%* , « WEATHER (tffcur Ju ea* portion Friday Hnturday fair, iHowly rlelng temper* • tare. ■*‘' |f ‘ ' VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 245 GREAT SWAMP GIRL IS FIENDISHLY MURDERED W«T'.,..*"'.V' • -• ’ /-, ■ * **7 » ' '• , «. ' V .«vlp-,-* «V i , *-*v Had Been Away on Mission About Au Hour When Father, Looking, Found Her Dead With Throat Badly Slashed 15-Year-OJd Beula Tedder Had Gone to Negro Home Nearby To Get Jar of Syrup Which Negress Had Promised Her In Afternoon SHERIFF GRANT HOLDSTWO NEGROES RESIDING IN SECTION AS SUSPECTS Await Examination of Body to Determine If Rape Had Been Committed; Henry Pike Hurries News Men to Scene for Full Details of Case 5* , i , Mystery nurroundtt the killing about dusk yesterday of Mias Beula Twdder, 15, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric.. Tedder, of Great Swamp township, who live 18 mile* north of Goldsboro and about six west of Fremont. Her throat slashed front, ear to ear, the young girl vu found by her father less than an hour after she had started from her home to a negro home not far away to get a jar of fgrup. She had been dead sometime when found. At 1:80 this morning Sheriff W. D. Grant, Deputy Sheriff J.- C. Komegay, and Chief Dorsey of Fremont were still investigat ing the caae. The body had been removed to a Fremont under taking establishment tor examination by a doctor. Coronor T. R. Robinsort, after going to the scene last night and remaining until early today, said that he would summon a jury upon instructions from Sheriff Grant. "It was licet there that 1 laat saw :ajr little *Ol alive." ask! Brlc Tedder, tenant tanner to The News. Kent with year# of tenant farming and with the sudden grief that had iconic to him, the man trembled In the cold of the night aud hie voice gulvercdrjot he kora up bravely tinder hla sorrow end hla giiar w>a smothered *1 “«• fcjMUIiUM U» ree my fat!.- <r Who la etch and Ben la had asked how pa was getting oil. Bhe wa« with r«ra Raid, a negro woman who h»d 'Old her It she mnuhT go to her house not tar away, she would give her a jar ot syrup. Beula had never tasted ;.ay ot that kind mid she was proud rbout It. "Me and nty wtf* were tlteer by the "tore talking abuat pa who had been Sick hud t remarked how It seemed Beula was stayin' away a long time XV# had been eating a potato. "Then Jdary Lee said to me 'pa there's something black down the path hire. Co see what It la. I went and aa t got a llttl closer I aorty i ulhcd up on my toes like to ifcek ut what ever It was. When I got closer I saw that K wa* somebody lyjng, and 1 bant over and It was Beula. I reached down and put my hand agalnSt her face and the whole (Ida of her head lifted oft like that", and lie made *n 1 upward motion which ranar an* to shudder. Mr. Tedder hurried at once to th* tome of Oscar Aycock, about two ip ilea away f tjpfgg the scene and ftherlff Grant, waa notified In Oolds boro and Chief lJprsey id Fremont, forgetting his tapper, and without j stopping to gat ag overcoat Sheriff Grant rush»d to the scene. Deputy .f, t, KontCgar asd Coroner T. R. Huhlnsoii were a|#o notified and hur ried to scene. , I'pou authorisation front Coroner Hobineon. the crumpled body, which had Igln ahont two hundred* yards /rom the home, with one leg drawn, under It, was removed to the houae, "id Sheriff Grant. Deputy Komegay and Chief Dorsey began search of the i "rrouudlnga ,for clues. In a mnall woods, a bout four bun* ’ <Ccrrtlnne«l tfß Page lift r&M fig ... $I £ MWI m HMly tlvri A oiii#ii * , Tealklti Id t'otpuiiin' Grants M*.»« win 1k» *uk«il i". ty-Uulldlng at J:,44 Hit- people f$ I right will be a* follow*: Inspection, i t'oldaboro hare ft ettance td wlthea*. l.not tying, reacue ra<*!\ rio, on* of the angppleit nontext* that wiM., pyramid btilldltie' (Ire In frhiiou u» um iliM (low : TtKTTattnr,' frdM’ rSTi irUn 1 Troop* front LaOraure, .Goldsboro, troop.y*U, Mount Ollre and Clinton will partlt i Tin* public |« cordially Invited .• nd put* In an elimination ,contest. In are earnestly urged to priaenV to *blrh two Will be selacted to witness the activities th'at will be represent Wayne, Duplin and Lenoir Maned. and the Beaut official* who counties against Johnston county In are promoting this rally are confident the near future far the champlonahtp that they will enjoy every moment of Tuscarora council of the tine spent duciniy the evening. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. ~*'a--* . n ® *■ * ' - , -■ | . ■ DOZEN DEATHS RESULT OF COLD r>, ■ * Entire American ( onlinenl Held Ut Icy Graap of Winter For Spell S (Hy the AaatH-luted Press) Hiding out of Canada and the Northwest on the crest of u big gals, winter yesterday overspread virtually Ihe entire,.country, causlua a doseit " ’ 'Jj deaths and resulting In heuvy damage to lake shipping, disrupted transpO'U-' tlon. and quumiuillontloii facilities and caused much misery ami sufferlug. Temperatures ranging from near rero to f»U degrees below prevailed throughout the uorthwest states aud white tills section iittenyii.it to d'li; out (d ktiga snow drifts UrougUl hy Ihe blltian! aud tumbling merenry the cold wave passed rapidly east of the Ohio river and south: to the gulf of Mt-xfco, cold fingers to ward the New Knelnud state* on the Last and California on the West. V. Weather bureau forecasts Indicat ed severe cold for another .day at least; ,The coldest point yesterday wa* in northeastern Montana which clalpi red Wt de;T»c* hrtmr s»jrn 1 Air mail Hccvleu virtu illy came to a stand still as the storm vented its lurry but wh<u the weather cleared’ .-empantcy bavin; mail eon trio is pre pared to take the air again i t Chicago the largest city tn lb* path of aero temperature, found hun dreds of .homeless clamoring for shelter a* the first winter weather struck. Scores were glren quarter* in police stations. ADDING TO PLANT IXWD2JT CITY, Dec. 7- //ft Work has started on the addition to the Kllt-nboro Manufacturing Company at Kllenliord When completed, the mill ; will be about twice as large as It .it, now, about KM) ipore looms liclug »<ll ed. About. 75 new dwrlliijg hope* will be erected to lukii i-ar« of. Mm* employ As of the mill. ‘ . LILLIENDAHL 1 CASE ENDED Jur% Fitidn .Mrs. LilHendahl and * AViHU Reach Guilty of Murder . XIAY'R LANIHNO. Her A )nrv that had delllierated for tnora than 2d hours today convicted Vui i a ret Ltllieuduhl, housewife and Wil lis tuaih. chicken tarmer, - of volitn tary manslaughter (u Hicdcllling of the woman's aged hfiband. Ur. Wm. Lll 'lendahl. Mrs. UlUeuilahl wept quiet ly,as the Jury forwoman rendered the \erdlct that made her liaklo to a prison sentonce of not more than 10 vears or a fine not to exceed f 100* o ta.th Beach, hla face sot In a twisted moor, did not so much ns flinch,- Im|K>sitlon of seiitcnco was. deferr ed uutil Baiarday inomitiß over (ho protest of the Assistant district at* u-rney who proaecutitd the casa. This was the tejith day of the trial It opened a week ago Monday and reached the Jury'at 5:3f» yesterflay afternoon. All night the seven men uud five woman delilieruted without rasult. Through the day they stayeil rhut np, aud h w>io* not until R:37 this nftertfpon that the great. hell In the”courthouse began to toll TMi Is the signal that u deliberating Jury has nrrh< • * - rdl< • GUNMAN HELPS V REMUS’ SIDE (’cnfcttHCH That Remus Wife Employed Him io Slay Her Husband •’INC.INNATI, is-c. s—t/IVr-A rtr'i fes .<>d gunman willing to have »h. i c< \,gc Heinus fer flti.uiMt. Harry Tr.teadale of llsmllton, t *d.i. f .'mjjleted the narrative wlilrh yegte - dav sent Remna Into an etnollonnl out hurbt Wlßch halted court, t -‘.iiniia sat q»le,tly while Tmesihle told that Mrs Hemits. herself sla'n hv Jl<*mus last Octpb«r 6, tho d-iv ait-r Trues'.aka’s atnty of u murder coa rplrecy was pouivd Into his ear,'h id ,yt*t In front of a hotel In which sh •V.a*l "ypee’ed to ti*np her hushand vrl.it mother man., twlrllhg a pNtoi at I read? to shoot him herself: ■ Tlie expression "double cross" was prominent In tue last halt of True-- dale's lostlntouv^ ft waa lea «d Hut Ur wight fej. doOUIe <*rit«a M d which sent hitn to mua with ; t*l* of, uis wife's plaw. lie denied that he had "double cross ed ' Mrs. Hctqio. ti. entice her Into tin* hotel where she would have been found with a man Instead of a woman. Total payment* by Mrs Iternns were fiob. one tir.O. and n*tsln 1200' for *x iictises. < ONLY . 3- 13 , GOLDSBORO, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. DEC EMBER 9, 192? Aid Needed For Woman Who Has Been 111 and Confined to Bed For 50 Years \■ ■ . The Cuthrell Philalliba t’lusa of tltu First Baptist Church d> , yesterday spoke lor Opportunity numiAT 2 and A. M. She card called in to say he wanted to xivo » hum. Such w<t*i the growth yesterday of the Wayne County Httutu Claus Club sponsored by The News in. cooperation with R. H. Edwards, county welfare superintendent. All cusch aupidicd hy Mr. Edwards are out side Goidaboro, and ate worthy people that fate and miafoi tuue have left destitute at Christmas time. Opportunity number 3--published first yesterday—ntill c remains unspoken for. in case about 510 worth of food "And clottyes is noerled for n widow wnd her family of seven, the oldest hot- so from a broken leg. Today art) added Opportunities number L and 5. Ten dollars worth of food and a pair of l>ed room slippers ure needed for opportunity numl»er 4. ifed clothes and food are needed for Oppf.rtunity s—two sisters, one of whom hag lieen l>ed red den for 50 years. •. [ . a ,, * •■ ' Thule will probably boa rush to take care of these eases anti you must hurry if you wish either of them. Call 813 and tell the number of the opportunity you will provide for. Dona tkuns will Ik* assembled in the off^etTof lit. hkiwards and he with a corps of helpers provided hy The News will see that the distribution is made for Santa. . In donating a ham for such a case us Mr. Edwartla finds needful, A. M. Sherard lias probably started u precedent which others will follow rapidly. It is believed that there are many • , „o' who will desire to contribute,, food or ciotnes or merchandis*i; u p T ■. , " .* of st nic- kind and an invitation to do so ts extended. The dona tion should lie left in the office of Mr. Edwards, and should be made soon as possible as after today only 13 shopping days remain before Christmas. A1 fVtT^s^shou^Kl>« in several days Ik*fore Christmas that Mr. Edwards and his helpers may have opportunity to arrange Tor distribution. V Thus fur the Jianta Clau#club has urcomplishetl tlfiTT&l rowing; ‘ Oppr.rtunities Taken No. I—Widow and five Anonymous No. 2. —Widow and three children ... Cuthrell Philathea Class jr» Donations o#e Hiim A. M. Sherard The followingsases should be provided for today; » ’ Opportunity No. 3 , A widowjtvoman, Princeton, R. F*D. No. 1, Wayne County* Seven children, two girls fourteen and five years old, five ' boys ages'll 10, 8. fl, 3. The oldest bov has been in hospital three weeks witli broken leg. \V as leading a cow on the" highway and a car struck the cow and knocked the boy down and broke his leg. ‘The widow lives on rented land, and has not made a fair crop this year. All of those children but one are in the school ; ge, ond .die is having a Ford time sending theftf. $H).0() or $15.00 wirrneip this family very much, in food anti clothes. . ’ Opportunity No. i An old man is dovw> with a cancer and his wife has waited on him mq long that she is right down sick in bed too, and an old maid sister is nursing them both. This family is in heed of groceries more than Anything else, ami SIO.OO would give th< nt a nice kitcheh supply for Christmas whf.i everybodv else is having good thing* to eat. A pair bf bed room Clipper* for ihwtwo yvomen would Ik* v*ery acceptable. * e ' f>tH^* r tu"»ty No. 5 , . . Two sisters. Ony has lieen in lied fifty years, ages 70 and 65. . , v The older <Qne has bitUt lK*dridden for Ro'years. They live In a hqu.se'by themselves, and are supported by the,, public spicit td men and women of the community, and get a small donation from the county monthly. B*d clothes and food in this case Would be very acceptable. RUTH’S CO-PILOT LANDS AT POLK 8 > Geerga Ftaldrman Is Ob-Wry, to His: Home -tn 1 «Vel!»nd. KaUk ; ' • "■ ‘ - Fl IK 1 U3U t' ■ ■- ." .. ■ '■ ' ' , ■ ve ti^i.icy t.u lux' hntnt at LaJi.-Litirt. F*!.irt.i:i,. ivhvr.- hi . -i.iwn.jyi>oplp «pi to .to him h" n °'' n i Hip ro-'pllot With JtufM Elder In Mil •mrrmrcPK vftrT TilTpSuit Tij TTjr Tr. >lll N- .> V; . k In I'arU lauded M»er** a* I ”o from Norfolk, Vo.. lie brought hi* plane dtrtrrt ln-rj ‘.hri'p lK>urs after lio|i|lar off from 'itittiptou Koa.l* naval Station nn.l plans'- to continue (!j. flight tumor- MANY BANKERS ATTEND MEET Ijisilrirt .M«r trf. Hxnkrrn jJI"! 1 * M, H in ki»Mv ci * m S4Hin j*:, ■ 1 r- r • 1 ■'■ . y • 1 ■ 1 Ms • , , • >• >- ‘jckut) u 1 • % ■' Tirniii i ltan|ierti A‘<*.»'ki.«tini t<> |>« ■"'lil iS I’ l bruary It known 1 1 i ' heie 111 11 < Ollfpr'MU <’■ Ilf i.fflCiTM of I own'lilt toil ' ■ . r T.inl.t, !«* V..w York. Ilaltlihore. Klc’liiiHtutl__,.lluma .Atlanta and < 'harlestmi ** :, l attend tho meeting*. / The schedule* of the group meet- Include group imnilx-r .1 at Kin • mmh. l'<|ir.|,iv jI. lirnnp No.. 2 at II wt v Moiinl. fViruarjf 2t nrol. croup i• *»iiii*■ r ~i ruvioirvll!". ]VhitrwrV • *• “Cluck Gang’' Case Will Probably Be Settled By Wayne Court Morn Grand Jury Makes Verj- Short Report The Warns county grand Jury jrealcril.i>- made It* report to Jiulss Henry A. Grady, and p report It was that s/t* n record for hravlty. "Wa have >\iiuvUie<l and parsed nu all hill* presenlod to o* hy Holl. ltor UUUawa," «** hi sffs«W 4 the -report mada to Hi* Honor, Judge ifenry flrady, of Clinton. Who la praaliliug over UIN Ivinu of court, The grand jury, of which W. P. Middleton wqa foroman— aaved the county money by not taking (ha usual Inspection tour of the public work* of the county. « i GYMCLUBWILL HOLDBANQUET Plan Charity Rout a For Com* munity Memorial Building December 22 1 The Atemorlal tiommunhy UuUdlng Athletic duh will enterlulu Its box ing squad with a dinner Monday eve ning at (•'o'clock uccorUing to an uouni-empiit hy athletic director Wor ley. The, purpose of the dinner will be twofold, to get the boys together for a r»<>d time and to lins them up for a eerie* <*f charity bouta, to be staged Uapenibcr 22nd The clob Ih anxlour to do aonieibing for the unfortnnate > of tbs city The carnival «Ug«d December ’ 1 wa* heartily received by aun who at tended. In apltc of Inclement weather It attracted a crowd of approximate ly three hundrod. With the added at traction of living staged for the bene ilt of charity- and thq added publicity of the two othsr entertainmenta of that Rort, the club belloma It can fill the Memorial Community Uulldtaa gymua»lum. Already aevertU of Ihoae who aprtirlpatrd , lit * the list affair bare naked pq»mU»Um to appear In the OirUtmu* bouta. The beat talent available In city and county will cer tainly b«< on the card If the club decldea to go through w-lth the pro- V*-' In Life Denied Dead He Is Given Honors ; YAtim.VOTO.V. Dec. i -OP/ -On. a refined prrals*ton to *U in the Unh id Ftntea Scnnti. burn line of 111 fecl- Jn<% lmiu-dUtely arter the War Di iw.er ih.- dtotro. Atefapder Hamilton hivf.hi'i a. vice prp»i.l*lfh of the Omi fpdcroti* h'*.ii<# of Amen--*, came In* day to■ all in marble Iti the statuary ball ot the m w tap Hal. TJh atatuc Wa* glveu by the aoulp t»r Gutxon Uorglum and Mr*. Jo. eph the A - of the United Itaughter ot the Cohfedenicy. It waa officially iv .yl't.l by vice pre*ldent Dnwe*. Fif teen hundred cltljcn* of Georgia. V j nlnaton to th« unveiling. „/» . . lilts IM ( HINA SHANGHAI. Dec. » UP) -Ur.'JoU.i Proctor for ) year* of.flij Itaptlat forelyu, ml'odonary ooctety ‘ TUljia-'dropjlcd dead rram -Ticai-t. Y.t ’■ • . #K % * CvjMTP RihUitiplioi. M m '%• j 'Experiments in Short Time . UrllDng -fm- oil- In Kaptpaou count ! will probably la; relumed within th ' -ety -fr* wi"i k*. arcuuHng tri *W It* - j CakUmL pobU-Hef *>f the Bampaon in dependenf. who waa a visitor In jrastanlji The outlit u»e<i hv.ilic/ \|»-riment of Ihc pn*t >uimm" , ivuß'iuild at u court able' Monday and Imught In hy Irußieca of the coinpan-- w blch I wicked the first move. Mi ( HRti-el^aald. 1 The Clintou publisher Is (Jrml)' eon- MEMBKR OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FITg CENT* Tan iN KofcM Martin CMrpi With DrwuaiUnK and Maklaa Threats ATTORNEY'S ARGUMENTS TO BB MADE THIS TtORK. ('ana Oatirrawth nl Kbri Sab To Dyaaaitta Mian Bprty Bara The cief. <htf*ftiag three!* had dynamiting npaiaet Tm end Rotund Murrln, alleged IQ hpve been mpM berk of the '.Clue* Gang" whteta tempted to dynamite the burs of Moitngo of Indian Kprtog* toaahWn. will probably be nettled In Wapap County Superior court today. irMfoe* we* practically completed whynepugt adjourned yeeterdey end the argg- Utent of the flee attnntejre appeals* In the rnee end th« charge of Jhd#*\ Henry « firady remain before the Juep. take* up He doty. • Jim Moitngo Indian flprlage eW»U wan awakened et S:SS a Bat elder morning aeeeml week* ago hy a daaf eulag roar. Ruelitng ant to MMfgntf* pate be found an effort had beep* made to dr auntie .bta bene and NO where be wen Id Mud it wee a ee*OWl ed note »lgu*d duck Uahg" us warnlmr him to Irar* the .<munaalO ns be, the evrawl **td. We* eSdMM trouble. Negt time *6l" Wilt «*•*. the letter eaid. ** ”* WUneadoa uotijjSl M JMe terday that they .had M. Too 'MM Roland Murrl/ jeafcy .ftrftMl Mi'ilnyo, ami it *»a'•hM dtß'bdf That there bad been • dbwicr»«ta»tit be tween the Marwae and Moetayu *»«*- time prev lonely . - * Roland Murrln wea arretted t» Jonee bounty on the *»yWk tie this county. It was saM. be wby other* had net been arrest*! and **• quoted aa eeytwr it VMM. ha hoped■ elble to find Where Rea SfMt* of df nnmlte had been bought ip Ktoeta^. The atale offer* ertgeap* te ehow •tmllarlty between automobile life incite found near the Moafago barn and track* made by a eer t-vned Rf one of the Murviu*. BtnUletlty of f*ot prlut* was atao cited. l- Ae e defense, the Murrln* set ep a» •itbl point ea the eland te teoUfy pa to their whereabout* oa dtp night of the explosion, eaylup that lbey wefe at Home on the ntgbt In gueettap- Ae to the autoaeoblle H w*» held that the ear had not beea need ter HURI * prior to the night aa whteh the effort era* made to dynamite thb bam.. , Yesterday v nlr**» almost *»Urm Ir to pm ee«e Judge Qrndy kaalbnced lleurr White. foeutLpeDty earlier Id the week of larceny of mbs* to. to It mouth* on the roade and gar* George (tones e. month* on tb# road* ler manufacturing whl*hey „ 1 • (OSnrCTM I»KM«!WffUTWtI ; v tiAKTONIA. Dee. A-tiH—TUlrtf two denioMtratton* In orehard wart, under the direction •rtt Maw*. exteneioU bnrtlenttarlet at State Oaf' lege were held In Canton oouhty- laar -a-eey, gltln* orchard owner* near point* In luivlatlnn. Demount rattan* and practice* wed* held In enter*l piece*. More prualUp und pruyUg. leading to. hagyfar • prb : duel ton. are npecteiTTo be prSctto+d l(i tVe; hit bee a* a re*uft of the pgp*- vlnred that there I* oil haiilaoth t(ic Sampson. nurture and he tald lm TtWir tTO' lT»>rV Wrf i TtiSlwr of - men who lrenr wiitW* nil anxious to rnntlaw the < xporimeM. “laiat Wednesday trunk." OUT- tll- I'eel told The Sewa "Two men want.to the* well which had Mood Mime l.i*i summer and uo-oaaad.Ht. They bad brought mirrors and turned i hem down the abaft an 4a to ast what (Coßtlputd oa P*ff Twtf .i, ■ '■ ; . v

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