“HERE'S TO YOU- 1928 _ WEATHER J parity cloudy and much colder Suu- Mjf. Monday fair and continued cold , K . 1 VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 264 •NOW SEEKING HICKMAN’S WOMAN ACCOMPLICE I* - 4 * '• ' ' • o We Have Got To Get Out oi Here Quick,” ’ Were Words Overheard • * : i - ♦ i lafprmation May Indicate f hild Wan Slain on Friday and Not Saturday WOMAN VISITED HICKMAN IN HIS APARTMENT 16TH Information Given By Another Woman Who Eealded In Same Apartmei t Houm LOS NGBI.ES, Bee. ft* (AP) of the dlsirtrt n'to/Mey* ..(floe here toiaj »»«*ht • woman they believed »m ia the * apartment of. Hill lorn Blrtaifc admitted slayer of Marina Valrfc or. ra the ley hoiore the *trlN body on fivon to her father In exehaaae for fU*h. . George ( MrtMW. ehlof loves thtotor fhdoNf that the depart- o ■eat had reeelred Information from a noman llrlna la the apart ■eat building where Hlekman llr* ed, tdat an aaldeatlfled woman I vfsltod HMuaaa la hU room* oa Friday Recembor 1C v Off teem said tty* thin Infer- mlabt ladleate that the / •rliwl flrl was alala on Friday and not oa Satardoy, Oeeember 17 aa Bk* ■aa mM ta hi* confer a lea. The nearrh wa» dlrreed to -1 ward a flrl who Moved from the sport ment aereral day* ago. 'ttffl eam wear told that a eoavorso tten fca| tywa overheard Mwffli a woman aad Hlekman la his aptotment In IMA the nemsn ' “Eddie we have got t* ,*et out as here aad ret oat qalek." Ontj a glimpse wps obtained of the wenun, effleen were told. She was donerltted as older than M'rkmon, fashionably dressed sad heavily made sy. • Mrs Lindbergh If Relayed by Weathei CHICAGO, Dee Mrs. tfvan gellhe Lindbergh and party. flying en - route from HI. Louis to Detroit on the Isst lap of their trip from Mexico were forced down by bad weather this evening at Roby. lud, safely x. landing In a race track EL jtoby Is just serosa the Illinois line ■ld aoutbeast or Chicago The party Ram.' hare to spend the night. -. sVffA Quiet, Serene Smile Face, 1927 Meets Death •f&BS I*. LASOOTO>, Jr. Promptly at 11 <6 lest night th< Old Ynr. 1927. begau his last »lo« "V wnrch toward deeth, doomed to dli jKWnl'i'f to a custom •« old Time llaiirr at a aacranc# W ti* "world and to mike way (or ft nawar and more abla year. Twenty seven seamed re algnetl to W» f«‘« *• ‘■• rch toward tho 1. thal chamber began. Thar* Fath “cr Time, chief executioner, awaited the stroke of twelre. with tds acjrthe h hari> and'cold, the blade glistening dully la the feeble light of the waning moon. The steps of '27 did no* fs'tcr ai he approached the door through which he was to enter, and from h which ha was to never come back. Outside, an uproarloue crowd await td news of the execution. They were not uproarious because of the death of 'J7 Hither were they joyous b*o»tt*e bia qping meant the dawning of a new event, for had, not Mothei Earth juet aunouncad that she was about ■ IP Wrtl to a Nfw Year. SL’j ■ , t ■Kfi&F'i. *. i .1 :i« i i i:i' l. "II ii " THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—RE AD BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. ■ » ; • . r . ’ *• » ~ «, «■ i : : i ' ■' City’s New Year Celebration Tame Goldsboro took its New Year Quiet ly.. At lf:*9 last night one whistle started blowing, one bell follow ed with rbitloua < htnUngs Severdl automobiles were driven throatsli the main at reel a boatyng shouting crowds The auto boms were blown continuously. 1 That was alt the mcepttou that Goldsboro gave Miss f 933 and five young Ipdy must have,felt much put out at the little Interest her coming a;ouseil '* CHEVY PRICES ARE ANNOUNCED Redvctioiw of Front $lO to |SO On Improved General Mo- H tore Offerings MBTIbOIT. Dec. 31— OP) Fuik uhytd brakes, shock atmorblug swings Mild increased wheel base are some ot tb* features of ihe new Chevrolet au tomobile given ItiTAltlal abowlag to day by General mo tom corporation*. rltl/T competitor of the Ford com pany. Coincident wjth the showing the .Chevrolet company announced price mfuritoua op all models, ranging irom |lO on the coach to 960 on the •F'rt model. The new price tangn Ih Irom s4!*s tor. the roadster to- 1715 for the “Imperial fjtndeou." ‘hTEAM ITTEN MADE EL4STII’ .More room for expansion of steam ta pipes has been provided by by large ducts composed of flexible cor tuzargjf pipes, constructed in loops many times a man's height. By means of ’hie flexibility the loops adapt themselves to whatever expau slott the steam can cause. >—“7“ GIRI'. SITE* HER Ft THEE MIFF, KANSAB CITY, Mo . Dec. 31—While u 15 year old daughter looked on In '«rror. William R. Walta, 61, shot and killed lit* wife, Ethel 2d. here Friday and then committed sufc|de. Police believe a family argument was responsible. , At 11:55 the old year. 1937, tottprid cebly Into the room where it had jjade a rendevous with lbMPh, and tuppdd before the grim executioner, >Mwly old '2Tn slioulderg straighten d. and a <|Ufet serene smile played' •bout hts lips na If to say. "well I’ve tved a long and useful life, and now, "in really to go." " ® Then Just as the clock some Where n the distance boomed out tr - hocr of twelvb. something listened bright if as It flashed through the air, and Father Time's scythe iiad descended m e more, /vimost*simultaneous with the last gasping breath and a Inst yo-rerlng sigh, and even, before <li rruaUed and emaciated body of old '37 had yet settled to bis last long sleep on the old stone floor of the small room, there Ixlknded to through another door on opposltg .side of chamber, a shining, radlsil' llgure pink-cheeked and glorious tn her youthful Innocence -Mias 1929. (Continued on Fags TWoJ # u 1927 BUILDING RECORD OVER 1-2 MILLION DOUBLE WEDDING AT COURTHOUSE New Hope and Stoney Creek t Younjr Folks Begin New Year With Bridal Night i “ Thera's a couple out r here who rant' To We murdered." facetiously remarked a citizen, entering the Han ley Furniture Company yesterday af ternoon. and addressing* Ksvj. T. A Healey. "You want to murder them bey* or take them on over to your office ?ti the wurthoune,” asked the man. cn Joying hugely the joke of referring to marriage as murder. "hot them come in here?*' fapll’,l Tag. Henley, and the man disappear ed out the door. A moment and Tie was back, wildly excited. "There's another couple out there wanting, to be mur dered,’ he shouted "Wall, wc d < better adjourn to the office at the courthouse," said the Squire and be picked up his hat. A moment later and a double wed ding was In progress Young /rod Price of Stoney Creek township j lam ped the hand nr blushing Nellie <■ i ner of New Hope rwwneblp: %m: >v Leslie Lane of New Hope twrusTlp. clasped the hand of blushing Hunt Coward, also of New Hope The young menlookedat tbolf sweethearts, right proudly. The girls cait their eyc t up on the floor. * \ ■» "Will you take,'’ began Msq Henley, and a moment latsr the two coup),e* were married;* one couple witnessing the other's mferriage. RESUMESAIR * TRAIL TODAY 4/ . -- -i o Lindbergh Will Leave Honduras For 260 Mile Flight to Salvador^ » ■ 0 i, fiKUZE, Brlllih Honduras, Dec 31 - OP)- Now Year's Day likely will find Col. Charles .Lindbergh deliver ing his message of peace to another Central American. Republic, Hairs dor. , ,<s2 ■■ 0 At daybreak tomorrow the Spirit of Ht Louis will be wheeled to one md of the polo fiehk here which he bus made famous -and the hero wIH speed hie plane head al most due south for Salvador on the P;m iflc eide. lu covering this stretch lie will follow the coast line down to an acre across the Oulf of Hon- ouras. Then there will be motintalus intige and sparely settled country to traverse In ail about ”60 miles by air between the two capitals. » - Though British Honduras la a small land with u slender population the very small majority of which comprise British and American, the peoplwlyure given to Undbergh jhe lull nt&iftnte of their admiration and -ftppteclaltett tor irix bavtiw aohe hrf> Inr out of hl« direct tyne of travel to “put the little colony bit the map.” HOKNEMHOIf FMSUKRm KTAHT t THAIMSG FOR BIG TOIBMV i . ST. PETERSnrRG. Fla . Dec. 31 ! (4*l-Horsespoe gingers have started training here In prifparatlon for the national tournament to he held here starting February jo Frink Jackson. of Kellertou* lowd. former champion. Is ready on the groumi throwing “rjngcifc" while Putt Mjcssman. another former title holder, Is expected to arrive next week f’ C. Ilavis, of Columbus. Ohio, the champion, la planning to return to defend hfs crown. il.l ‘I '-V■■ ■,l " ill ■. ' ' GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 1, l»28 rs t^ RECALLS POEMS , BY MR. DURHAM Jr 1 Mr. Parkdr Offers New Year Veraea WYWten by Former Elm Street Paator New Year written by tha Rev. Ernest Greery Durham wblla* He was pastor the Eltn Street Metho dist church here sty years ago were recalllcd last night by If. B Parker, senior member of thu Goldsboro bar, ( who stopped at Xt»* News office to pay Year Greetings. > "I am sure." said Mr. Parker, "that the friend* of Mt. Durham will be glad to he reminded of him lu the ilitort tfoems which be wrote approp riate to the passing oL the year " 'ZZf' "I'll Bf A Friend." is the title of one of the poems. It followa: This yepr f will sec c hat a friend I can be To My fellow man: To help htm to know I am hit friend as wevgo , *'tl d-> what T can i .' tj ■ i ptvvfntl that f urn h|s t( r f ; .(ttl t "HI h« - r'.tul n' t’ta days go He'll certainly know 1 T He caai count on me. If he is drunk or down, I'll not sneer , and frown. *'. And just leave him there It he la tettrpled and tried. I'll stand by his side And whisper a prayer It Ho’s good or bad. If he’s lonely and sad If tired of the tile strife I’ll help him along with word Nleed and song And sweeten his life < V * And who. is thlti man, my fellow man tVhd on me can depend It's the poof- and the rich and ho In the ditch ■ Who 1* without a friend * f will bd as-near like aa the SaTTour ; “ dear ■: As I posalbly can I will work among men with u heart ant! then , Just help any mstK- The second of Ihe pvicmk -4s tltlrdi "A ties Year Rose." ' t.. “It's cold; but there la a rose That blooms for New Ywara day— Piooms on the grave of lust year ' Just now, passed away It speaks of MW ltf* kOW to all Cr-* Oh hear today the rosw's call And be a man J:M7" The beet you cau And do not tail. BUSINESS GOOD THE PAST YEAR "r -I.dFT~ Federal Renerve Board Report* That liank Oedit Abundant Foi All Needy WASHINGTON. Itcc. 31 OP) Des pite the recession In recent mouths. American business In the judgement pi the Federal Reserve Board closed tie books today after a year of w tlvh/second only to record bieaklur 193*1." During 1937, the Isiard said In a business review, bank credit wm nbuudg/lt tor all classes of enterprise and. money rates were relatively low. particularly after mid-summer and early autumn when discount 1 rates were reduced. The supply of capital I funds arising from national saving* I -van exceptional!/ large- * . t ri; , ... i .N> I— 1 1 | Zero Weather For South Ib Promised | ATLANTA. Dec SI. <*»—Tam pet at urea ranging from.sero to la the 20'a sras Indicated tonight as nature’r New Year Greeting fey the South aa the mercury west Into the nose dive wttt» the season's low mark indicated In moet states 1 by morntag. From balmy and 70 s tem peratures this afternoon began all-ling down slowly aad at night fall the winds on which the pre- HR led cold wave ws» riding out of th e north west hegap biting cold. . Western North Carollha, south Carolina and Virginia had already felt the advancing cold wave to night and were expected to be Tal ly In the grip of winter by tomor row night. - , CUPID SLAYS MANY COUPLES HU Got Married On Last Day of Year to Boml Total for - to SSI ( ' * ■ I. i Dan f'npld, the relentless God of j love, wgs again busy In thA county | and before the office of ] Mias Deasle Grantham. Ragldter ot l*e< I - h?i closed upon of ihe l at diir of the year, ala couples had been addM to the marriage lic ense woll. This number brought tha total for the month to 71 and the to tal for the y«ar to 531. Os the couplet who yesterday decided that thetr new year resolution would to to get mar : rled, five were white. Ttye 71 total for December wae 11 more than Novem ber when 6? couples sitursd licenses. Those securing permits yeaterday: Haul A. Powell of Dunnella, Fla.. V.nd Florence E. Grantham of Gran tham township Leslie lane of New Hope township sir! Hunii ,Coward also of New Hope. Jessie Price of Indian Springs town ship and Betti* Gardner of New Hope. . Krastus Grant and Btella Mae Sin g letup, of Greene county. Kdilte Heaaley of Indian Springs township %nd ( lara Evelyti I»dg of New Mope ,(* / w ■ yi» . 1.1 TRAINS CRASH IN BIG-SNOWSTORM | Younir Giri Diaplaya Her.ii«m Aa She DlrtfU Efforts of Rcacureni CHICAGO, l>ec. JH.-JA’»-Crawling >ut of a snow storm two hours be hind t< h«dute a fast Chicago passen ger train from Kansas City today plunged Into the rear of a passenger train rmm HL i/uis, lelaacoplag two sleopers, kjjlinA onp ; woman, Imprls ouing another in a steel compart ment and injuring more than a scoTg of passengers. Directed by cries of t igs- courageous li-yeer-oid girl in on,, ocarh, n.ore (ban 104 men worked for hours with torches to break through the steeper in which the girl wan held and an other car wher g at first other victims ,w*re believed imprisoned. The girl. Mr* Sara Streckell of Tulsa. Okla., her legs crushed so bad ly she will die, repeatedly told her rescuers of the body 'of another wo man lytng at her feet. Fighting the snow storm and zero weather aa well as thy steel which held the girl fast, Ihe worker* shouted encouragement as they burnod their way through the side of th»r jrWpez. __ - I [filth 1 ! 1 n a i : 'il ! . EXPECT GREAT PARTY MEETING 1406 Dtmorratic Lca4ara Over i * Nation Reaponriinc to Jack son Day lavitationg I i t i WASHINGTON. Dec. it (A»> -Res pr ase to the 1400 Invitations sent out by the National committee to the 1 Jackson Day Dinner here on January ‘ lit, have led Chairman Clem Shaver [to believe that thie will to the greft ; irt pasty rally on auen an occasion In years- « ThU will be the first gstherlps r the hosts of Democrats since the his toric straggle at MadUon Squara gar-'’ I den An IM4 and It Jtkety srill .bring together the central figures in that baltte—Alfred K Smith and Wm. O. McAdoo Doth of theaa msnf'lhe one now a prominent contender for the presi dential nomination and the other eels eliminated from the race have been I invited to epeek. Similar invitations also have goue ou to Reed of His sourl. Walsh of Montana, Roblakoh of Arkansas, RlcbUe of Maryland. lWj*a akay of Ohio and others whose namd haw been fltlked about In conoectlna with the presidential nomination ae well aa to several other party leaders and presidential possibilities. Col. John D. Lmngaton, of Golds boro. will be eae of the two gusl ot Senator North Carolina. REMUS TRIES NEW SCHEME His Attorneys File Motion in Probate Court For N«w Sanity Tnpt V CINCInNVtI. Dec. ft.—(HV-Mo tion for a new sanity test for Oevrg* Remus and pending It hta ralaaae on baud was filed in probate court today but Judge Wm. Luders postponed ac tion until Tuesday. » 1 The step wm taken merely to per fect-the Remus record so that aa ap peal might be taken from the judvea decision that Remus hr Insane, foar ael said. * To to legal It was neceasary that tha motion to filed within |hruo days after tb w dcislon was rendered In >he »*nlty caee. Downed for settlement next Tuesday also was a petit! >n for a writ of habeas corpus filed in be halt of Remus by hia brotJhar-ln-law., ' Week of January 23 To Be Known Goldsboro W eek The week of January 23, will be de signated Is “Km** Goldsboro Week” II was announced yesterday by W C. , Iceumark, secretary uTpic Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce. Through or ganised tours of Inspection through , the manufacturing plants of the city, j through dally lectures before the students of the city schools,, "'and j 1 through cooperation of lbs civic clnns. 1 facts about the city will be broad - : i cast public i ’ Announcement of plans for lhei ' “Know Goldsboro Week" by Mr. Deu > mark Is as follows: Ve have read with a greet deal if In f tsr/.t the page In this mornings :|*ws about Goldsboro as s inanufa* turlnu ' ceutsi We note that you carry a ' list of articles manufartarsd In > Goldsboro and also a list of our raanu- I facturlng plants which Is very good , Info matlon a number •»( our p“o --t pie. The Goldsboro people are by uo i means as familiar with what our illy j la doing as they should be. Any Infer* 1 liiif i i rub* i i :ii MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICR PIVR 1 Hundred New Homes Built General Financial Situation Bet* ter Than la Several Yenra PREDICT 1928 WILL SET BIGGER RECORDS Mora Attention Han Been Paid In County to DivonMod •• Agriculture ■ Yesterday closed a year of aotld, substantial and material growth tdr Goldsboro, and basineas men looking back at the record of lIS7 found it good. Looking forward, they predicted that 1931 would to a year of grantor progress than IM7 had toeff- The Steady expansion of Goldsboro ~ Is reflected. It waa pointed eat la no totter way thaa In the number of new homes built last year. Misty resid ences wan erected to tha average oKgvs sank month—during 1937. This doST'uot include, ttyl num erous homes built oh the mfiges of the ettraad Just outride jit# llmlts—Adamavtlle, Rslivlew, end other points. The surburkaa hosn#* would send the total for the dtp to nrtre than H», H t was eerib — 4 Hut lattes compiled by He Chamber ~ of Commerce showed that a total "of ♦M3.160 la bultdtag permits wore to- , -tldd dudlag the year. These ftyaraa represent Ream which are widely dis tributed and to the number of per mits show the general progress of the city. This build tug program consists of -school, church, residences, etoree. Riling stations, garages; clubhouse. ", warehouses, and manufacturing plants Included 4m new msnutacturiua ° plants which hare been located *ln the city are the Maris BottUag Com pany, ihe .Wajrns Ginnery, the Oolds loro Narrow Fabric company. Rsslness with merchants (tad with , in* city* firms generally has basa good during the year. Many Arms im ported that December bushtoH Mtab- I shed new records for tbs etty. An t-uai stockholders meetings are new lu order and at these reports of satis factory buslasss during tha year have been made." &r' ".*> ■ : f The banks report healthy increases . in the number of depositors aad ta the amount of deposits Home busineas experts declared that the Ilnanclal situation In the a4ty Is now totter than at auy tiyto In auv «r..l years fCoatfnoud ou Page Teal " nia'lon of this, kind should be* dire- 1 " fully reed by our citizens. Mny I say In this connection, that * • the Chamber of Commerce In going lo designate week of January Krd •*' htew Goldsboro" wet'i. During f .this week we ere going to endeavor .% ito liave our commercial and lnC3Af”!tl ' I In* i rest open their doora to the pub* . IF There are thousands of people In ! Goldsboro who could not tail you to day how many manufacturing plants j.we have and during thin "know tiodsboro" week It wth'b* our Oemrn to have the public vtirit these plants rut only for the purpose of seeing i modern work shop but to become Uujlisf'wlih the articles that Golds* boio is mgaulacturing. How many per l b are there In Goldsboro WM *• i.evor been through our nuw hank and our new school buildings. ( There are thousands of our people who are not familiar with our wboto- % - sale and Jobbing districts nad IlkU. icon tinned on Pagy Two| t^g|

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