. WEATHER Q«*i; pW»Hi< by nil ItMiy. Colder at Bight. Satorday talc. VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 251 STATE RESTS IN SNIPES MURDER TRIAL IN RICHMOND Mrs. Faison ; Tells Stoty Faison Brought Prince ton Woman to Her Home And At One Time She Nursed Her, FAISON HAD SOUGHT | MINISTER’S ADVICEj Faison May Go On Stand! This Morning; Expect Arrival New Witness. IT. D NUCKUUJI • RICHMOND, V«., Dec. 15. The commonwealth rested its c&se against John W. Faison charged with the ■ murder of Mrs. Elsie Holt Snipes here No vember If, this afternoon at 8:80 o’clock, and Mrs. John W. Faison, wife of the nccused, had launched into her testimony when the second day of the trial came to a dose!' Ten defense witnesses who preceded Mrs. Faison failed to offset materially the .evidence presented by the prosecution in view of the fact that the jury was out of the room the greater part of the .afternoon, while counsel argued the admisnability of evidence. ' * I Frequent cluhes between Is tbe gourde of which the duress* cbalged tbs polios cut lbs telephone wires si ths Filiou home st the time of serving ths warrant and uifter wise oasd third degree method*. uurk .Ml ths aflcrnoou sssalon. The stata closed ita caae after plac ing Dr. K, M.Fietxant, Dr. C. L. Ntw land. Dr. Htsart Mlchaux. Dr. 7. N. Whitfield. Min Virtgluia Wrlgbt and dclsrtira Sergeant B. O. Organ on the stand. The physicians who trcited HiVa. Snipes at Stuart Circle Hoapltal as hi they aaw no avldsncc of power burns or hetrd Faison ash the dytns womin. “Klale tell u* why ybu did this?" Mis* Wright corroborated the te*tl - glvsn yesterday by her ulster. Mist tiesste Wright, living in the a partmebt above Mrs. Snipes bedroom they said tbay pore awakened by a pistol abot mid heard a voice below exclaimt ''Cod. God, 1 have killed poor ISlalc. God have mercy on my ' poor soul. What will f do?" Kalson admitted be was In Mrs. Snipes a portmont whan tba fatal shot was fired, but e.lwlms the woman killed herself with bis pistol. Mrs. Faison went on the wltncsi stand at |:3O o'clcft. About the mid dle of August, her husband brought Mrs. Snipes to hor horns where they were Introduced* On another occasion Mrs. Hntpes, sick nod dsllrous. came to her home and spent the night Mrs, (Continued #a Pure Twod Liiitty Gets Designation Oi Bashful Beau By Mexicans MEXICO CITY. Dec Me xico roll quelled Willi AmerlcaSi. bash ful beau today, giving him a recep tion that Impressed Mm more than; any other he lwd received at home or a broad. * - ( * Flags and hauling In the t apftsl of the StMHheru UepuhHn vit4 whh New Yorks Uchee tape and the bo qitete and rtedale of Washington. Pur |r. and London In scclslmfug Col. Charles Lindbergh as the darling at ibe'people wherever lie goee. , Preeldent Callee. who bugged the American filer on hie nrrivgl renter day put the official teal on the na thins welcome by a half hour conver sion with him lu hie pHvale office. Ihe aviator Icfl the palace lor an af ternoon Jet. eight teeing' to he followed hy n fe/e l» Uh* 'honor arranged hy tbe Foreign office at one of Ihe city* .largest theatres t Lindbergh eeld “I have never been M? Impressed ty any of my receptions inyjrbere «g tiers In Mrtlcci and l TOE GOLDSBORO NEWS f READ IN THE MORNINQ WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. * r ADMINISTRATION LOSES V. M. I. PLACED UNDER QUARANTINE AS INFANTILE PARALYSIS APPEARS LKXUMHrof. Van Pee. lA (At'.)-Infantlie paralysis has appeared at Vlnflala Military la- I stMate 1 4 eaase jMstpoameat of the Christmas holidays far the stadeata away at wheat had net I yet reeerered fall prlt Mae* after the reeeat Undent strike. Fear deflatte ease* and three doubtful one* were aaaeaared to day by the Buportwtepdeot who , LEGION HOLDS | PEPPY MEETING 150 Brave One of Raweat Night* Os Year to Htir Interest ing Program i" Oud of the rawest nights of thy j year did not prevent ISO people garn ering at the Community Memorial dutldlng last avenipg In the first op en meotlng of the year for the Am crlcen lant ion. Addresses from Cot. George K. Frermnn. Cspt. Edgar Bain and musical select loo* by Ward's or chestra and Ibe Community Hulldlim quartett made up tbs program. Cot. Freereun Varried the audience in* Id iuluut*t.lk from Paris to Hol land byway of Italy. Huinanla, Aus tria, Germany, France uu'd He described graphically his tour or Europe following the„.Parla Con veil - tlon and the cental reception which legionnaires everywhere received In Parts, ha said, the LpgUmmtro* j were given a reception similar to the reception which JJifjs v rece,lved when j they arrived eymemberkof the A IS ‘j F. lu lt*l7 und lull \ Capjaln Hatu dlscussedVfUg eti quette. Illustratlna the - tor using the national colors for de corative purposes.,, World War souga by Ward s, orches tra and ths rumipunliy Building four made a big hfi and It Is probable that OVer 'There songs will Ire made a feature of each meeting lu tbs future, all Joining In the singing. pr. C. F. Htrosnlder. commandant could uot be present, and vlce-Com ntandaut Dees presided ni the meet ing. He Introduced Senator Knniie'li Itoyall who outlined what the Ameri can liCgion Is doing In XtiTno county telling of the work sponoaorod at Oteen. Vice-Commandant Dees urged that all who hare not. filed sppllcatlou for their bonus Insurance should do so before December 31, the last day po»- - niblc for the filing of applications. He told also of the goal of *f>o members set for the localj'lilist. wori.ii mom: COTxai. FORffTUvT WASHINGTON, Dec 16—<4*1 -An Investigation of the Issuance or the otlo(i price forecast by the fiepnrl rnent of Agriculture last September was proposed today by BenntorilMay fleld. Dcmocrt, Texas. e ‘ ~~ _ am very grateful for the warmth and spontanltety of.the eepreeslon of good atll.'* * ■ » Dan Boney Names His Assistants RAM It H. Lee It l/K> Hut* in-: surancf commissioner I>an C Bonvy-j tonight announced appointment of Omar loroqus. a native of l<enoir county, a* deputy commissioner In charge of the loan division of his: department end. of Captain A i.’.. Fletcher. former tilllef ‘clerk, as dep uty commissioner, to Urn lud liiirancc division. Mi. Ht/nry said the position <f tjhief deputy oommisiloner formerly held hy him will be‘abolished eg will that of rblef clerk. effective January. I, declared lb# school under qaarau list unlit December « after ■ conference wHk Federal Stale und Health authorities. - fc * While Ike egses bate Ween care- Ua Helps ted It was rewarded se fully (saluted und no other cnees hlfklj undesirable (but Ibe »tad cuts return tc fbelr bames In U steles because of Ibe risk el eurryte* fkelr Infection. Fail In Effort To ° Impeach Governor OKLAHOMA CITY. Der. !5-~<fP> —-gulling and uncharted legal son In nn effort to oatabllah Its Juris diction to try Governor Henry Johnson. < hid Justice Branson and Harry Cordell, board of agri culture president, on Impeachment charges, Ihe Oklahoma Senate to day encountered three Judicial b>r*. An attempt to get Ihe question before the orlminnl court of np peals failed when the State court refused D> lasae a writ of hub*#* corpus 1 * K If. Lewi*. MOTHER OF MRS. REMtJS ON STAND 9 he In Twwtifyinß When Stale Suddenly Re*!» In Ita ’Caae IV tdb Cnp pltig Its t i -c-nil <:• or*:,« ltemu« to tm tin irl- i n'ulr fw-wffir t... I).. ttttO 'llt'Ul 111 >.||.\ p ' 1 '-II <>d as u witness the 67 year old gray haired mother of the wife U-' slew and, with the Jury still Inaffmg for ward eagerly t» catch her low-voiced testimony, suddeuly rested It* case The defense also attempt ml to • pilot: a coup. It unexpectedly an nounced Its cuoo was closed. That left out of the record the final report of three alienist* who today present ed their rlnsl conclusions: “That ihf defendant was sane at the time of the eammlaslou of the act 'f ths killing on October fl, 1927.” Prosecutor Charles Tuft mutnrtcd he lutd depended it pm Judue Shook to csll the nllcnlst but got permis sion to reopen the qase and lay bc lore the July the finding to which Itenins had boutyl himself to adhere. ' Co-counsel with Itenins objected He never hnd asserted Ills adherence to the final report of the slleulai. Judge Shook referred to Hcmus own pleading last October I. announcing Its determination to faro trial on u first dpgree murder trial and bound himself to adhere to ths ultimate deter mlnaliou of Ills sanity by th* .throe alienists 4 Jl INI IS FAI.L HEAD W'KBONVIDMJ. Dec. in (Ah- Ithydon M C»||. United Stales District, Judge of Southern District of Florid? t Inc# 19 13 died today. -—„ Ls ,<r n '•VL. KM/ only 5= 7 t f r»i |1 liAVn 1 ■hnnphmmmm GOLDSBORO, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 16. 1927 3 Amendments Cut Tax Bill Democrats Are Aided By Number of Repub licans in Victory Se cured SHAVED ANOTHER 64 MILLION OFF Measures Senate -Ualls For Re duclion of $289,000,000 WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. (A. I’.) —With h Democratic-Repub lican coalition holding a whip hand, the House tonight passed the tax bHI with three major amendments which were vigor ously opposed by Republican leader*. - . ' On flip final showdown however, only 21 ltcpubllrans were willing to fio on record against ..the measure af ter exhausting every means ate three contested r.mong the m ine for repeal of thA miles lax on automobiles. Thu vote nn passage was 366 to" 21.. Hciit in tho Hbliato within irom tho time Uongrcas convened, the hill as approved (alls -tor nn estl nfnted ltnnnal cdt tis 1269.7T0W00 Ip freusnry revenne compared with ths-- »275,73J.000 reduction proposed b.v the Ways and Means committee, which whipped* ih* measure Into shape be tore the start"of tho session. Its total Is IM.TTO.dM above the 122G.000.000 •uiRfPSU'd by Herretary Mellon os the i-.'ifo maximum and many of Us provi sions differed radically ’ from treas ury recommendations. W _____ WAKE FLOGGING CASE GOES ON County t’onvicl SupcrviHor Goes Or. Stand To Deny Charge Again*! Hint . HADPHOH. Dec 16 (A»» Denial by Jhe defend*nl A. Belshe. county mad tsmp ihat he flogged h'. Jones, countryv'sttiro keeper lor his alleged threats against the nelghlairhood thnreh and for liquor celling an I qdestions »» to the ritual of the K K K rtgured promineutly In Wako county’s flogging trial today. Uelslte testiflud lie was not at the whlpijing scene Four others said Belshe did not leave his r-tod ramji on ths night In quri- Hph. The Stale went deeply Into the Ku Klux Klan'e allegcl connection with the flogging. This phase of cross ex amination being centered on Detiuty J'Uherlfr Clyde W oat her*, also charged 'With Hogging, who nil muted his mem bership "111 t’h,. ordet Ho said th< oath of the Klan was binding for life hut Thrre Is locthtug In it to cause him to violateI’civil 1 ’civil hw. Dr J ft IJesta-r. u former presi d"lil of 'be county na-dwat society nn»r under Indlcttflctlt, In* HU* and other flogging r ase* ,liko Ihputy Weather/. w_g* .stjfabjeyHd to n etiff cross exami nation by .Ihe State lla admitted’ membership In the Klan and also In the new' order which replaced the Kbm- -hrrp -Tfrr- -phyrh iafl fpiTlTWl Uwd *• ~“• ykiH' sir" ttrsV"-' \fuyoa~<a«r~floia« I bot-dhat as far u ’ he kluw tjclshe w•* n t. Ils denied that' he i amp.. In Kah-igh on the > ante night Jones Was flogged to get a klan robe 1 Organize Parlies To Search For Vessel MO.VI ItKAL. Canada. Imc IS U l9 Land parties have Wen organised to -I ”Ur the const line 4,f 1.-.ike Super jf lor for dues as to the fate of U»e Vicgm'br Kamloops missing with her ">wew of 2ii men slm e tho storm which 1 rs'ept the Great loikes last week, HOUSE BATTL 33 CHILDREN BURNED AND 23 ARE MISSING IN AWFUL ORPHANAGE FIRE I Q, KIU ’ . lie. U OVO-TW Ire sheeted rains of M. A harles orpbaunge for girls bad ghen Ibe bodies of S 3 children who perUk rd when fire destreyrd (he balid- Ing test night. Twentj-one other* were mis,lng. The loss was ei tlnstted to be M.UMWH. Tbroagboai the day firemen combed the wreckage white grief . slrkkea parents Heseged tba morgue In search of Ibrlr child Mr. Hooks Receives Vet Pension Checks Ilynum Futrall. Grantham town ship veteran, was tho first to re ceive Ills semi annual pension check front perk of Court J. H Hooks. Check for 16 other old soldiers gnd for 41 widows havg been received and Mr. Hooks says that they will Iks distributed be fore Christmas, Boldtcrs reetorc II S 3. each and widows receive I.V). A lotgl of U.GtM) to 14.090 will go to tho vet erans und to veterans widows in Ihe county. . »' FUNERAL RITES ° ARE IMPRESSIVE Rev. J. C. Wooten Conducts Services For Mrs. M. E. Higxell From Itopie Kriii era I service* beautiful In th*lr simplicity were held yesterday afternoon from the home on Eas: W alnijt street for Mr» M E. Hlssnll. who illnd Into Wednetulay afternoon at lor n long period of Illness. * * Many frlnnda filed sorrowfully into the homo just prior to 0 the I o'clock liour to pay their laat reaped* to a woman Who for thirty-seven yaara' had llvrd In Goldsboro and had drawn the city to her bean. Despite the chill dump penetrating afternoon they came those who hud regarded her aa friend arid aa more than friends. Ope aoiig wa* sung Iter. J. C- Woolen of Durham, a-relative of the deceased, read, the Methodlat burial rijtual. uaats'ed hy Her. H. K. Ilrown, pastor of the Ooldaboro Methodist circuit. With j» strange lieauty. the comfort lug word* of tha service were Intoned. There was another aonst— nn old fuvorlte—and tlic flower blutr* ld i. it casket was born from ilia house , cut undrr the blank skies, to the hearse and to the grave In Willow Dale <>!tft«vy . ' ' Here ncaln tlyj, services were brief blit Impressive. , Mess'utes of sympathy'* from all ports jr.f the Stale yesterday rea<Urt the hernaved /amlly here. Os a name long given to greatness In this Mr* thm of tfcr state. thh high esteem In which the jfo.'d woman w.ih held w)»• i.how In the ntipirrotis and vai>«d floral offering* Many of the orgnm* zailoim of the <llv which Mrs. nisxcll had been associated In her long nnd useful Ilfs sent wreath* but many came from Individual* scatter* id over Eastern North Carolina. j lIKMPHEf ELM** TO Till’ COMIBAI K ACAW j NEW YORK. I>w. 15 (4^—Jack Ihmpsey plans In make another effort to regain Ills lieavywelg'lrf crOwa/fifolU —***nc T»ss« susHwer*A-** vsxusttas. . twr. tot trli-rnim frttjn Dempsey to that *t—j (eel The pi .guutiT believes the" form- ( ,*r champion *MII l» the greatest; drawing eard Ift the ring. ti\l*Tl UK IOM. MOTIIKV WITH HALFtWOLK MOOD . lIRAINEJtD. Dec la The days M the Klondike, when native dr.gs werg crowed by a strain of Woolf blood, seemed to have been du plicated in crpw Wing county when Krauk Peterson, examined hi* trap I ne nnd cwne upon a den In which !£ *Utph»r<l dog of the most savage n autre was sik kilim a llttler of half* Mwd wolves. res. Name of the missing It was belle* rd bad been" taken borne by friends und relatives wke bad eel reported them safety. Only I wwsle of charred wreck* age marked Ike glare where the Pt-year eld orphanage had boeo. A modern wing, however, was as loarhed by the Games. Borrowing, crowds which ftoeked to the blase last night returned today I# aid la the search as the rates. GIVE CANTATA SUNDAY NIGHT St. Paul Mclhodi*! Church la PracticinK For Annual Christman Munic The choir of ftfteep voices of Bt. Paul Methodist church Is practicing 0 (tally now In preporatluu for the Christmas cantata "The Angelic Choir" to be presented Buudty even ing at 7:30. W. L. Frederick, director of tha chojr, Is nl charge of the pro grem. For euverwl years uo* music lov er* of the city hkve looked forward to ihe annual cJirlstma* mnslc at Bt. Caul Always their expectations havo lecji realised Members of. the ctiolr are as fol lows: Boprauo* ~ Mrs. Carter, Mr* Whar ton, Mr*. Frederick. Miss Rsnny l*»u Brodum. Miss Btells Crunc. Mlae Eleanor Kornegay. Miss lluckncr. Alto Miss Mary- litqms CBddena. Miss Knln Racklay. Good-, arliL Mies Christine Pridgen. Tenor K. K. Finlay, Geo. Bpenco Baas -John Waters, P. G. Mlddlo lon. ' Organist. Mr*. Georgia Bynum. IHr cctor. W. I* Frederick. <1 •' Many Charges Made At Naval Hearing WAHHINOTCM. Dec. ll—</P> — A barrage Os arcuaatlou* of inefficiency and waste In naval admlnlatratlon waa laid today around the heads of high Duval officers by one of their Urotb iis In command. Admiral Thomas MoGruder. Defending before tho Uouse naval committee his recently publlshtNl articles attacking tbs Navy, MoHruder dodaredf that there were too tpany high officers, that seven Navy Yards could be abolished and tint tho navy should have ships lilult °ln private yards rather than sttempt (lie const ruction Itself, uspect Robber Gang Went From Goldsboro to Clinton Are robbers 'Who made effort* to break -Into Clinton buslnesa aa.trly Hit* week the samp one* wlfo entered Uni (tabor o Stores and home* K*ltlnK ,nV|g.fsM In money add a quantity of gooda ten day* a*o. Ixm*l police : have solved two of the easaa— tin [ robbery of J C. Penney Company ] iud llie robbery of Hhe Mu» Station, t i!k y believe but several other case* I remain a nty«te,r>| " Some believe thkt the work Inpart was tbiit of an organised gsng now operating In Eastern Jforth Carolina. \rw Item wat In Jiave been »!»• 'bed a’ abort mne benyor.trittgattHnrg: f Tli»,' following from the fyirappvn ln • dependent gives an' account of tfic af j forts at robbery In Clinton. Itotibi r» who left no eluc a* to Ibelr ; Identity on Monday night made at- ’ tempts to enter four of Cllnlon'a bust- . j 'less house*. but ut only one ptaoe. jef that of the Vann Motor Company, did they succeed In eff«icttng entrance. j place they aom* j :«w dollars In change which had been i IMt In 1 the cash drawer It Is also j believed that they carrlad away a«V- J ! era! tires and other auto acceaaortea. | although a checkup will have to to* ' iu»i|e before tbjln fart I* verified. En | trance was made by breaking a small MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED ~ PRESS pbick rim cawta Senators Deny Hearst Ciarge Publisher Hsd Publish ed Story That Mexico Paid sUls#» to leaders * ♦ * _______ ■ PUBLISHER SUBMITS PAPERS PRINTED Borah, Heflin, LaFqttfet te and Norris Had „ Been Named By Nt#^ Stories.. _______ WASHINGTON, Doc. IX—<A. P.)—Mexican document* pf <Jia puted authenticity Haying tfcat $1,215,000 had bM» net uMib the government o# Me*U» foa payment to Sena ton Borah, Helfin. LaFoUetto’, and Noprl* were laid before • Senate Com mittee today and were iilltoff cd immediately with unqnaUAed denials by all principak faltolv ed. • The document* were submitted by William Randolph Hearst la Whose newspaper* they slreedy hhve heda published In part. He told thp «dff mlitee that while he M 4 rmuMO-to believe Hie papers genuine ha hat Pe evidence that any of the M**f Wa* came befeh the ftaHHtWiPh tartly and made”*** d*M» onth. Borah of Idaha, .Whhr B- ••■P* man of the Renat* Commtttto, *taWt dole with International twAJoa.aaM he had never been shpronehed "*tth er casually, directly of *!»*—*Ma tiny way shape cr form' ' ..! * * Helfin or Alabama a«l4 h* h#d re ceived »o money In coaahptfcNl Wgh except from Kink Klanaman and-ether# far as pen*** of bis lecture* Jn Maim pad demanded that tho commttlM an example of thorn ragpaaalhla tar the •charge*." *„ ~ l.aKolletqe doacrlbed the.altampl ts link hla name with this mattAr «i "infamnns and cowardly fraai*” v Norris of Nebraska. ooaflMd la hip house by lllnasa roM from hi* aldk iwd to prepare a etalem***, tayitaf ‘ "he never had aa (Mr of aay Ihflpd* tlon that anybody contemplatad offer* log me anythlnf." .11 ■, 1, ■■leu. —wMh—law M IRTIIt North Carolina: Rain tonight aa# probably Friday morn la®: illghtly eclder lu central port km , Friday! fresh to strong south wfndi. Place in the glaaa of the ddor, laeert <"« a hand and taming tie loot from the inside. Ulast on the front door of tko f.-lk-WlMlamson Co., store was aloo fractured, butt It |« suppoeed that the ’ | ’fibers became frtgbtaoad and a bendoned their alteippt her* toocauao of fear of helot discovered, toy tet ri trains pr a patrolman. Ah attempt ;.%as made to oat«f the to' me of the Lee and Neman* Oadp l> 'i>y, but eo far as has bean learned* P I* attempt was also aha*aeae4 CT f' *b entrance wu rffadtofr '*■*■ ’■ ‘ ' V hit. u aiultr>> 3i* T», K*«* ‘kaUerad--by (he m.vrandgp, aad ttoe » i«e of thla breaking Tnass probably sored the owner of the store from r crloua loss Several ypuag mea hod left Cbeatnult’a Pharmacy toy ttoe ixtek entrance going toward the Uto tl. rwood Motor Company for 0 view’ of the new EOrd which had jott ar rived. Hearing a Crash of branding rlaaa they looked toward ttoa Hfto had saw. some men attempting to eTawt i i* rough the window. Seeing ttw men the'robbed made a break gioaot i he corner, aad made a getaway be fore hie Identity coold toe iillflllo ed.

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