, WKATHEH Partly cloudy Wednesday Thnrnday baforlo^ #W, y * e * Mrl “ lr * ** 1 VOLUME SIX; NUMBER Ml INTIMIDATION WHIPPING WITNESSES CHARGED * f * 31 ~— -o» HT * *W * , LISTS SONGS FOR (( CHAMBER OF HORRORS” ' •, «a • Many Modern Hymn i^ heap *Mqpk Daj” HtU Yesterday te CMUMCtim With Recreation ImtitnU • - 1- * 7 Wtoync CnuatyVi Aral Recreation Institute concluded Be Music My pro rnn Unt evening with what *M un salotootly vote* a most delightful edtertalnmeal by *o»e two hundred •peciatore who braved the cblUlnf air, to attend, many of them coming from lit, OUve atd Framoot The a'x j n amber* appear lax on the program weee all givti'a moot hearty applauae aa they followed each other is rapid aoMeadfoa The eartvin dropped on the final, the Star Spang’* Banner flayed by the Odd Fellows Orphanage band, promptly nt nine-thirty r i Td pick out any one feature and any it vm the outatlading one would h' at modi difficult Job. Coming flrat Waa the Ml. Olive choral group- SO vetoes gotten together from' the var - loua church cbolie by Mlaa Jb Kor negay aad given ISree rehearsal*. Ttoetg performwaee waa amaalngly pood, receiving a moat lonmtlful out-1 I ourlng of gratae from the aadlnece. Followed tJ*o m Rtr. If. t> Cone, I gave a delightful amualng and in-, auvottee.tilk on the place of muaic >a-{b* church, mentioning with great tpow of dlagutt what he tended the chaapgeae of a large number of the ocdhWff church hysen, fo*ad In many ao called sacred soagbooka. He has cpUpcted a number of them which llljlM Utmii tho -Clamber ol hor rors* and against thorn that bo di racUd a large aaare of hi* 7»3r&e:;“:r,r, can be made the most iaaplmtlonal of nil manic, he concluded. The Memorial Community Building quartet composed of Meaner*. Veaiey, Heaaaat, Waters, and Rivera p'eaded the auditor* Imaensaty with tome old time melodies hnrmoniaed to per lection V !l|.«a Ruth Yolrerton of Fremont followed them with |wo charming* rtoeal numbers. ■& ▲ad then, after'a what -might be firmed a moat scholarly address by Dr. W. A. Parker of Asheville, on thfplaca of muaic ia community to creation. the Odd’ Fellow’s Qrphon ape- baad concluded the urogram a wßb lira waCl ritoaen cxcellenlly r*n dfnd number#. __ The afternooq *’■’ meetlpg, tnougb ao.rewhat meagerly attended, waa of great mtarcat to those present. It uMbii with community ainging led by 31% .treephine Rober.son of Fremont and continued for an hour. J. O. Dowman, in big talk °u the fain* of „ muaic in tho school, pointed oat that it was with thf youngster that the sppfaciaUoa of music must be taught After outlining briefly tbe history of fobilc, ho dhowed hew closely allied "to cajoymeat it was, and streps*d It, great Importance la the school, only from an educational stiffed polst, but from a recreational one an veil. W. L. Fbederit k gave some pointed and well chosen odv ce on what to do ■rand what not ip do in organising a community rhomb af%r which, throw ing Mmsslf open hi questions, be an. ewordd coma pe»t»ngnt oue* from an <a«.treslad Slcknecs and ether accidents prevented the Mt. Olive boy's orchca ra from taking Aj * vsfer ably, tiUad by oaa of its members, a ' fouag violinist, who gave a gfogi dlffUnli number In a "highly credit able faatooa Mias Jlin Kornegay of Mt. Oliva was the director of tbe day’s program and received a generous amount of ymitm for Is success. -■to Igw ■—N MRU •!» |Jt WAbUtNOTON, Oct I*-(JV|T. J. Harkins of Asbevitle, N. C., la. apnetar general of Scottish Rite Ma sonic bodies for Neith Carolina an nounced tonight a U«t of North Caro- Una men upon-whom the thirty-third degree will be eonfererd here Satur day night. The list includes: Charles A. Sei fert of New Rera aad J. A. Veche of Pt •*» ' MBA, THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ■ ■ *■ " READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. • 't V ' •' ’ " ' ' • ' < ' ‘ POLICE CHIEFS GATHER TODAY " . s' Governor Mr Lena Matted to Ad ,■ dress Annual Convention In Durham > t <«' <* • * ■ •mm .1 ii 4 DURHAM, Oct. 1.-XAP) Police chiefs-of the a nte, South Carolina aad Vif-Rtala converging on Durham to day lor tho opening of .their annual convention tomorrow morning, found final arrangement* being made for their entertainment during the neat three days. Buv-neas scasious will be divided amount cstertalament son turea for tb/ visiting law euforce ment lenders. „ Dot MclvraaSi address, before the full gathcriag iu the Washington Duka Hotel Friday afternoon will be cn# of the fea'iuraa of the gathering. Police chiefs-prominent in thb and adjoining states em on the program for addresses, and the £35 men ex -I#>cted will learn from their brothers new pointers In the work of-": law enforcement. Opening nt A. o’clock Wetlnoadny laorning-the convention proper will take up btielnees mat.isib. Includes report* of of Deers and committees and round table diaquaaloas es police problems, with probably a special 'talk or two. At l o'clock In the af ternoon the officers will motor to t'bapel Hill to be guerta of Chief Feathetbton for the evening, Drat at a barbecue a meeting leter. Friday;' buaincaa mattera wilt be cosrrd, with discussions and talks officer* will be elected;" IHe place of tbe next convention selected end oth er burinem transacted. A parade, ia which officer* from all over tha atate will take part, la acheduled dur i-ng the morning. At 1 o'clock In the Washington Duke hotel, o*v Me > Lena will addrea* the chief, at the luncheon. Thy cloaing event will be a roUc* field day and frolic at El Toro park in wtfirb officers from all section* will take part. Raring, boxing, tug of war and other man to man nport* are Included in the two hour athletic program. , One of the chief ma ter* of business to com* before the convention will be consideration of group insurance or t. benevolent nsaociafon that.operated by the ohi<rf*~7? tbe state, wi h probably dta-ibilTty jend death benefits. The association now has akoet 235 members, tbe- bylaw* adopted last year including In the membership htl parties officers in the eligible Mat At leant *ialf of ihc w-mbership trt expected at the convention. Chief of Police Doby of Durham, is prvaident of tha,association; and the executive committee include*: Chief of Police J. ft:’ Lane, Wilming ton, first vice penaidebt: Chief Ale* West, Charlotte, recond vice prvaident B. C. Brown, eufierinteadent of the bureau of tdoutiflration, Winaton -Palom, secretary and treasury; Chief 'jHhee, Greenville; Chief H K. Law •ence, Mt. Aify and Chief Oeo. T. Feathere e«, Chapel Hill. Going Out Hog Business As tt. 8 KUIuU, at aumey Creek township, I* going out of the Uoji business. Not because hr can’t make money n.l*ing bogs, Not liwmi* thrf boltan hart dropped out of tlie fork Market. Not became the business in crowded. Not Irceuae hr is tired of “fooling" with bin atock. Not because he haa had a «*t back In the under taking. Not bevfluae dseasu baa brok "ein oSt wnaitia liocST " Me It coin* nut of tha hog raising buainera became he reached the < <nn lusion that raising ho**. eatin* ho* meat, or having any thing to d« a-Hit bog* is forbidden by Holy Writ. He saya So in a display advertise ment In another put of this iaeue of The News. And he has not hit up. on this novel means pi advertising a sat* which ha aanaaaoa, for ha does m in 4ft jtory « % jyw. GOLDSBORO. N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19, 1927 CHEST DRIVE NOVEMBER 9 HONOR NAME OF JUDGE ROBINSON Many AUtnd Funeral Far Dean •f at Noon Tuettday rl Under n mound of flower, In Wil low Dale caxtery this morlng, Judge W H. D'B Robinson sleeps Under « leaden aky and gnawed at by the Urat cold wind of the north, r/fklives and frfoade et noon yesterday return ed hie body t« the <arth. "Gladly h* l'red aad gladly he died and he la.d him down with a will,” and there we~s *.*d hearts and moist eye* among the hundred* of the high and low wh > followed the gray hearse and, f<°ecr blanketed casket to tbe grave. "I’ll fell yoa what he did for me", mid a gruff. buUlery repreeentatirc of a real ea ate profession, and w - were |prpriard for there was a catch In tbe voice that ia normally and re pularly ttn-moved by sentiment." It «u just another of the stories that revaa'ed the big heart of Judge Rob in-on, hi* feeling for fqirnesa, atortes which have been happening a"d re-' vealing the fine «oul in the loot year* since he entered ut on tbe duties of manhood. 11»a funeral service was held froir, Bt. Mary’s Catholic church yesterday jtf «o«a. With six Jadg* acting *» P* lT hearer, at»r (Vfl member* of the Way no County Bar as boadrary pall bear ere. Beantlfull .* ayuibdtc, tho service according to the rUulfcf tbe church Rev. A. R Freeman. Thaugli the day was cold, end the first day of winter weitkW the church was entirely ln*ufficletjt ty accomodate the crowds who gntbered to per their last tribute to -fhc mn* who for so many yenre had ocrupletl a, position of highest respect Uoldsbo-o. v il-ny of the State’s prominent Jqr iat» and hnrrlrtera w-th iiHmny Judge ,!lob n»on had been aaaoclatcd, as a lawyer or a* a Judge of the Superior ooutt. were present for Among th»m were; Judge Wj J. Brogdoa, of Durham; Judge K. fl. t ranmerrof Bouthiv>rt: Judge E W. Tltuberjake of Wake" Forest; John DVrson of Kinston; N. J. House of ; W A. Finch of WIDon; Shaw of Klmton; K. E ‘ BroadhuM. <if Greensboro; Rivers, Johnson of Warsaw and other* whose nnm*» could not Ire obtained. q V , , ACL.- ■— Train Hits Auto Five are Dead OAMBRIIHJE. 0.. Oct. U~ (JP) - Five person* were killed, four of them children pnd a fIRh child wa* serifuKly injured this' afternoon shea a passenger. tAjsin hit an auso* mobile near here. The accident oc curred In a rain ntoriu, the driver of the oar had driven to school and was tufclnii the children home tn his machine when It wa* truck by th# train. ’." ”Ou J-Y.day 21st. >-*y» « etaumont he signed ”1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, 1 sow wi.h seven pigs, one month old; one stock bog, tUree gills and five aboata about one year old. 'My reason for belling these hog* is that 1 am tiding to follow the laws laid d»wn n the ftiblc and to do (his n.tf conscience hss forbidden me to' eat hog meat?* tighed, . JctlT L tit. ~—t~~7 Mr, Kilieit lives on the farm of .t. J, Newsom In gtoncy Creek. While it Is known that theft are n number of farmers is Wayne who refuse to grow tobacco for the reaspn that they believe it Is con trsry to Biblical teachings, Mr. Kil lett fa Ihe first Wayne can so farsat is known to go out of tho hog bust re** for this tsasoa, A Tom O’Berry I» Chairman Will Rains $25,000 For ( ity> Nine Philanthropic llod it* , The nsnual Goldsboro ro.imiun|ty chea’. drivo well l»# conducted on November U, it vs, announced yester day. e Thoms* D’Beryy. will.net aa chair man of the drive. Tho amount to he aought la f2sr oen wa same *» taw year Holding the third annuel drive about one month the on e of lout year is expected to prove beneficial by the dinertom of the Cheat. It will avoid conflict with th* (’hrintmu* business, a handicap ex perienced last year. Mr. O’Berry haa already begun plans for ttye one day campaign and each now will witness earn* pre tKirqtinu looking to the auocerwful campaign for fund* wl'b which to operate the nine charitable and ciric organisation* of Goldsboro, r 2 WOMEN ON FELONY JURY . 7!** ■ Our of Number May be Foreman •f Fall-Hlndair Conupiraey , Trial . I <4 * Oct. 1»—OF) Two women are to have their say Ifon men an to ghether Albert B. KijJ.l and Harry F. Hlnclalr criminally consiplred togctbVr to defraud the gorerunienf'luytho lease of ihs teapot Dome Nava! Cnl reserve In Wyoming. The twelve jurors selected after yoa lerday and a half devoted tha ex .-imlnatlon of so talisman today heard the opening aistenhuit for tho gov ernfqent. and t*ar! of that, tho de fense aqd wll| begin tonu»r«rw„ to listen to tho testimony for nearly n too wltnesnes. . After haring tjie care and being locked up thty- will elect a foreman it tod thi«m waa fypecntHtiou an to whether the men would honor obe of th* women with that of.lce. Tho two .women of the Jury are young ana comely, one marled and the other single, and are«th<- first to serve in an iinporiaiu' criminal trial in the dislrki cL-Ptfuunhla Buprema com t. They pnhaed the mrful Scrutiny of qualifications of counsel, for the government and for the de fen re. Tbe average uye of thn ten men ia the prttem cane is 43. The 4lde*t la 62, and only one Is under 30. Th* Fall Dolieny Jury was the youngest rhuaeii to try an Importuat ease here In many yeeis, the average age of th# twelve men bping 31. WILL PLEAD IYMANITf ' ' .ft •> O , ort. lg-</p) George Itemu* will be given s hearing November 2, when a jury will pasa on qmethef or ntd. he wa* iusAne when Its *o»<»t hi,* wife to death. Insanity today and a court at once nppoinUd three alien lata uj ad with the jury in deriding Remus, sanity Brinkley Getr%ork On Granfnam Road RALEIGH. Oct. l^nw bf«lH on eleven projec s received by thb Vietc FikTiway ’ i .'fiirjivsTon" 1 totaled 65 for c-ormtruc tion of 66.21 mile, of road a»d a numt>er of smell structures. Low bid, on the project from Oeuca on rqu'c 4u running to a polrii near Newton Grove and Sampson county, all ip Wayne pounty, w.-ia received with J. I*. Brinkley of Thoma*Vl|te bidding IMMWLjKh Tbls bid for structure. ARMY FLIERS BEING TRIED Atlanta Man Alleged to Havo Flown I’lftne too Clew to Mother Earth * ATLANTA, Del. ft- Uft-Major T. G Lanphler flew" (roiu Michigan to Atlanta lo day tu appear aa a wit ness before tbe court martial which i< trying Goo. I-Nnch on a charge of reckless flying. The general court martial in pro gress at Kurt McPherson reprefceata the first trial before a similar body n time of peace of Corps Finch * ha Iva ro Atlanta, and a ra. serve officer In the Army-Air Carps, was called into active duty over a year ago and assigned to a field *a Michigan. If i* altaxsd that on May I, last when cn route to Kt. Ban Hous ton, Tax., he flew bln rtkipy plaae at m< ht-ighth es Isas than I.OM fast ovar Atlanta, the 1000 feet being the aaf ety limit preaeribed by army regula tions, - He i« also charged with per jury ia having denied tha charge >uj<l atattng. later that he waa at all times gliding distance of a safe land lag field, Mr* U 1. Miller aad Dr Miller, hpr w tnh|Rd, mrrftf- ia ‘ifw g>4 fitimr the court martial that «g May inf, their dsngiiter, the wife of Lt. Finch, was lying gravely 111 at theft' boipe % Mrs. Miller sqld that tbe army at*, plaae of Finch flew ao low over the house that tbe roar of tb*’ motor frightened Mr*. Finch sod acrtegtu ated her highly nervoue condition. Dr Miller «aid the #ane Wi fiylhg bet a-een 100 and 1M feet shore the tree tops. EDDIE STINSON LOST IN STORM No( Hysrd From Hinco Started Flight From Hartford to “’Boston • ■ ■ i .in ■» o nnsrroN, Oct. u (JP) Eddie Hfknson, Detroit airplane dealgaajr and builder, disappeared tonight into the scurrying muili of,a cold New England Northeaster while fifing from Hartford, Cons., to Boston ofc the last lap of a* ih.uqu mile air tour to promote Intereat in airports. Hopping off from Hartford, at 4 r. m . the Detroll filer who should Lave it ached Ho,tcn is an hoar and n 4vaJf bad not rtj.ched the city or lietß reported down anywhere shortly Itefroe 9 o'clock A hksty lelephons coll of eu;rirgeiH«y and landing .fields in the sdj lining sections failed to re veal any definite ncatt of the airman while a heavy rain driven before a raw northeast gale rapidly continued to turn landing field* into mires on which no place could hope to land without ap accident. 2 lliimlml Dollars In Prizett Offered Fair Parade Floatt i A *. m \ ..T." A t . », -T- . - Two hundred dollar* IdYanti money . aii. htt aa.rdml to pitta-fteala ■■♦ the Wuyno t'ounty Fair Parade whcti will inaugurate Hie annual Wayne county expoiitlon on the twenty-fifth Markina and Innovation in the fatri on wievlminly conducted, Wayn«V tnnet beautiful gliln at leant fraettoa «f them, will act an marahal* for (he jyjhlc aad- nctt» •felg jfflUfillßJLJlflmii! up and down the Colorful line clapr ing the way, and giving the crowd* an eyeful of beauty not previoualy afforded in the parade. The Fair naaoetatlon believing that the parade on the opening days « $ I great advertising feature for our; Ima'ne.e interval offer* the following j prlxea under the following condillona: ' tV r the beet decorated commercial j f loat-*—t —hlAi-4»|;£; 3 *ls. Abort friiet apply to morcbaatg,i Many In Alabama Cases Have Fled Their Home In An Abject State Os Fear RURAL WORKER UJ AY COME HERE Aanounrcmeat Made at Rotary; Address Mod* by Clinton Minister Possibility that a rural recrtaUun expert may be assigned hi Whyne county for a period and without coat to tbo coun'y or city waa coaiataad in aa announcement by Dr. W A. .barker, of Aahevlllo, director of tb# Amerfeaa rtaygrouad awwctathm, at the regular meeting of the Rotary club lari evening. The announcement by Dr. Paiker, a delightful r*«um# us impreeeioae gained while attend ing the (friend Convention given by Rev. Herbert Cone of aad the Introduction of two aetf members ••ecupied the Rotarlaa* at the meet { New member# preeea ed \»Ti Graham Hood of the Wayne Tire Co . end R. C. Robinson, director of the ('oaMwaity Memorial building Through the Playgroung Aasoria lion, Dr. c Parker told the Houriaae, funds have been provided for a train „rd rural recreational worker to epead tomrifcme at State Collage. Aad flMt IM* ihgUUitien the aspect «tU H,«t, T<f fbtfalie# #hirii have ehowa some interest ft rural focreatooa aad which ’eques- hla services. Dr. Parker **M that the community hnildiag director l ad already Indicatod that they would urge that the expert egaiad a part us hie time in Wagne. *hou»d schogl nfficlala also OMke Ihe request, th* ▲•heyille man said, there la a posslbil Ity that this county will he oh* dtp. signaled for service from the expert, Not ia have the Rotariasg enjoyed themselves as thoroughly aa they did. W ltrienlng to the talk of the Cltmwa minister. Ho )iad A droll way es putUn* thing* which tha club member* appreciated hugely. Mr. Cone related bow th* Roydt family of Belgium entertained about 100 of the Rotariaas who vlfjted Pnt**e!s aftor tho convention. Get ting water tq drink wa* declared by Mr. Con* to have been quite a tank, "fliey dop’t know what water le, hardly,” he Mid, declaring that win# waa th# drink served at most* and that oopioaaly * ia London, Mr. Cuue waa drgftad by tha president of the London Ro tary club to teuton befor* Rotary < lube ia the district. ~ The Ctfw'.on minister quoted tb* rreeideat-of the London Rotary at for that tho ffish wore attempt}- \ng lo Mir up tho peHef that ia. tho coara», of .atm* America planned a war on Kafefaad. Mir. Cone in bis addr*n r ~T>dIWA n number of etuhe ■bout found opportunity lo ueny any warlike asplrslUu, on th* part of the Us ted States. Tbe point emphasised at tb* Oriepd Convention, hf oaitf waa that Aamrica stand* for world peace aad that she I* backed up by England. ' " ■ I—» • 41 uiruf.M turera, broker* Job her* gad ■ BBtorhobMe. deafer*. . ■ F»r the beet decorated aiit/lmoblle ' 1, 125; t t». 3-^10; The»« prltrt apply U> Individual an omobile owneih. Bent decorated erhoot float! 1— IB; t lift; it- «1«. Theae prisea apply to any aehooj »r ! • ia- muk io- OBg ttihnalia- .yapaa County. The Fair aeaociation feel* tl.it they arts eery liberal In the above urlaea and aoliett the napport of the men and woipea R> Waymi county in making.the-par ade thia year the be*t In our hbUory. Following are the marebata: OohUboro—Rva Mae Olddea*. Marth Lee Borden, Leaa Himmoa*. Eleanor Kor nr gay, Ruth Hendereoa, j Pauline Crowaon, La JoJinaoa, Mra. 1 (Continued o| Pan Tin) • Member of The Associated -i t+ —-J^ress paica FiracSivn Attorney General toga Wara l»f Addrmu to K« K|ux Kins Member* GOVERNOR WILL Iff AflhEß act in the situation Number* are Wtfßegl John Ml rnutae Os Bate# Forced to Taka Might „ nmxuNOflAM, aU., Oat. It— tf) ilntimfdattoa of flogatag v ru* whiiaaeaa la the poiat <4 driving thnai from thalr beam wa* rrvested tonight ta a *tat*- | roaat by Attorney Oase*! Chart*# ' McCall. The aaid ha told tba riotiau . to aac aay manner aad «ag«aa of >... t,, «-a iwt-f ifcwiiry to prywct lwnpa eelve*. and. their hoiaaa. The atorney r< a*ral, la Mttar . Word* reported thbK many of V Ihoaa whoa# boat*. bad haao *O -by alebl vUßort wage hat onljr la api fit atata of faer bat i la unsay cams war* le financial ‘ »4n ||| AV laAdl kaeo Iftr/idJ ■ IwiWTtl MaaaVV wlw^—jy wMgds RMa^DdWPI to abondoa making a Hate* ta -V ' their flight. « Mr. MofMtl uM ha weald ta pan tba matter to the getpraer at oaaa aad weald taka gag eOgo - aacaaaary to protect the dhw.; Ha to*n#d S dtoa m imMn \m ttm Kq kiox Klin** 1a lalMMal. H mHLi ;— * fv CARROLL GIVEN PRISON PAROLE But lMtmM%t to M* Mpiritoua IJgoora For too WiSHiMntna n#* n in s.l waaninviuN, up. >■ W| rarroll, Tha Saw Terfc Tha«Mt«gt paadoear, will ha ratod to tie Atlanta paaltaatlary within the aaat ' fair day*. v-*g| „ " HaciMHßandatloa of Ufa parole board for hU fitidae at* approved late today by the dlligou Qaoaial aad paper* were forwarded at aoaa to j tba warden in yHrtfi Hrratlng him to liberate tba pMaeaaf whlab wM probably Thursday. In addition to Me prigaa aantanaa of n year aad a day far ntrjary to connection with bln faatono bathtub party In New York Cam! we* fMVf tS.OOO. Ha w«a daactthaiih tlto Whll nppiciatloiriao a ‘model” • prteeaer after the no I lapse ea hit way to pripan when ha waa nnawf tol the train i and kept far eometlflto la a Oreed •SHe, a C. f hoapl'al. “niohdJUoe* nadar wMeb tha paratn waa grantwl laelada oaa that daring tha term of Ma parole, M U Mt M dreqnaat Otlooaa dr other ptoaaa ■ where lotoaloattag I tenor* are a#M aad that ha will net drink T‘ uhlt Ulg !>«>v» rage*. Blue Jacket* Engage ' Battle With Bandits •«#wh,» m n-an-te. Marta* Carp* aviator* geaaod U . A. Thomaa aad fgt. MM BOW* ; all, bare brew t c battle with baadtia, killing IT of them. . FW members es the efnetabalary ware killed but Mere waa ao aaauat tie* among the Marin**. A coattgeat of «eo o*eatabwt*r r 1* being formed to be again** ffenerr wwftts, *to*r&iranr iff * f **ow at Kiownm mck 1 DLOWmB ROCK, o#^ Thta aectlou today .bad theflr* *SOW •torm of the beaaoa. Drive* by a high wind the mow Mt ail dag bnt mdted a* fast a* It Mt Mm ftestf until night fail whaa the teonpOtotarg hagan to- drog akaip. .

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