I- VOLUME MX; NUMBER 262 LOCAL DEALER SEES NEW CHEVY City Fr»* , ■ < -Never Mon drift. Uie «•*““* my ta tbe MtMaobluttMl ,TTr kn » *«» car so completely captivated tolar* ft* did tSa paw Chevrolet, frhlch «M ahowft to ovar 1M Ck»m(lt daalara from all ovar Um Old Necth Btaia la Charlotte oa Teeeday.’’ elated Albert H. Handler. A. H. Handley Motor Co.. Ipcal Chev ■' rolftt tolar, who ha* Just returned (S U Uc city altar Attending tha pra- HL atorlitf. Wtthoal disclosing details Up. Mr. Handler deetared that tha now Mir embodies tha raSftlta of tha fS yean experience and progree* In *bß . bplld Inn of low priced transportation, and heralds It ft* the greatest aato hr a wide mergln aver offered tha public hr Chevrolet. Unofficial reports from tha Chev rolet office oars that tha new car will ejfthody many Improvement* InJle sign and coostrdotlon. New standards of haantr are promised. Easier hendl tag sad smoother riding qaulttles are heralded as some of the outstanding features of tha new Chevrolet line. Many ttnlooked for ohsnge* have been made la tha appearaace of the ear, ||C cording to reports, providing tha asw Chevrolet with a beauty and rtlye appeal unexampled in tha low yiioe field. Shipments of the new cars to deel ara have bean leaving the various as sembly plants since December 16 so * that gba vast country wide dealer or ganlggtion may be prepared for the Introductory showing on New Year’s Doty. - Practically every dealer In the United States will have cars * ready for Inspection on that date. FYom Bangor, Me, to Ban Diego add from Miami to Vaaeover there will ho simultaneous exlbttlone of the uew ear that has caused ao much discus sion. In tha last taw months. ‘ • Carol will be ready tar the boule vards and highways Immediately after the ft ret of tbp year. Product idirtn the various plants throughout the United Stataft la racing along aa fast as pre eislon Manufacturing will parmlt. No var halo re In the history of the in dustry will ao many uew models of , * one 'make have been placed In deal era hand* in such a brief apace of ; time. ”<• Over 6,500 newspapers across the country will assist la broadcasting the announcement which will take the fund of one of the moat comprehen sive advertising campaign** ever. at tempted during tha entire history of thu automobile Industry. , LEIBY TALKS IN NASHVILLE * ’ 13.000,000 Million Cwp This Year WIU Brine More than 4 18 Million in ’26 NASHVILLE, Ttnn.. l)ec. 28— (JPi— An aatlmate of 1t1d.000.000 as the ralua of the cotton crop reduction by the ball weevil in 1937 was made to day by Dr. ft W Lelby. of the North Carolina Department of AgrieuUure at Ralolgb. It Is elgntficant to note, however, he said In an address here, "that be . cause of peculiar economic conditions the aottou farmer will likely receive more money for hie lS,ooo,dg?r bnle . " crop than he did for bis 18,000.000 bale crop of last year. Dr. Lelby said that the reduction of i, of the weevil in cotton alltfih Tor J which estimates ware s*eparai.by lo to cal experts totaled 2,0*6.223 bales. ' “ OTDIAHB WILL WOf RECOGNIZE BRITISH f » MADRAH, India. Dec 37— UP)—' The 4fad annual Indian Nauoual Congress which opened hero yeeterdgy with a large attondance of delegates from % various parts of India. tMiy unani mously adopted a resolution tn favor -of boycotting thh recently appointed I ▼ commtaalon under the presidency of | 81i\ John Simon to investigate Indian I affairs » . I The attitude of the congreae was * that “ao sans selfrespecting Indian I would ever admit Great Brit lan’s | claim to be the tola judge o political advance." There are no In- HPdlans on this coaMnleslon I Another resolution carried by ac l.l eiaaaattoo was that the goal of ihg r I Indian people Is complete independ- II mmpm V ■ r- -• THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN tSe MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. ' ' *•'« 7 » “• -1 ’ . - Hickman Given Until Next Tuesday to Make Plans for Court. Case Linney Hands In His Resignation GREENSBORO. Dec 2S—<lP>— Prank A- Llney of Boon* has re gigned as United States District Attorney for the middle district of North Carolina.' His resignation has baen tn the hands of resident •Cpoltdge since December 8, aocorll tng to a statement issued today by MYi Lihey The resignation 1* ef tlve at the presidents pleasure or until a,successor lift besn named. HOPE FAILING FOR THE DAWN " Wife a t Builder Os Ship i Urges Thai Search Be Continued On Land Now NSW YORK, Dec. 39—<**)—Every- thing that could be done by searchers had beeu completed tonight and attll no atgn had been found of the plane Dawn and Its crew of three men and a * a womia. 4 During the day. Lt Com. Koaendahl of the dirigible Los Angeles announc ed that further search would be futile ivnless clues develop. The two Hiavy destroyers and three coast gtfhrd craft completed tWlr task without re sult. and Cbmmauder Rtewntt direct ing the Navy search received permis sion to abandon it. The Dawn took off lest Friday from Roosevelt field for New Foundland. preparatory to hopping off there for Europe. * Mrs Brice OtddsbororouKh, wife of the plane’s navigator said today that her husband once had totd her tljat In case of a forced landing he al- j ways would try to make land rather Ilian come down In the water. fWTffls reason sheurged that the ***?»*? bo tarried on Inland now that It ha*_ proved fruitless at sea. —’ 8 KILLED WHEY SPREMYH CAR HITS RAIL SPUR OA HAGAN. La. Dec 29—Three per sons wer.e killed ard n fourth ser iously Injured foday when a speed ing roadster hit an elevated railway fj Spur and overturned Into, a ditch on the highway between here nna Shre-! report. The dead: Grover Allen driver of the car. Miss Goldin Van Winkle, 20, Chicago HI.. Mrs. Wilton Walker. 19. The only survivor of the accldeut was Alva Hnrkaby, brother of Mrs/ Walker. Allen was Instantly killed vnd the two women drowned white underneath the overturned machine. Huckaby was seriously In jured yrhrn throng clear of the wreckage Dean S. F. Mofdecai Ot. Duke Died on Thursday DURHAM. Dec 29 (A*)—Dr. 8. F Mordecai. 73. dean of the Duke Uni versity Lgw School, died at hia home here this afternoon. He had been 'ill ,311106* Jaaf May when he suffered a stroke of paralysis. He rallied during the summer bnl suffered another stroke tn November. s Funeral services will be it<4d In' .Christ rhumT ‘ln Raleigh tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock Dr-Mordecat came to Duke in Sep lember 1904, ns de.in of the Law school l>r. Samuel Fox Mordecai. dean «f (be Duke University law school since -•September 1. was bora In Hlcb moud. on December 12, 1862 His l-ayents were Hunuiel Fox and Ellen M Mordecai Deceiving his early education In private schools-of Virginia and North Ccrotina. the young m«u who win destined to be one iff Ihe South's most brilliant law professors, studied at the University o( Virginia, snd tn 1875 was admitted, to the bar by tlie supreme court of Nprth fftiroltna. Theroafter, until 1904. be was a mem her of the igelt known firm of Itattle and MorUertil In R «Jt?fgk. winntng an enviable repntatlon.' Dr. Mordecai m»: ried Mis* Beitie Grimes of Grlroes land. N. Heptcmber Id. 1875, short ly after beginning his practice. GOLDSBORO. N. C. FRIDAY MOHNING, DECEMBER 30, 1927 t> —r- . __ Yottnff Attorney Hired by Moln er of Youth Gets Continu' ance of CBm HICKMAN CONFESSES HLE ALSO KILLED DRUGGIST Man Resisted Attempted Hold- Up; Accomplke Ui TWo Crime la Held I ! IX)S ANGELES. Dec 29 - WPI-Wil liam Hickman, eonfeseed stayer of a _ child h* had kidnaped and of a man he utlempted to rob was lormaUy sr i today and obtained a aecoud continuance until next TDeaday to enter *1“ plra for the murder of 12- yeai'old Alartait I’arkur. 7 Hickman was' hallod Into court | through balls bris ling with guards to j keep back ibe throngs only a- few ! I.ours after ho had admitted taking part tn attempted robbery which end ed In the killing of Ivy Thoniae, a druggist. His* confessed a<fcomp|lcs In the robbety Welby Hunt. IF. vrss held In the county jail tonight. lllckman was unsteady as he glanp; i d apprehensively from side to side i\j. the ynuttering spectators, on bis way to the court o( Judge Carlas Hardy for his arraignment Hi* cus todians fingered tear gm* bomb* ready .to hurl them at the first sign of > a hostile itamonstrafifth Jerome KAnsa* City :6-yeor o|iL_i«**yec hlrerL by Hick man’s mother to defend him. who was udmtttGd to thd California bar to try the case, waived reading of the in-, diriment against his client bnt the Judge Insisted It be read Walsh explained he been In the city only a few hours and had not yet acquainted hlmsetf urlth she cas« wsli enough to tell Hickman how to plead, hi* motion for contlJiusaea until next Tuesday at 2 p. m. was at on«fe grant ed .. . *; • - - ■■ r "7*. 1 ■■y —— HOPE FOB BAIILV RECOVERY HOME OF YICTIMH pnoyiNCETrtWN. Maas.. Dec. 28 for the early recovery of "somi* of the bodies of the victim* ot the 8-4 submarine disaster was raised today as the naval salvage fleet M<u ;ht to take advantage of coutluu cd good weather. Favorable conditions yesterday en abled fivers to complete half of the second tunnel under tire hull of the submerged craft and It was egpected hhat the boro inlkht be well under way by nightfall today. ° The second tunnel probably will We the. last required to raise the wreck Barring storm* or unforeseen de velopments. the work should be done b> the . end-of the week. :<rval of* fh-lals dircctinx 111- jydvage believe that some of the Ivdlics of the 40 of ficers rind .men whu went- to ihelr deaths'tu iliv 17 fathoms of water off Wood find nearly two weeks ago • Always a profound student, ihor cirgbty familiar wlih the. law and (lassies a facliirTP;rdcp«Aif tJ Qs* , '«k sud ?«atin. Dr Mordecia In BsiO began t» lecture at dJvUlliig hit time between his office ami the da** room His lame sprefld and In l!)0t he w»* Invited to become'di i uoh-rvT newly cstuhllsiicil Trinify school of law. nod since that time b is been the source of Inspiration to scores of successful lawyers through out this state and othem It Vas said ol him for years that ho student who j cotnpletesMhe TrHtfty law course ev- ' tr failed at bar examinations. Many distinguished lawyer l ), judges, mid former students have paid Dean Mordecai their highest Vtibute a Between law lectures, however, * Dran Mordecai found time to produce legal works us well as turning out young barristers. His textbooks are used in many law schools, nnd his law suites ere widely rend by students ev erywhere. Among his most notable works are Mechanics’ Liens,■ t*t97; Negotiable Instrumental Laws In North (’afilina. 1899, lasx 1906. Mordersl’* second edltltlon In ISMS; 4’u«» Bfvok on Remedies *( with Prof A. C 7.tc- Intoahh 1910; Mordecai’s'itaw Notes, lIU2-19l\: additions to Note*. (Continued oa Page Two} 5 AUTOMOBILES - STOLEN IN CITY \ Police BeUeve They Have Clues Which Will Land To Ar rests Shortly \Vhep, someone escaped* 4 wlth the autpiuotyle of CJ. C. Itoyall last eve ning, the number of stolen cars In Grfldubucn within Urn phst few day* mounted,.to fire Moist of them have beoh reported as occuvlng on J North Georg a’ street EhrltU-ncou are that someone familiar with the locality sad with ths owners ol J.h« tftra are the guilty parties. t Tlie RoystUcar wi/ stolen from tn Iront of tjie residence oa West Aah. .hear GeorgF. last night It was report ed- ' Lftat-Frtday the Chrysler or William Royal I was taken from the home of Mr Hoyall’s father «» North attoitge. later tt was found abandoned on Fine street. The gasoline had jb-'on run out of Ute the batteyfs run down. There were other evidences of bjfrd image t „Th« Dulck automobile John Nor wood was taken white pafm*<l tn front of a residence on West jA*h Several day* w*s in Ral eigh. j - ' 0 ' On Christmas .flay the .Hudson cpr of John Bordeu was takoojdrom near hl» home on Ndrth Gciw-RfSßomctlmo Tuesday the car was founJln Seims It was reported further lhat a car lieJonglghg to E. E. Eutileßhad Ihiou eiolen, but feciA'cted roceimly. Police are redoubling tl4 ?r nctlrt nee' In an effort to apppeheud the guilty parties aod clues which they believe tarlll had to arrests wlth- ( tn a abort tlifac PRINTING WORK WILL COST LESS -. «’ 2 0 ' \ ' ■ Award of State Contradu Showa Saving of From 20 to 40 PwrCent » r * UALKIGIt. Dec 29 The Rtntf lhrlntlng commission today awarded additional contracts for printing to about 40 percent of. the new state printing job. All work nnfter class, comprising blank books was awarded (rWen O. Dupn of Nsw Bern, the low bidder, at price* which was snuydßced 20 percent less than previous cost In the old contract. „ Class 8 comprising punching and cutting of printed mstler for the state was awarded Bbrt and Pittman, UtHeigh. 'ihla tlrm'H jprlcss bedng about 40 percent less than the price paid for tfie same work under the old contract. r' .•< .. STATE SENATE ENDS CH ARGES \ , ‘ « Oklahojna Upper House Votes to Dismiss Counts Against *• (Governor Johnson ‘T m ■■" OKLfAHoMf riTY. OVl» Dec 29 t/P, Oklahoma’s pnlfctlal Insntrec tion aimed at ibe removal from of-; rice -wf Gov Henry Johnson and at least I*o other stale otrtcers resell cd an unsuccessful end today. With dramatic suddenne** the Blate sanate brought Impeachment pro cocdlngs to u close by a Jt<mils:ml c f charge* voted by lioosh member# ,vln t„jG< v Johnson, Chief Justice Hiapson of the Kiate Supreme court :*!id Curdeil pf the Statu \ taAgriSaliisf. * ' M»*etUi * in diwi‘ ’ * 43,'- tel to which they rlctreated yesterday aftdr tliey Imd be>'ti dispersed nt the doofS cf the capttol chamber hy nstional ftiardsnieti nnder'thr direction of the j j povernor the Senator* decided that | 'the House of Representativf had not j authority to vote the Impeachment (barges . .Momher* of both houses who bad pcr,»i“te'l in meeting de»plte a serleg <f unL»i dei.fih.n by eta'.e court ‘end the nHlUury rMtsjFX'BQU-khstndanod their artlvliie# abruptly after Ibe ( Senate decision began I»» depart for j (heir homes, unpaid for their es ! forts. . t* j , SEYTEMID TO IIAYfi UALTIJfORE. Md. Dec. 29-Uhta Carey, charged with killing Alfred H. Walker, Maryland penitentiary guard. July 5 last, when bs and IPeo/amln P. Rprsglns attempted to escape, waa today sentenced by crlmi ngl court Jorlse TosepK V Tlm«a tn be banged. Lindbergh Will Off Today on New Lap Central American Tri Dwsn’t Have Sufficient Tima in Guatemala For AtfoHononi Dcsir« for Rim FLEW OVER COUNTRY OF JUNGLE CHARACTER Next Stop Will Be At Belize. British HondureM. Or At v San Salvador a*?; •e-Time Is toq fleeting for the bestow- , ’nl.of all the-honors which Guatemala desires to shower on Cot. fhas. Lind bergh. Now that he ts here In the flesh the bearer of good will from the Hnlt- j ed State* even a greater figure [ In thu cyee of the uatlvea than they hsd pictured him reading of hla ex ploits Only after he had tended hero and moved and. lived among them for a i brief few hours did the people;,here begin to realise the full measure of his achievement in winging bte way from distant Mexico City arrooss the mountain ranges between the menac ing tops of volcanoes end over Jungle country, where the foot of civilised • man has never been And amid ell the acclimations the cheer* and tho enthusiasm, Lindbergh j was his old modest self. His offf'*».t , day bag an at 10 o’clock this mart King ' ken be peldyt rt*K to tho prestden tW Polh'-c‘to tn tho Tresldcnl, Geoeral lawsTtv Chacon Festlvlflea In obuudance fcAlowed. At the palace Lindbergh received a scroll appraising him In terms of deepest cordially that he was the guest of ; honor of the cltv Then the Chamber j of Commerce took him In heptl, tol towed by a reception at tha /Tmertcan legation and later lie waa entertain ed by the Roterians. Tomorrow will see Um codifier pf the air away on tb« seeostd W-nf htj Central American tour. Ifis.next stop; Is Bellas., British Honduras and should he find no suitable place there tor landing, he will continue to Ban Ralvador. Cancels Court Term •„ For mikes County HAIJ IMI Dec 29—(Jpt—dov. Me. announced tonight that he tied csncettßtf fttg egecjinfft order cnlTlhg for a special tern of Court in Wilke* beginning January 18. The governor said that he had received a request from Solicitor John R. Jopee that the term which wa* ordered yesterday be j cancelled # 81T(EEDH LATE SENATOR 1 WANT A KE, N. M. Dec 29—<3*1-1 Repnhllran pphllsli cr of thu Hants Mexican, to day was appointed byyGovernor 11. (5. Dillon tn fill tlm unexplred term of tho late United Slats* Senator A. A- Jones, DemcK rar, who died last week Community Buildmgi'ln December Sewed 5,000 Despite the holiday period, December, has been one of the busleet months the Memorial Community Building has yet sfen, according t« tk* report of :hedlrector.-ft <’ Robinson. It staged :1 a ityr event* and three etitertainmdbt* Hour.other entertainments were hr city organisations. Approxlraotalxj, five thou* md people attended th® uvunts, enrrrtatnment*. and I’old In th'« Bujtdlng, or visited It fat some ohlre purpose. Title l» htofc than 2 000 tn excess of December tm ncord. ( - jt'A January will flnd'husket' i.hcld itlt; the spot light. A county city hag tie, eaij'h ceeslltlng of teams, wilt play the first half of hsu*on’s echodtils rite gym ns slum "has heetiireneru* on Friday p'ghls for coitnty iunj r,t >' schools. Afternoons will he glv</° ,cr to practice srsetons 1»f p * wo local high school teams, apd i among the County schools. IJMrKJP he at lea** three entt rtuinorfta- ***** possibly more Thu Teectu* ««»* c i - t if., itbconts * t “ rally the r, 9 h ep-.nsorlng r. -mi : . f < u ... i ■ "W „ , ... .*< French Fliers Are On States UMA. Peru. Dee. 2P--Til* Wrench aviators, D. Co*teu an* Joseph ixbrlx arrived here Iron LsCaz at ft:4o p. ra. today. avltora are on their way to the I’ntted Statee and l«ft La PM at 11:30’ morning for the T)H. mile (light. The filers, the first to span the South Atlantic In a non atop (light, followed the coaat line In' reaching here. . - : >sg '' -lapy ~ ASKS FOR LIFE OF WILL TAYLOR Commissioner Bridge* Received Appeal Asking for ComnoUt' • lion of Death Sentence ItAIJSIGVt Dee at»—(Art—State, par don commissioner Edwin P. Bridge* today had before him appeal of Dr. Ernest R. Orr. paator of the First le soclate Reformed Presbyterian church Gastonia. for comma ntattou of the death aentence of WIU Taylor, negrd, to life Imprisonment. , v < ' . Taylor waa convicted In Oaetoa Mtprrtcrr court of first degree bar artery- aa retnlt of hla rapture one night In tfie home of Dr. Luclda H. Glenn. Gastonia physician, former member or Urn Stale Hoard of Medical Examiner*. Taylor appealed to the anprelne court of the elate but the'court took no action because no counsel ap peared for the twgrb who ia almost penniless, Mr. fridge* aald. The pardon commissioner today fa 1 ofweal ajymigh , GaMonln, adornoYi now representing -Taylor, asking Goveritor McLean to commute the sentence, Dr. Glenn op-, poaee any move to aave Taylor, i No weapon waa fovnd on Taylor, Mr. Bridge* auld, when he waa ar raeted. A communtatlon "would be an act of mercy upon which the Bup rtme Judge of all aunklad would look with favor/’ Dr. Orr aaya. —a—— BURLAW yiIUTB IS _ ixiirjtmf KILLED OS lIPHTIJTU TRIP WILMINGTON, Dec. 29— (A*h~Ii»r- Id Welch. 12. eon of Mr. and lira. Cl W. Welch, of near Borgaw, wpa In stantly killed today whGa 'ho wa* hunting witlf William Chadwick. !«, Chadwick was sold to It xvo been rliowlhg hit more youthful compan [lon how to manipulate a ahotgan when the gua waa flrad, |he charge - Marin*left eldoof the-Watch jed and caualng Instant drdh. The shooting vrgg held gurely acci dental hv'- the Ne*f coroner, wini Bedded un InqMtat waa uecea -1 .Civdf, f i eient for 'J • 9^wj Ja;nmr'-J C*f ntv suit City Basket ball «W 7bo ixJty leagn* known a* League Mo 1 <*»alsta of ( tin- following *U outoratfck teams: Belfast, Rosewood. !, Oran|kqi. Memorial a Flt* Plkerlll* *jsd Springs The CUy league l know aa League No. 2 consists of i, Ala local teams: Rotary ’ ci*, 9Nk|tli*« Sins. RaUery, Cjrm. i nfifet. Mu • V. I Wm No. 1 plays six K«mci a |*fc;-/th*lr playings night* are f j dßk? / tbelr pfaylnr night* are liee* sjy and Thursdays. Mfk: thofr playing nights are on Tuesdays an^b-.Wedncsday*. January Z~ Memorial { Community 4lulldlhr AthleMjS flub rasiirnaa lta regular l>y waaklv inertings; Its meet ing nights are Tuesday aad Thura- Oaf January •—Boy fleestt AII Council Hally January IS —High School Glrla ts mi. othw , • nights will be reserved for rffgh School basketball teame. January If— Lyceum Concert under fwsolees of Klwanls chib t7~Old n.ldlerV Conren- , ll I 'MRFR Au * PRESS PRICE PIWEBKT it,. i. aii ;;;..., - L HAVFS(f t RLSH Ilt Is Expected Frldejf sad Saturday WBl Be Easy sH| Dsys With keadreda more Halt auto itneeae platia yet tat he from the Ooldahoro office of the Caro- _.i llna Motor CUdg If appears flit aUL cere opxhe law will he kept busy the . (tret part of the new year art eel leg or citing to court the via latere of thb . law. This wm the optypw given yes terday by o metals at the Oaroltna Mo tor tlib office os Mulberry street which has charge of the sale hf Uu* ■-bad* Itr'Whyue couuty. AA the present time, there ta Me. -j|f* /. lay la the purchase of licenses, and no loan line la which to a tap*. How ever It la expected that Friday and Saturday will ha rash day with tMn office, la spite ot Ufa fact that no special sale la being conducted. This ‘ Is nna DliCl tbit hil declaiU<i DO e. wiew grwspvw*w *ww* post-Christmas special reduction aula. ■: Monday will he g holiday. H to de clared. sad all who have hot secured their liceaaee by Saturday, Decem ber 11, will he compelled to wait until the morula* ot January 2, baton get- -< ting access to the local office. Monday is New Years day, and a legal holi day which will be olwerued at the lo cal office. ’ i&.%: > -•, % *' Bates during the last : «w days k*y* • been at the rate of 100 d% U to Veara cu. but there are not enough coming t * In to secure llceasea M condition a warrant, . . Only )2 seconds dme to fed wired for handling tjt»a dale. If the parohat rra have everything la reedltvase. The money to handed to the ofllettdW, fhdg clip the receipt, atamp the awgahfV, and hand across the^lleepaa... Preparations were yesterday helag made tor me expected rush ea FVlha» *■. I ana 8a tat day, especially ad lev the latter day, which wUI probably sea lines more than a block (sac Hspß up on Mulberry street.- j/W- Urn Tlarr Imi Bear ' of the distribution here. Which' to lm> ! ing mad* from the rear of the rates l . ' Drag Company on Mulberry street. WOULD PLTOFF TAX BILL VOTE Admin let rat ton Urges That %* Oon Will Be Ready —w— t *v • 4 H AHHINOTON, Dec.. ' full force of the admJnlatrtßipa wfti ley Gael legtolatfee aetton pa tfie tig rrdactlon Mil until after,lhkflk It. The movement started by ChatlgSMl Smoot Os the Benate Ptaaaee eoeuaßtn tw and Apported by Becretegy Mel lon of the Treasury will he -irrfl hr the Democrat* who have M| begun .o array their fproef fw * . ctlon until after MhOwLpM pe? C ■ mlt coegreew to on a haM* es ’ reasonable certalaty as more Mill ate Information "on receipts and e*- peedlturee wohM he avails Me. the:/'. adaintotratloe group to prepared to put up e stubborn fight to hold, the measure in the berkgrdund whea Congrcaa reconvenes. ’ • ’t l SHIP l.lkE* HTOKI-IWI ND I’a his. Dec. Peru ahwg tbr English Channel, the Atlantis had the Mediterranean were crowded te dav with storm bound shipping. The Acqniunla. bound for New Tor*, waC‘ : unable to dater the port of Cher bourg to tpke on paheenger .from Parte. WT TITV It EG AH* OIL BESKMfII ( rtBYKNNE. Wyo., Thu l’n I ted States Navy today r»- gained possession of Teapot Deiwe Naval Oil Reserve In Wyoming aw der a decree entered by Judge T. Blaim Kennedy la Coer* harm In Washington.' - " KiPI BUCAT TAMED INTETK N M Brraepo Cutting, republican pnbHsher of Santa FV New*Mexlcaa, today - wan appointed by Oovraor R. C. BU lon to fill the unexpired term of the tote United State* Senator A. A Jonee democrat, who died last wee*-M Washington. ’ OCTB DfftCBUJrV RATE PAROS. Dec. 2V.—-The Bditk ot T Cr*n<e *"dey reduced ftb <H«e«ma| rate from live per cent V* 4KwM* feet. _

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