WEATHER nu e«to ee*> imm pEfttßft* ■ VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 2H GIRL SLAYER STILL FREE AS FOURTH DAY PASSES Police Believe Thai Hickman To Be Taken Within Short Time FtaKerprlato Positively Him As Slayer bm Angeles CUM GREATEST MANHUNT OF NATION WILL GOBS ON Lack Maa Played Part In Al lowing 'Murderer Go Free t Tkua Far LOS ANOKUCB. Dec. 31-<*>>—Pre aumably single hiadid end friendless, Wm. K. Hlcksnan. the 1* year oH boy accused of the brute) murder of Mer les Perfter bee eluded (or 4 deye the oombimed effort! of ell the agencies o( the lev le vbet probably U the defeat meebed men hunt in the na tion’* history . Idm titled by police ee ’the roe” vho kidnaped end Blew end mutllleted the body of tbe It yeer old echool Kid. the yooth hea Beamingly vanlsh ed In tM face of e reverd of npverda of liooseo Offered tor film deed or eltre. | n . « Hickman hea mosey. $1.6*0 which he took from H. Parker before he throw at the fether'a feet the multlletod t«4o of hlr daughter. Ilut the money T! 920, hill* la mark ed almost ea plainly ea though the treaaury notes bore the notice ’this money la carried hy Hickman.” for the aerial number a oh tbe "KS9*ol«9oi to K680168T5 hJelustve—have been broad cent far 1 end vide. Almoet every S2O bill bee become as object of suspi cion. As attempt to change one ode* w» nd * tpreeOgdkm.. * Brains. pdreonellty, nerve end Inrk lay tbe police, so far here kept HK’kmeß a free men. In high echool bla class vee high. He was e leading debater. He wa! above the average In mentality. It wee agreed. Hie lack, the police believed, has played S Mg pert lu Hickman's es cape so far but, they add. It cannot hold forever. Two factors, according to detectives oa the case will lyad to- hi* Street, If he Is taken el Its. ' One Is hie finger print* tfrkde in police records here wbfn be was ar rested for forgery lest summer. Hie finger prints led to the iutomoblle which be nient In which be lived, pinned on him. say hie hunter*, the ransom and death eve*age* aent to the Parker home, aad arph expected eventually to convict him. Police declare that no young man wltb *I6OO in bla pocket* will resist torever the temptation to spend some of It. even realising tbe danger; and when he dose, tbe baud of tbe law will reach for hfs shoulder, i J CADE IS AGAIN TO BE ARRESTED McLean Orflers That Wayne County Boy Bo Sent Back t To Roasa to Complete Term RAUDIOH. Dec. 21—(>P)—Oovernor McLeas today wired tbe Sheriff of Greene county. Ssov Mill to arreet Park Oade, revocation of whose par ole the Governor recom mendation of trial Judge Wm. C. Harris, L. W. Corbett, health offi cer, Wayne county end Nathan O'- Berry, prominent. Goldsboro cltlsen and R. H. Edward*, euperlntandcnt of public welfare of Wayue county, was Mha* yeet-rdar ~ ' The governor • parole* Issue I on recommendation of theme ladirldaul* Waa made oui on Maroh 28. bat Gov ernor at that/time reeerved "the right to revphe thle parole at *111” The prisoner was' paroled lu or der to give him another chance, the Gevresor said, bnt "I am now reliably informed that this prisoner has gross ly violated the conditions of bis par ole and you are therefore directed to lake him Into ceatody and deliver him to the superintendent of the Conner road* for thd completion of bis sen tence,” the governor told the aher & Mc Uilti* lUUI THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Officers Make Big Booze Raid in Fork Two men were arrested a email quantity of liquor taken, and 6CJ gallons of beer poured out In a raid conducted yesterday , after noon in Fork township by Wayne deputies J. C. Rornegay. Buck Gardner end Carl Smith. ° Marvin Pierce end Akte Wood ard were placed under |JW bond each pending hearing a charge of possessing whiskey pur pose of sale. The officer* s*ls*d 6 one-half gallons of liquor after watching for an automobile while the boose carried frobt the Pierce home and- hidden. Woodard said the stuff waa his. TMu 800 gallons of beer werp contained In 12 barrels which hsd been partly bnried In order ,* to hasten fermentation of thf mix ture. The raid waa near Cox’s Perry. ' * BANK EASE IS NEARING END —* ■ * Summation of Evidence Begun By Attorneys in North Witkcsboro Bank Matter ■. * V ” -° NORTH Dye. 2|— (^P) —Keating their case with the teetl mauty of numerous character cs defense counsel In the trie! ”3f A. G. Hendren. W. H. Foster autfW. B , Sommers, directors of the d'funt Bank of Wilkes, who are facing trial on chargee growing out of the bank’s fatlnure made today began final sum mation before the Jury. Three Jury hours were allowed each side for ar gument andAMie case Is expected to reach the Jury tomorrow. 1. N. Bailey, -ittorney for the State Corporal ton Commission, while J. 8. Burkip spoke for tbe defense. Testimony pf numerous character witnesses celled for the derense was proceeded by the appearance of the defendant* themaelveit on tbe witness aland. Under questioning by counsel lor both sides. They repeated inaub- Rtances the story related by Clem Wrenn, president of the defunct In stitution wheu he said he Induced the three directors to sign s statement concerning the bank a aolvency and accept his word for the trnthfullue** of the The three directors were charged with having signed a statement which set forth the bank’s condition as sound when It was said, by the state It was In fact Insolvent. HOMiHAflon is approved WASHINGTON. I»ec. 21—The Sen ate Interstate Commerce Committee approved the nomination Os Oar? land 8. Fergu»on of North Carolina, to the Federal Trade Commission. Opening of Airport Not Expected Before Spring Goldsboro's municipal airport Is not likely now lo be opengd before next Spring. It was learned yesterday t.ut when Itls opened there will b« ceremonies which will attract tboui .ind*. , ' eweeselvsly heavy rains of the past low weeks have prevented the work of getting a sufficiently tlmi field from going forward as It should. The forty acre tract W yet to be rolled and grass planted. A rumber of ditches have been fill et.' and terraced, a number of trees tsk. a down, fences removed aud nU .preliminary work toward opening the field completed. It had been thought that the formal opening and dedica tion o( the port might come th'i month but it now seem* probable th*t It will be early spring beforo everything ,Is, ready. Already word ha# heen received from Port Bragg that several plane* will be sent from Pop* Field for the opentag. Lsngler Field, Virginia, an WAYNE NATIVE , DIES SUDDENLY o . End Cs«es lo Rev. John T. Edmutiduon At Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. Rev. John T. Kdmundson. 67, a native of Goldsboro, died In a Mem phis hospital early yesterday morning according t« word received by hie on ly brother, P. 11. KdmSnd fon yesterday. Funeral wilt be held lu Atlanta, the home of the deceased at 11 o’clock today and Interment will be In the ,G«prg|a city. Rev. Mr. Kdmundson waa en route from Atlanta to Ne# Orleans'to spend ; Christmas with his daughter Mrs. t'athlcsn Smith, when he Was -taken suddenly 411 In Memphis. Hur ried to a hospital an operation was performed lu an effort to, gave hla Ilia lytt without avail He had suffered lor aome time wf|h stomach trouble but bla condition bad uot been re garded a* serious. - Entering the minlatery a number of years ago after preparation at Louis ville Seminary, the native of Wnyne had a distinguished career as min ister and evangelist. At one time he served Temple Baptist church' In Atlanta. Called to Texarkana‘‘t'o conduct a revival, Mr. Edmundaon created quite a atlr by ordering that officers, cus tomarily stationed about the church jto preserve outbreaks, should take I «tlietr seat a, saying that armed men standing about seemed to Indicate the minister hts power from man rather than ftytm God Aside from the brother here, the a Idpw and seven children also sur -ylve. Teachers Nat To GtL _ —"decision Before Jan. WIIJdtJMFgRN, Dec 21 —WPI The State Bnpremef court will nqt hand down a decision In the case of W. C. Hamption and others, comprising tht teaching staff pf New Hanover county schools versus the board of educa tion and county commissioners until after January 31, J. O. Carr, chairman of the board of education was advised today. The teachers are seeking to collect unpaid summer salaries touting |lO6- 000 and Judge W. A. Devin, presiding, decided In favor of the teachers FIRE at washijigtov WASHINGTON. Dec. 21—ttfKFIre which threatened the river front here Tuesday afternoon damaged the plant of the Crystal Ice and Coal company to tbe estimated extent of- *6,000. Most of the loss was covered by In surance. v & MAN IS HELD FOR KILLING OWN MOTHER a ROCKY MT. Vs., Dec. 21—09*) Woodie Nowlin. 55. described by the county officer* as a desperate char acter, wag held for grand Jury ac tion on a charge of killing his after a preliminary hearing here on Tuesday. Nowlin was brought to Rocky Mount last night hy deputy sheriffs. J**-. - ■ other army nlr port has also agreed tn send planes. All commercial flier* In North Carolina will be Invited to the ceremonies and It Is possible that mayo-s of all (town* in Eastern North ( uri’lln* may be asked to, atteud a.i hoi|tr guMta. ;> The 40 acre tract, the property of tbe city and purchased originally for use at a cemetery, has been pro nounced as of sufficient proportions for■» flying field, to accomodate even the largest air machines. The chy paid *40,000 for the tract several years and since tbe purchase had rented the property to tenants for a hundred dollars a year. When tbe Airport Commission, comprised of members of the board of aldermen act Ing with a committee from the cham ber of commerce, recommended use of tho farm as a municipal field, the .aldmrmtn approved the matter and Yotff *3OO to be nsed in Vork of get ting the farm In shape as a flying "•f . GOLDSBORO, N. C- THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, JM7 YOUNG FARMERS STAGE BANQUET a « PUtevillc Boys Entertain Tkeir ’- Dads At Enjoyable Occasion '—— O' Members of the Young Tar Heel Farmers club of Flkevtlle high school did themselves proud last evening In the first annual father and son ba uet sponsored by the organisation Held,tn tlw Plkevllle school, the oc casion was ono which for originality of stunts, completeue** of program and excellence of food reflected cre dit upon the boy a who directed pre paration looking to tho occasion. Joseph Morris, n aeutor agriculture student, was toastmaster of the ev#- i tog, nod presided wltb the anrenest of an old hand at the business. In the course of his preliminary rotnsrfca, Mr. Morris related that last year he Lad cleared (2*o on a* three-acre ex-- jpcrhneutnl plat of cottou rained tn conjunction with his agriculture study Clifton Howell expressed thanks of the club to tho fathers present, to tbe teachers nnd to tbs school board, and John followed him with a ’’toast to dad". « Enjoyable features were music ael rcetiona by a quartett composed of Wm Oarirs. Clifton Howell, Earl Bell, and Joseph Morris a violin and hara n>onlca nccompnnlnicnt with Mr. Mor ris playing the vlojln and Clifton Ay oock playing the harmonica sndj banjo solos by Joseph Morris. In a dressing contest Clifton Howell, wbp was diked out as a y* uug w oman or fashion with Wm. Uarrla In charge of the ceremonies, won oxer Eugene Garris, who sought to puY on clothes usually worn b* a hoy and Aaron Bass ht charge of tho cefemonls*. , ' Whllfltttn Ttnttrity, occaalrmsd kr. Ibis stunt was at tt hel#hf, Wm.- Garris suddenly slumped forward la his chair and secured to faint doad away. All thoae about film rushed to bis aid, Prof. H. J. Mascy, seated one chair away, ‘hurried water In reply lo an appeal from Clifton fto*vell who had bent over tbe fallen boy. “Here la the trouble,” said Howell, Juat before Prof. Maaaey npset his tumbler of water over tbe fade of tha prostrate youth, and Howell be gan to pull knives, cups, plates, and many other Articles from the general direction of Garris's stomach. The joke was out. Ths purpose of the Young Tg r Heel club was explained by Bari Bell. Thoae making talks during tbe even ing Included H. B. Mask of tha edu cational of the Chilean Nlt- J. 8. Howard, district super visor of agriculture nnd Prof. C.,W. ’Varrlck, agriculture Instructor o' P’kcvllls. A rising vote of thanks was voted Miss Olive Jlnnqte teacher of domes tic science In the school, and her class, for the very excellent meal pre pared and served. Tire dining room had been appropriately decorated in holly and Christmas greenery. It;, FK&JftH FLYERS MT BANTJACQ, Chile. Dec 21 -OP)— DieiidonWc Coates and Joseph Le Brtx French fljrcrs en route to the United States hopped off at 5:35 o'clock thIA mornlug for La Pax, Bolivia, 1,100 *1 lea away. They hope lo reach La Pax about Ip. m, * - 2eS EARLY ONLY HIGH SCHOOL HAS PROGRAM 0 Sen torn Arc in Ctarfe of Ceremonial Commemorat ing Christman - *1 o 6 A most besot If ul and Impressive Christinas program was given yester day morning during the' assembly p. rind at the High School. For the jp'ist several years It has'been cue ternary for tho Senior Class ,of O. H. 8. to giro a Christmas pageant '(his year owing to incomplete eondt" t) >n bf the auditorium, they w*N un able to present one. However, the ■f hool could not, let the Christmas 'r-asou go by without offering praise And thanks to she Christ Child who w.i« hern In Bethlehem, so s com— uilttee composed of Ml** Margaret Kornegay, Align Jnnle lpock, and Mi** Doan plumned ths program which wa* presented In tfio High 8< tiool Cafoterl*. * " Ed Howell, preijdeut of the Senlof Class, presided, aud Alexander Mc- Coan read the story of the first Christ mas from the second chapter of Matthew. Then tho student body rose ••nd repeated the Lord's prayer. The Glen club of Goldsboro High School s.tng a selection "The Promise," and. "O Holy Nlgbl," Mr. Klllnwood tak ing the solo part In tho latter. The Glee club, directed by Mr. Fredorlck, showed gplendld training, and the students again showed their delight In having Mr. Elliwood with them. EM xabi-th Smith told the lovely story of ■’The CHhnr Wise Man" by Henry Van Dyke. Mr. Finlay, assisted by Mrs. Little. Miss I pock and Mr. Elllnya»od, -ang “A Little Babe A lung Time ago.” At Interval* during the program the student body sang the tavoyttc Christmas fiytpn* “Joy to the. >VorUk’i ”Oti I.i'tia Town of Bethlehem” "It Came i;»«n a MidtOght Y;i»*r," and "Silent Night, Holy Night." Every one was delighted to hoar Ihe announcement made by Mr. Ham ilton that school would close at .1:15 (or the Christmas holidays, and would not open until January 5. Army Bombers Haven’t Yet Hit Island Bridge Dec. ll—High explosive bombing 0 ( tbs Swift Is land Bridge began In earnest this af ternoon and (Hers subojltuted ‘Hr#" projectiles ( Q r the sand loaded bombs hitherto used In thrigito to try , w#c ol Bombing concrete bridges. Twelve 300 pound high explosive bombs bnried Iron » height o( 3,000 fteL failed' to score a direct hit High wind* continued to prevail in the upper altitudes and render accurate elm uncertain, the filers said. One shell landed wlthm two yards of the bridge, sending a shower of dirt over 'it. • r HUE HWEEPB ELEVATOR HAGERSTOWN, Md.. Dec. 21—Fir# '■rulqto swept n storage elevator In tbe D A. Ktlckell Mill here did *16,000 damage to the building and grain stored there early today. Hatch Will Not Aid In Making Newsome Appeal J. J. Hatch, will not aid M. B. Loftin In preparing an appeal for Larry Newsome, Wayne county negro con victed of tbe murder ol Beula Ted t'nr, Wayne county girl, and sentenced to dl* In the electric chair on Janu ary It. Mr. Hatch notifted Pardon Commissioner Bridgets to the effect yesterday Tho GoldnUuni attorney Led I* ten om- of those ordered by Judge Henry A Grady to defend the regro at the time he wa* arraigned for trial here. Hatch lu'hla letter to Mr. says he considers that full dftty has been discharged. Meant alu M B. Loftin. the other fttoyn«y jtoes forward with the plans tor filing tho appeal and he Is being rdded by other member* of the Golds boro bar. Mr Hatch’s letter to Pardon com missioned Hrldgers Is self explana tory.: .December 21, 1837. * Hon. Edwin B. Bridges , Commissioner of Pardons Kaleigh, N. C. Dear Mr lirldgerif Submarine is Lost And ‘ 1 Found by Salvagers Who Attempt to Raise Wreck Wants Surveys For Inland Waterways rIJNOTON, Dec. |1 —— e of two chanhela In North Carolina lo Improve navigation conditions would be mads by army eugmeers undtr bill* Introduced today by Representative Chaa. L. 'Abernathy of that staU. The survey Would seek a 30 toot depth In the B Inland waterway channel from Beaufort to Jack sonville. N. C.. and from Beaufort Inlet to New Bern. I TO GIVE DINNER FOR OLD PEOPLE Contmunlty HalWlng Sponsor* Charliy Music Enter* tainment A musical enterUinmsnt In aid «( an old (olka’ dinner will be tk# next event on the Memorial Community Bnlldlng's Christmas schedule go-’ cimllng to an announcement mad# hy the director. The dinner wilt be un der the supervision Os Oupt. Young of Hie Saltation A Buy; the meal will be prepared -by Mrs. Laura K. Spicer and served In the high school cafeter ia. Ths date of the entertainment has, been set for December 27th. "'Semi*, of Aha best muflcal taleat Is* the town will appear on the program vfhlch will be arranged by lir. Vta cent Klllnwood, Mr. Klllnwood will also ting a number of selections. The services of mixed quartet aad a male quartet have been secured. It is hoped that the LB. O. P. band will be able to appear on the program Efforts will be mads to secure the uppearanee of tbe escellaat Mt. pllve Coral Group which snag bare dar ing tbA Music Day Program of tha Recreation Institute Mid In Octob er. ■»„ The tlckeU will be put on solo at a very early date and tt Is hoped by those directing tbe entertainment that tlje cttlsens of Goldsboro aad Wayne t county will respond Marily to this new project. Only the old people of tbe county and the city who are un able to provide themaelves with a Christmas dinner will a be Invited. Captain Yonng has arranged for enough cars from Ptksvllls, Mt. Olive and other county, towns to bring In all those living ottteide of Goldsboro who hers been Invited. rUU KS VALUE OH C CDfPAHY WASHINGTON. Dec. 31—Tbe In terstate Commerce Commission to day placed a tentative valuation of $110,231,786 on Pullman Com pany, as of June 30, 1918. Upon my return from Richmond. Virginia today I find your*l*Uer of December 15th relative to appealing ths case of Larry Ntwsomo to ths Supreme Codrt. I have noted carefully what you have to say In regard to his appeal, however, for your Information, wljl say that I dp not earn to trend I e this case any farther. As you ere probably aware. Judge Grady appointed me to aid In the defense of this case when It was tried tn the court# of this county and I endeavored to see that tbla darkey secured a (air and Im partial trial according to law. v When the Jury returned their ver dict lu this case, I washed my bands clean of the whole mattsr, having done everthlng that I was supposed tn do. I think this negro had a fair' trial and deserves the sentence Im posed upon him and If thslr Is any appeal to be taken In his behalf, eom* other attorney will have to do 1L Very truly yours, / MEMBER OF * ! THE ASSOCIATED) . • PRESS • ; .. •.» ■' FBICB fJVB «nta» AO of Crow of n-faloi Tosml Aro Now Ua- ALL EFFORTS TO TALK TO SUB *NOW FRUITLESS Heavy Galas of PsslFww Days Broke Bob Frost Bar B—j Mortal ] PROVINCBTOWN. Mu, Dm. *1— * (/ft— Tha aubmarlae M, naatl Its »unk on Saturday by a ooaet «u destroyer oft Provlncetowa, wot teat and touted by tha nary today. Oa Dm tirat day ot goad weather altor a northwaat gala bad Interrupted «S* ruga operations alnca Sunday, Übt rescue (laat dfiKorarad tha S-4 had broken loose trato a Una that hA to a marked buoy and was Ipg. o +. . Tie entire day ot ealai day had a# rmouth mi yraa »P*nt tn IrapHag amg dirlng tor the vessel. * j, • At 1:17 o'clook thle afternoon. aafte ora grappling front a uanl! beat, lo omed the trree| from tha spa at tha mine ■ weeper Ftelcoa, uaad .tea a hteaa for salvage work opposite to that oa which tha dlraru had bas» wattttag. At once another direr—the myth wai sent down with order* to attach tile descending Una to Up waning tower of the B-4, Commander Ddwnrd L. Kleberg, directing diving opera tiona ofllco said, tha diver toy to tXH a kola through the hill pf the, submarine and mA fifl* V Diver Bird, arid |a rMatoht tab he reeeel .Indicating tbgt toe flymen «Ho were imprisoned h pa Unpegs room when the reeeel Wan* down'worn other dead or naMfkMPlfcVto. When lerkneag fall flood Ughto ware lower* ed to direct the wtoh gs the diver*.*. The aalrage office*!, iftotoad to 00S» tlnne oparatloaa ttia toe night MRS LFNDBEftGH NEARING MEXICO Win PrdtoWy Anto la Mode* City B—aittote This AfUr* '■ mm to Visit flea RROWimLUt Tea., Dae iMffV- Mre. Evangeline Lindbergh arrived hero by air at IriS tMe PltoPnoOn and prepared to arena tha fntomafl—l border tomorrow la her flight to Mexico city to opooA ChriatoNW with her aaa. Col. Lindbergh. The Mg trl-motored plage carrying Mm Lindbergh flaw 7*l mllaa atm '■king est from Tbtoe Okie., this stn Ing. it wee the third Sap in ’the air for tha mother of tha "tone pashf*. ■lnce she loft Detroit tn entering the lead whftfh kdlhg., her aon for hla non .top flight from Washington to Mexico City and "hla conquest of tha Atlantia ocean Hn Lindbergh will fly down to. Coaat to Tampico, too route taken by Col. Lindbergh. Prom Taaplee. the Mexican capital la a flight of aarartel lienr« inland. ... _l!, J a 4 * *'?■ mo x ico citt—(S’!—uaglcsp Hr r Scouts edopted Col Chat. Lindbergh a* their Ideal of youth and auphcM, have conferred npon him that* tore* hUhrit dWTJretlone—knlghto of Urn Order of the Lion, Knight of tho Or der of the Bogle, aad Knight of tia Order of the Tiger. Tha ceremony at tha Amorim* ha <»y, In which the honor* wire ha llowed, greatly pleased LlafbarghAo whom the development ot ItWha and the Improvement of yaaag man hood ere very dear objects. - With all the many thing* ho had to ke ip In mlhd, the uppermost thought wl h col. Lindbergh to tha air Jaa may hU mother to making to appal Christ ine « with him. Mrs. Llndtovgh wfll probably reach Mexico City totoorraw afternoon and her eon will go forth In e plane to meet her, aad gpMa her Mfely to Vafbuoaa flying field, aad thence escort bar to the Atoorteaa Embassy where aha will ha (fee gnaat of the Ambaaaador ated Mfm tmtoM W. Morrow, .Atogdß