WEATHER Partly dandy and cooler Thursday ? Friday eloady 5 - 1 *- ' J “ | 7' VOLUME SIX; NUMBER IM , " ■ um ■ 1 •■■■ ■ 1 ■■ ■ ■ ' 1 1 " "■ ■■ ■ —.. ■■ ■— * —■» , «■ ■■■. ' —■' -r ■ ■ "- —— ■■ >■ ■■ ■ -■■ - *■ m min mm 4 GIRL FLIER HAD TO PASS THROUGH STORM AREA LIGHTLESS TRUCK ON ROAD 10 ML WEST CAUSES WRECK If She Succeeds Should Reach Le Bourget Field At An Early Hour Today KrmebMen Descended Upon FWI iMt Night Ready for Great Welcome PLANE ONLY RIGHTED 7 , ONCE SINCE STARTING 11 ft Mrs. Grayson Postpones Her Take-Off For Copenhagen Account Rising Gales NKW YORK. Oct. if—<*>)— jf still •left tad oa her planned straight uway coarse for PnvD, Ruth Eldar may hare cncaped tragi Q»e atorm arte which tonight lashed the North Atlantic. A radic message tonight from the steamship American Pinner said tbit the wind was frp-hnorihwest with the scats rough and cloddy. MeeaagCß to the received from two oiher ateamera\at Ip.m. today said neither ship ljnd sighted the American Oirl on- its flight to HurnpJ. ■ Roth ahlpm werw* beaming in the monoplane's proposed path to Europe. DUBLIN, Irish Free tttate, Oct. 12 (j—yP) —At midnight the authorties in W«(t and Southwest Inland were krenly alert and watching for the It ms-Atlantic plane the American I lilfl, at that time there was no sign! ' * , . i ANNISTON, Ala., Oct. • K—(ffV- Mrs. J. 04 Eldar, mother of Ruth Elder, now on a trans Atlantic, flight to Paris D on the verge of a collapse at her home herei! worried over. the flight of her flying daughter. kfn. Elder became nervous Tues day when the learned that her daugh ter had taken off for Paris and has been in a nervous condition since. OLD ORCHARD. Maine. Oct. 12 -14*) —A howling wtiwf raptdtjr ap proaching gale proportions ionighi in definitely h"ld up the ulrplauo Dawn In which Mr*. Frances Grayson nnd two men aviators had planned tn.bop off at 6 o'clock for Copenhagen. The plane stood ready on the rand above the tllgh water nnrk Tlth ttffcts tflty #*>*■*)» ‘ ypvbP.'A v if . perfect far the sffcrt. The llml phone eonrnltatinn with the New ¥*ek seealher Wwveaw revealed bow ever that conditions would grow aap idly worse so announcement wis made that the flight would await bet. ler weather condit'on*. - T Young Henderson Man Electrocuted wetmes IIENDEHSUN, Oct 13— MP) Maurice Johnson, 25, was electroeut-- ed at Routb Henderson this afternoon when he stepped on a live wire lend. (bg r from n main power lino circuit t« n wood raw he was operating. JAhiKM was unmarried. A coroner's inquebt was postponed until tumor -I*7* :a t, lAitutflil THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNIN£ WHILE MINDS ARE FREBH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. Favorable Regard For New Plant For City Favorable rsgurd to tha bring ing of a “silk throwing” mtO t* Goldsboro was given by tha In dustrial committee of the Chamber <4 Commerce meeting In the offic es of the Association yesterday morning. Secretary Walter Den mark was instructed to gain fur ther information concerning the company making a proposition tu locate here and if tha further in vestigation shows the plan fens. We it is quite likely that a new Industry will locate in the city. The committee voted not to rm ■idc£ .another. plant which would have required approximately $225- 000 iqgsl caritsl to bring here. An Inspection of industrial plants of the efty by bustaeas and prvfegilonal men at some near date was approved. A schedule will bo worked out in cooperation with the various, plants of the city. POULTRY CLUB MEETSTRIDAY -M ji, > * ** ... i i«. ■■ i. ■'■***» tnr* Association Be Aakod Adopt Standard Egg Carton For Wnyne Eggs The meeting of the Wayne county poultryTtstociation will be staged at The county fair grounds, Friday. Fol. lowing the usual picnic lunch, at 13 o'clock the audience will assemble iu the grand stuud for an tuut's prog ram. Several interesting announcements will be made at that lime followed by several five minute talks. A demon* itrutiouftof selecting Individual birds of the u.oro popular brped.< and var ieties for breeding stock and fvr tha purpose of showing at fair, will bo given. The designs for tho egg canons for Wayne county haa been workod out by a committee and an agreement which the producer who exrec'g to market eggs in thevo cartoon.i will be expected to alcn.-iyui been framed. Both the design and the agreement will be submitted to the ffcoclatlou for approvul Friday. If the design and erreement are approved by the pro ducers orders ter the carton* will,he sent at once. ' 9 This in a season when a great deal of intcreit should bo manifest and a largo crowd Is rxpeclcd at the Fair ground* Friday. Little Jimmy .Twynham Passes To More Undersfoudjng World Ut la Jimmie Twynham, maimed | and tw Ktcd dwarf, passed to a mors I understanding world yesterday at j tha AVsynCjCounty Home. Lit le Jim-1 mte Twynham wIRm. no «no under A.‘.«S*we MM; evjcr knew. Ilia character *h'r<>urtcd lit rtfc'mya* | 7:, :Wi unuanai plane* of thought, he had c« or ...been held as an object of too little Importance » What powers posasss which our clvlllsatieu have long burl'd as forgotteu lore? Was he as a sage of oht* A Merlin? A wizard sis same nct.j tm t*tUT A (ftsetptc ot'Voodnor? J Did ‘'a rag and a bone and hank es heir' ’ yield a hidden meaning t» him. to which - the ordinary man ia blind? What does It matter? Yh* little children Ibved Li tie Jimmie. They naked no questions. Loving Aim they knew aud underaiood all (hot woe ■- , ARREST CRAVEN BONDS ARE APPROVED 'I ww^w»s»» Supreme Court Holds Commia* i sionera Actod Within Their Anthority In Imtuc RALEIGH, Oct 12—(APl-The Hu- I Court la'e today. Ju*tlce Con. ury writing, affirmed the Judgment of | Judge Harris In ('rarer superior court 1 last Hepteuib’er upholding lha validity of $050,P00 In bonds for maintenance of tbe six mouths school term, and road and bridge bulldlag in the coun ty- The tonrd of commissioners of Craven wad pretending to offer bonds foa sale when objection was made by J L. Hcrtsf on the grounds that tho bonds would bo tuvatid a* hte board of commissioner* were without legal authority t» is, ue and sell them Judge Harris held that the board ha I full authority to sell the bonds uni that the bonds were valid, "The purpose of hte General As sembly in cttarUug-ihe county finance act la manifest,” Juatict Connor wrote rt H was to enable the several counties of tho Htate not only to pro vide for their future needs by batt ing bonds for purposes specified th*rs In but plso to fund, their valid Indobt educes heretofore Incurred In good faith by issiiiug bonds and relievs the taxpayers of burdensome annual toxtlou.” ,A.* ONEHUNBREDAT W C T U MEET Dr. Mary Hfcrrict Says Women WouM Wreck Party Spon soring Wet Candidate ' k RALEIGH, Ort.. W. C, T. U. ten million .strong will wreck any party sponsoring a wet presidential platform or sui'iorting a wet candidate for the presidency in 1821. T>r. Mart Harris Armour of Tale, tia , national director of Its in of th* union, doelarrd tonight vt the annual slate rohvefttloii. Nearly 108 women, bore for tha con vention heard reports of exeeptloiutiljr* fine prog rang by tho organisation dur ing the past year. 0 C. A. Upchurch, superintendent of Carolina Antt Haloon Lea inie iff introducing pr. Aripour as speaker declared his organisation's opposition to a *'wei M for the presid ency, not however, designating by game any presidential poesib lliy, NAVF.D PKKNIDENT NOtTHKRN POUiLTIiY ANfMI. J. Maloney. Louisville has been nam ed .president of the Southern Poultry and egg association which tonveued hero yesterday. ■ } Fur ths many y ( gra he bad lived iln GoldsppQO. a being iMo'ated, left. |lu lonaly deouriude tu pa«s his land ram hi* bread aa beat he could, lie haa no known living IV'ood kin. ; <..u rt.jw uiflt vvhnkjvau* ■many A swer soiA Ras mrtM**. a'farnk* jgn heart, cast off Imaginary fiends of 1 1 rtlM»rform'd Irm*dri»«l u^y| 1 -'"p Lttti* Jtn.mtc played fata part* He tA-dead. All tmacu to his nsboa Jimmie Twynham will be burled ''sometime this morning early at tho lO’d County Home about six miles from bera on tha Wilson highway. He is suppor-H hart,- bren mi/ * TIT tj ?tl .in a Wlh Dui U. tit Petersburg, Va, Among other pursuit* of lln mie were his econtributions to many na* tlonal Weekly and scml Weekly pa pers throughout the country of sup* poaely bona fide newa stories, tho •imply ereatnrea of hit twisted ima gination, Choot#, 'h*ut*ttrd place; , < utl I’jtgq F|l«i > GOLDSBORO, It C THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1*27 SAMPSON DAUGHTER DIED |i > AFTER OPERATTN ■ I#" * ■ Richmond, Vb„ Fkyaician Bond- ' ed Out Unin Charge of Moforactice A—e O—l ll ■ (Special To The News) ; RICHMOND. TOm Oct. 12—James A. Royal), farmer, 51, of Eampaon county, N. C., arrerted today on aua i picion of having aided id an illegal operation on bis 1* year old daugh ter Melva Roy ah which resulted in her death here aqaterday. told police that he brought the girl hefc OH ad vice of a North Carolina doctor who ( referred him to Doetor Robert Fits. ' gerald of Richmond. 1 He said that he took the daughter ( to the physician's office Monday and •bat the opvnTton wai preformed at ( • o'clock that evening for which he pa>d S2OB. , Dr. Fitsgerald was arrested today ( on churgca of being a auspicious j choractiT, suspected of murder and j ma'practice. He denied that ho per formed the operation or that he waa k responsible for tho girl's dea'h. He 4 said that he revolved $2 for medical , services rendered. | RoyaU was held as a material wit- t noiu at a $1,89 bond Flttgerald'n ( bond waa fixed at 55.08 and bound « over (or a hearing October 13. Both mot! were reufaifttdto Taß'tn default ■ of bail but they autmeeded in making | bond lAte today. Royal left goon of- , ter ward for his home following in i tho wake of his daughter's body. < which had been sent byway of Dunn | The Royal girl died in a Richmond hufcpital a few uifnutts after being 1 taken there. j Royal said that it was not until dost week that ho discovered the condition of his daugh'er. J JOHN ROBINSON IS HERE TODAY . " i Show* Vrom Humphrey Field i At 2 P. M. and 8 1 P. M. " ( - TlMry’rs here—the elephants, tho ' lion*, the tigers; the clowns and the rretty ladies on white berses. Hs cir cus day—John Robinson's circus day —and at the circus grounds at- tli- Humphrey field, the great while tent* loom again*) the aky, Before Goldsboro sat down to it's ( fruit, eggs, toast and coffee this mor ning, tho long solid steel trains of the John R bln son Circus btenmed ini to tbe city, and the hatii to th« lot ' . Immediately begun. Crowds watched the unloading.'and marveled at tho , aise and hugenosa of the circus flats,. . stock and sleepers. Thejtam are all i aevenly-foot the largest 4Vcr built far J maane esdsiartAaaa .. - ■ . * ... - _ vuTTPr, ' r- - ——- w ‘ The John R blmoa performances at „ 2 p. in. aud 8 p. m., open with a huge fairy laud extravaganza, the cast calling uvpr five bundned people, bortes apd anlmnln with Mias Irt-no A 3 trfmrir * :ly. jmrlt, and uovcUy lias nevwr beefTl cqngßLd or vxtxlh-d by any other cir- t f*e. IwwddWoit to ihw -nemArrrartrgi d ed wild animal displaV* offered by 1 ’ftcodorc Bcltncd*r, lone Carte, Mar l garct Thompsort, Robert Thornton and < othem, ruth noted * troupes at Ui? 1 Ruby Rudynoff I'anrfly from Austria, . the liar « Glr's (rum Euglsnd, Uto * :Jkn3 Qpnan Arab*. Thft Tronpt'. the Dt-rnlt; Griggs Troupe, the'* Aerial Kelleys, the Eddy Duo and olh- 1 ers will appear. An augmented menu i gerio ti alto a feature. The downtown 1 ticket sale will open at 8:38 a. m , 1 and ticket* will be sold at exactly the I same prlro ns charg’d at the ticket > wagons on the circus The 1 city ticket effice will be located at • Uts o?jd#lfopo.Drug flare* '. 1 FATHER SEVERAL CASES ENDED IN COURT W»ynt Superior Court For Trial Civil Canoo Taken Sudden Bpurt • With • compromise In the Edgertou vs Kdledre case, and verdicts record ed, tn two ether cases, Wayne County huprrior Court for the trial >f civil cant-s jt ok a spurt forward tM. lifdny ‘ E V . I.lit ledge Will pay f , M.- Fdg-'rttm (fSB in aetriement of 1i« •i.l*. f r $2,099 brought by the lat’or because oPlhc backing of water fropt crescent Lake teroas a atrip of laad owned by Mr. Bdgertoa. The pay. meat of this sum will also give Mr. Rutledge a permanent easement and the right to continue the backing of •he water aerova tha property In question, A non suit was recorded la the case in which Handy Darden sought to collect for alleged dsmages when he lost several fingers ia • peeler mach ine at tbe Empire Manufacturing Co. Paul D. Boone will be paid $199 iu battlement of a suftotgainst the Heath, era Railroad in a consent judgment nnd the road will hear the costa of ihe action. Boone was hit acciden tally by a sledge hammer in the hands of a fellow workmen while wcrklng «-n tracks of the defendant company. The case of WRHs Johnson ays I net Wad Coley wan argued at length dot 1 log yesterday. Johnson soaks dama ges fer alleged injuries tn m&au tomohile uccident. Judge Grady ihargad (He jury In the case late yes terday afternoon. BOOMREEDFOR THE PRESIDENCY Missouri Senator Say* Time ."Rotten Ripe" For Change of Administration 8 EDA LI A. Me., Oct. 13—(JP>—V. Senator Jamcn A. Read, who only •even yearn ago waa repudiated by • state Democratic convention because of his anti-Wilson utterances, today, was acclaimed at n state wide Demo cratic, rally and barbecue •• the parties logical presidential Standard btarer In 1321. Senator Reed was given ovation af ter ovation as be delivered an address denouncing the Republican uational administration nnd declaring "The times are ripe and rotten ripe for a change." HD speech wav accepted an the opening of n campaign to obtain for the next Democratic convention • Missouri delegation instructed ‘ for Reed. Between ton and fifteen thous and persona from nil over tha atatu wore at tbe meeting te hear him a pea It < Rosewood Man Is Badly Hurt W H. Ruy. M-ycar-old white man of the Rosewood community, was se riously Injured .about 2 o’clock yee tasday M&tn***» wh*w a Ford truck •* '"***’**' \ ’h* lOupa over and If«i i>. The nccl ■ ? ■ ’' j »->#*• y - *- 40 ali"iP^JBK ThU D the aiitoiuoblls at cldsnt not far ‘from this spot within the last two weeka. . Mr. Ray was rushed to Bpioefsaai totiuni in this city and nti •xatuina uw-upsplii? w iii^iKHrMaGßtK about the chest and severe cuts oa the reed. He had lost much blood be fore reaching tbe hospital hero and waa weak from this loss. Barring the development of complications. Mr. Kay stands u good cluinqa to recover, it was »*ated. It wns pointed out, however, that for a man of hte age an accident of euch eerious Import is g shock pout which lecovtry lj Eleven People Slightfy Hurt When ~ TrucJtAnd Goes On Side Starts Drive Force Lights on Vehicles - When yea meet them on the highway at night wkhoat a light, pinch them. Bo UUer ls W D. Grant to HD deputies yei terdny. The Sheriff declares that he D going to too state law irsquiring vsMcles te kbo# lights at algbta la adhered m and thus stop suto-vehieD crest as. Three scaidenU have oeoanrad la Wayne recently because vehls* don failed to show lights at nigh*. Any man that you mast rld'ng In n buggy, In h wsgon, cart, sur. ray, tn a horn, oosr, hog, mulo tr jack ass, riding n* night and not carryMlg n light plainly doable, arrest him." Sheriff Grand idd his deputDa. HARTZ INJURED IN SPEED CRASH - ■ . Machine HkMM Ost of Wo#4m Bowl While Mokiitg IM MIIm As Hour « ROCKINGHAM, Oct, 12— Bursting into flames the car bounc ed back onto the track and rolled ever four more times, staring four fires along ths Infield rail, WK.ITIIB ftCKXAIT * 1881 EN STOIM WAUrniGfl WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 —<*)—Tbe weather bureau today issued the foU lowing ateruv warning. Advisory 10:88 a. m Southwsbt storm warning ordaied Hatters* to East port, Me. Disturbance of marked intensity over ear tern Lake Superior moving north eastward will Cause rtrong winds this afternoon and to night, reaching gaU force along and off the coast from Delaware Break water northward. _____ comparatively slow, Mr. Ray had been workDg in Ktn ansvlllo npd wav returning to bia hoaw at Rosewood Whan Wnwt wrudrtHfdt 1 front the rear and in attempting to diix* prnwd the gmiga rtfuk ti.ftfelfe •emrttu we M« «*eve. Hvgffty WhcrW L C. Koraagqy who viait«d ths sens, "f tha wreck said that the coupe waa as rumpicDly wrveked an automobile S* he had ever seen. Parte of th* body were scattered up sad down th« highway fur several hundred feet," I Th* StfkA jtf drtHw M \M truck bad not Darned late yes terday afternoon. It was known that on* man aboard It waa a Sidbury. Mr. Kornegay was continuing to In vestigate tho case. No one on th* truck was injured, it was said. The accident happened during tho blinding rain of tha af-eraooa sod tb« slippery condition of the highway have played | part |n ‘he cause. _7 Maiubßr of i Thu Inii irlSM"’ * Pram ' ' ' mci ITYI CJMTi A. W. DRIVER TUiUS BUp Q9Y ROAD TO MU» BAP BMABfI ’vsf^har*' Highway VOUNOUTOWN. Ohio. Oat. V&m (AV-Tweaty-Iwo persona van to jo rad. «n# »«rUmtay, Ute today whip a baa can-yln* member* at a JewlJf theatre company to Cltvoltod WW wrecked whan It collided wKh • track near hare oa its way tna Cleveland. " ,/ t i v * *♦.,« Woven parraaa traveling (roan RaU tigk on uo« of the larva Caiea boas' ‘ •« warn badly ibtjUa ap, tad oad eat about tin baa* toftyesterday d. ternoon whan tin boa la whkh they wars rldfep a'fhto a larga Horn* aad Compaky track partad aa tha edge of Ida road about two apt from Princeton Mi toraei orar aa m A w. Aiifa, ipßyaa at Haw Man* oter oaaaty aad inlsthat patM** < a the Wltodatoan «tor, par, vow cot abmtt **»•****» thrown asalaot tk* aoata Vito Up baa htt up—toe able. Hava haw#*, to Octdakara nThfil to thajtoo* rhai whaiybo riiptoif madid* A. teuton. ' ? • Carlton Preetee, «t Fhleoa, who Vto nlao alifbtly lajarad in tk* mtah*» ntbrnha-r#aa bnrtad la tba Onto of thHwa wpa ktcimbt tn the bartons aa that of Mr. Allan, bat UM • Mtowlvlwj wasßamwV toto. to 'toBP rih at tka acutoaat. • Tb« boa waa' traveling toward* Ooldaboro at about thirty-five miles aa hoar to a dawaponr of rata whto tka irook waa Itort anas. Oat to » Cbaarntot o*anh agproetolag tram tto " direction to Wkteh tha baa waa traF •itpiTiba drlm had to altkto stand •ChftDCM Os fcftftlAff tki BBallir or trying tn pan* tki track aa tka ißaida Os the rand. Tka dptoar as tka boa chona tka Inttar altarnatira aad tha bank and at tka kna btraoh tka raar as tha trap*, th*a raoatftkv a left which torn ad It apoa toe alda. It aaanu that tka Onto driven by A “ »o*ro had flraa ant as can aad Had been pnrkod with two wheats a* tka ads« of tka eoaarato. U la elated hr thaoo wba ware in tka kto that tha track, waa witboat gap liahl*. n*d aa there was a heavy rala falllac about tbia time aad tha tags driver waa unable to aa# tha tntnfnaUl tki bua wto alraoat upon It. Tka Cheyro. let coach apraaehtof mode It vacua anry for tka kna driver to chaos* tka dirt 'boulders of the toad aad whoa he did the accident eocarred. The othara in tha kto at tha tha* of tho accident war* badly ahakto ,1* but no aorionb iajartoa wane raoaivaf * The craw of HijiilMl toatht rldaa ta Ooldaboro wbtre they fathered t« the fnlan Boa Stattoa to diacasa tka affair. • <> . . »rr 1 " . a. —