WEATHER ' rtk HlyaiaMo. H« ad •toast )a i«asni«ri. 4 ' It ’ ® *■ it . . VOLUME BIX; NUMBER MS Heroism Os Mt. Olive | V- . v Boy Scout Be Rewarded By Life-Saving Medal BidM Frwn Nttimi Cmi ■lwiwur By Scout Ekccu n tive Ywtcnlay TO BE PRKBRNTKD AT AIT. OUVC ROTARY CLUB « NatUmgi CuaHuiMjMMr Bnnl Cowunla Youmt HiwkiM hr Htroka Bcrwgl Hawkins, Mi. Olivo* B»y Scout **l recelvp ike firm lift sav ing medal fv»r awarded iu Twscaror v Connell and ou of the few ever awarded in tha SonUi. The medal, g Pt»<» of art. derigneu by Outaon Bor ylnm, and dona 5a gold, ban been re cleved by Scout Bxecntlva W. W Rivero. The medal will be presented at a near meeting of the Mi. (JMve Hotaty club, ' Young Hawktna saved the life of Jack Knowles, kia l Head while the two war* members of a iJcnlc party at a taka near ut. Olive laat aum •tfar. Knbwlea bacame exhausted while twlmalog and had funk die third time whea Hawkiat recovered the body, applied first aid methods and revived hint Tbo life earing medal waa awarded Youag Hawk las by the National Cbua cil of Honor aad a scroll of commen dation which will alrfO be preaented to bhn Is signed by Daaial C. Beard, National Seput Cpmmimloucr. la a letter to Yeaag Hawkins, the national Commiialoner write; My Dear Rfoat Hawkins: It la with pride aad pie nur# that I notify you pa behalf of ttfe National Court of Honor that you have bees *> rMd « ** Heroism our highest award, la t*- cacuiUon of your f*|W*t conduct iu imhealbg Jack Kaowleta from drown lag. Th**medal waa denlgaed by a fmoui artist and is made of gold, but ga lastrinsle value in small com farad with the deed for which it rtauda. It* value aa a tokan wilt, how tref*, Increase each year you wear it, for II shows that you wera prepay and did go jrsur utmost in the service of others, even though it may 'have resulted l» the. sacri.lce of j-our own ‘if*. .' a ® With the** facta In mind thl* med al, will tend to keep before you the Ai-eatpst lea SOU in Scooting that of be Ing prr*hred te reader service to oth ers (a any emergency. ,1 AH the marchers of the National Coart of'Honor join roe ia congratnl <- stios-jrou and wlsbilifc you a long, happy and aseful life. BRYANS SON IS GIVEN DIVORCE *w; », w. . o- 0 5 Wild DtawrtH Hlm to Follow ~ Musical Chrwcr, Is Charge Mode v ■ leOS AffiOtoMß. Calif, Oct. 21- W'm. leaning* Bryan. Jr, eon of the great comaionvr. wan granted a divorce hem today front Hale Virgin ia Bryan. Ha fcharged desertion. Mr. Brysa told the court hit wife’s musi cal career' had Interfered wt h hi* domestic happiness. Mrs. Bryan was pot in court. Bryan testified that bl* wife had refused to live with him since December, 1 19J5. He testified that she refused to go to Florida wi h hkna to attend bis father's fun * era!. Custody of the three daughters waa awarded to Str. Bryan with ih*- pro vbdoa*tkat tha YtOr# any B** wßh h< r nipt her If eh» I retire* and that the’ youngest shall live with the walks* fan thius ys-urs attar tha close of achool jmar ‘ - r *■ ■— Fatal Boat Accident Occurs in Norfolk ■■pr~7 1 * NORFOLK, Oct. 2t— - 4 • 'I , .. , PRISON GATES SWING OPEN :; „ » Earl CarroO’a Wife MmU Him As He Leave* Federal Penitentiary ATLANTA, Q*. M-VP>- Etarl Carrol was released from the Federal pea hare tonight on parol*. Ittu New York theatrical producer was met at the prison by bis wife ang other relatives who bad come bar* to graft and return with him t* klroatiway Carroll walked through the prtsoq gates a free man abottly after 6:3d o’clock after having served a little more tha ay four mouths of hi* sea tenca of a year and a day tor perjury 5a connection with hla "celebrated bath tub party”- New York laat year. Carroll has gone through a mental bsjj. ddriag blu Imprison men’, said "T. V. Rooney, hla director and ass ociate. The observation came from Rooney today ua he waited for the arrival ot n«»ro)e papers to aft free his employ er. e, * “TICa 5 mental hetl” Rooaey deeiared wa* due to Carrotfa extretniy saesi tlvie nature, Carroll did not mix with e her prisoners on th» prison honor farm where h«* waa librarisp or at the mala hhlWing where he was at frrt confined. \t was said hla dis ’lk* for prisoners or guard* *o look at kirn avow'd Ho leal that he was cc.ngUatiy tha £taW of all aye*. FLYING RAPPER REACHES PONTA " “"«* . > > ■„ - . j> 1 Little Aaorm Town Down to To So* Ship Bringing Hor v __________ **■ PONTA, DEIAIADA, AZORES, Oct H—oP>, : The Eager little figufD of Ruth Elder was discerned today on the deck of the mall boat Lima aa It steamed Into the harbor from Hort*. The American Girl’s fame bad sprbnd and she wu* welcomed royally. BY her side was pitot George Haldetnan. but It was the light of the girl and the thrtlllug rescue that had wanned ell hearts. The American rounmil went at once aboard the boat and greeted the avia tors whl'.o the rrowd* ashore a wait ad a claaer glimpse of Ruth’* famous knickerbockers, red sweater, and bor rowed cap. Ruth|s delight increased on hearing from the counsel’* l p« that the Ad erlcaun bere were net disappointed but rather considered the dkast«ar highlygratlfylng in one sense as oth erwise they would not have bad the pleasure eg greeting the girl. Fine Progress Os Legiou In Past Year Shown In Report The Wayqe Post of the American Legion in meeting I*hi crentn r elected officer* and received the ref/ welcome Intelligence that for the first lima. ia tha hisferfy at 4s* -poa* *k«* It lj out of deb! Topp'hg off the v*-ry -ngfeeigM* Vveutng ,-W*» piwnty «f succulent hurbeew. piping hot. for the 12k In attendance. And the TBBT Iu t)r. i . V. Htroenldvr, long irf-omln >nt In local legion affairs .was slevsl ed to the place of Fust Commander to succeed Hugh D>rtch. retiring. C Dees whs named r cc commander, Archie Warr ck ndjutsht, and i t'. Crone, chpp'afp, Frgnk Jones was elected to the' place of aervlcs otfl err - jf- A rouhlng vote of thank* to the retiring officer* was voted bjr the lYtal ior the record whk h ha* been established during the nign of Co»- nawittop Dortob Md Adjutant«Dae*. Hr. Dortch in arakiog n repor* of the *ct v.t|e» of th# year Mid that the post nog ha# a membership of ii». that during th| past yaar a •P*clgl aur*9. hag bt*a provided fair MMlqi RfM* GOLDSBORO. N. C,„ FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1>27 SEIZE SAMPSON OIL WELL WOMAN SLAYER GIVEN REPRIEVE F#w Hour* Before Hlm Had Joked About Hor Ap- ; A proaching Death CHK AGO. Oct. JO—OP)—The Cook county death call yawned for ita first female Inhabitant today bat tra* to llllunla prtovdent the elocution wait stayed two hour* before the time aet for tt. No Woßlsfi "ha ersr paid thn supreme penalty la this state. 8011 Jovial but nope the less positive that sho preferred dreth by (he noose to a life term in prison, er one of even ‘twenty Year*. Mrs. Catherine Casa ler, hetrd. Judge William Brothers grant her a week'* replte, Neacr to forfeiture of h~r life for murder than nny other woman evbr approached la the Htate, Mrs. Caasler, displayed no emotion when her life wa*< saved gild she Joked about her weight Tfuibly breaking a morgue slab if ahe had been hanged tomor row morning. Her eourt room *en aationa. ahe laughed, were aan of hunger. WHY BLOCKADE LOOKS BLUISH Dapuiits liCarn Something In Taking Still in Indian Springs Wayne county officer* in making a raid i» Indian Hprluga township, no far from the old Walker Mill discov ered why tome blockade liquor being turned out sow baa * ' Walsh’’ t at. It fi because the coneotioa t* distill disbWanhy, is dipped from Che atir face hold. At least they say no. In the las raid ihiY came upon four men running « 40 gallon capac Ity outfit by lantern light. Deputy Sheriff Oar) ftnith waa alone be discovered the errie light rblnlng through the thicket* aid advunced upon Ah* place Deputies J. <’. Kor negay t.ntl H. B. Gardner were some dia anas away at the time. The men running the plant fled Into th.» darkuee* und made good escape. A .small quantity of liquor had run from the worm Into a five gallon demijohn. Six barrels of beer weßr poured out. Water for the "run” wa* being ob tained from a shallow hole which bod been dug at a low rlace h» the woodn. It waa noddy, brackiab wa’er, but it uNl tr being used In tha mash, deputies skid. • /'*’ “You find this oedadonally. The shinrr |u»t digs a hole a few Ter«t deep and dips out the water." 1 MB’* pgfrm sirr., rain lita CHAPI.IN AFTER RAL OK TAI* WASHINGTON, Oct '2O- ’’He's pretty nice." Ho said Mia Grey rhapl'n. ex-wlfa of Charlie Chaplin, as er n call upon President roolldge today. % , Accompanied by her mother,„ she was preaented to the Pretident by ex- Ooverner Spry, of Utah, now Comxl# rloner of the land office. tained by the legion a* the Oteen Ilorpilal and thikt a Hoy Scout troop ha* been organised and sjit-ceo*rul|y conducted with Mr. Dee* ns scout The Fdhl jjjwoved llte. Boy vrork. It'showed, I<» Viiiiug W pay $5 ii nion ft towHragu wr«rthy for the city and Btat*. Capt i’n Young served Cor several yes** in the Engiiah army and the ex-doughboys heartily enjoy •d the trpln of thought be .uggeated.l Allege [Fraud b| Drillers Slock Iraida ra in Experiment Bring Actinn Againat Orr and Wkerry '"■S' ' Cl ANTON. Oct. ta—Following more than ten weeks of inaction on (be port of lb* drilling contract«r* at U»e Him paoa proapatf tm near CHatea court action wa* started this week. In which the con motors are chorg d, with fraud and g caaocllation of cun tract wlbt damage- of $36, 000 u naked. $ 1 Richard is: as trustee sos the rukncribers to the oil well fund. D" plaint ff la tl» act km. aad Meaars. Orr and Whorryj drilliii contractor*, and defendant* The action Is In the shape of a petition for attachment, in which the “Perilso*l, the. court for a writ of attachment on ti- certificate* of in terest nnd the tPeU, drilling machin ery and equipment mentioned In the camplt’lat or any ofh*r property of the defendant la,the Sta'e of North Carol’na” In.U-A complaint attached - 'to thi petition, the trustee sets tor the Uist--y of the *4l project and *f lh° contr ict made with the drlllem, ami p. i»t 1 it Iha 1 Hta trustee has oar* rled out h'a part of tba ao*trac:C'by the rnr meut of sl.l*o cash lo the t&il( er* and M.&W i” cerufcatan of.inter 1 est, The p't( loa then **Fm~, That th* def. 4dmyt, altar receiving all cash fn»A tk# P*atatJff trus tee that wa* caRM l#r I* th# don tou-t and all of >he cartiflcatea of in terest due nmou»|Mf *0 M.W« making u total of c»-HMtd certificates <|| * Tx**#, l nv»» MlmmT*w*Wm*v aw* afar non of their enntrac with tha plnta tiff, and In the attempt to and defraud the plainUff trastee ccaaed all operation at th* well; have uegl>- gent'y and carelvraly broken off and left ia the well eai# alxty feet of ■trill stem, ’and have carelessly and negligently dropigd Iht'o the well cer tain piece* ot ateet, catting and bits, thereby rendering'the well and the money expended entirely worthies* to the plaintiff and those whom he re prerent*, and have dlachirgdd their crnr’ioyee* and abtndoned operations, and although demand has beeit made upon them have wrongfully' failed and refused itirt fall and refuse to proceed with th? comple tion of their contract, without any Just cam* or legal' excuse." SEEK NUMBER DEPOSITIONS High Waahingtoa Official* Be Asked Give Information Os Remit* WASHINGTON, Oct. 2«-<>P)—At tomey Haricot and a turn I her of other# prominent in official 'clrc’ea will he naked to give deposi tion* tomorrow for use In the insanity hearing of . George Remus, one time hootjrg katjr under first degree nar tier charges In -Cincinnati f«r killing hi* wife. t v Testimony to show Intimate rela tion* be ween Mrs, Remus <;»d Franklin Dodge. Jr., departmeot of Justice mainstay i* the Inveatlgution will be sought by the defense counsel. <’vun»el they wou’d un cover proof th.’tt Dodge and Mr*, no mils conslpred to xelie Itemu* fortune and contended that the plot bad oau* t-JTMh' Ituaifir/ Slot I ku*sd the niebot-' mg.. .r. _- ' Community Fairs Beinsr We& Today - • Headed by the Odd Fellow* baud and plentifully supplied with sou venirs, a gr. up of Goldsboro men will today vis t the eoramunity -<^rtr M in Die lutereot nr (he Wayne County Fair which s ari* Octob er 26. _ Fairs will today be held at Rom wovd, Grantham vlllr. '.he sehool will be the place of exhibition tn each instance and i»*re thm M*«o entries In the three fxtr* had been reported lart tyyii*iK®jTju- three tnwnllrp-i re i*-*r*nted i* ihe undertaking*— IVirk. Grantham, and Hkevllle *re •bow ng much interest in the events. FILE WILL OF JUDGE ROBINSON Mrs. Kobinaon b Liftiimt Bene. ' flirilry of Ats Ragl tad Par aoM»l Property The widow i*f the lata. W. 8 o’B. I’ot lusor i* mid# lifetime beneficiary of »H real and i«sraoaej prwpetty la the will of the lamented Jurist admit tril tn feale yeateeday la the office cf t leek of Court J. B. Hooka. Tk* do: manat wa, signed o# J use 23, I’SMI< r the provision# of the wHI W p O’B Robiaroff eldest uaa. of h|j heir* will In time tnkorH the house op Vine *»o#t "I* whlck he art* horn", tbo ‘ middle of three" between Will loan und DaDy street. John Robinson will ia Lint* la heflt a house and lot street west of the one willed to W. 8. O’B. Hidilnson und a one-kwlf iatcrest la tk* “office lot. ” Rusaell Hob .anon will la tim* in herit a house and let ah Via* *troat. Blackwell Rabiasoa, will la time Inkerit (ho bouse on Walnut airaot for the past years the home of the judge and one half Interval In the, pfftee kd. John M Robin*oa ia naarad execu-, ter of the entate aad guard Ign of Blackwell, the, eleven year old sos. CIRCULATION MEETING ENDS Harirty King, OMcmlbUmi Mm tgtr as Tfca Newa, | t ram AanevlMa ■/. , ot The News, retaitaad yesgeKky fritu Asheville, where he uUegged a two-day aessioa of the Aihociallon of Cirolin't Circulation Manager* held at the VanderMU hotel Dolly newspapers of North and Hou h C*r- Mtlna aad Teaaeesaee scat their circ ulation maaagera to the convention. While in Aaheyial#, the delegates wore eatcrialncd by the eity, by the /shevitls Times, and by thc Aeh* ville Citlaen. ’They did give uO a good (Ime. There isn’t any jokh about that," said Mr. King yesterday. “And I believe I learned a numbdV of things that will help aa give lb* suhsrrlbers to The New* better ser vice “One poia* which all emphasised wa* that the time baa gone whea a newspaperman be distributed to those >who, fall to renew their uuheCription wheu the paid up time expire* Ut your circulation Hats allow egao’ly the paid up business. aH agreed. This is a thing The News has striven for several year* and it is a pallcy which will be conducted without change." OABDIfKR MAKER TALK RtTTHKRFORDTON. N. C„ Oct, l«, — (JP) —'rtte uc’d of fate has corroded ihe heart or Rwrape. o. Max Oardaor of Bhtlbr, who recently rriaraed from wu extensive tour of the Old World told members of the Kiwanls dub here tonight, V—'— =r SSMtaR. -= of tu Delegates Os 53 Red Cross Chapters Will Confer Here (Special to News) - WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 Hans far p»r«leipatiuK in (he Kievan, h Annual Roll f'nJi ot !b# Aim rlcan Jled to be held from Armistice Dnjr f« ThaulpySvla*. *UI, he ftdtr w la coapajatlbh without*- tiunnl officer* at three regional fanutcaa U t’anallan, SiifciuH boadquanerx at rhe BTgaU teuton at Waahlngton baa announced that, in order to on th* proa ent foreign and domautl# program Ud to eonthiue disaster rotlof aerrlce on the scale for the last five yean, ihe annual in come moat be taeroaaed at least $1,000,000. As Ute Red Croat la ruppor hd by meniberahlp fee* thta mean* that the membership must b* increased by 2.000,000 ttsls tall, mnk- In* a total of 6,000,000 members. K-f --t> c< eta of each fee iwea to tha aa> t|>ofi treasury, tha balaaea reauthr \ itig w!Ji the various chapter* lor local wfrrk. , North Carolina cenfaroacc* art *ch*du led a* Mlowa: Wednesday, October 26, Hickory Hotel, Hickory; FVMny, October 29, Memorial Com munity Betiding, Ooidsbaro; Novfß ■ ,| • ■■■■ "TV."-' * Additional Steps By Coolidge Remove Self From Third Term Talk ZERO HOUR OF FAIR AT HAND •MNMW * & AN ImUmUim NM U Cradtt ahto Bapmitlm as Waywa’a Ptoimto Tht mio hour” to «ltM to kw 4 at tbo Ways* County Pair. „ On** a to mar* hour, romato w* til too gatoo am otffe*i)y ami for Uto annual eapoaltioo at lb# 'Vi yae Conatj Agriculturol araocta Uon. aback will to toM tom (man October St to 17. £1 to bd|t)e and taatto at the IMhK with exhhltar* n*d conoat. •toaaatrm la a last minute mah to i«t itair okhtbiu in glam for (to orraiaf. beomtory W. C. Denmark |ia« inalto all ■iiTlntoarti mi an w«l hlbttam aad coueoMioanalroy avary tblaf matt to la waipmo by tot later tbaa noon, Taanlay, Oetobat M. A wall roondad fair In all depart, manta trill to tbaparn open to tto pub:to. la too*, dMtora will find ao many comply*? exhibit*. that (toy will consUtata "tolra within a fair.' Tbo litoral pratlhjpn Wtomd by (to managoamut (to adnearionat dtoptoya baa ramltad la saoh wide lntarant that racortUbrrakJac Un b of aablWto tom torn reported by aaarty event deportawat arpriitotou. tto llmotook abow. a* naaai, win to n bit aa*. Btoeh S MJto UlM^PPßltoUff' r UL fit fid* pm*ytoi rmyttao what to tkowwbt want* bnnacn a«xt WWW* n J mM| w# A m w»i| tobtob a gRb ito uw /iwr i ssm» i w poaßn pant nm'atoht^lbtrypi- Cnrri tick caua|ka. Juat da ito onUbirta of Citaatoth City there la aa arm DC goad into of pant nvarngtag (torn 14 toll Into thick, lot Cravay aaay y them nra dapoalta as pad! tolt Warn worked trow. Hid ta ltd*, to tompaaw county, near the' Ptoly Hat of the Atlantic Cooat Um rattrand My Wilmington to FaynWotUla. la a busy •orange of payl. V : Vift* la IHS North CaraSba tocam* • producer of P«U tor too torn time, Th. production go la# by* mmo frot>< Croroa county, lb 1111 toy AUnybc Hnmua Company, M»w Sato, waa a producer and to tilt asd tlia tto , Pboi-Pbo Oarm ManutoOturing coin, paay. Itow Barn. Wug l ytafmt. Thera waa aa ptodadttoa to lMd. The pant produced lb Kartb Cnro> fbofttam n# faplllilbl wlftln at, A crowing,tormond tor’(trb;)<>r in ml aad o MtotoS -d.At.ld HMMtoMto. a- ' ■*w*s RNSn iy d*cot *u one Os onr imgor apt jfHnc«i |t|| ||| | i t| ||r -—-atonritotototo—n^f^ 11 " .-•" 11 *' w Air Matt Carried Over AMO Miles ——r*» - BIBNOa AI RES, Oot. 11—(jP>—F\- tb«r Argentine oapttol today worn aSa to read tottara aad niftopapan ton day. niter they ware mnitoy in tot rope, a arming of from • to I day* over tbo tbaa aa n ranyß of fbo «oto crntM at. tbo two Vtotocb 'wilatofk '* iylte Wlmm y n.nSke.