WEATHER tS™"*" 1 ***** VOLUlflt MX; NUMBER 249 LiNDY MAKING FINE PROGRESS TOWARD MEXICO CITY \ * “*■ . TRYING FAISON FOR MURDER PRETTY PRINCETON WOMAN * * f' °\ V - w . i 1 Seen Over Tennessee Last Night After He Had Been in Air 6 Hours * ■ i • . » Left WaahtagtMi With Mexican Capital Aa Goal At 12:39 P. M. Taoaday BARRIIY CLBABB TREES ABBHIP TAKES AIR Rala*BoaMl FWM BoM Spirit of 8L Louis ta 3 Trials With 2,000 Ml. Load .« 0 . BALDWIN. Mist* IM. Is - —C*L UgAbmffc ta Om Spirit aI St Leals" was ipirtit a* having PMMt iTtr thh lava at f:U ta* aMM. \ CHATTANOOGA. Dae. 18-V —Tka ttawah. Teas, carmpaa* Beat at The Waft reported that the “Spirit es St. Leah” panri a»e» Otewah at bl CHkITTANOOtn, Toam Bsegtaet pt BRaal laaatata. 10 ■ltee tram Ipra. reported taaa aa nlaanl- - W .aa --a A a.- || - i.ft wyili •WHIN I# It l|M Hpirn at St. Leah passed ever the ‘ mountain at StlA. WaynesvlHe, N. C.,—(lf}—An &A |»l*ne flying at an altitude of about fOOO feat ai)4 travelling southwest at a rapid rata of apaad waa cited at. 630 o’clock Mil* arierndon by thej clerk of the local poetofftoe. Hqxdas unable U> any whether the plane waa of slim hue. Wayneertlle ta ta milk* west of Asheville and lies slightly east of the route Col. Lindbergh mapped out for bla flight. $ 1 — WASHlNOTON_<Jp)_Charles Und bergh soared lalo the air op hie sec ond international flight at 11:39 p. m today heading toward Mexico City at the Invitation of President Callee. Disaster threatened the youug flier In n third determined attempt to take off. The rain soaked earth twice de „ fled Lindbergh'* effort* to lift the plane off the ground as It roared (.cross the field, finally It slowly as cended. skimmed over true* bordering the aviation grounds atad winged southward into a gray mlat which biaakatad the rotolaac. ’ , As though exuberant with victory, Lindbergh and bla partner started the 2,900 mile Jouraay at such speed that some planes of a convoy which set out to covar the Writ stage of the flight coaid not kgep place. It gas estimated here that Lindbergh was t> availing at 110 an hour but first reporta of his prograa# estimated hie ■peed at SO mils* par hour over Lynchburg. V*. Hia decision to taka off today from Capital to Capita) startled Washing ton With (ta saddtanem as'there had been Indications that waalhel condi tions might hold him op for a waek or ten days But weather himui an! naval offlclala agreed that better at mospheric conditions were not In the offering. Do he Igttorad a threatened rainstorm and started, sat la tied that wind conditions at least ware favor able ' Writes at Length * TTOttgratSilate Wiciala I'ongratulaUoae continued yeater doy to bo hot pod upon Sheriff W. D. Grant and hla aaalatahta (or the com mendable manner ta which thy bore themaehres la the tonae altuallqn of Siindar. Judge Ilenry A. Grady. who preaidod orer (ho coart oeaalon, wrote «t length to the local papora 1o ex nrw, hla thanka. Adjutant General .. V *“ MetU "Mended hie fellclta jris 'z :;rr w,, - n letter* 0n thT “ d ..mZI VlS'™ onnt who deelred i 2 W * W * * ,JJI «' c ® a dmtulat« him. L Jo <*« Oradp <MHed the fo,,*^ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MQRMNG WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. in, —■me i i ... "j New Flood Rising In Arkansas State LITTLE HOCK. Ark. Dec. IS— I (A I )—Another flood hovered over 1 north and central Arkansas to l night following heavy rains that I ggjit the Arkansas and White riv ers to high levels and damaged late crops In bottom lands. Hood warn ings ware leaned sit'd 'armere be gan moving their household good and stock to higher grounds. The White River bottoms, seven times Hooded this year, are ex pected to suffer most from the floods. SISTER OF MRS., REMUS TALKS Test i flea Aa U Vain Efforts to Reconcile Remus and Hia . Wife Cincinnati. Dec. is— (Rn-r The •later of the stain Mrs. Remus. Mrs. Grace Campbell, of Mlapil Fla., lodnv testified In the murder trial of her . brother In law George Remus, form ler kina of bottleggarii how ahe tied | spent nearly two months In a vain es fort to bring them to an agreement She fought bravely toyffold back her tears but they came alorie with great aoba when she told that Remus demanding the return of whiskey certificates held by Mrs. Remus had threatened to divest her of her,for tane and everv shred Os reputation. Remus threatened that be “would crack a skull” unless he got back the certificate* which represented wo much liquor In warehouses. Once, Mrs. faqipSell said, on one ot her ten rlsite to Remus while he was In Federal Prison she had asked him why “my slater cried and was so unhappy and could not sleep at night after toeing him.” He replied that she did not under stand him. testified Mrs. Campbell. Prisoners Will (Jet Pound of Candy Each RALEIGH. Dec. 13—(Ah—An ordot for 1,700 pounds of mixed candles has been placed by Georre Rom Pou. superintendent of State Prison, who will distribute the sweets to the 1,700 prisoners now In state prison and the various prison camps. Superintendent Pou has for several year given each prisoner a pound of candy on Christmas day, hi addition to a Ijag of mixed nuta, an orange and an apple. In addition to these “evtreji" each prisoner I*-to be given bn Chrlatma* day as much chicken •t,ew as ha cun eat, and a quarter of a pie. "The dinner are annual affaira for the prisoners, and they seem to ep- Joy them v “ Mg, Pon sold. * ."Pen -letter to The Mewa #lth the re queet that It beVtoted: * w Clinton, N. C„ *■ u- December I2th, J!*27.\ Mr. W. D Grant. Sheriff of J * Wayne County: - * "* , '*’\ > ** > ' My Dear Sheriff: I feel that t" owe yon and your rplondld depot lee a debt of gratitude, I nnd I lake tbl* mean* of airing ex !. preealon to my. regard and eateem for I you through the pireaa of yottr county " In the original laruatigatlon of the f COfUgaed pa Page Six) FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY ROTARY HEARS A NEW IDEA CoL Archer May Stretch Rea , soning Little But He’s One I Genial Fellow c # The problems of tha world, econo mic political «bd social wer! solved before the Rotary club lest evening according to a new formula—the hath. The person offering the formula waa Col. W. O. Acber who spoke on "Sanitation end Civilisation." Col. Archer’s talk ran something like this: ' , What Is the direct cause pf the holeheristfk regime In Russia? —The lack o( proper bath faclliles. Why ta it that England has been so fueceesfnl aa a coloniser? Because the Englishmen takes hia bath tub with him. » Why are th# French commonly rpoktn of aa people of low jporals? Because they hare public comfort stations oa the streets. ' v What explains the Damascus mass acre? The fact that the people respon sible R had suffered from hardening i of the “moral arteries" because they I used exposed comfort stations. ■ Why Is It tint there is always re volution and “Hell all round” In Mexicq? Because they don’t have the advantages-of homes equipped with modern bath facilities. What was It that took man out of the deeert as a wanderer end made him of fixed habitation going on- Ot % * ward and upward to higher things? TBs discovery of modern sanitation methods. On paper. Ibts begins to sound I somewhat preposterous, doesn’t It. but Col. Archer presented the theory with such g£ucr and geniality, with So much "It" that he won the Rotat ions completely. They even let him rug oa overtime end he had a fund of ' good stories and a wealth itt ekperi-; qnce and travpi IhM supplied' good , mortar with which to hold the bath tub Idee together. When he had finished The Rotar lana gave the epeaker a bigger hand than they have given most meu who have tilked to them . W. O. Mitcham, local plumbing .con tractor and former Roiarlan, was ilik guest ot the club and Introduced Col. Archer. >* * RED ARMY TAKES CITY OF CANTON t )a Russian Bolshevik* Are Reput ed to Be Behind Commune Coup ——— SHANGHAI. Chlfi*- Dec. 13—<AV Amertcaii guns tonight were protect ing the American consulate at Canton against possible disorders resulting froni seizure pf the city by commun ists. The latter gained control In a coop during lha absence of troops' stlll jrere In possession tonight and were understood to have established .a aovtet conference on the Russian plan ChtneM newspapers here Intimating (influence from say that'tour Russian Officers are on the Red army start operating In Canton. A leader of the seaman's union Is Mid to have been the prime mdwer Information of itte council Lodttng mnd burning of buildings persisted today And there urns* -yrtjr*** •WWW. Os a wertous character has occur*d so far as Is known nnd there were no IndtcsUona tonight of dohger to . „ foreigners. ' y - : , I . Forsythe Mlßn Gets * ' Term For Bigamy ' WINSTON-aALEM. Dec. IJ—(Ah - f’onvlrted of bigamy Kerney Peacock . was today la superlow court here seu ‘ tenced to serve from three to five r years in stale prison. _ t. Peacock, It Is alleged married Ul - Ilan at Concord abont in years: r ago and lived with her until about 1 3 r years ago when he disappeared. Law » March ha married’ Ellas Conrad 'off WlßStou-Salep, 1 GOLDSBORO. N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1927 FINE SAMPSON WOMAN IS DEAD ■ I w A * * | Mrs. Sudie Cobb Turlijigton Was Mother of Dr. R. S. of Thin City Mrs. Sudie Cobb Turlington. 03. mother of Dr. R. B. Turlington of Goldsboro and stater of Mrs. W. P: Wrenn and D. W. Cobb, died at her home In Clinton at 6:30 yesterday following a long period of tllneaa The sad new's reached relatives her* early last evening. For more than a year Mrs. Turlington had been con fined to her bed with a complication ot diseases. She spent many weeks In a Fayetteville hospital and everything possible was done fbr her but In vain Funeral services will be held from the home In Clinton this afternoon at 3 o’clocfl and Intermint will he made In th* family burying ground. e, O Mrs' Turlington ts survived by six rons: I. 8. Turlington of Roseboro, Dr. R. A. Turlington of Clinton. Dr. 11. B. Turllngtdn of Goldsboro, 8. O. Turlington of Charlotte, and 11. J Turlington of Clinton,- all good men and playing a prominent part In the life ’of their communities. The Turlington name Is one fam In the history of Sampson eounty dareased was descended from th* Parkers. Kite was the widow of t)«q la|* R. C. Turlington of Sampson One of the prised family possessions Is a land grant transferring 7.000 acres of land in the .Sampson lection from King Charles of England to a forefather of Mr*. Turlington. ’Bom* ol her people came to North Carolina from Georgia and' I) waa a grand father of the deceased who presided over the secession legislature In Georgia. , Rut It was of her family and h*r frlemta lhat Mrs. Turlington thought and tt was to them that she devoted her life Hundreds these are In Sampson and'ln this part of th* state today wllf mourn the pausing of this good woman, one who united the finer graces of the Old South with a rare gentleness and fineness of spirit. Dr. Hartynd Lectures To University Students CHAPKL HILL. Dec. 13 -Dr. J. P. Ilarlund. archaeologist, and professor ol Greek In the University of North Carolina faculty* spoke here last night In the Playmkker. Theatre on "The discovery and Recovery bf Ancient Art." His address was Illustrated with lantoru slide pictures, most of which were from original photographs that he himself made in Europe. Dr. Ilarland has recently returned from a prolonged sojourn In Europe, where ho carried on excavations and studies under it fellowship of th* Guggenhlem Foundation He told hls'audlem <■ how cities And monuments came to be hurled, how they bould be uncovered-or with safety, how sites were discover ed, and some unusual way In .whl'.h certain piece*: end location* had been discovered and reclaimed lit the past !b ONLY ■*’ .__ L d liTi [A ] II m V| m BUSY TIME IN COUNTY COURT Driving Drunk and Violation of Prohibition Law Feature Two Day Seooion Os 23 defendants before Judge D. 0 H- Bland In Recorder's court which yesterday morning ended a two day session, atx were convicted of driving an automobile while under the Influ ence (ft whiskey, and nine were before the court on charges of violating th* prohibition law. The two-day aesalon was the first In Iwo weeks, recess be ing taken during the progress .-cfr H’ayho County Superior The docket* Julo KlcJtafason, tres passing. not guilty; Jule Richardson, rssault with deadly weapon, $26 and costa; Paul Britt, violating automo bile law, t&o aud coats, th#** months In jail and term suspended pending good behaviour and agreement not to drive a car for three month*. Fred McKeel, driving aiyto While drunk, 360 fine and costs, three months sus pended sentence and not to drive for three months. Claude Biggs, transporting nhlskey. four months In Jail, captas not to issue until December 33; E. D. Gay transporting and having wls key for sale. 360 fine and six months on roads. Road sentence suspended lending good behaviour and Gay not to Operate filling station. Walter Farmer, violating prohibi tion law, 6 months on roads and sentence suspended upon payment of r«*ls and on good behaviour. Wm. Holloman, assault with deadly weapon, costs; as sault and carrying cotymaled weapon, 30 days on road and permission to hire.hilt U» pey coeta; Job*y Cara way. trespassing. Judgment continued for two yearn upon good behaviour and payment of coats; Frank Thomp son. Leonard Braswell, and |fubart llowell, manufsctnrlng whiskey, ’ S months on roads. .Murray Baker, driving drunk. . SAO. and coats and three months upon road sentence to start In case of misbe haviour or If defendant drives oa t within three month*. Milton Joyaen driving drijhk. 160 and costs together with 136.99, for prosecuting witness, three months on roads, sentence ndt to begin daring rood behaviour, musL refraln from driving car for three ptftntha. Gilead Blzseil, driving drunk SSO and root*. F.rnest Sampson, larceny, subrals clon 90 days on roads; Forest Mosea, carrying' concealed weapon, submis sion. 60 days on roads and pistol cod flscoted; Iconic Hester, haying whis key for sale, submission coats. Pres ton .Thompson. aiding and abetting (n manufacture Os whiskey. Judgment withheld until nest Mdnday. Joe Williams, having whiskey for isle, tdA* Petlaway, at t<mpt at housebreaking, IS months on roads; Jiqpcs and Henry Cox, dis turbing w/irsltlp. costs and player for Judgment continued for two years; Charlie Hutchinson, prostitution 90 lays; Dalian PtU( violating auto law, |M> floe and coals, suspended sentenif of three months and not to operate • ar for three months Laura Cooney, having whlsksy for • ale 1100 Nn*> and costa anil suspend •yir of 'Mi day* Appeal, bond limit • 'Jabu fYhlLel bod .check, aot |i/ , ' a &%' myhths on nmd - »—• A. J . 3100 REWARD 111 M. It I'D J RALEIGH -<A*| --- Raleigh bankers hsve been asked to keep a sharp look out for' (m Ri W Hirdwlcke. gials \\ Hadley, wantrti In Rockingham county charged with victimising a nninber of banks there. A reward of HOO'l* offered. „* fin 1 iv'-cke Is described sis g south «: jerJ eged 37. He Is five feet ll Inces tall , ha* rS>d wsvy hair end flushed full face. He weigh* 146 pounds, la % go d talker, hut lisps ha* light blue eye* aud Is clean shaven. 1<« usually registers. It D said, fr in Altiuy, 00. , . • .. FOURTEEN PAGES Top AY Diary of Mrs. Snipfcg, Naming Prominent IFen, Is to Be Used by State Fremont Man Kills 790 Pound Porker It’s hog killing time again and Rev. J. C Hooka of near Fremont, brother, of J. B. Hooks, clerk <rf of eourl, Is hereby awarded th* t RuißorsJoe having killed the big gest porker thus far In the season. The big fellow slain by Mr. Hooks ’ weighed only 790 pound*. Con you beat that, anybody? FILE WILL OF JOE ROSENTHAL ’ I Family Will Rhart EsUU, Com- Hide red One of Largeiit lit Wayne County Members of lha Immediate family • altar* In the estate of the late Joe Rosenthal, whose will ha* been ad mitted to prohedf In the office of Clerk of Court. J. if Hooka Mrs. Reesathal, th* widow, and Leslie Well are named executor* of the estate, which If pro bably one of th* largest In tba county. Under the provisions ot th* docu ment the wljjow, Mrs. Elisabeth Roe enthal, will receive all insurance and she will receive 1-30 of tin estate The daughttr. Miss Elisabeth Rosen tbai; will receive 6-30 of (h* estate; 1-30 goes to a slater, Mra Mina Wall and 1-30 to a brother, Albert Roaen tbat. .. L—§!• Th* will waa dated August It, 1014 i nd bore a provision that bis asothsr, who proceed*! him to tse grave, rhould have received 4-30 of th* oa- V late. ' , FONTPONK OPENING 8188 a RALEIGH, Dec. U—(4*) -Dae to the absence of Governor McLean nnd A. T. Allen, aloft* superintendent of' penile Instruction, from the city, bids for public school teat books, which were to have been opened Wednesday by th* state board Os education, will not he opened until Friday. December lft, Dr. Allen ha* announced. Publishers having books on th* multiple list and those asking for con tract!. on the Indefinite contract basil will submit their bids. New adoptions to be made this Week Sr* new text •btoks on language and grannpar. s major subject, and in heaith. a minor subject f r KXPKfTN i.OOl) TEA* RALEIGIL Dec. UMAVjWUh nearly one hundred former high school and preparatory school stars working out dally at N. ( f State Col lege for basketball this winter. Coach, Ray Sermon, today Indicated hi* high hopes for a winning Wolf|et quintet. The number In Ike history of the West, Raleigh school. Eight are lnjuyed When Torch Bursts at Saubtdtt * • \ c i . *• '** \ iLtV . ‘ »* n - Ual4y aerlously alien a blow torch l explbded.. at Htrfckls&d'a garage. In' LHaylston late Monday, according to 'report* reaching her* yesterday. The most seriously Injured Is Klrt How ell who was holding the torch at the time tt hurst. *' *y- . The flesh, was burned off'lb* back (ft Mr. Howell’s right hand, hi* left) tflully Injured frisff rimtpes. Finger* on both hands g[*re crushed by the ex plosion He also nustAlned severe hums alKiut Ihe face and neck. Th* hlaxing gasoline waa sprayed over his clothes and one relating the In cident yesterday said that Mr. How -1 all saved hi* life only by tearing bla (.clothes oft. I He was brought to Goldsboro tar MEMBER OF THE ABSOCUTSO PRESS ■ ■ price wiwm own* " » ■ • t, I i. hi. iSSSr B,,, ADVAj?cgroifi?p^i Juror Rood 96 ter tejarfb Would Not Coavfct “Ifet Boy" Uadur AayCteT CfMtot 1% Ttf lOM); HK'.HMOND, Vo., On. U-~RRIh ft ieuathly night oaaaioa ia af«hl. q* prallmlnariaa of tbo rnotdnr v John WtaUy Mm, ocaaaad a# lift rourdar of Mr*. B)*i* H«it MpA Novombar If, won luipiiufly hnfto , Mi thta aftarnooa whan tho third ftj I ntr* >*d been »MuU4 aadOpll I fourteen of il>* u*o***ary tnoot# juror* hod boao obtained. - f \ Judge Kirk Mathew* Mgarad Mtfct Into o receaa until • \k>TQfct whan assort f<> ohtoln tko othhf Mo non will ba mad*. IndtaaMaoa ■ pdhU to o aaaalon whtah WlirpUfkktdy *pOt unlit midnight or lM|r. Mt.VMrit-fR* I’rlncaton, N. C. **eompaail*<-hp-ipUr two married doagbtar*, Mro.'A,‘Y: Mr*. i Mr. and Mr*, t. U Mhuptr SMdVl* .* of the accuoad war* *l*o |lhMjb**a*d ad court room. UfWmr 4 **! * No indtooUoo "m te Up jwohohll ■tap* of either aid* hOd JMft M yot mod*. Th* ooouNOOOOtpi 4*o aakhU the proapactiva j»miM <te of capital punishment-hOMd do dr-' cunutantial evidooea. Tttii hgs'ppored to baa atumbllalrMoak ia UM otHte. In* of th* poaai. ' . * Mora than eighty mdo lota haaa examined and only ioartMO Mw aat (sfoctorily onawarad th* ■—ilrka* quaatton*. A dafanaa fund of aMr*ttte*d96id hoa baau rolaod by Mr* ffcMft to ?ool*t ia tba dafanaa of hhr haaMu|*> throughout tha day th* oOaoad 'tat directly bahlad hi* trio at aUoiddk* and conatootly conferred with tMh Ha had a not* hook ia hood dhd - mod* aararol notation*. ' ' Tha atot* oaatotod hy ffte*. « Ooldaboro aud Harotft D. Ooolay « Naahrilla, who hare bare retained hy puranta of Mr*. Balpaa. will OUdtdhpr to proa* KUlaoo *hot Mr* fute|% , bar apartment early on tho MMUM* of Noremimr if. Tba dafanaa wUI ottoMpt to ffdre ‘ to th* twalr* man who oil hold ralaob* fata la tbatr hind*. SUM tea* Rntpaa killed borwMf carrytUd M* O threat aha' bad mad* atrerol MMaa prerionaly. Th* diary of Mr*. Baip*« oMI prore , of th* atrong point* far thd tfaHh It wa* Indicated tkla ifUnMa ‘ ft contain* tba aaoMa of atrerol pkO* ‘ * mlnant Richmonder* who »r|tt ‘ oe doubt bo callod to tba w4tflOdd~ MhUd. (Pao thread ao papa drt . t canfiiisd U» bed at ths iMjpf 4 ! Dunn fn tii<- city. v ' . J (’barley Hars fit sachet .S^ihh | men JnJursd In- tha wplwtw, hM M* I Injuries, together wK|| (MM SC M* others In the mnn M tha UMare j i>ot of a aertoue nature The torch had M Mt eta *m» 1 time god had grown hot. It *M *o* Mr. Moerell, seeing this tC *hd Oow of rfsoltne and whiw<h* flame in some war ran gMMd the ralTe and Into the rinsing results as noted shoes. Huch was the detonation whM>iMfc place as the torch hnggd thad nsg bottles «er« jarred from the shale** In a store *0 yards awey, M fetfl l|Mi

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