi supreme court. The court ruling In the case of .he state superintendent of education against two Chtwoce said i hat fric tion, disorder and general unhappi ness would be occasioned ts efforts were made to associate th* white race with ibe colored race In Missis sippi schools. The court Ur lined as colored any race other than Caucasian and held that it would b" necessary for oli of the ( Irnamru to enroH-' lb a negro school. Iu making, the ruling the eourt |evened the of a coun ty court which would have required the state superintendent *■ and the tcaihers of a eorlsolldated 4° peuntt the Chinese students to en : roll. Case F«rOrphanage Preseniccl . ——— A' ' Vr‘ S . By Josephus Daniels Here Suit. Forty' years Inns., .non will live in a <1 iffe rent from wftlclL they live to,i.i> , ll.vlr «lta'3 cf Social oh J qtaUAd *l«ftorewey d/ww "ptrd I *' Panic m, ,-ill'or of th* Jt.lelgh New« hhd Ohtotfl add' iff/iipf *tvTt*sTj of ihc Navy in Pre*4d< nt'* Wilson’s cabinet, indicated in the course of a tclk at Bt. Paul Methodist church Holiday morulug Mr. Daniel* came t’j Goldsboro “uadcr orders,” be said to acquaint the church with the cane for the Kak-lgt. Meth“dl*t orphanage. es, tuperinuudtnt of the orphanage. Proceeding Mr. Daniels, Huporia rendent Barnet told of the campaign which the hoard of directors cf (he orphanage# have launched (or |130,- (Min W ith Ihhdnoney the hoard hope* to provide fhnrtar* for an additional 250-children.a. the heme. At present, dining room, kitchen and tyhool far fit tie* Lot 'i4r|%rovMed but thdVw in ouiy enough dormitory and cojtops'•M?* Jfij.*fko 9°*lF IS . » ~' * ■ . * 2 BADLY HURT IN CRASH KLAN STARTS PROPAGANDA Rgber Dbcwsw Proposal Make Flogging Felony Under r Law C'JLUtLOTTE, Oct. 10— (JP) A ware of anti-flogging propaganda calculat'd to Invadi Uie state legis lative halls and bring wbout a new penal statute hie been wrtUeu inio the program of the Ku Kips Klan in the atu c, W. 8 Belser, acting grand dragon announced today upon his re turn a Klau cyntetence at Greeaabore. .The new lew would make 7l a fel ony with drastic punl«hm«nt for uny one who AWtmes uny cooceivahla disguise and assaults or threaten* assault upon an ther. Tho movement will cooatitnte a pasture of good faith- cn the |>art North QieroUna MJ Dyl*er said. He Invited th* aid of the ‘ worm enemies of the klah” In the campaign Just bow pressure will lie brought to beer upon representatives tn introduc es such a bill, Mr. Belser did not aay. SON OF SALOON LEAGUE FINED F«tufd Guilty of Trio importing WhiAkev in Htate of Virginia 41 . ¥ * . t RJCHMONIJ. Va . Ot-t. 10—(g*»— Knrrwtt Hepburn, 23. Bou of RoV. David Hepburn, superintendent of Ike anti-saloon league of Virginia, jras fined 150 and sentenced to ten days la jail in.ccurt today for trans porting whUkcy, His father was i« dourt when the rentcnca was given. The Jury art a rued a/verdict of not guilty on an indictment charging him with driving an auVmobile while drunk. A Jail senltuce would have been mandnioni had he been found guilty cf thk offena" but was optional oh <sarge of transporting whiskey. Famous Bath Church Is Object of Pilgrimages BAtH. Oct. 10—(/H —Did Bt Thomas’ Church here, has been the scene of many religious pilgrimage, In.Kgstera North Carolina. ' * The pagjkb was eatahltshcd An 1715, .nearly 20 years before th# present church wna built, whil# thw congre ,'atlon was actually organis 'd In 1701 and the famun Bible in Ht. Thom n»' la said to have come to America about 1700. Carfully guarded relics in the old church include a bell and silver can dle sticks whlclvvjiero gifts of Brit ish rules in the ewrty l*th century. tie raised will u«cd iu election of Lome iiif nAullui^-- =3 - Supsr.ntenedot Barnes, a native.Of, i’dttrewntyr nsytiEtmß' he -' ,- K • >t#*ed to u ton.' to th* t.hsr jJBUSf. Mr.-Daniels, js opJimLtic co..<ern lug tho campaign under way, "‘We i will raige the money all right,'' ho 1 /aid. " ‘‘l Anow I don't look as though I .onltt remember back in 1887,” said Mr. Daniels as he prepared to show reference t> bchpola. and orphan work, and he continued hy. relating that in 'B7 h w.a* generally accept ed Utat one should not be taxed for schools,' He drew a picture es how cue who had such an idga pad «x pres* it t4n> iq|Md ho regarded as a pitable spectaMtt,’’While Mr. Deh iela did not y out' n«il out declaihtlon. he eeyn.M to Indkate that •U wna hJa optdl«n that forty years ,%to (Ow»mrea on rnffi Tfpi M • GOLDSBORO, N. C TUESDAY .MOKNIJW, OCTOBER 11, 1937 AUTOS COLUDE NEAR LAGRANGE ■ —4' • : Herbert York Crilfcully Injured And Charley Rhsdeo Seri ously Httrt v Herbert York, midf'e agrd white man. is la tho Rpicar iauit&rium witti a bare chance <o lire and Charley Rhode*, middle adsedVhli.* man, b;,J a bomeerhat better ehjioo of life, oa tha result of an autret-oWU* accident on bighway number] 10. U-n milt* oast of (ioUhtboro abfit U« Kumiay afternoon. York Is critically Injured and Rhodes rerioueiy hurt. • The two men were Jpccupauls of V rk’g L sev autoin»Aie which was robbing toward lattlrrecc and met n Ford driven by yoiinjmßarncy Lane turning in the directw. HHI-tiff W. t). Grant, who w:r, tAn Hotnroohlto about 25 yards from tfc ecene of the heei«te»t when it ocegpretl, said last night that his Impress An was thut «hc Yojrk car swarvetj «uddenly when near-the lame car and dlrectlf into ih,e pathuof the latter, Both cars were completely demot ishprf. The hetfyy rains of Hiiiiduy may have had eonwlhjng to do with the stagger which the car made nh it •tartest past tho lame machine, it was thought. » York’s Injuries arputbejit the head, and while'c*aml*ation» liar# not been ( completed It is though he suffered j severe fractures, Mo*t of hho ioeUi were knocked Jet and Jaw# and Bps injured. Rhodes was not so critically Injured. » At the ht-eplUl yesterday afternoon It was staled that York had been fit fully conscious during tho morning and was resting us c»mforUbly as cquld be expected. Young lame /neaped rtrlou* hnrtf. though tho* who shw tb* wrecked automobiles womlcr how those in tht wieck ewcapi-d iastaut death. Mr. York la an enfploy of the Kin pire manufaetu4 n K company. Is mar tied and Ims several children. Mr. RhMlea Is also a married man with J several children. PROTEST PRICE PAID FOR WEED* • at. 4,000 Northwest County Farm ern Olhcuan Problem at Dan* __ bury Meeting DANBURY, N. C., Oct - Out of tlwe-hiile and valleys of the northwest counties 4,000 tobacoo far uicni descended upon Danbury today ia protest against' the low prices b*> •Jog paid for their product upon the IVlnsten market. For two hours they stood at the coarthouse and listened atteatively to »n arary-uf speaker* who pretested against’thy R. J. -Reynohla Tobacco - company--ia particular «ud-—other Inrge canufaeturcrs In gaaardl. The furmera endorsnd a long act of reacluliomt in ‘which they pledged themselves not 4n sell tobacce ou tho Wtnst/m Bslrm market until nest "Nock, to cut tttelr acreage Itl half umxir y*w sud forthrr be ! d- mr even greater, mcNing In Wirfkroh ucjf McLsau. V ill he ashed Lu atuad UteukdMiars «**•«•*, AaNvhc invitation ua- -i it !oX>. Max Gardner ui king him to'come over for the dis (UStlou. FORUCIt BKABOARD - % KSPI/OVK IN DEAD c : In miunt.ih^uuh ris C. Ma<l>n ace 71, formerly pur chasing ogcat Her tho Seaboard Air IJne Railway and far several yearn manager of a railway springs manu freturing compuny here dropped dead whlia playing golf , Saturday at tho Not folk country club. He wag .in the act of making the final puttinu an 14 hole f ur*wi„e-Wben he was ntrkken. He »u a native of McVeytown, Y a., and the body will be take* to Altooual F». f tor burijgjf B » MRl| U --v - ■ ... ... 2 .. f JETERTALKS AT KIWANIS Farmer Who Iu Making Money Is Farmer Giving Attentiea To Dairying The regular meeting of-Kiwanian* was presided over by President Frank Taylor last evening.. Kiwanian A. If. Karr bad charge of Hie program and well old it* HU the half hour set apart for Uti« fea tuDe. ‘.Three little girls dree/ed **» milk uuikts and carrying pails, the Mieses Mary Jane Jloblneoa, Arlene Ib bmsou and Anne Jerome, sang ap propriata milk mold songs and Fraak Jeter of the Btate Agricultural Depart meal gave an Intereutlng talk on tbs value of milk, and milk cows on ike farm He stated that the fanner who today is making more than a living on bis ffrm is tha farmer who has mifk to trsii and who is paying attention to the dairy feature of hi* fartu Ktwaulaua J. B. I loom and Thotif av were again back In the fol<Meft*r a temporary absence and*were warm ly received by th# ciub. The fellow mg new inembft* were tntrodneed: ' Uuy K WhltuKUi, Hol»ert R Williams A unanimous rcaolutlon was passed to help the Fair authoritlc* heap the gales at Ute coming Fair, and to give ;<fl nhslstance possible to make the j County Fair a curcpas, ENGLISH KING GREETS LEGION London Sheriff* Ane HouU to Americuno in lith Century Guild Hall LONDON. Oct. to.—UFl-American Legion good will party took part tu a whin of aC Ivltles today whtoh be gan this morning with a chat with King George- and Queen ‘ end .ended tonight with the Brltieh«4M gtonuairsa who have keen the Amer icans host. Between their call at the place this morning and Uie legion this evening, the Legionnaires War* guvs s of the I,ord Mayor *f Leaden I and Uie sheriffs of Ixmdon in A* Hth century guild hall where such receptions to Americana have keen in frequent and then only Included men like President Grant, Roosevelt and . • - -• ■ - - - •——•* - - t t-■ —— r WHPJP* KBITOBM B.tI'GHTFR ‘“Y-'b 15Jl'BKB VRSTVBDAf iltAl^l^r Oct. TO m Mrs of Durham, formerly Mias Frances Gray of Raleigh, daugh ter of R. L. Oray. editor of tha Ral eigh Time.’, suffered a broken leg in an automobile accident yesterday when a car driven by H,>.E, Davis, local grocer, collided with the autmpo bile in which Mrs Patton was rtdlag. Lotral Tobacu© Market To Paau Four Million Found Mark Wed. Before auction* have been ended —n_— —■ d- v -- ~—rr - cn the Goldsboro tobacco market to* mlllijpi founds, a survey made bjrTbe^ News jrre/sWday toltreM • : ‘ r Official statistics supplied The News by U. K. Ellnwouh of toe Ar deiti Tobacco Gompeny showed that through last 4•'rldHy a total ci C 80.104 pouuds had been auctioned a* the local floo.Sgfv I**»t week’s Mixndnx’j- aahsx- xccrs about potroda anif vflSWn Ufßctili flgufii could not be secured yeuerdny after m»6n for yesterday s sale#, It is ea tiinated that tho figure of a week ego was agalntscquiale/i. Tl.iv would force the total threngh yesterday to 1,-| 820,334 pounds. Lgnt year. The Gpldtooro tobacco market * b JkhßWf' lhirir o * \mtha, og- Lease Secured By Mean* | Os Fraud, United Stales ] Supreme Court Decides i ASSAULTSWIFE FOR 4TH TIME ilagi Htr in Hurf: Hai Prt- V ioualy Shut Her aM Wield ed Knife Turku • Police are eegrchlng for the khife wielding parties of tw« negro chit lag affairs, one which happened Sunday Afternoon and oae happening yester day morning. In tiro Sunday Larry Wal lace, stabbed his 3 wife, Louvaaia Wal lace, iu 4he heaj and slashed her acreaa ono.kead Two ugly wounds werq Inflirted la her head. She ia ta the Goldsboro hospital ia a danger* oss state. Tb" cutting took place ta James City and Wallaae had sshaped before police arrived-^ Tht# ta ttm fourth L«uv aata. tba has cows blKgrtaf at the hands of iJirry. tin isro previous occasions he assaultsst her with a knife, nad «nee be shot bar, pettoe »uw. • : p Yesterday's affair opeared In * a case near the Standard Gasoline tasks. John MUltr, cut the throat us Benny WUI torn* byway of convinc ing him that his IrgaiuMt was tree. A wound lato which ««• «PiW »« dkrSo ftagtf* was taftktad/ 4»Wo* said. MiOer also escaped. FRENCH TRYING FOR NEW RECORD Take Off FmA Up' Wltk Capital us Al’MUlhre Aa CfMlI PARIS, oet. 10-tAV-Paci" bad# gave )»oii voy#»e today U another pair of aviator* who, hope tb eropa fha Atlantic—this Urns when 'Ay reg, Argsstlas, «helr gaal. Dam Cantos, pilot and naval LisaKroaat Ü bri*. navigator and wireless operator, look off from Dourget Wald la tha biplane Naugesser-CoM, atr|i4«. They passed over Pollers at)*ut 300 miles . oiuheaat of Pari# at nopa and PfOV French Morocco about 10df sailae far ther along at 7 M Uintgh|, tr They hope to have breakfast la Bt. 'lanU on the coast of Africa teaor tew. morning and then arose the Rout Atlantic ia full swoop to “Y At BTRIAN TOWI UOCKBD BV QUAKE W HWUNIKJRF, •• Ht:RfJENLAND, Austria, Ort lO~oPl—Ftye earth shocks, coming on tba haeli of ahecto Saturday night in Vienna and other parte of the Balkaaa, shook this town early this looming capatng the collapse of many outages and the damaging of otheih. The population, panic stricken, did not dare re-enter their homes today. Thie years sales *• date, thaa, a,re' already over a" half mifttAß pOtludß .mnana -«ro-ee# JtoM» l.ka >Wlni" a<ta daring the entire season' In 1*26. ream here , ouUuac **W** a-RAit W,«» ptfondk a Ctnt, Wm tne third more than the avernffe Af ter the flrat few days * jrAnr ago. ( rawer* have been paid a total of 8669.134.71 for weed sold here through last week. The foilswing continues sales and -1 rteta prid wn...y< grtum!! ..Ijt'iNH’lWt ’ * To. Sales To. paid Tuesday 139.140 *37,383.16 Wednesday ,’ 146,043 36,4*9.91 Thursday 112.638 I fYiday 134.46 1 23,179.4* Tnytl for week .. 5»4,U9* *97,673.36 Heported . -3,1 9470.44A.4S r- * T n i- - Mamber of The Associated rS •' Press f 4 J-Msr maFiTBonS Mvam Hetum^^YW^PwtogßEJ^B WWBHINGTON, Oct. ... .. seek q< ha trial ou a cri*M > * • hsrna growing out of iM 1 knne of Toapot noag Harry R. Ufl naval reserve fn Wyoming. lu ordering the return ot.tbp rgß petroleum field to the governme||i highest court held that *‘sM the fumy • M'l < Ircumeuocev require’' a ftndtV Hist 'he ires,, and agreement ettenK ...K i • transfer «es« made frauddl* ,nti> by means of a eaUnaio* a«l conspiracy twtwren the waatthy Jfeaa| operator and Albert B. Full as IBM tor Secretary. Pall i« to earns lta hial- wMEvIM .riwir Monday tn thn IN stmt jft - t Columbia Kuprcme c-Ottrt wgd ta «d| 'u» for their <‘»uvJbUnn. - QfPBM^H V '» .1.-froud ihe govepgpMMkkJtaH • mi < H .ounfcei wIR preeenlte Jurj sqbrtantiaHy the sh*e litcU urmn which the IX si court peedirered X •Wfllt kUfpMWI Wm •he court looidrd drerottataphlsrefl mreance of th# enmmi cl IV IHhtaHd round f,r the gronrwwfita !>♦ J . involving the lenre of Uto MR d. . naval oil r- »crv« in California to S ward L. - * A* a net rahult # Qmn deeigifl Go government pta heek fh* a cil field* wM^p ttnj,.j| < iii umetancev which M|BQBIp -_ tion ritHcicadlg a >eah||l W>Lr tJlllll <il the country three yihtl Qe v v / rkiOPAAi/i? oiM HillNburo Offkern Bril**» HQR re | ’% -H '--t* HILLSBORO Oct. IHIhS : m - of Orauyv county WOM o*tlfl ' ' c. tonight with the PTOMRr all lua the mystery of gg t-oriring car In (he heart •fspl >f-V '<>"«) W ith nothing but Ure M Mgmcl or and two blood SpsUl • md map* a* due* they were J mg upon the case but thus 'lclpu, . lues have pen ahf»»3B . Tne car we* loft W f jtap-3H . vomotlmc after midnlghi thk mX* Irg <n . front tire w <Rjj||iß4k||%~ the inn revealed that tag ' tx-en toil nmny mil# op car i. d a I .(strict of QntaltUik'l iv > ’ n i-.'f head Stand In ff 4-? Wasi.iugton garage. •' Belief was eutartntaQl.W.BCW h< i■ ti.ut somebody '. m ibbod while sitting on 4k* } - scat -r the car aa blood tlp^B^ ■•lrfk eafricvaUy deep to M l 4t 4*. V* *cm.ped «pr YINIT FROM NTffRR UmJm UJNDON. Oct. A t Yoy*. vile of tho r King Georgy and Quota lURBki i i> S i (.emif 11 inmK , No»;.\Li|i. ArI,,VKV ih.tti advice* to thaMRMMyM . t.idn. r.,|«rt. Os U the Ay

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