■ fl t*27 * fmPfvl^Av lJF VT)T IW ■ I U Mmmmm 1 i* /f I \| M #1 1 B W Wm ■ Ja m m - ■■ a-- Vw * 'V mam mmmM m 7' V a A m V m _ *- iWlw a w W. a W k r l / I*9 **» 1«~ *«UU» <*•(.■> •» fro* * UU « *'elo hr Messrs. Worth and Clyd* Bby at tta Country elah. " far CaUan mtlpafa ? 1 A moat dattßhtfal evsalgg *U as- I }oy*d hr about M youag people at tha I Flrk Baptist church lu tha liiiUwatj cl tha Church ou Thursday evening, many of thoae present beta* coftega bora and flrl* at bom* for tha hoU days. Tha room was beautiful pith IU da t orations of Christmas slreamsra, wreatbaa, candle* and Ktfty and a HUla < hri.taaaa tr#a. arranead hr tha members of tha rlaaaaa taucht hr km. Henry Balk and Mr. Bbu »*t*. invitations had baan aent out hr . member* of tha Lydia Phil&taa class. pW which Mrs. W cl guJwlTfach ■ rr. lira. W. D. Craaeba’e ttaas of youae woman bad share* of the eo tertalnmanf. Thar# ware a number of lajoyabte games. atunt* and soo taaU- TM Boethlaas. a etas* of boya from 1* to XI won tha prUa. a ChrUtma* lantern, for tha beet atunt. Tha teparaonatlon of Bbuman Haink by Mr. Waarar of the Goldsboro Utah School waa much enjoyed. This waa followed by CbrteUMe ttlecrama and giving out candy from tha tree. Mr*. W. 0. Crotch. Miss Sudlo Creech aad Her. a. J. Smith gave at tractive readings. Delicto** refreshments wer* parr *4 by tta youae women of lire, John Crawford** Clan* Member* of the Acoca clad* ot which -Mr. Tom Nor wood U teacher, had charge of trtas porutioa. f *: . — Q-v i W. f, T. C. Canrcrt Sereral hundred people thordtaghiy enjoyed Urn concert at thp Memorial Community Building ou Thursday •mint, pat on by Frofassor K. K | Murat and asaaoapred by tha W. c T. Tha opening number* werp played by Mr. Hursje' Gold*boro Orchestra combined with th* Warsaw orchestra There ware 13 vioMna. a uomber or •aeaphonae, trombones, drums, and two girl* played at tha piano 'IMM w*» foUowod by vocsi solos. Inrtrume ntgjsolos aad de lightful reading* Mt. Allan I-ee Pika and Professor Hunk rendered a da rn Ushtful duet ou saxophone aad vlo ¥ Ha, accompanied at tha plauo by MU* IJiUaa Brown. Mis* Dixie Montague h para an amusing rending, followed by two delightful vocal solos by Mr*. J»»bn Dolan. w Tarn adorable reading* war* given Jr Mlb. John York after'which the Warsaw High drital orcSaatra played several bean SHtautuhere Aornat dnat by Cyrue Campan and M F. C Cram, aceompanlad at the piano by MUe Katherine Craw. waa much enjoyed, also the vocal solo ***« Vole* of tta Daap Illue Sea." by Mr. John W*t*ra. * Little Otto Hltlur Patriotic medley Hm w- r ‘ " \ ‘ ri T,=- ... . *.# *•■' »''■ - T - • a "~ otr thp and Master John driigbUnl dlutjtf UUts last OP odl4h. f- rbrnai WU a ere we! w«J* akl< iu taio* Vance enUasMtlc appUnae o| Ituona. Peunaytrarita, fha guasU I HpmaHag i * rc ** : Ml sacs Alice Claudia Uiu Larnarat Porch **• boatsaa Irwin, tfasai Allred, Masgarct P*a [§33 “WHAT PRICE GLORY” »=;s£- i I _ , ,||||i -i ■■■ ■■' » 'pumawa nepaneMpßOEramr jr; ‘ r Bey'’ tUrs Bayapd V 0 HHti.MH KPL>OI*K ■V !v'.. » * . * His bind head pillrwed ou a Übldier'* rua<. trie eyes uncmßaiuu* of the glare of Mutants, hie- Cap tain knee mg at his sldt. Mother** Ifoy gaeps "'Moth er.” than Leu into tho beyond. Licui.klOorv comet lu oHsistlng a wounded man. Shall fthottproved too munh for Lin. At the mmmactl Ban, after aaothor h* Wt^iUi; “I’m Moioriiut Bark t» t hurmsme'' MXIII..MII Britain. , [Thv sceae of varnuge Is u memory. The wouml edlra beiuK takcu.to the Imkc hospital in, the (eat Cm. ptagg waL'jH's tho movement and u«te» th'r. time cl a casualty r«ady to step Into a waiting 4»> btnuce. It is Sergt Jhlrt. j*Oapt Flagg, I’m uiotoring bark to Cb*rmainf me*sage you'd Hho to aond? " This Belt i» > Colltr. _ *** WE \ JV4T DCWaTtD 1 S ' r\ 5 * imi , Y Vou Bl« A bELT'’/fln~hT| f( \A BCLT ? ABOUW HIS Wp \o*pu awGAvt Mwi/ i\LLj/j \ diahoajs aw pcarls Aiy Ht /” w 7 <* coviwe?/1 I * " ''' ’p * rook. SndU Uni BpJovpripma. ’ aid Helen Dortch pf Chapel Hill. . ■■'• ■- imn**-J|rk>n Mr Brutus Amersoa, *on of NU lUrd Atparaon of Saaletoa tbwusblp. sud MUg Nall Jackson, daughter of Jdbu Jackson of Nalunta township, wgf* married -tor tho office of Msgrir Late T A Henley at the court house v-tUrday sflernoou. PERSONA!, *. MENTION MU* Florence Johnson «*» "the guest Wednesday of Mi'- fharloM*' Duffy iu New Hern. Hy men,look al ms like whipped |upt o¥V*iJ faced boya the stanch of thm daad Mallei r nos* _ trlt* —and all ’tUght long that in p tree crying t& ‘pterc yl A tnat| die* yttdJLio crota about their hegd* and uahadyVbears! mggg. I'm going to take my boya out olilhe muck Md Wood. Theu you chn *hool ui* for a traitor. fRIU. l.ieuL Mimith Tell* The' Story ' You n ust liioo stuck your leg up on purpo*,. t > g»t eiiot »uld get hai k'' Than, a* (jpiii rets Into the anibulauce. Ahe Captatu dit< < u at hlui g«»t bath. He tolls ■« If*- 5 y-~ * 4 «m- -% - wtaaemmoao mwg eousattmjt. c. mm. sis,,!.. .«s dr., la «P« ud iag ( r#T*rpl tayiHß® weak ip. New llaru, 1 i v-hera h*i Mims harsh rniUtK-VB Cutler Wlif be married this utorutoig. . . v ' ‘ ... • • a Mr! «arui Mr*. Blythe Wallace of - 1 t lay ten are a|i*ud*ng the week end artth riSSTTIr*. p. . JU .|k»m — 1 % £. • * • • Tb« many frland* or Frilur Itaim Freimao will bo g)*u Ly.Jtaru that lie has sufftcleuUy recovered from Ids recent JlUiafs tu. sgjalu. b<- OUL "*_ « -s- —-. Sp:: 'VMisa Alice Sttfltd of Djinu Is visit* tgg M|>*,cs KsLhcr and t’lsja Morris. ; * Dr It. g. Buiiih Ipu returned (rou Phi I »Uci plus Shu: in ape at. Christ 'H,, .tttadeuad n Moose 4E#f* pistol to shoot who disarm* him uih* hold* kirn wkUg ha iv«s. i jP' Tic man. the wounded (gttirt among them. b*v* itried on to the last. -'.o f >- ‘ :T~~ • ...~vf f. #tr~f3n^3T7 k y Ip tha abatnbios that w as uuwuiy lowa—lf»« hoi a., aJjudl of « tnwu UuM hU Charmnlno «f of risitg'* good fori mi,, uml of MolhPi Hoy's ilcutb. ID; tells new.- i'» eitcdly -In the maiiioT of a _ iusn "lio bus seen tl, • worst atid.h.H com* through with his soul wrecked. ( , $ t'harmniuu lto< kept bar pt<>iui#e k» taken Hoy. When tho dead ham been lsrid sway, lu’ thp lleh! ou lUr outskirts vs thw litt 1-• p>»u „»hn ««»•;» tiiure. -Mlie wnnilcM hwfiftg th>- Dovuini., slid riadv^. mi with IrkMdd Mrs. i* Still n tlw Quaker CHy on u visit, act <»m >aliving her la her daagMar, MfVa lllsshatli llangsr >:t • * Mtdtllctou who has beau lalting MU* Matgirst rorr-h rcturu tl td her home iu lluurt*- uu Thugs wglfi — - —mr • a # Miss Jessie Kcsmov of iltgh I'oiul >h* )s rlsiftng in Uu> dtj *«* iht ucst of honor at a dellglilfwl tutor nut iu given Thursday afternoon runt four ulll tire o’clock to a fttu* nr f>f young people, by Mr*. It. L ligit ll a*bar bumr oh Jam#* s treat * * * Bl«s Mary Cox of Wodrw*iD«* ■ D •Hf kat FHef HINT MwwP •‘They a*ot ma MMai to k«pdaa,l» *&< tire. Yuti'ru gone tkruuib it, uwt, #ro« oa» oK »W --l« to MMJicr. in iwwkl ot yvu. m |»rira **>M4 ■ •vv 7 r * • . 'S:. • j * \ . ■ copyright, tMf vi 7 t 1 '» “Boiher’s Hoj’s’* lsi»t l etter Frew Home Wf. marker after another. It in a loag t«wdt. At iait «Sc find* *&« |n« ahr *r«k* and H4Mt* )Rriil t. Mm reverently rroade* liuravll and pray*. Then >ii*. hullowa thii earth of ilia wwunJ and frqpi |pr iiiMota i>hc taSter that letter frooi home which Huth • •t'a Boy can ui*»r read dplo»rlK fit ttila city. , . * j, ' - ■*"« J» ’’ ,‘ ;■ u Pape <||| PAGE TWO