PAGE TWO /[ I £ you A Mtoat 'fDMR OeiECTIMt RADCE 'VO MV PARTV - t VoAAVT l ID «0 tertD THt o‘MtldC COOH „ AB»0 MWAftp THfc PdMEMCMTh . i BMctiveo J , i2££r_, MT. OLIVE DEPARTMENT Mrs- Carter IJaato ssd tw« children ct BUck Mo« at sin, avy vtsitteg r* laUves in Mount o»hw. Mr t’ttie. who avow with toeiu, ha* return*,!. Min* MatUr Wfteas, mio U te»rh- r Rg at* Burg a* «rfv*w fenk, spoat the PHI wqsk cpd m her homo her*.' Mr. a»d Mr* Uiby Herring, form •r reaidnt* o t Mo**4 Olive bvt now rMrid* n**r Casey's Cbapri. worn cor .ilallr grvHnd vialtor* her* HuneW Min Audrey A>phia, of the Wsrsaw aehast faculty. -pant the pan we«k •ad *t Wr home hatw. Maiding «f IMaurr i'irclw », ~v circle Number Three of the Meth pdlat Mtsaiosary B*cic kmnat at a hddn aartr ******.. - ... ; numyrnf fVMPrWMVnf . “ bar houan gumt. Mlea Annie Wtfhon White, of Raleigh. \ Hsk aad la reader flowers with fanthniT fame carried oat tha color scheme that waa Uhad throughout th* Bridge waa played at table*. > MUu Mildred BoutourUad malting Mill acorr uad Miha Ruth Hatch re < wiring the coaoatetiee. . flTieac prims Wgra youa aad gold *hade pull* aad a colonial girl calendar respective ly. ■ lip the gunat of honor Mtea Quotes prnaanted a pretty costume* t racetad. Tha refreshments were Waldorf rated, hasten biscuit. irtajn cheea* nd ggt handwluhev, pineapple aaitd wkfcat ftefcia*. hot tea aad mtete coohtea. Uteas prwaeat were Mom Rath notch. Mild Bed Souther I aad. Frances Cherry. Biuabeth Daria, Aou South •rtead, Era, Imin Ploarer*, Kltsy Darta, Kgtabr Oraailln*. Mr*. Oiarie, Burnatta. of Wanted; and Mimea Mreljm- fteacophand Anae^Vvilsou, White, of Rsltegh. up Bridge I-ueheoa Midi Ruth Hatch gave a bridge luncheon yuslenday In honor g( Ifieaj Anno guate aC Mlea Elisabeth Wooten 'J , Mten Fraaee* Oierry for making high seam wa* awarded a eat of ° colorful bridge peda. and Mi*a BH aabatli Mines tor coteolattoa received a pretty powder pdff. mi** Whhr > ■■ i i - ,n , Just Like A New One Mte#r. Tfcht’u the Whv We ix Vtn.Nßfc ' ■ o Hat) *■ & Dry Cleaning; PHONE 112* v.»» given M box of exguisitc atation «ry. flrapefruit. irbicken irmiuettc, En v IKh lieu* in puttie, cold tongue, oiiv.o tjartwiche*. tiny bettered biscuit, H|te cucundxr pickle*, oeffee end it dlvidaat louHto tiru were served The gue»te were Mhtees Wooten, Anuc White kVaaew* Mr*. Bettis Barfield ha* guue to HpteUaburg. S r., t>* visit her dai|ght«r. Mfs (,i>org« VVi'het *|ioon Miv* Blanche Mkntuolte ha* re turned front *u extfodod visit t>» re litv|ivrs in Newiirh, N.' J If at. »rvd Ml*. K. M : Hnipt— nmt llcv R ,E PlilmiMi arc id’.ending tb<> Methodist t’ouferciicc at Italcigh. TKAVELIMi IMCWCNITB, MATT A «IKKM STOP l> i ltY (Continued from Pag* ttee) and It wa* quickly opened Thera, standing with Mb hand on the and a saiil* <*u hie f oe. was » young looking am with a blond mustach nnd geetly trimmed lieard, und lightly curly heir. Me inteteucad himself by Simply saying I’m . Sterlla*. known by Dm kids «* Baste OMu*.'’ Than. I told him who I was, and we both went into bis room, wher* 1 took s seat pa a >m*ll table, while he j •at in the chair na*r by... 1 suppose tiace you art- a news l spec man. that you have sever*! quMtluh* to alk toe, - ' Hants liWwtMF i> amilc, after wf’bad both taken seal* “Well. If yoa dont mind you can Just tall whai you like about why you arc ber*, wkyo you «r* going how you. Chesterfield smokers dorit change with the song hits.. • •••butumtch how other smokers are changing to ChmierjieM! p tr - " .... I fcOOP r l —~£S£ # A 1 JB tf’* nr T " ' ' 1 ' But They Forgot to Guard the Detective. . , .tauKECCHtei-S «OOK,«KMHeCCHIEPS, { PTRRuMt. teAh/KRttCHItPV |00« I HAMHtftCMiEW RaRROMR 0EAO& rjt 1 A*oO IMK ton or CAMOV \ CAVE. gUptEQ l CoESt THCVWC CAF£ EAOCOCH r y j ‘ | ere trntallin*. end »ny detail* rent case iv relate 1,1 "In the flrat place.’’ Hterling hegn*. "Tbs purpose of my visit to this pa. t of the counr:y, and my suh*aqu« n t atop* in each town, U ta arrange aiv • cbcdulc for the (hrUtma* Eve trav els of ray assistant*. Os epurse yot t'cjllxe that If wnt d be Impossible fir me to cover the whole world in Ju»l oue night, even though Jt do t• avel In » very fast plane Ho, I have 1 u:idrrd* and huudreds of aisiutapl.', whose arc imtstly relatives dlstuut cou •In*, etc., whv ci'ver certain given territories, In different p»rt/rtif «h n irld lam »’ direct dei c I.iji f Id Kris Ktngle. who wa* the first Hants He wa* u m»p of un cnorm»im fortune and s kind heart When ho died, his will w»s found to commund .hiN son to carry on hi* work, and this custom ha* been followed in our family through hundred* of gey 'ration* .My home and the factory which f operate for the manufacturing <>f. toy* «nd other oierch*ndlnc, ure W hoi It iu the northern part of Siberia. I »hall prohuhly work ail tiighi to night ge'ii flnishod, I suddenly thought of something, mhi I aekml him h I hi ink, and after dt*euw*ing it pro and lion he agread in It, “ This morning when the Hanto (lan* plane li4m for parte unknown, a New* representative will lie In the rookpil. and wilt we«d hr wireless to lU* GOLDSBORO NEWS I ; ' v ■• .5 ... I /" ___ _r\i 1 v \ , f ort.vaeu.RHM \ • f *• A r I EAT* TOO MtiCW I , , l CAaOON. J - " , - *•' f : The- News, iwery day, u tpeetel Ipf lure utory un the prugrev-, and trsvalg nr they fly rrom trwn IS town. BIiCK PARTY HAS ARRIVED Twelve , Men High Ir Motor Car Workl V’luiting Stale ( IIAHLOTTH x. <\ N-V, hih. Th* p H»;iek Pioneer parly arrives iu I’bar lul u this n.oruisg from Asheville. Rtsldgt to* president and crocal *ale» taanager* of the llulck Motor f’ompiny, the party includes ih* twalra »<• ersg diqu-ibutor* aiui sale* fhl* yeur of Over llln.eot , gbp ha*,- been with Bultk sln.-<- the lo gining of th* ImlnOry. I*hese inert hnve*cnmc tr»m theatre Monday Nov. 14 ; i J4EATS N«W SEU.ING I'hihtcMphia Company.’ Chorus, ’ On hesi rn and Product iort 7ft Kingers. and IN THE GREATEST Ml SICAI. TRII MPH THE WORLD HAif EVER KNOWN 1‘riw.13.30, $2,7.». ?2.»>. *1.63. *1.1(1 I ' •/ \ t aliiormu to -be \t* -f nj>d Ma *Nt' I chuselt* t«> ih,- North and- K**\ to I olwrtrn method* and e,million* in I NoVth <’u ollua,, The Bulck |’.oncer*, I one of the u.'ait u*Dg*te urganizsllons j in tha motor world was farmed te en- I able it* inendierg ,o ket-p IU per-ion si i eoulut t sitii condlUprii alt ov;r l tu* country, und to benefit fi Hlacv the »>ry liegimflng <>f Urn grenl factors inteh-- niyto: ‘rude ■>! ‘his roiin‘ry They sre lie men who h.u k in the d.i> oi In- ’ Wbf r St:ii.k" pla nn d their fuiih on JJi 0 hmatleti* earfluga. They u-e the tuen wtni in l|M",| i i lay ‘he found,) lon 'stones of service mud ng THURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER If, 1«7 sSill UN* made I?ntek one of the ra*t <;Jjti’rai Motor* Corporation. NEW ENGLAND IS REBUILDING r ’ *•'*■*’ jT " - u , «■' Stricken flood Districts" Turn Tiakintc New Homes as {AP)~Ndw png h.nii' ,o Kxl stricken communities! to dt-v took it~-the work of rebuilding 4i^iliii!!'i!!iill.l!iiWfi4tiil!!fii!il'i l llilt!iH!W!t!!lt!iti!tiii!!NiiilWtillHlHliut»ider*' entered tb* lent o( lh« lowqs iu Northern Vermont cat off •lore {act Tbumday Ijp the flood they u und men arnu-d with pick* digging rh«n»eltree am t of the dehri* of wrecked hou*e» and pile, of mud. erection temporary bridge* nod laying out roadway*; over which roppite* may bo brought. Threuchoui Vermont, New Heap- Mpeaaclnhwtt* and Couuectt rad, the *tre«in* con tinned to fall »*rd there appeared *>>> farther danger from flvt .palter* The Connecticut wa* dropping til along ite length and resident of towns hod cltieg along its tr wrf atretrh*-* breathed freely once m . Similar reports came from oth- • vr aecttonf. “7 ~ .. . . *..■ ■ " la-issasa 1' o f ■