• f .’ll. . WEATHER 1. t". pah iimtT ato «tmt . VOLUMB BIX; NUMBER 205 ASH STREET MAN DIES INSTANTLY IN AUTO WRECK MfiRfES FAfAi. TO AGED LaGRANGE HAN Was Hit By An Automobile P) W, Gxmiy of OoMoWro Wrhr* iu Car; Say Acekkat Unavoidable Her L. T. Rigbteell. «&, retired «4aUt*r died X*» *nufy at noon In • Kjiwtee Hospital from the effects of Ofrtac book struck by aa automobile driven b> r. W. Urady, local urn", In LpUcaa'k* FrldsJT tvenln*. Witnesses C AVpid this car and daubed agaiiat the car driven, by Mr- OTady, aithobirh the Iteter otorretl ' bla machine fft the highway and tutu p Ivlafbone postjn an t/fort to miss him . Y * . The aged naan was knocked down ligd It is siifrmaed * fractured skull »«stag&3 who nhts head struck the pavement caused hi* death. Mr. '' Orady rendered all possible assist hgoc la the cose; and accompanied tho wltiue* chair W.te Udt W.V* At*' 1 been mjcctrwfnl in excluding in ct ' 1 ■ •• - , ; .. ”,. •.- *• 81XTSSN PADH TODAY Puree Snatcher Ie Operating In City Tin second purse snatching epi sode for Ooidsboro wllhia a four hours occured taat even ug pa Mrs. WlUtoiu Brown was returning to bar home after dosing her fruit stand on Center street. A usgro hipped up ..behind Mo. Brown «n Sou h Onter, near the Brlnhldy bexv. und matched her purse containing 115. Her retrain* . brought crowds but cuplrit made pood his escape. Johnay Newton, negro who had matched u pursf ccnta’oed |1« from Kum h Kornegay, earlier in the day. was.captured by police, PSYCHOLOGIST ' TO SPEAK HERE Dr. Honline of PMad«na, CaMf., Will AMrtna Sunday School Convention Officers of tho Goldsboro Tuwnsblp Sunday School Association have an. soaursd w TTuU he Apuual Township Sunday school convention wilt be held In thr Friends Church on ThOlU day and Friday. Demunber 1 and A. Speaking at the different sessions o' the cunven lon will be Ur. M. A'. Houltoe, Parade ns, raliforida. who Is Mild to be one of America’a moot noted psychologists and learea In Sunday school work; and Mr. |).W. of theTforth CareHna Sunday Ahtooiatlnn. who It welt uufl fafnrahly Known by the aAaJority of the Sunday School workers In North t aroHaa. The meeting will be under tbu Joint ausp'ers of the Goldsboro Towa ship. Wayne C<»u«ty, anil«d;orth Ciro linu Sun lay school Associations. The local officers directly ig charge of the arrangements are W. H. Kdgor ton. President Goldsboro Township Sunday School Association; J. R. Paper, Township Vice President; gnd M A. Shaver, Township Secretary. The meeting 1* interdenominational and all Su-mlay School workers in tbu city am Inrl ed to attend. It Is expected that all Sunday itchocls in the Goldsboro Township will be rep recanted la the meeting .* lavl at'«a« aro also being sent to*pa»tor», uup. crlnlendenU, ami Sunjay school teach ers throughout the county, request ing them to srsll themselves of the opportunity of hearing Dr. H«nUna and Mr. hints. mskiftsim n.oon IkAMAGK MI.aW.OM MRMPHIS, Tcnn., Oct. *2 t/P> ToUl damage to the stats of Mlasts vlppi from «te spr og flood was plac ed tonight at nearly Md.ooh.Wtu by the Mlesiedppi lliver Flood As.focla lloti following,an extensive surysy of the SI counties affected. * Mothet Powell Lad Awarded Verdict Os #4,500 By Jury A I wo weeks term of Wa»»e County Superior Court for the trial of civil 4*-*. Judss* Henry A Grady ol Clinton providing, came to an end yortUcdqy wlifn Judge Grudy signed ordir» (n several c**- had b*<*u dltMissed by Judge Grudy tho afternoon previous. )*oiveli, boy %bo in«'i-h« ago Woa Imdly crushrd about the body L 7» Mil gfFvutor kcfld.'trt n* Ttrt? Wgyni National Bank Building, was awarded a verdict of 34.500 against the bank a Jury finding that the Injuries were • attained nv.a ressll ts "the negtr gsneo of It) 4 defendant as alleged in tbs complaint.” Tfie jury replied ncgatlvn,y on a question iu Lp wlioth er or not th* boy, lfsllie, l)*d contrl bqted to til* Injuries ‘by negligence. From th* 51.500 award. 51601.60 was set issbl* by tbe court to take ear* Cl -nedical service* and hospital ex pense*. M. B. l/>ftiu n* prosecuting attorney In the action wg, awarded by the rourt 11645.75 for hli servlos. The hlanco off 1546.75 Is to be h*ld by the deck of court, J. B Hook* for the use of young Powell, CAMPAIGNTOBE WAGED IN CITY . . % Seeking Funds for Baptist Edu cation Institution in This Section *. > The Baptist ecu rnaial Campsign, which haa for tta purpose the rata eg of IIAM.ouO with which to free the seven Baptist Colleges la the eta « from dlt* and slro to provide much needed equipment for some of them, was launched some w««k« ago la the Brat district of the Sis e Including Bins aesociatione around Raleigh. The b g Idea Is to fiee th«se kisUtu tiuns which have made such a valu able fsoatr button to the ltf« of the denomination aud to the State by IMO wkm the Baptist 8 ate £on rmllun wl l celebrate Its tianial. The Campaign will lie cvlpplekd In the Ceutrarwe- Raleigh dls rid by Octohsr Th, ‘ Campa'gn then shifts to the MBtli eastern and south 'ast ern sections of the State including the following associations; Roanoke. West. Ghewan, Neuse-Atlantic, east ern, VtlmingtuiA Hrunswk'kj ,Cap* rear-Columbu». Bladen and the Rob csop. A chairman aad a key-woman will be Selected for each association. The asscclatlors wl'l In turn be dl vld"d into divisions with chairman and reprsacntatlvw women, together with a similar organisation In each church. Hs of violating the pevhbHlon law following county wide fglttSo. were transferred this afternoon to Spartan burg Jail. Twen y four negroes and 1 seventeen white tut u were removed from the U»lon *county aud town prisons where Uu-j hud been loduorl upon arrest and were t ansported to Sparaaburg in n truck and several automobiles all guarded by officers. | Tbe boy was horribly crushed when i caught between tho e’evator and u part of the building. For weeks it i was doubted tlrd be would live. | A Javy‘katMflbund In another iase that N. C. liWhoil was the Ttiuoll Grocery U>.ipaeJ’ 12552.4*' wl*h Interest fr in JulJ- tlistj 4 A * . the slKV'ff was SJ,t»O; thst lit* 8? i fosdtfut bril not conceaJcd himsc-'f tg> '’trarrt vrrnrv rrt rapt'!': UTai tile rt to aitslgu ! properly in an effort to dcfra\?ii cre ditor, . * I'ivonc was griuit«-d Msry Ruth I Ailsm* ft'oto A. J. Adains and she wax atlowod to assume her maiden nxnis of ;dury Ruth llartsfisld. Absn docii cut and adultery were thy I srounjji .on whioh tba dlvorca was ! yrautc-i. , J. R Kelly was named reoelrar with fall p.’*Aih* tx operate a urtaln fitm RjiW iq .i}tjgatk>n betweeu Ruby Gee Edmondson • and others against H J. Wsmn and ono other. The *u*i of. G. F. Herring sgaitvH A. fc. Fife* wat wmpr ittiisfd And tUl«l**ftJ. - ' ■ GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER AIR 19X7 BOOKCAMPAIGN TO BEGIN SOON High School HlufknU Going Out For Five Hundred New «. - Velume* Niw week w|T. b» "Ba'dl.U‘.d Wash" in the GoUlsboro h'ah s.hsol with the 420 student* getting them selves in rsndltMMa to put across a i) vnpsign fer liouks the fallowing seek. The wdak beginning Oc ober ft ha* been sd aside as Book Wack, smiyhirlag. 6*U week the high school Wildcats Si* planning to put on a campaign far books to fill op the hum!rods of.foqt of empty ehdving. A cSmmittM of twenty Sin aendenu have beta elected, two wprcsrnts live, for each of the thirteen l!«mc Room acctivas. ThU committee of 'tilde* * Is work ng with a committee irf the faculty d»d plane are being unde to msh« the w«*k of the book campaign on* thid will Vtsnd out at a’vak during’which many volumwi were ccniributed to tho locsl high school library- ’ " • Th» libraty Ikcillties at Iho high school are inadequate to meet tb* need i of the 4» student*. There are approximately eight buadrul* Vol. u;ne» In «hc library fl the present time, bw only about half this num ber arc of mG value U> the stud-nt*. l all de#ert«»«»ts of the school, rdorokec. boejte |rc needed, and o»s .teodod badly Mh"y ot the boy* n*d girts »mvs had «o aeok cl*ewbere for anterl*l need** to prepare umaxt -> found th.rt of thp forty or. fifty b*ok i' l.trrd as reference books, only, titrso or four "umber poiw In the nb rury »i tficprcsf*t tfm*'. A goal of five hundred* book* Ua* been set. The comnattci! of twuoty *lx stadev 1 * working wth tho facul tv comn'lltce oro working towards llial goal* I.lns Os Ik# books wanted ;,arciiU will be g ven *u Invita tion to come cut.' UNDY ADDS TO FLYING FEATS When He Reached New York Today Will Have Made 22,000 Miles Tour NEW YORK Oct. 22— (A* When Col. Charicg Undhcrgh convplcUn his Um-e mouth hlr tour of the United Htutes tomorrow afternoon hi will hav*> covered a dUtancc of 2-',3M. mite*, stopped in cucb of ststev. kL;.L»'* lb' delay to rorot. This. del*> »w< dm to u heavy ;*T rn roiiTMterMf.. ah tje ffttl in' of the tour. f.BVKRVOi: lt» 4l»f TtFALT ItAI.KIGII. o* t. 22 -(iflp)—Governor McGoun has nuuiv up his mind as to appoint; i vut to th? State h'nir It ard on l u* soon »* luval condiiiob* exil ing for 1290.05* csml) payment by the city of Raleigh are made he- wil an. nounce his nppoistm ~| f ortun;ty (a hear tbe speak ers Dr. Hudson H. ktcMtHla*. mission ary on furlough, will occupy the pglr pit bvta moruirtg aud evening today. Vi 'l, Milium will speak on b«bis pkiuu of world masioas. Hts nd drc-sMs will strve m» the key note for the whole program of the local chufth for the next law digs'; Ur Walter N. Johaeau, for many years pro:idneqt iu North Carolina Baptist State Convention work, land now *H-ritary of the league Hte w.iml* in the HoOthoru Uuptiat Can vsqlh-N. comes Monday tor .a sc rim of Tve sddrcesaa on Htewarddhlp. I*r. Juhfpnn gill pgfach «*0 owning nt seven-thlriF. Other hpenber* of note wJtu ere so tome Into* In th?- program **e Ur. Chee.-E. Vaddiy, Corrw , jhllob ftec ruisry «f the Uspttig Stg’e Conven iiim. Dr M. L. Kt si, r, Huperintend ent «f the Tliamaaviilo Orphanage, llr. Friutrl* P. Gelprii, President of Wehe Forest Cotlege.aad Or. O/T • The ptstor and fhdple of the First M iptHit church extend a cordial in - vUatloo to all to attend these wrric •it*. Already sunny out es town part ies ere planning to come and enjoy the feest of good thing*. -.—. ■ -„ 1 |r '- r , f KAlLftOkfi AGE-AT MIT BY TRAIN, AMD MCfl BYLVA, Oct. tt~~ijry~W lllLe Sutton Wtcd 50, agent for a rlothhlg conuern died today in a hospital bore of 4a- Jurci received yesterday when be sore* struck' by a southbound Southern ItUlwqjr train near Ut* ,T»*an. exccutSi; sticretary of ths county government-edvlsery cortnlf- Slop, following U eripgo rev tent Cnro- Haa. said Usisj In* fiiuKd Shtrilf E. A. Ksnbu'ry. Grevn.'v county, in his < <>Jtlw bunig the rapidly growing commiiatty. R* haa laketi Item delight In thu pro x re*» that has Issu made and with mo-, earnest Interest h»i Jot nod tn . Ueerily with the |n>'K r »m now being' carried out at Pin* Foreet. Rev. and Mrs. June# a«d uhiklrun com* fag auto mobile to Goldsboro last Friday or ient on and art viritlqg friends both U Fine Forest and n Goldsboro. They u re at present being iatertatoed la the hospitable home of Mr aad Mr* SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY 17 Year Old LaGrange Youth Held For Grand Jury Under Bond SSOO Fair Parade Program On WilHam Street o Over elxty floats will enter the j big parade which will on Tuesday open the Wayne County Fa r, ac cording tn Edwin Joseph, la charge of the parade. Tlte line of march will form on William street in front of the school property. ] Tuesday's News wil carry the , complete Ha* of march. EIGHTY HURT AS STANDS GIVE WAY - ° , • , - ■ . ' ■ Probably 15 Hurt In Cnah at V. M. I.—Maryland Foot- Ban Game ItKIIMUNt). Oct. S3-bfl—AMut «Ighty person* were Injured,. perhaps 15 *erlou»iy aad mtsuy *ther re reived minora cuts and bvwkßU when a aec tion of the stapd* At -May* Island Park crushed Her* today a* the spec tators stood >r their scab to shear n bri’Han run fay Item**, V. M. L half buck In tba gaai* with 'Mtatf- Umd. Almcet miraculously no oos wan killed, - - ' Grka rout the ate aa ttm stead hte (.ra*h!TtV worn wsThgAted fw- 2® arlhekM wliiic f vemtn, police anti f mulaocni won- rushed |o the setae, J*4«ar spectator* who rushed ftxr wsrd were held In check by police Mum eed order was maintained. - Lo»h than an hour efts* tbe ermh every hospital in the city was report ing Bats of Injured *»d every avatU rbl* physleian was cat Tad In to ask hurried uxqtnjjtaiica* of th* petionts- Tonight sfTyrnJ of the Injured wore conctednsd to be !p a serfatet co*dt- Go*. The stands reserved for ths Maty land Support or* began to break front from five t* fifteen feet above, tbe ground collapsed, throw djwdk yiolrntly to the ground. Iu ] Jured m*« st'emUcd to aid tbstr, wlrse and young women who oeosa ; ponied the j/, fn nta*r case* unable te walk tbehiselves * •1 -'.■-BsavmteteseiteteftMgtehmii MM am a -wups KAIL CIRROLL HOIK AG Al 9 NEW YORK, Oct. S»— —'Texiu strtxmlng front eyes. Earl Oar roll came back today to Broadway scene of both His rise and fhH. On the train that brougti him from Atlontx pcn'tentlary where be bad Just c< mpitted port of a eenUeoe for perjury, the producer had been unable to tell what his feelings about re-entering his former hou*t« were. John 8. Davis. The church will serve dinner on the ground Monday In honor of the Jou*» family. The heeds; Hcheql sad J. It Htes* flu'U around Humify flcliuol, by Mr. J. Jj. AW* ■**#*«* . rkaaeag. Attß-'' , 'AA'-.i>iF'Pxu - aiy' m h»A:* ha* advanced, the üburch hod ■ d>» he •rabirg*-*! meet the dntlFd, t£ iho growing close**. Today the church will aocomoilaic fisc hundred pouple at pr.Mhtng service and ha: Sunday school* rooms fyr six classes. Nr. Jehu M. Jlhchsll Th ' Hufdxy school roomi la the end of the hulidieg hare Item dedicst ed to the hoo*r of Mr. Jupn’ M. Mitcln-ll and a memorial glass tablet will be unveiled by the pastur of th* Circuit today. Thin tablet reads 'Ox follows: *‘Thane rooms are dudlwted Ij tho mffxentf of John M. MKcheU. Eupsrintendsnt es Hind Forest Sun. day school, for twenty-three yean IWW-1923. ” The widow of the lot* Mr. MKch*ll. Mr*. Minais MUchek tsachm •the primary class In one ot these (CoaUpOed op ff^ 1. V ~ , MttmUdj of-• The Attoelated Press * *Mm*rW*» ■ ... * , .a, ' . _ . jHucb mn cnrnr i. . I 2 Tragedy OctvnTit lllghtHfr 1 oSSST*** j U. J. HTHICKLAN D*H CAR £ ■ HIT BY WOOTEN HOBBS ¥ M3 UP«S“ Hfefcwa) Marrie Bt rick leaf, *»2 Bait Aah ipa lutitanh killed at, 11:6 ye*te«fcr naming wb«* tit*' Piped touring car In width be waa riding «m •Iruek l»y a Pulck aedau driven by Wbdtca llobfea, |T. *f 1/vQrangc, The aoe'dant occurred when the Bev no Spring* BeuUoe road rroaaaa high* way IC, about It mfICC Mat of tbc atty A coronar'» Jur, impelled by Cbroagr t. R. Rabinaou wrd<**d young, Hobb* bald for the grand Jury and be waa rw**»od under IMO bowl. The Duick driven b) the UUraage you b atnick tbe Ford after the latter had alfboat cleared the highway <• Un direction es Heaton. ~il m raid. The Mgbt rv COM turned oo*. iilct i!b ARMftd ii Mr Itrlckltifl • 9 * waa catapulted %•* U» ttetolao Uck i cf m :*®*f .. »I.^L .w^ \w -X-, L\ * m jt y. ft. * a«• ’ »*• j■■■ j* ■■ ItifhlA «kik bwa««tt ITuhto At &' time of the accident wga.«rmi*her, * W* about the «K*t^^Nm4er. yetetflfr. llarfla tot a distance of etftt II feel !**«» f topping, lb tfotimocy before Uyu u.rocer'd Jury, young Hobba aald that ho gab trfchfag lometbing under 40 mtea an Hour, dint be gouudtd hi* bom f* tbe crowing, mod Me foot brink* and waa under the ta-prewioo <• | Fbrd which waa ggproachiag from !||tc glmctlon «f Begin Npriage would turn down tbe highway He accord ingly bora to hta Ifft and.tba (mat . Ml tender of hia ear utruek the left * /, rear tide es tbe Fend If be bad wet tnlajudced the Intention* of tbe driven* the Ford, top accldetrt, might Run, it WW *tatcd told the jury tiigflm in toe direction of hat bg remarked to hte nerd Dale that they off tint highway from (Hobba Hu'ckf that It then* aroand” If it rle Uwbalu the Bulck t tone then fbrty mliew .mailed jm to a. bom being MWBdrd. He aoid be wao -look »g la the direction es aoidabore and dad not tea tbe eragbi but bebrd It and beck at o**ce —»er*ral hua. deed >ind*-an4 found B rtcklaag (bad. ... -'} 'i * ■ • "V? * l x-ooard. pair, who bad been tbe companion of If». BntJUi. Mid Mm waa looking beck and aaw the car* craab. Ha acid that U>< Kurd bed cleared toe north aide of tbe highway —the aide utateot Mr. Purr ab a hewe ant to the left of tb» driver of the Bukk whan it wu etmek. j Towog stridtinad bad for three . aU _ y*l«ax »n. He wu known a* a yen* mha at ttoffiae +***~m#p asul wa* A-—- n-enter of tbw f Vttmi Btbtiat tbtiadb. Surrtvlug, him are hie Widow uod two jamall cblldrue. He waa a *on es fawtim F Birfirklerd ‘ The latter wan overcome with grief wbtn be waa brought to toe aoane of the accident and viewed the body es Ida aon. “My oo y boy." be aald a#d grardutiiwd. and t»»Wiug'*in Wa grief he waa helped letoaa automoMte - and breagb: back to Wa teenb hero, t omuriting tke'eatepor'a Jury which bald ro«b* Hobba for tbe gntet tmw wtteU. w.rMteoo* 8.. W. rm; George Barett, Grave* Jteaw. J. D. WMtUsyand C. B. Sottoar^ » yyw|i fn *| Ib Mfvtewt hr Mi AW A ilia- - . A I* mother not wvi oßm* _ (cadstMiMifintvl ' 4 -ft * * um t'm