WEATHER CW " 4y VOLUME SIX; NUMBER *4B sssssamp&t&mfbmsßXili ii ■■■ ■— :■ ',r, ?■-/■■.• ■: tau ;,7. .1 . - ■ ■■ = = ■•■■■■■- ■■■—-='=== = ; : 1 , McLEAN WIRES HIS THANKS TO GRANT AND GRADY SNIPES CASE OPENS IN RICHMOND TOD A) Whole Mystery Witness Names •» ' y . t' ? * Former Goldsboro Womb Oe cuiied Apart meat Above That • of Stahl Priaco(oa Woman U Mlm Beaale Wright, who fermhr ly niMMI In Goldsboro, Un " myster ious witttMe" mentioned u prepared to give damaging tMtlmony against J. W. Faison. Richmond man. charged with tha murder of Mrs. Elate Holt Snipes, native of Prlneeton. when the case Is begun Is Richmond this morning? Miss Wright Is known to have oc cupied aa apartment directly above the one occupied bp Mrk. Snipes. Dis patches out of Richmond the past few days have spoken of sdmeoae—the name wit held—who lived In a nearby apartment as haring heard Kelson say over and over on the sight of the shooting. “Oh. my Ood. I have killed poor Bale; what shall I dor Jaaaas i. Hatch, local attorney. In company with Mr. aad Mrs. Tobe Holt, parent a of the dead woaian. left about neon for Rich mond. Accompanying them wore two sisters of the deceased. Mr. Hatch together with Harold, D. Gooley. of Nashville, have been retained by Mr. Holt to prosecute raison la the case beginning this auraing. The prosecution n7l| be able to ad vance iSformatiph which will throw a different light on the case from that which has rque through newspaper reports, acmn-dlag to Ms. Hatch. The dispatch out at-Richmond speaking of ’ a “mysterious witness" Is as follows: . "Oh my God, f have killed poor El rle. wbst must 1 doT When Weelgy raison, former sec retary-manager of the Mermtugc Country club, goes ts trial lu Hust ings court agat Tuesday on the charge of slaying hie affinity, Mrs Elsie Holt Saipan, pretty and accom plished musician, formerly of Prince ton. N. C.. In her apartment In the west end, the proeecutfcn will seek to establish by a witness occupying an adjacent flat that some one was heard repeating the exclamation over and over before fhleon carried her out of the apartment end rushed her to Stuart Clrele hospital where site died early la tn* morning of Novumber 11 of a pistol Wound In the bead which Is alleged to have been la Dieted by him. This was learned from an authoritative source; mean while the Identity of the wltneee le being kept under oover. According to mtonn.,h* whs atone with her In the apartment when she received the patal wound. He con received the fatal wound. He con moment of despondency with a large Spanish special revolver of .M cali ber, which was found lying on the floor near the chair, la which he ears that ahe was seated at the time of the tragedy. Temporary County Loans Must Comply With Statutes RALEIGH, p«c. 12—t*’)—Tempor ary Imim made by pation of the collection of taxes or other revenue should conform -la .the provisions of the county rinance net, mn rha* Johnson. to designed to •utegaai'd#he financial Intergsta v-• i . tHUlber b, ooW JIIUV. i or by le*M*frwm bank* . He believe* bbtb oonntto* and bank, can “got In wrong” by disregarding Abe Uw. Tba act states - • "Section four of tb* finance act pro rid aa that counties may borrow money for the piTrpoaa of paying ap propriations gadt tor tbo current fiscal year la anticipation of collec tion of taxoa.or otbar revenues of •neb flacal yaar payable not later than SAvgaya after tba expiration of the current flacal yaar. No aurh loan •hall exceed «0 percent of the amount . • . . & •• THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. DEMOCRATS WIN PARTY VICTORY Take Q. O. P. By Surprise Aad Aaiead Tax Cat MU Aa To Companies •{•&, r ' T WASHINGTON. Dec; I* (A*) Catching Republicans off guard, the House Demorcats succeeded today In amending the revenue bill to material ly reduce the Us rale on pet corpora tion, incomes pf 116,000 or less. Tbs proposal was sponsored by Re i eseniatlve Garner of Texas. • Senior, minority member of the ways sud means committee which drafted the measure. If was opposed by Chair man Green and the vote. 136 to largely was along party lines. Except for thle thrust the Democrats made no con certed effort to penetrate the cordon of RepuilcAn votes that Mr. Green after hit unexpected defeat, kept on the floor to depend provisions of the measure. , Throughout the day .ohwever. somo Democrats Joined with a handfull of Republicans In taking shots at var ious Items In the bill. Although the Itemocrals scored one victory, Mr. Green Indicated he would seek to nuf llfy It. before a final vote on (he measure, by demanding a record vote on the corporation Income tax amend mant. Aa Republicans have a com fortable majority In the house'll was predicted that It would be elmtnlatcd befor ehte bill Is sent to the Senate. Ford Wins First ... Round Big Suit PCNTIA, Midi . Dec If—GR —t oun sal for Henry and Kdsel f*ord were denied the right to the correspond ence which passed between Henry and Wtllfred Leland ahd other stock holders of the former Lincoln Motot Company by Judge Covert In the Le land suits go compel reimbursement of afcoor #», 000.000 '« The plaintiffs charge that the de fendants promised to relmbnse stock holders when they bought the plant for 11,000.000 Fall From Tree Is Fatal to John Guthrie 4 While hunting Saturday After noon so** Stnlthflrlrt Johji_ rie aged 22 and single received!, In juries that proved futah death oc cur! ng at noon. Funeral and burial will be held at Pinkney church. Aa related by his brother George of South Slocumb street, the young* l.Uihrlc while hunting climbed a tree to run a squirrel out of a bole and In doing ao fell striking hie chin on a limb of the tree mak ing an ugly wound. The young man was held In the highest esteem by a number of frtenda He la survived by three brothers and three Bisters. of uncollected texce and other reven uc for the fiscal year In which the loan hi made, ae estimated by the chief • > financial officer and certified In.writ ing by him to' boljy> "flection tlx provides‘that no moifljy shall be borrowed «t a rate at Interest . ted by law hud tltai live day* iklei mast |k given in south newspaper tufa lug general circulation In the conn lV‘ ■ i "Section seven prSrldee that up revenue anticipation notes shall be valid unless there ehafl be written or printed on the face or the reverse thereof a statement signed by the chief tlnaclal officer of the county., that the note and all other revenae anticipation notaa of Ihe county •mount to leas than *1) percent of the amount of uncollected tase* aud (Continued On Page Three) # FOUR SANTA OPPORTUNITIES ARE YET TO BE TAKEN; ACT PROMPTLY Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Merritt yesterdoy spoke for Oppor tunity number 8 and the Misses Claytor for opportunity num ber 7 in the effort being made by The Newn in cooperation with County Welfare Superintendent R. 11. Edwards to see that Christmas cheer comqa to every destitute person in the county this^eason. Four"opportunities remain and should be spoke for today: Opportunity No. 9 Very old woman v bed ridden. Lives with her brother. Would be very thankful for anything the good people of Wayfte County would give her. , Opportunity No. 10 A widow woman, about nine miles from Goldsboro. Has a boy seven years old, a little girl five years old and a baby two years old. This woman lives on a fivd acre farm, rented land and works out by the day. Leavdg her little babies with her old father in the day time, who is not able to work, and is the bread winner for the family. After she has worked drier own little crop she goes out and works for the near by neighbors. Opportunity No. 11 This is a family of eight children and the mother has lately been in the hospital for an operation. The father has been up against it for a few weeks and is behind with everything. Anything In the line of school clothing or provisions will be very much appreciated. Ail the children in school age but two.- Opportunity No. 12 A widow woman with five children. The oldest boy who is sixteen years old the only support. The’oldest girl has been working until school started but had to go to school as she is in the school age. This mother is not well, but takes in' sewing to help support the family. A little girl, 18, also one 11 and 9 and six. Opportunities Taken No. I—Widow and five children Anonymous No. 2.—Widow and three children . . Cuthrcll I’hiluthea Class No. B—Widow woman and seven children.- Presbyterian Auxi liary. No. 4.-—three old people , . Anonymous No>6—Two agdtTsistcrs Anonymous No. 6—Wffjbw and 8 children Circle 7 of First Baptist Church No. 7—Widow woman and two boys V The Misses ClayUfr No. B—Old man anti wife Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Merritt Donations » v » One Ham A. M. Sherard Anonymous ......... % ...... SIO.OO Anonymous *. fio.OO Anonymous f 10.00 Anonymous 120.00 Anonymous i *20.00 ORDERPROBE TO CONTINUE • By Decision Vote Senate Orders Continuation of Slush Fund Cases WASHINGTON. Dec 12~(iP)— By a decisive vote of 4i to 21 the Senate to day ended the feud of its only coualne "Dave Reid of Pennsylvania and. Jlgi Reed of Missouri fortoaWy resfTfrtmng the authority of Ms epeclal campaign funds committee headed by the mls snurian. ReltJ of Pennsylvania who gained the upper hand when he led a *uc cceeful fllllbueter at the close of the Iref'suasion which prevented the Vote on the proposal to continue the com mittee submitted almost wlthont a struggle as the MlssUtirian Reed drove through his resolution j»flrr lashing the Pennsylvaniaiv Senator. . order to carry on the commltten which lleed of . Missouri la" head, -will meM tomorrow to may plan* for retiming luyuatlgatloivof the f’eonayl vania and IlHnots prlmar*. h**t year, ' ‘ 2 ,oi. . . ... ' ' * m- • . v a- * •-* , k 1 - **•■ Expect Withdrawal of Johnson Hayes Charges -,, . w GREENSRORO. Dec 12—f/P> Speedy confirmation by Congress of the appointment of Johnson J Haven as Judge of the middle North Csrollnv district. T P State eouyt was seen -here todsy following, shnouneemenf by Mr. Hayes Shat he had been Inf or pi ed in a telegram from Senator Over man that Sensational charges prefer red against him by P T. Vane of riumtree bad been withdraw. #(«M# GOLDSBORO, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13. 1927 GUARD CAR IS WRECKED SUN. . I Failed to Take Curve Rushing to Raleigh and Hit Tele phone Post . • . : "Sheriff Grant ought not to have' to Jose the damages to that car per-1 Tonally." were the goncral expres- , vlons of opinion heard on the streets ' yesterday, when full details of the wreck which had occurred as the convicted negro was being rushed 10, Raleigh had been obtained The mishap oeenrred. It -was said,! when the car containing members of the local National Guard unit, and ' driven by Ctalborn Royal), failed to make • curve on the highway, while travelling at a high rate of speed and crashed Into a telephone pole, break log the pole off at the base, and < ituslng tl to fall across the top of the car. The finally atop, how ever, It was uutlj It struck up against u' large' oak tree a'fsw further. ‘ « . ' The car war almost" p ■>mplet i efx»de ' , mouthed #4 iordlng 'to.repfU-tu 'iiii.t V .i •' ,2' •'» ■ *!!»►•*•• *•;« 1 , I |M( "< i npantjc' were-in.uiJv Injured f «r killed Ms- Royall and the gV*rd , ' y Weie'faVen Tn|o the *t>**rlff-c csr, 4 arrled- on Into VUlHltb' 1 ■ AMIKES KIILHI HETEK* - -*/f ”■ • t ' I MANAOIA. Xic .ifJSir 12 (VP) Vtn • than Marines have killed 15 outlaw* I in four skirmishes in the. last few] days, the Marine commander said lo ! day. There were no casualties among ! Hie' \ter.luf* and Nliaragugn guards : ineu. DUKE ALUMNI HOLD MEETING Vi Observe Duke University 4 Day With Banquet and By Duke Officials The work being accomplished with money provided by the late James B. Duke should within 20 years trans form many ot ihe rural church** of lie slate, Prof. J. M Ormond, of the ichpol of Religion ?» Duke, Hold alii-, rial meeting at the Hotel Goldsboro, i ist evening. The gathering hero wax one of a puinber held at centers In the State lest night In commerora tion of the date upon which the lato V t- 1 tobacco iragnet signed the Intieuluri cr<<atlng Duke University. Prof. Ormond outlined (he respon sibilities of the alumni to Ihe Unl tcrslty, saying that Ihe real world of an institution could It* measured ?u Ihe lives nf Its graduate*. "The mis sion of n college," he said quoting from the late Bishop John C. Kllgo. “I* to life men.” Prof Ormond outlined plans for ihe new unit of construction st Duke In which s26,noo,tMMl writ) be spent and said that within a few years the pre trnf DuVc plant would bo set apart, aa •t asperate woman's college. Facilities for educating from IJKM) lb. 1600 girls will be provided, the Durham man told the graduates. He told of the large graduate enrollment now aludy- In* ln o thr Kchool of Religion and of the ranHlb' I' l ining Vans for a cetorbool which shall compare favor ably, w*fc *«F la A awrles today. • Dean M Arnold, In charge of (Yesfi nu n boys at Duka, outliued the work which this new department la an rompllahlng nt the University. Though (he definite si heme aiding fresh men In becoming orientated when they errive at the University .In beromlug adjusted to their surroundings. In picking their courses and lu thresh ing out their problems—.though this system ha* been In operation only Iwo yours, Dean Arnold, said that al ready It was rejected In the grades Continued on I'ageßlxt JNews Breaks Records In Sales- for Extra Within g very few minutes after the death sentence Had been pro uoiAced on Larr f Newsome, Ne gro, for killing little Benia Ted* d« r. Sunday. The was on Ihe streets with an extra giving the verdict and details of the foiled attempt at taking the negro from the officers. Approximately 14M copies of the extra were circul ated In Goldsboro and In Fremovt Many expressed their approval of the dispatch with which The News mbrd the news to the people Bovs crying the paper am»nk the crowds filing from the courtrbom wen- unable !-> supply the d»< mauds for enotiKli. Ifs « w- * • ' »’• |» ONIJY .5 10 Firm Action Prevented . ' * . \ - -'■i <"l.. \ Serious Situation As i' . .Try Made Seize Ne^ro Governor Wire* That State and People Owe Debt to Judge and to Sheriff HAS GREAT SYMPATHY FOR THE TEDDER FAMILY Saya Grant and Grady Handled „ Well What Was Evidently Serious Situation RALKIGH. Dec. 12 VP>—The ac tion of Judge Henry A. Orady and Sheriff W. D Grant In preventing In terference with regular processes of Ihe court we* most commendable.” said Governor tonight In re gard to the Incident in Wayn* county ■Superior court at Ooldeboro Sun- Jay “The Judge and Sheriff are entitled to thank* of the people of the But* lor the solUfactory way In wh<Mt they handled what evidently was an ex tremely difficult situation," eald Ibr governor. a "I realise lhal a horrible crime had Its on comlmlted and that the rejallves und friends of tt)e murdered girl were almost Irresponsible. While Jhelr at tempt was the result of the terrible strain caused by the death of their loved one and whiled sympathise deep ly with them In their entferlng. They must remember as all good eltlaen* of the state that the court* are *•- ishllehed a* a mean* of redressing wrong* and punishing offender*. The -Mgutt.r of the state and the majesty of her ewtfrts tnlrst he sdprem*. N* matter what the provocation may be. •• -The state I* tinder laettng oMl gatlon to Judge Orady and Sheriff Grant for the courageous and bdfolc manner In which they performed their official duties.” The governor said he had telefcraph ert his compltmente to Judge Ororfy *nd Sheriff Grant Seely Fails in Try For Groye Estate 4 8T LOUIS, Dm?. 11—(A*)—Counsel for Kret| L Seely of Asheville. N. (\ today dismissed his salt to obtain $6,000,060 from the Parle Medicine Co. slock from Ihe estate of hi* father-in law, ihe late 15. w! Grove, founder of the company. This action wae* taken at*«*..A%a4il written by Grove fn 1900 was Introduced. In this will Grove left his stock In the medicine company In (met for hi* family, msklog Seely a hut giving him no Interest In tat*. (Seely's claim wawjMMed on elleg ed oral agreement with hy which, he routended, Grove at mJc death was to will him a majority ot stock In ihe company. ’ \ Army Officers Are Guests At Regular Kiwanis Meet < Jus A little, 321st regl •neni. Imtulci a ironj of army officer* who eteltrd tjoldsberu ,y#h lerday waa the principal speaker at the wwkly dinner meeting of the Klwanln duh last nlKht at the Hotel Onldnbnro, Ills subject being ou the Organised lto «/v» sos the I,' H mar.". Colonel GeArge K- , L , r*«men > who i »il i hargn oft)« er«»in*‘» yram> •# __ !1 Hailing. A; K . UcrrliUL-. Mac JohiiioH andJ it Allison. and li. 1* •li Myers. The proa ram wa* beaun with several *e!ectU»n« rendered on the plmio --nerordhpf by Capfaln Head Una Ihe railed It a Ujueeae fiddle) I K Allison oh the bftiijo. which were thoroughly- enjoyed by the members’ Following the music. Colonel Little spoke .on the Array aeeenree, • He called attention to the fart that the 121 as regiment waa North Carolina 1 *! unit and the I<!at regiment was Kiel eru Carolina's unit, and that 1n lime ol war. Col. Freeman would command MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS puce rifß cun* Negro WIU Die In Eleeicfe Cfciir January IS Itar Umtn) Murder nf Young Girl”, HAD CONFERRED CHIMB - TO NUMBBH Os PBOPLf Thouaanda FiU and Adi AanEffd Court buote During VwT Bunday Morning < -i‘ Quiet and peace settled Plata Wayn, Connty yesterday »olk>wla|,» mob effort which tailed aa fender at the trial. convteUee aad ieelp>|» to death-of Larry NewepiU, negro, for the murder *f B*«U Tefe. young Great Swamp t#waehtg Jgg>- A quiet aad peace It was whife .aim ed to reflect the general Mel teg at ' satisfaciion over the out-eome fli<h* short, but MUMttoaa; trial, flhd jNPf over the l« »"rulng of the llMllffel tenoton and *>xclt*t**et which fef* vallod here Sunday. Judge Henry ± <*•s*, flt elution of (h, trial feadey,, Ms|fe (he peulng of the moMt hflntAA m which Larry Newsefm. l|* Mfejfed negro, «u seateneigl. |f| wlfe electric ch«Hr it tM *t*te fejsna •• Friday, January tW, tween th, hours of 10 A. Is. ap*?B P. M , startled the peeked eeart riMR Into freusfed spptaue* with the ’m» nouncement that nelUwt solicitor. Gleweoi WlUUtpi Uimt prefer chargee ngetaat Wttltaflfl Tfld drr, un< le of the gt«L tfe ieUaf hafld eaaeed the flr»ggf„fl>Mßfeuft| Me tr al whe# be rushed te the (Ida il th* aeeft), Nw*o»e. aad plat chad n hi* sMrt, te«nag it open *t the threaA> When th* n*»ro we* ted iato the court room Sunday moratag, tar fee resumption of hie trial, pad Ju*t $i he took hie beat la the ehalr near hie attorney*, a cry of, "take Mari take him”! rang oat *hrtUr oyer fee tens, quietness of the court-reme. At th I* moment. William Tedder, aiflfp of the dead girl, rushed forward, gp# maiA e 0 vicioua lunge et W|y**Mfl. grabbing him around the aaeh, and tearing hie shirt open at the throe/. Tbea it. was that Deputy "fepir* Gardner, with a rnirawedeMe pres etue of mind, clamped hla right atm around Tedder's aeeh, and Jfldhfld bint b*ek Into a boat. Thea. as the crowd itarted «urging feruard ShaiW Croat raised hi* piatel iato the alt and fired oa* shat that oanflhd thifa lu front to lenrry bochward. peMfeb those behind still farther heap. Judge Grady rapped loadjy with Mfl o*o*l. sold demanded order la (he eeert rodm, end In a few ralaatfla the «A usilon we* under" control. la order to prevent eaefeer eeeari rence of the hind, aad to finfeaiA wny attempt on the pari of the «M- Ito uk* the priaeeer the ideal* Ml- I (t ontinned ea fegfl fetal He latter and Col. Bote the fin—T- | In thla connection be prmlnod both of cm eg, local men for the fine wag «•* * rd each made Col. Little wept on to eay that It waa efiremply difttmh t. organise force**lu time of pnhoor if at prior to the declaration of wnr In ItYjr Ike I'hhed UtaUjr ha* «sdy 3 1 u.SOO men reedy to go, thet ended nearly fonr — t i hell eelHton* ep rotted WTth this h *7*•>. V-,s’ . i , v , were «hf -’nilty vital need In forming War army lots he said waa the work he WtM doing and whit the eowat ry neeMh most ; e reserved corps of trained officers- Col Jamea waa followed fy C—L Johneon who epoke mainly In ,eal—H ing Cola. Main ami' Freeman II waa decided to hold a jofjal huh' leg with the Rotary dub <m J»ae—l Kth at which time hr R C. Broeha of Raleigh will speak on Coaaty got " A full crowd was Hi attenifknod' Us the meeting teat night. *f

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