The News Wishes For You a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY VOLUMES!*; NUMBER 2M CHRISTMAS SERVICE IN CHURCHES OF CITY TODAY - ' A& „ f * '4 • ' Nativity Theme To Be Stressed In Sermons j And In Special Music I ikmm Clwnhi Will (halt Ev«- ■ting ficrvkt «a Accent Family Ckrtatouui Partite ' r CANTATA at ST. JOHN AT 7:10 THIS EVENING • Announce meat* Concerning Day’s Proftam la Charcktt at City Are Given Tbo rurlatmas theme will be stress ed tn konrtceA At all churchee of the city 'today* Beth In the sermons by (he patmr an 4 in special mnalc, the t-eautlful story of the nativity will be • mphaalxed. mmwmmMMMms * Flnt Baptist '*> a tl o Flrat Baptlat church this juemtiu Rev. A. J. Smith, the pastor, iral pro oh a special Cbriatmaa aar f -non, and there will he Appropriate taualc by tho choir. Vincent Elllnwood » member of a lyceum quartett gnd now visiting hta parent*, Mr. and Mr*. A. ■ - Oolil: t«aro will hart* a peculiar dis tinction M tUa Jackson Day dinner In WaetUiu tost* January I*. In that Wf -four in* led (UMti from North Caro lina, Col. John D. 1-angeton will be me. Each Senator to nllofcetl to In-. vlte two gooats and Senator Simmons ( k has tit>>ndad au Inyltatton to Col. f Ungstol The latter la a past chalr . man or” the Democratic State Eaecu uve Committee. The flat of guests to be luTfted has not yet been completed but amour T. Meredith of lorn. Owen D. Yoon* of. New York, Huston Thompson of Colorado, Evans * Woollen of Indiana, William G.i McAdoo, New ton l>. Baker, of Ohio, William E. Sweat of Colorado. Homer ; 8. Cummings of r opneotlcut, James j NT. Cos of Ohio, Josephus Daniels pf North Carolina, Frank Bn I* t a ■ CELEBRATE AT CITY OF DAVID I 4 , Christiana Prow Many Farts of IfeWorld React Scenes of Nativity lISTHLSHEM, Judea., Dec. 24—(A*) . —The anniversary of Jesul Christ , wee celebrated here fbntght by , Christians on the very spot of the , Nativity. F*or weeks tho followers of , Jesus bare been converging on this o little town In the Hills of Judea and tonight a great multitude gathered under the opeu star lit #0 outside ! the village In the vary field where the shepherds watched their flocks on that eventful night. t Christmas carols, sung there hy an Fngltah choir from Jerusalem, re vived again In the Imagination of the Pllgram* tho scenes of that first, long ago Christmas tbe humble He brew meld and her babe, the stable and the mang'ir. pie shepherds and their ftwcha. ▼ -Mm) f'brhtma* . i Wdrk of Salvaging Sub Will Continue HUOVINCETOWN. Dec. 24 —?SP>- - The work of salvaging the submarine H-4 sunk a week ago tqday la to gu on. This was the UTiler given by Cur tll D. Wilbur, secretary of tbe navy, after a conference wlff» ojTflcer* to day. "We will continue with the salvag ing work." Secretary Wilbur said * sldt the idea of getting the *hlp up 4a* soon as possible. Os course wo will be governed by the weather condition* and all the plans are only tentative’’. A —Merry Christmas Twenty Are Injured By Terrorist Bombs -- * .0 ( BIKNOES AIRES, Dee. 24—- Chrlstmaa Kvo brought Injuries to Marly twenty persons In two terrific , bomb explosions that wrought havos In two branches of IT. S. banks here today. All of the casualties pecurred In the Rnenoes Alrea branch of tti# Na tional City Bant of New York shortly I before noon. The explosions, attrl j huled to Sacco-Vsnettl sympathisers i ;csmc tn the midst of prep#rntlone for Christmas holidays Just a few jnlnu lies before the close rtf work ministration. Including cabinet offi cials and others who were at tha baud of Important FvderaP commis sions or ag«nclea. Many of Prvsl* deat Wilson’s war Jime co-adjutor* Pkc Barnard M. Baruch. Admiral Cary !T. Grayson, Norman H. Henry ■longentaiv. Vanes MuCcutkk, and Daniel R. Ho per will be asked lo the fitnction which is expected to develop Into a love feast. Merry Thrlstmas— - Artillery Men Bearin SHots at kiver Bridge ALBF.R M A RLE. Dec. 21 (AY-War time conditions today ruled Iho dis trict between this rtty «nd Ml. Gil if*d. n village to the west jif the I rtvsr am artillerymen from Fort I Hragg began testing their big gun* agtMHt the old ■‘tnKturc ttirneA oy- I er to the army for this putpo*#. ‘ I Ths artillvry Ihls afternoon cut [loose at the esst end from of 4, yards. Tits artillery'Dre, grut ■lying accurate did llttla damage tlila altcrnoon compared to tho destruc tion of Ut# aerial bombardment. The sth field Artillery Battery placed sev aa direst hit# la II shots fired from a 4,ttbo yard range. EIGHTEEN PAGES TODAY FEAR MRS GRAYSON AND PLANE LOST JUST ANOTHER TO ‘OLD LADY’ 1 • ........ w “ &2 Years Old. Swain ( minty Woman Serving Time For Diabolical ( rime p > „ , * KALQIOH. Dec. 24—(#1— ‘Did lady" Kurley **dt at state’a prison' It hi just another t’fcrlsUuJU. It Is the list Christmas she ha* smu and the 30th consecutive Yule tide season she has spent Inside the walls of tbe sternlocking structure ml on extreme end of West Morgan street Old Lady Kerley, whose Christian name Is Nancy, ha t come Into tho auu »t period of her life. Her snow-white hair, covering n small head, ahrunk »n figure. Is well known to all Inside the ’prison walls a* she spends the lays wandering ftmllassft about the jewing room at the prison trying to itohe for her crime. As »he nears fferley whose eyesight 1* falling, cits most of the lime ami stare* Into pare 1 blnga lo the outside would no longer ere Interesting to her. She say.i soon she ”le going home. ’ Park tn 19L3. "Old Lady*’ Kerley uldt t like the way ode of her grand htldren was acting Cntble to make it behave in the manner she thought a child should conduct itself. she r*tried the child l> a U>rk cave to the mountains of Swaiif county hbd lu,prisoned It. , Relatives ok jjif missing child rearched and aearched. No trace- of 'he ohlld could be fonnd May ho It had fallen down a mountain and wax ylug lifeless somewhere. Did Aunt Vancy know? » , For (jay# the anarch continued Tlisn one day. In the latter part of 11*13, the anarcbers found tbe starve! aud llfeleas body of the child In the care where It had 'K»4*n shut In It* grandmother. It jvss then Hint Mrs Kerley told her isle Tried In Hwaln rounty superior lourt she was convicted and given :td years In PtAle’s Prison. At age (>7 she arrived here March 2. 1014. and Tav been In Raleigh ever slnre Once she lost bar reason and was sent to Dlx Hill for observation. She was pro nounced sane and sent hark to pri son * little later Merry Christmas— Believe That Other Sums Have Been Taken _ GREENSBORO. Dec JlvVf**)-Pos sibility that |2,Bin* In S2O gold coins shipped to the American Bauk of this city* and perhaps other sums consigned to other local hanks by, the Federal Reserve hank * ot Richmond were stolen from the Souths ’ orn passenger elation, ndtivllle, Va., was seen here today with the an nouncement that tbe .'.merlcan EY t hang* hnd never received the ship* mem «f gold Merry ( - M4KEH VIOLINS WMTLK WAXJH nt (» IfltfFi I/iNDOV— (A 3 ) 'iVorge Robey, the. fr.mous British muW hall artist, makes violins dutluV his waits In This hav been hlk Hobby T"r year*. He assembles materials from all parts of the world and has baton/* ,'wwsrt.. ih*t ta pibseat Frit* Kr«t»j«r with an iiisiriiment he made. Merry (hrMma*- CoL Lindbergh Is Still in Mexico City MEXICO CITY. Uc Ji -4r>- la toe \v*rni clear ntm«» of Mexl "o city. Col. CHa*. Lindbergh and hi* mother will spend a very different riirlstmas than tlirv Usve been m~ customed to There will be uo sonw i to remlud them us Chrisimis In their owu homelpstd and the spirit of goodl i wIU toward"them still prevails here.! Lindbergh today received a Christ mar ! i rift of a (Old two winged Mexican j aviation emblem. a— M, •• . aei S GOLDSBORO, N. & SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 25. 1927 FIND NEW CLUES IN PARKER CASE Extradition I’apery* Have Been Signed To Rempve Hirkman From Oregon * —A ~ ti.VI.FU Ore., Doc 24 -t/P)—tl.rver »X l*atarson signed papers this after ternoon ibr the removal from Oregon, William Hlckiuan held at Pendleton on u ehargo of killing Marian Park er.' ' „ ” V PKNDLUTON, Ore., Dec 21 - <*y- Proseeutlng Attorney Asn of Los Angeles and'« party of nfflclaU arrived here tonight to take Hick man to Lo* Angel*-< where he Is (barged with the ktanaping and mur der of Marian Parker. Shortly after their arvlvnl It was announced that the local pollct would surrender Hickman without waling for extradition papers If he would sign a waiver of extradition nnd sunuider to the Los Angelea poi •c>. The Lo* Angela#, nfflcars were Im mcdiatelr to where Iltrkinan la* been mnflned since hi* captu** The door* were bolted behind them Acromptuylnn Keyes were Chief of Pollc# Divl*. Herman Cline detective chief, George IC. Home, former chlel • U< l detective Ifhrris Uam -011. ... As Key is *nd other* of his party came out the door after.a few iidoutea. Mlobmwn waw fcrtnjr da h»a iiiok^in his cell groaning loudly. Detectives re malned to question Hickman. The Jail or sahj Hickman acted like a mnnlnc Hick said that It would he'nec rtisary to watt for the papers. Hlck t«iii tibrtrked and tho cries roitd l>e heard for u great dlstoacw. Ha cried: ’•‘>h God Ob, Oh." Officers said lltckmau went Into hysteric* when they entered the cell where hj; had been asleep , LOB ANOCLBfI. Dec. 24- t/»T -a woman In connection , with kidnaping and murder of Mar ■an Parker was ItPensfled here to- i ■lay when finger print* made hy a woman were discovered In the HflUp ( vhn Arma apartment occupt«d bf Wm. Hickman. The prints heretofore nnrerealed In the mfcrosplc march of the apart- | tnnnt In which poNre heller* tbe lit- , tie perry Parker., Itahk orriclal, was hold prjyoner, tpd !at 21. has been selected to l reside over the JacksOu Day din ntr'heM January 12. at which Demo* cretio leader* will Ik? given the op portunity of looklug over the men most prominently mentioned :m party candidates In 11)2*. *-s Merry I’krlstmas - -a NO PAPER ON TUESDAY THE CO!.D3BORO NEWS will ptiHish no paper on next T«*«ilay. Thr ncoArduiirc wilh a Irttni tilandinji policy of th ’ Said Mra. SnipM Often Referred To Her Friend Dutldr leal Day# RICHMOND, Dec. 24—Mrs. Vlrr rlniii Allen tbslvert' whoso name waa dragged Into tho Faison murder case l.cro lest week during tbe trial of John Wesley Faison ou the charge of. slaying hi* afflnßy. Mrs. Klsta Holt Snipes, formerly of Princeton, N. C.. w**„b*lnK aued for divorce In Philadelphia by her huabaud. Caoil Cglvert. when *h# committed sui cide November 11, In her apartment „Nere It develops. Coroner Whitfield •‘lscolsed * w!:eu CartJvt heard of her death, b# phoned hare from Philadelphia, asking the coro ner whether It whs a fact that aha was dead and seeking detail* a* to her death, subsequently the coroner received a letter from A Philadelphia' law firm 'representing Calvert, atat ’ng that the latter wa* ailing for divorce In that city and asWlnc for documentary proof of her death. Mr* Calvert, who. wa* 37, took Vrr life by labeling Illuminating -as. In hi* Investigation Os the came, i oroner Whitfield dlarovered a pair of men s socks on the floor heshtfe oer bed. hut no Information was waitable as to whom they belonged. Her name wss contacted Wtih the •Vlson case while John Westay Palana, himself, was on ths stand. He tektlfled that she was a clos happenetl ‘hst Mrs Calvet# was hurled tho very afternoon of the nlaht Mrs snipe* received a fc iruj plaint AcKtrdlac u* Fnl-oii Mr,-. Snipe* treqneatly, referred M the sulcld# fit bnv d»vtn« »tm evening •owing “ttlo tie I tight of rpo u VI r-' irtiitaa h« tliu* sh# came to li«r death. ——Merry I krl-fmas— - WAR FAYI9O EVENT Riders who competed lu (ha recast rix-dar ldk« races received ITi-SlFu-’in prlss money. Teg Rkkard and tb*< promoters who ataged tha *v»nt split i 1125,00# Ur tlialr priaas. o »* 43 j EIGHTEEN TODAY mmmm ■■■■» Woman Flier And Crew Os 4 Men Haven’t Been l Heard From In Honrs « -■ t * *** * j# NEW FORD STILL ATTRACTS MANY News Rapreaenl alive Hurried To InveeUcule Cauae el Crowd And Found Ford A great crowd w*a - gatbarwl at Jamaa and Walnut atraat. Dr. W. 11. Cobb and Dr. Edward BlsaaH. Dr. A. O. Woodard and others ot the medic al profession could be seen bobbin* in nn out of tbe troop "Moat be somethin* might bod happened down there * said one com-* lag Into view of the crowd. An Investigation was made. There wa# nt) accident. No one had so much as fainted. Th# crowd around tho new Ford coupe which ha* hevu received by Jus. TL WllUamson. "lie tonk in* tn ride in It,*’ antd Dr Masai! proudly, "and ha suddenly *id (o me. now don’t, he soared and j turned right across the Held. AM t believe it did better over the field than Its clde#, alsitr would here ever donr." - “WeM, Wss right.** sold another. "There la nothing Ilk* Ih* old Ford, about It hut the hand writing." and he (minted J[o the name rd on the radiator. —-Merry ( hrktmaa— - 10MX Ilf LL*H BEKM IN NOT ALWAIM M FUME fiONDON-UPWohn Bnll*a famous Mttcr manage* sometime* to goThad, boric acid and an exnass of anltt Into It 4u spite of the boeated purity of Rrttlah beer. Th# ministry of Health report* that out of sl7 samples ot beer which war* taken at random for analyst*, nine samples contained one of tbefa adult veant*. - ' Merry Lkrtetma#— TILL MOTIIEB WOT TO WOIBT MUMBLES TOITHITL KILLED PENDLETON, Oca. Dpe J- “H I had anything to any to my mother, It would he to fell her Tin not guilty nad pot to worry.” , 0 William Hlckmnn mumbled three words a* ha ut in hta city Jail Mil Lev* today. He just had been Informed that his mother wanted to know If he had any word for her. 125 Old Folk* Os County To Be Guests at Dinner - *' . . •-! Vi, —e? —— Detail* of the plana for au “old folk* dinner” Tuesday night have j about reached completion, according to Captain Young of the Halvatiunj Atmy, Fulbcr arrangement* fur the, vaitaty entertainment which I* tij turnish th# fundi a* wall as #lve the people of tho city and surrounding < country an excellent Christmas pro-j gram of music and recitations, nave ■ jiao been < tx/plit J Ahroximately * bnndrsil and twen ty -flra old timer* lu Wayne county— old timer# who have resretved moatly frowns from foritmo during their dc- CltntUg year*—hu?e been Invited.' Car* furnl»ln*d hy generous cltltens will brluic them from their home# to the Utah school whera they will he 1 served a sumptlou* men) I*V Mra. Laura K. Bflcer The cnUiialnmeot prortam ft* worked out b) Vincent KUlnwoc.!; well known ebsutnaqua _t(>nor »nd .on of Mr. and Mr*. Elllnwood of thta City, promlue* to be One of tbeetnnt us the holiday > asoa. Appearing on *lt' will be the sell known ,1. eW‘ PRICE F)V« ODVBI - p • . UU Ntw Tick rrkter Atar * LAST SKEN Orr OOAgt ,1 or MAEfiACßcanriresfAti WmUmt Rapart i» TW »4y "* Y *£rJr.3 ,M ’ " NEW YORK. DM. Francos Wilson Oraysoa at*, bi<* hop-d to npasd this Christmas m**' lu N. I*., prspitatery^o k'ttrmp'.in* ih* first winter flipht.s crons tits Atlantic was hnnll ,Wor *«i *!nn | r > tjir run# sod wmu bat onowßßUr fent4 ■ rnmalnrd that Ik# D*Wa *%M ytflf br siott. Tk#r# an I #sft#dS->t %? r . I>»* no so# tk# SO hoar period WS# fte urrMf U . , CHr' tins* songs (M target Wt Mf* . mortal Cotmuasiir I>uil4tot 1 msil i up of Muasn. Vrally, Water* | lllit nunt. and Hirers is kaownli# pe£ plo of Ul« city Ss It Sax psftenM as >tu."~rous occasions, drinrfig tews i;eiu rou# praise at.ever aggsivarth^." I- will sing roar sslssflMls. KYtlisr Mrs. John Morris <* M«# IFI-reur# Diodernon mill stgg n tu|«t; Hr or soldo Mr. jiSlM< |JS wit'-i t writ knows chaatangua %yM> »<•». .rill complete tho musical tsoAsm ; of tbo program. In s4dlUo« tk«W *• i *>•' a ranging of s Yuietige n*Us» 4 , sd.i * uriety to (he satertalMMgt. T* n hots for this charitr sfMfMf* |o inf hassled hy tbs SggipW Ml i -Ofsfaionsl Women's cJab tWy, i sio .* with