. j., , _ / - » If *mMm * I hwrMwtec riwttmi fallowed hj I tala Thnrwday aad fmM) Friday. I VOLIIMB SIX; NUMBER ISO MEXICO CITY MAD WITH JOY AS UNDY Does Non-Stop Flight From Washington To Mexico City in 27 Hrs. Flits Over Mexico’s Mountains and Deserts Bet Into Hearts Os People * • PRESIDENT CALLES IS EXUBERANT AT MEETING Miscakelation for Tine Carried Him Into Interior of Meklco MEXICO CITY. »*c. IV- UP) “Llndy" has tons It again—be and lha other hail of the'famous “we." Without atop. Col. t’Karla* A. LiAdbergh. piloting the Spirit of Bt. lonia, which aarttar la jha year had carried him through to Parla. flew frost Washington to Mexico City. For mors than f7 hours he waa at tba control. * Perhaps there narar had bean wit nessed such a deletions demonstra tion of Joy by a Mexican multitude us that at 2:XS o'clock thta afternoon wheu after some 3 hours of appre en the filar, the Spirit of St. Louts settled oa the Vatbuena Military aviation field, tw* and a half miles from Mlxleo City. Llndy and h|« plant were safe and aonnd: nothing waa wrong, except that a miscalcula tion of direction carried the pluiie in a great circle from Tampico into the Interior, Instead of In a direct Itae to Mexico City. The nut only flew over Mexico’s mountains and AeeerU Is this first non-slap flight between the two capitals, but be flew straight into B» heart* “f 4>* Mexican- people —hearts already Jong attuned In de votion to btm by sxptptis of which they hud read, hearts torn with fears for bourn for his safety. And th Boy Scouts will art aa ushers a,t the meeting and the Legion members and official* hope that the meeting will be attended tty many of the ettiseus of Goldaboro. ” , ... * COUNTY DID NOT RECEIVE MONEY Ckp Wrenn. However, Denies That He Forged $130,000 In Wilkett Note* NORTH WILKRBBORD. Dec 14 l4*>—Concluding w|tli » rigid cross examination of the defend tut. (he rtate rested today in the trial of Clem Wretin,' former president of the de iunt Bank of Wilkes who was charg ed with misusing funds of the insti tution. Hearing of the case was then adjourned untit next Monday. Taking the viand again this morn ing to resume his testimony where he had left oft yesterday Wretin admitted that Wilkes county did not receive any of she-money derived from the fix county notes totalling 1150.00 ft whjch the state cont**nUfM were forg ed. Instead, the money went Jntfl various enterprises in which 1 he was ‘ntertNtte, Wrenn -testified. On «ro*s examination; Judge T„ C. Powte elicited an admission from the defendant that three members of ihe board of directors knew that the Wllkesboro Institution was In an" un sound condition prior so the time they -timed a report to stockholders stat«, ing that they had examined the re • eorda of Ihe hank and found every thing in excellent condition „ •> * —w 1% - A.— POSTPONE EFFORT D.VYTONIA BFACH. Fls. l-«, II , t4’>—owing f '4o inclemency of thi weather. FdwsriJ F Schlec and 'Vll liujn R. Brock hav,. their , attempt lo break world’s fl'ght recqrd Market Will Close k * f Here t or’ Holftays Friday HtotiMti s supplied The' News yes t« rda.v l»y Mr Fils worth of the Ex port Lqsf Tobacco Company sbowe.i. Foot- i (trough VVndnesiiay T.lf>2,«6d pounds of tobacco had been sold on Die Goldsboro mnrket for t1.314.9M.4l The market *lll close Friday. Dec ember IC,. Tor the Christmas holidays, it was said and will refwxn about Jan uary in for a short time The total note* through yesterday showed an approximate Increase of J^oo.tXX> pound* over the total-for the season » year ago. Although, there )h relatively little of thta year’s crop MISS \\RIGHT TESTIFIES IN SNIPES CASE O V’IB U --I“' > a “ 00 P • ‘ * 1 WAYNE FOLKS PLAY BIG PART <*. Bab Edwards Will Be Speaker and E. A. Stevens One of * Honored Guests in Raleigh Wayne county will be fully repre sented in the meeting of Mastar Far -merit lu Raleigh Friday. County Sup erintendent of Welfare R. H. Edwards is down on the program along, with Josephus Daniels nnd other celebrit ies nod ey-Sherlff H A. Bic*«n* Is one of n half doxeu farmers who have been awarded certificates of merit by State College and w ill he honor guest* A. H. Veaxsy., toachar of agriculture in Roaewond high school, has I wen voted the "rasaler" agriculture teach er of North Carolina In a contest among all vocational agriculture In* rt motors. ' Master Fawners of North Carolina will gather In Raleigh Friday ki what is regarded as one of the meat signi ficant event* In thfe ngrlcullural his tory of the The Master Far mers will be the guests of Slate Col lege Extension Division and Ihe Pro gressive Fanner. In addition to-the tamers, (arm agents and home agents from *H over tlie State will be pres - ent, nnd there will bs six men who previously have been received the award of ’’Certlflcnie of Merit" who will be elevated to ihe rank of Master warmer. , * , The group of Master Farmers In North Carolina I* the first to be rhoean on the Atlantic Coast. aI - t tough tlie 1 movement now is nation wide. To become a ’’Matitgr Farmer” It Is necessary to score high on a Kiadin* chart taking In farming, mar keting, home life. Slid cllUemdiip The pent honor for n Master Farmer is the grade of “fluid Medal Farmer.’’ School of Religion To Give New Course:* CHAPEL ill MU Dee. •14 The 8cl|!>ol of Rellxlon at Chapel Hill will make its Rrst experiment lu adult education Immediately ufter the Christmas holidays. This experiment will come in the lorm of a new course that - Acting Doan Mims Thornburgh Workman has planned for the benefit of adults in Chapel Hill and nearby towns. The course will run through the I'university’s regular winter quarter and will be laugh by Professor Work man with the assistance of a number of special lecturers, most of them front the University faculty. € The gronp will meet on Tuesday night of each week durlug tlie quar ter. Tire course Is called ity In (he Apostolic Age,” and will be taught with a double parallel series of lectucn. One of (he series will be by ■Pplfoenar Workman and ihe other bv one of the special lecturers Irom the faculty. - u ■ '' ' ~ MEY IK CHARGED • MHOOTINH l/.THFK i' CRRHO GORDO. N. C. Dcr H -f/Pl —(fomer/Btrlr.kfand, :q..i"lWa)L faced churgißs (if assault with u deadly wi i pon uprpi itjs\fyfier, .Veter HtHrklaud farmer in CiTmnslius county. rlcinns feared (mglit not recover from cff.y ts of two loads of tm.ill sliol fir cl In'o his body oi weed in lids section which remains to b,‘ sold, IF is not improbable that iv Hen the market following Christmas that sales may push the total to about 7.750,n0n or *.000.000 pounds * The figures supplii d The N.ws yesterday showed sn average of ap proximately till thus far. Through Wednesday, 32X.!*45 pounds had been sold here since December l and for this $54,731 had lawn paid • o Yesterday's sales were 2*.kin pounds for-M, 410.11, GOLDSBORO, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15. 1927 Remug Found Guilty ° Os Court Contempt CINCINNATI. Dec 14 UP)- George llemue was found guilty of ' contempt of court late t iday after lie again had intorrupted Ids month old murder tvial wMh a harsh ver bal attack upmi his three young prosecuiora, and precipitated one of the wildest aceues of the trial. PAPERS AID IN STATE GROWTH .// ~ii| Wade H. I'hiUips. Director of Comtervation, Given Credit ’ To Prwid of State KAMCUIfI. Dec. 14^14*1 -Newspar er* of North (ifrbllne *r« given cre dit by Wad* 11. Phillips, director ol IKe department of conservation und development, for, uub.tiuiilUl aid i<**, whird the maulfr.sied popular approv al of the stale's iyw p i;nn law und in Ihe growth of eentiroent In favor of couservailon of all liaiural resourc es "The atat* presa,” saya Hie direc tor. "which virtually unanlmoualy has favored and milled In putting across «every proßretodvw step the rlatc has taken, lias been 'a decided aid to llic adminlatralloti in UK con si rvatioir program . \ - "The gave freely of their talents and simce.bo’h before and while the uieaamre was pending bet ore ihe pon >ral risseifihlv. In'firgllw fl* adoption aud since then have lieen. evmtlnuipg tlielr en the' ponlar aerttlnient f«r olieer- VaiKe of the law "North Carolina ntwsxper men are, virtually without exception, progres • ivs In \hclr view* and liberal In their eoiitrTtmtlona to u worthy cause. With the aid of tlie press In monidlnk uplilic oplnlou solidly behind a vltaF lYuservatlou program' North Carolina which has already establehed a record that Is causing nationwide comment, (an be made more aervleabio to her owu eltixens and more attractive to oulaiders who will be drawn by these accomplishments.. 9 The service that the newspapers sre rendering can not be measured lu Jlq ancial terms”* OLD TIMER!* MHIK I OK ROKITIONH NOW NFAV YORK. Dec. 14' (4*)—Old tlm rrs, oqre the object Os any mkngers’s tic who* sought top notch lu pitching wares, are roaming around ihe halls today bookings for Jobs." Bob (UUwkey and ’Hullett” Joe Rush. Yankee tieroe* of other days, both seek new baseball ~ homes for t __ __ IN II Ell IT AN i K it Vi IT** RI.FKU. I** I»KM IMH I> O* wash imw iin i" 14—(4") —TM house today voted oggaiuat repeal of the federal Inheritance tax, reJcu-ttUK HI to 55 lo eliminate t lie levy from llwSf* tax hill ’ ■' * —Kj '* ’ i 9 shopping ONLY 1 8 ' ' ijiNiliM MRS. BIZZELL I PASSES AWAY Well Beloved Woman Had Been In Det lining Health For Many Month* Mra. Mr E Bixiell, (U*qrcar* of ugc, ded at her home. 413 Fast Walnut Stfeol. at 5:55 T. M. yesterday » Mrs. BixseT had been in declining hcallh for piuro than a year, bul in all her illness retained that blight, cheerful disposition which hgd so *n doared her to Ihe hem-taos Golds- 1 boro. A»i in Ihe long happy years be fore her' illness; shO' over Hi ught ot otliei m and not of self. For many months her sick room had been tha point to which daily the high and the low went to greet their friond now unable to he out. to send her flhwcrs, and.4o bring her best wishes and cheer. Fuveial week* ugo a decline set in and for the pari few day*, the brave •ph't had clutched to iyj> <>nly wlih her will to live. Then the end came,' quietly, pevc«fuly, und she slept Before her marriage to Marcus Ed wnrd Uixacll. ahum thirty ' Mrs. Bixxell was Miss Dulse AdelaiArAl’ootvn. daughter Os Mr. and Mrs. Shadrach Wpoten, of La- Gr: nge, a family of Houlhern xrls trocrats continuing the. truest tiadl turns of the South. In her union with M. F llisxell, founder cf the Blxiell Grocery « company; two* prominent Lantern North Carolina families were united. The conple moved to Goldsboro to tuako their borne, and ifc'iut flve years ugo h<*r husband prc“cdcd her to ihe grave, lie was burled In Wlllow dhle Cemetery, where in a few houra the wife of will be laid by hie side to await the Judgment triumph Surviving arc four children; Mrs. A. V Spruill, and Mra. W. 'W. Minton, of Goldsboro. Dr. M ; K Blgxnll of [ Goldsboro, and Norwood C, Bixxell of New Bern. A brother—Sam Wooten of Mu Olive and a Bister- Mrs. ’Ada Carter of Asheville, also survivs. .Mrs, Bixaell had been a’ lifelong member of the Mcihijdiat church and was for years s faithful worker In Che activities of Ht. I’wwC church here Her home, and her family received her first l&ve and thoMaht. bat there Was much felt for msnkiud in general, undi she took an arftVe part In "vari ous woman's activities of the city. 1 being prominently Identified with i the Woman’s Club of Goldsboro. jihe was slxty-Hfeee years old, hav ing been boon’July 11. IMS. Kuucnil nervier will Ire conducted from the h;uie at 4 o’clock tpls af >erniM>u aud will b« irt of Rev. J C Wooten, of Durharr. a relatlee cf Die ilccca cd . v ,»Tlie fiillowlng have l W. P. KU< KOLSI . ; „ iuciYmond. v». Dec it—'wit stats threw a bombshell m the Mmim this iltmaM la the gear* tier trial ol Jobs Wesley JfydMg ,ff: cused o i kltllag Mm KUte Hplt Bllpas c ‘ formerly td, Prlaeetoa, M._ fc-,* .'When they Introduced Mlu Bead* Wright, fi rnjerly of Ooldsboro, N C, bor of Mr*. Snipes as the OM m heard Faison rouftta to the IHi my Ood, I have Btfft Ood; What a hall I Hat bll .HIM Wrights teslmloay whe» miked w4at aha heard through the tilp flooring of her apartmegt early ns-the •ff “» November id, attar beta# afgfc* an ad by the" sound, of a - Two other State wftaabp, «f Ma> cbvb ssßawjtt the street from the paftpgat. TmP told the jary and uH»Sp< lubilldiß. they aaw a mas reeaMJild*'FnlM* walk eat of the apartment hduaelldar. an to the cormer and dnar atedaM and ftaally go back Into (he house. A few aitaateb later they ear Ida *ima man cam# oat. carrying rVupd an who aeemed to he la a betpiaaa rnndltlna. She waa placed la the dd tomoblle and after the ana made eev oral tripe Into tha ttgnae. drove stray In his mschiae -* Nine wltneaeee In ail had beta aaij> rd when conrt adjourned -M fi ■IH>W l». >■ *