1 ■ WEATHER j.i YURnSMSP yfll i* - - ——- VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 2M CONFESSED SLAYER IS NOW BACK IN LOS ANGELES / - ~ . 1 ' vm\ Brought Back to Scene Os His Atrocious Crime And is Lodged in Jail »Crww4* flm forward ail Hkk nan k Ta km Fnm By rial Malar Car THURSDAYIB DATE BET FOR ARRAIGNMENT Matter al Mariam Employ* Kaunas Cltv Lawyar ta Da fpnd Her Ben LOS ANO«Utt.Dec. 17— ptf —, Li rtiKht' safely back to the city whet* I<>m than two week*, ago bo brutally kllM tittle Martam Parker, a twelve year old school girl, and dft racmberai ter body William Mdward Hi- kman vaa i ntb# county Jail here v> night to await arraignment net Thursday on a charge of murder. Des pite the laieaoa public feeling arous «<i over the kidnapping and kilting i h ure wua no outbreak today when Ilu kmau wae returned from Pendle ton, Ore A crowd of about 4.000 peo ple had gathered about the countv building when atOmi arrini Rhff i tamed more impelled by a cariousii/ toe the noted prisoner than any al inmpt tq mob violence -No tlemonatraUon occered. al lhough iteyp waa a serge forward when the prisoner wae taken from the motor car which brought him from the special train frodh Oregon, and , was hurried Into the building. Prc < nations of the police left Uttle chance >«■* any i'»s state 1 mu%-acttan-tP uue •eed Within leee than two hours after hi* arrival he Wae brought Into superior court for arraignment, bat a xMijpanement waa granted on the re •Aieet of the District Attorney until 2 p m. Thursday. A# delay wae framed to permit the arrival of a Kansas f’Ur attorney, employed by Young Hickman! Mother td defend “4 r *° a - ; , - -r-H •, • » HICKMAN THAW, BN HOUTB TO I>oß aNQBLKS, Dec J7~4A>-Wil liam Edward Hlcknun'e trail of . rime Igd him toward an ominous ■ Umax today as bis Pullman car prt nmapproechsd Loe Aagetee tearing not only the Aptly a bat also an ap~ calling confession of how bo kidnap * ad, murdered and animated Marian Carter and then sold the butchered . tody to her father. / I’ader ■envy Board Although the prtsos coach bristl ed with guards and the train moved through southern California towns with the least possible delay, cries of anger arose among crowds which had gathered at various sßffiplng J place* sq ae« tte youthful outlaw .iter the news wee spread that by had fully confessed. No Accomplice ’ That Hickman bad admitted thet he alSne was responsible for tbe kill ing of the little girl and the dissbe i ton of the body wae officially an r minced lest night by District At t u-noy \ea Keyes of Loe Angeled. Keys* mid other officers had been frilling Hickman since early yester day—soua e bourn after leaving Pendle ...inn. Ore., where he Vs* captured ■ (CoaUsuad un page slg^. Meeting This Morning To Decide School Question „ ■' ■d- N\« Bern. Wilton, Fayetteville, Imul am, nod Winaton-Salem, are all , bidding strong for ths Ptneland school f*»r rirla. It was laarnad yesterdgy. glv In* its# to th# belief by local offic ial* Interested in gettlag thia school to com* to Goldsboro, that nalaaa quick action I* taken bar* tha achool v‘fl probably ba moved to on* of the otter cities named above. “ It araa stated early last evening, however, that Goldsboro still baa a (banc* of securing the achool, pro vided the business and social inter eel* of the city want It, and dan fill fill the requirements necessafy to bring the school hors. “Ail merchants anJ business men Interested in the project should bo protect M th* meeting at th* Chamber es Commerce ....... THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ABE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. . ' • .* , , i-hir.,.’.. , ' ■■ ::-■==== LINDBERGH SAYS HIS FAREWELLS Lom Bank's Partin* With Max. Prmudant Described as BaMtlsnsl MEXICO CITY, Dec. 27—Cffl-Col- Uudbergh today bad* farewell to President Callea. when tte American filer left tte Chief Executive office, the president eyes followed him aa a fatter watch the departure of a son. Uudbergh motored from the Ameri can Embassy to the Castle to pay hi* respects and thank the President for tbe courteaie* extended to him while, in Mexican capital: Lindbergh told, the President through an interpelsr. he wished ta saying farewell to My how much hey enjoyed hie visit, how much he liked the country, and how much be liked the people of Mexico, and bow he appreciated the honors, and courtesies of the Mexlcep Govern ment. Away on another voyage of almost. 3,006. miles to the Central American • capital will take off for I'atemaile City soon after day break tomorrow., The Spirit of St. Louis is ready. The rlrmaa ta anxious to be kloft again on! be hopes to traverse the distance of «f 6 mUea between UuMJEorapit* I* in nine hour*. To accompUshttf* he. jmuet cross dangerous mountain rang es, and fly very high. MORGAN 18 ELECTED CHAIRMAN STEEL CORP. ■'. —» ' ii A NEW YORK, Dec. 27 Plerpont Morgan International banker tea become the head of the United Elates Steel Inc., founded by hi* father. Tbe board of director* met to day and elected Mr. Morgan a* chair man to succed Elbert 11. Cary wbo ( t ied last August. Thta action virtually places the den •tales of the corporation In tbe bands of the triamblrato flenclers. - REMIB WITXF.fIS SKATBvrED PAR CONTEMPT COURT o 1 ' CINCINNATI, Dec. 27 UP) John S. Berger. Loe Angeles exposi tion promoter, »ud wltneee for Geo, lie mu*, wu sentenced to ten da)-* In Jatl and fti\pd $250 and cost* and or dered In Immediate custody or the sheriff, by Judge Chester R. Shook today for contempt of court In pre senting n petition etlgned by the Rem us murder trial Juror* seeking to have a perjury Indictment against him nol led. ? ■ I ' M CAM* TRIAL OP TOI'TM MHO NLEW HIS OWN MOTHER OTAWXf 111., Dec, 27- (/Pi - The trial of Harry 1-MR for the slaying of his mother last August wss on call In the La Salle County H(stitt Court today. o , i Walter Denmark, secretary of the If ot * organ list lon. yesterday. A de f- 't, decision wilt be reached at this m* etfi-g It was said, as to whetheMhc Plneland school shall come to Golds tar o with it's Ideal control location, or whether It shall go to so mo other tr*n. . At present "two hundred forty ‘ ore enrolled at th% I’ine- Un«%chool. but Sir. and Mrs. Jones, 1« ■ d» of the lostltntlon, are of the op **' • that If the school were located In Goldsboro, the enrollment could be Increased to 500 students In e tew years. It was said, it was officially teamed last evening that unless Goldsboro accepts the proposition made by the heads of tb# achool, bids from the other tty* town* will be . . * REWARDFOR i MAIL THUGS insurance Company Offers $2500 for Arresl ants Conviction of Guiky Parties GREENSBORO. N. C, Dec. il-UP) —A regard of LLiuo was offered to day fur the arrest of the guilty party In connection with the mall lobterv in Danville last week. Tte reward was offered Ity Aa insurance (cmpauy. and (be umount J» said to represtat'.lO percent of the umodte ktgitaa and Is in soot-dance with the usual enstom. * The Money wss in transit from Richmond to High Point, being ship ped' from file Federal Reserve fiank of Richmond to the (Commercial Na tional Rank of High Point. NO TRACE OF ' THE DAWN YET * Destroyers and Dirigible Search Over “Grnvoyard of Atlantic in Vain fop- Mimin* Plane NEW YORK, Dec. 27—The gr.gve yard of the Atlantic. that artwtqh of water around Cable Is land, failed to dlvurge today whether or hot It had added to its list the nam vs of MVs. Frauds Grayson, and those I of her crew of All day. logg the ijlrigable Los Angeles, railed above the wavee. Not awlgn was seen •>i the missing flisra. ** Imst Friday evening. Mrs. Grayson hopped off from Rooravelt flpht with three mgu uviators Two hours Igter they were heard panting over Cape Cod bound for Harbor Grace from where th# y were to leave for Europe ~n ~ _. Carolina Shale May Prodi Oil I KAI.EKiII, Dec. 27 UP) -Good possibilities for production of petnv leum on a paying commercial basis from the oil shales of Kbrth Carolina are seen by H. J. Bryson, state gaolo pist. ilr. Bryson has made n study of the shale deposits and scientific dev elopments In the distillation of oil sfrom Urn mineral. Production of petroleum from each abates aril are found fa the mountainous section of western N Carolina Isms bccil carried out, *t il on a paying basis Mr. Brywon points nut. both In the f sited States and In Scotland. The dtacovery of petroleum however, threw the shale oil Indus try put of gear and It has since be com# a thing pf the past. It Is seen seen as an asset when production of petroleum In Us natural state declin es. '•Gil shale Industry researches," rays th* geologist, "have just begun on e large acel* in this country. They began la Franca In 183 G and quickly npresd to Scotlunif Ip 1850. FoF 75 years the Industry flourished In fcotlsnd, but with exhaustion of raw material Ilia industry passed into history a few years ago, t \ *‘Some work has been done In oil shales in America, but tboNdiacovcry of petroleum In Pennsylvania In 1*59 caused It tq cease becaltse it could not comflcte with the 'liquid gold' of those pays." . North Carolina's oil shales are found in the Deep River section above the coal that Is being mined In the section now. The shale on borlnrbi showed a thickness of 35 to 40 feet ever a lerge sres. The amount, eatcul a tod In from available da fa Is about 100.000,000 ton#, and the yield has gene as high as 70 gallons a ton. / A 1000 ton a day plant will giro a production of 750 barrels" of cruds petrolum a day, one shale oil tech nologist says. The crude will cost fl barrel or less tb produce, and will sell for |1.76,.a barrel, f. o. b. plant A daily net of |562.60 or |1»fi,875 a yearls Indicated.. DAVIDSON FARMER KILLED WHfiJl CAR IS HI? BY ANOTHER I WINST9.V-BALKM, Dec. 27—(AP)— Robert Brerly,%iS. Davidson couqty farmer, was killed Instantly when an , which he Was sitting was truck by a machine driven by 1 Amos Jackaon, Charlotte negro throe miles north of Lexington. Monday > | afternoon sunfiltn to sdrtees re •... 0, , . a. GOLDBBORO. N. C. WEDNESDAY MQRNING. DECEMBER 28, 1»27 ! HOLT HOME NEAR PRINCETON BURNS The home of —Tobe" Holt, near ; Princeton, sras totally destroyed j Uy five Vloutlay evening nbuul nine j o’clock according to, Information reaching the News last evening. Holt, who le father of lira. Elsie Holt hulpe*. former Princeton wo man. who was found slain In ter Richmond apartment some time ago. was away from home at the lime of the fire, aa were all the other members of the Ho ittii us to hnt| the blaxc could have started was advancrtl, an<| It cot;ld not be learned last evening whether the Jictne wit* Insured or noi. <\U furniture and other bouke hold belongings were also destroy ed in the fire. ! • q ' • : ■ DETROIT EDITOR DIES AT TRYON I. Hid Made Home* in Try on Bince Retirement from Active Life >. Twenty Yearn Ago TRYON, N. 0., Dec^r— — The funeral of Edward Goodman Holden KB, for forty years prominent editor of Detroit, Mich., who died Saturday waa conducted here today by Blahop Ptur et former Episropa! Bishop of Idaho Mr. Holden had made hlu home lu Tryon since be retired from active life twenty years ago. He,Was burled here according to a request mode by him during the active portion of his that his body be laid to rset among the North Carolina hills he loved so well. He wgs au honor graduate of Yaie Cotteg»ntW. WAYNE ONFIRE CONTROL LIST Only Four Flrea Reported in New Bent Diatrict in Month of November - *—~gr* A now county has been added to tte' list of counties cooperating in the Forest Fire Protection work In Dis vtrief 4. Lift*live January J, Wayne County begfus cooperating with tte Ftate and Federal Governments with au appropriation of f&OQ.Og for tbe d norths period to July Ist. Tbg other ccunLi s In this district whbi ex peud money for fire protoctlon are Cm. Mi Green®. Put Lenoir, In splta of tte fact that the woods became *y during November Id Dis trict 4. only four fires b**e teen re ported to District Forester F. H. Blpe at New Bern. High winds on Thanksgiving dsy spread the largest to 300 acres before It could be ma tt oiled lu Craven county, five Ores Wardens being called out to meet tte emergency. Several flrea have been located by ohstrvers on the Elks Building lo New Bern and the'New Hotel in Kinston, both of which gave a watch man excellent views of fravetj and Lenoir counties. A system of and look outs la being worked out for the P’ne Lumber and Empire Mfg Companies’ lands hi Southern Craven county. The companies cooperate with the State In fire protection work. Two tree look outs have been completed lu Lenoir county, one for the County Warden La’l and one for Diatrict Warden Fre I Dawson. MANNS SUSPECTED WHENFLASHEB BIL!* HENOErso.V, Dec 27— (Jf) —Eddie \foore, of Greensboro waa questioned here today by Post Offira Inspectors In connection with (he 126.00 U mall robbery there last Wi . t u. but was re leased- A promlsclon* display of twenty 'dollar gold piece*, and one hundred r.oltar bills led to ths questioning. Moore told them that be had borrow ««. the money fog the purpose of flashing it before fnvmtlta tton substantiated his statetpsnt, BODY FOUND OX TRU ISM S ;: -W : —Sill. SI. J- PWLADELFHIA. Dec. 27-</P)0 The decapitated body of a sergeant In the Marine Corps waa discovered earljr today on tbe Pennsylvania Rail road tracks in tte twitching yard* RPi f~~~- - i-- • \ V , K a ' v MORE THAN 400 TEXTILE MILLS Hunter Mirakafl Rcvteww Growth of Col too Manufac turiOff InduMtry In N, C, , 9 ii * RALSIGH, Dec. Sf— DPI —North Carolina goes IntQijta New Year, with more than 4eu cotton mtlla In lb» slate, aaya Hunter Marshall, secre tary treasurer of tte Cut ton,- Maim frudurers’ Association o( North Carq lloa. « ‘•Front an Insignificant position"' In Uc textile Industry to iegdshtp of all of the states In the nation in poiut or Active spindle homa —that 1* tbe rv qrd of (he textile luduatry In North Carolina daring the last quarter of a •entury," he auid In tt*oo the cotton mills operating .t. North Carolina had a total of vliphilY more than alx mllllou flplnd leg, employing about 16,000 workera. , The mill* of North Carollua, Mr. Marshall says, oporat on fuller flm# than those of llasMi&useUa, many of tbe North Carolina mtlla working two shifts of operators, so that In to tal' active spindle hours North caro tin* recently held a position ahead of ibe Bay state. •'Several factors hare contributed toward the very rapid and aubsUuu 1141 development of the textile indus try in North Carolina during the past quarter of a century. •‘ArailabllHty of couvsnleiit,, cheap electric- power tea been one contri buting factor. Tit# availability of elec tricity for po**r baa made It possible lor cotton mill tippmoier* to pat prac ‘Ucalfy all of thdr capital la prodae llvc equipment and to enlarge their plants’ as-their means wbntd permit without ibe Inconvenience and larger met that would have been entailed In enlarging an individual steam plant. I , "Probably the largeat factor la the development of tbe textile lnd)<|try la North Carolina and the aonth has been the adequacy of the labor supply and tte character and efficiency of tbe native workers who constitute - dhe operating personnel of the textile plant* of the Male " Two North CgrolfuA elites—Char lotte and Cgatonta—are the domin ating centers In tte textile Industry I ntte south Gastonia has more dot*, tou mills with radius of 2b and 16 miles than has any other souther* city. The census shows R 77 textile plants wtthh?* radius of lte miles of Char lotte. Within a slmila# radius Csston- Is has 070 mills and Bpartaabvrg C 67. Other leading southern textile cen ters rate: High PtolnL 629; Hickory 627; Greenville 4«7; Greensboro 446; Atlanta lit; Cbattateoga 119; Bir mingham 76 and KnotUU 69. "Artblbor factor In th* development of the textile Indutary in North Cartfc /'. na which Is not to be‘"overlooked Is tbe warm sympathy and under standing with which the luduetry ha* bean regarded by the business Inter est* and the people of the state gen erally.*'. Mr. Marshal said. ■'This attitude has been vtpr largely reflected in the legislative body ta tue tegfo and the industry has ndt teen handicapped by useless and har assing regulatory statutes. The manufacturers of the state themselves assisted In framing a child labor law which doe* not suffer by comparison with that of any state la, the union and which I* rigidly euforc-j ta. “The factors that have contributed to the upbuilding of tte industry dur ing recent yrare are the factor# that | will posh It forward to a greater, fu ture. ’ - i "Investment by IndlrUlauta, includ- I tag workers In tbe Industry, in cot i lon mill securities I* steadily toe- I ‘coming general and It I* not difficult today for a mill man of recognised oblllty In finance an enterprise. Al r ready there are thje* stockholder* for I every eight worker* aud thjp proper Hot* I* steadily becoming larger.’* S« MEMBER* OP TLR’KIHH SHIP ARE MSMJfO " gr- 11 ■■ UWDO.V. Dec. -A Uoyd. dtepath from stamboui ear* that 2t passenger and member* of the crew i»f th* TurkUhtdeemer BrledJ am mlMlng a* a result of the sinking of the vessel after a collision with the rt earner Harm ora yoeterday at the entranrt of th* Gulf of Mudianla, Alla Minor. -rm*— —* --—fa, «*— . e . .•? •„ r " .<» .... . -*-'*■* Searching Vessels Can Find No Tumps Os Missing AMiifc CHARRED BODIES FOUND IN RUINS Fivp Qodioa Recovaraff Fhh Hotel Fir* and Fadir Am HOPEWWLL. Dke. 17-bf) WUh fire bodies recovered from th* rdfti* of tbe Grand Central hotel by Nr* ter* Sunday searcii*ra wtit renew their activity by * digging through ths debris. Officers thsy had Identified four of tte charred remains as those of Mr. end Mrs. Geo. Maude of (Mena. Ohio; Chock*, of Hopewell,' and H. L Reddingboah, cf Florid*. Belief was expressed by tboe* In charge of the resell work that the tout number ofstke dead, •elmkted at' first at alx, would ex eeed that number, as It was kslteved there were several visitors In guest rooms at tte time of the dstenter. townofbadTn HAS NO (TTY TAX Stanley County Town Not In corinratad but Off am Many Featarwa 7o BADIX, Dec. 27r-4#4— The tow* #» Bud in in Stanley county r ls making n strong bid for, and offering OMay concessions, to naw textile Interests treking location IM tte pouth. Through the Tallauc* Power com pany, a subsidiary of the Aluminum Company of America, w commnnlty of 2,50* people has become wall estab lished. Tte majority of tte mow are employed In the aluminum plant, leav ing the women’ free for other wot*. , (’berth** and schools have boon bull.t a hospital, a theatre, recreation grounds, and a paving of a car tain number of streets yearly. Th* town is not incorporated, so there are there for*. no city tarns. Many of th* fam ilies employed by tte T.dlame* Pow er company own their own hoses*, and tte company . owns about one hundred and fifty houses which cowld be teased by any industry located in that locality. Badin ta 621 feet abore tte sea leV el, baa 4 mild climate and ta espec ially suitable for the lom)Ion of hos iery, cotton mills, or nay othpr type of Industry which employs women. »r : ■ Product* shipped from this will enjoy tte same freight rate* aa 6tke commodities from Albemarle, Hatlsbury and Concord. Freight ser vice ta via the Yadkin Railroad com pany connecting with the Southern railway at Salisbury and WWinston- Salem southbouaiLjtaUamg) company, connecting with the Norfolk and Wsk* tern at Wlnaton-^slem. An -abundance of hydroelectric from tte plants o? th# Tails*see Power company* ffllWh are adjacent to Badin. , Coast Guard Man Strands Here When Car le Wrecked .- - - i Jasper B. Oreeu, chief botswain’f mate in the coast guard service, sta tioned at Manteo on itoaaoke Island, who has been on a thirty day leave of absence taking a tour through the southern state* with his niac*. and who was on his way hack home, cam* to grief near here yesterday morning, when the Quick roadster in which he abd hie niece were riding, struck a ill when hf was crossing the high way In tha Graanteaf section, ab» e mile from the city ceueing the driv er to lose control of tha car. The roadster, which ws* said to have been going at a moderate rate of speed, careened wildly across the road after striking the cailue, and ran up onto “the front porch of a house near the highway, beadlag tha Croat axle aid badly damuglag the uni rental Joint housing as fee oar buaafcd an the Hi MRMBRR OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS —— ■ " Wf 1 XI 1 V » 1 > fricr fifH mm MJHTON. Mm». DM. tt Kadio whwn rocetrad horn tafty* "eported two United Stelae dai. trnyera bed completed a dlruet parch of the route HfuSUo without diacorortat ear tew* at $m MUaiuy Orayeoa plane “The OjMprV - ' ‘ b. john, n. r. dm. Weetern Union aneouaoed tbe f dkppt of a report froai thetr operator «f l loan* Coirtvat doektrUtc that helM linked up at tnterrala, teeaaapoe at|P' td WUtIT or writ “Whett Mv «*.<*?, you iqtfcta uar Ho oaU aahed ea»r‘‘ m* to Um report to MfdpiilftMS* The atgaeld wore Mpaaatty aM«. iDdlraUag Um tinier Mat Imp hew? )u cloak raafo. UMrta o—toll* otJ Trtalty Bay. aeak Barter p—l. flB. plane radio nail was HMD, ,l, ,**Sf ■ y- Hatches Doubled o- Bteict IHr ladle at loan that the MMher es the* rerllaaa distributed froaf ahH* lpt**;t erloe wtti be apprkMMMllr <isiieiif» tt), aeiiataat dirooter MF,(he depart* went of ooatanrtUaa. h« deeulop* ment. announced ,h ,} I he diatrthalloa from the Bka-eta^' <petated hatchartaa Mr' fu% nH *» t i*k MiMelda «wMh dhtWriiAr) i i ton rwvßiHit —weiwe to eprae® two million. Innranjjd tpjtlaa amitr poaalMe hy addtttoefc. ead Ueprevp meata arovtdad eat of the analer’a l Irene# faftd, WDI Mfce . It petalhM to prodaoa la the aal«§|ppheed <* finable that Maher,"he leltulil hr the sett itintrttietlif' tdilwk , y Mr. Mum hen teeMved herd freer iMtak J. Rteper, miHhjaiMhi iI karrhortea. MM MlMh, kernel ait 300000 ratabow treat ahe lam dh •*■ a maweapp . waapay emar ready haaa tehaa' fat the hpdii* •took a (he Mtrrtoea hitch w. a WayuearMa. le addition, the lap art meat bak parehaaed • <M*t>P hmjfc II trout opt* aed Him rMMp|pr awl •MB are twta« Mae te SMtih hr the United Ptetae baroM df phpr» IM. ' , AddHieas that here heap m*» at *en* year hero ferMahad adSMMII Horke aad McDowell eeaoMef^Se been added In the ***** htohim «a> tern thia year had tbit plefft. ptrep I* ft larpe moath hlaofc haaa Me aaot aeaaou. New hateberfed are aid! hi% eef* trmplated in »or era! parte M Me »hku» with p fair proopoct tik|fc ft M*f|> more than one will he la BpeNftep kp the beclaalnc of haaa ipahallp kk»* ™: —^ _ . WmiHj . .»<*, r A ■_ etepa. Both Croat fradenr urate AJao «m tehed. Neither of tha «C tlx car. however, suffered mimes la jury, beyond a terrific ’Ahafctßg pa** end a few bruise*. tireyn was brlagteg bactf with hHk *» a souvenir of his trip t» Florida, a Urge bag of cooaaaterttdt MtMfcir earn* from tha true*, sad «M*s ws#a viewed with much lutereet hf boal cittsaas yesterday after tha car had bees brought into tear*. yip ehanics who examiaed tha flautend auto were of the opialoa thal It Ur*4t cost more *» repair ft. tha»th* car was really worth, ae, late jynttfrdaF afternoon tha coast geant making arrangements te dMhade'Ut the wreckage far what eaall be **» for it, with tea tateattaa.j4|>iij#i hi. trip by ruH

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