WBATHBB Partly cloudy slightly warmer Bua 4ay. Monday fair. VOLUME 0IX: FAIL AND SINCLAIR GO ON TRIAL FOR CONSPIRACY RECREA TIONINSTITUTE STARTED Funeral Service For Judge Robinson From Sl Mary’s At Noon Pmm of GoUtebore Bor Pawed Away at 4 O'clock Yeeter. 4iy Morotog WAYNE SUPERIOR COURT ADJOtTRNS AS TRIBUTE Woo Held in Doep Veneration l»y People of Ctty and State B J COL. 4. C. luvia ita GoldsboroDally Area*. Reprinted by Psvmiadea) ■* t . From mouth to mouth and over th# wires ot the, and! tele phone (hew want thin morning a uhuge that catrlsd sorrow toQfcsny hcarta over the laad— the mournful maaaaca—“Jude* Roblwoo it dead.'' ‘ . In tin year 1147 tharo resigned from tk« thculty of the University of Dublin. Ireland. John Rohiaaon iad with hla wife, Margaret and two children be crooned the uea to the Now World and eel'led in North Carolina where be taught ttchool in «, the upper pan of Ijeaqtr county, n few mile* eeat of White Hail, whare was bora hit aoa, W. 8 O B Robin •on, on tbe 27th day Os April, seven ty fire year* age last April. Thl* October moraine seventeenth teaa hundred aa<l »weoty-s#v*n W. 0 B. O’B. Robinson went the way of "ail the earth. H and sleep# With hl» fathers, having died title morning j at hia home ia Oold*bo:o.' With bis brother J-hn there came from Ireland William Robiueon wh» woe alto a graduate of tbe tmivi rAiy cf Dublin. Roth John and William Robiuten ware great teacherr, end In the a chooa of tbtua hrothera \V. 8. O’B. Robinson received liie education until be attended the famous* hw _ achoot of Judge Pearson to Btokes county At,ter rebelling Iris Keen!*# I 1 practice law. he nettled in Goldsboro sod went Immediately Into active rractlce. In a short time niter com ing to the bar the President of the I’ttijed States. Cheater A. Arthur, ap pointed W. 8. O’B. Babluflon District • Zttoraey for the tinted States Dis trict Court far the BUstcrn District of North Curolies. wlgch position hr ably filled for four yiara. Ia USB he was. alected judge of the Superior Court of North Caro lina. and while holding eouri* i« ■“ every county in North ('arolim he * many friend# among alt classes of tbe people—And theae friendships were of tbe sweetest pleasure to Judge Robinson all along tie. dayj .of his life. We believe no other man in North Carolioa had more friends than had Judge Robluson. He loved the people and the people laved him. Hie float. wife wait Miss Graca Motley, of Weldon. Hia «econd whs waa Mias Annie Pierce, of Wel don. Hy hia flrtt marriage he left three eons, all able lawyers, Or to tbe honorable ngme they bear. W. 8. OIR. Robinson, Jr . and John M. Robinson, of Charlotte, and Rue Ik Mil M. Roblnsea, Q> Greensboro By V 4ils second marl rage he left BJa<k • well Robin son, a fin# lad of ’ *’*▼*" 'years of age, At*o surviving him •Alhls wits Mrs. sob, and hfi rwtcis Mrs Margaret Robinson ('os, and M as Elisa Davis Robinson, of Newton Grove. Sampson •c.MMMP, '4M< Mrs- tU4d‘>e/m , Morris, of Goldsboro. HU only sur viving brolher I** Cel. Jos. E. Robin •on. editor of tbe Goldsboro Dally A»gue. Alter Judge Robinson had retired from U* Mark, ihai areal Marik Car.i iaiaa add great editor, tbe lat.ebtrd Joseph P. Caldwell, editor ' of the Charlotte Observer wrote and published la the -Charlotte Observer the following editorial; AS APPBEf liTIBS •Th* PoUiieal-Jadieial Beflremeui •( i Judge W. A O'l. Babtaseu - . f “Judge W. «. 0'B V Robiasoa. of k. wa V c> ' ¥ ' . ' ... I .. NUMBER 260 GOVERNOR PUGH VISITS HWANK - ( t WtlfOMM Two Now Mew bom Into Club and Dtectuwen Principle* of Riwnnbi The Kiwaaians ' were receipienta last wight of a viail by their Diotrict Governor Cferunre Pugh, of Elisa beth'City and Kiwanlan Taylor, iresi dent of th*.rinh toelt occasion to In troduce him to the ciub, and invite him. to make the toltlaUva address < n the occasion of tbe acceptance of ■ two new members, Kiwanlan* It. E. William*, and Guy Whitman. ‘ Governor Pugh took for hie subject th# objectives of Klwsnls, and hfs tec uro was most interesting ea well as Instructive to tbe old members as well as the two new ones. Pew of the member*, regardl*** of their activity, are thoroughly familiar with the real objects of Klwaniana, and the manner in which Governor Pugh han dled the subject waa a r-ol treat to all present. The five objectives an quoted by Governor Pugh- tin: In tegrity; Industry; Viafon; Keith: Thrift; and’ Interest ia the other fellow. Many Illustrations were used Hy' tTHTipeaTier lo Inures* tffe'feTfows" of the importance of the five objec tives, Fad all were loud In their* praise and congratulation* to (he vis Itor. Scout Executive W. W. Rivers, and a group of Boy Scouts were special guivts of the club, and put on a demon«ration of life nsv'ng. and first aid work. This feature of. the program received loud applause, cut it demonstrated sumo .very Important thing* In the life of every Boy Scout, and the important thing* they are doing in the life of the eommun' »ty, o Immediately after the meeting, moat of the member „ attended a special meeting at the (’hamber of I'ora trercc, called by Secretai jp Denmirk In the intercut of Ihe Wayne County FYlr aatociatlon. This meeting was nndounced, and urged by Klwanian (’has. B. Miller, President* of the Par Association. * KiwanfuL (Maibourn have the program on naxt Monday nglht. ‘ IJfJI NITION srsTAtIFED WASHINGTON, Oct. 17—The Unit ed Mlae. Worker* of America today »usthii)red a uevere blow to It* cam -I,sign Went Virginia coal mlngs -dhen the Supreme Court sua tallied *n ihjunctlou granted hy the Federal Court of Southern Went Vir- Blnia. . , The epurt’* action «»■ taken in rrfuring to grant a writ of «Wrtio tarl for review of the case upon <he appeal of the union. No explanation of the courtM view acoompaalnd the «rder. * r ' . • 4,256,592 Pounds Weed Sold On Local Market I hrn Friday ;r. Tbe Mrene* ymtf MdWj’al W Mw aale* made Un the Goldsboro tobacco nia;ket cbmpiled yr*teida) with jh» aid ol .Mr. ’ Ell*w«rth of the Arda h tohaiey *,‘.ou,t»Uy that !*»£ week wa* thr beat week, everything considered, that he market ha* ex perienced yet. The saU-» wire heavy for the late date In flit- season and th* average* were good , ~Qn Inst w,due' average, made on the three floor* her# waa 122.01 pvr hundred, one of the Beat averages of the *ca*«>ii. Last Friday’s sales were 211,1»6 pounds, said to be aa large a sale ev*j- recorded here except qn days of the opening week. The total for last week waa 576.391 pound* tor which $109,948 20 wa* pa'd. "Salas through last week pushed [ tea tetai £0 tk| loon her. ta THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINOS ARE FRESH— READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. The News Cup Is Now On Display ip Window The Goldsboro News cup. to be awarded P.inkney aa wlarera of the pennant In tint Wayne County lieague fei 1927 at th« Commun lly Memorial Building Wednesday night. I* now »n d’spley in tbe window of Roe* I. Gidden*. Jewel er. Tbe cop was purchased from, 'Ur. Hidden* and la of sterling Oli ver It Inches high. Col. John I). Langston, president of Tbe News Publishing Company will make the preseyitatloa. FATHER LOCAL MAN IS DEAD Father Mums Rountree lie Burl ed in Wilnon ThUt Afternopn Mote* Rountree, of Park Circle, waa summoned to Oxford Sundkyr bythe sad news that hia fritter Herbert Rountree, bad died suddenly. Mr. Rountree aged 66, well -known traveling man, died nuddenly at h>« } home in Oxfoht Sunday morning, fol.owing in a hethmerhago,'|-auaed by %g Injury suntalm-d la falling o« th« baf'h tub a fetg hon’r tt previous (o hie death kte. Rountree Ip survived by' t»k widow, Mr. Xlafcy Pittard Roun troa, and. the follow ng children; Moses Rountree, Goldsboro; Mr*. George P. Hohinaon, Mksa gedforJ traw. Jr., und Mb.a Lillian Rountree. Ntflif Yonjf* City. Deceased married Ttref-'Mje* Addic Ma sh, of Murgantoti, Ida second wl.e was Mias Ullian Pen Ike} r, of Cut pepper nuuty, Virginia. ,Deceaaed wa* a nnllve of Wilson count)?, bon of Mono* Rountree Tim retfialhe will be tarried to Wilson! inhere interment will rlace on Tttesdßy afternoon. The remniue .will b- accompanied to Wilson by (hAfamily and Hev.» W. H. BUjwn, of th* Oxford Mothodint church or which deceased was a member. FEDERALSKILL MEXICAN REBS * Jf i ■f : ' ° 1 Former Congreiuimun Is Amony 20 Mowed Down Last Friday - - it~ MEXICO CITY. Oct 17—<JP»— A former; Pderai offlcerj and n former <oiigre**m-jn, leaders of a rebel band were killed Friday with 110 of their follower met Federal forcea in the State of Muxl- CO. A D spalchea teiring of the battle re port alep *ald that the remaining ITT members of the rebel, gang were rout ed. The band first attacked and loot "I* town and then made a descent up. on antifllPr tillage where « small Federal garrison U *ta’loned. Al though outmimbf red the Federal* fought and drove the rebel* out of the town, then gave battle aU(| complete ly defeated them . 1/4% twitlli? wM 't'ffiT'filg Y»fGßks Yerrtjj yeetetdny ln<U<j,.t'‘t V* ll -! tlje .otal tu tiU nut ba Ur r *4*-m ot ■&¥* mt)- r.on pouudk by the *nd of the Week. .yc*tvidaj,'6C#*aiew, Th t ‘ survey, showed, . we:e app;oxima ely It&.OOO pound*. official could hot be obtained for this Issue, If tbe«pre**Bt record continue*, and there Is every reason to believe vfta* If mm. fntnirre thie season will o«!| from un<>-thlrd to «ne-!ialf mor* than was sold otf The tl<o>r* las' year. The News, tesuhie of sa’es: Amount l*ald Prev. reported 3,850. UM $608,124 71 Monday ...... 103,118 IP. 968.69 Tueaday 115.600 22,400.79 Wodonday ... 63.644 9,119.73 h wukmu phi twoi r . • GOLDSBORO, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18. 1827 Many Features For Today ' 0 1 - “ '"" 1 Fremont Young Woman' l.eadn Community Sing This Afternoon ODD FELLOWS BAN 6 AND CHORUS Vi NIGHT Director of Playground AhkccUi lion Make* Atklre** At Night Mealing Successfully Inaugurated yenUrday with S aerie* of gaou-a, and introduc tory remarks from Rev A. J. Biinth, today’s program in Wuyne CouutyV first Recreation (natltu'e now run ting at the Community Mauvurtal building, fe-Uurlng as it doea such httructiou* aa the Odd Fellows (Jr pbativge Ila»d, a M . Olive choral grour, and vocal number by Mias ltt)ih Yclvcrton, promi*«« to ba one of ilia bes t attraettuns of the week. ' he program w-ll be under the dDec tion of Min Jim Kornegay of Mt. Olive. , : ' _ The day’a program will be divided Into two ai-Miiona. In tbe afternoon, following community singing led by :<U*h Josephine of FiW noht, J. O. Bowman, superintend ent of the Mt. OHve Schools, will dl.« cuts the value of music I* the schools snd W. Li. Frederick, sup . rvUor ot magic lu the Uoldaboro school*, will talk on the Community < lioru*. The musical feature of the JWMteliMkUillllli uue hojra c’pclhfi ira brought hero from Mt. Olive by M a* Kornegay. ” The nlglr program will lx a bit more elaborate, containing music* lumbers by the I. G. O. F. Band. i choral group frem Mt. Olive, and Mi<* Ruth Yelyprton of Frenrmt. : Alno a local quartet will harmonise [ a few old tim* turn**. A talk by Rev. W, O. Cfhie, on Mu*ic In .be church and on addiejia by Dr. W. A. Parker es Asheville on Music as Recreation I compose tbe remainder of- the program. Both of these programs have been plannoil the Idea of urouaing In tha various communities of the county an interest in mimic om * form cf icrreatiun. letter, If indies Don* arc favorable; an attempt will !><• made to form a music league mid run off a music fe* Ival next spring The afternoon session will be held In the Americas legion Kona; the 'night pregram in the auditorium of the Community Building- The public ia eotdially Invited to attend. .WIIAIET WAYNE ROAD THIS DAY -15.9 Miles From Genua to Hamp son Line Will Re Paved By State n ' 1 1 - ■ *». * RALEIGH Oct. 17 nGPWyUid* on project* luvolving construction of. 22.9 ralJeghad surface and 13.6 mile* dirt roadway are nlan-d to be opened here tethorrfiW by the State highway c-ontuiesion. „ The toat*"vti|^ h he nbont a million doilara, )ihe ceuimisMloncr* estimate Tli* projects InHuiic Wayno coun ty «f or a point on rout 1 * <0 near Genoa, inward "Newton Ofßt* to Kampson c mniy ltne,‘l6.9'ftiUc*. hard aurface md struttuira. - m ROBBERY IN RICHMOND Fake Teltt|»hpn<^.inspeytor |.eft Home Taking IZo.HOO In Jewelry RICHMOND. Va., Oct. 17. DPI A mysterious telephone nsp* ctor wa* newwf -br fwtftf vtrtrm w f«e* theft »f 126.00,1 worth of Jewelry that dla oppeared with hi* leaving tha home of C. A. Cabell, her* late today. ‘While making ewry *ff»rt ,o cheek with telephone official* snd watch ing every avenue of, escape, police armed with a description «f the man telegraphed authoritee la nearby cltiea offering a reward of ‘II.OOO for [ 'ha aunt and convention ot the i«b ter, . ;, I He Sure Believes In His Chevrolet Car 0. P. Wh!»l»y, negro employee of the Blete Hospital for Cfßered la gan# at Goidebora, reraped Injury In two automobile accidents at the same place with the same car Sun day. __4; * At 5 o’clock. Whitley drove his Chevrolet ii«dan off the twelve fob. • mhankment near th# bridge ever Ldttle River not far from the hos pital, A w rocker pulled th* Chewy hack on he roail. At eleven **- cTock that night he rtpeated hi* performance at the same place. Yesterday morning hi* rar waa staudlng or end over the embank rarnt. Officer* sa d Whitley had been drinking. TO GIVE HALF DAY FOR FAIR Merchnnlw land liunincuN Men Approve Idea ('lotting for GoMuboro Day Thlrty-llva bueinea*. profesainnal, and Industrial iead*t* or the city da-, elded last evening they would cloao the r placet of hualnea* on Weduraday afternoon,' October 26, that employee*' might haV* the op portunity of at cudiag tlw "Wajrn* County Fair dtMng ’ ‘Go’dabor* Day’.’ I’uauimous andorsvni'nt of the pro portion waa made by. those present and from the spirit shown at tha meeting Goldsboro oa the of Goldsboro day at the Fair will be Three of the maaufaetarera twee *nt at >he nieethic volunteered not on y to cloeg their business for the aMOnwicn of Goldsboro day but to purchaNe tk-keth for fheir employees. This volun ary acggetUou on tha part of theae manufacturer* iu*t a fe apuDiir* chord gad it ia posa hi* that othera wIU follow the example. Rcp.eaentativea es the fair will canvass ihe city on Wednraday this week and a»k all businesses not r*p rcser.tid at the meeting laxt night to agre-i «o close th»lr atore, shop, offlca or plan’ for the afternoon of Golds boro day. \ Dr. Henderson Irwin, of Eureka, a member of the Fair D rtclora, In a letter read at the m'etfag pointed out tha In most places wher* fair* are *Ugei) that the city close* for a half day that jM| may have a chance of visiting the exposition on the Town day. - * 9 Mother ’ReHponsible For Accident of Minor Son j • ~ ATLANTA, Oct. 17 (A 1 ) eh Jury here lotlay held a mother responsible for t|ie death of an old man who wa* run arvrr and. killed by an automobile driven "TSy her son under a"xt**n year* of age.. ( Mr*. A. F. Reeves wa* arraigned nod tried on a charge ,of a misdemeanor growing out of the. death ' March of Georg* Sjaytoa, 70. who waa run over allll killed by an automobile driven’4>y her 12 year old son, Jume* Reetre*. Kite waa flmd _ SIOO, ynnd > if* posed pend. I«k an Bpperft Os the Vitae,^ Action Os Aldermen Assures IVI it nici|>u( Airport For City " ■ , W] •99**r.*7»-* -r'-;iv ’ •• *(■ - wr'Vi«ninnf«»L"ura.*‘ 'l _ Goldsboro will have an atrp vrt in flw near future This was’ decided upon til Pile regular meeting of the Boa id of Aldermen, effAkMg khfti ‘they authorlxeti the u*e of a forty acre auction of the c*ty farm, at a city airport. Tbl* action by th* iHinrd follow, d tbe report of Ilia air port committee, .mode hy ulderman EiiimeU mminMn. 4 . . An urmy officer from Fori Rragg, whu vial ed the cjiy several weeks afa had orMited the committee after look Ing over the farm, that part of th* latm could vary easily he brought Into nr* u* an airp<>rt,J»y a little filling In and levelling d<»wp of rougkt spot*. The board, at (heir meeting last eve titan authorised the expenditure of a mat, not tu exceed Uuas hundred dollar*, for tha utirpose of getting tha Criminal Conspiracy * " Charge Based On Lease Teapot Dome Oil Field BUSY TIME IN MAYOR’SCOURT Two Men Who Rnn Over Cotertd t hiW Are Hound Over to o , Judge Blond *" Whiskey and assault nee* featured police <feun at the regular Monday igmalon. yealWday morning. The majority of th# aaaea, with the excep tion of roar, up f*r drtrnkennvOe, were bouud aVer to County Court nex: Monday morning. Charley Doug I**, charged with whop lifting, was hound over ta the county court. Ed Groom, drunk slid disorderly, was let off with the payment of coeta. t Will Ptrnell, colored, had nl*» drunk, wng nhio let off with the payment ot tbs coats. Robert Meyer*, colored, and drunh, let off with the payment of the coat*. J*Ved Armstrong, colored, drunk, was released upon the payment of the costs, in his cnee Fltsbugb Lana, white, waa boa ad over to the county conr. on 1 charge of recetvftig and having whiskey in his possession. Marriu Joiner, colored pbargrd with assaulting another -msmlpr of h)n ruse, with n plrtoi, was bound over ttm Dave Turner colored aleo charged with assault wa* aleo bound over to Ihe county court. Jim McKay, white, charged with larC -uy of cotton, waa jpwad over to th# next term of Superior Court. 81 rang Boaty. local white youth, charged with operating an automobile white under the influence as whiskey hound over to the county court. Robert Hines and Bryant Huckmnn both colured, who about three weeks ago, ran over n small colored boy, In ttußlJUla Washington Section of the city, painfully Injuring him, nnd made good I heir escape, without waiting t* see If he wa* hurt, were bound over to the coualy court, next week. The negroe* who had not been heard from sine* the (vmddcnt, were raptured a day oy two ago by tha local police force. SUPREME COURT WIRES TRIBUTE J unties Stacy ExprMMM High Appreciation of Service* to Judge Robinson RALEIGH, Oct. 17— UP) -Chief Justice w. P. Siacy, of th# Htalfn Supreme court today »*nt the In* message to Mr*. W. 8. O’B. Rob laion. . - <‘ln contemn with all the peorJe of ''Forth Carolina, each member of the Supreme court expresses high appre ciation of th# service# rendered to th# Judiciary and to the people of lb* •tat* by Judge W 8 O’H Robinson and of hi* unsalfinh labors m a dlsd 1 tinitub'hed cltlscn.” ’ ■ wv '“4k' field In shape for landing and taking I off purpoaea. It yaa said that other , than a few <tl < lien which would bav# to JM»d a few tree* take* up, the proposed eei tion would be. In 1 excellent, condition fdr u*e an atr ■ port.. ' The city farm was purchased hy the ctty *«fne time sgo. to be used 1 when pttrvMita ry. mm rm city ceme ery. Th# price paid waa • forty thousand dollars. Rlnce that '.tins, the farm has been bringing in raven hundred dollars in rents, each ' >*•*. ' . i Now If «v*(yth‘ng run* out right and noth Ifg *m« wrong, a part «C It will aeon he turned Into aniip ta dal# cLy air port .It I* expected that g > few day* will eee the beginning ’o# i tha Urn change* needed. <* , r ■ a 3 a Mwtbtr of The Associated Press . ♦ «* * ■ PftiCV nvi CBNW Tfcnw' Women Aawpf Tlmm Qualify teg far Jury Sar vie* it Cum ADDITION ALpTnEL OF \Ksmumtimumfm Fall At Time Uet* Waa Haora tary of iaterlar la HaNfcig WASHINGTON, Oet, |J— (ff) Thr*«, women. on# a gray haired *Mk it. qualified today al»wg with night u prcapaetlep Judge* of tba Built or iaaaoeaaa of Alfred ft. rut •nd Hurt r. Hlud>r m a genera meat charge of criminal imsglfnr In the leaning of Teapot Oman aural oil reaerv*. In all H vfjtirnmm were AigUH by couneei tl tha, opaelbf dag nf tha Ft cond big rnioer trial irirleg gat f ‘ of Urn Hnaafe oil ‘nrirtifat na. Man warn cxcmnnd far mm niaa* Slay bad formed definite ogialean ia ibn mm and els, other* wara aanaaad, tbrnn by' ibn* government agf Jfcree hy thn defeaae aa chal lenge*. ■ • Eaah * idn bad nnfea *«rh chnileag «a whan court adfearaed, a»4 It It poaaibla that illritka alarm wbo warn accepted today will ba togaa from tbn bos tomorrow and ftplml by now furore Manga feet ay During Urn day tour ttmfl warn called and cawalned **d <mi, |Nd-v • clary of tba In Ml tat# as SMbMplom dh qualified beiwalf by infermtag Juatiee Siddona In tba Madrid! of CM* uiitbU Superior Court aha had fermad a firm opUtlou SfUfe loading account a of tba Sana a lavaatigatlaa and Intel 1 trial*. ~ Mr* Annala Hallay. * ratoaly young matron with Matfe bair waa tha firat to gnauty *dhad mad unly uewtpaper headiiaat About tip - can* and declared firmly dpt aba pared to try tba eaa# ou tba iridaan and law Aft pTftftttttftd a PLANE DAWN IS FORCED RETURN Alrptoaaa OLD OaCHAHD Ha, Oat. %1~{ f) —W’tth A poaaibla world faooM uudar ‘to wlnpn. tha plane Tba D»W* to right a w»lta; [.opportunity to firry put ita purpose or tranapoatiag tba lint » woman over tba Atlaatfe. In the abaauca of official IHWi, the pilot aod nariagtor W#IW raiuc taut to make nay formal oiaiUM for tba load which waa tofcdh «f W 1 rat down today, hat It'afeHT hollared that no *taplane la Amortoaa add r««»ibly tha world could abOW a ft* liar terfoimanoa »“> boreepetoar taken into comldafatlapr-^, -A rough tbd’taba off Van IIAM yaundaMWhtta tu Uto Air about l,«oa pound* la tha fern of tfmoilna waa dropped, making bin landtag weigh nearly 10JUS panada. Tlteae figure* wer# to bi mate thoroughly check If -gftahlt nail* could Urn oh lined * tire ntatemeatTthe MCfetary too content committee »*jd abase bp bid bound of Iwf performance US goal. " Xhl* wgQg« tfcrJ>A*U*fcJW|u >ng did much to courolc Mr». fbuuoa* Grayaon and her craw for tba dia appointment of. U* anddau tormina tlon of tha flight tor Eurngo bftar. -°oeblu. of waiting or proper wdutht* y**n dll inua L ~O T. V. [mrnimmmmwm, 111 niinaii Most HiopK mi rsmsjr lamb finance Mln inter Mltrachl of toguu baa proponed ta tba nrarpmaut a plan for nalag tba labor of prinea ip-" male* more <steaafeaiy. Tba gta* la to train the priaonet* ia a »a.re gf # - 1 tematic and practical way to factory and architectaral work ao that tbatr nhrricea nAy ba ampioyed tor toa wm <4 tbj ooidttz. ;

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