(FMr mi m mM Mul»). Haaday to »ipil— rt.pftoii.a Mbwd by raJa. ffT'Vlt.t : -.Lar-j - ~jj=-zrzr— VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 246 ••-agy g,. • , J - CHARGE BLACK WITH MURDER WAYNE COUNTY GIRL Grand Jury Examines Evideftce And Brings In True Bill at Once * 'i Uany Niwimii, Negro Firet HeM A* Hvaiwet, I* One Charged With Crime TAKEN TO RALEIGH AS MATTER OF PRECAUTION. * • <, * Evtdeaee SaUeHted Before Jury | Dodarod To BrfW Circum I at out lor Nature idSRfMMMVMtb A trai MU charging that l.arry Neweome Negro, murdered Hcula Tedder. the pretty 15-year old daugh ter of Mr. and Urn Krtc Tedder of (treat Sonata towaihl*. was returned t) (hr Ways* Ooaatj Grand Jury rcaUrdny afternoon. Dtomlevd on .Thornddy afternoon, the Jury waa reolo aomooened yesterday to hear ... evkleaoa gathered by Sheriff Grant.. Deputy Sheriff J. p. Kornegav and' "Chief Doraey of Fretooat, and n true bill woe quickly returned. Earlier hi the day however, Sher. iff YV. o. Great and PlAiucloihoetnan Chink if hods* had harried Newsome t# the State Prison, Hatotgh (or safe peeping. Taking tbr negro to Raleigh wag simply a precautionary matter, hojrever, hod ‘here had been no out ward effort at fomenting * mob. He port* priutad In Um RaJelgh Times yesterday afternoon that SUerirf Grant hod defied a k»oh were without feufdattao- Tb* mta of Greet Swamp township moeffc fooling deeply the heinous crtnee, erpre cool and collected iu their atiltadd toward it and sided Sbeclff Gewat- on the night of the crime and fggin yesterday es he MSMIKt lb Poll down the cities of the calfc v * What officer* regard as the corn plstlou of a chain of circumstantial evidence against the NewWom* negro casm yesterday morning when De puty Sheriff J. C. Koruegay found u blood stained knife secreted on the * pillar of the house where Newsome lived. It was a wicked looking knife a long one-Made weapon, and of fl eet* believe that It wae with this in gtnunent that ths negro-slashed the 1 throat of the yoang girl after at tempting to* assault her. The father of Neweome and another member of his family identified the. j> knife found as om belong lag to him. rt was said. The negro, had told *ev etal stories of where his knife conld be found, all of them, however, plae lug It at some point in the bouse. > of the knife was another link in * clrodmataucU) evidence which hod begun to he collected un der the direction Os Sheriff Grant j Thursday ulgbt. When I along with George Reid, waa arrested as a suspect, officers found that ids 4 (Continued Os Page Threat Community Chest Names Its Officers and Hears Report bWuriug the annual meeting of the board o( director* of the tfold*- ooro Community Cheat held In the '(('•aortal Conamvnlty Building wore, tit* election of *fflear* for I*2» and tuo reading of the report of the Com— •nunlry Cheat drift a* given by Mr. Tboma* O'Berry, preaident, for I**7. . The new officer* ar* Prtaftent, W. 'A. Dee*; wtaldant. George' K. Freeman; tf*-«Hcrr, R. n. Steveua; b «, ( iii , • . v. ’ >diiui-» fit. attWßßtttu (m ft» '‘'t ■ ‘.eaulta of thl* campaign. The »00-- ce** that we hare made tn raiding thl * monev 1* largely dee to the fine work rikd cooperation of th* women of thin city beaded by Ur*. J N. Johneo’tra* .-balrmej. Oyeat credit ihnulU be riven to the lihalueti end ITofeeelon al*Woman’* club* gleo to the mera lier* of the < banjber of Commerce and Mr*. Oiddeaa and her. pfflce force When I dieted thr position chair roan of th»e drive I kpew that 1 would get tha Nil cooperation and |i*lp of Sir. Lionel Welh A. Chairman THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ JN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—RHAD BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY ItUY. < * ■ t ’ v * ’» . , - •..•.< . J a _ City Troop No. 1 Wing Scout Rally A national record for making fire by friction may have been mrdo by George Edwards, local buy Scout When be performed this feat In 4.5 seconds at the Scout Rally at the Community Memorial RuildiuK last night. , Goldsboro Troop Number 1 sponsored by the Goldsboro Rotary club, won first place In the rally with SI points. Goldsboro troop « was second with fl jmUvis, ill. OUve third. LsGrange fonrih. About 120 Uoy Sicout* participated In the event* before some seventy-five specta tors. “ ' 4*? FILL SPEED IS CONGRESS WORD Satiate Oosen Door to Senator* Bloct Vnre of Penn sylvania Washington. Dec. a—(iPb—Mar- Un Madden of Chicago, the white hair ed dean of the House appopriattons committee depltomlaed today’s pro ceedings In Congress when he called i out “Hurry up. Tom", to e hesitating colleague fumbling this afternoon for ibn neat word In his speech At both ends of the Capital the machinery of government moved on ward. The Senate showed the dpor to William R. Vare of Pennsylvania, who cauont now become a Senator unices he can present a convincing case before Ibe Read slush fund comlmttec and then a new committee was created to Investigate reports that the Calles government of Mexi co bad authorised payment to some o| those Already In ‘He Senate.. The House passed a 1200.000,000 bill car i v|nc a number of appropriations and nlll had time to start tux reduction O « » nrbate Coolidge Suggests Aviation Meeting WASHINGTON. Dec.# »—(*”>—'The calling of an internal tonal conference In Washington next December for a discussion of civil aviation waa sug gested today by President Cootldge In a letter to the Civil,Aviation con terenee meeting here. At the t.ime time Mr. Coolldge re commended that an aerial exhibition be held In connection with the meet ing aa a lucAjijof Ino res sing the In terest of the publlc'fimiF'areotngllah rnenfs of trillion... . . ot the publicity, he ha* ~3\- and anil, ited by women. I ward lo pauae-befe'and'epeak of the ar gani«Httfn *»l in* wuineu under Mra. b. xiffA ' ' • aui' JiL;aj.nd *, J ter a '«'** « »■' if • % .<•■ t * - , ' ' '• Ihu tucti In turn iiqul to bufidV -v 1 f(w ladle* in'help solicit theft terrl-J tory.. •- I The total nfi the BUbacrlptlqn* to ( date are $21.1172.00. We liare rea- 1 eon to lUßtft It, Will Ip* further In- ; crcanMl by several other mildo rlp t.on* 4f w e hare he. n able to ace sll the people the day of the drive for whom we had card*, there wouldt’have been no trouble whatever In rilling the 125.000.00 neceaaary for thl* work (Rlgnedl Thom a i O’Berry, Chairman. DEFENSE RESTS IN REMUS CASE «_ ■ ProntrttUon Renown Efforts to Prove Former Liquor Kinjf Killer | ♦ ■ , CINCINNATI lx* X- -(A*)—The last word indirect support of Geo. Remus plea that be suffered front transitory maniacal Insanity when be shot" amt killed bis wife lien- last October £. was said today, „ The prosecution Immediately renew 'd Ita effort! to prove him a deliber ate murderer and aqnd him to the ele ctric chair. The Itual effort* of the drfuuiv brought on a desultory ses-l sion of court with two character wit-! nesses testifying for Rrmu* and two depositions read to the jury , When the defense rested It had on wired .11 days. Os the tloiene of repositions taken throughout the loiintry only #klronicd parts of the tan were read, und eVen the sever!} reduced portion* got before the Jury only after long arguments which slowed the trial to a angll pace. WGIMtr NOT UP-41511 FROM WILMINGTON. Dec. Ths U. 8 irutter Modoc had not nrrl”ei here early tunlgbt ntid advices from -8 ttnp-rt sald-tlmt nothing had been »’wi of the I*>ut there. It was n noted to i\.ach ibis |K>rt someUm» l night with u part cargo on tlm ateam t•• (Mlxi*. Wrecked off Hatterns Hat nmay nlgli’ in a bad storm. YOTKH THIRTY IKtR S'BAICHtfH: FOR TELTPOXK • ; r • 1 WUJtON. Dec. it—The Caroliiia Telephone and Telephone company 'vrifyeetOMay Voted a 3.1 year IHti < lilre contract by Httsens of tblw clt/ in a special election held for that •mrpoae. * • _a—_-... SPECIAL HOUR | FOR TEMPLARS Will Worahii* in Body At Bt. I * Paul Methodist Church On 7 Sunday . r _ t , Two *peelal oc< a*ion* are sclieduled for Ht. Patti Church In Jhr next two Mondays Sunday mcmiiiK at II oVlruk Knight Templars of Goldsboro, A-*' Grange, Premont and nearby towns will worship at the church and the part or, Rev. J M. Daniel wl|l preach a special SerttiSh The Sir Knight* Will attend the srrrlrrs in full uni form. On tha craning of Sunday l Decem ber It the annual t’hrlatma*,cantata *UI b* rendered at the church. Un der the direction of W. L. Frederick, this annual muxic. program has come to h» fn« tff most popular of the year. Sunday aveuihg Mr. Daniel. St: Paul pastor, will, leave for Ht. Louis, Mo., wharo he will attend th% sex sioqh of tbe Superannuated Fund Pm dowmenl. Roard. On bis way to St. I*>hlt Mr. Daniel will stop In Rome, Georgia, for a short visit with his brrxher. He will he, away from Golds boro for* about a week. mwnill 12 s GOLDSBORO. N. C. SATJpPAV MORNING. OECKMRKK IS. IM? PRIOR PiVa CENTS Says Mexico .Ordered Pay United Suies Senate (Tealew Special Committee To In*, vestiirate I'haruea WARHINcfroM. Dec. 9—(J»*> —Au en quiry " into charges piiMiahod fti iiearat newspaper* that Prosldcut t'allo* of Mexico had ordered more than f1.201t.e00 iuig out of the Am erican government treasury to four l ulted Stale* Senator* wait begun nvlay by a special Senate coiaiulffe* >a few hour* afford! had been ordered by the Senate. ' Cooperation of the Slate department waa asked by Senator lived, Republi can who offered the resolution of en nulry and was Hter named chairmen of the In wet i gating committee Moving with dlapNljJ'. the comml tee advised secretary Krllhgg of the Sen ate uriiou and wlthm an hour an a*- •litaut of State appeared ( before the I'uoHnlttea at It* Ural' seesUm hehlwd ctoeed doors „ When iiearat newspaper* recently j began publication of what was called ' fosctmllea of nfGclal Mexican docu- 1 merits relating chiefly to IntrroatbMi n! questions, the Stale Department Jet It be known That It bad no knowledge of Kuril documents and the Ae Ut.'.ut Heoretary of State doclluod to ampli fy tilts Htalumout after the meeting to day with the committee He declined to dlacloah what ho had said to the - V committee i- - - OAXDITh • r , NEW ORIGANS. Dec. it—tdF»l -Klve, * O white men held up oecupnula of the Colonial club herfdodgx and escaped vHh approximately *Y.htM. Chrwtm*« For 23 Arranged By Santa - Club and S7O in Donations Are Added Opfefq&ttnkieii 3, 4 and 5 in the Wnyrte County Santa Clau* club for yesterday and donutipns of f7O mode to swell the effort by The News in cooperation with County Wel fare Superintendent li* H. Edwards to see that Old Saint NicH remembers. person in the county this season. The new departure of The News in requesting.for Mr. ■Edwards donations for indigent yet worthy cases outside the city has met a ready response in the city. * The Presbytecijin Auxiliary applied for opportunity num l>er 8, joining- the Cuthrelp Philathea Class of First Baptist church in religious organizations falling in with the move* mont. Other donations were by individuals who wanted to •become members of .the Santa Claus club. Two new opportunities »rc presented today und it Is hoped |h(jt the day will not pauu ltcfore 813 has been called and noli* fled that the cases willJic provided for. The Misses Claytor, llessie, Penelope, and Carrie—yesterday signified their inten ticn of taking care of cose and they may decide on on,} today. They applied for'numbtr 3 bUt numlier 3 hail been awarded l>efore the re<|Ue«t was received; «• Here Rre the new opportunities: Opportunity ,nT». (T ‘ Widow woman, very old. Jias an afflicted daughter, nnlfa little grandchild five years old, and a grandson fourteen, who is the bread winner and only support of the famityjFUe works by. the day whenever he can. y Clothes and food are needed very much fr>r this family. Opportunity No. 7-- A widow woman, boys, ages eight and two, and two girls, ages eleven and six. Lives with her old father who fa not able to work at all; This widow and her old^pfc.child work as farm hands around the neighborhood. Hi* tmZralot of trouble lately v.ith her -teelh*. Is 'nurd working and deserves much credit for holding her little family together under ; Uffh Tbuy wee*) el<4hif»g end -provisions. > Oppor t unit t«s. Taken , l&Bkfejajy.hbv.t fWMBi nu «£» *.: / ky '• ‘ ' • < *: X < O *'■•*'» t* ;■••••*•’ t r / *■ **' - ■ W m n * i *> No. 1- three old .people ./TT.;, Antinymou t 's * w / } No; fi—Two aged «i.+tcrs V. , v . /.*..... Anonymous . ■Conations . v One Ham ......... r . A. M. Rhcsfaid Anonymous 810.00 Unbnymoxnt . flfi.oo Anonymous .•>.... 610.00 Anonymous ..: . $20.00 Anonymous r*. $20.00 Jury Frees Roland Murvin of Charges | It look a Jury in Wayne county Ku|h rlor Court yeaterOuy tuurulng less than five minutes to return a verdict of not guiltv and to froc Roland Murvin of of dymuultlug the baru of Jim slox logo , indlaii Hprlnea tofashtp man. and of making threats against Motlngo. Hollcltor Wil liams bail taken a non. suit In tha . chars** aglanit Tan Murvin with* oat suhtnlttlUK It to the Jury. Charges w«,r® preferred against the Marvins afler an effort was made to Mow up the hani.of Jlot, Moalnito. and a scrawling letter tlgued “Olurk Mr. Mnatnga to leave the community' had been found. SEELY TAKES MOST CREDIT Admit* Ht la Boy Who Made Grove Whal He Became Ap World ST IXJLTS, Dec I* - Croat *»- aiuluatlon of s'r*d Seely li«kau today in his salt to obtain from. tb« rstale of hit father lu law fcl. W. Grove, 51 pw rtint of the stock of the Paris Medh luc company which Grove founded V. : Concluding hi* dlrod te»Uniony, Hotly described bl* varied career which Involved year* In Ht. L»ul* a* general manager of Grovoa uiedl wlne company In Atlanta a» manager of Grove's real estate concern aud lu Asheville as flrovFa repreaeataUve In rprt estate and hotel tntereetg. Blizzard Bit Big Ships -• . „ Twenty \csocl( Reported In Ulixtrme Before Sub-Zero Gale UU Up IBV THF, AHHOCUTED PRBSHJ •The wake of the bltixerd which swept with Sub-zero weather across Hie country found more than 20 Storm ridden vessel* on the Great Lkhea. In dlglresa, vvrpcked or limping toward part yesterday Although no duath* were reported, thousand* of dollars of damage were don* to shipping, the gala leaving a trail of smashed ohore property und skips. Wreckage believed to be from the steamer Agawa waa washed ashore m4*pxrhjenca Ray. although the crew ware reported jLstc.A t'auudlttn slratn er «n« also i sported In trouble In I'ert Arthur water* Three freighters whose wherc -1 tout were unknown- were located •a the wind* abated and the tempera ture arose dine ehs wad In shelter off MlcUipoten Is land and two staaiucra tied ap eafelv 05 81. llhrte. Fast lu 13 inches of fee and mad the eieam r Th«ai:ui Drill adntteit oatcome of aiicmtfl* to roach her by Ice crashes .. An M mile no hoar gate snapped four veaseis and a passenger steamer trum their mourtns* at Buffalo, two <.l the ship* being isuly battered. Warmer weather throughout tho middle west and Booth was In pros pect for the weak end with millftr winds only a tiff hoar* t h*hlad from | the Atlantic soahoord. THOUSANDS SEE NEW FORD HERE Williamsnn Will ('ontinuc Show injc Today With Truck Alno Displayed \Vl> rc county o*Fa nra still' In .V trr> sit'd In the mw Ford, tt was dem onstrated yeslerdav when Jos. R. Will xuienA, Inc. offtired for display fcT thi,Kflrst time, tho new model. Itn ttl nine o'clock lIU evening, fi.f'w t.eird. by actual tount Inul.called *o, inspect the car oml crowds were still atr.ummr In. The showing will continue today and in addition 1 1 the car. the w* PorJ 11 uck will be on display. The 'tuck eirived last wlkhi and won ex- NnmaUon of praise from those w’u> srh It in the abort Um« liefore clos ing. The thousands Win «»w th» P».v Ford we»("Vxclamwtoty In their prdi**} a it ' Well. Ford ha* certainly done < vrt;*thlna l»e promised and more, too 4 ' vra* the frtguent. expreaalon. Funeral Services Held For Young Girl Who Was Killed )•* * 5 Funeral itrrrirr* {or Tedder, U-x«tr old ‘girl, o> tlreat SwntMp Itrttrttuhlji, who »a* was found wIiW her throat torrt!il' rlauhrd and for urhotto death r . TXjwotftai*. negro llvitir near tha Ted held &l the dppef Hlack free', church y«-«t»*ril nj afternoon at three o'clock with Elder D®noy, of tVtlnon (fflelatm* The aervloett were verj wnl na‘-t fj£j| far Ih* ■ 1 :M of tho pardnta nitd a lev. * of the «lovcm ‘frldnid y renlhi •o vj a kiKwfai n i * ■ ' ■* ’■ ' • ♦ 1 '- * i.■ * . . r 1 -yn tn:»»l»-.-Kote-rt—twHdlnff-iihh hi* ; nod. and tin fail that the Trdte’ ! ramlly Wan,*®* ’try generally known | a cr<>»•■! gathered nt the ofe • V > rs»v*, and braved the chill, Mtfßf jio< ember wind, bare wlfll. Mule it. ula »m lowered In") her Hi •• at r. etlng place. For noTiout or';»o >/-»terd.ay morn ' Inc. after her email, braleetf l»; d> > htd been prepared for.-btirial, IWut t lay In her lovely while cotjppt In l’io •indcrlakinß room of Velvet Ton Urn*.. In Fremont, while hundred* paired by within the narrow conflueg' i- OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HOLT FAMILY TO CO TO RICHMOND Will He Dreocnt (• Defend Name of Mra. Hnipen When ( aee U Called Heveral membera of the fioll fam ily of Princeton Will go to itiettmand Htindey la |>« present when the cnee le called Tueadsy charging murder sgaiaot J. W. Faieon in the oaath of Mta Mate Holt HaJpea. according to J, J. Hatch, who ho* beau retained hy relatives of the dead woman to prosecute Faiaon, Mr*. Hntp**, a na tive ts Prlffcotoa, slid duugl.iar ol Tube Holt, died in a RiohniatuT ho» * pltal from thewficct* of a pletol wound In khu head. Fataun it charged with (he crim« sad R haw been alleged that he wae stoat In the tpaiMpctt wHt yirx. (Fnipctf at-the time of the shoot lug. • Dlapatchte out of hav* apekrn or latlm»tu reiatioO* having * Xlsted between Mrs Shlpea and Fhl acn. who wa* married and had a wlta and live children. Attorney Hatch d*» dare* (bat the atotlea have bean Inkhly eiiggerated tad that the pro secution will vflrtng aeteeal banorMee when the caw it called. “If Mrs. Huipea as what tome of the news Horton have tuggestod," she would never have been able to hold her po lUon as aa lootrttctor in the Richmond (Cneorvatory of Music " he declared., The Gotdehoro attorney da clated that Falaon had represented himerlf to Mr*. Hulpea ae a dlypreed man tad that ha had wol he» frtead ahip. l!un of the body. IVonk Moffett of New Oeru waa elected secretary and in-usurer, Discussion wad heard to day»uf an address on taxation deliv ered last night by State Senator Kenneth C. RoyaU, of UoUUboro, who declared that tu hie optntuo too much of the tax harden was falling upon the land of tho plate. tJu advocated a cdnstltutiudsl ItmitsUoa of tho taa on tpnf An udir eftfiit and' %. , -. ‘ ' •t «* : V • ** j-wue m rerohvttfif the avepeefad negro, ! lj«rry Newer.me i-ntn the veene, aaV r quickly ha they did. . ' j One of Fr: motif* mod ropnerva | tiva ilUi-ua »»t heard to any that. I -It * a pootbihlnt they awny ! when they dl l, bacanaa If he wn* her* I now, tMih- rrowtl. inlcht be hard tft how - ' ‘ * * . r s little knot* and froupa nj .men '»t •••<♦ In front of pmctlcally erepr i lure in the town, t.ilkln* In guarded tont-a, while elderly ladiee an< young glrh convdrefd jKittt .pnpkl MhtrUatt * awed-whiaper*., 's& T - .