WEATHER ' r*!f Mid continued cold Bunday. Muudny (Mr and warmer. • .. -i , ■ —— — 1 - VQfcUM» SIX; NUMBER 229 FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY GOLDSBORO, NT C. SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1927 » FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY , PWCfc flf» OINW CAROLINA SURPRISES AND UCKS DUKE 18 TO 0 WILL SET DA TE FOR EXPOSITION IN CITY T o * t; ; * • 1‘ i- '7' ! Steering Body Meets Monday FWtpllvi Mill From Nearby Hecthma WIB ConaWer ■ Date (or the Saturn Carolina Ex pueltioa to be beid In Gold*boro ths coming spring wIU be aet a a meeting of tbe Steering here Men {Ur afternoon at $:l1L N. O. Bartlett, secretary of the (bamher. told Tbe New* over long dlataoee last night that about 13 men from towna and oowutc* nearby ,■ would deckle ; would attend tbe Monday meeting. 10a opinion wae i(hat April » *ai Urn beginning date for the Exposition which the alerting committee would decide gb. "Ton nee wc want to get busy ou this EspofUion with the Idea of ecllp alng lb ft nay preriona thing of It* hind. With tit date definitely set and ooanmlttoc* appointed, we will get down to ihtnhlng nbput it lu earnest" Some or Vie feature attractions for ugnmpfe the artist* who will be eecurep for concerla during the Ex position— expected to be decided on at tbe pasting Monday Eastern Carolina Chamber of Com mere* offlcigU belUro that the very line qropa of thld ypar will bring * about Y continued ficferUbing condi tion wbfeh will reflect Iteetf In In creased Interest and attendance at thSftres ON SATURDAY * I *J' t \ ■ 0 \ SMfcßbt BMdb Mt Court Square ApawtMMi Attract* * Attention Three times trsrc Goldsboro fire men cxUqd yeaUrday to extinguish smalt biases. A negro tenant home on Wayne avenue (Cole's Hill) burned slight ly about the tep wbeu n epark falling on shingles Ignited them. *' Much excitement wa* caused when a r.mgll blase started In an upstairs room at Court Square apartment at '.Walnut and William etreeu. Only •light damage was done, n small hole - being burned between two rooms of tbe bouse, tbe flames were said to hare originated Id the apartment o( Mr. and Mr*, t. It. Haukey who are in Richmond. Chemicals were used In putting out tbe btasr late in the afternoon a faulty-store Cue In the home,of Laura Elly. »e --grp. caused a blase which brought «be fighters. Hut again they qutekly put H jut the threatening flame;*. 20 CHILDREN ARE INJURED ■ ' Run-Awitv Flat Gar Hit* Crowd Os Pkakkara Croswlng ... .,!»; NOGALEH, Acts.. Nov 19— iA*) Twenty school children und two irachers wgre liljurpd near Nogales. Mexico, ftxtoy whan a runaway flat, I»nr>.ru«li«a liiln ■ pfcnlr parly us. more than luO: children trapped on a. bfft&ps spm* whmtt wbpr were,, walking. HcvAral at the smell r children es caped uninjured by lytug down be tween the rails qrhMe tbe car pe«se4, oyer them. Many leaped from the bridge (9 feet to the ground The car travelling down grade at a high rate, of speed bad just founded a curve and iiome of the children failed lb see it unUl the car was almost upon them. Those whs hesitated were knocked frdro the bridge. FORCED BACK BT FOG BAN ITKANCItCO, Nor. IS — . officials of then Sea Francisco air announced tonight that- Capt. •Mkjrred crick Giles. British aviator had -Jtostponed undtl Monday his next at tempt tety Ms MMabe to New Seel qni * Tsr Hiwdti,. . mm ITHE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDB ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Won’t Play Champ High Game in City Because there Is not a fence around the high school athletic field here, the M ilraiugtoii-ltal#gh game to decide the championship us Eastern North Carolina will uot be played here next XYldmy as scheduled. Coach Johnaon of Ral eigh told Coach Bullock of Golds boro hi a long distance telephone conversation last night. Mr. John son said It would be too difficult to collect for admisaiouH on a field where there Is no fence. Where the game will be played had not beeu decided, he told Coach Bul lock. FINAL TOUCHES FOR PROGR AM Negro Teachers of State HoM Three-Day Conference Here Thin Week Final touche# are being put on the program for the Negro State teach ers' Association which meets here on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week A large number of teach ere ara, expected according to letters of application for homes. Both white at|d-colored citizens, rural and urban have contributed aery generously to make the conven tion n sneAnn, earn H. V. Browp.' Thera will he ptendld contributions daring the convention. The Glee nubs of Rocky Mount and Goldsboro will sing. The latter will sing Dett'g Production. "Listen to the a LinUs" Miss Alice .Mullen, n former leat her at the Dillard High School nud now n student nt Hamp ton Institute, will sing one or two nights. STILL TALKING ABOUT ‘CHOOSE* Three Different Opinions About What CooJldge Meant* Are Now Churned . ■ i.■ *}. WASHINGTON. Nor. 19-I*’)-Aa thc time approaches lor the opening Os the primary election campaigns the sigrm point to a division Into three groups which presume to Inter- Plot President Coolldge’s Black Hill statsraent that he did not choose to nin for re-election next year. .All tbe rroups contend that Mr. Cooildge mss rt that ha‘ desires to liiave the White House on March 1929. but at tbjt point agreement endv and specu lation begins In he tabefnee of any ant’ rlxed Indications tbe presi de what be th'uks about the ngiiaftbu bis announcement bun cuus edr 1 *>. The tlrsl group believe that while •Mr. » oolldge’s pyrsonel wish lo re- Ure. he cun and will be obliged* to op-. Tept tbe homlnatlod*lf”lt Is tendered him. The second believe that he has tak en himself definitely out of the race and at tbe proper time will eo reveal hm position. The third contends he will not un der any circumstances be u candidate ;*ax.t year but may after w four reel accept the nomination In 1932 .If thcer Is u-ißmoud for him then o Steps Taken Secure ■■ For City 111 Propoyseit League . IXfttvUs steps (of «u> MorttAUott of | a class D. baseball league tor East cm North Carolina aro expected to be taken nt a meeifng-of ropreaenUtlvc* trom nine cities hero Monday eve ning at 7:30. W. O. llramham of Durham, presldeut of the Virginia, umj lledmont loops, and tabled as head of tbe pioposed new association t ill attend tkv meeting, it was raid. Cities which plan to send delegon Hone to tha meeting are: Goldsboro, Kinston, ttooky Mount. Wilson. Green ville. Fayetteville, Wilmlngtou. Now Bern and Washington. The public relations committee of the Rotary and Klwanls club of Goldsboro Ire expect*} to represent tbit pity in the meeting. AUTO LICENSES WILL BE GREEN Next Dint ri but ion of Taffs Will Start on January Firat A , k'or the ftret time the State of North Carolina will sell Its, automo bile tags on Jduuary first. Heretofore the automobile year ran from July 1 to July I. Rut this put the purchase <4 tags at a time when most farmers wire supposed to be Ihort of cash, and so a movement was started to change the time for buying to Janu ary flret. » The last legislature made provision for this change, but In *order to carry H Into effect tags werYsijld July flret Ingt for only the half year period. Nblw, on January first, yon bay a lag which last you a year And I’nclo Rufo Doughtnn. the Slate Revenue Collector, announces that you trill be able to get your tag December 1. The same system Is belug employe! tide year, as heretofore, to that all owners of automobiles, already lic ensed and registered will receive .-aftte from the sulomotlve division, containing a complete description of the car owned, motor number, etc., and the address of the owner, so that It will only be necessary for thq. owner to present this cord with n check, money order or cash for the price of the new license, lo get the new llcpnse. These cards arc Kelng addressed and prepaid for mailing at the rale of several thousand a d*y, and wm he mailed onl at the rate of 2d, eo they should lie In the hands of all the present automobile owners by December 1. The color of the new license plats Is green, with white numerals giv ing U greater visibility than tbe prei ent red-on-grav tag. The cost of the licenaeu will be just twice what mas paid in July, since the license bought then Was sod six months only, while the new license will, be good until Jauuary 1, 1921*. The prices for li censee tor pessenger cars which are divided into four classes, are ns Tpl l&ws: Cars of Si horsepower or less, < Korde, Chevplets. Whippets, Dodges Ole.) sl2 op; between 23 and 30 horse power, $36; more than 30 and lees than 3S horsepower. 130; cars of 35 horsepower and more, , $lO. Li censes for trucks range nil tbe way for |IS for half tons and one-ton trucks, to S2OO for four and five ton trucks, and %vcn more If the tires are solid and not pneumatic * Flew 24 Hours Through , Swirling Snowstorm LONDON. Nov. 19 - GP)—Two Brlt hh aviators. Csplsifl Rl If. Mclntosh si.d Bert Hinkler who started from I’pnvon, Eng.. Tuesday for India, drovo tor many hoars through s blind irg snow storm and finally landed In un vxliausted condition li Southern Poland. Their own story of f their Might Is told In the Sunday Times. • After flying for 34 hours through ‘XUitinuons storm and fog," they said “welanded ten miles within tlie I’ol- Ish border, having previously reach ed a point estimated- ,o be in the vicinity of BeSsarabla und having a total mileage of 2,900 miles." To date mo effort -worthy trf the name baa been made to see Geldtboro lands a place In the league. Discussion of the proposal has been lively enough and tbo expression of ifte hope that the city would come In made, but no responsible parties have as yet taken It ont( themselves to *ee what could be accomplished to ward raising funds for the team. At tbe meeting Mondgy night, what will happen, probably, will be deci sion aa to the class of lengne to be formed, with necessary Information as to class, possible cost and Tbe like the representative of the various cities will probably take tentative action nnd then return to their cities for definite action * , , _ M’LEAN MAKES PROCLAMATION p* f> ~ * Urges Approach ThkHksgitlng -* In Genuine Spirit of ° v Humility ’'RALEIGH. Nov.. 19—(At "Let approach this day of Thanksgiving in a spirit of genuine humility ned. with earnest simplicity, return hearty thawks to the Great Giver for the things he has done tor us during the past year, forgetting hot to Invoke guidance tpf The future, that we may npi Jair' Into the error of self-re liance," says Governor McLean (p hie* thanksgiving Day proclamation, Is sued today. * The proclamation follows; By The Geverasr t ITecUmntien Thaak*tlvl»g l«7 Whereas, through paths of peace apd prosperity a benign I*rovldcncs has once again led us to that season of the year when we should lay aside our worldly pursuit* and tarn our aUmttton to P«W |c * nd private devo tions, designed to glve-expression ok oup grptllude' to God for the many He has seen fll to bestow upon us: • .Now, "there, 1, Angus W. Me l.esn. Governor of North Carolina, conforming to the tlm£-hon- rationally we have moved forward; we fyave not turned a deaf ear to thoae In need, and for every kind act Indlviadully and collectively. God has blessed unt We have not been visited by flood or famine or pestilence. 1 trust thats>ur progress shall oen linua that we may become a etlll greater state. But let us not forget that our gains can never be perman ent unless we realise our dependence upon Almighty God nnd by so doing give our material advancement a spiritual Interpretation. We must satisfy ourselves that our foundations are sure and avoid the accumulation of wealth and prestige for selfish pur poses; otherwise our material assets Will become moral liabilities. Let us approach UHs day of Thanks giving In a spirit of genuine humility nnd. with earnest simplicity, return hearty thanks lo the Great Glvtr for the things he has done for ue during' the past year, forgetting not to In voke guidance for the future, that are miy. not faN Into (he esror of Alt rellnnce. • • Let us avoid mere semblance and pretense, rcallzlhg that no people can sectarianism nor' dogmatism. the prosper without true relgloo—not principles -of brotherly love, which we must apply to our dally conduct If we arc lo contrlbuft> thak lr*K the world a better place ta which to lire. On the day appolntod, therefore, let ns suspend all unnecessary *ieim and render our devotions UkOol In the homo. In-the church or whs#*' - -ta «* n«* chavo-c t«t be Leiegeno- Ine gratitude be the guiding ; spirit ni osrvm{l)pt*ss wan. do; dn- ,ns» hsro much for which »c tliankful. X shall not attempt to -coumersde the blessings of (be pa*i year. Inch in- Ciridu*! should smirch his amv Us-» and determine (ho measure of ' his -personal obligation.'*"to his Creator, end then Join with Ids friends and neighbors. in glvlug public expres sions to Almighty God .- Done in our Capital City of Jtaloigh on this the ninteentt day of Nov. In the year of our l,ord One Thous and Nine Hundred and Twenty-Seven, and In the One Hundred and Fifty- First year of our American Inde pendence . ASOCB W. MCLEAN, Governor. By the Gorerhor. Charles H- England. Private Secretary, OLD FIDDLERS WILL COMPETE Hill Be Hot Tin* in Old Town Ni|{kt Miu»iri*ns Play For Honor* Au uld Kldlere' Convention hue been add'd to tbo Wayne County Memorial Building s winter program of smuse ment MCordlug to an aiinouiicement com the Director’s office. The date named is Friday, December 2, at I p •n. An aggregate of twenty-five dollars In prlxes hare been offered for fid dlers. and banjo players. Already several well known performers, not able among whom are soar gentlemen trom Duttn, have agreed to Uk* part Heading the out-of-county deltgatlon Is Will Butler; others of the party are T. G. Jackson. AID McFsyden, and C. #•. Butler. Thm there are several old timers, and some newer ones, Who are ex pected to enter both contest. Johnnte Ovnt. a well known performer on the fiddle from t-aGrgnge, Lon flnllt van us Mt. Olive, Walter Rascal! of thin « ly, M. L. Bryan of New"on are among the jwsullde coptssUnts With such talent, on hand, some roue tng music may be expected and „ n contest of no IllUe Interest for tbe prixes, will lie In order.. The Directors of ths Bonding have set a very nominal admission price to cover the expenses of the «convwn- Uon. In addition'to the (kidlla* pad banjo picking, there will ha a. Jaw. cumbers by the Maaiorlal Commun ity Quartet sendwltched 1* the pro gram, with an excellent plsnolst to accompany and to fill In ths time be tween the numbers.#, Lloyd Gurley, an old hand nt the business of staging fiddlers’ conven tions, wilt have charge of arranging the program. Those who hare attend ed his affairs In the past will know they can expect a fire! class enter tain meat. i GIRLS REVEAL MAN TO COPS • «b Ganirsicr Showered PrcaenU Upon Girl and She Turned Him Over lo Police NEW YORK, Nov. 19— UP)~ A wom en's unerring ability to recognise her own fur cost no matter who wears lb led to a gun duel between detec tives andean alleged gangster whose had been revealed by two girl friHdv, Edward MnUlnughlln aho c-opn? here from the west only three weeks ago, police In street rooming tiouiuf and was carried in u dying condition tu a hospital. ' Upon questioning by the police, one girl said MoGlaughllu said had give* her the coat and other costly pres ent* but said she had not known the gifts were stolen. In the room were .round $3,000 Iti—Jo-d from s series of apartment robberies. ;— OIL GRIND JURY KECONYKXF.H. Washington. Nov, 19.—(A*)—Qnlet news settled over the grand Jury liTYesttgtttion of Uie government - '* (barges of lauiperlng With the Full , conspiracy trial a( tbe Jnry in a abort srw*;oa Goldsboro StorcH Bogin Tukt" On Their Holiday Ap|>earaiiee ,irww*v« ft»y ovi of the way and ThiMik-.glvjug looming, everyone's thoughts turn to t'hrlstmae and tbe mppy problcqii presents. Fortun ately for most of us most of our prob lems are eaally solved, or at Ignat they should be, for the merchants of Goldsboro In their eagerness lo (erve have stocked their'Stores with ns gpodly on array of gift things as ‘Will be found anywhere, the larger sit cities uot excluded. The shelves apd windows' Are al ready begluulpA to ansunse the holi day atmosphere. Holly paper and Chistmas-red boxes bedeck many stores and» though t|>*itl(ae seems a l rife early, it ft said that people neu trally are beginning to buy earlier la You rig And W ard Are Big Time Show As Take Complete Victory STRONG MAN FOR] TAR HEEIB • rt JvTH ; HLjflv m H : YOUNG, HALFBACK Mere li e»e mt rwMD Mrti played I* Dnrham jeetardpy *e Iftks had been talked ihdgi $m pbij. I FOUR ARE HURT IN AUTO MISH AP D V Car In Which People Wert Hiding i« Run Into end . Wrecked Mrs. A. B. Turner suffered a very painful scalp wound, and Mrs. J. W. Stanley nud Mrg. Carl Htuuie/ tjruft ls and shock when their car, driven by a cMofcd chauffer was run Into fend wrecked about four miles beyond Smlthfleid at 9 o'clock Friday night They were rotu ruing to Goldsboro from Raleigh. Their chsffeur was uninjured. '- ", * The driver of Ike other car, n whits ms nwhoso named was not learned was seriously injured and his ear wrecked. 4 passing automobile took all concerned In the accident to the hospital In Hmllhfletd. As soon as Mr. raxl Stanley was notified hi Went lo Hmlthfleld and brought Mt people home, arriving In Goldnhuro betw«(in ■fffStT'Yhd l o'clock. ills aunt, Mrs. Turner Is now nt the 8 fl oor sanatorium, bat his mother nod wife wore able to go liproe. ' HI 9TIMG PARTY 0 KN ROUTE HOME HAJUtIBONBCRG. Vs.. Nov, Is. (f) —Colonel Chnrlos K, Lindbergh, accompanied by Governor Harry ?. Byrd and Harry T, Guggenheim, will leave the Byrd orchards at Timber posed Hhenandoah National Park In vtlle, late today and fly over .the pFc | the blue rldgo eo route to Richmond, • the Governor said today, the realisation lli’ai Che gift market Is usally depleted of the best gift of ferings iong before Christmas really arrives. Ho. the wipe buyer, shops now, also It makes gift giving coaler. Mother purchases dad's out flannel pajamas In somber hues this week and sister Joins In.with n gorgeous yellow tie of striking brightness, gully Interspersed w'th dots of pink and diamonds of pale green—sister sele cted it' with minute cose because raid Mg. was a perfect match tor dad's greying whiskers. And next weok mom strut* out to get that pair of black teddlss sister waa so wild about and sistar. In turn puts a dollar down on an nmetbeyst brooch that Ua •» PHI *l, IfP.UPPB AD member w THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 1 1 Jaitkoaki la Haid fimmkm la CaraHiu WARD GOT TWO 810 » _ MARKERS; YOUNG ON* Waka Faraat tamM To DW*t WshPtGit ■ * Tutai » ■ •KPN'NWi DURHAM, Not. g N ® t<,, Carolina unltiM* l ** * aarprlglag •** tack on Dak* Unlteratty fcw touday and won » oltan cot vtotory hr tha •cor# of 11 to 6. » Th# Tar BaaU tor* At UM/Wm Devil# and Mat Umb I# |WI da parimont of play. Th# strand Oataar ■Ur UM thrttr h»k •**#* throat from Jaaboahi asd Bala. Th# Tar Hast* ptayad th# SUM th* M#l hod lata WST# MMNMf to Play- Brilliant paealng sad sotofc throat* far Tooot sM' wart sosttarod tho Oak# d#f#Md And n#w DM th# D* vll# tho# to Mi started, » Scoring far Cars Una W#re Wald, two touchdown* and T«m on*. ward and Youaa war* th# Mia throat# la tha Oaroltaa cßaPd* * Moilinnworth. who wacrspMta tha gams lata la tha third patted. wad# »rr#rai good galM Bar MM and BUt AdaaM r##tad off a pNlty IHMf rwa. hat Dahl htakM tha Vtndh far ■— * raw A« * t *^ wake forint, tm. rm*v~ IM hr th# daahut Jahasy Om. »ir#tt»th Os tha naiM tadar aad da tsalad, aa #aar threatening Hlsh Point Coii#s# mati*r U to 7.. • After scoring ta tbd aooond parted wb.n a blockad HUM IW*t ha* hind tha all yard libs wu ooarartad I Into a touchdown by Hal Wsir. tha Deacon* cun# bapk 4 Pteye bUar to roor# tha winning taarhar. Cat fal tha ball within pouring dtataaea hf r returning a kickoff tin his 4d yard llna. Cox addad Id ’aad tanas ppaaad . to Clayton tor tj rarda and a touch* down, > • Wilt Point aoorgf |a th# ts*t two * uinntM of play- Nygard Intercepted 1 a Waka For#at paM tn mldflote to pat tha hall oa Waka FottgU' id yard i Um. Haolth pound to ta l * Wah# i no rut wm p»n*Uaad K ydrda aad two clang## by Potato ooantod a touch* i down. : WILL OBSERVE ‘ : HOLY EUCHARIST » •Mjnaow^^^ow* 0 Forty*Haar Dmtlta Porto* , WiU Start at OktMk Chardt Hera ' MumtHir* of •». taUke Ualhottc church will |odad Mart (ha .forty Hour devotion, a *dtlii saattnbld U over thl# ported of tftpa hsooring th# ■acramsnt of tho Maty Oaebariat Tha- couraa of stress* win ha preached by Bar. Hghtat Albert, of : th# PaMteaiat Order of monk*. oa th« following «abj»#tf. Sunday morning: Tha Natur# aad 1 Ihirpoaa of Forty Honrs. Sunday night: Bcri||prtl Baal* tor ’ a Belief In th* RaaJKPf•*#*©# V . chr t#t In th# Eochprtat Jr ' Monday Night: Clfrtat Opr.SaZHflca •vfha Maas. Tu*- -m p hVdhl ChAaitMi *Sk<.<#- k m#nt —Holy f’omraunton, ' A general Invitation to <*k#r« oat** ride tho oongregarthtt tW h##n w*- t landed td attend tha SSfiteto. Tha ceremonies at M o'clock today > win b#*Pf an alborato natur#. Mia* • Reynold* of New York dtp. to to stag "At# Marta" aa tha olfactory gym*. il ‘ 14 Alcohol Deaths 1* ' Baltimore in Month i ——■ ■ . BALTIMORE. Md . Iter. I*—(AV-* l Tha total nmabar of daath* la this ( city for Nov###b#r attributed to stea ls no! In on# form or anadßwd tap* rata* f #d to fourteen today whan Neill# t Harrl* died In • hoapCUl pad Baa r Camphor, with Wheat Sha had badn t drinking waa fonad doad oa IS» Hasp qi hta room. tm j