Hr WEATHER '. . * V »rS . . '* Fair continued cold Monday tncrsas „ - > 111 cloudiness *? . VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 253 Fate of 43 Officers and Men Is In , Doubt as U. S. Submarine Goes To Bottom After Head-on-Collission 0 * WHjmmm F«ur Major S«a Disaster Comparabfc to That ‘ of 1925 Has Occurred Impossible find out EXACT STATE OF SUB UaSarwater Craft Struck Coast, Guard Destroyer Paaldtng On Patrol Duty f ' / . V '" PBOVINCETOWN, Mass. Dk. It— major marine diaaster had resulted. comparable to the loaa of the aubmarine 8-51 in September ISJ6, When that veaslc waa aank in collision With th* steamer City of Home off Block laland 3$ officera tod Men perished The deitroyer cn patrol doty of hhre wn n-ining the haibor. Sudden ly her lookout anw th* 8-4 runsinir tub merged dead abend. Thera was ao time to awerv* from the course aid the veaaela crashed. The destiny*,r made port with hei lower bold floodsd. The deetrnyer was at rack amldshlpa but the poiut nt which the aubmarine felt the blow "watt not known. . . The 8-1 went down instantly. Boats that cruised about the place tor houra tonight found no survivors giving the faint hope that the submarines hull li*4 not beep pierced. A frtth hreete tampered the woik of smdll boats Hkinr part Ip the rescue. It was impossible toaiitht to under ike •effort* to r«i*« the .submarln* f« no vnsnet* had reached the »r«ne with the necssary equipment .School Girl Held Por SISOO Ransom ft IvOS A NOBLES, Dec 1; uPi i Hrcatened with death unleii ran omc of SISOO U paid (or her releaae. Mile Marian Parker. If year old rhool girl waa believed to he held ipturO by ktdnapppera somewhere In outhern California tonight while of t.cers pnraned an intensive manhunt tor her captort. Missing since Tliuraday noon when Ue wat lured Into au automobile by n man who told the girl that her fmher had been Injured In au acci dent. no clue to her whereabontß had Itern learned toiitchtlj Demands for ran »i— Mies Annie D. Denmark, dean of women of Andcraon College has been elected acting president of the College It became known here today. She will assume duties of the office January 1, I*3B. * « Miaa Denmark, whose election took place at e meeting of the ! board of trustees, Will succeed Prof. R. H. Hol liday who ha* been acting president since Dr. John E White resigned in’ sccept the pastorate of the First Bap tist church at Saesanah. % Miss Denmark tpft today for Golds boro, N. C., to rlslt relatives. i - Miss Denmark was horn and raised Goldsboro. Bhe la the daughter of Mrs. W. A. Denmark and the sister Lucama Man Wants To Throw Switch KAl.iOfGlf, Dec. 17.—(JfJ—John H. A. Moore of Lucama today re qne'tH stale prison superlnten de-nt George RoSs Pou permission to turn “the current on, I +try Newsom#’’, negro, -lated to die in thp electric chair here on January ‘l3 next for the murder o( Bei la Tedder, “If (I Is-possible'for uie to get this place, notify me at once.”. Mooro Wrote Buperintendent Pou adding “t an. a married man. U years old." s> Biiperintoudent Pou indicated the regular “switch thrower" at the prison would turn the current ors lu Newsome’s case if he is to die in the chair. GOLD TO TALK J TO KIWANIANS Greeiutboro Man and Fanancier Is International Trustee of Civic Organization '" ' f The local members of club will get au idterpretalon of tin* alms and purposidT of Ktwanls from one of the international directors! when C. W Golds of Greensboro will J address the club at Its regular meet ing Monday evening. The meeting will be held in the Hotel Goldsboro ban quet hall beginning at 6:30 In the eve ning. T. R. Pameron will be In charge cf the program of the evening As an International director of. • P Rlwanls, Mr. Gnlcfb is one of a hoard of ten which to a large extent for- • mulatcs the program and policies of' the civic clubt Ho Is a native of WIN j sou county and is vice-president ant!| treasurer of the Jefferson Standard IJfe Insurance Cogjppany of Greena- | hero Mr. Golds has played an import- j r.nt part In building this company to oue of thjj s'rongest companies l of the South. T. B. Damcrdn. iu charge of the : program, has arranged a number of 1 Interesting details to proceed the < address of Mr Gold Special music will l>e rendered, E. F. C. Met* and George Thompson, the club as a whole 1 will engage lu Us usual songs and' Miss Mavis Evans will sing a .solo. I Mr. Gold has planned for some time j to visit thn Goldsboro club and will he heard with Jntorest by the mem bers here '< %' ,• ■ j House Take* Rest -s, While Senate Works ■■ ~ WAswnwrrw'. r fc»n* - WFPft* Senate glorified todsy In heiiK the d&Aho trwL tnatlT. WTRoei SiTTfi opportunity!" With Its Kodnatrlous Competor." the 'louse, takiui a day otf to rest from Its ten day spurt ou the six month legislative highway, the Seuat tackl ed with enthiiMxsm anythin? It could llnrt. i . tor wxmen. u vjeredlth.sUe spcilali*- ' «)— Final plena to the Jury in Georg*, Remus’ murder trial were begun late today. Charles Taft, county proaecntcr fared the two women anil ten Ijkhtg of the jury who fop live weeks had beard the e#dence of the trial of the former Chicago lawyer who became the king of bootlegger* and Anally killed his wife liefe last October It. I Test ‘had c«ly an hour in which to open for the state because he had to divide the two hours left of the* qowinu with th„ defense, Tha* left six Inter* nt argument to be com pleted n#*t Monday, to be followed hy tlm court’a charge ,stiff 'delivery • of Remus’ fate Into their hands. Charles Hlston. co-counsel wMflh Re mus, pleaded with tpe Jury In Heniu* behalf under the strllct Injunction of * the coutt not to mention th ( . subject of a straight out aft-quiual. Judge Shook “gave tjje injunction ; vrh: n. after a long argument, he too* ' under advisement until Monday mom lug. it plea that he omit from hi* charge any reference to an acquittal I Wing one of the possible verdlc** of Ihe Jury. « ' ( • * MKKALXD 1108 K OF ( APONF CHICAGO, Dec. 17—(A*)— fils horns surrounded by police ordered to ar rest him If he ran* oqt and t# ullnw none of hi* follower* to come in Krareface A1 Capone, Chicago gang i leader, tonight became a virtual prl j Miner of the police* alf hough tech , ideally at lfterty. Capon# reached Chicago last night | afler/U visit with Frigpn officers for : a day and went to the hdme of his mouther where lie live* with his life I Today police officials stationed ten ! patrolmen aboht the block where he i had taken refuge, j’- ; , MRS. LINDBERGH TO JOIN HER SON Will Fly To Mexico City In 3- Mot hr Plane Provided By r Ford , I — N ’ WASHINGTON, Dec. 17 <&) A new uiessengur of Araman good will toward neighbor peoples will lake to the air at Detroit Monday MW# -WflttSWllWnn/l.flldbcr*h "rat* * oqt by airdbtne to join her gallant US in McxCv. CUf far tbs Chrlntm** ■'wjwajrifT** Flying In a tri-moton-d Ford plane as the gue*t of the Ford Company. Lindy’s mother, as dauntless a* hit\ self, will be swept swiftly southward in three or four days, an aerial dis tance just a little greater than her daring flDn did 27 hours t.i write his latest ep>?c.h In Ihe page* of avia tion history. ' Evidence III th«- great value in Klim ulatinn »f good will between ,j.h e U. and Mextro which Washington of - received not only in Col. lUu? i.ergh's flight but foresaw In the mother's proposed trip to Join her son was clear in. the fact that announce ! incut of Mrs. Liugbbergb's plans came from the state depattu.cnt. GOLDSBORO, N. C 5. SUNDAY • MORNING, DECEMBER IS. 1927 RARE DISE ASE I CAUSES DEATH * ;i Mr». O. E. Howell. 2% Die* of ' Raynoh Disease of a 5 Arteries “ ” T - . ' 11 ■ ” i I Mrs Lila Howell, S 3, wife us (>. BJ. 11, well *he Palctown eectlon. 'died In a local hospital at I Jo yesterday following All ill nvss of teu wqeka with UaynnU disease of the arteries huneral servlco will b» fonductel | from the homo of the father Os the . deceased. D li. Pate Os tho Belfast ( section at t O’clock this uftwrnoqa.i „Rev. Mr. lgingslon of the Kreo Will Baptist faith will be In charge of the* service. A good woman and devoted to her lar.tliy, the natfiiely taking away of the will be the-cause (f grief among many friends. Shu is survived by her husbpnd and several < hlldren. togetlicr with her paretlUc three brothers and two sis lira The l>rollers are li i'„ D (>.. and J 11. I*«te. of Helfaat, the sisters, vtr*. N A. Coffibs Patetown and Miss Loihp Uat* nt Helfast. , ASKS SIO,OOO FROM RAILWAY j! J W. H. Fktwern CnnlrndH Negliß enre of Knilwnv Company Caused Croewlnjf Wreck Damage of SIO,OOO against Iho At lantic Coast Uno Railway Company is arki*d by JV li Plotters, KTemont citi zen. in complaint tiled yesterday la the office of clerk of coupt J. IJ, media. Mr. Flowers alleges that lie sustained personal Injuries when his automobile waa struck by a Coast line train a rroNaing in Fremont un the night o( November 24, 1920 The train which hit his car the complaint holds, the trussing without a warning signal nud wak f speesl* gvealse. thkb lff* a sound warning Hearing no warning alKual. the complaint goes on. The Fremont man proceeded onto the track and His automobile w*a* stru,k. hulling 30 or 4ft feel,,and demolished Mr. Flowers’ complaint describes Ids Injuries n* a’broken finger on the right haml. a broken arm. and severe sprain a and contusions about tho hyrfy whlch gr*,a’ly Injured him To Dedicate Annual To Joe Rosenthal I’ino Needles, annual of North 1 Carolina College for Women, win this y*ar he dedicated to the memory of the late Joe Rosenthal Mr Rosenthal was for a number of years a member or the board of director* of tdU-col ’ lege. The editors hgd planned to rjvdl f cate tha bo«»k tq some member of live | changed after IJ»# sudden death of th# 4vell l*elov<*d member of the hoard shoVpjno EARLY ONIJV 5 6 \team CAR IS TURNED ; OVER IN CR ASH •' ;* -y , > No On« lindlv Hurt \Vhen Ma chines nt Corner of - and Auhe ,V wre« k occurred nl the comet of William and Ash streets Isle yes terday afternoon JU»t after the flru ’ truck bad passed on the way to ails wer an alarm Arthur AVI«kU>«. city clsrtTfclaii. wna gniug to the fir** ah, a pretty gtiod clip when hia car col- j i lulsd with thit in which J. II Dsprsbu. * S’ D Dailey and J. U Dailey wgre rid |. r Wiggins »», coming frpm the Urn Urn of WJlson on his way to the fire and Dawson and the Dslleys were coming from the direction of Kinston. No one »u Inirt to amount to any htlaf. although N. l> , Duliey was llrhtly,lnjured on hi* right le|(. 3*b» car In which he «'a* rJdlna was burned ever dn_ Its aids and rocked there ptliearioualy for a few seconds after which the three young men crawled i.itt of their wrecked machine •Wiggins egr w j.% damsgud only slight- If, a, bent bumper. A larg crowd socu CoCrctsd sotl ft locked traffic around the Intersec tion Os thq tw„ h'Khways for sev eral minute*, Finally Officer Utydo* <.pin,., red upon the scene and t*n»k the situation in hand Tlie wrecked rar wm removed to the garage for repur* nnd treifle was soon flowing smooth !v once more TO MAKE MOVIE itayNk SCHOOLS . 7 * ' Natlonnl education A«4a4Kia(ion , SrlectM County For Con- Holidation Film Wayne irhoola aru going t«; to break Into the. moVtsa. The record, of the county has been such an uutstnndlua ouy in the mat- Ass.mlath.n has selected It us one to be preserved In film The story of the consolidation mnvemeut In the county will be dis tributed by the National Kdiicgtlal As sociation throughout iho country a* an Inspiration to otliar counties to go and do likewise. Information waa received hers yet terday that Mr Williamson of th* Ftstn department of education, acting for the nntlonnl association, will ar rive Monday to begin making tha film. It Is probable that several days will be required. CONSERVATION . HOLLY URGED Mnny (’g/t Loads of ('hdHtm.m Croons Once Shipped r rom County \ , riAWIGU. D#c, II i/P) A season-I nl Industry Which Is a source of con siderable Inquiry, especially In the eastern section of the mate, but which through mI * m .Vnuif emm Y will’ play It wlf out within n short 11mA, has again Ixfini operation. State Forester J. P Holme* U advised The industry la shipping- of holly anil other small greens for the Christ m»» market In uorthmt polntif Annu ally nrvrral hundred the i rei n*, which Include lefiN^- thoe plant*. I.slmla, hemlock, and Pinos, are shipped from certain district*. "As lon* as 1.2 years ago," suy* Mr. Holmes. "It y a'c cstlm.Ufii : hat Christ nias shipment* of holly from Bruns wick, Onslow, Wficii n 11 nl P impson counties amounts to 20f lIW a ear. In many other i in ties notalriy Wayne uud Lnnolr dowrinrs have been Tear tgp year ~v,;*An*sU»: Taw nil's nfusc AttßflSP evergreen ai cpnstn.itly blither pries# hut w'i, r, M>-Jdy depletion In sopplv. n^fcwrllMWHetfdl - t t;t> < iih year morn Mian 23 per Pont of th« leaf surface, and such cutUiK a.i (s Jon# should bp with a harp ..,w or with »n a*o, rutting ro war>l the tip* of the branch** Thh ’ s ®' rulo should he applied to other plant* ttis’ holly, snd If |* ebserrud there Is no reason why a perpetual yield should not lie obtain < u." • MI.N IMN* MMOKIH; i * l> 22 MMint.Kk lAs fIIUCnS, N. M. Dec. Alow* the southern border of New Mplico everybody speak two cr three languages and tnor* than a score of aTy ruapreyoit'.'d in the population. „ •’» •;.* | O , 0 • • II mmm « awi i isWi ■ - mi .' - U ‘ y FOURTEEN PAGE* TODAY End of Faison Murder Trial Is Expected To Come Sometime Mon. Shoot Hob-Hatred Girki As Communes 0 SHANGHAI. Dec. 17.~t/«V-Th* work of expelling communist* it being carried forward witlt uttar rothleaenei* In Canton and Han kow, even w.<>iittu oiiir girl* srs being »bot down |f suspected of being communist* Uob hair la considered the sign of a. *rm«n communlat iu China end at li-u.vf 14 bob hatred women bare been ahot by anti-red troop* In Shanghai In riots, troops shot down the gtrls In the street without computation Nineteen Ru*«eas declared . to be communist* hare been executed in the etreets in Canton as a warn ing to nlhera A{nong those re-, ported killed wan tb* secretary to the Kussfati advisor to the for mes nationalistic government. , A. SMITH CAPTURES BIG BOOZE LOAD Car Contained 30 C r «Jkmn. Bring ing Deputy’ll llbcord To 72 Gallon* fur Wrwfc Thirty gallon* o| wnUkey, two ne groes,' and a Ckryalor autowohll* - surb wm the capture mnde ysstsr day afternoon by Itoputy Sheriff Carl Smith, of the forces of Sheriff W ’O. Grant. Kx telly a week ago Smith captured one man and a load of 43 rations. B*v*uty-two gallons within a week that la the record of the young deputy. Yceterijay Smith was patrolled tha highway; on hi* motorcycle and near rUWK WcAfrd up what he' ’ regarded as n suaplcinna looking car. He trailed It. Ilia suspicions becoming confirmed he at upped the car when the Orphanage farm was reached. •c racthloK more than a mile from whore the machine was first sighted, and mad* search of it v . , -r,,— There neatly done up In carton* ( wan the usual Graven county brand. )il< hard Early and Early Jam#*, n* J , groe giving their addreen** as Faison, were taken Into custody by Deputy. Smith, Early had been driving ih* automobile. •4 9 . When first «top(>«it and questioned by the officer, Early had replied tttm he had Veen on a visit to hi* ...girl at Fort Barnwell In Craven county. ~ ” In the capture of a week ago, Hmlth began chasing the rum car In Oolite boro and It was not until -« miles away that (he quarry had (men brought to a stop 11 ■ *J, * - - New Text Books Will Cost Less HALF. IK If. Dec r.—tiat s. b>H»U In the state. "One rhtr.J of the current debt, on' ioUtlouN heiubd the list In the *x ..pause budget. ' tli-* announcement I **itl ''flood pii.gresß liu* bee it made 11, It**. - ami it it expected that wiib'a 1 the next three \e*i“* the entire debt i UJll t»e wiped .out!" ■ » * * M- ——- (illKtM IIJ.K■ Tflll'U< 0 MAltkh'T CIJJJgNVtLLK, N C.. Im J7 |4*i ■'eauoiiiTTotil «ab'*. on the Wrem ulle tobacco harkct when It closed yesterday for th* holidays stood at t.u.ljfi,ol2 pounds for *14,270,116.27 nn average of $23.71 u hundred, of ficial* d ihuJiition today showed Thl* j wfok'i sales were $790312.04, an ar* j oiajo of 120.82 a hundred. w ”. i - MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED j PRjESS- PRICK five rjucn f *.-4., „ * Evidence (ompteted YraltnUy and AHorneyn Begun Arru men (h in Ggac c.• X ‘ FAISON SOBS V ONfe OF HIS LAWYERS TALKS llareti Full Detail* of His Rak* liens With Formtr Priwe lon Woman (Special To The News) By . U. NLOKOUB j Hlt'HJdON I)/Dec. U With hath a Idas of the Fstaun murder * rial after four days of intensify work .Jn an effort to dear up the mystery yurrnandtng the death of Mrg. Elate Unit Hnlyea, urgumentf were start ad 1 late in the afternoon seaaton John Wesley Faison, accused of' the murder of Ur*. Kalpfg pretty youug dlvoreh of Prtnceton, N. C., wav on the stand during most of thy morning. Intensive crooa examination by Dave K. Satterfield, commonwealth Attorney, failed to materially aha ha his pravtona testimony. Fnlaon atilt matntalna Mra. Snipes ahot heraalf whole In her bedroom at her apart ment on the morning, of November id Tb* Inatructions ftveu the jury at the conclusion of the. testimony ap p'-red favorable to the defense, mus court attaohen and attorneys not tn* (treated In \tte ,oaaa, believe. ‘ “Why didn't yen atop nt two boapl tals nearer the scene. Instead ot tak- ; lug her in u hospital several bloohn away,” wsa question shot at thy ah cusbd during the morning eaaaliim. The poeltion of the ballet wound, 'be angle the ball took, and tho Mlbl on the floor and wall where It had rtc hoc hated, played A Mg phrt In n closing argument for tbs proa ecu "4P m*** i»y lUsoid ju •» Si r & Bulpea ». • * , v \ . v 'Thera w#r* no powder buyn# on airs. Bnlpaa forehead whan she wgs brought to tb* hogpltal as many wit nessos testified, so tiow do yon inter that Mr*..Snip** shat hyraylT naked Mr. Coolly. ' The barrel and weight ,<>f tb# litiKt- pistol are ot spoh n ns tnr# that It would be tmpoanlblg for Ahe woman to shoot ltbraclf*. ho fur ther declared. The teeUnnmy of the Mines Wright which la a big gun for tfca prosecution cams in for Its share of tire from the difsnee attorneys In their cioaiM vtatement*. "Why couldn't these glrla have, mtaunderntood the accused* statements, my Hod, my Uod I hare shogi Rials my Ood what shall I do. Is the statement ha claimed ha aged* » mr God my Uod, Elale has shot her irlf.” with hopes that a verdict may be washed by midnight, the con it order ed a night session held. Arcordlng to the figure*, the don mg arguments can not and until 11 o'clock at the earliest, than the Jury will have to he charged. Thte wjll, leave the twelve men who hold Faison fate i hd their hands not mors than forty-five minutes to debate op T5T' question. Indications point to tho feet that u<» verdict will b* a rendered an ill Monday morning or Monday after noon.i Louis W'endsrhurg, Attorney for thy defame, arnln hod a run tn with lud- e Kirk Malbpws when he arose lor hls clodifig arguments. Refarems to siiteraont* mads earlier In the day •>> Mr. Cooler were ordered to , omitted. Several exceptions ware mads by the defense ettorneV 10 the THrloaa rulings. V.’hen J. J. Hatch, another attorney for !.«e prosecution, also from North r " r > its L>r«om. gk f •» H!a previous sppsuranres _!* <»• wmf AAr •** name* Rpcakln/ir the action* nt the scene lid -nd ih* way lu which ha placed all ihe bianis upon Mrs. Snipe* tor their illicit relatione Mr. Hatch de clared "who upon this eland und laid dare thtlr secrets that n# dece it men would lay bare. Thl* bene dict Arnold, he said he. told Biel* fnlpse he had to give her up bwbawe i '•ever could get him to set the date. Kvm eftor the told Mr* Mnlpc* be wa* to ghre her nit he continupA' to write thee* pae- I rlou it* Inv* letter* to h*r. Ifow do : they explain this." naked Mr. Hatch. Fnlaott broke down and wept *ll - ently lor the first aim* thl* •fterpe'vn i when Stale Kcnator T. Gray Hnddoft j m-ilc on* of the defense* elating (.Continued on pnga t*») ,l