WEATHER' *»■«■« ««■» n»r»4iy *«* rUr*Kt*l&L Friday parity d*Ml » v--- -q|' W -V. VOLUME SIX; NUMBS* SSI HICKMAN IS BELIEVED TO BE HIDING SOMETHING Diß{rict Attorney Believes Hickman Is Holding Back Facts -TW Ftfn* BwnUmmS in Hla c ' s *#S&S‘ (NnICIWSNT I# BROUGHT 8V t-BDHML OBAND JURY aSw • Canacd Death u>r d#c. ».—<**>- CHstrict attorney Aba late to day declatod hhi belief that Wri. Ed ward lllefcaap confessed kidnapper nd «lky*r. tol withhold Important (sots io Ms rtiUant concerning ths death of Marias Parksr. The prosecutor ladle*ted that he rould Met a new sad more rompre bewale* stateaient which be believed would remove cert* in ebecurtttos, ■ in the etery of the crime. As •* >letaat U. & Attorney, and a Deputy Marshall questioned Hickman in hla la connection with the at* •ged theft fas Kansan City, Mo., of the automobile la which Marian wae taken from the school on December istb An indictment charging the viola tlon tfl the Dyer act wes returned bjr the federal Grand Jury ioverel days a*o. Conjecture as ta whether Hickman would plead guilty or not guilty of Murder wae overshadowed by a con troversy which arose between district attorney Keyes, cad the court burgeon •eta canned the death. The “IV will not fight back. Wil liam Edward Mekiaan says positive ly he will (lead gnllty to the charge of kidnapping and murdering little w. o( Jerome Walsh Davis, a Kan ;ad City attorney, who Is speeding v.fst to defend him at ths fnstance of-the prisoner’s mother. ‘ Evi n if that lawyer tells me to p ead n«t guilty, F krill refuse to do it,” Hickman declared Officers daks Mery ? "I said I’m going to plead guilty. t< nl I mean It. The otitycera have my «u>ry all down In writing anyway— •ad f signed it. I told everything I know. | can't see where that Kansas City lawyer will be much help now.** Hla keeper? reported Hickman slept soundly through his 1 flr#t /night In the Los A,i mk* oouhtjr W Respite murmured threes'dTvlotroce nn the Pag of fellow prisoners. * Hla f fillers afkgtbuted Hickman's lethafgy to his phylcal exhaustion Which yesterday brought about his rolls pee He had flung himself across hla cclL hunk, hurled bis head In rni nnd fall Into a heavy aleep. An hour later a deputy sheriff rhnok him. •> Hickman Faint# lit T■- i> .. . _ P Frightened. Hickman leaped from his biruk and toppled to the floor in a dead palot. Hie guards dashed cold water Into hie face and with the aid of restora tives brought him hark to conscious ecs* -: Dr Black. Jail phyaleUn. who wan] summoned to administer medical aid, declaim! Hick man's collapse was no sham. Hi m » Ml#, * tentity-four hour watch is being kept over the notori ous prisoner Rwry eight hour* a wew guard sta tions himself Just two feet away from Hickman's cell— number one In lank H > In this steel caged tank, atop iha ted story hall of ja*tlc« that I*»s Angeles authorities lodge their des perate prisoners for safe keeping. A highway robber Mm an tutor**, kile thief are Hickman's uncommuaf- P 4 **** aMghhjrc la the adjoining toil. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH —READ BY. BUYERS BEFORE THEY. BUY. - ' - 9 ■ • __ _' • . f LOCAL ORPHANS RECEIVE MONEY OM Fellow* Lodge la Winston- Salem Benda L O. O. V. Home Her* ( heck for sllO The Odd Fellow* Lodge at Wln sion-Salem remembered the children of the Orphan Homs In Goldsboro gen erously, Bnpsrlntendent C. H. Mar ten receiving on Tuesday a check for kite which they requesteSTTo have dis tributed. one dollar each to, the lid children of the orphanage. In accord with their request one dollar vtth permission to spend It ms they pleaded wae given to eaeh child and within half an hour, the childreu had clear ed out for town. it is said that the Winston-Salem Lodge Is asout the richest In the Plate, and that they have tme of the most up to date Lodge Halls In the stats, having dining room and kitch en, shower baths, and other unusual luxuries. This dotisMoo was h continuation of the biggest Christmas passed at tho oiphauuge sint'o Mr. Warren has been In charge, on Thursday the Wilson lodge sent a dollar each for th# chil dren. with which many of them Joyfully bought their Christmas pre sents Tbs Sealer; Gales Lodge gt Raleigh, grave the children * wonderful Christ mas tree ou Friday evening. There wae a tree on Saturday evening, on which were the presents sent to the children by friends and relatives. Mr. Graves Smith of (»oidnl>orn gave Mr. Warren (25 with which to Inly pres ents tor those not remembered la* this way, or to even «p*fur those who had loss than others, two little sister* who have come to the Hume during the past year received from This fund the first dolls they had ever had In their lives. 7-^ A number of Lodges throughout the Slate soul boxes of oranges, apples and candy. A part Os this was used to Mil ths stockings the '■night before Christmas “Every child hangs up a stocking even the hoys mid girls that attend High School," said Mr. Warren, "and 1 tall you they mean lo Jiang their up." 6 v lnstead of giving out alt of the gen erous donations of fruit end candy, «nd letting the children be made sick, the remainder, of It Is being serv ed at meats, fruit for breakfast, can dy for desert at dinner, and tha good times continue. • # MfTEEMi: fOI'BT UPHOLDS AI’PML COLUMBUS. Cfclo, Dec. M-UP) The state supreme court todayii'p bcld the court of appeals 'Sq i ghrot*.. lug 8. A. Langoi, former Canton pol ice clilpf, a uew trial on a elftifTo of flr*t l -degreo murder In conuertlon wltb the slaying of Canton editor.* Schedule Os Expansion Is Chamber of Commerce Aim The Goldsboro Chamber of Com merce Is a scene Os hustling activity these days, with Waller Denmark secretary of the local orgaalxaUon. and his co-workers busily engaged In making out nn extensive program of activities for the New Year. The ts to bo submitted to tbe Uuard of Directors of the local Cham hr it it special . meeting to be held Friday eveulng at 1:30 o’clealf. It will be basod on recommendations presented by business Interests, and Will represent Ovlibbara’i most vit al need#, Including severe! project.# Tor The letterment and building of n biyger and better Oof7pf{oro. it was raid. -jt I* understood that the dairy lu dastry will be one of the principal Fteommendatlons on the program, and It Is the belief of many that this In dntary ta steadily forging to tha front aa one of Wayne's' leading assets. Tpn or firs other important matters GOLDSBORO, N. C THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 28. 1927 COMMITTEE TO PINELAND #■ Mystery Car Found Burning on High wft y Several Goldsboro people, re turning from a dance at HUlrrest Tuesday night, reported a tar turned np-slde down tn the middle of the highway abuot sis mils# Ibis side o t Kinston and burning fur iously- No one was seen snywherf near the automobile, and ' (here were no truces ot blood or any thing ihaa would lead to th* belief that anyone was seriously Injured. Norlhlng could be learned as to the ownership of the car. nor could agy detail# as to how. the wreck occurred. I>ft verified. Bev eral wer* of Hie opinion, however, that the occupants of the e*f were probably drunk andftbad left -th# scene when It turned turile WELFARE SUFT. THANKS PUBIJC R. H. Edward* Exprmwe# Appre ciation To People Who Helped The Poor Xmas Tnn Mlowtng lol»»r wag received by The fnVws, yesterday for publics tiuu, lltrnklng the. ,'uUl*: —Lb« | r generous cooperation In tskTng carv of the ' Opportunities'' which ap peared iu the columns of this paper several days balora''Christmas. rigid,- t)oldsbor<>. K. C. „ Mr. Editor: , n. If Edwards. Rupf. Wcl/arr wishes to express hi* thanks to Iff* many good and public spirited poo pie of Goldsboro and Wayne County, >.liO gave SO liberally toward# mak ing th» less fortunate happy klurlpg the Yule-tide season. Many heart# were made glad, and many IRU* children will remember this Christ mas for ,years to eome ift ougpalisn Old SAnta really did visit*theis. All of the opportunities published In The Goldsboro News were liber ally taken care of. and If those who ur.nsted could have *een the grnlcful ness shown by the widows and orb buns they tgould have been well re paid' for I heir gifts. Welfare Dept. TWO TOUKCriGMLS HELD OX CHARGE ATTEMPTED ARSOX CHARLOTTE, Dec. 28—(AP)-Willie May Smith, 19, uud Mary Husby. 18. Inmates Os Tho county Jydnkli'Tal home were Srrcsled today on a charge of attempted arson following wh#*-puJlre saM appeared to lie an attempt to burn the home A quantity of gasoline, paper and matches was discovered at the toot tt the wooden stairs loadlug to the bifgetheut. and led to Inquiries by officials of (he home. Hepofts from the other Inmates disclosed an allep t.! plpt by the two girls to set fire to the building, police said. tll*t itr Chamber will ondeayoy to develop during tho rnra- Ing year are aleo In be included In tho proxrun." It #k» intimated yeeterday that more really “bis things'* be i dopted for ronalder-tlnn toward the end of accomplishing the A tbie yeitr than had ever been attempted before. hat theac are. hna not been dlrulg* *d for publication a* yet, biu fulljs ttilla Will be available later (.A la •he week. It wa* aald. «r(H. I.IMIHf HtIH . aixMjJr you* ON WAX DETROIT «t immvXSVIU.K. Tex, Dec. 21— MP]I -Thu bis Ford plane carrying Mr : Lvangellne U Lindbergh back to her school room In-Detroit, landed at the Fort Brown Field here today at 13:12 p. m. from Mexico City. Investigation Os Equipment To HeMade Think E*timaU of School Heads Not Sufficient to Finance Moving School Here Contrary to expectations, no defin ite decision was reached on th* Plne lami school project at Ihe meeting held tn the rooms of the local Cham ber of Commerce yesterday morning at eleven o’clock The meeting was etteudsd by ipaii) prominent t>uslness men and merchants of the city, who heard The proposition of the tenta tive moving of the school, as made' by Mr. and Mrs. JoncSr-heads of th* Ptneland school, here for the meeting. .Men who aUeuded the meeting were of the rpinion luat the necessary change# and uddlUons incidental tq 1 IDrrdaoyliig of th* school here, could “ot bo on tbs basis submUisd toy. the heads ot the school. The com mittee of Investigation that bad been appointed to look into tho posalbill ties at the project, was therefore, enlarged add the members of this committee will go to Plnvland school sometime within the next few days U- examine the equipment, and to gain, a more comprehensive idea of what if -vuolil cost .Goldsboro to have the rrhoa} moved here. 1—; ism ’ i« *> CHARGE OF RAPE AGAINST NEGRO South (-arolifia Negro i* Rushed To Ralcigttvfor Safe Keeping By JohniMHi Sheriff nAIJCIOH, Dec 2* -W)-Although the alleged crime had not been* re ported to offnlals. IVm fl. negro, who said hla home was near Columbia. 8. C , Toulgbt was lodged in Jh* Wake County Jail. Arwording to n icport received yesterday a criminal attack on the eight yea? old daughter of a farmer living near Apex Is al leged to have been commuted by the negro. A Treated in Johaaon the ne gro was brought her* by Sheriff Tur ner, after the latter had received a _ari| to tiyi rffect thM feeling was running high neat' PUtsborough ». HOPE FOR DAWN JAS FLICKERED Commnnder of I>oh~ Angqls* Hold* No Hope for Safely of Grayson Plant* . NEW YOWL Dec. 28— barges ut trans porting whiskey.- reckless drivtng and speeding an automobile Tha chase started when -Hopewell left from In front of hie home In his Chevrolst louring car. Ae the two cirs raced through the street*, Hopewell suddenly threw e gal lon jog of whiskey out of the car and then raced on but be was soon over hauled by Sheriff Grant in his Studehakur. between Daisy and William streets gn Holly. A pistol was found nn him when he was searched by ths sheriff. Hope well was said to hgv* In trouble several time* before, with whisk ey always as his Nemesis HICKMAN SAID TO BE ZERO CASE cl « fnlifomla Slayer Dewribgd la “Zero Mark of the CptminaT by George Rom Pod RALritnfi, Doe.- li-tfl-efrtnnl confessed murderer of Mar type of youthful cimviH IMI happily North Carolina hag never %l to deal with, says Oeorgs I toss PouCAßgerin tehdent of North Carolina Prison. ' Hickman, a type of boiUueas/tligt knows no boiiada, lisa uo parallel in Tar Heel rrlmlnaldom, th* supe|ta teiident believes, and adds that he Is nt«d he does not have to dee) luch stomp of criminal# . “The cities of the boO.OOO popula tlou class and np are unfortunately th« centers In which sach man' do their work," Mr Paul said. “In the smaller cities, such os North Carollua's efeuly balanced immunity distribution affords, we have what might be germed th* straight i-rooks: < rlmfauls who go off on on* tangent of elewntal way wardness traces book to one motives of (the maniac -none of thq, 'master mind malatftr* " Mr. Pou said there was ne basic work for a criminologist 4o work In the Hickman csss, in search of any mitigating exetsse; that the weave of evidence garnered by th* Lds Ai gelea police Showed nti possible plaus kllplnto Ih* case. * . Y “He Is the xero mark of tho crimi nal," Mr. Pou said. In Just such n msrf ss Hickman la the capital pun ishment of the various states justi fied. Capital punishment Is for th* ■ern mark In rrfmlnaidom. "In Ibis case I believe all human ity Is agreed that capital punishment Is merited." * Flim Flam Case Featured In Police Court Here Tuesday The regular Monday morning aas s.on of police court waa not held on Monday on araouut of Ua toeing the day alter GhrUtiuas, but waa hvlij, morning Instead The following tnse# Were disposed of before lit# honor. Mayor HIM, while several more wer<> carrikil over un- Gl iji>» mornlny - l- C. Hill, white man. charged with lartijmy of |2A In ru-h from a guest at a-4pcaJ hotel, was- bound over td the county court, liul I* twmg held in Jail in default of bond. It was said • ha* Hill, who was also registered at the hotel, happened to see on old man. Gal Wllkluaon, with a roll of money. According lo lnfortnailon rs reived by Tho News yeatrrday, Hill persuaded the old man to go to Ills room with hint. When they approach ed the WMklnooif wuh luforuicd that ba would hav# to pet'ff&'T sharing th* room. Hb laid twenty-fivs dollars Lindbergh Arrives In Guatemala City On Scheduled Time • - <• . ~ - I' NEWSOME GETS REPRIEVE YEST. Sentenced tn Die on Jannury I.lth For Murder W«yiHL_ RAlJSmit Dee. I»—(ffl—Th« ectrtc chair at Btate'a Prison wilt not enuff out th* Ilf# of Larry Newsom* XL negro, on Friday, January 11“ Through hla attorney, M. B- Lmftln, of Goldsboro. Newsom* ha* tftad notlca of appeal to tha lUta Hupremo court, riling of the node* will stay Aiewsoqw'* dlrotroeutfon qadl after th* high court penes upon hla ease. This ths Auprsme CpjHT la aspeolsd lo do during th* laffer part ot r*b jmary when It Is sohaduled to taka Uncases from the Fourth nisi rid. Newsome appealed .In forma phaperls, hie lawyer notifying court otftclele here that the youthful i-egra's relatlvws dM not have any moticy with which to make a rtgM to aav* Newsome's lit*. figwsonss we* tried and eonvleted un Sunday, Dscnnher H, la Way*# buperlor f’ourt at Golds,boro t»f the murder of Beulah Tedder, IS-year . old Wayne Onhty white ehlld. whose knife hock ell body was found In a clump of boshes n«er on Thursday, December I. TKO ttagjtr. pt atWßlolw. m ed inward Newsome soil he was ar rested. . Sheriff \V, D. (taunt, of ItAriMi.- foiled attempts of n crowd of Infuriated cltlsena to take the negro pu the day after th* tittle girl’s mutilated body waa fouad. To prevent possible violence. Sheriff Grant rushed Newsome to State's prison tor safe keeping Th* negro was carried beck to Wayne for trial. Judga Henry A. Oqpdy. °t CUnton presiding called the case for trial on Hunday. Jest •Iter the trial stated, relatives ot th* mwAered girl attempted to Jake Newsome oujt, of the haadi* of the "Hirers, but a display of firearms by Sheriff Grant In the crowded ooiut room t weried, their efforts. When order was restored, the trial proceeded end after a short Wfclle Newsome was found guilty and sen tenced to death In the fleotrie chair. J. 1. Hatch, Ooldnhfwn attorney, who together wUk Mr lgHTfla. was appointed by th* court to defend Newsom*, has aunonaSa that he believed th* negro got "a fair trial." and that, therefore he wilt J| longer continue hla,effort* To keep Newsom* from the chair. "XocoiWng to available reports, Mr. Lenta wilt be the so)* attorney to appear tor Mewnome. However, the notice yf sppenl alsp carries the name ot Mr. Hatch. New seme according to testimony produced at hi* trial, has th* men tality of a child of tea. .down ou the deak. and tw*niy-two dollar* In rhaniri *M handed back over tb* U«.k, thrda dollar* loin* taken out to par for tU# room for both meo Inetead ot Wllklnetm *et tla* the money, however. H'll picked tt up and atnrfc ts tii hie nWS pocket. | Me w ont out • few minuta* later with the at at ament that be would "be right back" It wn euld. Wllkloeort ao*iu became and ofticera ware auftiiiondd 1111 l wa* arrest ad ja ahort time later, and *l*e* o( the world hagaa to> nretfe eerty, and war* actll ewlH tffjM berth landed, then he had hoped. etorastnf i«n» mile* per hear. Ho bod W}PPf»«d •° «* *■«—• “ ‘**3* nich ttokt 1. directly toward Me deetlifli**.- ft was hie Intention, he aelA la ,***»■ ■ v - — g Ml ewi-tli nf m tanbAmd i^AeMa v net W tharle* lindhergh wdljpgu n hah* «l — w ami I noton, Dee. n-m~ The State Department was InPemid this afternoon that Uadherph fatted at Ouatemnla City at 1:M p, ft. fleeter* KtmiUard time. The depnrtmanth adefPM came from the American legation at Oaate mala City. They gave no farther 4+ taiu of the flight from HeaMe at* ‘i* “V •—«-wemwe» , , VALBUBNA KLYOfO mist mlxicx) cm nee. iMfi-jM “* dawn lightened the ft*** #al4 Colonel Charles A unlhmii hbfpdd off at m. tod*# fee Qealeue 1* the flretifap of hie Central A*#rl " can good will flight .* , The take off was unit fa gig)eat perfect weather eeadttMW. Thpo wee no wind and the eUgfa vgfl pf.afat waa not enongb to Interior* Wfth Tfa- IMllty. fjtj Melhore flee* Ttj# flier** mother, wflfl had ftp •sen her famous eon take off on Mb Nrv fork-to-Paris or fag*W»nj» I Mevlee Ctty fllebtt, van at tPtfaMf <*» old him goodbye. < shot vnyi niiirraiH $ y» wikjton-halßm. m. Atotf*- Oeoree Hall, M of MAdy fltftph Mgr was brought to a Mag} hfaPftH Tu. »day night with a;WNftWHP*M n*» k «al