IMralvTlM * - **" ' *~— „ ■ -J.Mr.-fn-T: r,TAta:r —■- VOLUME SIX NUMBER 265 .„ - i AMERICAN MARINES IN NEW BATTLE WITH REBELS ■ .. ‘ *m B . Six U. S. Men pead; 26 Hurt - . s Rain/wvMMrti and Hoapiul Supplies Urged in Radion ' !• Navy Department NIC., Jan. 2- UP)-Am |H.r*n uiarliit* reluforcemenu pushing jpvvrough the rock f**lnc»»e» of North- V HP N-iafiiDt to support a detach i#*»: that captured Quilall laat ,Frl ■iay after a battle clashed with rebels yesterday ami drove the reJg-l* to th* mountain*. The American casualties were oue kill anU * five wounded. The rebel Cb-maitlca could uot be determined A-nce the rebels carried their dead ami tvouuded with them , the total American loser* In the It etv*'o»hi inn which marked Friday*' and yeiterdays dashes were atx dead uud 28 wounded The rebel loeaea were much higher but not definitely known. * r, American reinforcements reached their comrade* and preparation* were Ruins mi today to concentrate Ameri can columns *1 Qulalt to criuh the in eurrema who are bidden In the almost itiacroeaible xlrongtiolda of the re gion - J , 'traF Seargeant Thomas Brace, l’. 0. Marina Oorptf'and lately a lieuten ant In the Nicaraguan Nat lorn l Guard was killed In yesterday's clash Hl* home W.ta In,.,Philadelphia = __J_ ■.«, V -m— mm m M.I urgent •teed for hospital supplies and rein- Hir-cent w»» expressed I tea radio mas sage received t only hi at the navy de pnrtmen* front marine corp*- head duartertjtt Nicaragua whera tbs mar !•» deta- hmeut which participated In yewterdav* battle departed. iOIIFYW PBKhIDKKT DIRS CHICAGO. Jan 2UP)~<-. M. Kil tie. president of bears, Hoc nek anti companr, and fclfcWVl* president of (ha Illinois fNnlral Hallrclyd died here today after a taro week*' ill teas. SUBMIT A NEW . FRENCH TRE ATY /heme Is Thought to Have Sup port of Foreign Relations Committee WASHINGTON, Jan. 2~VP>—Am t-i lean proposals In connection with the projected new peace treaty with France to take the place of the root arbitration act which expire* Febru ary 27. have been placed before the French government In alternative form. , Whether the exchange of memoran da will result in a aluule treaTT'dr In two seperate act# aupplemeulary to each other* depends upon the French study of the American theme In view of the fact that the huk- 9 pe»tlonii arc put In definite form and transmitted-through tho lYoncit em bassy after Secretary Kellogg has talked Jh* maker ov*r with the for eign relation* committee U is pre sumed that the proposal already ltnve a cOßtUferahie degree of senate sane lion. . 1 *" SAYS PL ANE Ij" 'FELL IN SEA Offk-tra and Crew Heard Plane Motors Several Minutes— Then Splash POHTGANB, Me- Jail, 2—UP)—-The aplasti o(_an airplane Into the sea off Capo J jl officers and crew of a oehooner i* believed by them to have solved the ftfe of Mrs. Francos Gray*.>n*a pUnc-thc L>nwn and Its dar ing fliers. The captain of the schooner reported here f-sdav that he was called on deck during a howling northwester shortly on the night of De cember 23, when hla vessel was at a point 18 mitea northwest of N'ansete Beach on Cape God. Ho *nhl he first distinguished faint sounds that he postlvely Identified as those of alr plaue motors. These sounds came to all adrupt, end within ten mfnntes when heavy splash was heard. He stated that while only a staunch vessel could hare battled against the sens at that time, he made an at tempt to ‘‘hang around” with a Novia Beotia wresHdl op It# way up the cpxgt , $o I’ortlaad. . I THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ABE FRESH—READ BY BUYERB BEFORE THEY BUY. ’ ‘ • T * ‘ V -■* ■ DOES CITY STAND TO LOSE ITS TOBACCO MARKET Missing Air Flier • Alive And Unhurt .DFBOIBE, Pa- J*n. 2- W* - Harry G. Smith. Clave lad- New York air mail pilot who disappear ed last night while flylm; over Pennsylvania was found today in the Wilde of Clearfield county He w4* unhprt and Ills plane un denfaged. . . 1 4) ■ »«_■ 11 11 ■■ ■"">'■ 11 HICKMAN TRIAL TO START TODAY; Grand Jno May Be Asked In dict Young Girl’s Slayer * on New Count a4 v LOS ANGfcILE& Jan. S—(M Ii»- $ tA*ygations aimed at dcvcioplng new charge# agaipsl Wnt. HlcUman. con tinued t>y the pro*#cut»r'* office op the evo of the youth's arraignment to morrow on charge* of kidnaping a_yd fclaylng 12 year old Marian Parker. The grand Jitry wm«t to consider dm* la tomorrow In connection with the rlnytng of C. I ITtoms, a druggist ■ lain In n holdup mlmltfed by Hint on h plea of insan ity. 1 DOCTOR STILL MAKES DENLAL | .Though Mass of Evidence Points Aifainsl Him Physician Says He’s Not Guilty . W)8 ANOFLET, Ja t. 2—(iPt-D»y* r.f steady grilling and the revelatlou if n njas* of evt.teuce agAlnat him fall iule tculay: to break the denial of Dr has. M .McMillan that he killed Mr*" -\mclla 'Appleby whloV of a wealthy Chicago man. ( To every fresh enquiry ami at avery J ■lew clue uuaarthed. (he. 6*-yc»r old j doctor relternated hlr at.ivuffcnts, “I j did not kill her. " X Held wl hunt ball hi Jail awaltlnME •he district attorney's effort to abty.n a tnurder Indictment n gainiit him. tho physician accused of ):Ml!ug the woman, *ewinc the body n 3 Sack and dumpliiß It by a road In flan Itarnsdo valley admitted that '*■ HI waul* becftuke the &Ub believe* he is witling to pltre ‘Tf'jwtrt of hin time rti upbuilding the ntnmunlty," declared C. It Miller an readout or Ihe ‘orjE.iuliatlon ami hi* . nuouncement of directors and chair men of eummlttres marked the r*RU *ar ovruh»K’» program at the hotel Oolrftboro last nftth 1 . Flunk TaVlor the retiring presid ent* bespoke undivided support and •wk' iratlhu far the incoming presl deni. “As retiring preside,pi." said Mt Tnylor, ' I may he able a) to viu Mine thing which the Income ill! president would hesitate :»t.V Mr Ta> lor urged n 12-mouths enthusiasm for the club and Ua purposes, cau tion!, ng against a summer let down, lie ■ impressed In eenerons terms hU spprerlatlou for the honor which had I )»et a hi* f t jbt thu or- I gau.zation. -- —»-*■■ ■■ «*»w ' tt- — is— —»- msinK'i m 1 ~ ' 'T Elizabeth Norman Is Seriously Hurt When Struck by Automobile / . •»- J t-U —- Young Margolin Lad Driving Oar Which Hits T-Yetir Old School Giri CHILD’S LEGS ARE BROKEN ABOVE KNEE I Report* Idist Night W’ere Tlißt No ('ompUatioßH Had Developed Rligabeth Norman, sevett year old daughter - site lorikW botfi way* and did not ecu a car '* —Tire mn vrjvwn'or w wwnr [car passed over tpe cUild'» lv, .breaking them, and she wa* pttl I from uyder Uie rear wheel* by T U. Damerou. Insurance man, who hap-; peued by at the time. He rushed the child to the Goldsboro hospital in hb m.K line and surgeou# wcr # harried-, !y sum(notied. Mr*. Norman salu that aside from the time of her arrival at the ho pltal and of time when was undsr in-' i fluenee of ether while thf suryeona* ! act Ihe broken leg* that Klixabetlr ; had been conadou*. The little girt h*d been milter n# pfrron. a bad or Id, reported* were heM by many friend*! Ihnteddi® would develop pneumonia. It wa* said last ulght, there were no signs of complication*. I J’olice declnred last night that * full investigation of the accident would be made . It *as pointed out that yonng Margoli* Is not of an age when he can legally drive an auto-, mobile. Thi* Is the «ecoad time within tlie" past four month* that a child has: been hit With an automobile while on the way. to feboo!. • ! ——- Coldesi Since 1918. *‘ l ■ 1 GRERNWCMD. H. C Jan. 2—(IPl— The 'coldest weather since 191* bll Greenwood today with the mercury ; lauding at six above xero 4f ~ •*“ —II 1 J -“ r Mr, Taylor presented theTiKomlhK president. .Mr Miller and presented him with the regulattoin president's button of Klwanls, In accepting the hutton Mr Miller In return presented Mr Taylor with the distinctive litslg nla marking the wldent of Klwanls | Mr, Miller requostecf'lhat all com mittee* h«i;ln functioning nt once .oi emi»t.seised fh*'duly of chairmen of committees to attend to their clut ie* promptly. TO plan for the pro grams and music of Uie’yea?, a iiiwt ' lug of these two committees was call ed for this evanlng at 7:30 he the Chnml>er us Commerce rooms. Music numbers by Miss Jauirtnda Hooks and fieorut Thompson I»rr»tiirtv much applause Following are chairmen of eomuiH tec.* read by the lncomlug president: f | First; Vice- K. K. U*ls; ('Continued On Fate Twoj GOLDSBORO, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 8, i 92» 250,000 Negroes Are Given Their Liberty FHHBrioWN. Africa- Jan. 2 \ I (4^—The uegroe* here today could I call their bodies their (rtv : n a* they j began work with' the pong of th* * Now YeAr, Nearly 2M.MO domestic j I sluva* wore delivered from bond age by decree and today were <*u a hast* of political equality with their former masters. 1.-nly Hlmon. wif* of the disting uished Brll»h statesman. Is given credit for dlsclooing to the world condiilon* exlsltjug bar* and mak ing an ardent plea which resulted ' in the freeing of tha alavaa. CHEWY MAKES BIG HIT HERE ‘ Handley Motor Company at Home at Showing of Now Models Here Yesterday Wildfire enthusiasm kindled through the country last week reach ed Goldsboro yesterday, when the new j Chevrolet line for 193 S went on dU ! play. All day throngs crowded Into the j Handley .Rotor Company to tee the % a w (aodf !*• The display room* had Jxeu heautlfull -decorated and Albert 11. dl*v wo* at the head 8f the re tyl <-..-:\'na line. vi■■ ihuib; h;nlj»rr store nnlnm . l >i m: le the 1' l biiw'n, of.Jh* l*i * • I'l'uc '"ii -.f k'lcc- ■. A' fast* orchestra pl.iy U It - dny ant . igaiti laat cicntu* and metuherg of , ; the *al*a fo*c* wera present to ex-j plain new points of development In , .ho .ear. • . * . Ain’t it a beaut,** wa» the exolama ; turn moat often .heard, v. Thoushuds who viewed the new ! model# noted that th* wheelbase wa* j Increased and bodies made roomier 1 and ator* lieuutlful. also that tha ; , necbanlcal; fuaturoa had hern Havel- I opt-U to a measure heretofore un- l , known in the low price class. « (lui standing development* In the I i engine and chassis that received wide spread endorsement were the lll cruased spied and power of the «ew 1 ear, caster steering, four wheel 1 brakes of new design, shock ah|ofber spring* marking an advanced tread 1 toward riding comfort, and smoother engine performance, , ' u ' -( The last mentioned feature was [achieved by thr use of clear , auce alloy "invar strut” pistous which 1 I make for smoother, more efficient motor perform,woe. Further contribu tions toward thi* end were gained by rsialng tho compression ratio sail by stepping up the valve lifts Through these change* maximum power la developed Other chagoa in the engine are th« addition of a breathing srstem to eil mlnat* the annoyance of engine fumes a now two-port exhaust, and a silenc ing engine enclosure. Tha four-wheel brakes are of non locking design -the product of Chev rolet laboratories plus the facilities of General Motor* laboratories and provTiuc ground*. Front brakes arc fwo-ahoe unertergtzed Internals, while the rear brakes are the energised «fc. temal, soli wrapplue type. Front and rear brake* been proportioned to prevent side drag or pull. Kaeh brake has an Imllyldaul adjustment at ibe w-hcels, while 'stops" have been provided to make The adjust proves* especially easy. Each Initial podal application* throws tbs front brake* into action. Further application throw* front brake* harder into ac tion and nl to lirin;'* the rcaf lirakes into full play, so that it is possible to slide the rear wheel* on dry pars men! by using full pressure but no* *he from wheels. of thi*. according to ths Chermlet engineers la to get uniform wear oa flu brake lining The sprints also are of air Jutaresj. alt , uu " (Ctiniliiasd ao page Uvaj ■ Three Deaths From, Cold In New York NEW VOBK Jan. J—tAV Thru# J ■»*» »»«* (ro#*u to ; death today In |W city’s first real cold save j of the winter. The UtunoiaaUr dropmtd to II degress *t>ovs xero 1 at h o'clock this morning, hut al tar that rose steadily passim: tits 2ti dr*n.e mark al noon WILIREBUILD BESTON SCHOOL ,1 ' ’ f ounty CoMuiJaokMMni Author he Renewal of County Note For $55,000 Fendtsuf settlement claims, tha Coan ly will borrow money to construct the school at Beaton, burned Juat before the opening the past fait, It was decld ed by the county board of commfs sloners tn session hart yaatarday. A county notj for 188,000 due Janu ary 18 wilt be renewed under action leken by the commissioners yaster d*y- I With only four members of tha . Hoard present, 1,. A. Raney, George I W. Williams, N. B. Berger, and Her bert Bisaell listened to a numlier of tax, complaints, and transacted mat )n« business. Th# Goldsboro News was awarded ■ the contract for comity printing and the Wayne National bank named (4-< stria! depository for the general gad nuking rund during this year. On request of U. M. GlHlktu, the hoard contributed (10 to an nged Mr f’rujchfleld. the money to be need tn purrhaalng a ticket to Lynchburg, Vs . where the aged man has relatives. * NEW YEAR PARTY, AT WHITE HOUSE |. I Mr. and Mr*. CuolMc* Graut : Thousand* in Keepinir With Old Cuntoa WASHINGTON. Jau. t-Wft -« la kecplnf with a tradition ad old as the If fitted States. New Year's was ob served at the %'blta House today whan Prc*!d«ut and Mra f'oolldfe exchaag (tb6 season's fraetlngs with more t'ian 3.ftnii diplomats, officials of th* government and Wasl|Jngt(Mt dthiens Two dlvtalops of tjie Marine band clad In brfglil~red posts and bine lioitsers played briskly In the fbyer of the executive mansion as tha lodg line file,) (iy tbo President and Mr*. Ooolfdge who stood tn the Mne room. When the fast well wisher bad goa*,i the president and hla stuff walked outside into the near xero weaibar t* po»» for ibctTlree and wave a greeting to the crowd assembled. . J (OllJt IT WATER HEATER i \! r lOIH WOMAN Hitil,HKD GASTONIA. Jan. 2— W~ Mrs. Jean ette Darla Glenn, wife of Evan L. Glenn of the Glenn Printing company scalded shortly before noon today when the colls of water healer In her home exploded drench ,ng her with and hailing water : : 3 -=?=3S====b=; Goldsboro Shivers As Mercury Descends to (12 In recognition of the New Tear, Goldsboro jrwiterday and on Sunday^ ( xnerlcnfiKl one of the coldest days iu many year#. Sunday the Uiermo mier registered the low figure us IX drxree. a stiff northwester bloWfug it.- breath on the thermometer and M-ndlng the mercury be low The wind lay yesterday after noon and slowly the little rad Una started to crawl back out of Its hole. The Weather Man. however, said that the temperature would not reach a I'ormnl winter reading before anoth ir 24 hours. A number < rted a* a result or cold and the boiler of the heating syetem of the Carolina apartments gave way* put ring the heal system out of commis sion //'/• i, tit ATLANTA. Jan 'WinA*fa RALEIGH BUCKS NOTE AN APPEAL Rad Bern Fouad Guilty la Rr . cordar’a Caurt of TrgaaparHwf 71 GaJkm of Ufu«r John Wliahlngton and Jim Hirrstt. lUle-h negroM, thought that Judge .0. H Bland was i intlu ion im’ on lh«m wheu be a«uteno«4 th-.p tr aarra It month*, each ou the Warn# county roads for w-klng ak uffint to transport T 3 gallons of llqu r it u (be county. • They noted upp*a> to dnpsrior coart and bind was fixes* at 41090 rach. Washington's Cadillac -nut » » rhile curtained 72 gatioias of liquor tad a negro woman, Alka Ism of Ralalgh, when It wan overtaken by Deputy BlierJ/l Car) Ruiith after a loag ctjaa* barn more than a mmstb ago. On trial yesterday the Negro meu at tempted to pj-ove alibi. They brostgUl down a Negro garaga helper front Hatnlgb who testified that ou tha day la question ba racallad seeing Washington m th* garage In tha Capi tal efty at 4 o'clock In tha afternoon ft was against this testimony that Solicitor Bdmundaon dlracted himself with, emphasis whoa ho urguad th# rasa before the jury, for a Jury-atrial had bean askad. "It Is strange.** paid Solicitor Kduiundson, "that tbla Negro was not abl* to ramember an other parson who cam# to the garage 'on that particular dpy exetpt Wgab- Ingtou and that be recalled th# lat ter because ba t/4 looked at hla wrist watch at Rtat time.** Jury trial* caused the court to go more slowly than usual Jt*d today will hardly clear Um docket Npfwood Fries, white man of near Dudley, wws found guilty or violating til# automobile law and of aaaaUt with an. autadnoblla. but Judga Bland Jiad not paaeed aeuUucc when coart f adjourned far tha day. John Swlnsod drew ud days lor , forcible trespass and a *»l#a of a»ln MQtendera was accepted fi u« iI. 'Walter Beet for dlapoatng of mort gaged property.. Judgment In tbla egae went over dutit January 9. R. L. Utchardeon waa fined *l9 and the eocia and ordered not Vo operate »a automobile wHhln the county dur ing the next three wiontha after he had been found guilty «t driving while drunk AIRMAIL MAR M XIRSIRG MBLLKFONTE, Fa., Jen. %- UP) —H. 0. Smith, air mall pilot en rotifl front Cleveland to New York, has been missing since Mat night. ofAaiala at the Bellefo«te Airport reported today, BmUh left -Utereland with a mall cargo at S:S9 p. m. last night. He passed over BrookvlUc, P*„ an hour later, add Should have reached Bell* fbUtt by 7 p. m. elr mail offlciels here said that all efforts to trace Smith after be left. Brookville were frattleee. TO LIGHT AIR MAIL MIJCTE CIIARLQTTB, Jan. 2—(AV-The Cn ited State Department of rod the Duke- Power company have' reached an agreement whereby the power company will furnish electrtc- Us for th* lighting system on the vVaahington-Atlente air mail route. 1 It was announced here today.' itw yuur blast* Uiat brought colder weather to tb« south than to frigid New Kurland renewed It* assault to t'<*ht with prospect* of another 5,1 t iur» of sul) freezing temperature t»e lore they began to dlmlulah. • Berimin' with t*»» dawn of 115* 'tie ranld decline of the mercury from belffcM of UtlMilouable btghaev* re sulted In record low marks for half . century, in some localities, caused •tniporar) suspension of school* U> set oral cities,and was directly and In directly tfpaponstble for. 1 deaths, a miMber of Injuries and a number of rapbsure. A reading of 7 below aero Tu TTen dersonvllle reported tlir ioldest wea ther for North Obrothm since IKS* while Atlanta went 10 years farther hath to final a parallel for It a record of 1 abase tm January 1 ' MMHW «P . /■' THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - —.l # ffm Ftvi awn — ■*»+ \ li % wu*** Be One Market &*&.<£•• ■“'"SS?ifSiff*' » UWE 1 *a • lh»e* Holds*** *%»» W tondhto In ordento out MD*a*«e mis Wlf# Wnuu.a ni* W|i«>» will b* Or Mi .'or North caroilua. ". , } ',i< ,X There has T6cc ip» ormMcyc* bore li>prcvi*u* inoaUu th*f ao** jt lit* market* t« the smaller Vivos as Eiiurp ( nroitM «ig!1» im totohhktft •lid it Sad been predicted thpl l**U* bo'ro aood to benefit. $t woe mid ttia Ooldaboro «h no eeatrsttr locate •ad iu the Niut at *»eh n (the prMt* IBR Hold Ul«l the city might be SwW the oft total market tor a large torn lory by Idg campsaien. This Ulk, how wm several month* afro, dad »* report* ««rh os that alt had reached The Mown Utftjr: <>* The DnuvtJU dispatch catoaHoo tot raat night for Tho Haw. to to#HVi f H> ai wsrehouasman and a* to their opinion coateritftg*' n. luti rvtsws will ha *o««hl J ficir / ‘hfVi> nwnUys paper. v ' ' " W* the story fn»» *o a* #h|* low*: «**>•>}*■ > . ■'*■ * tt Is currently repertul to tot*&w circles here that'the tori# sl»cv.> corporations which man th* faiiou. markets la the brig* Soft at Ttrgtul eud North Carolina: niw |M|M to eltmiQb the .metier r.aeou This rsport I* wMB’WShI 'u werrhgdM otretoe and ta rfritffcud lo haw lansod diems# in th* utotfi nenten which *Cf« IdOft gwatt|. rn- tbU year by itfnftiow A«-cording to th* report fttoHlii 'id Pottth floetott will kt *)rswxi|i ri hlti.l upon by the targe eisagaatea **.'»on and two wttt ■ hw'gboebn ' iri X*nh CaroHna. * * _ : - Th* position of ttef'tsuiamjh f* "•to gv>'prt; Mndbcrgh hgn. dndcr oin» itlahitlM bd t xi«* i*lon of bto Central tonv lo Include Hs»Ma ad* V*mw zueta but will not make a deotdfcn ato til hi reaches Panama. r * v Tha filer told coriwpoodmlta tgdaw be Im.l made no definite plane to tpb | rcsfdftt bat achnowtdee that Hos toft* ' respect, but ackuowMdced they wwfr , g I Kc epllons and oftfclpl i iryitolo* ' took up Undbergh'a time Uphfftpv 1.-1.1 Bu«jae ptaasd aiMfMMt - upon him at a roc«p*lo«t «tdHiAldlba* l*i piafc. '-i 7 * w ; /' a - • DKTHOIT— trip *4l 1 perfectly lowly.” I enjoyed «♦*»/ md* i mam of If u?J waa not wadfUi o;h minute" Thna Mr*. FUangeitop Idbd* f bogch at bar bom* here toAtk «to* I <-rlbt d her holiday to uni by ati'jtf ts% t brr famous sou. Charl.e UlOildt in