WEATHER Po«»y dowdy Slightly niwr Sun day. Mrmday fair. ■ • >■ .-f * 'N VOLUME BIX; NUMBER 199 STORY OF HEROISM ON PART MISS ELDER IS TOLD 101 INDICTMENTS BROUGHT AFTER PROBE ALABAMA KLAN Tanker Crew Relates That She Requested They Save Pilot First RilWm (iKfekable Bali and He Had Not Dotmed Hi* at Tins T l .’Y" • •• 10 * DIXIE GIRL FLIER AND COMPANION At AZORES V. * . * I Asked DteUneo to Nsareet land Betas Comiaa Dawn Be aid* Snip HORTA AZORES, Oct. 1&-A - A «.lory oUhsrolam of Blitt Elder relat laf how ape pi ceded with her ree cuera to epee her companion Oeorge Haldeann from the Icy wetere or the .■ceon before rescuing her wee told today by the member* of the crew ol the Dutch, tanker Barendrecbt which l.roucht the crew ot tha Americ’Ji Girl to lead tardy. Wbett the American GW detrended onto the rdsght eea* betid* ‘ the tanker Thureday m»t laa SCO mHet from lead. Mlea Rider and Hnldeman clambered oalo the wiaat ol the ’land plane- The ebip crew under or dare ol their coptain leu ached e boiU. High rolling wavOn waned the boat cbent end It wae ixporslble to yet near the pfcmo. Ml** Elder. th« crew related, wo* dinging to a wtss of the plane drew “ & MMB 1 jfrhSttw flying but not for •wiping. Thu crew ahoultd to the flier* arklng If they, could ewim The fl'*r» answered that they could not. A* tb* crew pre. pared te throw a line to Mies Eider they heard her shouting tor them (o *a«* Haidetiwu ft ret. ‘Shouting her eaUlenatlon Ml** E.dcr raid the r*uid krep afloat in her edit but that llaldeman would *>ireiy eink becauaa he did nat hare ’ hi* on. The aaliore threw out line* to both end with order t«t (net •round their b*dte< and l»o b were pulled into the b*«t. Mi*a Eldar firat »ad after putting “ foot oa the deck of the tanker; "We will do it over again * < Deeeribiag the events leading to the r true, the crew said that on Thure; day morning the American Girl wa» lighted flying toward them. A* th* fclane pa*aed over th# abip the packet wae dorpped from it. failing Into the tea. Asober package wa* dropped gad thia hit ihe deck. .It contained a. meaegg* aaklny th#~t*lptance to Usd. An ehawar wae painted on the> tanker deck. Mien K’dfivsajd the plAne deveiorted a def-wwa oil line reducing the preaeure to five pound*. Their (per that they would not be able to fly 3M milee oaward to iand with their imtor in thi* condition wa* riven ae their reaeon for landing be* aide the taaher. DEMOCRATS WANT NEITHAI. GROI’ND FOB CONTENTION Washington, oct. - Neu tral terrt pey-will be bought by t lmui* echgtlc leader* for the »<*enc of tfi«lr IPta national convention, it wa* in* dtceted today by Chairman Shaver, of the D*mocrn ic national commit tee. .-'.geUollm. as the ennveni ~ Jbtv.aeaAri.diAifi; the oefieoaJ commit M ia .be held h're beginning January* 12 Nearly a dozen cttlee have «#-•»» i gypetud Arnd*? tr+- JSrjmi n«k - IbflrHlWr ■li»Wi"*<Kgr-lß*Ue '4e*dh among comml teamen. Othre* bidding f»r the quadrennial are Atlanta. Miami. B«*ton, Cleveland, Indianapolis. Ban Fran dace, Chicago and Atlantic City. ago*-:- M—BtoMMßßMßlMßMMtoMwiito<ia<..'. , aa.- ccneraer* CLAIMS WIPE OUT TOO I.ATE ml‘CAi’,(\ (I | V/V often ont anti) 10 p. bt,~ compnined W. D. Donald, 71, in answer to a aeprat* n/Cnteaance Unit filed by hi* entraayed wife, dd. As Jor blmiolf he eald he had not bee* hut after dark with any woman ether than hie plfe for It m*. 1 THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE PRESH-READ BY BU YERS BEFORE THEY BUY. t ' A . ’ ' n SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY AUTO ACCIDENT NEAtt BELFAST Csrs Wrecked But Four People EHtape Bseioua lujurx in Wreck i . * I • ■ .— — - „ Automobile pec'dente in the city and coup y continmd to mount laat livening fhen two car* m*t head on near Balfaat end wire completely wrwked. Two white me.*, in one and two negroes in tk* other escaped serious Injury. One negro sustain'd a broken knee cap. the moat serious njury of .ho arcldcnt. J. P. Bryan of Robersonvllle ond J, 0, Brown, algo of RoberaonvlHe, dare travelling along the highway in aa Otdsmobiio, reports wee*, when Preston HIH, negro. llvlfg near Bel-, fast, turned hla Koid across the high way', trident y unaware «of th* ap proaching car, and the two met be*d un. 1111 l la thought to havt sustained a broken kn»* cap. A negro preacher whose name could not b» learned, waa cut about »u* hand. The whi em: n auata md minor cuts and bruises. ' r h» two autopio bile* wer* derooltohed, WEED GROWERS PROTEST PRIGE Frank Disney Suggests Court Action to Secure “Living Price” WINSTON SALEM, Oct. Ad.trev*** by Judg.* Tam Bowl# and U S. 1; etrict Aiiorncy Prank Llnate featured a merting us 4,t»oe tobacco grower* held here today to di*cu»* K w prices being paid for tobacco. Fire memhvrii were added to thv executive committee and the commit te# wa* inetructed to meet at an early date for further ronulderation of way* and irean.i for beoaiing pre vailing low pricew. -Go ash a living price this year", Mr. Linney told We growers. “If you can't get n living prica, you have recourse to the law. Idquor wa* con trolled by >nw In its manufacture and sals and there, can be way* and mein* of controlling the growth and sale of tboacco.” WHEAT POOL CLAIMS SITCESN The latestfigure* show that the Canadian wheat pool, the largest fzrmrr*‘ in the world, has been a pronounced success, tl *up poriera usaert .F nrmed in the fall of IBM, it now hai* a ntemberahln of 142.000 farmers, and handles abou 200,000 000 bushel* of wheat annually a* *pll a. frAm 2B,ooo,0(K> to 10,000.000 buKheU’of other gqp'na, with u money turn over of more th*o Since 1823 member* or the pool hive reclved MOO.OQO AQo . ♦ 52 Students From 9 Sections Os County Are Now Iu CoHe^e There wrre r ghty morg idntbmts ea f roUH In Ihe nla* larger Wayne j 8p&. fwTjgedM; 4 G*e >mtU wen*to* -then *n* ere- j mwia tirthf mMt iiau it ar “4-t fear figure# compiled yesterday in the offira of the caunty auiieriniendent show. Through ihe first two week* tbla year 2712 had enrelled; through the first month la»t year only 2**l a, a . gy. **., t • 'I.V.-UJ t•-' r **•'.* a i. . . .i-i TITfl vll • vi»l MU . The ach ol' censua show* that for the nine school* considered there are i 3,KM i hlldV*n wl h the arhool ages of * and 21. Os tfaij number E2 are away at college--—a very large mint her considering tha4 the number is drawn entirely from rural section*; 72 are attending school* other than the dietr et la which they are Hated, lg the oecaus, JapA IN have quit NEW COMPANY j OPENS TUESDAY ' v . | Thompson-Woolen OU Company Will Do Retail and Whole sale Busin etui Earl Thompson aud BtaHlng Wo»t j ca well, favorable known young men | of Ouldaboro, are opening a business | for the sale Os wholesale and retail I of gat. oiM, ear, at tb# comer of! Beech and Johu street Tueaday morn ing the firm nacke to bo Th°tnp<*on- Wooten Oil Comrnny. Rcftk of th«e« men hayt had tony expericnca la th# ga* and oil Made. Mr, Thompson having uctapled for «om*tlir*i the pod.tion of district tales man for the Staudard Oil f’oia* heraj Mr. Wooten was the Qo'.daboro agent, both ajre con**e iiuin'i) well known in Ihl* entire eee tiea. » The new eeurern Juat three short ( we#let ago leased the corner prop erty from the Norfolk and Southern Railroad and broke ground for the uiadeerae filling station and tank*. Now the p ant le ready for op c rat lon Tha-e hhge t.*ak» hava e capacl y of Ihlrty-Mcven thousand galioM. Utu* insuring the fact that there will always b» an ample aup - ply, of g« and oil* oa hand Be tide* gas aud ell, lh » ilrm will han dle iup greoae*. fuel oil* a«d kggo t ene. '& Mr. Tbumpeqn and Mr. Witten pointed out yedterday that with their three trmUL*. fa wholesale service’ (ton that till I<e comhlard faoPtle* that they woild be ahlq jo care for tny or'er largo or eawtU A"d fur ther ‘em'ahtalaed the let that only prompt, oourteaue a*d elffkient ser vice would be rendered u bo h fieWa. % * T 41u also, ibautd a curdiai luvltatlouj to all their Mend*, acqulntancm nnd f.r<»»prcilva cuMomer* and the people «C Wayne cotinty and Oildaboro general to vlelt their new pDc*. UNDER BOND ON WHISKEY COUNT WiHoughby Daniel Outruns Chink Rhodes But Uter ArranffeH Bond 1 a Off err. Chink Rhodes isn second in a race yealerdv afternoon with willloughby Dopiel, (ksideboro man, near the Itmlta of the®cl y. Officer Rhod<<a stated he happen ed tA be in eom« wood* near Edge wood yeeterduy a.Xernjou sad he »aw Diuiel Come Into the yood*. The of 'loer eald that Daniel appenred to know where be wa* goin* so he watched him. After proceed ng eomc diiiwuie In- I ha wood* Daniel* dug up two plot* of liqor and he called lo him. Danli'l did not heed bt* call, but turned andiron Th* officer said he waa outdistanced In a sbilTt race. A FV>rd i-euß*, *aid to have belonged to Daniel, wa* übandoqyd near the •cene of the chase, ternoon an atterney appeared at City hall rnd gave bond for Danlela report ing t» answer a charge Monday. school to get married, ae intu bnatpaux or for some othtr cause. ' , . tYpT e" 'min rs II Tt - aaui -XtTl.nty ib'viu ttwed ta ma *—u - . thyttapfij'iipgrr^ . , Tied fer die scSbol roil* live hundred and 70 children in the coun ty nitli In ihe school age who should b- enrolled in the school* had not don* so,’ through the first two weeks It is expected, however, that a large raping ct atft mnrfh'r wflr RMYtklflP' place* in the tchooU within the next two week*, and that the end of ths first month will show u mnt»r!al in crease over the firat man h of enroll ment a year ago. Thi school* considered in the.Ejudy made yoeterday are: PlkevUle, Rosß wood. BauUton, Eureka, Btnilho <be pel, Orantham. Nebunu. Sevan Springs, and Btogdou. GOLDBBORO, N. CftVNDAY MORNING. OCTOBKR 16. 1927 ■ tl ' * ' • News Bxseball.Cup to Be Presented Thurs. pfereuta lea of Th* News -cup to Pinkney, winner* of the 1»27 pennant of the Wayr.e. Gounty Baseball League. wll| be one of ihe features of tir* program to be put on a* the Community Building Thursday evening In connection with the Brat community recrea tion tnslttule to be held this week. The 4>r*een etioti wi | b. made by Coi. John D. Langston, president of The N»wa PuhllKlrng Company. The cup la of Sterling silver I* IS luche* high and mounted or a hardwood base. It will bear th* inscription VPresented by Th* Golldaboro News to Plnknef. FM7 Champs of the Wayn* County League’/ WHAT CUT TAXES WILL BE MADE 0 _ -"I Three Different Groups Have »Own Fig urea Concerning Reductions • .. 11 HT - ' % WASH I NOTOM. Oct. HoW big a alice may he cut from the aukuaio tax ( bill *• a question now uppermost sA aiimlnlatliiilon leudoc* turn tbtlr nttention to thlu ui J«»r r r (>blem of the approaching aes*-ou of Congress. ' With the revenue qaeallon Involved in Aha comiqw ps. iiilsaillal nawealya the la*ne U alr udy 'leit'ing on poiitl. cal line* with thre* distinct notion* prevailing, both as to the total a mount of reduction uad where Ihe cut* Aw 11 be made.. . coder pressure r from Prqpldent Cuotldyc ad-upigi.-uion loaders ar? Fipectid to iryto hold the maximum reduction within thy limito *et by the treasury, something Uke »2oO.OOU.()(lO Democrats who arc a>*embling for the prk-se*eion meetings of tax eontrrJtteea are measuring the ptoa. pectlvc surplus with the hope that they can prc*««t a program con Urn listing a much larger reduction. Some already have declared for a cut of nearly half a billion dollars. Aa the aßpatlon It shaping up now, the jyimcpal tlghja will revoh-a < round the corporation Tncnme, the relate «r Inheritance and the remain ing wtr time nuDnnce and mlscel rvn cou* taxes The ift-g&arr Income levtesu will come In for their aha re of their attention, however, with prod’>*nht for complot.> excrop: ion of nil income# hetoyr S6OO, nnd • rrductin In the •ur tax rati* aPlerttng the Income* Ih-tween 130,000 vn |JOO,OOO, FIVE KILLED AS PLANECRASHES . *» h FamiV of Three Destroyed by “Dying” of Motor in Air -j-p SAV ANTONIO, Oct It <A>) Five fir x■ ns were killed here tonight when h loral experim. nlal alrplawe crushed near the municipal airport L. I. t'tark, 32, of Houston, who wa- pilotiug »thc plan* tra* k ited when the may'll in* plunged to tho Kt< mi' a* were a Ban Antonio womm ~oad.hnr.iatu-- .vtau: ahfc tlalighter, -and Aif Jliwi .»«»iB»*B. died : i»rtly the aeaMeat. uji erver* ssbl th. plane wae fly -f.aO'-et aa e>4W.sde ,ei|. iwu*- •**4*"«- 7W£jo:d'a€Sea£ iik£ii£K3BiiiC 'vTtirftrtf **'T v a * GAMING HUD-I BS CAUGHT' Two mtg) win came near breaking the bank In the Kuihasl at Oate'cn ended ftu-tr * rusk liicfi J Tlie cmuWlcr bccfinn ounptciauA when an unusual number of 500 franc coun ters appejred nu the table. On» of tbp counter* w-vi examined and proVedVo he.false. The two payers were ar rested nnd Sound to he In po«re*«!on of *O.OOO Trances w«rth of the forged counter*, while in the r lodging* were found more, reiprcsetlng 200,000 or more francs. MANY CHILDREN ARE EXAMINED I ■» r « ’ 1 Forty-Nine Hetfinneru of Two Schoolit Are Found To Be Underweight ■ —.W 11 Wto Os the on# hundred and nmety-oue vxam nations conducted at Walnu'. aud Virgluta Btrt-et tehoel by the TVkyne fount ja- Health Depart men tin their aahual summer round up, aa re commended by The National Oonyratti of Parent nod Teacher* aasOaiatiaae, twenty on* were 7 jrarernt under weight and twenty eight were found 10 percent underweight. The r«prt Os the round up ha# been prepared and place jn the hands of Mr*. J. J. Hatch to be seat on to fimprr authorities The object .of the Summer Round tip was to check up OS physical defeett , which would be corrected iu the summer month*, and place the chdd In n higher stale of efficiency 'or the opening of school in B*pt*m her. - Twelve defects us the he ginner* have been corrected aa • dir ect result, of three examination*. The Health Department and the echool officla'* feel that the work*, as a be ginning h*i been etrenTly suoceaeful Those who conducted that# examiit r.t oit* Acre as follows: Die. R. B. Miller, T. B tteuderson. R 18. Wil liam*, dentida. 8. 11. Poole, dentist, L. W, Corbdf , He dth officer, aa>lot* ed by Mkw Marie V'krlty, R, N, Pub- Jtlc Health Nurse. V TkaThb'a for fho*r» aa follow#: C 2 i xamins(L.lp May in ra examuled in Bepiember, 7 phy sical defer: k cor reefed, 23 brought up to normal w.lght Id to 7 percent, aud 1G to 10 percent. 37 atilt have phy sical defects. The table far Virgin's ttreft sghool oh Own ea follow tu, 43 sxxmiaad in May, 33 ra-examined iu Beptembef, IS brought to normal weight 11, 7 per cent underweight; 12, 10 pe'ceat un. thu^«eight; 31 had physical defect*, tnd I had physical d"facts conroctod LINDY REACHES RICHMOND, VA. (2 J o ■’ a ai ' ■ Makeu Hla Usual Speech About Need for Program la Com mercial Flying RICH MON Oct. IS (Aft ~ PtraJghl os a martln'tb-> v hla gourd, fol Lindbergh arrived over Richmond at 1:33 this afternoon to make « perfect landing at t||e airport a few minutes later after circling the port one time "As th? fsinoun "Spirit of Rt. *-oul*” taxied down the roidle of th* field to a ftpeeially prepared hanger a crowd estimated at IS.OOO preseed vainly agaiuxt the military guard ■{round the field to see more cli.eely the inti jnx youth who** air mastery in hi* Pails flight won for him (tie plsudlta of the world. A greet ovation gree ed 00l Lind bergh at the Fair grounds where ha i-ffike Into mlto raphonea which (••Tried T!Ys |atci far beyond the bound* us the ata'e. Sav Deer As Plentiful As KhLlhAb Down In, Carteret Deer ih" Carteret county thi* s*a rGGt itfWW-W'gßK® Wfhbbtt* h..-thar rgqnm -tB-Wggn*,; it L--±tr. i*".sia. erf Saaxb .-I'm mull »tr(-e>, who with J. D. ull »n of Turkey, Ha mi».:>n county roturn. «d yes'trday treat u deer hunt In the eorttal coumy. To pro*e Hint the ffthulous stories j£ll aU&r fJVMals&z* sLSU fleet feoteti aulmale, wire true, th*? brought beck u 150 IM)under The unimal, a two-pronger wan bagged be low Beaufort *n a i**ur h iur chase with four dct*r hound* «n fAday. Mr**rs. Davi* and Mxou skinned the aninnh dried the hide our a hit ••d then spread it aero** the ran la tor of their ’automobile, arranging the head over the radiator cap The uni que display at ractod much attautleu SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY Leaders Alabama Klan Accused By Grand Jury’ Os Causing Floggings DICKIE DANIELS DIED YESTERDAY -6 * MembrineouH Croup Cauuan Death Five Ymr DM Bo* Jamoo Dunleln , -4 ■■■■ Dickie Daniel*, five year old ooe of Mr. and Mrs. Jam** Daatels, died at th# home of hi* pwaut* at an M'ly hour yanterday, death resulting fr*m membraneous croup tdlplherin). „ Two phyaiciaMH bad hurried to tb* home of Dlckla's parents nt th* fran tic caJla at the latter, but they did Mat arrive In t mt to Insert a tuba Tnd the passage* es th« throat clog god and choked the ItMla Mle# to d*ath. A line youqg feiow waa Dickie. (o*l black hair. Mapping black •yes, vibrant with lif*. tha daVftteal defender of h * plater playmate. Strangers war* a t*ct*d to hk* bright fare when thay mat him oa tha stroots i the neighbors loved him Mr aod Mrs Daniel. 4»av# tha sympathy of all in their bereavement. , • Rev A J. Smith, ptaUr of the Fleet Haptlit church, will conduct fetugW oeratro* TYfnh Ike how* £\ HI North Carolina afreet at 4:3d tbla as tMniho * FRENCH REPLY IS RECEIVED ‘ . Now Rxpsriod Tsrrtff Coatro. verity WIU Be Ended BnUafnclorily • WABHINOTQN. Oct 15 AJH -The text of tha.Wencb retfy to the lateat note cn the traflff dl*cu-slon began dtlhb'lbc. in o lb* State Department late today but with no prospect that the document would be derided and avti'labl* for conaiderntton before Monday. ’ N* advance summary of the note's content* had reached the depatmeat. so officials reused to comment. It wb* apparent, however,.that they felt Ihe tariff cooteoveray was ia a fair way to sdjuatment. .V (BLEBBVTKS HM4TH BIRTWAY ‘i be merry”, wa* the quick ree ponse of Mrs Sophia Bird, of Lough borough, Ireland, when congratulat ed on her recent, bltthday which was her lo4th. “I am very cemfortahl*, and shall do my best to hold up so» another birthday, M she , added smil ingly All diy long ther wens a pro cession of well w slier* who were met with a cheerful word and smile Mrs. Bird arine* at 9:30 o'clock every' morn Ing and retires at nine ll' tltc rifle* between here and Be*U •awnawr wm'ww •Htin{ <rw «M| <fc» a>auL,beanglit -back the eiiww wetjUtlag- aboStl* Founds each ami pa *e<l ont portion* to their friend*. •"Why th'’ f irm«-n» down thorn ray that the il*er are »o plentiful this year th'it they slip out behind awoet nWiiitfl iiinm Ml# f*ft* *Vil>r fir- I thr van iJtip," aaiit Mr. Ifeele, "And atl 'hronfh the forest we enme ta placea where anybody mold tell that deir had been lying. H The 150 pounder brought' bark yea tardsy v> r« the* second of the reason for the two nlmfodm tOn Oe’ober 1, thr first opeb day of the deer saaaoo. they bagged one weighing |(3 pounds Thin Is thought to have been thb first tC<?sU*ued *# Pifl Tw«i f t Mimbtr of ■ The Associated 4 Pres* ■■ ■■*" ■' __ 1 —- * PRICE FIVE CUfIV Os 101 lndleUnnete All Rxca»t 0 ” "•fcttsr “UNWORTHY OP TRUST* IS PHRABS REPORTRD Ended Thorottfh InrontigaiM by Grand Jury as 10 Oumb * us Flogging LUCERNE, Ala., Oct it-ifl-Ctf" mails* • week of enquiry Into week id rtolenc# sad a probe into tbe la. ntrinort. working* of the Ku Ktas Klaa, r npecLl gmad jury lata today returned 101 adlctmmU against an chaffed with complicity la M or aHt lashing* ia i'r**tb»w coeaty aad n*a<»« * weeping aad ncaantloaal Mar ls ■■* ’bat m«n high to the ewtecfft of thi Klaa ware "aawertby of iraa* - . All indict naahi enpapt oaa ware naalnat members as tbe Klaa aad ttt Jury reported that wHh a atngN. at* eeftwa all iha inaaktd laebtfi war* ’ committed by membore of Order, wct.riac hqods aad robe* of aba ord er. , • Ml rain* oadtgpai. hr UN aaaaty to those which axishad during fha •inf us the the ~ muu jury p»**e'fa aea«ongfthm* ■ *» the Grand tfcafon of tba Klaa in Alabama, tha farsrnr Uraad Titaa ot ttu o Put bard Preytaec of U»a adder <i»d other official* blah ia tie latte* lit*., empire. Tbaaa man, the Jary eehl la tta de port "were decellet ta tbatr duty at fai r. If tier bad afterded tba iwd- v mrbtp In the (dan which gboutd bare Men glren tbaaa outrage* saw weal* kB " "**"**' : tP SAYS SHE FAKED CHANNEL SWIM Waal«i to Show Need as Caa* mlanlon Ptfutulf Nnmdvetts ! * Attempts Made IAIN DON, Qat It— New* wIH *ay toxorruw that Omthyoa*- ran l>saa, lxmdOn phyelctaa, la « ion fifteen to tba paper declared that •be did not • wim Ibe English CbeeM} The women physician, wboee feoerd , breaking feat wee antteuaoed aa f Tuesday la tbe "eeaiaaelun declared tbiu she bad p»rpetrgtad the been*" to ibow that it wa* easy ta daeaira • the public end tbaa to show "the do • liability of 0 eatebltobibf aa teiqcae tioaal commission to sap etnas channel swlaea. "It era* a fake to aad Ink**," tba phymeiaa who iwiaa aadar the aaa>> Os Mlae MrClellaa, and via widely balled aa e woman wboee time as It hmira end 10 miaalaa, bettered tbs re* rord of Jf bears end 11 Atontaa held by Gertrude EMerl* of New Tark. ia quoted as- reytag. • nr la mek lag the dtclod ure'rturaed ta the paper'a cheek for i,ooo panada which tba rnper knd offered to toa English wonted! who should Tppr~Te uggj Wli|i Bilile'd ' ||||)| r -'f ; ‘ ‘ s ■*' ■ ** . 1 "Ktv Verdict Had Net Been Readied At rOrioch Lest Evening I RNDKKHON, Oct. 15 Tb# jary took tba caee of R. B. CrOwdar. former enabler of tbe defueot Pw nßr'b aqd Mere beat* beak ban charged with abend 140,ad# eggllOall' ment at « o'clock tonight. At 0:30 a July west to dinner *»» train lag uatll I o'clock. Jttdt* R. A. •Vunn of New Bara spent sheet aa hour aad a kail in hla Cham* * thg

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