9 « W-* : 'a 4, ... . *' i ■ n > ’ .’■ rig ' t WEATHER Cloudy with showers Wednesday night. Thursday partly Cloudy. ■. _ . VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 195 GIRL FLIER IS OVER OCEAN MRS. GRA YSON MAKES FINAL PLANS COPENHAGEN FLIGHT Ruth Elder Attempting Fly To Paris Along New . * Route Across Atlantic With Bible, Chinese Ring, and Toy Cat Dixie Girl Is On Her Way LEFT NEW YORK FlAo AT 5:04 YESTERDAY Ship "tarries Radio That Will Send 75 Miles; No* Life Rafts ■' 1 2 » ROQBEVELT FIELD, NEW YORK, Oct. 11—UH-An American woman to day placed her life In the balance In u attempt to be the fleet of her sex to croon the Atlantic ocean In an air plane. Ruth Elder, 23, lakeland, Florida aviatrix, wha the woman. Dresnod a* If for a dame of golf, she hopped off today with her pilot and townsman George Ilahleman. in the BLlnston. Delreiter. “American Girl". The hop off was made at 6:04 p.-.m, Their destination la Le Ilourget Far ia, France where Col. <"harlc* It. tJndhfTg,.aong*udetj ilia famous Iran* oceanje Eight. The American gir|' took the nir gracefully after speeding down the runway for shoot 2,000 feet. ' Mis* "Elder, also known ah Mrs. Lyle Womac, wared good bye to the few spectators (rom a cockpit window. Rhe carried with her a tiny Bible, risen by hgr mothei*, a f’hlnetic ring and a toy 'eat, all of wlii£h rbe con * nldered of equal value in bringing good luck. For rations on their 5.60* nv4p air journey Mies.KMcr nnd Hinocmati carried each three tufkey and M«en HwW» ,cheese sandwiches, a flask of louillon and three finale* of roffee. Oafteirt tablets were carried In case of drowsiness. The jrlaae carried 520 gallons of gascline, 20 gallons of oil And a radio (tending outfit capable of flashing a message n»t more thai| 75 m'loh.- The ccurae jraa to Ito |24t mile due east, tbenee in a northeasterly direc tion following the ship lanes to the English chjanntl. The fttel supply was considered bufflcfcnt to carry • hwn 4100 miles. The radio call is WDAO. The plane is rspected hi du 30t» miles an h«ur. , Ahead of the flier was ttome unfav Arable weather. While most of their journey according to weather forecas ters, will t»e good, those Is a hireleh of fog, and grea-yf fcfe£>ut 700 mile* in mid ocean. Some aloroiy weather also ■was to be met, Hntdeman raid. In ease of a loTced landing at aea. each waa equipped with a rubber life suit Vith gear for covering the head A poflfl*t lb the front ts each suit cur ried a breath condenser to proven water to drink and agfletrt canister of emergency rations They had no lubber life raft, Miss Rider couald (ng the without value VerjnllghU, a very pistol and navi I gali n flares also were Rail of the navigation equipment were 3 tbwiTdunw*. VtrthtiW, ft***-' -JkfLk ««<1 sn anodic, chars were taken alona. 4» Miss Elder wet saying good by# Am. n,itJt;baas. M on t lJLfc. svy V V Twwww, , vewww rnwvt, w . of Haliabury, K. I"., sat In an ajitomo- Wle nearby. “I am Ihrillcd t» bee George hope off," Mrs. Ilahleman fald j fit’s a big chance for him.” “Miss Elder waa very nervous. "Fnt Very harPy.” she said, jumping up and down In her excitement It’s The grcafcsf %##W. Haldeman was a grim, determined man an she rlambefed Into the cock pit *T” do it," he aaid, almost fierce ly. lOOIIIK.Ii’H TtX'Ul WS WASHINGTON, na. j IIJ--4AV - President Coolidg* feels that tax re duct inn la the next session «f con gress should be considerably lees pc« MM,* nm THE GOLDSBORO NEWS T " W ‘ * * READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. EIGHT BLOCKS OF CITY BERN New Jfiwy Report Town Near Atlantic City Stiffen) Dlh itHtrous Blur OCEANPCITY, K. J.. Oct. n-<4») Fire starting-of the hoard walk to night, swept through the hotel nn.l cottage district between reventh and pint It streets and as far back aa Wes loy avenue before it was brought un. dor control. A special meeting of the Federal parole hoard • .has been .called for Thursday to con (Mer"applications of prisoners at Ihe penitentiary here who became eligible parole in October, among w ho tit hi Karl Carroll, New York theatrical producer, Warden Snook- announced tonight. V SKI KN KILLED MANILA, Oct. n~4F)~‘ The Philip pine constabulary kilLd'Seym More* today in a fight with fanatical Alang kad tribesmen. The uccount«r toeft place In the mnunNln* of pro k vlnce, Mindanao hiland, along the f erne op Mom uprisings. NEW MIIM CHARTERER RALEIGH, Oet. II (/I*) Incor porated: a lladdrr-Manning ennipany, Incor porated of New IV"rn. N. t\. to deal In ■autonYbblle, accessories etc. Author-, fxeil capital stock $15,01K) and sub scribe d s4oti by J. R, I ladder, Berlba May Madder, X. E. Manning and Hoth Muimlng all of New Bern. Jtomnunian Health Officials Spent Tuesday In Goldsboro „ Fpj t.ltf liqtg ftfJ ■ in sue he, iirntth ttOfedn <>f other | rs. . * • *' ■ v nattona have vi*.t<-<| Die Wttyu*; <*N»»fy -HtpHM QHRgeprht i«r ffHj' imrpow pnengyru cxmaipiiM wif-i ficleney in North fan llna hcslth rervlco. Three Roumanian specialists ! n Norih f urhlina to gain |x>intrf* for the Ptimautnn service' vieuted the dctarmlcnt horn yc-tcr'd.iy 'J'hc visitors Dr, D. Mcxitt- TTiRFC - -J 4m ,< Mcdecine, Inrci Uur dc L’lnalilnt j D’lfy .ienc, of IpH harcii; Dr. (icorg c Hnmil of ltucharc .4; and Dr. Jim"' fi< carian of Bucharest. „ . Dr. Mcxiocaoco war* p*A*icularly latrTcslcd when shown the plant mil he complimented (Mdsboro upon '!< equipment which Urn city pro.*<’#* for It* cltixens, stating that ihe plant was much more elaborate, and of:cred greater protection in the JB*§n«f g sgaiUltcj, than that a** OXFORD CIASS HERE TONIGHT Varied and Entertaining Pro gram lie Prenenlgd From Community Building at K , Mu wont* of the city and many of (heir friends, relatives and sweet hearts will turn out 100 strong this eve-mug; to hear the con cert rendered by Singing Clast **f the Oxford orphanage, n Masonic •«-- sllUltlcvt. Her. imi lug Monday, local Mason* offered tickets for bah* and ■their efforts have met with succcaa The concert will hj front the auditor ium of the Memorial Community build lag beginning at ft o’clock. The teccvd which Hoy L. Yelverton, lpral Mason, mad' in telling "tickets i; an example of the purposeful ntan ncr in which members of the two io cal lodge* have supported the concert this evening. Mr. Yelndag fas given 1} tickets lo sell. Hu collected for twenty-two uud hail two tickets left to sell to olhcrs. Not only will, the proceed* from the concert to* toward supporting the worthy institution, but the concert wllL he of a high order. The class represent* tji<> lari lalcot f(om ? a • tudent laxly of acvernl hundred and highly trained mualclsns hav% had charge of IW? fHHWIdn of 4he clan#. Tba program will he a varied one, i aoloa, ("harases, qiiartcttx, piano min-, bars, and fcklts. The Oxford Orphanage i« the fath er of *lli orphanage* in North faro linn and wan start-d Grand Lodge cf North Carolina prior lo lite Civil War. While It In funMiUally a Masonic philanthropy. 83 percent of Ihe children given home* within the Instil ill len are the rhildre.t of ttu n who did not belong tp the Ma-ioni*- Iratemlty. The record made hy ahf muse of the Institution is n living testimonial of 'the worth It 1* a<"\. ■ r-omplishing, many of Its graduates filling important p.dlliout in the world. FAHMF.R ARRESTED ON THE lllftiGE OF SI IVING WOMAN 1 I.UVERNK, Ala., Oct. 11. —(/P)-r SiisulUtnenltsiy with Hie hCKlnnhig of the gtand jury lnv< align*l»n into msHked floggings 9h frcii haw coun ty.-came the arrest-laic yesterday tit Ithfits Welch, fuftn*r, on a charge of umrdcr In the f|r»l degree In < »t»- ncctlon wi:h the whipping of a ne gro wm»in who subsequently died, (Welch is said t« hatjc Ifen one of five men who kipnitpped Annl** Msy Bimrnomi, a ftegress. and gnVc 'her a severa beating.- a<"cording police records, the woman wss whipped In July 1!)26, and died the fallowing No vember of an Illness aaid t u have Ixen Tfraifc-MKJty ftilatreatmeaf U the hands of the whipping party. " .i*Ak. V- vidWir Aim ■ «( Gt'dwhoro Lr n.yrs.rtft ftarticdlic luili 1 jita, . . iy ., uh 4 < hild .?»*** -iyH k end tuffifttral of a at ’ifioi < 'mlc which he .witnessed st the William Street 'schncd. Dr. i ir. : i'.»» has jut;t completed a eoar.ii' at .ilm llapkin* to ire rally a;t a fellow umlcr the intpinatioii .1 lte.t'th Fi .iii! - Atcam.u iiyiug the llnu.anian fpc y li A. Taylor, of Ihe Mute Hoard <>£ The viHiliu>. phy*irianx, t<> : gcther'wlth Dr. 'raylnr, were gu* ■ Is the Wayne county* Health IX>purt rrent at lunch at tht* Hotel ti-old*h<>ro. A few weeks ago officials of the Mexican health’ sCryiee vlsiltsi the couaty. Pi)iU» ltico and H< ttsml have also fceut physician* to North fam lina to study rcccnily- and W'tytie county hat hctu om ts Die point* .. 4 . A Vjl GOLDRBORO, M. G. WEDNEHDAY MORNING, (KTOBER 12, 1927 TEACHERS ARE CLUB GUESTS X - .•«. Kujoy Five-CourHi* Ihnqurl and Tw4i Mount of Solid Merriment The Goldsboro Rotary club at He re gtilar meeting at Ihc’llml uoldvboni last cveulng iisflc the sixty five teac.li tlr» at the city schools formal wel come to the Guhhihor" hy entertsin ing them at the evening* program. EYr over tsg> hours the affair con llnued and for every minute of period the ItoterUn* had provided amusement a plenty. Henry Pike wen toastmaster pre sented Iwslle Weil who exteuded the weicorac on behalf of Hilary. The teachers anutted the liotariaa* hy a buck parsing stunt in reply. Mia* Allie Freeman said sha didn't feel equal to the task And railed on Mlee Margaret Kcmcgay. who called »d Mias Dowlln, who called ** Mias Mu;*, wh.', fintmtU Itobinsoi, T j> 1 > fia:uiite4t end Uov. J. M. Danlof— were required lo pick a drat her,, front the audience, to kneel before her, to hold up ariirallng hands and to sing “Irf-t Me fall Von John Norwt od won at this stunt. The great game of bingo was re sorted to as a means of distributing the Lvur* gold vanities- among the ladies. ' , A don't let the clock alarm; In yottr hands c:itlcst under the directum of V'lliium Royall created much merri pout. The knell «if doom found the -timepiece in Ute hand* of Henry Belk. WHh elaborate ccrcmotay Mr. Hoyatl prvscnlcil Mr. pelk with a Hve hen in lecoqnilion of bit having held the clock when It alarmed. Tbe hen didn’t like the < cremony and floppeH out into Ihe banquet room with e greet sq'taking. Music for the evening was directed ly >V. L. Frederick, with Mrs. Frederick at the piano, rrohaiiuary to turning to the fun of ‘.he tveoiug, tboeq present had aii.pd uv an of the regret that Pr. W. 11. Smith, president of the club and now confined.to tha o Goldshorci Hospital recovering from rut nitsck of apiwndicltis, had not been at le Uo atU-nd mid exprehaion of the hope that lie would have a quick recovery. Holsrians prcscnled yign- C'l a letter of regard* lo lie trun.ifnil •od to Dr.'Smith, Vja.Mll HUD MKfGHT ESCAPE FROM CAMP IN NHOT BY OLARII HAI.KIUH, Ocf, II fA*) John Rrockett, Mccklcnbprg county-negro, shot last Salurday while trying to " iij. .Mi* ,Aabeville, waa a till maktr.g a rame tlaht for his life Viu£, State priaon efftrtaht t*ported a- , ■ ■ guard went lo feed him late Saturday the negro dashed out .of lltc door when it watt opened and knocked the guard dow n. Tim latter nrou. and comamnd ia* .-—fiAf*MßauaAl ; 4Tic ’Htr'klHi -y -,-- r agy-ai ni Hlr WITT) Tn Tidii, Whm rrockett refpeed lo hall, ihe guard shot hint three limes, the third rhot-ploughing It* way through Ihe negro's abdomen, lie i* under tc case of Aslierjlle physician* - ■ RALEIGH HAN injwtt RALDfOir, Ort, 11/(A 1 ) The pop ulation of Ifalolgh is 4A.4C4, or 23 per cent grea'ey than the 192tt fc*l cral cemsua -h-wed. the new city rectory, isium tottejr, rrt»a!»d ( J( / HUNDREDS VISIT THE DAIRY SHOW • _____ » Firtit Annual Exhibit HpMMorer! • lly Dairy A Success Upwards of 1,500 people yesterday attended the first annuel Wayne founty Dairy show slaved under tbe auspice* rs (he Wayne County Dniry isa’a ahsociatHen on Center afreet be tween chestnut and Spruce. Thirty nine high grade animals were on show end a stream of visitors were grwtted by th# commitUe handl ing the events Dirt ugbout the day. “You have a better show here than the cattle show of the Ten County fair,” ou* who had attended the Ten-County events hinted, ' All of these cattle will ft enter ed in th* Wayne couaty fair and mot* too,” Director Williams of the Wayne County Fair Association told The News. "And I wish you mould any 1 w ill be at the Fair Grounds nil next week getting everything lined up for the stock exhibits. Forty hogs were catered today. If people will tell me before the opening day of the fair how many anima|a they will ruler it wIH I-elp a lot pi getting quarters provid ed end eliminate the -rush Incident to jLhe final day.” " . 1 Pr. Grlnnclla of gist* College (sl eeted hie following prlee winners in the Dairy show^ Bert Jersey d to iorregsetneir appropriation from, 1500 to f«00 using the new con tract as a bants. District Warden 11. If. Faulkner of latQraage has orgaaixed the first emergency crow in Lenoir county which is composed of six good fire fighters. Greene (Xunty, the smallest In dis trict 4 begun cooperation July 1, with an appropriation of s edferitofiigat. DMDiUI tii iUMM talaa Mm Ralph 0. lreweaton wM» of the gov. ernor of Mnipa, tn betefcal tho wmg on of her etoto that the INghh la postponed until another oepofl*. Mto. Fr.noi« WUeoa (fraysos (Might afltf that eh* nnd her rge# std mMM n > -M «y- -m, hy Mrs. Brewster In the peiem at state officio* wilh -gi)| tefthf tg this state teem which plan- to to ho AiiMtiD, Mnl 1 ft! th# tekDU man AJk half joking “i am HuM JTJktiag wet ” i- » 1 Before aka eamlMd Usl kettle dgt haid “Prayers as womeg ew/otow will ge up tor ye«r enoeeas, H peg chail deetdn that iwtoe tar as to th* frnits legd AM to Vfprsft what I ftltow to ho fte earnest on* treaty ofMkiae womoajduto ym ma# decide to wait, MYSTERY BOX IS REPORTED *i» - -'"A-A vtavoi^f'. G#g»*a RtflMto flan PfeMN Fiwai “Likorty taa** tST Frew Htofl la Cwnrt -j— v *ft-- 1. CINCINNATI, O. (tot. over ptoea tar his dedHtao t*ig, a < oroner's verdict fined iMpegnlhfitt|r upon him tar the death of hto wtta, grand jury mowed toward an tadtat* meat. The Coroner's verdict that ‘Mrs. Roman died frag a ha)let wound inflicted kg Goorge Remus." Tbe grand fury began Its deUbarn* tie# into the ehoftlf ter completing Us iwwatoflH— today. Ruthtaemas, who tax with her moth. T W Brown, mother of Mr*. Rmn us; Charles, Stevens, wh# drwve Utah Remus’s taxicab; Bvandor Ronhlttowt who took Mm. Romas to the hiwpltot; and delect!vo chief fmmotl Klrgna, were summoned. Judge chpir shook said today »•* mm cuter ("hmiyr Patrick to town thg trial set tar (ho first week of Rem. member. Remus today wwvod toward obtaining n court order to have In vestigated e safety deposit how own* ed by Mre. Romas which Osetge Connor’s friend of Reman hall ho to* caied in a IqR at lAaelag. Mtoh* Remhs referred to the hog OS hit ■Ltoerty hog." v li •*1 will Jindoahtedtp lans' mi naff many of the papore la thin ftp tg earns* totaO