PAGE TWO I TUBBY !i SEEM Kt lA> Florence Brooks Writes * Best Chest Composition The Community Cheat campaign committee, in ordier to create intern* and u> atimuieio a deaim for know ledge of the purpoeea of the Commun ity Cite*. offered two prlie*. one for the beset egaay enbmiUed by a *tu dent M flwgrammar school Florence rixpokt, member of the aeeenth It rede, ben Keen adjudged winnerCJ'in the areond co a teat Others to receive bon ' ora We mention among grammar rchooi competitors are: Griff Por ter. Mailoo Weil, Dorothy I-aogwton. Harsh Lee Bee* Kermit Croat. Clar encw King. Florence Baker, and Haien Ede manu, all m*mb*l« of 7-A. opin mi NKurrn Open your hearts for oner In your lilt, to hWp the penr and neglected out of their Utrlfe. Open yoar heart*j|«d gire ytoer peont«» to tha Community Cheat, to help lift up suffering humanity. The atnry I am going to tell will ahow yea thi aid of the Community Cheat. It helped uplift a girlla »oul and belp ed make her career. Jean** we a a girl fourteau years of age. Her home traa to* of poverty. Everyday Jean** would go oat apd steal pad pick pocket* to get breed and clothtad foif her laralid mother •Ml leap brother -One day Jeaaie came upon woman ataading in front as a ateae oeaaMag roll of dollar bHta. Bhe thought that would be a good pictr WP W). BiWwhen tha wom an pot her money bark In her rocket book. Jeaaie tea up *» her and perked It away. The woman was too quick fdr her and caught her by the ana By that time a great crowd bad gath er! around ue two. An officer came up to eee what all the commotion wee he had learned whet Jean!* had done, he we* going to *r rpet her, hot the woman aaid. look lag at .leant* poorly Wed and thin "Officer I do not push the charge. T•» a willing worker c os the nrunify Chest and I thtnk f bars totted romaooe that can be benefited by It.". "Little girl, you' ore surely lucky la baing In such good hand*,* mid the officer The woman turning to Jeontc Who wav beyond amaaemmt, mid. "‘Com* with me, little girl. I have eomethlng to toll you." Tha next scene cafrtm u* to Joan- Battery Services Beginning Monday, November 14th. - ) “rr- ; '■ < Recharging .Batteries • $1.50 Recharging Radio Batteries • * • SI.OO Rental Batteries, per day . ; 25c Cleaning and Greasing Terminals 25c Delivering Battery, Extita .1 25 c Allowance for Old Batteries Wit li 1 or More Dead Cells 75c Battery Terminals, put on ..... ..m. 75c Foj-d Battery Cable, put on SI.OO No rentals let out unless a battery is left for Recharge. Rentals X. *ill be charged for each day are kept out of the shop, wheth , er used by customer or not. We close at . 4:30 Saturday 7:30 J. & J. Battery Company i v . v H. L. Jones Goldsboro Battery Co. - [ pd o ma'am, / MISSUS AJOaTOW \ CAwe ME -THIS it’s hou*«. Robert, who M Je»iue‘# brother, coming down the street. IMP be darned If it ain't Jennie." ‘ Well, well." laid tna. "*h« must have bati good picking today. Look how deras ed' np aba i*. And who fr th*l thar woman walking beside her T" Jennie finally get* to her own houae, *'Come right in, Ml** Holt, and meet my »a •nd my brotber Roberta!” Jeaaie throws her arm an-und her mother** neck' and aaya, ”M*. I h*ti a moat wonderful experience taalay. M|a# Holt saved ma from ta-ing, arrested unit the told nr about the Commun ity Cheat. Ma, they have sent you and brother nice clothing, ami Ma . I'll never hare to meat »g*in and you tan never guess what I am going to lie. Ma, I «m going to boa Girl Pcout.” Now that you hav* read my atory, 1 want to make an appeal to the clti sens of Goldsboro to make a donation, large or smalt, to the fund of 125.000 which is needed tor the Community Cheat to help carry on it* work. JOHN OAOD'/MO?TTulbtu .... OPERA HOUSE—TODAY MttS, AjoaTOA), / A VUHAT D*D HtoO OO POft L s W Hca.TMAf tMiQAve lY St)U THAT CAHe? /* —“• \y - AiOTMtM, 1 SHE 'JUST GtMME *T ; j! QUEEN HIGH HAS PLEASED MANY Coning t<> Goldsboro Ofie .Night Only, Monday No vember 14 The moat important musical event of the o-avon la the engagement of “Queen High” at Otc Mas'ou The*tre M inlay "November M, Hero is a play Dial h»« delighted the miillon*. It h»* been translated Into the language# of the civilised world and the numb»r of perform ances must-be something running im ;> flvr figures. lAie piece contain* Ju t shout everything ih’it pe»|.<> enjoy in the lhcntrc And the vjwtoua iugre (■lent# are mix'd In tho right pr.ipdr’- tien After the huge ruct;* I *# of "Hjoesom fine" and The Student Prime which 'ndlmtod that the wheel bad turseij, nnd tjjat American theatre goer want ed clean musical play» fc a* a relief irom the ero or epoch of’Tflocfled Hut •cfujifs show# that had been pt/ading Milder the name of Revue—mowa of them neither mimical »r (gmnrtc—it win decided to produce Ihe famous CHS GOLDSBORO NEWS How Strange. " / SOO CHOOT AfcK HCt2 \ FOOLTT, o*o VoO 1 ? (JtMeMSea vajhat * told VOU UUOOLD HAFPEM *F . i EVE(2. HEARD OE HbU . V. DOtAJ6 6UC.H A THiAJC J oid’-comedy '"A P»ir of Six**” s with cubical trimming*. o From the Dret night in New Vork, it was a 'jen::atlon*l aurce*a It r*n tiier* ono roiid year rt the Anita *» -Mir theatr*. The company earning to this city i.a* just completed a«a-eeord break ing engagement of twenty aev-n r.-erks in Itoaton. It ia the a-sme ‘Qtfeen High” organization *liat was - irh a trcmertdoin fen ‘lttOn ;it tlo ( h*y*‘ nut Htreet Opera HCtaff, Phila i’ -Iphls. • The company i* headed hy - Eddie Unlive, noted nm-ical c: rod tur-*/ itfany Broadway Rucce.-neti. nnd Dave Maltcn, who actired so hexv yin the ff m<-dy role in Rtyie Mari ’. Other* in the t:»s» are Margaret lA‘i\ played the .Itjullug feminine rule in No. Nl> ..Nannclte Neil Collin* of The Student'Prince f»me; < rrie Ulen leading woman with Al Joaon for three ongAous; Mary Marlyn, oas of the Miizl's ts Dloiom Time; Georgette Armfield, marvel of New York, V who bcHide:' merely adding to the nkto(lal embeidshment of the com edy, tan really,wing and dance. The c*mr*)ny parries Itu own nrclitMitn MALCOLM St. CLAIR Noted Director of Feature Films . • • s. * 3 wrifes: “My w ork os fl motion fixture director is extremely trying on my voice, which is in constant use when I shout instruct A-rfyw. tions through my megaphone to my MM QT actors . A good smoke will relieve the 1II& S nervous tension incident to picture ygjj* making. Lucky Strikes do that and at • EfiGfr ' r the same time, they protect the throat - by leaving it dear and unirritated for • ** ' \ \\ ' ' j/ . ,u|RiL/ to G.d Ish iro She was lodged in J*ii and the automohiit end liquor confiscated. ■> 'TEN ARE HELD 1 FOR QAMBLING Mayor Hill Hinda Number of White Citizens to County Court ..... , „q j The reglar Monday session of police ccurt yf terday morning proved to be . a lively one, » goodly lino of drunk# ; i'd recklda* drivers being bn the dock ; et. and reverai local men chargvd iwi h gambling The tumbling case* w; r* bound over to the County Court inext wceh. 3‘ hn Austin, cplorwl. ch*rg*d with j liitng drunk and disorderly, was fined • five dolinni "nd the cott* Walter Whitley, colored, charged Rheumatic Pains Yield to Capudine C; ia e* atw not necessary and cer ti-lnly not dt-airabU- in the treatment of rMtumattain, Capfldln* reltaye* the pain quite a# effee ively and also re- Hl* 0 duces- the coagegtion and Inflammn t'on, thereby aaslntlng in the treat tifon while it makes ibe patten com. fortablc. Best of ail. there i* no dan. TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER i, I Ht. with spading aa autinsiUii, w**a fined fire dollars and ‘h« m*M. Enoch Komagwy, eaten*, ter ba ing disorderly, waa finad ftvn dollars end the co*U la hta cans. _ Robert Thompsoa, colored. also charged with being dkordorly, was atoo aaeeased with a fhse of tee del- Inr. and the co *Y- • Jcnntng Jon**, coloind,, charged A Itb reckless drtvinf of an automo ti e. was bound to th* oounty coyrt Javes Tyndall, whit#, era* let off with *b* payment of the soali oa a charge of speeding an aatosaoMle. fUmon Taytoe, colored, aa a ebaege of drunkeneaa, was let off with the payment* of the coats in fete cmns. fchn Baker, colored, oa d charge of (peeding aa automobile waa fined un dollars and the chcte. . ADon Dovls, colored had to pay out ten dollars and the coaU la bis case on a charge of being drunk awl disorderly. J. W. Grady, white, on a charge of being dttsrderly wsa assessed with -the payment of the costa la bin caae. W J Sprinks. on a charge of forg f ry. waa bound over Jo The oounty court. J. C. Freeman, colored, charged wife being drunk add disorderly, was fined ten defers and the coals ia his c#»e. J Ed Vinson. George Hopewedl, P*te Teleh«n. Joe H. Hallow. Cbrl* Law yer. Bill Polensa, J. Yf Milter, M. B Barn*#, Joe Bara O’Benrry and C- M. Grantham, were all hound over to ronntv Court next week on charges of gambling. gar of acquiring the drug habit ifor Capudine Contains no opiatea. Every year more surf more physi cian* are relying upon Capudine la the trea men* of Rheumatism. It ta the log'cal ag«nt to control tha pain, fever and Inflammation. 0«t a bo.tle t»day at your druggists; 80c and 30c slat's,—(adr.) _