WSATHEK Kslr Continued cold TMUr. Wed- Mkr slowly run tMUinUn. VOLUME SIX; NUMBER SM STILLNESS OF DEATH FALLS ABOUT STRICKEN SUB wW ™ ' ■ * ’ v • Sv - . • •* • No Longer Do Answering Knocks Come From Dark Prison Room Under Sea Alnwrt Cert ala Thai S-4 Haa Bcomm "Gaaaaaa Caaknt FAINT TAPPINGS WERE HEARD AT 4 P. M. TUBS. Than Shortly After Effort At rommunlqaUa*. BrouKht ‘ ROSttN, Dm. D-Un- TW »«Im of tfc* iNtM law I«ri !#■*»** an* nmil nwipt •i a awa* « tram Daar Admiral KraM Dm hy Mnahf M mm effort* at Prtvludhwu, la «hM tt was taM OM hi M, I steter ship, at • o'clock heart seveu lap whleh may "have mm treat the H-4." The ■mate ala* tUM that It was lfnithl* to gut a repetlt loa *f the tape ar te gut the fM to akaowledg* mils treat the B 4 PROVINCTOWJt, Maas.. Dec. 20- UPS —The sUllaeae of the grave reign ctl tonight la the deck* of Province town harbor where lies the shattered hgli of U. S. •. 5-4 and her crew of two score. NoTeiace an hour hafpre noon reeewe fleet above grim ly holding at anchor against s seem tngly Interminable gate been able to catch the taint*** echo of the tapping which for M boors signaled the watch of six man trapped in the for*: ward torpedo room Meat U a* m.. the eeand phones of the S-l tlelcr ihtp of the stricken eahmarin*. rtwartsd the hareet whis pers of soaad through the double har rier of ateef lull and sea. While roar#ring no IntaHtglfyle maeaage. I her were Interpreted as Indicating that the dying man ware making a last desperate attempt to do coast thing for themselves. Than the still ness of th# grave came over the dark hulk Irlng prostrate on the ocean floor. ■ „ While the hearts, of naval officers directing th* reseat roea in their throats, the faint ray of hope remain ing waa enough to keep them farer ishly preparing for the moment when the aeaa might quiet enough to permit the resumption so diving It waa painted opt that life might linger tu the black gaseous chamber for many hours attar the men had grown too weak to respond to sig cused them with the thanks of the court. Mr. and Urn. Halt their children and Mr. sad Mrs. W. A. T. Durham, unclk and sunt of th# daaeuaed. left this afternoon for North Carolina. J. J. Hatch of Goldsboro, aa attorney retained by Mr. Holt to assist In the prosecution of the alleged, slayer of lils daughter, accompanied the Holt family. RICHMOND. Dec. td-Mlsa Eliza beth Dolse, »ls Grave Avenue, a tele phone Operator ,if permitted by th* court waa to testify she beard a con vened 9 a over a" pay-station tins. In which a maa's voice paying to a wom an, “lisle, I love you! What did you 1. Invite me to that roughneck party for? l*m going to Kalamaeoo tomor row sad I want you to go with ms Tbs Comonwealtk claimed PWiaoa admitted he talked with Mn. Snipes, from a pay station around 11 o'clock, th* hoar named bp Miae Doles as the tube of overheating u conversation. Th* defense contended that the law goveralug telephone conversation* pWIWWii 1r |ts tse'Ml' lee* the party hearing a conversation positively recognises the volo* which la epaaklng. Conns*l on both tides erf citing sethoritles at a Ist* hour IV. G. Robinson, long awaited star witness for th* detone* who had been la Louisan at the bedside of his sick mother, took the' witness stand yesterday morning as had been agreed upon when th* case waa given to th# lovy. ■ Robinson tesified that on Novem ber 4. while having lunch at the Hermitage Country Club, be heard 1 » woman whom A* later learned wni hu «**HE** *■*s **>*€ _ 4 THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. ■? fc'; W •'■ ;/ ; ' i ** -V a $ e> , . 4® 1 4* . I_ _ . _L 4 - ■„ —— * s 1— -- , -- --1 "1" Effort Talk to Sub Proves Unsuccessful A news bulletin Received on ths radio in The News Office last night reported that at 9;J5 p. m. efforts to rats* tbs sunken sumarlne B-t war* btlll unsuccessful. Faint taps from within the atrick an craft were reported aa heard by the sister ship S-l but “efforts to communicatt with thos* luelde ‘mst with response.'’ th* rbdta bulletin said./ GEORGE REMUS IS NOT GUILTY A- ' Held Fee Realty Hearing After Jary Cleaned Him of Mar* der Ui 19 Minutes CINCINNATI, Dei. 30 (A*| Georgf Remus, who forsook a legal practice °ln Chicago to become the operator fit one of the most "bxten slve bootlegging bipUnCsse* In the Vaulted States late today was found (not ugllty by « jury for the nuirdet of his set ranged'wire. Imogens Homes Kemui, Th# verdict was based solely on the grounds of insanity. Nlnteen minutes of deliberation sufficed for the two womeu and ten mg* at •thP/jurr tpdwoll they pobeN bly could toward freeing the former “kin* of two days leas than eleven weeks after he shot and killad his wife while ahe waa euroute to coart to divorce him. “ ‘-Under the charge as given to tho jury. Remus waa dsn led a verdict of outright acqultal and his case auto matically was certified to the pro bate fore sanity bearing, Withlu thirty minutes after the ac quittal tfie pkpers Were laid before Judge Wm. H. Luedera. but he declin ed to act unUi tomorrow morning. Meanwhile Remns was forced to -emaln In jail because the law permit ted no ball for a person hold for a 'unity tsst and also because he was under a conviction for contempt of court for an outburst In which he verbally attacked the prosecutor's staff In the closing days of his five week and two days long trial. . V ' —•— ; — 6 HOOTER CRNT TIMT RALEIGH. ' % WABHIfjOTON. Dec. 20— Behator Simmons has been advised by IJecre tar yHoover, of the department of commerce, that he will be unable, much to hie regret to accept the. In vitation of the Raleigh chamber of commerce to addess its anpual ban quet tn January Charlotte’s Open Air School For Undernourished Children Serves - CHARLOTTE. Dec. JO APF) —Char- lotte's open air arhool f< r nnder-nour ithad children saM M> bare been the talr one of Ita kind on the Atlantic tea board south of. Washington until the establishment of the Durham school two rears sgo. han|te In bal . t 3nc«. , Ita future l» tied up In the chance* f sanitation s of Charlotte aocletr •Iris and young matrons, which 1* sponsoring Ahe activities of the school. I’nless members of the'league after singing carols of Chartotta homes Christmas, collect enough money on their rounds to adequately supplement (he fund provided for the school by the city board will loom. The city provides (or the salary of the teacher. Yl.t* Jenleu Mat thews, who ha* had charge fire of the six years the school haa been In exis tence. and for the upkeep of the building, an airy snper-ventilated cot tage 09. school property. -.■ / T ’ JUDGE ORDERS MISTRIAL IN SNIPES CASE X I - ANOTHER BIG DAY IN COURT Liquor Law Violators Feu tare Second Day of Wayne County Court ■" ~ T_T C Liquor law violators continued to feature In Wayn# county court yes terday as Judge Riand and Solicitor Edmondson labored to clear the doc ket before the Christmas holiday*. In tie end. It was necessary to continue a number of cases until Monday. Janu ary 1. . * Lawrence Outlaw, wpa sentenced to three months on th# roads for manu facturing whiskey. Walter Griswold, a 260 pound ne gro had cut his sweet heart In the back with a kntfe, the conrt was told. The girl however waa begin ning to get well and aa she got well to think less of the assault on bar. She* pleaded with Judge Eland to be a* light as possible oil Walter. Judg ment was suspended upon .payment of rorts. Including sls for the attending physician and S2O for the gfirl. , . J. C. Richardson was acqulttsd of a charge of assault) with inteut to *»• „> • v Kd Oodwln. Goldsboro man, was doc tried for a trial on. a charge of driv ing an automobile While under tho influence of whiskey. The case had been brought oitor from Mayor Hill's court and it wa« decided to transfer the case to Superior Court. .Godwin. It was alleged, wrecked hts automo bile just prior to being placed under arrest. > -- TT. H. Ward, of Fork township, manufacturing whiskey, not gultty. J. T. Gregory transporting whiskey, nol prps- Pteston Thompson, violating prohibition law. three months on' roads. Preston Dixon, abandonment, six months -on road. Lomrte. Hester possession of whiskey, costs. Hosts! Moaeg, carrying concealed weapon. 60 days on roads Hr nest Simpson, lar ceny, 90 days. Gilead Bi£s*ll. driving automobile while drank, SSO and costs and three months on roads, road sentence to he suspended during good behaviour and upon condition defendant doe* not qp irate car during three months. Robert Chambers, violating ants law, not lulty. „ Elisha Whiskey, whiskey for sale, 4 months on roads. J. H. Reaves, whiskey for sale, >SO fine and costs and four months sus pended sentence HSnry and Jack Bass, affray, |(0 and costs sach, notice of appeal. CASE IS EXPECTED TO RECOVER 0 ■■■' .i.i—e k 1 CHARLOTTE. Dec. 20— (AV-G«o, Case of Asheville who wa» shot In the back Sunday night during a fight be tween negroes and whites. Is expected' to recover It waa said today at the hospital where mmrbelng treated. The league Is seeking to raise en ough to pay for the early momlhg lunches of milk and crackers, the mid day luncheon of aalad*. custards, ve getable*. and other wholeanmo and aonrUhing Item.* of diet provided for the* pupils. Their esklmo anil* of gray woolen with hood* to cover the head, making It almost Impossible 10 distinguish (he boya from the girls, ts "-by: XtA ’■Utt.-qJ. 1 ’- L— club. The suits, together with comfort able kaee-hlgh boots, are donned by the children when they enter school in the morulug to protect them from the cold weather a* they sit in the open air schoolroom The-Treatment which the some 20 pupils, slightly below mormal weight 1 are receiving at the school la proving remarkably effectives MUa MaUhess said. gain of 25 pounds In weight by one pupil during a single session has been observed, she explained.'-‘.The hoys and girts at the school rapidly evidence Increasing alertness and ln (CoqUnusd on Pan Two* , GOLDSBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1927 MANY SHOPPING FOR OLD SANTA Stem of City Art Remaining Open Evenings Now For -of Some The tumbling thermometer and th# hilarious fashion in which Jack Kroat mapped his fingers and capered de iv'gtitfully over the city added yester duy to the seet of Christmas shop ping In Goldsboro. Eyas bright. fa«.cs roar from ths sting of the biting wind, the shoppers thronged Into the rirre* of the city. All were looking for Santa Claus. “Mrma, whsre Is SantsT' more than one little fellow asked of his mother as ho tugged along. Several three year olds were heard to put up a great howl because Santa's thous and tns Rim cracks -had been placed on tables and shelves where tbty were out of the line of vision of :bs little fellows. V One daring three-year old cllmbel upor a chair to get a better view tn one rs the stores and look a tumble for Ills trouble. In all the stores extra salospeopU him been added to take can of tho < 'riMmns ' rush. Everywhere th# holtdov gift! are displayed. Merchants said last night that business ( had boon no usually good and that though uinny, h»d taken advantage of tho shop early admonitions, today wou' I probably see tho crowds greater than at any previoaa day. v I.W the convenicaco of thoae who - * Amo ttmwMutx pi PT TTTuo id Ptuke their purchases, moat.of Ist aurrn aVe now remaining open until 6 o’clock In the evoolng. EXPLOSION ON SHIP KILLS ONE Four Others Aboard Airplane Carrier Langley Thought Seriously Hurt SAN DIEGO. Calif. Dec. Nl—OP)— An e 1 plosion, the second In leae than a year, rocked the airplane cars*er tmnrfey of the United, State# Navy In the harbor here today, killing Jamee Raynor AU*worth7 41 aviation and aerloualy Injuring four other men. Several others were reported suf fering from minor Injuries, sustain ed when blown Into SawTMogo Bay or wheu struck dowk-whUe working 4™ the machine shops forward of the Men«a,of th« esplo»1on The blast wal followed by fire but Ihe flame* were extinguished before the arrival of the navy tug Koko and a Ban Diego fire boat from ahor#. The vessel was anchored l,n th* bay wl|pu the exploaioh Fent th* f alr and flames enveloped the ahlp. * * PRESIDENT XIT It PUREE DIES - GA INKSTI LLE, Fls., Dec. JO -OP)— Preaident A. A. Murphre* of th# Uni vtralty^f-Florida waa found dead In Ik tPat his bom* here today. SHOPPINO EAftLV. ' jzzzton* s?»w«h; »>»/ - ONUY g; 4 The NeMffl Printed 50 Local Items Tuesday ’ Yen get the home news ftrnMn The News. In the psu* of yestsr js’y there krere 60 local Uema, ri latlug news of Goldsboro ■- and Wayne codnty. There were Items concerning Goldsboro, rtkovtlle, Mt. Olive, Uranthanu. t»< > verdam. Hosearood and the enunty In general- Mention to your friends that local news appears first in The Nsws. / HUGE TIMBER DEAL IS MADE 6 —L—■ Wayne Furniture Manufactor* inu Company Buys 1,009 Acres Gum and Cypress Pu ctym* of 1,050 gum and cypresa timber and the ieciirlag of an option on 4.000 to SjDOO more acre* by tho Wayne Furniture Manufactur ing Company was aahoaaced ysawr day. The timber lies in the Goshen •samp section ol Dcplia county and tho deal js one of the largest ilmbe* transactions culminated some time. - Th, Furniture Mxnufaqturer* con cluded th* deal lor th* in car rying out an expansion program which has been launched bjr tho com pany. Tho purchase will mean that th,, firm wdl make Jlta own ltimbor, and trill lbos eliminate th# mlddle - malt’s profit. msmlttWFtMA# If th* Wsyne. 'her*forfl will r«pr*s*nt a lower total cost. < ! Since the company cam* under the management of 'Nick Prilldmn about ayearagfo. th* outpuF-rija* b*f» greatly Increased. 'O'*"' Governor Revokes Parole Park Cade RALEIGH. Dec 20—(AP)—Parol* of Park Cad*. Want* county man, grant ed by Governor Mcjmgn last March and protested In a fatter yesterday by & L. Rose, of Ooldaboro waa today revoked toMfrm» - ) Major Blmitln* renewed an appeal ihat those mailing Isflsrs, cards and packages see that they ar* correctly and legibly addressed. "Caro should be taken In wrapping pMkagM, too, for so many alow dellvortea are oc casioned by faulty wrapping." ’ - - - - - - • .r-f MISSOURI HVRDITS KILL BASK CASHIER | \ ANOTHER WOUNDED BT. LOUIS. Due. It—(RWohn W. Hopson, aaslatant cashier of th* Hbd ismont bank, waa shot and kilted and John a." MoCoot, chief bookk**p*r was shot in ths chest and seriously wounded today by flv* robbers who hsld them up three blocks from th* | bank and escaped with between 10,- 000 and SII,OOO Hopson and McGool | were carrying tha money from the | bank of UntveraHy , tty to th* Hnd iamoat hash. The 4 Indows of their sedsin wore shot oat. . ■* FIIINCE ICE BOUND PAjUS, Dee. 2*—(R I )—Franco waa iCj* botTfy today tho barometer waa falling Vbd the temperature root to 10 degrees above sera Wild duck end seagulls, even cur lews, appeared on tho rivers of Purls and its suburbs, seeking refuge from th* blisard swept English chAnnet Sportsmen turned out in great num bers. ’ Jukowsky In the belief of lavesUga tore acted as an Intermediary for Hlckraah who an. honor audent at Central High school la Kansas City In 1926 and is said to ha 19 years old. Police said Jakowsky came to Dos Angeles 6 weeks ago from Washing ton, D. C., where he Is believed to hare been a government" employee. liyk.uW&y k " ; ls known to have been friendly with both the Parkers and Hickman. Ills ege was giren as 25 epd he was said to be single. Earlier In (he day It was reported Jakowsky was from Kansas City. The letter at tempted to ' overpower guards at this city jail this mornlpg but was subdued by four man and locked In another cell while crying that he would take bis own Ufa. A heavy, guard was maintained about the jail because of threats veto ed In the street against the prisoner. Although taken Uao custody last uift}t his name waa withheld nntll noon today. „ ’■ * lieitef that Hickman was still In Continued on Page SU) m i;mberof I THE ASSOCIATED 1 PRESS , . - ‘H'tY price five cmrm New Trial On -.• ' v L January Four *wS^sa* (HmU *» «t» »tw*l % (By w. P. NOOfeQU) RICHMOKDf Pit, DoS. >M» *hd trial of John WMkQT VSIfM, pMS* Hctttorr u< «w»i# «t -tii tag* Country clhb, who Is liwwi < % tbs murder ot Mrs. Mi HsK pipit pretty young dlvorsM iWNtrlg ft Princstea, It 0., «UM M * pssnls clow this after*** *» it* ftM* when ths Jury, through U*ftr <»*•■» announced thsy «UI hopsUusly M locked. ' V- • ' y 'ft ' A douws barreled nunMu m und for tho lost MB iffr.SfilppMli court, Introduced H. C. JtdpM# is * o witness. Ho tasttftsd In oosiMpi a rbo would "How hor krala* out should fataou return te*Vb>wlM"/ Ths second ssusohoo of tho Firmed lately on rOOO»tl*i VI th* decision of the Jury, th* COM w*S l*t sr ruined. • Mrs Holt, father sad Nsdpr of tie ’ They sold, “Wo *ll Vs JShS«Ps rum dy ml shSrTswS'W \ % The COM *u gtrugrtb Mfmmd' .. urdoy night mt a p.rfpPlf around they had not reoohod a |UW diet Oeurt saaaot ho lull so Vip 1 but Jury hod tho qjpyHy la ed out*» , S*WeiNjlffitf "?£ throughout tho day falsi, * •»* on their verdict . ... . This aftoraosa after having ths* ' com more thoo two full dsrs thug declared they were ftTfStWltj* iS>< docked sod wore in post TistluiillliaS f, . that their voting ohonld not p gtvua* tii eny oao and that WlflMßr wsdt | «n la tho Jory roost should nftssla ,\ there. It was understood howwor thsf .when. tho Juiy adjourned Inst ilihi , the poll stood alas to throe tsr sen* w r J* A vktton. Ths prteotsats la tho trM whlo* this morning wool lata Ita ssvMjh ffiy were elowly wsakarttng V*VwMi otrnta of the lengthy aeooJsu* of tits court. Judge Kirk Maths**, sMN seemed to bo standing up andfr till, ordeal. . , Mrs. raison, wife ad thoOOSUWd i has aged cousidersibly durfid'MM l week while her husband fteSA UtP » for his Ufa. aad aha will, have to is ' through tho saoM thing not NOflh wjya tbe case Is again u!r. and Mn. Holt, thslr two 4S*f%- t ur* and three sons, although l WUMug i patiently for tho verdict shfttd t nervously movo about is tho sMlteg b day of tho trlaL Tho Jury worn truly Mira Ml ul d looking when they filed Into thstr keu • this afternoon. Bvery man’s H|S «w« •• set in a grtm determination t|fp *■*• t right and nothing would No*t time - l From their prooeat stead. A sudden (Conusasd nPibM mJ :: ''if court. naff * The I a ode around