WEATHER Mr, Coldar ta Imt portion Saturday. Sunday partly cloudy VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 252 JUDGE DENIES MISTRIAL MOTION IN SNIPES CASE Faison Is .Emotional As He Pictures Snipes Woman Slaying Herself >ay» Ht Had Told Her On Fatal #Ni*M That Ho Must “Break Away” JUDGE IS CALM AS HE REFUSES MISTRIAL Faison Den ten Miss Bessie * Wright’s Statement That She Heard Him Confess Guilt (Special To The New*i (By T. D. NUCKOLB) * RHHIIOM), Bee. !•- Samoa tleaaJ charge* that Judge W. Kirk lathe m a biased again-t Jeka • Wesley False*, es trial ta Hurt* lags ( sari ea a ehsrae es at enter la« Ira. Elala Rett ftolpes. »t a plea tar a mUtrtal were the »Urtl iag develepmeats that lei mediately followed live hesra el direct teatl meay kj Faiaea himself lale this after* ee*. FaJaes had Jaat retara • ed ta the wMaeaa stand, fallen lac a lea minute mm ftvea hla ta Hsrupernte tram hie creat ordeal whea L. 0. Weadeaharc address ed the reart. The Jary naa et 111 eat es the rvntma. “hr ul*h te aete aa rxceptteu te the nltl lade of the reart aa ladiratlve es hla* la Uhls cnee.* \ Mr. IV»nd«niburg weld. "W> wish to note a necoud objection. The record fill »ho« your Honor ha* a skid quts- question In the nature of '■ I'tosa nomination, when the Coin- RKicwcaltba moment for cross exami nation has arrived. We qgk ttoqt the Jury* tie withdrawn and a mistrial hr A hush fell utat the ionrt room as the Judge in a call# manner replied rf'Thr attitude of the court in this case Is one of nentrallty. Aa to the emo tion of ibo accused, the court *3w to evidence o( hi* not belnc able to . CO ou Tlie defense counsel askpd for n rest of five minutes and this court & -Ve lilra ten minutes. He la no? on ihe witness eland again, the motion i. denied later, when the Jury wag brought in •fudge .Mathews told them of the ex * tptlons noted .and reiterated that, he " •»» not prejudiced, eautlohed them to 'Hgahtiee their mind* of any sugges ! >n of this nature, and emphaelred the fart that the Jury solely was the j'.tfge of evidence. Faison was calm Pjt he recitgd the story of hla meeting with Mrs. Knlpe* their love affair, trips taken together, how he gave her i round »1«0 to help pay her food „ .1 id lodging bills and their relatione a general. He became emotional as he descrliied the events preceding the ratal shooting lif Mr's, gnfpea apart ment on November 18 last, his reac tions and his many telephone rails after he rushed her to Htauart Circle hospital. He denied Miss Hess is Wrights statement that she heard him confess ruUt. "I telepliones my wife and told her, “Qod. God, Monty (pet name for wife) Blsle has ahot herself. What must I do. Cod have ms. cy on her poor soul” he said, be was seated on the. Chesterfield In the living of the .apartment and was lighting u cigarette when Mra. Snipes went her bedroom to use the telephone. i,. .<*.,* playing the vlrtrola v hen ho beard an explosion and rushed Into t|io adjoining room to see ner seated in a white chair, her head thrown liack with a large bullet hole through her forehead, ashore the right Ajra. ' • , ' *T ~~ g t~*rita' TranttrfTmsT mttffar mirier I threw down the telephone, I know i.ot whore, und heard u stall trom Lisle I picked her up, carried Ji*-r to i my automobile, the motor turned over l.ut would not start. I went back into the apartment and aqt my hat. I went luck ont und*looked lot - my automo bile keys. I was so cvcjted I didn’t real lie they mere In the loclf.” Here Faison rocked in his chair, shaded his eye* and appeared In pliy rical distress. On a plea of counsel, the court granted him a fire minute re cess, antj he went hack fn the aerg ean’t ceil room. Immediately preceding the shooting. Faison said he had told Mra. BnlpesJ ha would no longtr continue thjfP impossible relation, but would deffty . tConUuuad 0* Page Thmi , • - ThFfE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN The morning .while minds are fresii-read by buyers before toey BUY. W a Fifty-Four to Receive Aid Through Effort All fourteeni-opportuniUea for Christmas charity provided by R. H. Edwards, county welfare super intendent, in cooperation with The Naws were yesterday arranged; for. When details were completed un der which Christmas cheer would be provided for the last one, the total cumber of tuen. women and rhlldreu who are destitute mtid unfprtunate at this Christmas sea son aided by the effort reached f»l In addition B*6 In money had been donated and .a torse quality of food and clothing received for dis tribution from the ' welfare of-' flee. THROWN FROM PLANES, DIES Another Saved When He Catch eu Strut ot Plane and W'orktt Back to Hiii Seal ' LVNi’HBDUO. Dec, 16~ f/P)--Ptiin ea* ritsvetix of New Market, chair man of lbs HhcnandoaU Valley, Inc, airport committee and Kichurd Bi llers t.f Hjtttimorc. a member of tlie same commlUee was saved this afternoon when an airplane piloted by Cap! f*barle* Mason of Halilmore In which I hoy were passengers was mat hi in cp atrpocket over Nelson county and hurled 1,000 feet before it could ho righted after a terlfflc battle with the wind - 5m Slevvu* whs tlirowu from the-cock |.it and fell more thsnd.OOO few to the mountains below. Sellers was thrown out nf his seat, his head striking the top wing, which retarded his full and i (tabled him to catch n strut from where he slowly worked himself bnek Into the cock pK to,safety. Two planes togeth er. Captain Mason lunLJxle two. pas sengers wetp* in one plane and Mai Wm. Typttm of Baltimore was pilot ling Ihe other. - May End Flogßinß Case Early Today IIALFJOH. Dec. 18—<4»l-Following ••tr hours of arguments today the ,-,re of G. E. Belshe, county roa»l •imp boa* charged wlik secret as s"ul» In connection with tlie flogging n K. A. Jones, county store keeper 1 -n dlils uegro helper last year, Is ex pected to reach a Superior Court Jury .: e tomorrow. A scheduled night session for to «ir* was called off, leaving two at- ! torneya to speak tomorrow. • UTHORIZI Giunxu LISBON. Portugal, Dec. 16—(/Py- The Portuguese government has vlted tenders for licenses to run gambling casinos in Portugal, Msde ria and oilier authorixed zones Father of Slain Girl Feeds s Bloodhounds 'M Beefsteak K It L Tedder, father of Iteuls Tedder who was so brutally murdered near her home til Wayne county last -TreeVi *»'iTs Tw Tlie Bmilbftetd Herald, and ope of ills matp objects In luring In tlie city Was lo have another look at the blood hounds that trailed Hie jx’rsptrutor of that horrible crime.'' Jifi - . Tedder leel* peculiarly Indrbffm to these does, and while here In puriliascd lour dollsra worth of l»eef steak, and gave tbein ont of pure nppreclntlon of what they hail done for hint lu helping to bring to Justice Larry Newsome, the negro who cot the of Iris danghter. Mr. Tedder Is all broken up over I the awful tragedy tha: has ii'‘falleii j his home, itud be states that tbe moth .LtT ■ t she girl has not eateu an egg- VvWL full nf food slneo the sad oc- The girl, who would hare uAjnlkphMD years old tha 4th of negt State Needs Master Farmers—McLean LINDY TO EXTEND CLAYTON WOMAN DIES SUDDENLY Aunt of Copt. f. D. Hinton Hut* cumin* To Sudden Attack of Heart Failure Captain I. l>. Million returned late Thuraday afternoon from (’laytun where he Itad been calic.d by the sudden death of his sunt. Mrs. Ernest Hinton.* , For eometime sfier supper Wed nesday ihe Clayton woman hod be,on engnKed in rrochellug Christmas gifts for a woman's organisation Chris t mas affair About 8 .IQ she remarked that she would go ltotu>*. saying that ler yon. Ernest lllnton tmd probably rone home by that time. ■ Tbe young man arrived a short .time later and found hi* mother lyiur Lice forward ftn the floor of lift room. dca|} Tb<*r# was a slight- cut about the corner of her mouth and the arrangement of the furniture and tbe position of the body Indicated that she litul probaldy fallen front thu chair in which she had been seated. Heart failure is supposed to have caused the death Mrs. Minton was about CO rears old and a woman of '* JB sterling character and nmny friends Communists in China Arc Being Butchered LONDON. Ih»c. Id ®F COTTON' FRICK FORM ANT , WAHHiNOTON.: Dei ~ fC— tK’)— An I investigation TST tiie lss'kahre of the Price forecast by itw* JJepart-, iiient of Agricultui-o lasi September was proposni today by Sninror May ' Held. Democrat, Texas March was the olitegl of eight child ren Mi Ttslder ssys they have lost a child through Slckti*--* hut the apf -Ig.9;*LlirS: >crriht# shock he aud his wlie buy* Just gone through witti ** Itcula was a gmxl girl,",he said, ' always niindf il and fnriuatrloua." , Mr. Tedder, v/bo live* In Wayne county, was onlj* 1 Jhree mites from the Johnston county line hi* p*>#tor :lcc liclug Kenlv, Hi F l» Sine# *h>- tragic hsppamng l ist -week ha hai UtOved Ills family ha k to Wilson county, ijj> Ids futhir'* place ne.ii r.n --t aniu He moved because Mrs. Tedder c*>uld not bear to lire near tlie scene of the tragodv P T C. Epps, of i.ucama. Route 2. was In Bmillifisld witli Mr Tedder Tuesday to sew the dags which In; belong to W. JL SMvcijj of thiX city. GOLDSBORO, N. C. SATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 17. 1927 To Visit Latin America Next ) - JO Nicaragua Mgv Be Among Coun* trire Toured Followinii New Year Holiday S ’ m ' MEXICO cm . I te*' 16— rAN Mexico aufciy captured. Col. Charles Lindbergh today made plans to ex tend the Llngbergh air line to Can* iral .'incrlca lie announced aiccpiatiic ol tnvl-* tat lons to v slt four Cenertal Amerf cari countries, and a*» lie told news* pap rmeri of fils t* ll InvHstlnn wi.s speeding from Nicaragua ask Inn him to visit Miuiaeua c X~ delalls l>iw*n workmi out b*«i after Isavfug Mexico, City he will sty to *he Central American countries and then visit Cuba before polutinu the nos# of tlie Spirit of Bt. Ismli towntd I** lionu' t»ori. Kr- Innls Co!, Llndhcrsh expects his mother t > come to Mexico City to spend tU« ool'dcjrs with him His new ° 'go >d w ill” flip ills w ill not start until af ter Christmas. Hi* expects to raacU' Hi'run during the i*ao-Amu-<4')-- y»rn» received when she fell ipto a tub of scalding water her mother had been using to wash dotX proved fatal to Lillian Fortner. .1 years old daugh ter of M!r. and Mrs. Troy Fortner, of Ibis community. . EARLY />// P 1 1" oMir § 6 i I Fal ll vflivaV^/ AIR LINE OPEN PRINTING BIDS TUESDAY Expect to End Printing Cost Squabble of Many Months RALEIGH. lk*c 16-14’) Sealed hidi/sr the prlntfnu and biuding ra-* quired |*y tlie for the period be -gjuntug Ja«uur> 1. l't-8 and eridlbg Juno ML lOf') will ho opened at poem Tuesday. Iteceinber 2n In tlie office! ot tlovfinoy .McLean ** Flute’s prlntiiig for the 18 mouths I period* - is expected to cuat around f J25.0U0, Frank |>. Grist, commission- 1 cr of latmr ami printing, said •’The proposals,"' Commissioner Grist sgld,■’‘will ho opened ta ;hr pre« souca.of tlie.fdd- rs und tlie contracts made by the slate primin'*, min nil* xlon to thu lowest and best bidders for the lateresi of the nt.vtn whole bids ere to conformity with I'bu re quirt mentri Os the proposals." i'hc printing uud biadbig .has been divided Into 15 ilu,slflcf,U'ni* and htd* will b*.< buhtnilied on gwHi lUusslfica tfoo. . A ward lug of ihe coifiraeta ruck is c»pcctcd to act!is the oon •rovaray between the printing com VNMTItSd the varlrnjs priuturs. The wtatw we*' unwilling hint summer fb me*f the demands of Hid priutors ntpj pay ! * With nearly nix mouths of the «n suing Idvnnluui now » history. the state* bas Iwen gftflug it* printing dotty here aud ‘there by plscewnrl: This lias resulted fli much Utcon venloaco Ui slate deparlments, it Is *vlil. making tbo departments laui In lesning monthly reports aud thalr b|r montbly and monthly publications. «JL—- ARMY AND NAVY MAY NOT PLAY Break in Athletic Relation)* Be tween Rival)* Showfj in Pub lished I seyfeffr WEST POINT. N, Y. Dec 16—(4*) The annual "football classic of the Army ami Navy most colorful of Hip seasonal pigskin dramas over a per iod of 3R years apparently came t«| .in aud tonight, TU>* defipltn break In athletic re lat luns appeared in publication of ■"tpondence between A'lmlrdl Nulton. Huiurltitendeiit of AnnapolU, nnd. Major .General Winaus tiead of Die military Institute rouccriiing the :t --year elccfblUty rqjc adopted by ihi midship meii hut scored at \Ve-r F, I*. Baines, prs- ident of Waka Fortat College will .undue tha,era nine service at Hrsi Baptist clwirck Sunday evening, II w as announced ) *« terday by iter. A. J Smith, thu pas tor. Dr. Ualna* w"l probably discuss some phase of the Baptist education i ! campaign now being conducted iu ike state. :>0 ,ULp appearance tlnnday ere* illng 'vill Ra Uif ihlrd In goldsboro for tho 'l&* pßqiP' yn(ftir * wake Forest president His first appearance Was at tha Hoi ary club- upon the occa sion of his coming do the city as one* of tho speaker* In the kingdom meet rug at the First Baptist church and incidental lo this visit. He captivated member* <»f thlavclub In his* and discussing Baptist rducotioual In stitutions before a rongraggtiou at •h« tjjrst church « few minutes utter Ids appearance before Kotary,'' Dr Galnea reftested Ills success. Dr. Gglucs-sun ceded to the presid ency of Wake Forest upon the rest*, nation of pr W. L I’oteat last Bap temlver, coming from Furman llnl reriittyv where he had boen Professor of Rngtlsh. flo secured hie graduate itnliiloK In Columbia University an.l bold* • Ph I) Dexrcr from tb* latter. OKLAHOMA FUSS STILL CONTINUES • 1 • " r Leßiulatorß Arc Not Diwpereed A#t Thcv Megt in Hotel and 1 Add New CharjfeN OKLAHOMA CfTl’. Okla„ Dec 18 —Forestalled by the ’ militia ngttkn from ler* the house lnve*tigailng of self convinced convened Oklklioma leglti- Yatnre was undeterred Inpundug It* irrrpopchmeDt Invc-tlgatlon of Gov. ’rbriaon." • , , ftarroil from meeting In Uie Bonst" Chambers, I lie ieglHhtlors re|»ati'««l G» ;holr~'hot.el und lixurd testimony hear ing on the peranun! conduct of the r eve mod.' The committee seeks to mid a charge of iuorut turpitude lo six charges aircudy yoti-d fowcrnoi Johnson made no effort to break up town h.ptel meeting of tlie legislator* altliqugli his pruclamaHoii >Hucd Nfoudny ln,truc|ed the Adjut • ■‘i..H". , cgHrfart.-ja.~ nißiaattfaerr* merrag: it say plate j* the ytjile. .lion rc.litlvo in ilic Tedder etc# amt I the effort to trk. Kfxtusw Dorn the ' (ifflc-rs. He liit,-i • >vpa a nnmivei ot (he official* übotp- the courthouse qml made lengthy noteu (»f hi" conveesn- , tloua.v j Aftye he Intel gjibcrcd inVormatlou her. lie went to the -. cncqtf the crime where it Is suid he secured ptcriurek <ec. K- (4h MkWt-f Farmer* of North Uarottuo, galktgß by • xperts of Btata Coliaga kllidN service. The l-rogresatv* Faraiar. *ar« weekly and ooanly agaata, tonight . gathered at Walter hotel hare tor i general get-to-get her and dianer "Tlfla eVaat Is exceedingly Inferast ng und signiflcgm la the agrtfloMafal history of North t’groiian." deeUr<*4 ' l>r tMsrenro Foe, editor of Fke- • Partner and one sf Ute auHt , hnekera of the Master Farmer Idea, * >u epfakln* ° r l|| e meet tag The 25 Master JVrmlrs, from lons roabties nf rite state, coaaty and mainly home ngeate, heldMig a con firmee here, ware scheduled ga i oasts. Tho ‘ ' J I*. Haall, Dartdaaw county; J. C. "ausny, Guilford; L. R. KttghDb-Hglf tax; » Mexican nluahi fnml lovestlgatMn g(- ler Re brief hour of CongrupaMaalV' nscendency yesterday rutttaded eat mclsurehly. A warning to Gongraaa to apply Ihe " irakeg to nil move seeking a reduettoa > •( taxaa lu excess of the trarinury i ••not amends thru was leaned at the White House. It was disclosed Chai President foolldge believes the hftl n pass' d last night hy tbe. House, c*fl- I'lg tor a ytarly of Ifflr i)o»,d m Is. unwarranted by’ the enndh* itou of the trsoeury. In hla opinion the maximum redwt ton liould be f228.000.0e0 applied kg - Mellou. , I Ol U l VBES IYFAXTILF FAUALTBIB AT T. R. L •*fw * * j N.VMV'. LLXINGTON, Vo. I)ec yerrri jrmytWyey Ooghaedi ,e»sen-» »f In. untile paislyais within thg h*| racks at V. M I. have caeiaed n qg*r autlno of grounds and barracks tiki hrou* ht the definite annotiaeemehf fr-o-t General W. fl. I'oeke super In tend) at, i hut the cadeU *glll y MR !m> Ciirisima# varatiou. at k*«t M , ('hris’-mea time. t All tha enane »H mild except out, name* of the pdlh len)a were refused inquiring no#U* pup< r represenlatiee*. , >** ..- Tt-\ NATS DE«m OOPD. v . idi com.* wi*l» ’ m:w YORiL Dec. 18—Ter Richard U cimviuced today that Jack DempeW will return lo tha ring ucxi anrnmgt.m au effort te regala hts loot **ys|P - weight laurel*. ,