■ ■ 111 I Hl——»'■■■ '—■■■> WEATHER Increasing ettailsiM warmer follow • 4 by rate In WWW. Saaday and pro bably Monday. Slightly colder Monday VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 247 CONTINUE NEWSOME MURDER TRIAL THIS MORNING 111 W «■ / ft* ■ *■ - ■» . 1 Hearing of Evidence Was Begun Yesterday At 2:30 in Afternoon 23-Yenr aw Nt*m Chnrged With Marker W 11-Year QM Basin Tedder • r •* V. *.. f * / LOFTIN AND HATCH NAMED BY COURT AS ATTORNEYS Orderly Cr«M Pulud Court h6w Yawlay Afternaoa Ax Trial Got UiWerway Trial of Ldsry Eewaeme, O year el 4 Bffiw, lap the marder of )*Uf Bnk Tedder, waa Mfu la Cqowty Jioperier tear* yesterday Hlawfn. g»daQl be eeaiteaai atfxiklhfcmerwlar. t-Uiorneys V, •» Lefjii and J- J. If nicker were earned by Jodge Mrary Ju Grady le defead Mew. was and SelMfar tlawsea L. WlUlame I* laasalsted far ' Ike Kioto. j . Netvtome y» brought from Htate Prison, Raleigh yesterday morning and rrralgned before Judge flrndy, the attorneys named by the count cater ing a plea of not guilty. Messrs, llatrh and lof tin were ordered to defend Neweome la keeping with the requirements of law 1 that every de fendant shall have the benefit or ronnnoi. >. „ *At 2:no yrnterditjr afternoon the court railed the aaa«, and despite the (art that there had been nn m«- * paper announce want that the trial would he started Saturday. apprnxl ; mutely 2,800 people urowded into the roojn and pjlfrlf, m eUttd In the aaterAoma and hallway*. The crowd waa made up ahnont entirely of whlt« man. Negro wen. howsver, showed considerable tntereat in the caae and there were poesihly two %andVed of, them in the audience, moat collected In one section In the gallery The crowd was an orderly crowd, and pot <>n«e wore there any out spoken threat* against Nrweorue. 0 "The audieaaa will b* aeated." stat ed Judge (Jrady in calling court td order and ho pointed out. aeate not taken and told Sheriff Grant to *»k that *a rauuy a* posalhlc file into them rather than aland about the ronrt room. "I will net permit a demonstra tion of any kind and officer* will pre errre order,'stated Judge Grady. ‘‘Bring In the prisoner,' Judge Grady ordered the eeurt aUeudanis. crowd leaned forward the Jlrat glimpse of the .smalt, slight bullet-headed.' thick protruding lip- ped negro *ho wp» led In lad ween Sheriff Grant and Officer llhodea. Weak and helpless, the lJttW negro ap peared there before the powerful of-, (leers, in* eyes twitched nervously and contlnt|ally atul when lie-had trken hie place by the. side of hi* counsel be remained strangely lm - movable. There pa* a loo* of dated wonderment about him Jprors who l»ad served the week ‘ were first qne*tlon«l. hut were soon exhausted and the member* of a special venire of seventy-five were ralfed TbU Venire had been selected j from among the cltipens of the south cm end of the county with the-pur-J pone of securing .meu who had not . heard details of th# esse or expressed j in opinion about It. About (wo hpurs «r Aw. spent In sei actlng' a Jury and forty name* had, been called hjkfoVe iWrlye man ace p- 1 rpolrtfd dafepae w.erw eeeurjd Most of j *. ttortf e- rwutssl J * tim mnn w-a* T»jmcd» byVbwrd* sense Solicitor Williams did not u*e • A Slagle challenge or reject a single Jurymen. The defease used shout eight of Its- prempfory challenges. Cora Reid, negreas with whom T’euls TeddWwws Uat seen nitre, was the first witness pitted on the stand. She said-that lieuls had gone with her j to tbs field house some dial a rtf# away to get a Jar"of homemado syrup, that; tJ*UII coming from the funnel of one 'ggve rise to the hope that llm- fff—- •r’a crow of 21 were still alive. Ef forts of a tug to reach it were frits trated by heavy seas Kinston Man Ends Life By Swallowing Poison KINHTON. Doc. Id-i/P)—Despond ency which relative* were unable to trnco ted Paul B. t'olllns 2* yenr old filling tfatlou proprietor to tjike Id* own llfn hv Hwullowlng pol* -u late today. Hie wife returned from Col lins business establishment to- find Col Ull* stretched lifeless across the bed In ntr home. League Arranges Peace Agreement GENEVA. Dec. 10—o Four County Duke Alumni Meeting Here Monday Niglil Dr. J. M. Onnond o( the school of ( Rtllltot, anil M. Ar'hnld. dean ol frei.hmen. will be speaker* at a Duka: Uiilveralty banquet here Monday ere- 1 uliik Alumni of Wwrnc. "Nash, War combe anil Wilson counties a 111 at tend tty local matting. The occasions *s In celebration of "Duke IVnlverally ; Day," for three year* ago tomor row the I»*<‘ James It I* u k*r afflted Ilia signature to < h.e furious Indenture which created the Dak- Kndowmrat and “gave million* ‘of dollar* to '’education, hospitali zation, B,pii re.ll*i n in North Faro’ niriit >ef tlvr unprecedented ‘e* -•*- v-*ir-w' s tw"r» eerrf.rr- Av h-v -i . ». * * * ,lniieii'Uic.. wa* tortpally aliened -i»y* A* the ImlentgiHi madt possible the < tpanaiini of Trlnlly college into Duke nnivrf'dty, alumni >id tlfat Institution « plan fa» hold a general otyt rMutce, "Dufc l'n|ver*lty Hay” j n Monday. Dinger* apd luncheons ate to br held -in a doxen or more town i and cities iu>thla state, and additional onus In nichmoml. New York. Hirniingham, Norfolk t and otb*r cities At the university tomorrow morn ing, 'exe-i rises ?V>l be hold at chapel hrur, which Itlchard t. Kelly. 08 GOLDSBORO, N. C.SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1927 lof Hrdeusboro, .delivering the prin cipal nddrua*. In the evening an- I other program w ill ho held at the I university, With Durham and Orange ' coitnly. Aluuiui attending. Last evening Duke aliuuul residing ,in New Toth t.Tty held a dinner ! inveting, i with President W. I*. Hew j speaking. Other gatherings wllL-be held on Monday at Oxford, Winston- I Sulcin. Asheville, Hick ory. Green-bor".' Sullsbuiy Sanford Ooldslioro, M rtdon. I.un le rton, Now I lhn», on if Greensville a* full flMttlhf there jf,ll %e .1 Dot ..' I■v 1 a I?r* wii ! .1. various r ' * v- ■ • * f,,/ ha* - Aha. ficuti v , T ...-- - - • M drY Ul.iail.KN 11111. • '• .... . ID, I nil I MfNt.ItKNS \y>.SIIIM;i(»N- Dec 111 The MyN.iry .llaugcn' bill Vetoed liiet sc.i ithQ. by r’reaidont 1. t 'H'lidgw—* has been started on iim way' through Con 'press ay tin In sitgltfly modKhsFWw. ;. Hetiator Sic Nary. ” r putdli nn.* Ore j con. new chairman of Uiy Senate Ag fWtrliiir.il conimlttcc, put thu' new , hill In the Senate legislative hopper late yesterday soon after It was for mally., opened fur bu'icuei- CONGRESS FAYS LINDY HOMAGE Pause In Midst of Nation’s Busi ness to Vote Him Congres sional Medal WASHINGTON, lHr. 10—(4*1- -Italy lint momentarily the signs ami por trait llmi Ml« (orrriut a session turn l>r legislative ami political storm the new congress eudwd It first week tonlaht with an air of confident roreiiliy. While the Hensta wav taking tha d:«y off the house opened (tu Satur day's ileHherntUma In u spirit of pel- Ircl folio* ship by greeting and honor trig Col. Lludbergh. (lathered In uu <> expet tedly from a nearby hallway. hiuiddiig amt almost nverwhelmed the ace of aviator*, welcomed at ait Informal reception at the speaker's rostrjim ami unanimously voted’ tt_ Congressional modal of honor. Tjieu (lie member* returned lo the tax re duction hill now imNalmr through tha rnrly stages of It* legislative Jour ney and ocrttplod the remained of the day exchanging statistics aero** the party hlhlo PROTEST JUDGE JOHNSTON HAYES Opponents Claim Hf Used Of fice to Reek Business For His Law Partnsr WASHINGTON. Dec. It)—MP)-Pro test aKaliut the ronflrmation iff Judge llayos of the newly cruated middle district of North Carolina has been filed with Senator Overman. Detnorra will hove the Brtiate judiciary (<>mmlttrath>n waa rent trt> the H'-iuito hy Preeldent f’Aolhlitc tills work. • i Vance had filed rharyra that llmye* ha* ttaed his office to aollclt trade for Ma law partlnar and that llnyea made false reprcaeutsthuia to the Itepubll can National Atiftelea expoeltlon promoter and *elf iCyted “»tar wltne**" for Oci tfrnfVi*, his boyhood*friend, wa* today* outstanding development In connec tion with lit* murder trial of the tor ,-r klnx of hottleKßer*. IW'rßcr was released on bond and t’h* irrralKnnienl set for Monday. ll# ■fib* aireatisl'at a hotel Jnst a few minutes before ho was to have Wrnrd rd a troln for home. A seal lijdlclment was returned tiy the rfrandjory today uud Harper's arrest' cum* within a few minutes verifying ril»oh/tMI had rwept the courtr'Kita •dnee ho testified a week ago. ..X Morgan Will Hunt 7 In North Carolina (. It i.K.NHt'i lit >. pat *l.'» OVI - . :l Ptarpost pan. Nfvw tork OnauciW .» s "■ y*‘‘ . e,.f|i erg. s Won resident bum I '' '* '-■ V . '.v ♦i:, Ito fiif.ifol it. i'll.fc 111* . ■ Hi rue, Senator Hawes, that fired* I name would lie presented to th» next 1 Denimtutie convention. * EIGHTEEN PAGES TODAY Several Arrests Are . ' Expected as Residt Os Girl’s Disappearance | ROTARY SPEAKER| The Internaliotfally known apeaker on etvlllkation, old and new. Cel. W. G. Archer *peak* Tuesday to the Ro-J tary Club. 5 ‘HI* talk ‘ HanHatton and Civilian*' thm” i-ompart-e thn, eucient el eanitallou with tha modern concep tion* -Mrs. Llllkitdahl tVinitTneai-h. •' tuvlrted of killing Ike woman'* sued husband were geKUWte*' «d today to f’erg years In state prison ghv a jmltte who tHjtlaVbd they should have b’.-iii a I v.in either the death penalty nr at leant llfelmprl*oit|aent. “Beyond question.” Jdstice Camp nell Hulti when the prlmUer* were riTootrtrr Harar* titm. TW* crt»rw«r •murder In the flrnt dt**r«t. ■ Hot since some of the juror* would not agree to such a verdict and ae * compromise verdiet of voluntary man slaaghter was flnslly rendered. 1 will itttiH>*(- the muxie»um sentence. Ttie greatest penalty posslkle fore manslaughter verdict I* 10 years in prison and a fine of f 1,000. justice Campbell did pot Impose |lt« flo» but he did etipuUte tbs senlsnc.es should lie served at hard labor. . WORLD W.tll VITBRtN DIEN ALIIEHMARLE. Dec. 10 -(4’NsAVal tcr ■ Ashby, 3*. world wsr Veteran, -'l'opped ilrud at a filduit station here today while hn i v!ui; * pttt In his »ar. ll* stepped out of the machine and suddenly fell to Ills knee* tin was (load befori- he cimM h# carried from the spot. y . 20-Milt* (]hase Necessary To , .HoU. N v r?J ■ ■ tr- nullli 'j tt til?) j '‘toe thurt tVr Hfy miWs.'VVwi ;-I|i Gn 1, • . %Wi' aftlNled BO’ I I'.i 11 ' i 1 > lin j. b'.sto ye mn • iv ;. 1 iiic,iv .jM- riiiifm Hwi.dn hia.caej I warn fioftl 41' pnlltsßa of llqu j I•' I tMlth pfolind up i art . f apd si», umb stra-.. 1 1* G s h * and tlm ra.io win «*ti. V*’*?*it i %v£ir» a.'ftnr Hkliw4V numK " lo it j 1 prween'i -J until Princeton was regel,- J I'd ller. rod'll turned off the b'c'-.j v f»v ai«ai took I ft4* n|H mail * lu AtliueUm Young Smith pvktul !ji- i-'torryele and called upon tl.y cbi< f oi police of the Jobnatou t#*:i j N r - 11 ■' waw MFMRFP AP * r* lunaiDLK Ur Itt THE ASSOCIATED PRESS :4 rates st rsesam lA-Ygar OM DrHmuh Qlri Ws» Found in Ctta^NwStf HAD BEEN MIBUMG POH'’ 3 MONTHS F%OM Mm V* ' v ir* w • . Jrs Man and Woman HoM *- IM (kninty Jail on (’hnrfao 4# Outgrowth Wnpuirmn •• v-e*c DURHAM. n« 10-i4V Ht»lKhNso been taken for the unrest M seregH men In connectloa .with the dt«m pearanee here i lie Brlgos, If. yeer OW daugfcUß.fkf James Hrlgga who wot found Mjg Hanford Thursday la a raWa,-afM4l- Ing to the father who returned Mb. I.ee county. , , $1 The names o t the OMNI aPOli pH be ascertained tonight. . ’V The girl, James MeXßight, ami Hlakeley ere held Ip Lee the letter two far a HaiHag »h court daring ih« comta g week. •< The Briggs Kin will he hrottkt homo earlier in the week lo the fatlier, hut Mdk;«ata she m* nndergoito an rxiatiaotSaa hy I #• slclan to detxroilM., khr cendlUalf McKnlgkt Is charged WRk. kf4hs carnal knowledge of a female kAr id years of ago Tk« VUskelvy eetjil o Is bslng held as aa aotomaHea If,lf* dellßgusnry of ihg Brtgge girt » . t 1 Mailer of P. IN, Premfftal Now Renta WBH laUiwUte CW* merce Commljj— WASHINGTON, Dor Ib-<^ pllcatlpu of Our Piedmont aP4 NeWfe -rtt Railroad fee authority to MOW l?« miles of new tracks id tha OarSttha-North Carolina kurder larrl tory were stthtttUad today le ik» inter rtui« Commerce Cemmkmkm |Ar L derision after k boars of leeal oratory inclosing arguments. Charles Evans Hughes. leed^H Jeffrlaa vice es Hjii sewt^ tru railway afjgyag UMr rrdjcct summed up tbdlr on the prolonged roatiaw»fgy. Jft. Jeffrlaa stated the poaltioo Os |se hunt hern was that sufftetOtU ItUWfll taeltltlee now extet In flte terrttort and that no new lnveetmaat of pagttal l” railroad txie'nsloaa won joatlfM , • ——oeamwpr- i % y , TUG SMI NT WATTM- . L ’ nun ATficnM WIN HTt IN -HA IXM, poo. 1% -MU'- atark* 3d minutes apart upon night i atchntcn at two dtfferept Whooeu lse torten today wrr« matter* lor tavfStt t M lon by local nfftcewk I) Graham was last nighs ‘etreA ‘self the head with a heavy wfeMh by ad* if two unidentified men who OtfOdb rd him just 30 minutes OSOSt* » ertor war attacked. by a negro. Notll- I v «rc watchmen at tobac,ex factories W urgT ir fbii ti»mbyS|V<. !> " Vl’v ehaaed Ike car oiPVlvf Oft ' j ‘«iek country In thart”, audd ■j 1 iat-night. . ' 1 rm..iiv the rum ranotag eaf «M n „u/l t ton halt hy the offMefß l f*nr it ring a tire, ‘arden waa piaevd «P **r t urraat, the whiskey, confiscated, aftd ! 1 He, ear eatapd Man. ’kulntuabile, **td | .. hWJiev were fought back kaw*. The liquor was packad in Mlf gal ! ton ft « and contalnara aad