WEAfHKB \ * 4- fliij!* VOUpB Hit NUMBER SSI sSRHMMWQRfHN •# jfc- GOVERNMENT ESTIMATES 12,842,000 BALES COTTON $20,000 RAISED FOR COMMUNITY CHEST ON FIRST DAY State’s Cotton Worth 16 Pa* Cent More Than Big Crop Os Last Year N«rtk fipilM Eertimule U I'bmi MW! HffPOUTv .( \V/ Report Wywi tacruw of an mm £Lo ov« RAI.aOH, Not *~<4*> - North CaroinaV eot*m crop « 848,000 baton worth a boot fttjo«,Oe« »h:«i about 18 percent greeter val*# than but petr’n 14U.100 b»l*a, Frank Parker, agricultural eatUeictan for North t'arollaa, bald tonight, following tie Baaed 0* I) MtG) average tor the ffrrt weak la November, local market, nd IS a«*ta fjaM to the tarmera laat Noretrace, thiy ypwr’e drop U worth X ******* am *cfa mar.- th»n the 10S0 cram, , The nadtonql bgl* crop I# „ w’Jrtfc more than teat year 1 # Nortmbcr value*. Mr. Parker fid. /.-V . WASHINGTON. Nee, *~<4*> - A cotton crop of 17488.409 equivalent fto pound* t» th« bale this yee* i* »r nrpmw t m iqe *w|»n urat ot «trka44ai« u» Os November . T J 1. ... - A ntooMl ago A |PC p of 12,678,000 - c»p touting 1T,07*47? tales with • yield *t 183.0 pound* per acre. Drow tip <047*400 ncrea tor h«r veat this yeer.ee preliminarily evtl mated, the ImUoated production would " apprexiotote g 'yield of 151.2 pound* ot lint cotton per sere. The yl*ld p*r acre and indicated total crop by *t»te» follow; Virginia —ttW pound* per acre and total production 54.M6 bales. Nirtii Carolina—*Js and 048,000 B uth (M-fling—l 44 eod 799,990. WASHINGTON. Nov. 9-<#—Cot ton of tiue W> crop planed prior I ° 'lO Novemehr t »-Cotton prlceO broke 94 a bale on the New Tork Ojthsa exebaaae today on pub lication of the DerarUnent of Aarlcul tore crop eatimfte showing an indi cated crop of 15443.000 an Increase of 104.000 brer .the October estimate. METHODISTS v BEGIN WORK Caiim of Superannuated Preach era Occupieo Coherence . In Rfleifh RALBlfa* NOV. 8--(4b —Plead in* for action f> ritikblhh «n adequate ■ niad for superannuated preacher*, I>r. t-uth Todd, »ecretaty of the. board of ritUnee, Mflbodlnt Episcdpal jduuxt.JgEttL ti4&r»nted sr!**!* r " . Heading the Metbodiat conference here to da tbtlr part in attainla* the 88,000.000 *o*l *et. Bishop Edwin Jfounon of Charlotte presided over the Coufercnce, urged that action be taken a* thrre v ty tomttbie* put of Joint when Metho riiet ininiatrr retire* after 88 year* of nerwice and feta only US a mouth - while a railway conductor gets f 125 a month. '• .?• ’ . Borne of you minister* are suffer - in* frant an inferiority complex, said the htkhep. The laymen wtot lewder* tnd let aeexkort yon to pet behind this movement which h*s been a hu miltafloa to Ito ilml through its I*l *i m*t. - : . . { y ' *•' ’ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. .» $ J « . v » - fTL’Vlfit, ■rJutJCafik* ** • • if a . - • SCHOOL WILL GIVE PROGRAM St. Mary’n WiU Ohaervr Educa tion Week With Patriotic Celebration American Education week will bo observed la 8t MsryW School tht*' city on the evening of Armtotice day by a combined educational and r«t riotic program. The exercise* will be bald to the school hall, etartiag at 8 o'clock. A numeral Invltotkm has been extended the public to visit the achool to thin occaeion and • a toad the entertainment. The program follow*: Addrea* of Wetocme Frank Noah naan Drmou*trattan In Mu*k> Bon** and Recitation*—Pupil* of the Kindergarten, Fir* end Bcrood grades. ReciWi'lons and Dranntieotton*-- Grade* 3 and 4. Signing the Declaration of Indepen « nee— (Dramatisation ). Kconoml? V*iue as Rducatlou" h, Rtadiag-Violet !*>»« , “What Will Higher Education Do Ilf iMik. "Our BcKojl* «ad Their Mlealon"— Reading - Loul*e Fnrfour. "Americaninr, of The Catholic ■ ■■ Old Glory—Recitation Vi-ginia Romunus. ' Salute to the Flag. w« gilute Thee, Old Otary"— Chor «a —Robcal. *Hn Flanders FleM*‘ , ~Re<> NAKED Nov. 9--44*)-Dr. I . T. Kann of High Point ha* been ap pointed rerreeentative of the North Carolina dtportimm of the American I-egtat on the rehabilitation commis sion-of the national organisation, V. P. Rouaaeau. retiring department ad jutant announced today «n hia return from an txecutive commitoee meeting *1 Orecnaboro. !,1 | ■ ,n * ' ■ " Fire Badly Damages A Smithfield Hoi^e 81HTHFIRI.D, Nov. 9 -(4>)-Flre of unknown origin waverly damaged the handeome residence of Mr*. lil lani B«nt!er* here today, causing a Joe* of aevernl thousand dollar*. Th* fire aimed In the roof of the dwelling i nd galnerl considerable headway be fore checked. Traveling Incognito, Santa Claus Makes Stop In City (By JOHN D. LANGBTON, Jr.) Folks, I have acen him. bare shak en hand* with him, and have .evett talked v'tk-Wffe Mf, *-r ail Bsny Claus is just * huo on being Ilka the rest of us, although he i* a ra’her un usual one. having remarkable power* uoplane, lat * vesterday after*-on (about five o'- (lock to he exact). A taxi, by a pro schedule, was there to meet him, *nd he wm quickly driv*n to a local hotel lb the cFy. where h* reg istered for the night. * It vae only by chance that 1 hap pened to hear* that he wa* her* While is king the day registry la the hotel mentioned atones, I borpeoed pf SERMONS TRIAL STARTED COURT UPHOLDS BAD CHECK LAW JohOca Attoms Writes Opinion , Affirming Constilulionality . Qf Act RALEIGH. Nov !MAV The State Fupremc court late today declared the 19|i bed check law to be con- Mitutlcn*!. Justice Adams wrote the optlilhn. th* revefyal of the holdtog* of Judge ('racy to li*4tox superior court last •tone. <7h|ef Juitlce Btacey and Jus tice Connor wrote concurrent-!** whil'd Justice* Br-gdeu and. Clarkson * rote -dime n tin a opinion*. The law upheld w«a drafted and paeaad to prevent the giving of worth leas check*. U dtnouncea as * crime the mero non payment or a debt with oat finding of fraud or fa]** pre tense. The c«ee involved O. Y. Y*f- IfSTP Who drew * check on the Far ’mere sad Men-liaata ,11 .ink of la>uT*- hurg payable lo the order of "Oeoge Oren for 8100." . Chief Justice Storey declared the present statute Is mimed at « frjctice Which hro bocomo a menace to tritle. an evil and a pii*chtef In the field of commerce where the m»Jor portion «d, buaiacas l* done on paper. "The ut tering *f * worthies* (heck la both * private and a public wrong, like the 'psaofng of counterfeit culu,” Ji. wrote. Justice Ctorttdtm in an opinion con Maatoik the paaiakiiMiift ’tor A. C IT" coonty blind tiger L-rator recalled that the 400,900 Tar its*!* on March 27, 1908 gave the! Fedetol prohibition act *nd lata, gave *n overwhelming majority toj the 1937 Turlington act," which | neake* the state and Federal »ct* ( mere rtriagent” and the bald defend- ( nut violated ths "law of hi* etote *nd ( natlon—a low of moral vlrftte and ecanoasic* worth and • blessing to the human fag. Hy." MILK CAIB IH4F.D if/ watkrwingn to mate CODS FROM DROWNING ’ . ~~ WKfT FIELD, Me as.. Nor. 0.- ’ Water Whigs'' had b*>cn used for many year* by aquatic novice* but It r«mßln«d for T-. J. Jn*wejt, a local larmor. t« devise *uch mean* of float. Ing for cow*. When 'he recent flood *n er* de scended upon Dtoey's i farm he Wa* confronted with the problem of sav ing hi* herd of milch cqws. The ' ‘wator wing*' ’ idea crystnliaed. Twetrty-gftjot, milk can* with ib* •topper* firmly plugged In were at. tucked to the, cow*. When the flood grew deep the co w » j n »- floated until they strnek terra Amu again. heer th* prsprietor and the do-.k man* talking In liw whi*rer» and I caughC »f the conversation to cause iiSjgSl . P«to, ftSWritog* the belj boy who ftorily t Id m, the nun tor of -gaata'a room, cxplniiiing that he wa* roglutcyed Incoanito. I imturdiutcr -Kalhed -uase t» was —«f. the telephone, booth*, where it diy'i take mo but a-fmiou\c or two to get a connection plugged Into hi* room, and 1 we* asking for no interview. The v«tce of th* fh*n Hounded much younjc.r than I h*d expected a* he asKwered. In pi|vat e |K„ i Ntn koiiwn a* John J Sftcrlihg, and I'd appreciate II if you’d call m* by th*t nsnie. Ye*. I can give you a half hour of my time, but no more th»n that for I have much hualnea* to at lend to, and not much time to do it in. With a hound I wu over at th* ele vator, and it didn't t*k* but to** to retch th* to»Mit. stopping In front of the doer, t knocked lightly, (CohUgbed os Pgfi Twoi GOLDSBORO. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10. 1927 I Examine Over One Hundred To Gel Jury Cane An Outgrowth of Moon shinef-l'rohibition Rattle Month* Ago A venire of 118 men was exhausted before twelve men were secur ed yesterday wheu trial of the Bee: nion* bro here on charge* growing out 6f the prohibition office;-moon ahlher hatile at Fori Baniwell sever, al month* ago was begun in FamUco County Super or Four, at toiyb«r». aeronling lo Inrormatiou supplied The News by The New Bern an of New Bern. " Heleetlon pf a Jury was completed Into In he afterno«n and the raking of evldm-e will begin this morning. Luther Sermon* in charged wl‘h( having fired the shot which caused ,lhe death of Prohibition Officer W. T. l/rwl*. l/rwla wap. m<»r ally wound ed In the engagement, Vergil ger man* Is charged., with hetag an ac teaa»ry hef«*a the fact and late Ser tnona Is charged with h*lng a ma terial witaea*. Vergil 'tormon* was’wocaded In an turn and tog to tbs mgagsmen . and escaping offteere, i-ajpe u» (ioldslwro where he a hoap tol. Its. IWP inijiPi l Wwr \(lnA. report is that the bro her* contend that the prohibition nttUf/f* were a tempting to hi-jack ihem out of 2UU gallon* of Uqtior. The Bermou*' wo.e able to provide stiff t/ond* and hate employed a big battery «*f counsel for tbelr defen*?. Ilii’li Dortch of (ioldKboro Is our appearing for the defendant*. OUTSIDE HELP FOR SUFFERERS Icy Hand of Winter CloMeH In, __L_ Making Relief Work Difficult -O * BOSTON, Man*., Nov. flip. (4*) le the calming presence of outside help a»d communication New Eng- I»nd’« fli/od relief progroma at-od forth tonight a* a race H*c"lrct the »litto ”*pectre of winter. Help hatj reached Deadly all seetton. wire eoai munication tM leptd'y reaching eveey corner of ihe *tato. Rdilroadx and highway* were opened up. hut the relief at bent suy,leniporaey. upiirred ty the kn°wl.J?Bl|foy-btttrr' wlnt’r w««nhe r~v\\r rrankcwhlft «ommunicsrißii line* and lock batter cdi breckeil communtie* In thP*grfp of lee and froxen mud th*t wilt not to* broken until the spring thawe. Army, Red Cro»* authori ng* have succeeded In getting food and ctcthiUg to every feint where they w*r,‘ most needed. Ilctli in flood »d Vermont *n,| Wtrit Massachusetts the puslitogesstward and greri sc r(uirulation of freight at the Hudson rive gateway* In New York and have :*«AWtoiw»» -V MwtdtoK wtt* ktowtonri by a round ahouf- ruuts. Only a few. mi e* of‘railroad are under operation In Vermont and |- -vritrue vpnrr befirrr set rirw raa he restored on m»ny line* where bridge* are out. Federal aid is needed In .that state. Crew of Eifrht Are Taken From VeNsel NORFOLK. Nov ."'9 lA’I Fight men e»rnporing th« erew of the lour nt**t (d schooner Adelaiii’ Day were token >*ff ttmir wrecked ship 280 Governor Smith wacp adopted and the oitrn upp ed by pin; and favored, by the’Itetmbllrsn* were overwhelmingly df fated the ptditicians began to en quire Just how much weight the gov eviwr’* p»r*onal hold on the votert* ra»y have in the result. Plait Organization Os Wayne Lo. Merchants Association ! Wayne County will he the first e-iinty in North Carolina to organise • county Merchant/ a •socialism nffU-, latc4 with the, N'arth ( irollua Mcr chan'* Association if plans of the lat ter organisation mat-riaUx*. A" out -Lwe-wf-'-Mte-p4«n- wa, girrn V'- tfrdir l»s F M Hoy kin. Field Secretary of the A r »ci«lipn, who I* in Uoblsboro preparitory to toglnnlng an effort to org.i»l*e the I'ounty merchant*. Mr. IV )ton/ announced iha-jpehe* du Itfg of a dinner meAting at the Il'itcl (■old.yboro fur NCxt Us n'tvsrtsy cvewing »t 7 o'clock to which h# hope* several hundred of the me/- )- John C. Ix>dg#, who ha* heW public dff cj nearly toqsarter of a centuryjgjibdoc" ever having made k campaign apcech, appeared to b*v# lie-n elecf*dc,mayor over John W Smith,, tncufnhent and nntl-erohlhtlon advocate, J* yesterday, »c.» partisan primary. M. E. Newsom, of Durham*. 1 dent of the State Association, and Willahl Dowell of Halelyh, aocrotary ■m Adjwi isMjgai «r* >ld>b«ro Hotel (got night tbow- Ml. confident that the remaining I 6,00« needed will he reached, jmn ***••« will sgaiag begin tbe'appk ttH* morning, " 2 T'" T “ “There were » number of paonl» who could got cMVgMOd *» t h »h*n time yesterday", void Campalg. “and It to to he* them shit the wo»I take thle ihmu of ti*3fim[ifr" • mTu in jztv **stsa wkf. veotehdan «>I at*— A a 'k. _ -tjiia.n , m,- ~ jflifru*) Vitillß »tO ,jjl, attd In keeptag a ith flnfde fi ueand doßort »r* mpedod to taka edequately tnTi ihfalne phllai2|irqpto orgnaiiiiimu of th< dly for the aoxt tm. If ww ena congou* th* oatbw iaam of yesterday the mauilateg *«« ihoald bereached today "f waat to egtt* urge that all worker* retort U thi community building St 8:M Thuroday morning to take'up Ihe tank wharo it wao to* " off Wednesday." _ '■*, r • Abont two bnndyod nun and worn* d gathered at the Community BtttMlag at » jeetordoy, the fUwbetl apaodad twoaly 6v* time to indicate, t|o m,M« goal hot, and after a float heartening talk, brtff hut. pointed, from Mr, O’Berry th* captain* and thotr eraw* wop* off far the day. The weather mom had haao kind aod *r aerod an Indian aummar Vpy of do* ilghtful teglur* ter the ofgitog. “One thing I otild Hka to add.'* •fid Mr O’Barry taking up the die cmtatM, agate -to that too much can’t V oald tor the women worker*, fifty odd of them wgra est and they combed tbto town. Tidy tott deeply the HWpoagfhHl f*t*r ><-tM Meard fat the chart and they dM ag«|§ mighty • tlae work.” „ ' 4 j ,■ - * k)SEWOOja,UB MEETS TQNH&T Cal Goorfo K. Frawanui Wtß , Detovor Armistice Day Ad- . dram At 7t» * h'aya* county’s obeervane* of Am*, iattco pay will begin thin • van la.. Wb*o th* ftoeewaad << immunity «hit> - presented * patrio Ic program *t th Rooewnod ochdel gnd the atedeai ipemgwt • iyafrr fWWBMto Mary’s parochial echool d| At Rognrood', fiat, Oeorga K. Fr* man will deliver an Anotottoe D»y tar trear of |U»f~ y Austin and the grade of Him UUmr; Howell, will Offer short drematlaath' . cn IxMlvlug of tha oaeootoj. The meeting st Rosewood will t» m lb